Session 746
Translations: ES

Projections of Consciousness


“Projections of Consciousness”
“Other Avenues of Communication”
“Using Thought to Interpret Emotion”

Friday, December 22, 2000 (Private/Phone)
Participants:  Mary (Michael) and Frank (Ulra).
Elias arrives at 11:36 AM. (Arrival time is 23 seconds)

ELIAS:  Good morning!

FRANK:  Good morning!  Nice to talk to you again.

ELIAS:  And you also.

FRANK:  And a merry Christmas to you!

ELIAS:  Ha ha ha ha!  And I shall extend my offering of happiness to your holiday also!

FRANK:  Thank you very much. (Elias laughs)  Well, let’s see.  Where shall we begin today?

ELIAS:  (Playfully)  Wherever you are choosing!

FRANK:  Okay.  I would say maybe eight or nine years ago, I was on a business trip, and I was out on the west coast in a hotel room, and I woke up in the middle of the night and felt like ... actually, like I was out of my body, like my consciousness was like flying around the room backwards, okay?  And this went on for a few seconds, and then I guess I realized what was happening, and then it sort of ended.  The question I have for you is, what was happening there?  Was that an out-of-body experience, or what exactly was that?

ELIAS:  Yes.  This is what may be termed as a projection.

Let me offer to you that there may be defined a distinction between what you term to be an out-of-body experience and a projection of consciousness.  For in the action of an actual out-of-body experience, what you are defining in that action is a projection of the subjective awareness and the objective awareness entirely removing from the physical body consciousness.

This action may be engaged by any individual, but it may be engaged temporarily only — if the individual is choosing to be continuing within this physical focus — for the physical body consciousness is requiring of the subjective awareness of the individual to be directing of it and interactive with it for its function.

Therefore, the physical body consciousness shall sustain itself only temporarily without that interaction, but you may be creating that action in temporary time frameworks.  But generally speaking, this is not the actual action that individuals engage within this physical dimension, for there is a recognition of the interplay between the body consciousness and the subjective awareness.

Generally speaking, what you create in these types of experiences of which you are referring to [is], you are in actuality allowing an aspect of the subjective awareness to continue to be held in relation to the body consciousness and directing of the body consciousness, and you are allowing your objective and an aspect of the subjective awareness to project from the body consciousness and create more of a mobility within your physical dimension, and at times also within other areas of consciousness.

For the most part, individuals do project their awareness within this physical dimension and not into other physical dimensions or other areas of consciousness, for this is the nature of your attention as you manifest in this physical dimension.  Therefore, it is understandable that you shall project your awareness and explore other areas or avenues of experience in relation to this physical dimension.  Are you understanding?

FRANK:  Yes, I am.  Now, is that also because we wouldn’t understand other dimensions?

ELIAS:  Partially, yes, you are correct.

For as you manifest within a particular physical dimension, your objective awareness, or what you view to be your understanding of reality, is based in the imagery of that particular physical dimension.  Therefore, all that you encounter is filtered through your understanding in relation to this particular physical dimension.

In this, in projecting your awareness to another physical dimension, you may offer yourself experiences, but they are not translated into your understanding in this dimension genuinely or accurately, for they are a translation.

Other physical dimensions are quite diverse, and the manifestations that they engage may be quite differently expressed from what you recognize as physical manifestations, and this does not translate accurately into your understanding and awareness.

FRANK:  Okay.  Well, coming back to this, I assume that this is something I probably do regularly?

ELIAS:  Yes.

I may express to you that you ALL create this type of projection quite often.  You merely are not paying attention to that action once you move yourself into your familiar awareness objectively.  Therefore, many times you do not offer yourself an objective recall or memory of this action, but it is an action that you engage quite frequently.

Many experiences of this type are engaged within the sleep state, and many individuals in other cultures allow themselves this type of action frequently in a meditative state.

FRANK:  Okay.  Now, if this were to happen in a meditative state, would one be more likely to consciously remember what happened?

ELIAS:  This is dependent upon the individual and your focus of attention in that time framework.  If you are directing your attention to allow yourself an awareness within a meditative state, yes, you may allow yourself more of an objective recall.

But I may also express to you, there are many individuals that engage this type of action within waking state in engaging certain objective activities, and do not allow themselves an actual objective recall or memory of what they have engaged.

I may also express to you, at times, all of you have engaged that type of experience.  Many individuals create this type of projection as they engage within their waking state some activity that they perceive to be mundane or monotonous.  Some individuals may experience this type of projection within the action of the operation of their vehicles.

FRANK:  Is that something I do frequently?

ELIAS:  At times.

In this, as you view these types of experiences, you may allow yourself the noticing that you do not offer yourself a recall of the action that you have engaged within that time framework, but you do hold an awareness that your attention was focused in another manner.

You recognize that as you are operating your vehicle, you are not paying attention to that action, and what you express to yourself subsequently is that you have lost time or you have drifted into some other state of awareness, but you do not recall what you engaged in activity or experience within that time framework.

FRANK:  Okay.  Well, that happens to me often! (Laughing)

ELIAS:  Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

FRANK:  Okay, next question then.  Why ... in that particular time, this was like September of ’92, why did I become aware of it at that time, and why haven’t I since?  Since then I’ve wanted to re-create that experience, but haven’t been able to.  So why did I find out about it then, and why not since?

ELIAS:  In actuality, I may express to you, this is quite common that individuals allow themselves an awareness of an experience quite purposefully within any particular time framework.

Within that moment, you merely allowed yourself an expression of a lack of fear, a lack of analyzation, a lack of information objectively to be analyzing, and in that, you offered to yourself a momentary ease in objectively being aware of what you were engaging in this projection.

Now; this is purposeful in offering yourself an example objectively that you may recall and draw upon as you choose to be re-creating that type of awareness, so to speak.

For in this, you offer yourself information as to how to be engaging that type of experience in allowing yourself the example, and recalling not merely the experience itself but your state of being, so to speak, in that moment, and the difference of that moment and what you create in moments that you are intentionally attempting to be re-creating that type of awareness.

For now, you offer yourself much more information, which creates an excitement and an objective desire to be engaging these types of experiences, but also creates an automatic action and response within yourself of objectively creating an intensity of concentration, and that objective concentration in its intensity creates a tension, and that also creates a pushing within your energy rather than an allowance and a relaxation.

It also moves you into more of a thought process.  In the previous experience, you were not analyzing or creating a thought process of how you shall be creating this action.  You merely allowed yourself to freely express this type of experience, and allowed yourself an objective awareness of the action, though as a free flow of energy.  Now you engage a thought process in relation to the action itself, and this complicates your movement.

FRANK:  Okay.  So the question is, how do I relax myself to be able to accomplish what I’m trying to accomplish?

ELIAS:  Yes.

VIC:  Huh?

ELIAS:  Also allow yourself a focal point, but not in the expression of concentration objectively.  Allow yourself a suggestion of a focal point, a direction, so to speak.  This allows you to focus your energy rather than creating a scatteredness of your energy.

Once you have allowed yourself the suggestion of your objective, so to speak, and chosen a focal point ... be it merely to project your awareness to another physical location, or within the same room that you are physically occupying within the moment, or within another time framework.  It matters not what you are actually choosing, but that you offer to yourself initially one direction, and in this, you focus your energy.

Now; focusing your energy requires no thought.  The suggestion is enough.  Once you have offered to yourself a suggestion, it matters not also that you actually project your awareness to that particular focal point, for this is not the point.  The point in offering yourself these types of suggestions is merely to be offering the suggestion to yourself within your energy to be focused.

Once you have offered that suggestion, allow yourself to be creating a relaxation physically and within energy and within your thoughts, not creating a distraction or an interruption of the relaxation by engaging a thinking process....

FRANK:  I assume that applies to almost anything I want to manifest?

ELIAS:  For the most part, yes.

FRANK:  Okay.

ELIAS:  Thoughts are a creation within this physical dimension that serve a specific function.  But within this physical dimension, you have directed your attention in almost an exclusive manner to the creation of thought in an expression of extreme of communication to yourself that you have moved your attention away from recognizing all of the other avenues of communication that you offer to yourself.

In actuality, the expression of communication of thought in its genuine function is relatively small, in your terms.  The actual function of your thoughts is to be defining and identifying other communications.  But as I have stated, you have moved your attention into this particular expression in such intensity that it has become what you now identify as almost an exclusive avenue of communication, which is not in actuality its design.

This is the reason that many times you experience conflict and confusion and also obstacles within your movements and within your experiences, for you are engaging your thoughts to excess.

FRANK:  Okay, that’s very interesting.  Let’s talk about the other avenues of communication.  I assume you’re talking about things like events that happen.

ELIAS:  Not necessarily.

FRANK:  Okay.  Well, what are the other avenues of communication?

ELIAS:  I shall express to you, you have created an intricate design of physical reality.

You within yourselves have created a physical body that incorporates outer senses and inner senses, which are ALL objective communications to yourselves.  And as I have been offering [in] information recently, another very expressive avenue of communication that you pay LITTLE attention to and is one of your MOST expressive avenues of communication are your emotions.

Your emotions, once again, as I have stated many times recently with individuals, are not reactions.  They are not responses; they are not reactions.  They are communications.  But as you define them to be reactionary, you are not paying attention to what they are expressing to you.  You view them merely to be a gauge as to your state of being, and they are not a gauge of your state of being.  They are an actual communication, which is expressed objectively, from the subjective awareness to the objective awareness.

FRANK:  Okay.  Well, explain this.  How do I go about interpreting this communication?  Let’s say I wake up one morning and I just feel terrific, or another morning I wake up and I emotionally feel sort of depressed.  How do I interpret that communication?

ELIAS:  This is the function of your intellect.  This is the function, in actuality, of your creation of thoughts.  It provides you with the avenue of interpretation.

Thought has not been designed as an actual avenue of communication in itself.  It is a function of interpretation and an offering of allowance for understanding within you as to the identification and interpretation of these other avenues of communication ... although many times it is unnecessary to be engaging this action of thought to be interpreting of the communications.

But in relation to your emotional communications, as you create an emotion, as you recognize that this is a communication and not a reaction and also not a gauge as to your state of being, this in itself offers different information to your thought process, and your thoughts automatically engage a different type of movement in the recognition of that communication.

As you define an emotion of anxiety, so to speak ... as you state, you may awake within your morning and experience this feeling or this emotion of anxiety or depression.

In this, as you identify that as a gauge and as a reaction to your state of being, your thoughts move in automatic function and merely express to you an identification of the feeling, so to speak, and your thought identifies no further, for it is merely identifying a reaction to your state of being.  Therefore, it engages no more information in interpretation.

As you allow yourself to be recognizing that this is not a reaction, it is not a gauge, your thoughts automatically move in a different expression, and in this, the interpretation begins with a question as to what the communication is, and as the communication continues, the thought process continues its interpretation of that communication.  You engage questioning and you engage answering within yourself in relation to the communication.

The difficulty or the miscommunication which is expressed is in the identification of the definition of what is occurring, and as you view the emotion to not be a communication, you do not receive the communication or the message, so to speak.

FRANK:  So are you saying the emotion is sort of like a knock on the door, and instead of opening the door and getting the rest of it, you just say somebody knocked on the door and then ignore it?

ELIAS:  Correct.

FRANK:  Ah, okay.  So in other words, if you recognize what this emotion is all about, then there’s more to come afterwards that will deliver whatever the message was.

ELIAS:  Correct.  You shall offer yourself much more information.

This is a valuable avenue and a quite efficient avenue of communication within yourself that you have all designed within this physical dimension.

I shall state once again, I have offered to you all an identification of the base elements of your physical reality in this particular dimension, and they are sexuality and emotion, not thought.  Thought is a tool that you have created for interpretation, identification, and definition, not as a base element and expression of your physical reality.

FRANK:  I’d like to move to something else that’s a little different, but I think related.  There are two things I want to talk about.

Number one, sometimes when I just relax, maybe meditate, maybe just close my eyes and try to breathe deep and relax, I’ll see like violet splotches or spots that sort of come and go.  Occasionally these are green also.  That’s something that’s been going on for a long time, and that’s number one.

Number two, not so much these days, but in the past when I used to meditate, or again, just try to relax, I would feel my body start to vibrate.  Sometimes it would vibrate so much that I almost couldn’t take it anymore, so basically I’d have to stop doing whatever I was doing.  I’m curious as to what your thoughts are and what that means.

ELIAS:  Now; first of all I shall express to you, in relation to the color expressions that you offer to yourself, this in actuality is a demonstration to yourself that you are allowing yourself genuinely to be relaxing, and also focusing your attention in the manner in which we have been speaking this day — allowing yourself to focus your attention upon a focal point, which becomes what you have chosen in that particular energy center of the violet, so to speak.

Now; there are many individuals that allow themselves to focus upon that particular energy center in a meditative action, which moves in relation to underlying belief systems, but it does offer you a directedness of your attention and your energy.

And as you continue to allow yourself a relaxation and are not intensely focusing your objective attention upon these expressions of color, but noticing of that expression of color and continuing to allow yourself to drift without thought, you may also engage other actions and movements.

And as you practice, you may begin with impressions that you allow to be recognized objectively, and not discounting of them, and in that practicing, the impressions may become more vivid.  Some individuals create actual viewing visually of these impressions, and some individuals allow themselves at that point to be projecting their awareness to other areas.

But this is in actuality a validation to yourself in a recognition that you are accomplishing the beginnings of that type of movement, allowing yourself to view this color.

FRANK:  Okay, and the vibration?

ELIAS:  Now; this also moves in an expression of validation, in a different manner.  What you are allowing with these two actions — one in relation to the color — is a translation to you objectively that your subjective awareness is moving in harmony to the intention that you are creating objectively.

The vibration is the objective validation to yourself that you are focusing your attention in what we may term to be [an] inward manner upon self.  You are moving your attention away from distraction in outside creations or expressions, and allowing yourself to focus all of your attention, so to speak, upon self, and this is expressed in a response within you in creating that physical vibration.

Now; these both, as I have stated, are validations to you — that you are offering to yourself — that you are accomplishing the movement that you intend to be creating.

Once that communication — once again — is received, the actual manifestation physically may discontinue.

FRANK:  Okay.  Well, now I’m a little confused.  When you say it may discontinue, do you mean that in the sense that it might or might not discontinue, or in the sense that I can dispense with it?  And also, I come back to the question of, what happened with the vibration?  It got so intense that I had to discontinue what I was doing.

ELIAS:  Quite.  I am understanding of this, and this is what I am expressing to you, that as that action is received as a communication and accepted as a validation, and you allow yourself to relax and not be holding your attention upon that particular experience, which is a communication, the communication shall discontinue, for it has been received, in like manner to what you have expressed with the knocking upon your door.

FRANK:  Okay, so what you’re saying is, in going forward with this, now that I understand what is going on and I can just sort of relax about it, it will just go away, but I can remain in a meditative state.

ELIAS:  Yes.

FRANK:  Aha!

ELIAS:  Your attention moves in this action.  Once the vibration begins, your attention becomes focused upon that action — in like manner to your objective attention being focused upon the knocking upon a door and the hearing of that sound — and in this, as you continue to concentrate upon the vibration, you are no longer focusing your attention upon the objective.

FRANK:  Got it.

ELIAS:  Your attention has moved into a different expression and is focused upon the vibration, and therefore the vibration continues, for it is not being acknowledged as a communication of validation.

FRANK:  Okay.  Let’s see, next ... where do we want to go here?  Okay, a couple questions about some physical conditions I’ve got.  I’ve got a problem with my sciatic nerve, and I also have a problem, a recurring problem, in my groin area, which I saw the doctor about yesterday, and he basically said there’s nothing he can do about it.  He basically put it off to old age and old sports injuries and things like that.  So the question I have for you is, what is the reason for these manifestations?

ELIAS:  First of all, my friend, I shall inquire to you, what is your impression?

FRANK:  I should’ve known you’d ask me that!

ELIAS:  Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

FRANK:  (Laughing)  Well, let’s see.  They both slow my movement down, that’s for sure. (Pause)  I have to say, I don’t really know, but I probably haven’t thought about it much.  Do you want me to work on that before we talk next?

ELIAS:  You may, and I may also offer you SOME information.

FRANK:  Okay, great.  I’ll take it! (They both laugh)

ELIAS:  I may express to you that you have created one of these expressions in relation to sexuality.  I am not speaking of the action of engaging sexual activity, but the expression of sexuality and many of the aspects of this belief system, and how you create your associations in relation to sexuality within this physical expression.

As you have expressed in information that has been offered to you by your physician, you express an identification that this is a manifestation of previous activities, and you are creating older years, and therefore you are degenerating in some expressions.  This is all an expression of your identification and assessment of your expression individually of sexuality in this focus.

Now; you may in actuality be affecting of that creation in this physical area of groin by allowing yourself to recognize your beliefs in relation to sexuality, and allowing yourself to offer yourself permission to be expressing yourself in less of a relation to resignation of progression of physical years.  Are you understanding?

FRANK:  Yeah.  I think that’s a big problem I have, isn’t it?

ELIAS:  (Laughing softly)  It is a strongly held association in relation to your beliefs.

As to the creation of irritation of the nerve, you may allow yourself to be investigating this also in relation to your expressions of support, not merely to yourself, but how you view supportiveness to other individuals.

This also is a strongly expressed issue that you hold — your assessment of time frameworks in which you perceive you are not being supportive enough to other individuals and therefore create judgments upon self, and time frameworks in which you are not expressing supportiveness to yourself, and you turn your attention outwardly and express an expectation and a want in receiving that type of expression from other individuals, when in actuality you are communicating to yourself your desire to be offering that expression to yourself.

In these time frameworks in which you experience physical aggravation, so to speak, of that particular nerve, in allowing yourself to be aware objectively of what you are engaging in those moments, you may begin to recognize that this is a consistent expression that you create, in relation to the judgments that you are placing upon self, through the perception of supportiveness of yourself to yourself, or the supportiveness that you view may be lacking in your expression in relation to other individuals.

FRANK:  You mean my supporting of others?

ELIAS:  Correct, and your judgment upon yourself; not that you are not expressing supportiveness to other individuals, but that your perception of your expression is that it is inadequate and not enough. (Firmly)

FRANK:  Oh, okay ... oh, okay.

ELIAS:  And this you manifest in an irritation of that nerve.

FRANK:  Okay, I understand.

ELIAS:  The reason you have chosen that particular nerve is that it is central to your physical body and affecting of your functioning.

FRANK:  Okay, I have another question on that issue.  I was born with a congenital back problem.  My spine wasn’t formed properly.  Why did I come into physical reality with that condition? (22-second pause)

ELIAS:  Ah.  I may express to you that you have created that physical expression in this particular focus quite purposefully.  In this, it has offered you an experience of challenge in relation to physical expressions, physical accomplishments.  This offers you a continuous expression of motivation underlying.

But it also has offered you a contribution of your objective awareness in an understanding of other individuals in some expressions of physical limitations, and the affectingness that that type of expression of physical limitations creates in relation to individuals’ perceptions.

And in this, you offer to yourself a recognition that regardless of the definition that societies or that individuals place upon physical limitations, it does not create an absolute.

And in this, you have allowed yourself movement in relation to that challenge that offers you a difference in your perception in relation to this type of subject matter, which also allows you a different expression of interaction with other individuals.

FRANK:  Okay.  That’s deep. (They both laugh)

ELIAS:  Ah!  Therefore, you may be offering yourself one point, my friend, for excellent creating, shall you not?  Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

FRANK:  I’ll take that too!

ELIAS:  Ha ha ha ha ha!

FRANK:  Okay, let’s see.  I have a couple more quick ones here.  My daughter has a problem with her knee.  Can you give me some thoughts on what is causing that?  Why is she expressing that?

ELIAS:  What is your impression? (Frank sighs)  Ha ha ha ha ha!

FRANK:  I don’t know — looking for attention?

ELIAS:  Partially; not entirely.  It IS offering a payoff, and what is your impression of the payoff?

FRANK:  I don’t know — more attention from my wife and I?  I really don’t know.

ELIAS:  Beyond an expression of attention, it also is creating of a slowing of her movement within this time framework, which allows for a different type of interaction and expression with other individuals, family members and other individuals also.

In this creation, she is expressing a recognition of wanting, so to speak, the expression of nurturing which she is not offering to herself.  Therefore, she is looking outwardly, so to speak, to be offering that expression to herself, and this may be translated objectively in expressions of sympathy at times, more of a softness in tone from other individuals.

There are many less obvious expressions that are created in this type of interaction that you may not necessarily be objectively noticing and recognizing of, but this is offering an expression of nurturing to her that she is seeking as the payoff that she is not offering to herself.  There is also, I may express to you, a slight element of fear that is being expressed presently within her movement, and therefore she is creating a physical affectingness to be slowing her movement.

FRANK:  That makes a lot of sense.  Okay.  Now, as you’ve told me before, my role is not to do anything other than travel along with her, correct?

ELIAS:  Correct.

FRANK:  Okay.  My pipes froze last night.  Why did I manifest that? (Elias chuckles)  The water pipes at our house.

ELIAS:  (Grinning)  And once again I shall ask you, what is your impression?

FRANK:  My impression is that relative to the last time we spoke ... we talked about not engaging in victimhood, and I think that was the purpose of that, and that I started to engage in victimhood, and then I sort of caught myself and realized that whatever happens, I create it.  That’s my initial take on it.

ELIAS:  Objective interpretation, and I may express to you, you are correct.

I may also express to you — in quite consistent movement (Frank starts laughing) that you have created in your interaction with myself — in each meeting that we engage objectively, you express an objective experience prior to our engagement, of some physical action — ha ha ha ha! — that presents challenge to you!

FRANK:  I’m just trying to help you out! (Laughing)

ELIAS:  Ha ha ha ha ha!  I anticipate that you shall be continuing with this pattern that you have created futurely, as not merely a communication to yourself and a presentment of physical imagery, but also as an avenue of entertainment!  Ha ha ha ha ha!

FRANK:  Well, I think we’re already there!

ELIAS:  Ha ha ha ha ha!

FRANK:  (Laughing)  Oh, this is great!  Okay, the last question I have for you is, did you and I know each other objectively?

ELIAS:  Within physical focus?  Yes.

FRANK:  Can you tell me anything about that?

ELIAS:  I shall allow you to investigate first, and I shall offer my validation to you at our next meeting.

FRANK:  Fair enough.

ELIAS:  This shall be NOT very challenging for you, within your awareness, to allow yourself an objective recognition of ONE focus of attention!  We have engaged several.  Therefore, you may choose.  Ha ha ha!

FRANK:  Okay, great.  Well, thank you.

ELIAS:  You are very welcome, my friend.  I shall be interactive with you, and prodding in your investigation of our shared focus together.  Ha ha ha!

FRANK:  Well, I appreciate that too.

ELIAS:  (Laughing)  To you in great affection — and acknowledgment of your holiday — I express au revoir.

FRANK:  Goodbye.

Elias departs at 12:46 PM.

© 2001  Vicki Pendley/Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved

Copyright 2000 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.