Session 1862
Translations: ES

Supportiveness to an Estranged Son


“Supportiveness to an Estranged Son”
“Creating Outside of the Blueprint”

Sunday, October 23, 2005 (Private)

Participants: Mary (Michael), Bonnie (Lyla) and Wynn (Zai)

(Elias’ arrival time is 17 seconds.)

ELIAS: Good morning!

BOTH: Good morning, Elias.

ELIAS: Welcome.

BONNIE: Thank you. It’s great to see you in person.

ELIAS: And what shall we discuss?

BONNIE: We have a list of questions. I’d like to start out with my intent. Last time we met with you, you helped me identify my intent as the exploration of gender in interrelations both between individuals and society. I asked you about the power structure, and you said that was involved. Then, I cut you off. When I got the transcript, I found out you were in mid-sentence. (Elias chuckles) I’m very interested in what else you would have to tell me about that.

ELIAS: And what have you discovered in this interim time framework?

BONNIE: I have retired from the business world, and that’s quite a shift. That’s quite a change in examining what I think of as the role of the female in the power structure. I stepped outside of the power structure, and now I seem to be exploring it in other aspects of life.

ELIAS: And what is your assessment and what information have you offered to yourself?

BONNIE: Well, I think there’s more. I think there’s more ahead of me, and I’m in a searching mode. Can you steer me in any direction?

ELIAS: Searching of what?

BONNIE: Of other aspects of this to explore.

ELIAS: But you shall naturally do that.

BONNIE: I don’t need to explore it?

ELIAS: You shall naturally explore, for this is your direction. What is significant is that you are paying attention to what you are presenting to yourself and how you interact with it and what type of energy you are interacting with and how you manipulate your energy to interplay with that. Your exploration shall naturally progress, for this is your value fulfillment. It is not a quest; it is being.

BONNIE: Thank you.

ELIAS: You are welcome.

BONNIE: In one of our sessions with you, I talked about our oldest son. His name is Brian Shane. My question is did he and I consciously and deliberately select a different probability for our relationship with him in the last week or two?

ELIAS: In what capacity?

BONNIE: We had disconnected. You suggested to us that we might do that, and we had disconnected. His exploration involved use of us that we didn’t agree with, and we had completely disconnected. We were talking between ourselves that there should be a way of selecting a probability, however slight, one in a million, that even with him being so different that we could still have a friendly family relationship with him. We were talking about that, agreed we both wanted that, and then he telephoned us. So, the question arises, did we do that?


BONNIE: How did we do that?

ELIAS: Projections of energy. You are continuously projecting energy. In projecting energy, it matters not whether you are verbally communicating with another individual, and it matters not whether the individual is within physical proximity of you. Your energy is received, regardless. Once received, the other individual configures that energy in their own manner, but dependent upon the type of energy that they are receiving, that can prompt the other individual to generate actions and to create in the manner of the energy that you have projected.

This, in actuality, occurs continuously with all of you. You merely do not notice, or you generate your own assessment that you are creating all of these different actions or responses from your own prompting, which at times can be somewhat confusing, for you may find yourself generating an action that you do not quite understand why you engaged a certain action.

Many times, different actions that you incorporate are influenced by other individuals’ energies. At times, it may be from individuals that you do not objectively know. You are continuously interplaying and exchanging energy with each other. This is the reason that I expressed the importance and significance of each individual’s energy in our discussion yesterday, for individuals do not realize how affecting their energy is. Occasionally, you offer yourself a specific example, such as this, in which you objectively see the response of your energy projection. Energy is very powerful, and it moves freely. It does not require any effort/action to project it. You automatically are projecting constantly.

Therefore, if you are generating energy with an intention, that is all that is required. It shall move to its target and thusly prompt the other individual in a particular manner. The other individual shall think that the idea to act is entirely their own, just as do you in any choice that you incorporate. You are creating all of your reality, but you are interacting with other energies also, and they are all rippling. Therefore, you draw energies to you that fit into your design within your focus, but you are interacting with other individual’s energies continuously, even within your sleep state.

You may be exchanging energies with other individuals, dependent upon how you are directing your sleep state, and you may be inserting other individual’s dream imagery into your dream imagery and mixing them together. But you are not objectively aware of that, for you are not interacting in waking state with another individual and discussing and inquiring of their dreams continuously. Therefore, objectively you are not aware that you may be inserting your imagery into another individual’s dream or that you may be pulling imagery from another individual into your dream.

You are continuously interacting with other energies. But it is a validating experience to be projecting energy with an intention and to objectively receive the response, which reinforces you in recognizing that energy is quite real, you do actually manipulate it, and you do actually accomplish. It is a matter of paying attention to you. When you are paying attention to you, you can quite intentionally create what you want in the manner that you want it.

BONNIE: So was that actually Brian’s energy, or was it an energy projection of him that we were interacting with when we went down to the zoo?

ELIAS: His energy.

BONNIE: He was there? I’m so happy. Do you have any advice for us on how to maintain a relationship with him when he lives so differently? My instinct, all the Borledim comes out and I want to fill his fridge. I know you’re going to tell me to back off, I assume.

ELIAS: (Laughs) It is not a matter of caring-for but caring.

BONNIE: Just love him?

ELIAS: And accept.

BONNIE: Accept how he is creating his life.

ELIAS: (Firmly but gently) It is not your responsibility. His choices are his own. His direction is his own. It is not your responsibility to be caring for or fixing. It IS your responsibility to be paying attention to you and to be aware of yourself and of your energy. You are responsible for you but not for another individual, regardless of the role.

In this, genuinely expressing appreciation is enough. Allowing yourself to accept and not attempt to change but recognizing that every individual generates their own choices. It is not that you do not care, but it is not your responsibility to care for.

BONNIE: Thank you.

ELIAS: You are welcome.

BONNIE: Wynn and I had dinner before the group session, dinner on Friday night. Can you tell me how many dead guys were with us at the dinner?

ELIAS: (Chuckles) Several.

BONNIE: They were there; I thought they were there. Were you there?


BONNIE: I thought you were there. (Elias laughs) So, can you help me identify some of them? The one I see as John? (Pause)

ELIAS: This is your interpretation. In actuality, that would be an energy of Otha.

BONNIE: Otha — is that one of the energy essences that helps you?


BONNIE: And the one who told me his name was Swami?


BONNIE: Who is that?

ELIAS: That is an essence that is no longer physically focused but has been, in like manner to myself, and has shared many focuses with you and also participates in other realities with other focuses of you.

BONNIE: Did he come to help me learn how to heal?

ELIAS: That is a potential, if you are so choosing.

BONNIE: Herbert, another dead guy?

ELIAS: Similar to the previous essence. You share many focuses with this essence also.

BONNIE: Including paternal grandfather?


BONNIE: Now, why would he appear? I suppose I made him appear.

ELIAS: You are drawing these energies to yourself as a supportiveness and in curiosity. Your energy expresses a curiosity of generating an awareness of essences that are not physically manifest, and you are, in that curiosity, exploring how to manipulate energy to be interactive and experimenting with your own ability to tap into those energies and access them and incorporate them in your own exploration in a supportive manner.

BONNIE: That’s so cool. (Elias chuckles) And my father, where is my father? Is it real when I make contact with my father?

ELIAS: “Where” is a moot question, for it is not a “where.” (Laughs) But yes, you can trust your experiences, and you can trust that as you project energy, it is received.

BONNIE: So, when I see my father’s face in front of me or when I smell his particular brand of soap, that’s real?


BONNIE: And he’s aware of it?


BONNIE: Wow. How can I further develop this ability?

ELIAS: By merely continuing to express an openness. The more open you are, the more you allow. The more you allow, the more you draw to you, and that offers you more opportunity to be interactive.

BONNIE: When I hear them, usually the best place, if it’s not in yoga or meditation, is when Wynn and I are having a dinner. I can hear them comment on what Wynn’s discussing. Is there a reason for that? Is that some way I protect myself?

ELIAS: It is not a matter of protecting. It is a matter of generating an openness, and this is your exploration of what you shall incorporate with this ability. There are many possibilities.

BONNIE: That’s very exciting. I’m glad to hear that. Wynn has some questions.

WYNN: Just as a follow on to the last one, is there a greater openness then when Bonnie and I are discussing something together than when she’s considering the same thing by herself? Is there something different with the collective between the two of us?

ELIAS: Yes, for when you engage another individual and you are directing yourselves similarly in a commonality, you join your energies together, which creates a strength. You can accomplish easier and more powerfully if you are generating energy together, which matters not if you are aware that you are pooling your energies together. The mere interaction creates that. Pooling your energies generates a tremendous strength.

I have offered previously exercises to other individuals to be generating an ease in projecting. Individuals that incorporate curiosity to be projecting, if they are involving themselves with a group of individuals — a small group of individuals — that pools the energy together, and it generates more of an ease for each individual to accomplish the projection, or if individuals are exploring other focuses, as an example, and are experiencing some difficulty in accessing other focuses, if they come together in a small group and focus in one common direction, as an example, one focus that they all participate in together. The direction is the commonality. Therefore, once beginning a visualization, in that pooling of energy they all shall begin to incorporate visualizations of that same focus, different elements of it, different experiences of it. Once they disengage the visualization and share with each other what their individual visualizations were, they each begin to notice that elements in all of the visualizations are all in each of their visualizations. It allows them to accomplish more easily.

Therefore, when you are participating with each other and generating an openness with each other, and pooling energy with each other, it allows you to generate more clarity in your own openness in your reception of other energies.

WYNN: Following from your introduction from yesterday, I have a question that relates to how the individual creates within the collective and the blueprint that’s being used as a guide for the collective. In seeking more freedom of expression, an individual wants to manifest something that’s not in line with the blueprint and not in line with the collective. It appears to me to be a challenge for an individual to overcome both of these, that is, pulling in different directions. Could you please talk about this a bit?

ELIAS: Offer an example for clarity.

WYNN: Take gravity, as an example. There’s a blueprint law of physics. That would be an example. How can the individual make an object or oneself defy the laws of gravity, for instance?

ELIAS: Very well. This would be quite similar to what I expressed in our discussion yesterday in association with the question of can an individual create a reality in which the recent mass events did not occur and also there be a reality for many, many, many other individuals — masses of individuals — that the mass events did occur. It is difficult, but it is doable.

You can actually create contrary to the mass belief and experience. To accomplish that, it is a matter of selective choices, it is a matter of perception, and it is a matter of genuinely paying attention to you and not allowing for distraction of the mass.

If you are not concerning yourself with the mass or the collective — you are always interactive with it, but you can override expressions and directions associated with the collective in intensely paying attention to you and directing your energy quite specifically and offering yourself information in selective manners, such as in association with gravity — offering yourself information that moves in association with the lack of gravity rather than inputting information with yourself concerning gravity, rather than incorporating many books or lectures upon physics, to be inputting information to yourself that is supportive of weightlessness.

It is similar to creating the reality that certain mass events are not occurring or that a war is not occurring, which there are actually individuals that have temporarily accomplished that in recent time framework, in which they have successfully altered their perception to the point that within their reality they are entirely unaware of a war occurring.

WYNN: But the war still is occurring.

ELIAS: In your reality, not in some individual’s realities.

There is no one official reality. It is a matter of where you focus your attention and how you manipulate your perception. Every reality is real, and although a war may be occurring in most of the realities of most of the individuals within your planet, there are individuals in which in their reality it is not occurring at all.

WYNN: As far back as a child, this line of questioning that I went into has intrigued me. I think my question here is why is that so? Why have I focused on that question, the gravity issue, the idea of the individual and working within and outside of the collective and the blueprint?

ELIAS: For it is a challenge, and it provides the potential for great surprise, tremendous challenge and tremendous accomplishment, which generates tremendous potential for great acknowledgment.

BONNIE: Is it in line with the Vold, also?


BONNIE: You just want to break the rules! (Laughter)

WYNN: Along a similar line, the ancient alchemists appear to be striving to somehow achieve a favored position in the universe, this in relationship to the blueprint and the collective, one where they could run counter to the collective manifestation and the design. Could you talk about this and what they actually managed to achieve?

ELIAS: They have managed to achieve many different expressions, and their direction and curiosity is being quite similar to your own, choosing to be experimenting and moving in directions that are different — not necessarily contrary but different from the masses, exploring their abilities in different manners, knowing that they incorporate, as individuals, many more abilities that most individuals do not allow themselves to tap into, but being aware that they exist and exploring in a more expansive manner themselves and what they actually can accomplish and manipulate within this physical reality, stretching boundaries.

WYNN: To achieve a really noticeable and sustainable manifestation running counter to the collective, it appears to be transient, what they may have achieved and...

ELIAS: For that requires attention.

WYNN: A continued attention?


WYNN: That’s what it appears to be, that they have to maintain focus on it for it to stay that way, or it will go back to the collective and the blueprint, I presume.

ELIAS: Correct. In this, you may accomplish altering shapes, altering forms, and once the individual that generated that action disengages, the form shall return to its original state, for it requires the tension to hold it in a particular form.

WYNN: Nostradamus was an alchemist of some significance. He may have been capable of projecting energy to change the rules of physics. One thing he did was to see the future and to write it down. Once he wrote it down, it would remain after his focus. This runs somewhat counter to the collective, in a way. Is altering the veil of time actually the same as altering other rules of physics?

ELIAS: It is not a matter of altering the veil of time. Time is not a veil.

In this, it is possible for individuals to tap into areas of consciousness outside of this physical reality, and therefore, in your terms, transcend time. For outside of physical realities, time is simultaneous. There is merely the eternal now. There is no past; there is no future. All is now, in a continuous movement of now. Physical realities incorporate time in different manners. This is the reason that time is not a truth, for it does not translate into all areas of consciousness.

But it is possible for an individual to tap into energy and areas of consciousness outside of your physical reality which incorporate no time, and in that projection, so to speak, the individual can view the physical reality from a point of simultaneous time in which probabilities are being expressed.

This is the trickiness of viewing what you term to be future, for you can incorporate that action but it is not an absolute. For, what you view in any moment, what information you offer to yourself in any moment concerning past or future also can be changed in any moment. It is not an absolute. What you view are probabilities, but there are countless probabilities. In viewing probabilities, you may thusly journal what you have viewed and what information you have offered to yourself, but that can also change for that may not necessarily be the probability that is eventually actually inserted into your physical reality, for you are always changing, and you are always generating choices and changing your movements collectively.

Therefore, what an individual may offer to themselves in information concerning a future probability may be quite real, but it may not necessarily occur, for it is dependent upon what is actually inserted into your physical reality, what you actually choose. Those probabilities are potentials.

WYNN: Was he just particularly adept at choosing the right ones? Was he seeing this pool of potentials?

ELIAS: It is a matter of genuinely being attuned, not merely to yourself. If you are projecting to an area of consciousness in which you can tap into potential probabilities, to be choosing the most likely potential probability would require being quite aware of the movement of the collective energy and to be quite aware of the direction of the collective energy and not inserting into that your own wish.

WYNN: Both Bonnie and I are politically focused. In my occasional work as a consultant, I feel that my role, in a way where I can succeed, is in somehow seeing the probability and bringing it into the present. Is that a characteristic of what politically focused people may be able to do? (Pause)

ELIAS: It is not necessarily associated with a politically focused individual. Any individual can generate that. It may be more common for an individual that is politically focused, for the manner in which you process information includes three elements: thought, intuition and environment. Therefore, in including these three elements, it may be more common for a politically focused individual to move in that type of manner, to be considering probabilities and intentionally concentrating upon them to insert them into their reality, for you process information in which you include what is occurring around you. A thought-focused individual does not necessarily incorporate that action; an emotionally focused individual does not always incorporate the thought focus aspect. You incorporate both but also that of your environment, what is occurring that surrounds you.

WYNN: Will the Shift make that easier, will it make what the alchemists did easier? Will it make that ability to look at the probabilities and look at time differently? Will that be part of the Shift?


WYNN: I guess that leads to the question does the Shift alter the blueprint in any way?

ELIAS: Of this reality?

WYNN: Yes.

ELIAS: Not actually, for the actual blueprint of this reality is the two main elements of sexuality, which is all that is physical, and emotion, which is all that is communication, and beliefs. Beliefs are not being eliminated, they shall continue to be expressed, and sexuality and emotion shall continue to be the main elements of your reality. The expression of duality shall continue to be a main blueprint of your reality. How you interact with this blueprint shall be considerably different.

WYNN: Does the Shift adjust the relationship in the individual to the collective? What I’m thinking there is does it provide more freedom of expression to the individual within the collective?

ELIAS: Yes, quite definitely.

WYNN: Is that one of the larger changes?

ELIAS: Yes, that is one of the strongest points of this shift is the emphasis upon the individual as the most important — shifting from groups incorporating power, or authorities, to the individual being the most significant and self-directing, therefore generating no necessity for authority.

WYNN: I want to go back to the Ice Age, for example, following that. Was the collective consciousness different from what it is now?

ELIAS: Yes. It is always changing.

WYNN: What’s the overall movement of collective consciousness over that time? How would that be stated?

ELIAS: Within the Ice Age?

WYNN: From the post Ice Age to now, it’s a long period of time. What would be the overall change in the collective conscious from that time? I’ve had dreams which place me back to that time, and it left this curiosity in my mind as to what’s the large collective movement in consciousness from then to now, as we see it.

ELIAS: Continuous expansion, continuously moving into a greater awareness, and therefore, in this time framework, generating the choice to be inserting this shift in this time framework, for the expression of the collective has continuously been expanding the boundaries of this reality, incorporating more and more of a complex matrix of this reality. Beginning in much more simplicity and narrow awareness — a narrow awareness of existence, a narrow awareness of self, a narrow awareness of world, a narrow awareness of universe, a narrow awareness of reality in this physical expression — and from that point expanding continuously, wider and wider, generating more and more of a complexity within this physical reality, which generates more and more diversity, and that provides more to explore.

WYNN: If the Religious Era is over, what is this era? That is, what will it be known as?

ELIAS: The Shift.

WYNN: If the Religious Era is over, then why are so many of our current mass events apparently associated with clashes between religions, ideologies? It would appear that they’re working on something different.

ELIAS: The Religious Era is not religion. It established religions, but it is not religion. It is associated with religious beliefs, which are also not religion, but religious philosophies and religions have sprung from religious beliefs.

Religious beliefs are those beliefs that in actuality devalue the individual, that emphasize the collective, that emphasize greater powers than the individual and that emphasize authority. Religious beliefs generally do not focus upon the individual, except if they are, in a manner of speaking, discounting the significance of the individual and emphasizing the significance of the authorities.

WYNN: Was I an alchemist in the previous books?


WYNN: Would you help me identify who that was?

ELIAS: And shall you not investigate and explore?!

WYNN: I’ve been trying that.

ELIAS: (Laughs) This may be an interesting exercise for you, to be genuinely listening to your impressions, and as you are researching, to genuinely feel the energy and allow yourself, in feeling the energy of different individuals that you may research, which one matches you.

WYNN: I’ve tried going through a number of them and really couldn’t lock on to it, but I wasn’t trying hard. That’s how I approached it, I would read through it neutrally, and the only one that came close was Nostradamus. That’s why I brought him up. Was I Nostradamus, or was I associated with him?

ELIAS: You actually were associated with that individual and also were observing essence of that individual. In being an observing essence, you are experiencing the focus the same as the directing essence. There is no distinguishment.

WYNN: I have the impression that you were an alchemist, Elias.


WYNN: Was it at the same time?

ELIAS: Earlier.

BONNIE: We have a few minutes left, then. I recently took a course in Pranic healing, and in that course, when you are helping someone with energy, there is a process for removing congested energy, which they sometimes refer to as dirty energy, first, before offering energy. There was also an association of foods with creating dirty energy. Is any of that accurate, or are those simply beliefs?

ELIAS: They are beliefs. But it matters not, for beliefs are real.

BONNIE: They would create that reality if you...

ELIAS: If the individual incorporates that belief.

BONNIE: So eating pork will not prevent my becoming clairvoyant?


BONNIE: Thank you, because I objected to it. I didn’t want to give up my bacon! (All laugh)

ELIAS: No. Consuming any foods, consumption of any substance at all, is not an expression that will hinder or block your ability.

BONNIE: I haven’t been able to interpret my sore leg. We tried to look at all kinds of messages. It won’t go away. It’s still talking to me.

ELIAS: And what have you determined between you?

BONNIE: This actually happened a couple of years ago. We asked you about a sore leg at that point, and it had to do with a rigidity of something I was addressing within the time framework of about a day on either side of it, and we examined family beliefs. I have strong beliefs about family, and having children now moving to university and away from home... Physically it happened when I was chasing one of the sons that was home for Thanksgiving and going back to university. My difficulty with that, with letting go as a mother, that’s what we came up with, but it is still talking to me. It hasn’t quit.

ELIAS: And neither have you. (Laughter)

BONNIE: Why don’t I stop? I’m Borledim?

ELIAS: THAT is an excuse. (Laughter) The point of Borledim is not to be incorporating personal responsibility. The point of Borledim is merely to allow the production of Earth stock, which would be your species. You do incorporate a natural quality of nurturing, but that is not limited to family. There are many, many individuals that are belonging to or aligning with Borledim that do not incorporate children. For their qualities are to be expressing that nurturing, but it is a natural expression of nurturing that is associated with all individuals, PARTICULARLY yourself.

BONNIE: So, to make it stop hurting I have to somehow let go more of my children? Is that the message?

ELIAS: It is not a matter of letting go of your children but readjusting you and your perception, redefining — redefining caring as opposed to caring-for.

In this, within you they are almost synonymous, and they are both synonymous with nurturing, which they are not. Nurturing is being supportive; being supportive is accomplished in acceptance. That is supportiveness, for that is a lack of judgment, and it is an expression of acknowledgment of other individuals and of yourself. That is an expression of nurturing, but caring for is an expression of personal responsibility.

BONNIE: Well, we’re done now. Thank you. Just before we say goodbye, do I have a connection with Dolly Wilde?

ELIAS: Observing.

BONNIE: Were my friends Judy and Rosemarie characters in that group of friends?


BONNIE: All right! (Elias laughs) Thank you very much, Elias.

WYNN: Thank you.

ELIAS: You are very welcome, my dear friends. I express great affection to you each and tremendous encouragement in your movement. You are accomplishing quite well. (Chuckles) In tremendous appreciation to you each and friendship, au revoir.

WYNN: Au revoir.

Elias departs after 1 hour, 3 minutes.

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Copyright 2005 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.