Exploring Methods of Physical Change
“Exploring Methods of Physical Change”
“Regenerating Teeth”
Friday, April 8, 2011 (Private / In-person, Castaic, California)
Participants: Mary (Michael) and Alexi (Alexi).
ELIAS: Good afternoon.
ALEXI: Good afternoon, Elias. It’s good to see you again.
ELIAS: And you also. And how shall we proceed?
ALEXI: I’ll ask about stats and confirmations first and then get to the more in-depth questions.
ELIAS: Very well.
ALEXI: Four years ago, my total focus number was 2112, and I feel like that has increased somewhat.
ELIAS: And your impression?
ALEXI: 2137.
ELIAS: 38.
ALEXI: I must have gotten one more since that impression. (Elias laughs.) And is that more because some future focuses and dolphins and whales have been added?
ELIAS: And a few past, yes.
ALEXI: And a few past. And for my dolphin and whale focuses, is that 127?
ALEXI: Okay. My essence name, Alexi, is sort of androgynous. Would you call me a he or a she?
ALEXI: Okay. My essence color, I had described it as a mauvey pink-purple. Could that also be called mulberry?
ALEXI: Okay, it’s a little more succinct. The musical chord of my essence, is it a D chord?
ALEXI: And for my focus, is it a G chord?
ALEXI: My focus creature is a sparrow. Is that a song sparrow?
ALEXI: Oh no, now I’m just going to be guessing! (Both laugh.) The next thing I thought of was English sparrow, but not that…
ELIAS: Closer.
ALEXI: Closer. Can you just tell me? I can’t think of anything.
ELIAS: A European sparrow.
ALEXI: A European sparrow! Oh, that’s more exotic. I like that.
Elias, these impressions I’m going to ask for confirmations on, you gave mostly in a 2007 session, but it was not officially recorded and never be shared, so if I can go through them real fast. My initiating focus is a female born in Europe in the 1700s.
ALEXI: Now, Alexi is directing of the following focuses: the Marquis de La Fayette.
ALEXI: I knew that since I was a little girl. Marie Lenormand, the French fortune-teller.
ELIAS: Correct.
ALEXI: Rupananda, sister of the Buddha. (Elias nods.) Matilda de Senlis.
ELIAS: Correct.
ALEXI: Alexei Nikolaevich Romanov, the prince in the Romanov family. Now, Allesander also has been listed as directing, and my impression is that he was lifetime observing but switched to more of a directing role in the last couple years of the prince’s life.
ELIAS: That does occur.
ALEXI: Okay, but up until then, in more of his childhood, Alexi was directing.
ALEXI: Okay, that’s what I thought. The goddess Isis is an other-dimensional focus of Alexi?
ALEXI: And I need to give Dawn/Awan credit for this; that was her impression.
Alexi is lifetime observing of the following people: American statesman Patrick Henry.
ELIAS: Correct.
ALEXI: Alexander the Great.
ELIAS: Correct.
ALEXI: Carl Jung.
ALEXI: Eleanor Eddy, of the Donner Party.
ALEXI: Neko Case, the singer.
ALEXI: Sylvia Plath.
ELIAS: Correct.
ALEXI: Anne Sexton.
ALEXI: Love those suicidal poets, don’t I? (Both laugh.) Martha Corey, of the Salem witch trials.
ALEXI: And I’m partial observing of Bridget Bishop of the Salem witch trials.
ALEXI: And partial observing and counterpart to Beth Waters, an American singer.
ALEXI: Now, shared focuses that I have with other essences: Annore, my brother, 122.
ELIAS: Correct.
ALEXI: Brian, 37.
ELIAS: 36.
ALEXI: Noel, 132.
ELIAS: Correct.
ALEXI: Ordin, 302.
ELIAS: Correct.
ALEXI: Patel, 269.
ELIAS: Correct
ALEXI: Shauntah, 74.
ELIAS: Correct.
ALEXI: Tomkin, 73.
ELIAS: Correct.
ALEXI: Twylah, 83
ALEXI: And there are six essences that are lifetime observing of me in my current focus.
ALEXI: And those would be: Seth?
ALEXI: Twylah? (Elias nods.)
ALEXI: Rose?
ALEXI: And Iona?
ALEXI: Awan?
ALEXI: And Ayla?
ALEXI: Okay. Now for some new impressions. Camdon and Sandel think I have a future focus named Daisy, about 100 years from now, who lives with their focuses Poppy and Petunia.
ALEXI: I felt that too. Two of my future focuses that I’ve picked up are Quinn, who is a male, and Tarana, a female.
ALEXI: Okay. Now here’s some new impressions I had for me, of my essence. Is Saint Cecilia a focus of mine?
ELIAS: Observing.
ALEXI: Lifetime observing?
ALEXI: Okay. And Alma Mahler; she was a composer and a femme fatale – she’s a focus?
ALEXI: Okay. And Rita Hayworth, the actress – she’s a focus and counterpart?
ELIAS: Counterpart and observing.
ALEXI: Lifetime observing? (Elias nods.) Another one of those. Okay. Here are some I think are lifetime observing: Anandamayi Ma, the spiritual teacher.
ELIAS: Correct.
ALEXI: Anne ”Ninon” de l’Enclos, the author and courtesan in France.
ELIAS: Correct.
ALEXI: Antoine de Saint Exupéry, the French writer and aviator.
ALEXI: Francois de La Rochefoucauld.
ALEXI: James Knox Polk, the American president.
ALEXI: Joan of Arc.
ELIAS: And counterpart.
ALEXI: Okay. And Saint Teresa of Avila.
ALEXI: Sarah Brightman.
ALEXI: Michael Stipe of the band R.E.M.
ALEXI: And Dawn/Awan thinks Dutch actress Saskia Mulder is a focus of Alexi, and I think I’m lifetime observing.
ELIAS: The latter.
ALEXI: Okay. Soulmates of mine include the essences Rashti (Elias nods), Quillan (Elias nods), Jann or Yann (Robotman).
ALEXI: Matthew and Munya (Elias nods).
Here are some stats and confirmations for other people. For my friend Laurie M., she has the impression of her essence name as Annelise.
ELIAS: Correct.
ALEXI: Wow, good for her! A-N-N-E-L-I-S-E.
ALEXI: Okay. And she’s soft orientation and religious focus?
ELIAS: Correct.
ALEXI: Tumold belonging, Milumet alignment?
ALEXI: And she is dispersed.
ALEXI: She has a Dreamwalker aspect?
ALEXI: And can you give a name?
ELIAS: Ling.
ALEXI: Oh, Ling! Okay. And she thinks her focus creature is a crow and her essence creature is a fish.
ELIAS: Correct. What type of fish?
ALEXI: I know, that was what I [was expecting you would ask]. I’m wild guessing sunfish. (Elias indicates this is not correct.) No, it begins with an M. Does it begin with an M? (Elias nods.) A marlin?
ELIAS: Correct.
ALEXI: Oh, wow! And her total focus number, is that 1368?
ALEXI: And her essence and focus colors, and she did not give impressions.
ELIAS: Essence, indigo. Focus, lime.
ALEXI: My brother Eddie/Annore, I think he’s lifetime observing of J.R.R. Tolkien and maybe counterpart?
ELIAS: Correct.
ALEXI: He’s pretty sure he is directing of the Russian statesman Pyotr Stolypin.
ALEXI: And I think he was lifetime observing and counterpart to Michael Jackson.
ALEXI: For my new friend Brigitt, her son Alex, she would like his essence name.
ELIAS: Essence name, Ming.
ALEXI: M-I-N-G? Okay. And she thinks he’s common and political, and felt Gramada and Zuli for his families.
ELIAS: Correct.
ALEXI: And for her friend Greg, his essence name?
ELIAS: Rory.
ALEXI: And she thinks he’s common and thought.
ELIAS: Correct.
ALEXI: Belongs to Sumafi, and for alignment she said either Milumet or Zuli. I was leaning toward Milumet.
ELIAS: Zuli.
ALEXI: Oh, Zuli. Okay, well, I don’t know! (Both laugh.) All right. And my friend Katie, I am almost certain a focus of hers is Harriet Tubman of the Underground Railroad – focus and counterpart.
ELIAS: Correct.
ALEXI: For a musician I know named Tommy, is he fragmented from Noel and Ordin?
ALEXI: And one other essence?
ALEXI: It’s M-I, Mi, M-I. That last one, Dawn/Awan got. And she believes his essence is Yucilli.
ELIAS: Correct.
ALEXI: Okay. Y-U-C-I-L-L-I. And now, these are my impressions here. He belongs to Vold and is aligned Sumafi?
ALEXI: He is soft and emotional and a final focus.
ELIAS: Correct, correct, continuing.
ALEXI: He’s continuing, okay. And he has 858 total focuses.
ELIAS: Correct.
ALEXI: Shares 236 with Alexi.
ALEXI: And we are soulmates.
ALEXI: For Donna B., for essence name she feels a strong connection to Forsythia or Sythy.
ELIAS: The latter.
ALEXI: Okay, S-Y-T-H-Y. And she is soft orientation, emotional focus, and a final.
ALEXI: We both agreed on that. (Both laugh.) She belongs to Tumold?
ALEXI: And Sumafi alignment?
ELIAS: Sumari.
ALEXI: Sumari, okay. And she is dispersed.
ALEXI: And she and I are soulmates and two-way counterparts.
ELIAS: Correct.
ALEXI: It was very interesting to meet her because of that counterpart action.
I’m almost done with confirmations. There’s a man I have a strong connection with; his name is Joseph. Is he a focus of Noel?
ALEXI: Fragmented from him?
ALEXI: Okay. He’s fragmented from several, actually; I don’t need to know what they all are. What is his essence name?
ELIAS: Erik.
ALEXI: K, okay. He’s got to belong to Tumold. (Both laugh.)
ELIAS: Correct.
ALEXI: And is he a soft?
ALEXI: Religious?
ALEXI: And is his alignment Zuli?
ALEXI: And he is a soulmate of mine?
ALEXI: We share a lot of focuses. I actually got a ridiculous number. I got the number 851.
ELIAS: Correct.
ALEXI: That is correct? Oh my Lord, I didn’t think that was possible, but I guess everything is possible, isn’t it? (Elias laughs.)
Henry David Thoreau – I know I’m observing lifetime; he’s an intermediate, correct?
ALEXI: These current waves, I greatly welcomed. I almost feel like it’s my payoff for having survived the Perception and Emotion waves. (Both laugh.) And I know that, part of my intent is achieving desired ends through unconventional means, so to speak, and I certainly investigated this in the realm of healing and transformation, and I’m particularly interested in changing the physical body, both in the realm of healing and also for maintaining youthfulness. Basically, I believe people should be able to have, just like they can live in whatever kind of house they want, they should be able to live in whatever kind of body they want. So, I’ve been going down various paths of exploration, of methods and techniques, and it’s been very helpful in stretching my beliefs about what I can conceive of as being possible. But I don’t know; it almost feels like I’m going down all these paths, and I don’t get dramatic results from any of these, even though some other people do. And I wonder, am I just gonna go down all the paths and then just finally say, ”Okay, I can do these things,” and just do them?
ELIAS: That is a strong potential. You are exploring, and I would express that in relation to your intent, that is very much in conjunction with it: exploring different methods, and investigating. I would express that that is part of the fascination, with you. It is investigating, evaluating, exploring, and availing yourself of different methods, what is possible, what you can do, what generates what results. It is all a part of the process, and I would express that this is a considerable factor with you: being interested in the process.
ALEXI: So, basically, just keep going to whatever I’m drawn to.
ELIAS: Yes! These are all different facets of your fascination, and this is what draws you, is that it IS a fascination. And it is all a matter of investigating and exploring all the different methods that are available, and all the methods that are being invented, and all of the methods that could be invented.
ALEXI: Right, and I do think I’ll invent some of my own.
ELIAS: And that is a strong potential also.
ALEXI: Partly a melding of the things that I’m trying and exploring.
ELIAS: And enhancing that.
ALEXI: Right, right.
ELIAS: And developing that, and allowing yourself, in a manner of speaking, to put your signature on new methods. (Elias chuckles.)
ALEXI: There’s a couple of specific things that I’m really interested in – regrowing, restoring teeth that are missing or damaged or lost. There is one modality I’ve studied that people have used to do that. I haven’t succeeded in doing that yet, so I’m wondering, for me personally, how could I go about doing that – about actually regrowing a tooth?
ELIAS: Teeth are difficult for most individuals; I would express almost all, for you view teeth differently than bone. You view bone as a type of substance that is acclimated to regenerating, but there are some aspects of your body consciousness that you do not believe will regenerate, although they can, and they do!
Also, this would be an excellent subject to investigate and explore in this wave, for much of what you believe – now, remember, believing is not beliefs. It is another word for ”trusting.” Therefore, much of what you believe, what you trust, is rooted in your senses: what you see, what you hear, what you feel, what you taste, what you smell. Your senses communicate in such an absolute manner to you that you believe them unquestionably, and in that, what you are taught or what you are told reinforces what you input to yourself in relation to your senses.
In this, what you see is that teeth do not regenerate and that they decompose, or that they function in a particular capacity and they erode. You view teeth very similar to how you view rocks – that rocks are, in your perception, strong and hard surfaces but that they erode. And, this is not a random association. You very much do view teeth very similar to rocks and generate a similar association, for as certain elements erode rocks, those same elements you view as eroding teeth, that abrasive structures or manifestations can erode rocks – or water. And, in that, your teeth are located in a part of your body consciousness that is continuously in contact with liquid, which you do not necessarily generate a thought process in relation to that, but there are associations, and they are reinforced with your senses.
In this, playing with this wave in relation to your senses and that regardless that they input information to you in an absolute manner, the information itself is not an absolute. In that, also, you can play with your associations with other physical manifestations that you view as comparable to teeth – that they are stronger than you may initially think, and that even rock can increase mass, not merely decrease mass. As it shifts, it can actually increase or grow. Increasing is growing; therefore, it can also be applied in relation to teeth. One significant aspect is to genuinely begin to develop associations, new associations with teeth, separate and different from bone, that they incorporate different properties, different functions, and in that also, regenerate just as any other aspect of your body consciousness. They are not static.
As you form new associations with teeth, and express an appreciation of them, but not a limited appreciation of them, that also will be helpful. When individuals think of appreciation, they do not, in many or most situations, recognize that their expression of appreciation also includes unlimited or limited. Some expressions of appreciation are unlimited, and you FEEL that, but some expressions of appreciation are limited. They are limited to a function, or they are limited to longevity, therefore limited to time. They are limited to associations with them, that you appreciate for the duration that it may be a preference, but not beyond. Therefore, that is also a factor: identifying and becoming more clear in what your expression of appreciation is, and to appreciate an element such as teeth, not in a limited capacity, but in an unlimited capacity. Not in relation to time, and not in relation to function, but in relation to it being a part of your expression. It is a part of the whole; it is a part of the body consciousness, more in the capacity of having an appreciation for a finger. You do not limit that with function or longevity. Even if a finger begins to function differently or incorporate limited function, you can and often do continue to appreciate its existence.
ALEXI: We pull teeth, in our society, somewhat cavalierly.
ELIAS: Correct.
ALEXI: Much more so than you would amputate a finger.
ELIAS: Correct.
ALEXI: Okay, I understand.
ELIAS: Teeth are disposable. You do not associate with them or view them in the capacity that they are a part of, and an intricate part of, the entirety of your body consciousness – that they are integral to your expression. You do generate some associations with that, in relation to appearance, but even in that, you have developed this association that they are a disposable part of your body consciousness, and therefore you do not associate with them in that unlimited appreciation. You would be much more likely to express a conflict and a struggle with severing your finger than you would with extracting a tooth. If a dentist, as a physician, expresses to you that a tooth is diseased, or is not functioning, or is broken, and offers the suggestion to extract it, you are much more likely to agree, for you associate limitedly with teeth, and that they ARE disposable – and that they are replaceable.
ALEXI: Right, through technology.
ELIAS: Correct. That you can replace them in an artificial capacity that is not intrinsically a part of your body consciousness. And if you can replace them and they will function, they can be deemed as disposable. In actuality, this is the one aspect of your body consciousness, one of VERY few, that you do view as disposable and not essential.
ALEXI: Interesting; I hadn’t thought of it that way. So, having a broader appreciation would help in restoring them.
ELIAS: And integrating that part of your body consciousness into a perception that it is not a disposable part, that it is just as an intricate part of your body as your finger or your toe, and that it serves a very specific function that is valuable, just as your finger or your toe.
ALEXI: I have a manifestation in my body that’s been happening for years. My left foot and ankle swell. The circulation, probably lymph, is compromised, and medical science didn’t really find anything. I asked you about it a few years ago and you said it had to do with changing from the rational/masculine to the feminine/intuitive – shifting of that energy. I think I’ve done that to some degree, but I still have the swelling; it’s gravity related. And sometimes on the other side, I don’t have good energy flow there, probably. I’m wondering what could I do to alter that manifestation – to change the energy flow?
ELIAS: Engage your energy centers. Exercise your energy centers to develop a different circulation of energy through your body consciousness, distributing it more evenly and more consistently in a flow. I would express to you that you are very accomplished at circulating and distributing your energy through your torso and your head. And from your torso to the ground, not so much. Therefore, it is a matter of redistributing your energy and allowing a free flow throughout the entirety of your body consciousness, and also your fingers, but including your extremities – your legs, your feet – and also, not always placing your feet in the position of DOWN. Your feet are not connected to the ground, and you will not fly away if they are not connected to the ground. I would express to you, this is also another association: that you generate an association of importance of being grounded, which does not require thinking about it in how you move yourself with your body consciousness, and therefore it is not unusual that you would not notice how that association influences and affects how you position yourself. You can be grounded without your feet on the ground.
ELIAS: Therefore, my suggestion would also be, in addition to engaging your energy centers and circulating your energy, to designate consistent time frameworks in which you reposition your feet and allow yourself to incorporate specific time frameworks in which you relieve pressure and weight from your feet and elevate them. In that expression, you are accomplishing more than one action, for you are also expressing a message to your body consciousness that your feet can relax, and that it is not necessary for them to always carry you. And in that, you appreciate them. You allow them to rest.
ALEXI: And the energy centers, definitely the red energy center would be an important one.
ALEXI: Also the orange?
ALEXI: Does it go up as far as the yellow, or am I okay from that [point].
ELIAS: No, not the yellow.
ALEXI: Orange and red.
ELIAS: Yes. And I would suggest incorporating in that, pink also.
ALEXI: And to exercise the energy centers, would that be through a visualization?
ELIAS: Yes, you can.
ALEXI: Okay.
ELIAS: Allow yourself a brief time framework; it is not necessary to incorporate a long time period, but briefly to center yourself and breathe. That is an important factor, for in breathing you are also allowing the body consciousness to naturally relax. And in breathing, you are replenishing the body consciousness. It is quite amazing how much humans do not breathe – and how often you forget to breathe! You breathe very shallowly, and this affects your body consciousness, and it mainly affects your extremities. And the most that it affects are your legs and your feet. In this, as you remind yourself to breathe and replenish your body consciousness, it also encourages your energy centers to be flowing more naturally and more completely.
ALEXI: Okay, thank you.
ELIAS: You are welcome.
ALEXI: Another particular physical thing – gray hair – I am very motivated to have it grow out pigmented. And I know I have resisted it a lot and made it worse (laughs). Is part of it, with these types of manifestations that we really don’t like and we’ve resisted a lot, which is the case with most people’s chronic health problems—
ELIAS: Correct.
ALEXI: Do we first have to get rid of that accumulated energy of resistance?
ELIAS: That is a tricky question – yes and no. It is not necessarily an accumulation of energy, but it can be an accumulation of resistance, for it is a reinforcement chronically of directing energy in a particular manner. And, it is a habitual concentration in specific manners. You generally do this much more in relation to subjects that you do not like. You consume yourself with subjects that you do not like, or that you are uncomfortable with. And the more you do that, the more you contribute to it. And yes, the more you build those concentrations and associations and you reinforce precisely what you do not want to do.
Now, in relation to color in hair, you begin to alter the color of your hair – and this may be interesting to you, for these are not factors that you think of, but it is what you do – which is all intertwined with associations. What occurs is, the color drains from your hair, and your hair becomes gray or white or silver, dependent upon the structure of the individual hairs and how they reflect that hollowness, for they have drained the color. Now, in this, what is somewhat amusing is your hair generally occupies in the most concentration, your head, which is the uppermost part of your body, which is the farthest from the ground, which is in any estimation of gravity, what maintains the greatest pull? The farther from the source of the ground, the more pull there is with gravity. And let me express to you, no individual actively engages a thought process in relation to gravity and their hair. (Alexi laughs.)
But, gravity is an element of your reality that you engage every moment of your existence, unless you are intentionally not engaging it. But, naturally, or what you term to be normally, you engage this element of your reality in every moment. And there are associations with it that are in play in every moment. How does color drain out of your hair? It does not bleach out of your hair, and it does not leak onto you out of your hair. What it does is it pulls down, and it drains out of your hair, which is also the reason that individuals will notice that the first noticings of the draining of color are closer to your head than towards the ends of your hair or the middle or the body of your hair. You notice closer to your head, closer to your scalp, you begin to notice these appearances of gray or the lack of color, for it is draining the color from your hair.
You also associate this with age, and the association with age is that your hair is one element that is continuously growing. Even after disengaging, it continues to grow. But, as you engage more age and you associate that you become more tired or less active, you also transfer that to your hair. It grows less, or it is tired, and it does not maintain its color. It is not maintaining its function – to produce color, which is intertwined with your beliefs and your associations with age – that you do not maintain your function as much. Your function declines, you move slower, you do not function as much or as well, and your hair is no different. You believe that it also functions less, it becomes tired or fatigued, and therefore it is less producing, and therefore, what does hair produce, other than growth? Color. It produces that aspect, and if its production is less, its color is also less. But, once again, this is another factor – not that you view hair as disposable as teeth, but you view hair as being easily manipulated.
ALEXI: Yes – dyed.
ELIAS: You can change it. If you do not like the color, or you wish to incorporate a different color, you can change it, and you can change it easily. Therefore, there is not as much concentration in the maintenance of it.
ALEXI: Okay, okay.
ELIAS: There is not as much attention to the appreciation of its natural function in producing its own color, for you can change that whenever you choose.
ALEXI: But if someone were highly motivated to do it naturally, the same as with teeth, then it would become more important and could be worth the resources.
ELIAS: Yes, yes. That is a matter of shifting the importance in relation to hair and acknowledging its natural function, and that being important rather than it not being important, and therefore you manipulating it in whatever manner you choose – differently, rather than allowing it to perform its function in how it was designed.
ALEXI: So, to encourage it to perform its function—
ELIAS: What do you do to appreciate your hair, and to encourage your hair? Let me express to you a slight example. Many individuals like to encourage their fingernails. They appreciate their fingernails, and therefore they devote attention to them. And when they devote attention to them, they encourage them – they stimulate them, they generate different expressions to beautify them. Now, individuals think that they are beautifying their hair if they are altering it through color. In actuality, that is not an expression of beautifying their hair. It is an expression of, ”I am not satisfied with the hair that exists, and I’m changing it.” That is not appreciation.
Therefore, if you are generating that type of nurturing with your hair that you might with your fingernails, and you are displaying it – when an individual is paying attention to their fingernails and they are beautifying their fingernails, they display them. It is an element of attractiveness, and they appreciate that attractiveness of their fingernails. You hair can be that also, but how often do individuals actually pay attention and nurture and intentionally encourage in a beautification, their hair? They wash it, perhaps they moisturize it, but even in moisturizing it, what is their motivation for that? Their motivation is they do not want it to break, for that is unattractive.
ALEXI: It’s sort of a negative motivation rather than a positive one.
ELIAS: Correct. It is not that they appreciate their hair and they are enjoying that action. I would express to you, particularly as a female individual, when female individuals incorporate beautifying their fingernails, they actually enjoy enameling them. They enjoy beautifying them in colors and adornments. When you wash your hair, do you enjoy washing your hair or moisturizing your hair? You DO it. You do it, for it is an element of cleanliness. You do it, for it allows you to manage it in a manner that is more acceptable to you – which is another point: managing it. You do not manage your fingernails.
ALEXI: ”Managing” sounds like dealing with a problem.
ELIAS: Correct. In this, you generate interacting with your hair as a necessary function, not as an enjoyable activity that you appreciate to display. (Elias chuckles.) Changing associations can be very influential.
ALEXI: And I guess the first step is being aware of the association.
ALEXI: And then, once you are aware of it, you make another—
ELIAS: Begin to notice, and begin to generate actions that are different. And, begin to recognize other actions that you do that are associated with that subject. Notice what you do that distracts you from your hair or your teeth. Notice what actions you do that are not being gentle or that are not appreciating, even if it seems that the subject may be entirely unrelated. But, all that you do is interconnected.
ALEXI: I know, I know. One more quick thing. It occurred to me to ask you something that from your perspective, you see that – just suggestions that would help me along my path of shifting and expanding my abilities, and creating miracles – those kinds of things that I want to do. I feel like sometimes there’s some obvious thing that I’m missing.
ELIAS: (Whispering) Pay attention to your feelings, regardless of the situation or the subject. Pay attention to your feelings. That is a key.
ALEXI: Okay. (Elias chuckles.) Thank you, Elias.
ELIAS: You are very welcome, my dear friend. I express tremendous encouragement to you, and great acknowledgment and congratulations in your accomplishments.
ALEXI: Thank you.
ELIAS: I shall be anticipating our next meeting. And I shall be with you, encouraging you and supporting you in your new endeavors.
ALEXI: Thank you.
ELIAS: Remind yourself, change is good. (Both laugh.) To you, my dear friend, in tremendous lovingness and affection, au revoir.
ALEXI: Au revoir.
Copyright 2011 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.