Group Sessions
Title: The State of the World; Pearl Energy and Dragons
Title: 5/18/2024
Title: October 2023 Group Session: The State of Flow
Title: 10/21/2023
Title: Control and Trust; Pain and Chronic Pain; Essence in and Out of Time
Title: 6/3/2023
Title: Want and Desire; Following Feelings; Complements
Title: 10/22/2022
Title: Magic, Appearance and Skin Health, Expanding Awareness
Title: 5/21/2022
Title: Importance
Title: 10/23/2021
Title: What Is Your Greatest Challenge?
Title: 5/8/2021
Title: Interconnectedness
Title: 10/24/2020
Title: Flow, Interconnectedness and Cooperation
Title: 10/4/2020
Title: The Aristocratic Personality
Title: 8/4/2020
Title: The Aristocratic Personality
Title: 7/11/2020
Title: Experimenting with Structure
Title: 7/4/2020
Title: How Can You Help?
Title: 5/30/2020
Title: Geography, Culture and Different Mass Expressions of the Coronavirus
Title: 4/25/2020
Title: Choosing to Be Disengaging in Relation to This Mass Event
Title: 3/28/2020
Title: Self-Awareness and Interconnectedness
Title: 1/25/2020
Title: Become a Beacon: Challenge Conformity
Title: 10/26/2019
Title: Regeneration, Part II
Title: 9/28/2019
Title: The Angst of Broken Rules and Remembering One Word: Importance
Title: 8/31/2019
Title: Dis-ease in the Science Wave
Title: 7/21/2019
Title: The Science Wave: Breaking the Rules
Title: 5/25/2019
Title: Healing: Don't Attempt to Eat the Elephant in One Bite
Title: 2/2/2019
Title: Practicing Genuine Self-Love
Title: 11/24/2018
Title: The Science Wave: Catching Up to Einstein
Title: 10/27/2018
Title: Jump Off the Boat!
Title: 6/9/2018
Title: Stop Fighting with Yourself
Title: 5/26/2018
Title: What Is My Energy Doing?
Title: 4/28/2018
Title: Main Subject: Challenges
Title: 3/18/2018
Title: Healing with Energy
Title: 2/18/2018
Title: Self-Awareness
Title: 10/21/2017
Title: Express Yourself
Title: 5/20/2017
Title: Webinar: Choose a Direction and Take a Step
Title: 4/23/2017
Title: Webinar: Cooperation
Title: 3/19/2017
Title: What do you want to create more of?
Title: 2/19/2017
Title: The Magic of Letting Go
Title: 1/15/2017
Title: Finding Our Voices, Expressing Our Choices
Title: 11/20/2016
Title: American Election: The Third Wave
Title: 10/22/2016
Title: Health and the Body Consciousness
Title: 9/18/2016
Title: Healing Defined
Title: 8/21/2016
Title: The Individual and the Nature of Mass Events
Title: 7/17/2016
Title: Communication
Title: 6/19/2016
Title: Foundations for Relationships
Title: 5/28/2016
Title: Global Changes and Your Individual World
Title: 4/17/2016
Title: Intuition
Title: 3/27/2016
Title: Discussing Confusing Concepts
Title: 2/21/2016
Title: Sharing Accomplishments
Title: 1/17/2016
Title: The Intensified Energy of the Religious Wave
Title: 12/20/2015
Title: Why You Pay Attention to the Negative
Title: 10/24/2015
Title: Furthering the Subject of Presence
Title: 9/20/2015
Title: Defining Presence
Title: 8/9/2015
Title: Personal Interactions and Societal Changes
Title: 6/14/2015
Title: Global Changes
Title: 5/2/2015
Title: Differences and Preferences
Title: 4/19/2015
Title: Law, Legal Systems and the Shift
Title: 3/15/2015
Title: Yes, No, and Love
Title: 10/25/2014
Title: How Constructs Influence Behavior and Choices
Title: 5/17/2014
Title: Sexuality and the Religious Wave
Title: 10/26/2013
Title: Small group / In-person
Title: 8/31/2013
Title: What Is Important to You?
Title: 5/4/2013
Title: Introducing the Religious Wave
Title: 3/15/2013
Title: Paying Attention to Messages from Feelings
Title: 10/20/2012
Title: This Is It: The Formula For Creating
Title: 10/22/2011
Title: Exploring Feelings
Title: 4/9/2011
Title: The Next Waves in Consciousness
Title: 10/23/2010
Title: Emotional Communications Redux: Feelings
Title: 4/10/2010
Title: Attachments to Your Genuine Identity
Title: 10/24/2009
Title: Associations
Title: 10/25/2008
Title: The Science Session
Title: 7/26/2008
Title: Emotion: The Next Wave in Consciousness
Title: 4/5/2008
Title: Concern and Comfort
Title: 10/20/2007