The Truth Wave
“The Truth Wave”
“Examine the Expressions that You Value”
“Exchanging Primary Aspects”
Monday, June 23, 2003 (Private/Phone)
Participants: Mary (Michael), Sharon (Camdon), David (Zalman) and Jane (Dauncette)
Elias arrives at 2:32 PM. (Arrival time is 18 seconds.)
ELIAS: Good afternoon!
SHARON: Good afternoon, Mr. “As Always”! (Both laugh) Greetings from Las Vegas! We’re going to do a round-robin; we have three people. So I’m going to start with Dave.
DAVID: Hello, Elias, this is Zalman! (Elias laughs) How are you?
ELIAS: As always, and yourself?
DAVID: As always also!
ELIAS: Ha ha ha! Very well!
DAVID: First I’d like to start with some friends — the name, family, alignment, focus and orientation, if that’s okay.
ELIAS: Very well.
DAVID: The first is Tonia, my girlfriend.
ELIAS: Essence name, Harrin, H-A-R-R-I-N (HAIR rin). And your impression as to essence families?
DAVID: The impression that I got was maybe Vold and Tumold.
ELIAS: Reverse. And your impression as to orientation?
DAVID: Orientation, common.
ELIAS: Correct.
DAVID: Focus?
ELIAS: Emotional.
DAVID: And then my daughter Destiny?
ELIAS: Essence name, Ginna, G-I-N-N-A (GIN nuh). And your impressions?
DAVID: You know, this one I don’t have an impression.
ELIAS: (Chuckles) Essence family, Zuli; alignment, Sumari; orientation, common; focus, emotional.
DAVID: And my other daughter, Kayce?
ELIAS: Essence name, Melena, M-E-L-E-N-A (MELL len ah). Your impressions?
DAVID: I’m thinking Sumari/Sumafi.
ELIAS: Reverse. And...?
DAVID: Orientation, common?
ELIAS: Correct.
DAVID: Emotional focus?
ELIAS: Correct.
DAVID: The last one would be my friend Brian.
ELIAS: Essence name, Yi-Yi, Y-I hyphen Y-I (YEE yee). And your impressions?
DAVID: I’m thinking again Sumari/Sumafi.
ELIAS: Correct.
DAVID: And common and emotional?
ELIAS: Correct.
DAVID: I’ve had some imagery lately concerning blockages and the release of those blocks. When they were released it was really gratifying, but I’d like to address that, the blockages in my movement.
ELIAS: Offer explanation.
DAVID: For one, I had an incident where I locked my keys in my truck and it was running. I interpreted that as locking myself out of my movement.
ELIAS: Correct. Now express more specifically.
DAVID: I’m trying to, but it’s tough.
ELIAS: That is the point. (Both laugh) What you have offered is a generality.
DAVID: Which I did last time, also. It seems to me that the imagery is pretty clear that there is a blockage there, and I’m trying to understand what that is.
ELIAS: This is associated with my question to you. This is the imagery that you are presenting to yourself to motivate yourself into the action of clearer examination of what you are actually doing and what beliefs are influencing what you are actually doing, and being more specific.
Your imagery is quite specific, and this is what you are presenting to yourself to be paying attention to what you are actually doing, which is your indicator as to what is influencing and therefore is helpful to you to identify what belief is being expressed.
DAVID: The imagery that I had in particular was concerning eliminations. I’m interpreting that as I need to examine my beliefs about eliminations.
ELIAS: Correct.
Now; this also is quite strongly associated with the automatic response to be attempting to eliminate beliefs, which you may not do if you choose to continue within this physical dimension, but it is an automatic response and an automatic association. Even with individuals that may intellectually express to themselves or to other individuals that they know that the point is not to be eliminating beliefs, this is the action that you incorporate regardless — attempting to eliminate — for there is an automatic association that beliefs are bad.
Now; this also is a movement that you are generating in conjunction with this new wave in consciousness. In actuality, all of you are participating in this wave, and you are all presenting yourselves with different types of imagery in association with it. This wave addresses to the belief system of truth.
Now; in this, let me express to you, each of you incorporate your own truths. They are not actually truth, but in your association with it, they are YOUR truth. Your truths are your most strongly expressed beliefs that have been set in such absolutes that you do not question them. You do not even notice them. You do not identify them as beliefs; you associate with them as some other expression other than beliefs. They are not beliefs, for they merely are. They are, in your association, facts.
But facts are beliefs also and facts are not absolute, either, for facts change. But within each of you, you hold certain facts that you deem to be your truth, and in this wave in consciousness this is what you are addressing to, which also moves in conjunction with becoming much more intimately familiar with yourselves in allowing yourselves to identify what those beliefs are.
Now; this particular wave is significant in a manner in which it may be helpful to you. For in identifying your truths and genuinely recognizing that they are your individual truth, that they are not absolute and that they are not genuine truths but they are strongly expressed beliefs, it may be helpful to you in that you begin to recognize the significance of not eliminating beliefs, and this alters your perception in association with beliefs.
For in recognizing those beliefs that are your truths, many of your truths incorporate different types of influences. In some expressions, their influence may be limiting, but in others they may be preferences. Therefore, you may discover your truths and not wish to change them and be comfortable in the expression of them, but you recognize that they are not absolutes. Therefore, they may be what you prefer to be expressing, but you also generate an allowance in association with other individuals, recognizing that other individuals may not incorporate the same preference. Preferences are merely preferred beliefs.
DAVID: That’s awesome!
Well, I don’t have a lot of time. I wanted to ask you what my essence color was.
ELIAS: And your impression?
DAVID: Some kind of dark blue, blue-black?
ELIAS: (Chuckles) Indigo.
DAVID: The last thing I wanted to ask you was about my intent, if you would comment on that.
ELIAS: And what do you identify as your intent?
DAVID: Oh, I knew that was coming! (Elias laughs) It seems to me that my intent throughout my whole life has been to understand reality as clearly as possible.
ELIAS: And I shall encourage you to be more specific in that identification also. (Chuckles)
DAVID: Okay, I’ll have to think about that. (Elias laughs) One last thing, essence holds the remembrance, right?
DAVID: Then why is it necessary for me to create you to find out this information instead of going directly to essence?
ELIAS: It is not necessary. But as with any other expression, until you actually experience, you do not incorporate a genuine understanding or reality of any expression. It is merely a concept. In the form of concept, you generate much more difficulty in allowing yourself to create certain expressions, for they are unknown to you objectively. They are unrecognized objectively.
What is familiar to you is to be interactive with another individual. You configure my energy in association with what is known to you, to be conversing with me in objective manners in similar manner to how you interact with other individuals within your physical reality. Therefore, this is the method that you have chosen to offer yourself information, through a familiar expression.
DAVID: Wow, that’s a wonderful explanation. Thank you.
ELIAS: Ha ha! You are quite welcome.
DAVID: Elias, thank you for talking with me. I’m going to pass you on to the next person here.
ELIAS: Very well.
JANE: Hello, Elias.
ELIAS: Good afternoon!
JANE: How are you?
ELIAS: As always, and yourself?
JANE: As always. (Elias laughs) I like that answer. My name’s Jane. I would very much like to know my essence name and family belonging. I’m loving reading the transcripts. I’m going to get there in the knowledge of it, but if you could help me in this area it would really be appreciated.
ELIAS: Very well. Essence name, Dauncette, D-A-U-N-C-E-T-T-E (dawn SET).
JANE: Thank you. And my family alignment and belonging?
ELIAS: And your impression? What is your impression?
JANE: I feel somewhere in there is Sumari.
ELIAS: Correct.
JANE: I’m not quite sure about the other. I’ve been really trying to figure that out.
ELIAS: Essence family, Sumari; alignment, Vold.
JANE: Thank you. And my orientation?
ELIAS: Orientation, common.
JANE: Really? I would have thought it to be soft. (Elias laughs) Am I emotional focus?
JANE: Thank you. Please, may I ask for my husband, Elroy?
ELIAS: Very well. Essence name, Otto, O-T-T-O. Essence family, Sumafi; alignment, Sumari; orientation, common; focus type, political.
JANE: Thank you so much. Now, this may seem to me a little boring, but I’d like to ask for my daughters, if I may. It might lend me an understanding of my relationships with them.
ELIAS: Very well.
JANE: Marina would be first.
ELIAS: Essence name, Louise, L-O-U-I-S-E. And your impression as to essence families?
JANE: With Marina I might say Sumari.
ELIAS: Correct, and alignment?
JANE: Oh my gosh. I’m not sure; I’m really not sure.
ELIAS: Zuli.
JANE: And her orientation?
ELIAS: And your impression?
JANE: I would say common.
ELIAS: Correct.
JANE: Might I ask for my daughter Jane, please?
ELIAS: Yes. Essence name, Stella, S-T-E-L-L-A.
JANE: Thank you.
ELIAS: And your impression?
JANE: Let me see. Sumafi?
ELIAS: Correct, and alignment?
JANE: What comes to me...? Vold?
ELIAS: Gramada.
JANE: Thank you. Her orientation... Oh gosh, common?
ELIAS: Not common.
JANE: Soft.
JANE: Thank you. The third daughter would be Sheena.
ELIAS: Essence name, Circee, C-I-R-C-E-E (SIR see).
JANE: And her family, I would have to say Sumari.
ELIAS: Correct.
JANE: I’m trying to think. She might belong to the family of initiators.
ELIAS: Correct, Gramada.
JANE: And her orientation I would have to say is common.
ELIAS: Correct.
JANE: Thank you so much. We have one more daughter. Her name is Ann.
ELIAS: (Chuckles) Essence name, Maria. And your impression?
JANE: She strikes me as Sumari.
ELIAS: Aligning with.
JANE: Aligning with Gramada?
ELIAS: No, the Sumari is the alignment.
JANE: Oh, I beg your pardon.
ELIAS: Essence family, Tumold.
JANE: And is she soft?
JANE: Thank you. We have an older granddaughter who’s going to be living with us for a while. Please may I ask for her so I can understand her a little bit better? Her name’s Natasha.
ELIAS: Very well. Essence name, Plessan, P-L-E-S-S-A-N (PLESS sen). And your impressions?
JANE: Oh my gosh. (Elias laughs) It’s a really tough one for me. Oh gosh, no, I don’t have an impression for this one.
ELIAS: Essence family, Borledim; alignment, Zuli.
JANE: Is she soft?
JANE: Common?
ELIAS: Intermediate.
JANE: Oh my goodness. That makes sense. Thank you so much. I really appreciate you sharing those ones with me.
I was introduced to all the material from you. I’ve created a lot of trauma and conflict in my life, and I’ve created a lot of limitation, especially over the last few months with finances. Please, could you just give me some suggestions to help me out to create some different things with more ease and effortlessness, without the conflict, without the trauma?
ELIAS: Offer examples.
JANE: For example, I had an accident towards the end of last year and it affected my finger. I ended up having to have an operation on my finger, and then a lot of medical bills came in. Then things haven’t been working with our business here. It seems like the flow of money stopped. I know I’m creating that and I know that I have to uncreate it. It’s being in the moment of now and focusing on self and paying attention to what I’m doing and choosing.
ELIAS: Correct. And what are you doing and choosing?
JANE: Apparently I was doing and choosing that. But I really want to get to that point where I’m more aware of doing and choosing more abundance.
ELIAS: My suggestion is that you examine what you value. Recognize that value is expressed in many different manners, not merely what you deem to be positive or comfortable experiences. For in this, you do express a belief which values struggle, for if you are generating challenge in accomplishing, what you accomplish you value more. Therefore, my suggestion is that you genuinely allow yourself to examine the expressions that you value, for in that you shall also allow yourself to discover the influences of certain beliefs that you may thusly choose to be expressing differently.
Now; genuinely examine this association of value, for there are expressions that you value that may be viewed in some scenarios to be quite positive in your estimation. They may be expressed also in other scenarios which may generate an uncomfortableness, but you are continuing to express the outcome of the value.
Let me be reminding you, you, as in similar manner to all other individuals, generate experiences in association with your beliefs, and your choices are unconcerned with whether the method is positive or negative. Your choices are concerned with merely what you produce as the outcome, which is very closely associated with what you value.
In this, as you generate a physical affectingness, what do you view that you have created that you value in that experience? Regardless of its difficulty, what have you created?
JANE: One thing I thought I was really exploring was my worthiness.
ELIAS: Partially, but also you generated a value fulfillment in association with attention. You generated a value fulfillment in nurturing; you generated a value fulfillment in allowing yourself to slow your movement and focus your attention more in the now or within the present; you also generated a value fulfillment in allowing yourself to observe yourself in how often you project your attention futurely and how that generates worry.
JANE: And guilt.
JANE: That’s a terrific answer. I’ll certainly explore that. I feel like I isolated myself for quite a while.
ELIAS: And what have you offered yourself in value fulfillment in that action?
JANE: Taking time to look at me.
ELIAS: Yes, but in that time to view yourself, how have you constructed that expression? In some time periods you have allowed yourself to view yourself. But in many time periods in this time framework, you have generated the expression of viewing yourself but discounting yourself, generating disappointment and anger with yourself rather than incorporating that time framework to be genuinely examining yourself, not judging yourself, but genuinely examining what you have generated and what influenced that.
JANE: Wow. I did a lot of discounting myself and judging myself. You’re right.
ELIAS: Yes. But now as you allow yourself an awareness of that, you may move your attention and you may generate a different action. Rather than discounting yourself and expressing disappointment and anger with yourself and judging yourself, move your attention into an evaluation of what you value, and therefore allow yourself to recognize that you may be generating those expressions of what you value, and you may accomplish that in different manners rather than to be injuring yourself.
JANE: I really appreciate that.
I have a few more minutes. I would like very much to know, if I may, David and Sharon and I have come together and I know I’ve been involved with them in other focuses.
ELIAS: Yes, you are correct.
JANE: Scotland and Egypt have come to me.
ELIAS: Correct.
JANE: I’ve known them before?
JANE: “Before” — of course, it’s simultaneous.
ELIAS: (Laughs) Yes, but in your association I am understanding.
JANE: Did we work together or did we share information? Could you just give me an idea of how we worked together before?
ELIAS: You have incorporated several focuses together and in different capacities of relationships: as friends, as family members, and also as associates.
JANE: Wow, I really appreciate that. Could you give me an idea of perhaps why we’re together in this focus?
ELIAS: To be sharing information with each other and therefore offering each other your reflections of yourselves and generating a helpfulness to each other in your manners of shifting.
JANE: Wow, I really, really appreciate your sharing. Thank you for everything you’ve shared in the transcripts. It’s really helpful to me.
ELIAS: You are very welcome, my friend.
JANE: And I appreciate that Mary takes time to do this. (Elias laughs) Thank you.
ELIAS: You are quite welcome.
JANE: I will pass you over to Sharon now. Thank you.
ELIAS: Very well.
SHARON: Hi, Elias.
ELIAS: Good afternoon.
SHARON: Good afternoon. (Both laugh) I have a question. I get a lot of information through the senses of taste and smell. I was curious if those two particular outer senses were beliefs.
ELIAS: Are the senses themselves beliefs? No. They are avenues of communication. Is the information that is processed through those avenues of communication influenced by beliefs or translated or filtered through beliefs? Yes.
SHARON: I seem to receive information through the sense of smell. Not only from a memory, but it seems to be a kind of knowing below that, coming through the smell.
SHARON: I know to trust it. It just seems like a little off-the-wall to say. (Both laugh)
ELIAS: Not in actuality.
SHARON: I know I have that knowledge, but I don’t know why it’s coming through the sense of smell.
ELIAS: And why should it not?
SHARON: Well, that’s a good point, too. And also with taste — I seem to have a constant taste in my mouth and that changes.
ELIAS: Yes. These are avenues of communication. Many individuals do not pay as much attention to those avenues of communication. But they are functioning and they may be used, so to speak, quite efficiently in like manner to any other avenue of communication. It is merely a matter of how you focus your attention. (Chuckles)
SHARON: My next question is have I fragmented?
SHARON: Do I have a new essence name?
ELIAS: NO. I expressed to you no, you did not fragment.
SHARON: Am I in the process of fragmenting?
ELIAS: You are continuously in the process of fragmenting. But as to your question, is your particular focus fragmenting and creating a new essence, no. What you ARE generating is an action of exchanging primary aspects.
SHARON: I don’t know that I completely understand that.
ELIAS: Each individual incorporates, as I have expressed, countless yous of you. One aspect of you is designated as the primary aspect. That is the aspect of you that you are objectively most familiar with, that which you identify as your identity, as being you.
Now; primary aspects are not absolute positions, and they change. In actuality, they change quite frequently. But generally speaking, most individuals, as they alter their primary aspect, generate the designated primary aspect as one that is similar to other aspects. Therefore, you easily exchange positions of primary aspects with no noticeable interruption of your identity or your abilities or the familiar expressions that you generate.
Now; at times individuals — which it is not uncommon — choose to be expressing an alteration of the primary aspect and may choose another aspect of themselves to be expressed in the primary position which expresses different qualities than are generally familiar to the individual.
Now; this may occur in many varying degrees. Individuals may alter the primary aspect and continue to associate with themselves, with noticeable differences in the qualities that they express or perhaps skills or talents that they express, but they continue to feel like themselves. They merely are noticing that they are expressing different talents or creativity that they have not expressed previously and may be somewhat surprised that they incorporate these abilities.
Now; at times individuals may alter the primary aspect in more of an extreme.
Now; in those scenarios, the individual interrupts memory, and therefore they may experience a time framework in which they do not remember objectively certain years or a certain limited time framework. In those scenarios, the individual has chosen to be altering the primary aspect in more of an extreme, and that primary aspect does not incorporate the objective memory of the previous primary aspect. Therefore, there appears to be an interruption in memory.
Now; that is not an uncommon expression either. Many individuals generate that type of exchange of primary aspects in what you view as younger years, within your identification of childhood. As they move into older years or adulthood, they may incorporate lapses of objective memory of certain time frameworks within their identification of childhood.
Now; in some scenarios, individuals generate that type of exchange of primary aspects as an adult and may incorporate a limited time framework in which they appear to be missing time.
Now; you have not generated that type of exchange in this time framework of primary aspects, but you are experimenting with exchanging different primary aspects that express different qualities and somewhat of alterations of some personality expressions also. This is the reason that you are experiencing a feeling that some element of yourself is different and therefore questioning whether you have fragmented. There is some element that is different, but it is associated with your focus, which is much more diverse than you view it to be.
SHARON: Can I ask you if Conrad L. Hall is a focus of mine?
ELIAS: Observing essence throughout the entirety of the focus.
SHARON: I seem to pick up some talents from him.
ELIAS: That is an example of your allowance of yourself to be expressing other aspects of yourself. It is not that you are picking this up from that individual, but allowing yourself to tap into your experiences as observing essence throughout the entirety of that focus. Therefore, you have been experiencing those expressions also.
SHARON: Can I ask you if Betty Comden is the final focus? (Pause)
SHARON: Also, I wanted to ask for the essence family and alignment for my daughter-in-law Lisa.
ELIAS: And your impression?
SHARON: I was afraid you were going to say that!
ELIAS: (Laughs) Rather than expressing that you are afraid that I shall inquire, perhaps you may merely prepare yourself and know that I shall!
SHARON: And you did! (Elias laughs) I am so confused by her. I feel Vold, but I’m not sure about Vold. She seems to be a counterpart of mine.
ELIAS: Yes, you are correct.
SHARON: There are a lot of feelings within me that I can’t define. I really don’t understand her family belonging and her alignment.
ELIAS: (Chuckles) I may express to you, the family is Vold. The alignment is Zuli.
SHARON: Is she common?
SHARON: And emotionally focused?
SHARON: And also for my granddaughter, Ashlee? I also feel a lot of Vold with her.
ELIAS: Alignment.
SHARON: And family belonging Sumari?
ELIAS: Correct.
SHARON: Her essence name?
ELIAS: Essence name, Sirius, S-I-R-I-U-S (SEAR ee us).
SHARON: And essence name for my daughter-in-law Lisa?
ELIAS: Essence name, Margo, M-A-R-G-O (MAR go).
SHARON: Nice. And my essence color and my focus color?
ELIAS: And your impression?
SHARON: My impression for essence color is burgundy wine cooler (Elias grins), and for my focus color is aqueduct blue.
ELIAS: Correct.
SHARON: Thank you! (Both laugh) I think that’s all my questions. (Elias chuckles) Let me pass the phone and let everybody give a final and say good-bye to you, and I’ll say good-bye last.
ELIAS: Very well.
DAVID: Hi, Elias, I wanted to ask you one more thing real quick.
ELIAS: Very well.
DAVID: Is my friend Laura a final focus?
DAVID: Thank you, Elias. It was wonderful talking with you.
ELIAS: Ha ha! And you also, my friend. I shall be anticipating our next meeting.
DAVID: And we will! (Elias laughs)
JANE: Elias, thank you very, very much.
ELIAS: You are very welcome, my dear friend.
JANE: Can I just ask you my focus color?
ELIAS: And your impression?
JANE: Some kind of green?
ELIAS: Sea foam.
JANE: And my essence color?
ELIAS: Essence color, poppy.
JANE: Oh, beautiful! Thank you so much. Thank you for being in my life.
ELIAS: Ha ha! You are very welcome, my friend.
SHARON: This is Sharon again. Thank you!
ELIAS: You are welcome, my friend. I shall be anticipating our next meeting.
SHARON: A lot! Which I think we need often!
ELIAS: And so we do!
SHARON: I have a couple of questions. There have been a couple of instances in my life where I have met with objective people and I’m sure it was you. Was that your energy?
ELIAS: My energy expression, yes.
SHARON: Even though this was focused through an objective person, I felt that it was you communicating to me.
ELIAS: Yes, you are correct.
SHARON: Oh, it was wonderful — delightful experiences!
ELIAS: (Laughs) I am quite versatile! Ha ha!
SHARON: Oh yes, you are, and enjoyable! Both of them were really great. (Elias laughs) I guess our time is up. I want to thank you very much.
ELIAS: You are welcome. I express to all of you my dear affection and tremendous fondness. To each of you, au revoir.
SHARON: Good-bye.
Elias departs at 3:25 PM.
©2006 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved
Copyright 2003 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.