Session 1551

Communication Issues


“Communication Issues”
“Political Focus and Over-Analyzation”
“Sexual Expression in the Soft Orientation”

Saturday, April 24, 2004 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Julie (Fontine)

(Elias’ arrival time is 17 seconds.)

ELIAS: Good morning!

JULIE: Good morning, Elias. How are you?

ELIAS: As always, and yourself?

JULIE: I’m all right. I think I’ll get started with something easy first. I’d like to ask Carol D.’s essence information, her name and family, etcetera.

ELIAS: Very well. Essence name, Polina, P-O-L-I-N-A (poh LEEN uh). And your impression?

JULIE: Her impression of her family is Sumari and the alignment is Vold or Tumold.

ELIAS: Vold.

JULIE: Vold for the alignment? Sumari/Vold?


JULIE: And common?


JULIE: Her impression for her essence name was Charlen.

ELIAS: This is a focus. In actuality, she incorporates several focuses with that particular name.

JULIE: Now for myself, I wanted to talk about communication issues. It seems like I’m often creating imagery around my throat, my teeth, my gums, my tongue, my voice, my jaw. I want to know if they are all related to the blue energy center and maybe blocking energy.


JULIE: And right now my voice is shaky and I’m feeling nervous! (Elias chuckles) Is there anything that you can tell me about the beliefs that are influencing these blocks and this energy center?

ELIAS: I may express to you that you incorporate one expressed belief that you do not adequately express yourself, and therefore, you view it to be easier to not be communicating than to be communicating inadequately.

JULIE: That’s true. I get really embarrassed when I feel like I’m communicating inadequately.

ELIAS: But let me express to you that although it may be one of your truths, it is not true and that you do incorporate the ability to be adequately expressing yourself if you allow yourself to genuinely listen to yourself, offer yourself permission to express yourself freely and not concern yourself with the perception of other individuals. You concern yourself with other individual’s perceptions of you, but how they perceive you shall be however you project yourself.

Therefore, if you want other individuals to perceive you in the manner which is more to your preference, it is important that you allow yourself to express your preference and to allow yourself to appreciate yourself, and thusly reflect that appreciation in other individuals.

There is also an element of fear that is at times quite strongly expressed, which is also associated with your own power, which you restrict and confine in your energy, for you incorporate a fear of your own abilities, allowing yourself to express them and allowing yourself to express your own power.

JULIE: I fear my abilities? Is that what you said?

ELIAS: In association with your own power, yes. Therefore, you do not allow yourself to express your own power.

JULIE: Can you give me an example of my power or what would be a powerful expression that I would be afraid of?

ELIAS: Yes, which is directly associated with the physical manifestations that you create in restricting yourself.

An example of your power would be the strength that you incorporate within yourself and the power of your own passion and convictions in association with your own philosophy so to speak, which also incorporates some identification with the concepts that we discuss and that are presented by myself. You incorporate a strength in your association with these concepts, but you also deny your own power in expressing them, for power in itself incorporates somewhat of a negative connotation in association with your beliefs, that it is too forceful or that it may be expressed in manners that you deem to be unacceptable.

In this, you restrict yourself, for you camouflage in expressing to yourself a justification for not expressing yourself and not expressing your strengths. That is camouflaged in your justification that it is not your place to be instructing other individuals, which is correct, but in the manner that you express it it is a camouflage. It is not your job, so to speak, to be instructing other individuals, but that is not the point. It is not a matter of instruction. It is a matter of allowance and sharing. But in association with how you express beliefs concerning power, you have convoluted that into a negative expression and one that should be controlled and contained and not expressed.

In actuality, in allowing yourself that freedom and to be expressing yourself and to be allowing your own strength in your acceptance and your appreciation of yourself, what you generate outwardly is an energy of confidence, and that confidence changes the perception and it changes the type of energy that you express outwardly to other individuals, which is recognized by other individuals and is appreciated in response. Other individuals do not receive energy in confidence and strength and powerfulness as threatening. They receive that as inspiring.

JULIE: I personally have felt threatened by people expressing confidence, but that must be my convoluted beliefs and camouflage, right? I was showing myself that I’m afraid of that kind of power.

ELIAS: Yes, for you do not allow that to be expressed within yourself. Therefore, you do incorporate a fear and a dislike of other individuals that do express that, to a point. Some individuals you do not incorporate that association with. Let me inquire of you in a physical example. Do you express a dislike and a fear of Michael?


ELIAS: Somewhat of a fear.

JULIE: Yes, I guess somewhat of a fear and sometimes I have disliked certain actions, but currently right now I’m not feeling that.

ELIAS: I am understanding, but this is an example of allowing yourself to examine what motivates that, for...

JULIE: So this fear of Michael, what motivates that? Is that the confidence, again, that I’m afraid of?

ELIAS: Yes, for that is an expression that emphasizes to you what you do not allow yourself.

JULIE: And I want to allow myself confidence.

ELIAS: Correct. You incorporate a desire to be allowing yourself, but you do not. In the presentment of another individual that does allow that, it emphasizes to you your disappointment within yourself of not allowing yourself.

JULIE: The camouflage of not wanting to instruct other people, if I have my attention on just sharing what I see and my own viewpoint with appreciation, then I don’t need to worry about how they are receiving it or even if they hear it.

ELIAS: Correct, but I may express to you, they shall hear it. They shall receive it. But it is not your concern, for you are not attempting to be altering another individual’s perception. You are merely allowing yourself your own freedom and appreciating your own expression, and in that appreciation, there is no expectation that you hold of the other individual. You are merely allowing yourself to be sharing.

Now; that sharing requires, in a manner of speaking, an element of exposure, and that also is an element or a factor that generates fear within you. But without the expression of exposure, you block your ability to receive.

Now; this is a significant point, for individuals, generally speaking — yourself, also — express a type of reverse perception of what they actually want. The automatic association concerning what you want in any expression is that you want certain responses from other individuals and you want to be expressing yourself to other individuals, therefore generating this association that you are giving or you are outputting. In actuality, what you genuinely want is to be receiving energy from other individuals in the allowance of your own openness and allowing yourself to express what you want.

Now; this may be somewhat confusing, for how that becomes convoluted is that the association with receiving is that you acquire some thing or some expression from the other individual, or that you want the other individual to be expressing in a certain manner. You want them to be doing certain actions, or you want them to be behaving in certain manners, or you want them to be offering to you certain expressions.

As a hypothetical example, you want another individual to give you affection or love or respect or attention. In actuality, what you genuinely want is to be expressing all of those actions yourself, not merely with yourself but you want to be expressing those expressions in relation to other individuals. You want to be sharing and receiving the energy that they shall reflect to you in validation that you are allowing yourself to be expressing that.

It is not, as an example, the expression of affection that you seek to acquire from another individual, that you wish them to give you. It is the expression of affection that YOU want to be expressing yourself outwardly, freely, in the manner that you prefer, and thusly receive the reflection of that as a validation to you — not that you shall acquire from other individuals, but that you shall allow your own freedom, not restrict yourself and allow yourself, regardless of any situation or any individual, to be expressing your appreciation and therefore receive your validation in their reflection. But in conjunction with expressed beliefs, that becomes convoluted and the association becomes automatic.

The familiar is to seek to acquire some expression from another individual. The expectation is that they should give it to you, rather than turning your attention to yourself and ALLOWING yourself to freely express in your appreciation, which is quite different and creates a quite different reality. But in this situation, you incorporate a fear of your ability to accomplish that, a fear of allowing yourself that freedom and that power of your own energy, and also a fear, which is quite understandable in association with expressed beliefs, of appearing to be arrogant and insensitive.

Expressing your own freedom and your own power and your own appreciation and your own allowance of yourself does not eliminate sensitivity and does not generate arrogance. Arrogance is a false expression of confidence, and a false expression and camouflage of acceptance and appreciation.

Genuine acceptance and appreciation is not expressed in arrogance. It is expressed in a confidence, and that does not negate caring or sensitivity. It does neutralize concern. It does genuinely minimize, if not at times almost eliminate, the expression of concerning yourself with other individual’s perceptions or their responses, which I am understanding in association with your beliefs is deemed to be bad, but that is being generated in association with not quite understanding that there is a difference between caring and concerning.

Not concerning yourself with the choices or the expressions or the perceptions of other individuals is recognizing genuinely that you do not create their reality. Caring is associated with your genuine responsibility and recognition of your responsibility to self. Therefore, you do not generate an energy that is intentionally hurtful to another individual, but you, in a manner of speaking, honor your own choices also. Are you understanding?


ELIAS: And in that, you may be generating and expressing genuine sensitivity in association with other individuals and your interactions with other individuals, but not incorporating personal responsibility for their reality.

Each of you creates your own reality. They intertwine with each other, for you draw yourselves to each other and you generate interactions, but those interactions are associated with sharing experiences. Regardless of what experiences you generate, even in interaction with another individual, each of you are creating your own reality and your own experiences.

JULIE: Thank you.

ELIAS: You are welcome. I am understanding that this is a difficult subject with yourself and quite a challenging direction also.

JULIE: It is quite challenging.

ELIAS: (Gently) Let me express to you, my friend, my encouragement to you. Allow yourself to receive my energy in supportiveness to you. Perhaps in allowing yourself to receive my energy in appreciation of you and in my acceptance of you, you may allow yourself to become familiar with that and perhaps allow yourself an openness to allow your own appreciation also.

JULIE: Elias, what is your appreciation of me?

ELIAS: Ah! My appreciation of you is the interconnectedness and the experiencing of your energy and of your potentials, of your genuine natural expression of energy in gentleness, of your genuine appreciation of the reality around you, but also recognizing that you deny yourself that passion of appreciation that you express outside of yourself to other manifestations. But I view the gloriousness of yourself and all of these natural qualities of energy that you express and all of the wondrous potentials that you incorporate, if you merely allow yourself to trust yourself.

JULIE: And in trusting myself, if I gently want to move into trusting myself, can I start with appreciation, expressing what I appreciate?

ELIAS: Yes! What do you appreciate?

JULIE: (Laughs) What do I appreciate? I appreciate beauty, and I appreciate wisdom, and I appreciate my understanding, when I do understand, and when I feel like I’m clearly viewing energy.

ELIAS: And you incorporate all of those expressions already. You may not necessarily acknowledge them, but you have quite efficiently created them. You do incorporate knowledge. You do incorporate understandings. You do incorporate recognitions of energy. And you do incorporate beauty, physically in manifestation and in energy expressions.

JULIE: And I appreciate intimacy, and I appreciate people who can express vulnerability. That’s a difficulty for me, being vulnerable.

ELIAS: For the automatic association is that if you express a vulnerability, you shall be open to creating hurtfulness. But the key in that is to recognize genuinely that no other individual may be hurtful to you. YOU are the individual that generates the hurtfulness, even if the other individual is intending to be hurtful. It may not be accomplished unless you create that. Therefore, the key element in that is to be trusting yourself and trusting you with you, trusting that if you are expressing a vulnerability, you allow yourself an exposure and that allows you to receive. In that, if you are trusting that you will not be hurtful to you, you shall not generate that.

JULIE: I’d like to talk just a little about judgment, because I judge myself sometimes. I judge others; I judge myself. What is the most efficient way to deal with that when I find myself doing it?

ELIAS: First of all, to recognize what is motivating that. Generally speaking, in moments in which you are judging other individuals, that is motivated in association with differences. That is an automatic expression in relation to differences. Once you recognize that there is difference being expressed, you may move your attention to yourself and recognize that there is no necessity for defensiveness, there is no necessity for comparison, and there is no necessity for change or convincing of either yourself or the other individual to be expressing the same — and it is not necessary to agree.

Once you genuinely recognize that it is not necessary to agree and that there is being expressed difference, and that your difference is acceptable and is associated with your own preferences and that the other individual’s difference is acceptable and associated with their preferences and your preferences may be different, once you recognize that your preferences, your expressions, your differences are not absolute and do not necessarily apply to other individuals and that it is not necessary for you to like the other individual’s differences, it is not necessary for you to be in agreement with the other individual’s preferences. As you recognize that neither of them are absolute, neither yours nor theirs, you allow yourself to relax and there is no longer an expression of competition, for it is unnecessary to be convincing yourself or the other individual that either one of you is right or wrong.

Your opinions are associated with your preferences. Those are your truths, and they are your guidelines in how you behave and what is valuable to you. But that is not necessarily applicable to another individual. What they value may be different, and how they behave may be different.

Now; once recognizing the differences, once evaluating what may have motivated an initial judgment, and once moving into an expression of acceptance, you also may be listening to your own preferences and allowing yourself to move in conjunction with your preferences, which may involve not participating in certain interactions with another individual — not generating a judgment of their choices, but recognizing that their choices or their behavior is in opposition to your preference and therefore choosing not to be participating.

JULIE: And if I’m completely accepting, then I just won’t feel a twinge about that? It will just feel natural and normal that I don’t participate?

ELIAS: Correct. But this is not to say that you shall change your preferences or that you shall not be recognizing your likes and dislikes. Acceptance of another individual or acceptance of difference is not necessarily incorporating changing your likes and dislikes. It merely removes the element of judgment and allows you to recognize more clearly your preferences.

Now; in association with judgment of self, that at times may or may not be associated with differences. It may at times be associated with a recognition of an expression that you are generating or a direction that you are generating that you want to be different or that you wish to be different.

Now; this is somewhat of a different type of direction than would be expressed in association with another individual. For generally speaking, if you are generating a direction or an expression or a behavior that you are judging and that you wish to be expressing differently, what you are doing is discounting yourself. You are moving into that automatic association that you should be expressing better, and this is directly associated with expectations.

JULIE: What’s the most efficient way to move through that or to allow acceptance?

ELIAS: To generate not an analyzation but to allow yourself to notice, first of all, what the judgment is. Once noticing what the judgment is, allow yourself to evaluate what motivated that, what belief are you expressing that is influencing you in the moment, or what are you doing.

If you do not incorporate a clear recognition of what belief is being expressed and influencing, pay attention to what you are doing and assess what the motivation is in what you are doing and what you are assessing should be better. What do you express in an expectation of yourself that you have fallen short of, so to speak, that you have not satisfied yourself in the accomplishment of? The identification of the expectations that you place upon yourself is significant, for generally speaking that is what the motivation is for the judgment.

Once you have identified those elements of yourself, interrupt your familiar pattern. Allow yourself to generate a game and interrupt your pattern. Rather than perpetuating the forcing of energy in association with judgments, incorporate an actual action which is different, and therefore interrupt the pattern. You may incorporate any action that would not normally, in your terms, be incorporated. Allow yourself to experiment for a time framework.

Now; in this, let me inquire of you. What within your physical reality, as an expression or as a manifestation, do you genuinely like? What do you like to do?

JULIE: I like to go hiking in the mountains.

ELIAS: What do you like to consume?

JULIE: Coffee.

ELIAS: What is your favorite consumption?

JULIE: Well, I like alcohol, I like fruit, watermelon, peaches...

ELIAS: (Chuckles) What is your favorite expression of creativity?

JULIE: I like to write. I like to sit and kind of meditate and explore energy, and receive insight about energy and then write about it, I guess. I’m having trouble explaining it or identifying it, even!

ELIAS: Very well! My suggestion to you is each time you notice and identify that you are expressing a judgment and you allow yourself to recognize what the expectation is concerning that judgment, I shall suggest an exercise that you incorporate. Allow yourself to write the expectation, and once you have written the expectation, incorporate putting that written expectation to a spontaneous melody. (Julie laughs) Therefore, each written expectation shall become its own little song, and physically incorporate singing each of your little songs.

JULIE: So, for my expectations, I write a song about them? Or I make up a song?

ELIAS: Merely incorporate the physical writing of the expectation, and in that moment allow yourself to spontaneously incorporate a tune and sing the expectation.

JULIE: Okay, so just once! (Laughing) I don’t need to keep it up after that.

ELIAS: I shall suggest that you incorporate that action for a time framework of three days. In that action, you may surprise yourself at what information you offer to yourself and how you reinforce your allowance and your own freedom, and perhaps open that door to your own expressions.

JULIE: Thank you!

ELIAS: You are quite welcome.

JULIE: I like that little game! (Both laugh)

In the last remaining minutes, I was wondering if you could talk a little more about the political focus. You’ve mentioned in the past that there is more information. Would you mind giving some?

ELIAS: I have been incorporating a significant expression of explanations of the political focus recently. This has been inquired of somewhat frequently recently. I may express to you, as I have with other individuals previously, political-focused individuals are more closely associated with thought-focused individuals but the difference is that political-focused individuals naturally incorporate an automatic interpretation or processing of information intuitively in addition to thought.

Now; what may be somewhat confusing and at times conflicting with political-focused individuals is that they do incorporate a tendency, so to speak, to be generating an excessiveness in analyzation, which is influenced by the thought-focused element or the similarity to the thought-focused individuals, although thought-focused individuals generally do not incorporate the intensity of analyzation that political-focused individuals do.

JULIE: Really? Why would political analyze more?

ELIAS: For the factor that political-focused individuals naturally incorporate, the intuitional processing of information, in a manner of speaking somewhat suggests to them that they should be analyzing the information that they are offering to themselves in other manners, that they should be translating that intuitional information into thought processes, therefore generating that analyzation, creating a language for the intuition.

Thought is perceived as a language. Intuition is not necessarily as clearly defined as a language; therefore, there is an automatic association to be generating it into a language, and to accomplish that, it is perceived that it must be analyzed and therefore generated into a language.

JULIE: But it needn’t be?

ELIAS: No, it is not necessary. You are offering yourself no less information, regardless of whether you translate it into language. You are assimilating. In relaxing and trusting yourself to merely be receiving the intuitional processing of information and not necessarily generating that into a language, eventually you shall naturally incorporate it into what you familiarly express in language or in the language of thought.

But this drive, so to speak, to immediately translate intuitional information into a language is what influences political-focused individuals to be generating this extreme in analyzation. There is a difference between evaluating and analyzing.

JULIE: Evaluating has more to do with understanding?


JULIE: There’s one other subject I’d like to touch on.

ELIAS: Very well.

JULIE: It has to do with my sexual energy and sexual expression. It’s been inhibited... Well, I’ve inhibited it, I guess, for a long time. It comes out more sometimes, occasionally, but can you give me some insight into why I’m choosing that?

ELIAS: I shall express two identifications to you. One is general and one is more specific to you individually, but together there is an interplay that is influencing of what you individually create.

First of all, the general identification involves orientation. I may express to you that many, many, many individuals incorporating this orientation (of soft) generate somewhat less of an interest or a drive, so to speak, in association with sexual interaction with other individuals, which may be confusing at times. For in association with this orientation — generally speaking once again, although it is not a rule — for the most part, these individuals move in more of extreme expressions. In some time frameworks, they are intensely active and expressive in sexual interactions, and in other time frameworks, they may be not expressive at all or very little.

Now; that is associated with the (soft) orientation in relation to the intimacy with self, the objective and the subjective continuous interaction and the continuous awareness of both, and the tremendous interaction that the individuals incorporate with themselves. At times, they may generate an intensity in interest in expressing themselves outwardly in a sexual manner to release energy that they are generating in association with their continuous interaction with themselves, generating a type of distraction and allowing themselves to be projecting their attention outwardly temporarily as an expression of the intensity of their energy, the intensity of their passion.

But let me express to you an identification. Individuals incorporating the soft orientation express in association with sexual interactions somewhat differently than those of the intermediate orientation. I have expressed previously that individuals that incorporate the intermediate orientation incorporate a tremendous passion, but they are quite protective of their energy. They may incorporate challenges and at times difficulty in allowing that exposure of themselves and sharing that exposure of themselves with other individuals.

Now; conversely, soft individuals with themselves, for the most part, are continuously generating an exposure to themselves, with themselves — not necessarily with other individuals, which you are aware of in your creations. But in creating this continuous interaction with themselves and generating this intensity of intimacy with themselves, the interaction in association with sexual experiences is at times tedious, at times uninteresting. At times, it may be a distraction to allow a release of energy that they express in association with the passion that they incorporate with themselves and allowing themselves to express that outwardly with another individually.

Now; more specifically in association with you, which intensifies what you naturally express in association with your orientation, is your fear of outward exposure, which we have been discussing in this conversation: your fear of allowing yourself to express yourself freely, your fear of exposing yourself and generating that vulnerability, and your fear of creating that in association with other individuals — the desire to be expressing that intimacy but the fear of allowing that exposure.

Now; returning to the element concerning the (soft) orientation, that also is associated, generally speaking, with what individuals incorporating that orientation generally express in their expressed beliefs and their expectations, once again that you SHOULD BE experiencing and expressing in similar manner to other individuals. Therefore, there is an automatic expression of comparison, which automatically discounts yourself. You automatically generate this expression that you are incorporating some wrong element of yourself, which perpetuates the expectations, and the more that you express the expectations, the more you generate the judgments, and the more you generate the judgments, the more you perpetuate the energy of restricting yourself. Therefore, you generate this circle.

There is no wrong expression in recognizing that your natural movement and your natural expression of energy does not always incorporate an interest in expressing yourself in a sexual interaction with another individual. That is not wrong. It is natural. It is an element associated with your orientation and that is quite natural to you.

JULIE: Thank you so much!

ELIAS: You are quite welcome. Do not discount yourself, my friend. You are incorporating no wrong action. You are merely expressing your energy in its natural flow.

JULIE: Thank you. I have to go. I have to get off the phone for Mary. I just want to ask, is my friend Sheryl soft, because she has similar things...


JULIE: Okay, I just want to tell her that. Thank you so much Elias!

ELIAS: You are very welcome, my dear friend. I anticipate our next meeting, and remember your game. I shall be offering my energy to you also.

JULIE: Thank you, and I will do my best to be open to that. I want to.

ELIAS: Very well. In tremendous affection to you, my friend, au revoir.

JULIE: Okay, I love you! Bye.

Elias departs after 1 hour, 11 minutes.

©2007 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved

Copyright 2004 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.