distracting yourself in the investigations of other focuses
offering yourself more information concerning other focuses
chapter of the religious book: Roman Civil Wars
discovering a focus of the same essence
two focuses within one time framework of the same essence
famous focuses
identification of your focuses within this time framework
bleed-throughs of other focuses
generating a genuine appreciation of self as final focus
Elizabeth I
this travel is to be recognizing associations with other focuses
one of the future focuses of Elias that are fragmenting later
changing the number of focuses
a kind of flowing-lake being
numbering of focuses
observing essences - is this easier to connect with
final focus: altering the designation of a particular focus of attenti
observing essence of Beethoven
this focus
focuses easily accessed in tone
a strong preference of this name in focuses
core beliefs I take through all the focuses
observing essence is no less than the action of a directing essence
what happens if two focuses of the same essence meet?
not incorporating a strong curiosity in other focuses
many avenues to offer yourself information about other aspects of your
not other focuses of your essence, but a similarity of energy expressi
making a difference between famous or not famous
I developed a fascination with elf people
my daughter had a previous lifetime as a friend of mine
I did not want to confuse him or to interfere
I now study my famous focus, Sissi
another focus of the same essence of Oliver
differences in your individual curiosities
one focus in which you participate together
a meeting with one of my other-dimensional focuses
seeking the viewing of a focus that shall be disturbing to you
the one that we haven't identified
there is no blueprint for the expressions or exhibitions of a final focus
a designated beginning focus
Franz Schubert
decisions about final focus
interaction in some form in relation to chapter focuses
I wish to be exploring another focus in this physical dimension
dimension of fantasy
many essences have chosen final focuses within this time framework
definition of observing essence throughout the entirety of the focus
an example to other individuals, that are a designated final focus
413 focuses together
non-physical vs. physical
Dreamteam focuses
pooling your energy together to connect with other focuses
the dimension that has the belief with the number 11
my attention started going to serial killers
quite similar bleed-through being observing or directing essence
shift book: one was in Scotland and one was in the British Isles
recognition of or the experience of other dimensional focuses
more fuckuses
Book of Adventures
getting information from my other focuses is simply to ask them
King Arthur/Camelot saga
science is a theme within your focuses
was I just having fun with that or was that really happening?
viewing other focuses as a distraction
It was almost like coming home in that area
is a final focus in all physical dimensions?
identification of being observing essence
a focus two million years ago and one in the 27th century
Adventurers book
similiarities of different focuses
essences choose to be observing essences for it is efficient
I really don’t have an interest in exploring other focuses
Can we unmanifest focuses?
politically focused - viewing another individual’s experience of a concept
a future focus with a very refined aesthetic sense of emotion
no focus has any more or less influence in association with essence
Caesar Augustus
almost every one of my dreams is not on this planet
understanding of that vastness of themselves as essence
politically focused: incorporates an ease in mingling
you were a sorcerer in that chapter too?
the experience of being an initiating focus
you offer yourself information by tapping into experiences of other focuses
you also participate in the other chapters of the book of the shift
you generate an association of somberness
how do focuses locate themselves in space and time?
the qualities of the political personality type
draws are suggestive of your preferences as essence
guidance from other focuses
I looked in the mirror and it wasn’t me looking back at me
it is the manner in which you might view them
exploring a future focus
observing different focuses that experience quite differently from yourself
a communication from one focus to another
focuses in Troy about the time of the Homeric battles
so many in the forum have so-called famous personalities
11th century chapter focus of sorcerers in Scotland
a connection not necessarily to that one particular focus but to the essence
Influences of initiating and final focus
why I came up with these names?
did I have the experience of being a Candace?
exploring other focuses whether they incorporate that similarity or not
connecting with other dimensions is exhibited in artwork
can observing essence actions be generated by a focus?
the same individual expressing two identities
So I was a werewolf in another dimension?
I was wondering, am I Robin Hood?
generating somewhat of an alien feeling within this particular focus
interaction with another focus within another dimension
focuses of the same essence within the same time framework
the numbering of focuses is not an absolute and may change
Lancelot is an other-dimensional focus
I do my female energy primarily by observing
allow yourself to relax your energy in association with any particular visual
Bermuda Triangle
you are not incorporating an improbable account of famous focuses
final focus bears no responsibility to the choices of any other focus
many future focuses are able to contact other focuses
political focus - I tend to like to have the big picture
Arjun, who is written about in the Mahabharata
you do manifest in groups
you do both incorporate many other focuses in other physical dimensions
energy translated in the nonphysical expression of that individual
political focus: feeling is almost a type of sensing
differentiating between observed essences and directed focuses
a religiously focused individual incorporates more symbolization
I’m surprised how intertwined all these focuses are
a tremendous interest is an indication that your focus is not that individual
differences between probable self, other focus, otherdimensional focus
Shift book
they incorporate much more elongated bodies
parallel focuses
remembering other focuses
you are not limited to your own focuses in tapping into different information
number of focuses in different blinks of this dimension
observing the entire focus / directing essence: the experience is the same
Donner Party
contacting a contemporean focus
visited by my fluid focus
motivations to investigate famous focuses
difference between an overlapping and a concurrent focus
Mr. Ed is your imagery of a translation of your focus
political focus
viewing in a similar manner to the other dimensional focuses
some events may be attributed to different books
famous focuses
misconceptions associated with number of focuses
I felt that if I knew more I would feel better about it
advice from a future focus
space-time rocks
focuses of chapters in the shift book
it was like moving color and it seemed I was looking through a prism
the numbering fluctuates
Zulu Wars
The Lord of the Rings and Dune
moving into a position of observing essence
what does it mean to be a focus of essence
future focuses are aware that you express desires to be expanding
other-dimensional friends
that focus is influencing of your assessment now
a brief meeting between yourself and another focus of you
translatable similarities to a focus within another dimension
they appear to be in sequence
1,634 light-years beyond the Pleiades
political focus
political: generating that analyzation, creating a language for the intuition
a concurrent focus in physical proximity
future focus: interest in connecting with a focus within this time framework
parallel focus
merging with another focus
allow yourself not to dismiss any of your impressions
attempting to meet another contemporary focus
the future focus seems to be a male but sometimes a female
are there any specific ways that I can enhance the level of communication?
at this moment you incorporate 12 whale focuses
observing essence: partial vs. lifetime
it is not that another focus causes experiences in this focus
we have actually created, I guess, additional focuses
directing or observing essences is the choice of the focus
alteration of number of focuses
you are another focus of the essence Mikah
the werewolf and the vampire
it is an unfamiliar action to be exploring future focuses
investigating a contemporary focus of one's essence
how to access more information
interesting to see how easy that kind of information can be obtained
any physical numbering of focuses is continuously fluctuating
other focuses do not influence you to create anything
different expressions that incorporate connections of other individuals
you can pick out anybody from any kind of story and identify with them
I keep picking up on an adversarial focus
do I connect with just one probable self of that focus?
a device from my future focus
you may not be participating in ALL the chapters
Why do I get so irritated with my other focuses?
lending energy by expressing a gentleness in energy
influences of other focuses
creating similarities within your own focus
Jim (Bevan) exploring his focuses
it is not a matter of incorporating experiences from merely one focus
you, as this focus, are drawing that energy to you
an exercise of genuine acceptance of experiences
We’re two rocks that get along well.
born February 9, 2048
you draw to you other focuses that share similarities
political-focused: processing of information in conjunction with intuition
focuses within the same time framework do not generally meet each other
bleed-throughs and focuses
exchanging space arrangement
Essences can and frequently do create additional focuses
other-dimensional force or focus of mine coming to meet me
experiencing a bleed-through of an other-dimensional focus
final focus: How does that reflect in what I do?
politically focused includes 3 elements: thought, intuition and environment
connecting with different dimensions
exploring focuses
Margot was Fatima, daughter of Mohammed
a situation of altering focuses
simultaneous time and disengagement of focuses
a future focus
future focuses assisting
I’m connecting with her to strengthen my own power and passion
the reason that it is being translated as evil is that it is a strong energy
different from probable selves
contemporary Bevan focuses
Therefore, in one manner of speaking, every focus is a final focus.
discovering the Thatans, an avian species living in a cavern carved in rock
a curiosity as to the mechanics of shifting
The Repro Man
experiencing all aspects
enemies within another focus
responding to music in an appreciation of the individuals connected with it
drawing information in what speaks to you
All of your focuses are all affecting of each other simultaneously
one action that could potentially be intrusive
Session 277: The Investigation Continues
name of final focus same as essence name
final focus
beginning and final focus
shared focuses with Elias
Alexander the Great
mantra as focal point
discontent with physical dimension
is there another situation where we’ve all been together?
final focus dealing with tightly held issues
focuses in a dimension which is very adept at energy manipulation
same time and location
particular personality in different focuses
reconstructing the energy bleeding through
mirror game
beginning focus
continued interaction with a specific other focus
attempting to gain attention
final focus
connecting using empathic sense
Judea focus
internal perceptions
new soul
multiple focuses within same time framework
and aspects
dreams of other cultures
Who am I?
numbers of focuses
accessing information
magnating to particular focus
focus of attention in more than one area
Easter egg hunt
North Africa
final focus and other focusses
viewing as another individual
experiencing fatigue as final focus
accessing focuses of similar and slightly different tone
physical proximity
acting and singing
future focus
with Olivia and Elias in France
final focus - changing probabilities
creating choices for me?
different ways of accessing information of other focuses
Jasper, future focus
reconfiguring energy
viewing another individual much more clearly
dream interaction
forgetting information
chapter focus
otherdimensional focuses
most influencing focus
famous focuses
greek scholar
insuring identity of each focus
You are identifying!
offering yourself many different messages
dreaming of another focus
chapter focuses
lack of separation
teacher in Greece
not connecting with other focuses but identificating in energy
chapter focuses
game of invisible friends
final focus
disengagement in conjunction with final focus
Viviens connections
connecting with repulsive focus
you are essence
trigger of memory
relationship with other focuses
connection with focuses at the same time
mergence with another focus
future Paul
influences of focuses
reconfiguring energy
dreams of focuses
Beliefs: Reincarnation / Karma
chapter focuses: French Revolution / shift
interacting with fear focuses
ongoing intent
connecting with world-views vs. focuses
Elias as sorcerer
future focuses
chapter focuses
final focus
interaction of children
influences of other focuses
focus is all of essence
bleed through
future focus - Jasper
the entering focus is influencing of the physical naming
essences sharing focuses
chapter focuses
final focus and shift
entering focus
Elias and Ben
expressing latent abilities
impact of focuses
this word “life” I will use in a different context than you are used to
John the Baptist/Jeanne dArc
focuses of Vivian
viewing other focuses, merging and intrusiveness
your responibility
beginning focus
bleed-throughs of experiences
two focuses of the same essence in proximity
familiarize yourself with yourself
emotionally/thought/politically/religiously focused
similiarity / influence
disinterest in other focuses
future focus
exploring future focuses
all are occuring now
other-dimensional focus
photos and more
accessing information
final focus
meeting own focus in China
shared focuses
investigating other focuses
nonphysical focus affecting physical
chapter focuses
viewing other folks focuses
as one movement of essence
analogy of physical body
seven figures all dressed in different costumes, and they all had my f
other-dimensional: iridescent
defining intrusiveness
the shift book / world views
political, thought
final/signaling focus
why access other focuses?
non physical focus is within you
focuses of Ulra
similar experiences
opportunity to address to duplicity
special affinity
Sweala and Grelko part 3
shared/participating focuses
shared/participating focuses
Oscar Wilde
intersection of an other-dimensional focus and this focus
no interest in other focuses
focus of attention
other focuses of other individuals
large watery creature
Mont Saint Michel
Rodney - Nicky
Mohican - French Indian war
observing essences
Napoleonic aera
Oscar Wilde
overlapping focuses
Mikey/future focus
WWII / Scotland
a piece of a puzzle
Egypt - WWII
overlapping books and source events
final focus definition
other dimensions
is a lifetime
overlapping focuses
a reminder in paying attention to yourself
new soul / final focus
view the theme of your essence
Toulouse Lautrec
French Revolution: Michael
Shynla: Red Cloud
themes and preferences of essence
designation of position: beginning, continuing, final
George and Axel
number of focuses of Michael
Thomas Lowell - Patel
emotional/religious - thought/political
chapters of the religious book
famous focuses and the translation of impressions
Ben and Mike
final focus
thought focus and communications of emotion
Im only aware of this focus
most focuses are common and emotionally focused
affecting others
Nureyev, ...
observing essence - a very common action
focus position: beginning, continuing, final
recognizing your energy in focuses
blinking into another attention within another dimensional focus
these focuses do not incorporate oxygen
different kinds
participating in observance throughout the ENTIRETY of the focus
exploring connections
exploring the theme of different types of prisons
Native American, currently alive
thought focus
fragmenting focus is not necessarily the beginning focus
we viewed Michael briefly
you provide yourself with complements of YOUR attention
Elias had a focus there with the name Brian
mergence of essences to create a focus
connecting with 'bad' focuses
how much do major things affect the other focuses we have?
preferences of tones
present focus
an action that is occurring within another physical dimension
exploration of focuses
chapters of the shift book
religious book
Margot, our Egyptian queen
connecting with the flow of somebody else
some focuses may be closely associated with other focuses
an essence may be choosing to incorporate more focuses
exploring some other probable realities
Myranda 1
there can be more than one focus in a chapter
a friend of Osama bin Laden
final focus is not associated with linear time framework
questions relating to relationships
future focus in a spaceship
Alexander / Egyptian chapter of the shift book
final focus is not affecting of other attentions in other dimensions
reptile person
example: focuses as parts of physical body
Inner Earth
interaction with future focuses
manifestations move in and out of that physical dimension
chapter books
fireman disengaged in WTC
observing focus: why am I observing?
questions for some of my friends
twins more than once in our focuses
third observing essence in the focus of Bosie
essence name, Myranda
attempting to translate information concerning this other-dimensional
you are offering yourselves the experience in that focus
creating new focuses of essence
Myranda continued
imagery of your curiosity in relation to other-dimensional focuses
awareness to another focus within another physical dimension
a dreadfully awful focus
connecting with bin Laden
theme: recognizing your own energy expression
concurrent focuses
types of familiarity of other individuals
George Sand
The total numbering within simultaneous time does not cease to change.
an emotional focus may generate much attention to thought
they are interacting with another focus of themselves