fires in California - all of you are releasing energy
consciousness of our planet
solar eclipse
is you
you try so hard
tremendous movement into effortlessness this last week
slowing down is actually helping
remaining in the safety of your fear
you value challenges that motivate you to express your talents, your skills
You merely allow yourself to DO.
you must struggle to accomplish ease
Effortlessness may be expressed and achieved in tremendous action
the harder you struggle ...
I don’t want to solve puzzles all the time.
facilitates creations
redefining effortlessness
is not no action
vibrational quality
you are already creating effortlessly
turning your attention to self
after accomplishing you will realize
visualisation - trust
creating in ease
action and effortlessness
Set-Tu in the pre-Egypt time
the rooms under the Sphinx’s paw
they built the Sphinx about 11,000 years ago
Egyptian symbol of the royal flagellum
healing with tone
your allowance in participation with other essences
'Out' is electric; 'in' is magnetic.
and conscious creation
electrical magnetic fields
Okay, Elias, if you agree that you will be a stepping-stone too
I tried somehow to translate this energy
I incorporate countless me's of me, which is quite efficient!
you have many facets
communicating equally with others right now
have there been three different Eliases?
interaction with my energy expression
energy exchange in language
introduction to terms used by Elias
creating an actual physical manifestation of Elias
an introduction from myself
translating you into solid form
I wondered if Cameron Crowe is somehow related to you
you may merely interact with my energy, knowing that it is present
I am interactive in equal volume of energy with ALL of the individuals
I am always offering you my encouragement and my acknowledgment
using language of emotion
Session 130, Movement within Consciousness
do you know all about me?
super-imposing energy in relation to an individual
I have met with objective people and I’m sure it was you
my readjustment of energy to express a stronger more powerful energy
a physical turning point in association with this exchange
tapping into my energy that may be translated into a physical form
a gentleman came up to us and started talking to us
configuring my energy into a physical form
a participation of my energy in that interaction
incorporating Elias' energy to your benefit in actual creations
doubting the capacity to receive the energy that I am expressing
in this game you may be seeking out my energy in where it hides
There’s Elias on his way to help me.
I am not necessarily a reflection of what you are generating in energy
you do not need this forum
Rastin and Elias: it is not a fragmentation, but it is an alteration of tone
unusual delivery
I am continuously interactive with all of you
What happens in your reality, your dimension?
I quite willingly agree to be the anchor
I choose not to incorporate certain terminologies
actual manifestation participations in other realities
individuals access different focuses of myself
oil painting: my translation of the twin aspect of Mary and Vicki
what these sessions are about
my side
how do you think?
Session 211: Elias Bodreaux
understanding Spanish
my response may seem off the mark
where do you come from?
another aspect of Elias
I do not hear
you place a belief system of confinement upon me
I require nothing from you
I present myself
Session 270: An Introduction and an Overview
It is not for myself to be mentioning.
My motivation is this shift in consciousness.
his voice
repeating myself
body reactions to energy exchange
Elias disciples
an infallible source?
dreaming of blue
different experiences of energy
looking at us
What are you experiencing?
pronunciation of the tone of Elias
aware of a presence
What do you do?
mystery man
Oscar Wilde
who are you?
can you see my desk?
recognition in the individuals participating in focuses
about books
his pipe
Elias intention
Elias other interactions
lighting his pipe
I am projecting energy to be attaining an individual's attention
Elias choice of terminology
learning from interaction?
playfulness in interruption of some electrical expressions
blue hair as an introduction
I am quite aware of your translation!
information - and Elias in particular - has always been available to e
a reference to Elias and the shift
meeting Elias objectively
Do you get bored with having to repeat yourself?
I felt you manifesting
re-experiencing interaction
Mary and Vicki - a significant alteration occurred within direction
a communication of introduction
apparition is not of what you may term to be tremendous interest to my
I dreamt again of you visiting me
Why does he choose the syntax he does?
Ah, I am growing weary!
an efficient method to be offering yourself an expression of comfort
do not dismiss the signal
communications to allow yourself more of an expression of freedom
I would never describe heartbreak as fun before
the signal offers you a beginning point of information
longing is a recognition that your beliefs generate a separation
annoyance - discovering what the message is
emotional focus moves attention initially not necessarily to emotions
generating emotion to create, what you want
'two-toned' feeling
the feeling of hurt is your denial of yourself
a precise and accurate identification of what you are actually generating
is the physical expression a mirroring of subjective activity?
understanding the communication of my emotions
choosing to move the attention away from the expressions of emotion
what is the emotion?
Does action include feelings?
emotional vs. thought focused
some feelings are not associated with an emotional communication
feeling dissipates by listening to the communication
mirroring non-physical elements
the reason that individuals define emotion as a reaction
emotional / thought focused
appreciation is a powerful expression
The signal is generated to move your attention to the communication.
it is significant and beneficial to not oppose what you are feeling
Session 183: Feeling Tones/Prophecies
feeling tone
merely wanting to be acknowledged
you need not hold to feelings
drama (Vold)
in this wave allow yourself to be whatever you are in a particular moment
a continued circle of thinking and feeling that becomes a trap
emotion, which is your inner communications, not necessarily the feelings
inventing explanations is much more common than you may expect
a very precise, short message: you are involving yourself
feelings, emotions and interconnectedness
Is being frustrated or irritated or angry beneficial in that moment?
vacation blues: you were hesitant, but you pushed through
emotional focus
a translation of a tone quality of essence
you shall be emotional
attachment: projecting an emotional expression
emotion is the line between pleasure and pain
why do I hate emotional expressions so much?
and acceptance
exploring emotion
allowing natural flow
exploring emotion
emotional focus
expressing anger without judgement
anger and frustration
a discussion on emotions
emotional/thought focused
emotions are not responses
the identification of emotion
emotions are not reactionary
the telephone is ringing
emotion as a communication
feeling like I'm imprisoned
avenues of communication
emotion is the signal
noticing the signal /answering the phone
What is the communication?
interpreting the emotion communication
am I misinterpreting the message?
recognizing emotional communications
victim of yourself
a piece of a puzzle
Sunday Blues
by trying to eliminate the emotion you merely receive the signal
sadness in relation to mass expression
depression: being controlled, depressing motivation to choose
you are expressing to yourself a message which is CLEARLY defined
being a dispersed essence vs. exercising your empathic sense
I'm wondering if this is a dispersed essence action?
empathic sense is incorporated more to experience physical aspects
temporarily you merge with the other expression of consciousness
createing this action of weeping in association with that empathic sense
dispersed essence - soft orientation - empathic sense
suggestibility is a surface expression of your empathic sense
I am feeling the music
Elias, you talk also to all the other ones directly
not actually interacting with an energy projection from the other indi
Library: volumes of information
sparking is a physical evidence of the openness of your energy field
participating in these energy surges, collectively
lack of trust of yourself - you must remove yourself entirely
more of a volume of energy in your interactions with myself
humor and energy exchange
non-physical energy
the red energy center slows energy
fear in relation to an exchange of energy with another essence
experiencing energy deposit in physical locations
brain wave frequencies and energy centers
it is a question of receiving and allowing in an expression of relaxation
agreement of an essence to do an energy exchange
Mary/Michael: an affectingness within the blue energy center
distinguishing the own individual energy from other energies
What’s going on with you when you’re creating that fear in your mind?
I just cannot distinguish your energy from my energy within those vibrations
you are viewing is the individual’s energy field
your energy field expresses automatic releases
energy-mix experiences
energy pool: energy highway between you
a black, a magenta and a white sparkly dot
no sound - pay attention to self in the now
an objective awareness of sending energy
Why do I want to hold onto my energy so much physically?
I was confused in the energy that was being projected
you created a shifting, which allowed you to alter your perception
chakras and colors
energy centers which are not centered within your physical body
feeling into energy of other people
energy deposits are harmless
objectively intentionally reconfigure the energy of another individual
these energy centers are doorways into other areas of consciousness
experiencing the feeling physically within your solar plexus
this phenomenon has moved into a type of turning point
in the lack of exchange other individuals lose motivation
subsequent to intensity, you generate an exhaustion
the discs, so to speak, are all connected to each other
intentionally reconfiguring energy
reconfiguring of energy: assess within you what you want within yourself
magnetic energy of receiving
additional energy center
you all engage energy exchanges with each other
'giving up' is reconfiguring energy
sounds or musical notes in association with your energy centers
allowing yourself an openness to be aware of other energies
you may allow yourself to translate what I am expressing in energy
Electrical energy is projection. Magnetic energy is an energy of receiving.
Kentucky session: difference in the energy level
I have chosen Michael as the partner in the energy exchange
allowing an energy exchange
are related to body
assimilating your information without necessarily reading transcripts
reconfiguring your energy to generate different scenarios
tapping into an energy deposit
Coordinate points are energy deposits
Abraham: paying attention to your motivation
a new essence who’s going to deliver the next material
no essence can pull another essence into that type of exchange
acclimating to the energy exchange
Abraham: concentrating 17 seconds to create
your body consciousness communicates to you
projecting energy: pool analogy
whichever information they draw themselves to shall be the most beneficial
as all of these energies mingle together, they create a type of cloud
most individuals would view a white energy field
a focus of Mary that hears Elias
the complexity in our physical creation of things
the information that other essences offer may vary, and this is purposeful
the energy you are expressing: what you are doing in the action of not doing
efficiently automatically generating buffering
reconfiguring energy: you keep your attention on yourself and what you want
Michael engages this exchange in a manner that is uncommon.
essence of Kris who is channeled by Serge Grandbois
Carl Jung
getting impressions on energy deposits
you may be DOING different actions that are automatic responses
How do I reconfigure the energy sent to me?
pooling vs. holding energy
energy fields are quite reflective of the individual
these actions are indicators of your energy
allowing the other individual’s energy, not holding to it
generating an openness to other energies
a window, a portal, in which other energies can bleed through
not noticing this constant expression of agitation
individuals as a pool with fish
tapping into these energies
becoming aware of more of the energy that you have always incorporated
expressing the reality of energy
the pink center generates a calming energy
recognizing one of your own energy deposits
Pooling your energies generates a tremendous strength.
are becoming more aware of your own energy
new energy center
pink energy center
you are placing that energy into your invisible container
directing body consciousness
engaging more creativity and allowing more for an interaction of energy
beyond body
Elias on Arkandin
energy as a leprechaun
you naturally mix your energies
tapping into the energy of the experiences
energy exchanges and channeling: ALL of them are valid.
a light effect on a photo: you captured the image of another energy
Tesla Car: the collective was not ready to accept that
feeling energy
coordinate energy points
you, as individuals, affect all that is around you
communications through energy without any verbal communication
energy is not separated
locations as energy centers
objective physical recognition of energy manipulation
Ramtha: different essence family
a mergence with you
you are accustomed to protecting your individual energy field
in breathing, you are replenishing the body consciousness
allow them to radiate outwardly and therefore release energy
That is seeing energy.
aligning energy centers
manipulating energy centers
alignment of energy centers
is action
collectively projected energy
immune system / animals
movement of energy between blue and orange
greater mergence of tone
quick fix
seen as sparks
Abraham: Sumafi?
energy field - assemblage point
supply pof energy is not limited
receiving and directing energy
sexuality and emotion
Kryon: Conversations with God
reconfiguring energy
attempting to be confining energy
creating a block
tapping into
influxes of energy
physical affectingness of the energy exchange
physical affectingness
playful energy deposits
speed up metabolism
configuration of energy: horse and table
energy source
ley lines
viewing and interaction with these essences
openness to energy
and consciousness
turning clockwise
free flow
influences of participating individuals
and essence
bubble of energy
curls of a translucent something
exploring energy exchange
vibrational quality of colors
movement of energy vs. thought
unobstructed flow of your energy
interacting with energy deposits
exploring energy centers
exploring energy centers
of probable and alternate selves
in person versus phone session
supplies in CA
associating emotion with energy centers is a distortion
red: relaxation
energy signature
California energy crisis
playful - and intense - energy
a physical display of the energy exchange
aligning/balancing energy centers
Abraham: 17-second exercise
forcing your energy
underlying colors of your focus and your essence
how you configure that energy is your choice
Mary pops out: an explanation
which ones are out of alignment?
an energy exchange called Joray
lending energy ...but to receive is very difficult for me.
So I'm getting this subjectively also
collective consciousness of body
red enery center
red energy center allows for clarity
tapping into energy deposits that may be identified as worldviews
holding to your energy field quite tightly
differences in each session
energy patterns generating actual physical matter
channeling Vicki
Kryon: information is quite laced with reinforcement of mass belief systems
the tape of the last session is empty
an energy exchange with Oprah
I could not continue that moment, therefore I have failed.
enlightenment through conflict
plants and the animals generate their individual choices
preference in relation to environment
animal rights and environmental activities
an identification of different types of energies
recognizing energies that are being expressed or offered to you
your allowance of a presentment of your essence
experiencing the tremendous power of yourself as essence
manifesting apparitions
you all are one
essence name as an English sentence
Do I have any observer essences along for the ride?
an observing essence is not participating in any of the choices
it is beautiful to discover essences!
as one attention shifts, the other attentions are affected also
There is merely consciousness, and it is all available to you.
an essence name is an aspect of the tone of the entirety of the essenc
interactions with some of the essences helping with this energy exchan
essence name is a translation into language of a tone, but it also flu
the essence name in actual translation may fluctuate at times
a presentment of yourself as essence
interaction with some of the other facilitating essences
a focus may choose to be fragmenting and generating a new essence
experiencing energy of essences
oversoul - there is no separation between essences
gender and essence name
continuous mergence and movement blurs the definitions
seeing through the eyes of source and seeing with compassion
ALL essences are generating movements and mergences continuously
my exploration of energies of essences
allow yourself an openness or a recognition of interaction with essences
sea mammals - an opportunity to view different expressions of essence
connecting with lots of essences through all of my physical senses
I have this feeling sometimes of being big and small at once
dispersed essences - I always agree with people
many attentions that are focused in association with of ALL of you
interaction with essence and aspects
imagining my inner self
the parts are elements of the whole that have always been present
concentrate upon this tone, transforming the tone into an energy
imagery of an oversoul
becoming more objectively aware of the reality of yourselves as essence
conceptualization in association with the subject of essence
and focuses
all essences are continuously merged with all other essences
pop-in questions
same essence name
essence names
distinction between an observing essence and a directing essence
essence probabilities
essence theme
I am open to these essences
intrusiveness and expressions of essence
each of you as essence incorporates countless attentions
dispersed essence - observing essence and empathic sense
an experience of essence
it is the choice of the focus of which essence it shall align with
the focus may choose a different essence
somewhat of an intimidation concerning essence
you are all of essence regardless of how you are focusing the attention
the one expression that may move essence to weep: denial of self
partial and lifetime observing essence
the experience of an observing essence
explanation of dispersed essences
visualize fireworks
a curiosity of generating an awareness of essences
personality tone within consciousness
interacting VERY intensely with Lazour
drawing other energies to you in conjunction with your exploration
projecting what we have expressed as an essence fleck
these pop-ins are generated for the reason of offering you a message
the presentment of yourself as essence
allowing yourselves to connect as essences
representing essence families
an apparition is a projection of an energy of an essence
dispersed essence
Essence is the manipulating aspect that creates physical manifestations
focuses are essence
essence names
moving from this area of consciousness
changing tone
I do not like my essence name
change of essence tone
feeling essences around
essence tone
essence and consciousness
expressions and qualities
dolphins creating of essence
interaction with essence
nonphysical relationships
interaction of essences
communication from essence
fragmentation and mergence
voice in my head
interaction with essences
I know you within essence
who am I?
recognition of interplay with essences
you are essence
changing essence name and alignment
You are the large picture!
dolphins and whales fragmenting in their own essences
dream of redefining focus and essence
is personality
sharing focuses
expression of essence and acceptance of self
alterations within essence
alteration of essence names
is essence all-knowing?
duplicated essence names
creating a wondrous abandon
dispersed essences
essence and sex
moving into essence
fluctuation of essence name
the we shall become the I
exploring essence twins
physically focused
relationship with yourself as essence
observing essence
I can't connect with my essence name
essence twins
incorporation of essence
improve communication with my essence
not earth bound
fragmentation and fluctuation of name
dispersed essence
relationships and individuality of essences
ending physical focus
non-physical interactions between essences
observing essence often limited to a portion of a focus
same name
participating in observance throughout the ENTIRETY of the focus
mergence of essences to create a focus
There is no possession by another essence
essence chooses to be dispersed in the moment of fragmentation
changes of essence names
interaction with essence
'world tree' is asymbol for a connection with your essence
I am listening more to the essence part of me
I could see who she really was
connecting with non-physical essences
blurring the lines of separation
awareness of other essences occupying the same space arrangement
exploration of essence as an expression of consciousness
different aspects of essence
an essence may be intrusive with self
familiarizing yourself with the energy of different aspects of essence
similar name
interpreting their energy by associating them with certain colors
interaction with the other essences of the twelve
belonging vs. alignment
so those families are really formed by preference
the qualities of these families are not absolut
outside of this physical dimension essence families are not relevant
in initiating this physical dimension essences generated groupings
essences do not generate a preference concerning alignments
Session 118: Essence Family Intent
Session 138: Essence Family Counterpart Action
Session 140: Essence Family Counterpart Action 2
Session 141: Essence Family Counterparts Part 3
essence families are a type of grouping of essences
double alignment
there has been a potential for an additional essence family
you may be expressing any different combinations of qualities
There are many other 'groupings' of essences within consciousness.
changing essence names
Session 186: Room 106, Revisited
Session 208: Essence Family Intents
all here belong to Sumafi
Session 210: Essence Family Intents / Source Events
Session 215: Essence Family Counterparts
does my alignment ever fluctuate?
alignment is more obvious
belonging - aligning
belonging vs. aligning
blocking intent with alignment
belonging to one family in focuses
mergence of essence with another family
Enneagram: connections with families
more than nine
alignment - misinterpretation
combination of merging elements
qualities of other families
does it change over a lifetime?
alignment etc.
belonging to two families
essence families
Session 67: Essence Family Transcript
interaction of families
a clearer understanding of the qualities in this particular focus
alignment does not dictate the direction
a tapestry: background is family, picture is alignment
collectives of essences that share similar interest
I can’t see why that would be with Vold and Milumet
(no) difference of intent
many different expressions of qualities of families
qualities of the family belonging to are underlying
evil as an entity does not exist
removing evil spirits
there are no levels
experimentation of Seers
as it emerges, there’s an order of play of emergence
accessing information
of other dimensions
missing links
The Old Friends Session
questioning the information that I offer
feeling stuck
money, worth and religious beliefs
counting up all the times that I'm discounting of myself
allow yourself to remove the other individual from your perception
Each time you discount yourself in ANY manner, note it.
What do I want in this moment?
allow yourself the freedom to actually choose in a moment what you wan
allow yourself to be expressing freedom in your natural flow of energy
literally eliminate the other individuals from your perception
generating an action of flirtatiousness
What is your most familiar automatic response?
note physically each time you engage the action of comparing yourself
creation of an inner landscape
allow yourself to begin acknowledging yourself
noticing what you actually do in action each moment
choose one action intentionally each day in which you express exposure
my report on my homework
allow yourself to recognize how often you are expressing automatic pilot
Session 125: Familiar/Unfamiliar
pay attention for one whole day to what you are doing
allow yourself to recognize what belief is influencing each action
noticing each time you begin to project your attention to this person
3 exercises to notice automatic responses, doing and discounting
physically noting every time you generate a comparison of ANY type
tipping tables
distraction: turn in one complete circle
ocean depths
incorporate the purchase of one small item as a gift to yourself each day
springing a fountain from all of the energy centers
one intentional objective action of SILLINESS each day!
each time you notice, dance!
generating whatever YOU want
addition to clarity exercise
identifying belief systems
expressing a should or a should not, apply yellow paint to your body
putting that written expectation to a spontaneous melody
pay attention to how often you do not pay attention to yourself
notice each time you are generating any type of comparison
viewing many of your discountings of yourself as being humorous
viewing yourself as two individuals
visualize each energy center spinning
notice either hesitating or projecting your attention to the other individual
each time she notices herself hesitating or “trying” in any expression
generate a visualization of a small bird
view your essence in mirror
noticing what you do in every mundane action
one day of paying attention to every action that you incorporate
incorporate the action of a small dance
note your motivation, and question yourself as to what you want
projecting to the other individual’s dwelling
notice all that you do and how you are doing it
whether you actually LIKE what you are doing or whether you do not like it
express in different moments elements of yourself that you appreciate
sit beneath a tree
generate these twice daily appreciations of yourself
merely acknowledge that you are noticing
concentrating your attention upon you and your choices
exercise of appreciation and acknowledgment
recognizing non-acceptance
exercise to be aware of your physical body consciousness and to relax
noticing discounting of self
note all the actions that you enjoy doing
the exercises of appreciating yourself
meditating collectively
what is your genuine passion
accessing alternate realities
out of body experience
noticing subtleties
What is the earliest time-framework that I recall feeling this feeling?
clarity and cold showers
to connect with other focuses
no conflict
no conflict
choosing no conflict
landscape exercise
What shall my choice be ...
turn your attention to self
merging with furniture
being in the now
merely recognize
shapes on paper
viewing the other individual as you
relax your energy
observe your energy field
blow bubbles
NOTICE each time that you discount yourself and appreciate yourself
releasing anxiety
recognize the tension that you are incorporating
no hidden element
manifest a painting of your energy
turn your attention to self: explore what YOU are generating inwardly
become familiar with moving your attention outside of thought
feeling invisible or non-existent
I'd like to just be in a different dimension
individuals express a rigidness in relation to expectations
She did exactly what I expected her to do.
expectations of other individuals are also reflecting your own expecta
viewing each scenario in an either/or expression, a black and white
when you are expecting, it is always something that is in the future
moving into a appreciation of what you are creating now
denying your own expression and therefore restricting yourself
why do I not allow myself to play music?
paying attention to yourself and your own expression IN THE PRESENT
if you do not expose, you shield
recognizing what your expectation is of yourself
allow yourself to stop these expectations
pleasure and expectation
not allowing her own expression
many times you generate what you do not want
you force your energy that you actually do not generate fun
It's really hard to offer up something without an expectation!
It is not merely what you expect of her but what you expect of yourself.
you are pushing your energy in TRYING
allowing yourself to view the paradise without the expectations
the trap of expectations
not generating expectation of yourself, either
not projecting any energy of expectation and therefore no energy of threat
“What do I want? I want HIM to do...”
and knowing
I have been striving for so long to be a good person
to have a knowing
healing if not holding expectation
knowing vs. wish vs. desire
vs. KNOWING and not allowing doubtfulness
belief system
in relationships
underlying expectations are much more effective
recognizing your own responses
camouflage of confidence
a dumb question
vs. expression of essence
expectations of self
disappointment and expectation
projections of expectations
narrowing of what shall be occurring
gambling on expectations
expectation upon yourself creates tension
a lack of appreciation of the now
an expectation that you SHOULD BE more efficiently interacting
evidence of how precisely and efficiently you naturally move
Session 126: Your purpose is experience
words and experience
choosing experiences
generating an absolute in association with a past experience
moving into an experience that you incorporate a concept of
What is unknown is expressions that have not been experienced.
an opportunity to express your own calm, your own acceptance of yourself
feel the depth
Experience is not necessarily generated through what you objectively c
reasons for experience
continual experimentation of the subjective
permission to create what you want
experimenting in association with the belief of cause and effect
experiencing yourselves actually as being essence
that I did not choose that was due to my own judgment
this fear of exposure is not concerning other individuals at all
protecting yourself from all other expressions of openness
imagery for myself in being guarded when I don’t actually feel so
you may not receive without exposure
not camouflaging in association with what you expect of yourself
allowance of yourself to be expressing freely and not restricting yourself
fear associated with exposure
interconnectedness with yourself and with other individuals
fear of exposure, of expressing openness and vulnerability
That is a genuine exposure
in reflecting an openness, that generates somewhat of a threateningness
expressing yourself in genuineness and not focusing upon other individuals
is the genuine allowance of yourself to express and to generate openness
you no longer deem it necessary to protect yourself
allowing yourself a genuine freedom to be expressing yourself
What is your hesitation in expressing yourself?
in interaction with other individuals, you offer yourself different perspectives
lending energy to conflict or the ease
Allow yourself to actually express.
how much you may trust your allowance of yourself to express yourself
They have such a gentle energy
being afraid of these other-dimensionals
They have made objective contact with humans on Earth?
A bleed-through of another physical reality.
information from other dimensional focuses
recognition of feeling tone
they are you
Session 192: Extraterrestrials As You
Vold: hearing
Ilda interaction
living smoke
President Eisenhower, did he ever have a face to face contact
viewing an UFO is tapping into the energy of an otherdimensional focus
from stars and planets
I want to meet one.
other focuses
all dimensions occupy the same space
ringing of the ears - communicating with other dimensional focuses
translation of bleed-through
visitations by other beings
different dimension
star borne
the importance of paying attention to what type of energy you are projecting
more of a rapidness of movement in this time framework
there is a tremendous volume of energy collectively
intensity and generating energy in the complement
symbology of not seeing certain movements
my eyesight, it’s been getting less efficient
it is not necessarily the outward vision that offers you clarity
vision is a presentment of seeing and also associated with recognizing
fuzzy area in seeing
a manifestation to incorporate a different influence in your experiences
tearing eyes
choosing physical aspects of genetics
visual problems
eye problems
floaters in the eyes
creating a lens
creating a lens
a powerful avenue of communication
understanding the creation of a serious dis-ease
manifestation in relation to the wave in sexuality
becoming familiar with other aspects of your energy