“Exploring Self Worth”
“The Pony IS You”
Friday, July 28, 2000
(Private/Phone) © 2001
Participants: Mary (Michael) and Jim (Yarr).
Elias arrives at 9:42 AM. (Arrival time is 24 seconds)
ELIAS: Good morning, Yarr!
JIM: Good morning, Elias! How’s it goin’ in Cosmic Land?
ELIAS: Ha ha ha! As always!
JIM: As always, as it is here on our Planet Earth!
ELIAS: And how be you in your Adventures into Convolution?
Ha ha!
JIM: (Laughing) Oh, twisting, untwisting, twisting in different
directions. It goes on, always exploring, always investigating.
ELIAS: Exploring the different manifestations and expressions
of the convoluted little sapling!
JIM: Yes, I like that!
JIM: It even has purpose to it! (Laughing, and Elias chuckles)
I’d like to start off today where we ended our last session, with my
pony and the color exercise that you offered to me, and where I am with
that briefly. I went to two areas, one on her hock, and first I had
an impression that it was one color, but then another color, red, came
in very, very strongly, and then on her elbow, the color green and the
tone of “ti” came in very strongly. Since then, I have been working
with that exercise to not judge these areas, but I still seem to hold onto
it. It has helped tremendously, I think, in my judgment and my assessment
of something being wrong, because you are correct — it is difficult to
put that expression on the color. Am I kind of hitting in the right
direction with this?
I had the impression from a friend of mine that is also with me on this,
and she expressed yesterday that she feels the pony is getting tired of
all this, and I guess I am too! (Laughing, and Elias grins) I was
wondering if you could offer me some additional insight into this situation,
and where I might be going with it. (Elias chuckles)
ELIAS: I shall express to you that you are allowing yourself in
increments to be moving into the expression that we discussed in our last
engagement together, although you are continuing to view the color as a
separated entity from you.
As you recall, I have expressed to you to choose the imagery of a color
for the quality of its neutrality, but also to BECOME that expression,
or allow yourself to BE the expression.
Therefore, it matters not which color you choose, and it is not necessarily
an expression of significance in the color. Your identification with
significance in the color is a continuation of viewing the color as an
entity in itself, separated from you.
This exercise was presented to you as a step in movement into the recognition
that the creature — the pony — IS you, but recognizing that this may be
difficult and more challenging for you to move into a genuine expression
of, in the identification that you ARE the pony.
I have offered the exercise of introducing the color in association
with the manifestation of a malady, which you may view as a portion of
the pony, and in assuming that portion temporarily as an exercise, you
may allow yourself to BECOME that expression, or recognize that that expression
IS you, not a separate entity.
As to your assessment and your interaction with the other individual,
expressing that you are tiring of this exercise and that the creature is
tiring of this also ... you are correct! Ha ha ha ha ha! (Elias
is cracking himself up here!)
Now; in this, you may allow yourself that recognition, and respond to
yourself in the recognition of the information that you are offering to
yourself. You both are tiring of this action. Therefore, you
are offering yourself information to be discontinuing this interaction,
and you may allow yourself to create an action in compliance with the information
that you are offering to you, and distract your attention in another area
or direction.
My suggestion to you is that you distract your attention away from this
particular pony altogether, so to speak, temporarily, for you have created
a concentration of energy between yourself and this creature. In
another layer of expression, you have created an intensity of concentration
between YOU and YOU.
And in this, as you allow yourself to distract your attention and reduce
the incorporation of tension within your energy, you may also allow yourself
a refreshment, so to speak, within your expression of energy, and you may
re-approach this interaction in a different angle futurely.
Many times, as you or other individuals concentrate your attention so
intensely in one particular direction, you DO create this action that you
identify as spinning upon your hamster wheel, for you block out all of
your periphery, and you focus your attention in such a narrow field that
you do not allow other information or other experiences to penetrate that
field of experience, and you do not allow yourself to access other choices
and other information.
JIM: Yeah, I recall a number of years ago with my dog, and the
licking of his feet and getting sores, and I was so intent on doing something,
and it seemed that after we spoke and I distracted myself, he also stopped
licking himself, and the areas healed, and so this is along the same lines.
ELIAS: Quite. YOU are creating the action, and as it continues
to bother you or irritate you or confuse you or create conflict within
you, you continue to concentrate upon the action that is being created,
and as you continue to concentrate, you continue to hold your attention
in that direction and perpetuate the creation.
JIM: Okay, okay. That was wonderful. Thank you. (Elias
chuckles) I have some work to do there, and I don’t have some work
to do there!
JIM: I have some investigating to do, and not some investigating
to do! Okay, that makes a lot of sense.
When we had spoken in the past about the vibrational qualities of our
colors and our energy centers, we had spoken of vibrational speed, so to
speak. In moving through my energy centers and looking at red and
then looking at magenta, as our energies move up through our bodies, it
seems that the energy moves faster, so to speak.
However, magenta is at the very top, and to me is somewhat the same
hue as red. Magenta isn’t necessarily a faster color than white or
black. Is it more in alignment with red in its vibrational speed?
Do you follow me?
ELIAS: I am understanding. (Pause, and then speaking carefully)
As being a dominant hue, so to speak, it does incorporate a vibrational
quality in similarity to the vibrational expressions of the other colors,
so to speak.
What I am expressing to you in this is, each of the other colors — save
white and black — hold a vibrational quality which is identifiable to the
dominant hue of that particular color, in a manner of speaking.
You are correct in your physical assessment — that as you move through
these colors in energy centers from the red upward, so to speak, the speed,
so to speak, or the vibrational quality of the particular colors increases
or becomes more rapid. Therefore, this color of magenta also increases
in its vibrational quality.
Now; white and black hold a vibrational quality which is similar enough
to almost be the same, and both of these vibrational qualities are expressed
in such an excessive rapidness, so to speak, that they may appear to be
JIM: Yes, I’ve experienced that.
ELIAS: In this, the quality of magenta, in vibrational tone, is
a combination of the end expressions of spectrum — of red and purple —
in combination with white. Therefore, in the recognition of the formula,
so to speak, of this particular vibrational quality, you may identify that
its speed or rapidness is greater in expression than purple. Are
you understanding?
JIM: Yes, I’m following you. That’s fascinating. Okay,
that makes sense. I’m gonna investigate more. That’s fun!
ELIAS: Ha ha!
JIM: Quite a while back, we had discussed my working with animals
versus working with people, and you had directed me in saying that I should
move into my own species more. (Laughing, and Elias chuckles) Things
have kind of been coming up, and individuals have been coming up, and I
would like to get some insight, I guess, as to my intent and desire in
this area, and perhaps define more of a direction that I may be moving
into with this.
ELIAS: Very well. Define your direction. HA HA HA!
(Elias is cracking himself up again!)
JIM: And just move! (Laughing, and Elias chuckles)
ELIAS: I am expressing to you, are you choosing to be engaging
discussion of this subject matter? If so, offer an identification
of which expression you wish clarification in relation to.
JIM: In working with people, what area, I guess, is my subjective
desire moving into? I don’t feel anymore that it’s within a healer
expression, but perhaps a teaching expression, offering information to
people as to how they may access their inner healing abilities or gain
knowledge of their healing abilities. I guess that’s somewhat my
desire, but I don’t want to push or be intrusive or any of those things.
ELIAS: I am aware, and I shall express to you, Yarr, you also
hold an awareness of this expression of intrusiveness or pushing in relation
to other individuals. You offer yourself many examples that you may
be practicing with in NOT exhibiting those types of expressions, and as
you continue to hold an objective awareness, you also are not moving yourself
in those types of expressions of being intrusive in relation to other individuals.
I may express to you that you are interpreting your own impressions,
and you are allowing yourself to pay attention to your movement.
You also shall continue to be practicing and exploring your movement
and your abilities in relation to your creatures, for this is beneficial
to you and quite familiar, and offers you an ease in your engagement of
But you also may be engaging interaction with individuals, and in this,
my encouragement extends to you to be continuing to listen to your impressions,
for you are offering yourself a direction.
JIM: Okay, I follow that, which leads into the cessation of my
use of cannabis, which for many years was a very big hamster wheel, and
recently, my cessation of it — as you expressed many years ago — did not
come out of will, but just out of desire, it seems at this point.
I will never go there again, but the pattern I had put myself into is a
place I don’t want to go back to at this time. It feels like this
is a place I don’t want to go back to again. I’m very much enjoying
the clarity that I have now, and I feel that this is a very strong impression
and direction of essence.
ELIAS: I am understanding of what you are expressing.
Let me express to you, Yarr, this is a beneficial action that you are
incorporating in this now, for it is offering you an alteration of perception,
and in that turning of perception, you allow yourself to be incorporating
different actions and creating different choices, and also allowing yourself,
in this identification of clarity, the ability to examine your individual
beliefs — which influence your perception and therefore also influence
the creation of your reality — in relation to this particular subject matter.
Now; in allowing yourself to be examining those beliefs, you may also
allow yourself to move into a recognition, in genuineness and in acceptance,
that the actual engagement of this particular substance creates a particular
influence upon your reality as you design it to, not that it in itself
is affecting of you or of your reality in any particular manner outside
of your design. Are you understanding?
JIM: Yes, I believe I follow.
ELIAS: Therefore, you are offering yourself an opportunity to
view that YOU are what is creating the design of the effect, and in this,
you also hold the ability to create other effects, or no effects.
Of course, why shall you engage this activity if you are choosing to
create no effects? HA HA! (Elias is cracking himself up again!)
But this also offers you the opportunity to engage your periphery, and
recognize that YOU are manipulating your reality, and creating specific
effects in relation to your beliefs that YOU hold.
JIM: Okay, I follow you there. Okay.
ELIAS: Therefore, allow yourself the recognition ... not to be
discounting your choice in this present now, for this is beneficial, and
acknowledging of yourself in your choice in this now of this particular
direction, but also offering yourself a recognition that you may futurely
choose to be altering this choice once again, and you may choose to be
engaging that activity once again, and you may also choose the design of
the effect that you shall incorporate, for you do hold this power.
JIM: Okay, that makes sense. (Elias chuckles) Okay, that’s
good. Thank you.
ELIAS: You are quite welcome.
JIM: Michael and I, or Joshuatree, as he’s formally known as....
JIM: I prefer to call myself Baobab! (Laughing)
ELIAS: HA HA! More expressions of our affectionately viewed
convoluted explorations! Ha ha ha ha!
JIM: Yes! My new essence name is Hardyharyarr! (Laughing,
and Elias chuckles)
But the assessment of self-worth, and we discussed this in our last
session ... as we’ve discussed, I think, in every session in which we’ve
ever spoken! (They both laugh)
But your self-worth is not dependent upon your deeds, and it’s not dependent
upon your actions. There’s many things it’s not dependent upon, and
you expressed in the last session that we look to outside validation and
apply it to self as an assessment of self-worth, and that this is a false
assessment of worth, trust, and abilities, and to trust in self.
Michael and I talked about like versus dislike versus preference and
so forth. There seems to be, I guess, some sort of ... I would like
to look for some sort of replacement for this action that we feel we need
from outside. I know it’s trust from inside, but I would like to
see if I couldn’t investigate in some way or find a link of sorts, so that
I can begin to see not so much from looking outside, and move more strongly
into inside and become more confident, I guess, in that area from within.
ELIAS: Very well. I shall express to you in response to
your engagement of conversation presently.
You are inquiring, what is the worth of self? What is the recognition
of the worth of self if it is not identifiable through all that you have
offered in examples — of which we have spoken previously — and how may
you access the recognition of that, correct?
JIM: Correct, and very beautifully put.
ELIAS: Very well.
In this, the worth of self is expressed in the knowing.
The knowing of self is, as we have discussed previously, not necessarily
your identification of interpretation through thoughts or emotions or outside
validation, for all of these expressions may be influenced by your beliefs
and affected by your perception.
The knowing of self, the knowing of YOU and what you ARE and WHO you
are, is innately you. And in this, this expression or this innate
knowledge is NOT influenced or dependent upon your beliefs or your perception,
for it extends beyond merely this physical dimension.
You may access this knowing of your worth through an action of releasing
tension within your energy, incorporating a relaxation of your energy,
and allowing yourself to become familiar with YOU.
I am aware that I have expressed this many times to all of you thus
far. I am also aware that thus far, these are incorporated for the
most part as words, and that you are not quite incorporating even the beginning
point, to be allowing yourselves to become familiar with you and therefore
offer yourselves an objective recognition of your worth, as it IS innately
The beginning point is to be noticing and recognizing the tension that
you each hold in energy, and allowing yourselves to dispel that tension
and incorporate a relaxation of your energy, for as you incorporate tension,
you also automatically create barriers, and these barriers create separations.
Therefore, you create a separation in your objective awareness between
that objective awareness of self and the familiarity, the familiarization
and the recognition of self in its entirety.
To this point in this time framework within this forum, individuals
are continuing to view themselves as a singular entity manifestation within
a physical dimension, separated from their identification of another entity
which is defined as essence, and that essence is separated from another
entity which is defined as consciousness, and consciousness occupies a
physical — and nonphysical, although the identification of nonphysical
incorporates a physical aspect — space within some other unknown entity,
which shall be defined as the cosmos!
And in this, as you move your attention to you within this physical
manifestation and your identification of yourself, you view yourself to
be this one singular entity of physical matter which is separated from
all other physical expressions and all nonphysical expressions, even yourself!
What I am expressing to you is, your attention in that corporeal perception
incorporates tension, and that tension perpetuates separation, for it directs
your attention singularly.
This may be viewed in ANY expression. You may offer yourself examples
in quite physical expressions, and it may be applied in ALL expressions
of your energy. As you incorporate tension, you also create a singularity
of attention and a separation in your creation of reality through perception.
Therefore, your beginning point in your method of discovery of your
innate being of worth is to allow yourself to notice and recognize the
tension that you incorporate within your energy, and allow yourself the
incorporation of RELAXATION of your energy, for this allows opening.
JIM: Yeah, like when I read Shynla’s session with you — breathe!
That hit home very deeply the other day.
ELIAS: You express this to each other as a recognition of actual
expressions within your physical bodies!
It is quite difficult for you to physically continue in an expression
of tension if you are focusing your attention upon your breath and the
movement of your breath. As you breathe deeply in physical action,
it is difficult to also incorporate tension within your actual physical
muscles. It may be accomplished, but it does incorporate difficulty,
for the action of opening is contrary to tension.
Opening in your expression of breath is creating not merely the action
of filling of your air within your physical body, but expanding of your
physical lungs and circulatory system, which is an opening, and that opening
is affecting of all of your nervous system and all your organs and all
of your tissue — all of your physical expression. This may be applied
to any expression of your energy.
As you relax your energy, you also open, and as you open, you engage
your periphery. You allow yourself to be viewing more of self, and
you allow more of an ease in familiarizing yourself with whatever you direct
your attention to, and if that be to self, you shall allow yourself the
beginnings of recognition of YOU, in what you are and who you are and your
innate expression of worth.
JIM: Okay, I can relate. Okay. (Elias chuckles) I’ve
been moving in that direction, knowingly and unknowingly, just with things
that I’ve noticed. Like I said, I’ve noticed in the last couple of
weeks, or even longer, that I’ve been taking these big deep breaths and
feeling this wave of loosening, and these breaths are not so much in a
constructive way as in meditation, as in “now I will sit down and breathe.”
It seems to be more sporadic, in areas and situations and actions and things
that I bring to me. It’s almost an automatic. I don’t even
think about it, but all of a sudden, I’ll notice or find myself taking
these big deep breaths and relaxing, so I can relate to all that, and thank
ELIAS: Quite, and as you practice, you need not be incorporating
a thought process. It becomes automatic.
You need not be incorporating this action of what you identify as deep
breaths as you continue to be practicing, for you become more familiar
with the experience of relaxation, and therefore allow yourself to be incorporating
this relaxing without the physical motions or intentional actions of directing
your energy purposefully into the expression of relaxation. As you
practice, you allow yourself to become relaxed more and more automatically.
JIM: Very good! Once again, just a few tiny little things
to work on there!
ELIAS: Ha ha ha ha ha!
JIM: Oh my! (Laughing) Well, I think we’ve spent our time
together. I’ve been noticing and appreciating the blue feathers that
I’ve been finding, and acknowledging your interaction. As always,
it’s greatly appreciated and it’s great encouragement, and I thank you.
ELIAS: And you are very welcome, my friend, and you may continue
your collection of your feathers! Ha ha ha!
JIM: Yes! Thank you very much.
ELIAS: And I shall continue to be offering of these manifestations!
Ha ha!
JIM: Wonderful! I have three of them in my truck already
— little bits of reminder of self.
ELIAS: Yes, my friend. Pay attention! (Chuckling)
And I shall be anticipating of our next meeting, and in what you term to
be the interim time framework, I shall be offering energy of encouragement
to you.
JIM: Thank you. You’re a great friend. Good day.
ELIAS: To you, my friend Yarr, in affection, au revoir.
JIM: Au revoir.
Elias departs at 10:36 AM.
© 2001 Mary Ennis/Vicki Pendley, All Rights Reserved
Copyright 2000 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.