Session 1692

Imagery of Hesitation


“Imagery of Hesitation”
“The Aurora Borealis”
“Questions about Egyptian Symbology and Artifacts”

Thursday, January 7, 2005 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Paul (Paneus)

(Elias’ arrival time is 15 seconds.)

ELIAS: Good morning!

PAUL: Hi, Elias, how are you?

ELIAS: As always, and yourself?

PAUL: Outstanding, but improving!

ELIAS: Ha ha! Very well!

PAUL: Are you ready to get started?

ELIAS: As always!

PAUL: What is the message that I am presenting myself from the objective imagery of my TV set turning off all the time until a period of time passes and it holds a connection and doesn’t shut off anymore?

ELIAS: And your impression?

PAUL: I’ve been pondering that for some time. It’s been going on for over a week. It has something to do with energy surges, dealing with my initial connection with the Shift, or an other dimensional contact from a scientist on the other side trying to establish a connection.

ELIAS: (Chuckles) I may express to you that those are both creative ideas, but not an actual communication. What is occurring is a reflection of your energy. You are presenting this imagery to yourself and you are generating this imagery with your energy to be illustrating what you do in interactions with other individuals. You initiate and temporarily you interact, but you also disconnect yourself in that interaction. As you continue, eventually you establish a genuine interaction, but in projecting your attention to other individuals, that disconnects your attention to yourself initially. Eventually you do move your attention to yourself and establish the connection and the genuine interaction, but initially there are interruptions.

PAUL: So, is it telling me that I should do things differently in how I interact with others?

ELIAS: Merely to be paying attention to these automatic responses that you generate, for that may be helpful to you in your interactions with other individuals, especially those individuals that you view to be close to you.

PAUL: Like my daughter.


PAUL: That comes up with another question, which I will get to in a little bit.

How about some other objective imagery — I’m trying to draw a parallel between a few that have occurred over the last couple of months — a fender bender with no damage on my car, a problem with my car not starting and then later on it starts, constant delays with my PC and how quickly it runs, and then delays and cancellation with the movement to a corporate job and a TV deal on my book.

ELIAS: And they are all interrelated. These would be reflections of a similar expression as the television. It is imagery that you are presenting to yourself concerning hesitation.

PAUL: Well, that I know. What I am wondering is does it mean I should apply more action on my part, or am I forcing my energy too often?

ELIAS: There is an expression of forcing your energy. It is not necessarily imagery prompting you to be incorporating more action, but rather to be more clearly paying attention to what you are projecting and your own expressions of hesitation.

PAUL: Why am I presenting the hesitation imagery?

ELIAS: You are moving in a direction of widening your awareness and presenting to yourself new, unfamiliar expressions and movements. In that, you are genuinely attempting to be paying attention to yourself more, evaluating yourself more and noticing your energy more, and I am acknowledging of that. But in that action, there is also some hesitation in not expressing a clarity within yourself, yet, as to what you deem to be the right directions or not the right directions, and questioning yourself.

PAUL: (Laughs) That’s true, because I feel like I’m on this... I guess an analogy would be I feel like I’m at a junction point where the roads go in different directions and I’m not sure which road to take right now. I’m sort of hesitating at the junction point.

ELIAS: Yes, and all of this imagery is being presented as a communication to yourself concerning that hesitation and to...

PAUL: The difference as to which way I go, which path to take?

ELIAS: That is also an element of the point, that it is not actually concerning what is the right direction, for it is not the right direction or the wrong direction. Whatever direction you move in, what is important is that you are genuinely listening to yourself and recognizing also that whichever direction you choose is not an absolute, that if you choose a direction and you discover in that movement that it is not your preference, you are not bound to continue, and you may choose a different direction.

PAUL: Intellectually, I understand that.

ELIAS: I am aware. But experientially, it is somewhat different, for there is a hesitation in association with automatic associations and responses. The familiar automatic response is to evaluate what is the right direction and to eliminate the other directions, and that once you have engaged the choice and the decision, that becomes an absolute and you must continue in that direction, which is not true. Your movement now is exploring your own freedom and offering yourself information concerning no absolutes, and that is quite unfamiliar.

PAUL: That’s good, though.

ELIAS: In your terms, yes.

PAUL: A while back, I was meditating, and I think I also had a dream on this one. It was dealing with the symbol of seeing a playing card, the black three of clubs. What is the communication of viewing that particular card?

ELIAS: And your impression?

PAUL: (Laughs) The only thing I got, honestly, in the dream I think I saw something dealing with a positive financial aspect. In viewing it in meditation, I think it relates to something to do with tarot cards. I don’t know which tarot card equates with this one.

ELIAS: Let me express to you, this imagery that you have presented to yourself is a symbol. It is a symbol to you that you have designed to be reminding you that you have more than either/or choices, that your choices are not black and white, and that there are more choices than those that are perceived to be merely either/or.

PAUL: That’s all it is? It’s the fact that I’ve got multiple choices in every situation?

ELIAS: That is quite significant, actually.

PAUL: Was I a staff officer of Napoleon during his Russian campaign, and was my role there some kind of administrative affairs for the conquered Russian territory?


PAUL: Was my name Francois Devorge?


PAUL: Wow. It seemed like almost a guess when I wrote that down. What exactly happened to Napoleon the night he spent in the Great Pyramid?

ELIAS: In what capacity?

PAUL: When I read his memoirs, he did not talk about it other than the fact that he was white as a ghost when he came out after spending the night there.

(There is a loud electronic tone, and then a television comes on and plays fairly loudly in the background in Elias’ location, and continues through the session.)

ELIAS: I may express to you, the individual incorporated a startling experience with nonphysical energies.

PAUL: What we would call ghosts?

ELIAS: In a manner of speaking, yes. (Laughs)

PAUL: That makes sense. It’s kinda what I expected. Were those ghosts linked to the builders of the pyramids?

ELIAS: Some, but not all.

PAUL: Speaking of the pyramids, I might as well ask this question. There has been some confusion between some members of the list as to exactly how the pyramids were constructed.


PAUL: Well, could you shed some light as to how they built... The last time we spoke, I got the impression it was strictly individuals using manual labor, but that they had very few limits as to what they could do moving these large blocks manually. That’s how the pyramids were constructed.

ELIAS: Correct.

PAUL: There was no device or levitation process for this construction?


PAUL: We talked about the aurora borealis in a Darling session. I want to get to that, because that sparked a huge fascination with me in the dream state as well as the waking state. I understand there’s a linkage between the South Atlantic anomaly region, the auroras and the black auroras cross-catching in the Birkeland current. My impression is that this black aurora anomaly region is a dimensional portal that is powered by the energy flow from the Birkeland currents, but what I don’t fully understand is how the auroras tie in or relate to this connection.

ELIAS: In what capacity?

PAUL: We know that they work as communications from other dimensions.


PAUL: The South Atlantic anomaly region, I believe, is a portal type region where the dimensional veils are thin...

ELIAS: Correct.

PAUL: ...and that is being created by scientists in another dimension.

ELIAS: No. It is a natural expression that is being created in association with the cooperation of energy between different dimensions. Therefore, it would be created by the cooperating collective energies of the participants in both dimensions.

PAUL: Is it a dimensional portal?


PAUL: They believe black auroras somehow form a clue to this whole process, but I haven’t figured out exactly how they tie in.

ELIAS: They are merely a different configuration of energy.

PAUL: They don’t have a separate communication?


PAUL: Is cross-catching involved in this communication process of the auroras? (Pause)

ELIAS: Explain YOUR definition of cross-catching.

PAUL: Cross-catching is a term I picked up, a term used by my future scientist focus.

ELIAS: Correct.

PAUL: It is used for inter-dimensional travel, the way to send cross-dimensional mail.

ELIAS: Correct. In that, your question is you may incorporate these auroras to be engaging that action?

PAUL: Okay! (Laughs) I’m not sure how to phrase it, so I’ll use that as the question, yes.

ELIAS: Yes, it may be incorporated in that action. You can incorporate those auroras to be generating that type of action.

PAUL: What was going on with the dream I had where I found these pulsing red auroras, and eventually, after communicating and interpreting the pulsing auroras and understanding what they were saying because I could eventually hear a voice, I met someone who was other dimensional, as I understood it, like a scientist from the other dimension? Was that an actual visitation in my dream state, or was that just imagery?

ELIAS: That was an actual connection.

PAUL: Was it one my focuses there?


PAUL: What was he saying?

ELIAS: And shall you not reinvite the individual and discover that yourself?

PAUL: (Laughs) I’ll be glad to reinvite him! I just want to make sure he is welcomed. Because in the dream, President Bush and some of his members were trying to sever that communication at our bridge.

ELIAS: And perhaps in your next invitation you shall not also invite other individuals that would be opposing of your choice to be interacting with your other focus. Ha ha!

PAUL: That would be a good one. Why did he leave a communication panel briefcase with me?

ELIAS: As a symbol of your connection and your ability to continue to communicate.

PAUL: Why is the essence that is called Jade, that’s what Kris says, that I was in the early stages of doing an energy exchange with (inaudible)? I met him in the dream state a few times, but I no longer, in the dream state, had any more contact with him that I remember. Did I sever the connection, and if so, why?

ELIAS: It is not a matter of severing the connection but not choosing to engage it in this present time framework.

PAUL: So we’re taking a time out?

ELIAS: In a manner of speaking.

PAUL: But there’s still interest in maintaining and using the connection?

ELIAS: Some.

PAUL: What was going on with the blue flame (inaudible)? They were alien-type individuals that were... They didn’t look like aliens, they looked like people, but they were perceived as aliens. They changed to us and were kind of violent, and infected us with their ways, so called. When they were pushed or walked into this blue flame that I thought would destroy them, they were unharmed. I am assuming this has something to do with (inaudible) and your energy.

ELIAS: And what would your assessment be?

PAUL: Well, that individuals that have different viewpoints are not to be feared or considered dangerous, because no one, in fact, can be truly harmed without their choice.

ELIAS: Correct. In this, the recognition of those differences, and that those differences actually create quite different realities at times, dissipates the threat of the differences. Therefore, it is unnecessary to attempt to oppose them or to eliminate them. They cannot harm you, and they also shall not be harmed. They shall not “infect” you.

PAUL: (Laughs) Intellectually, I know this, but for some reason, I guess I am not sold on it entirely because I present myself with this imagery in the dream state.

ELIAS: I am understanding. In actuality, many of you understand this concept intellectually, but experientially you do present to yourselves differences with other individuals, and at times, those differences are perceived to be threatening.

PAUL: Yes.

ELIAS: Not that they actually are threatening, but you may generate them into being harmful to yourself if you continue to be perceiving them as threatening, and therefore create that in your reality. But in actuality, it is not a matter of attempting to eliminate the difference of another individual or to defend your difference in association with the perceived threat, but recognizing that both differences are equally valid and real.

PAUL: What is the dream scene that I had a while back of viewing through a prism cube type device? It had a name; it’s called 2-Basic, the number two and the word “basic.” What is the message of that, and why was it called 2-Basic?

ELIAS: (Chuckles) And do you not incorporate an impression?

PAUL: Yes. It was some type of device from my future focus that was given to me for some purpose, and I am not exactly sure of the purpose.

ELIAS: (Chuckles) I am acknowledging of you that you recognized that it is a presentment from your future focus. I am also acknowledging of your future focus and the incorporation of humor.

Now; evaluate what the device is named.

PAUL: The number two can be likened to the word “too,” t-o-o?

ELIAS: (Chuckles) Yes!

PAUL: That it’s too basic?


PAUL: It WAS too basic! (Elias laughs)

ELIAS: In this, it is somewhat a humorous communication, that in viewing reflections of yourself through the prism may be quite basic and elementary, and that those are significant reflections to you to be viewing but that are perceived to be quite basic to the other individual. (Laughs)

PAUL: Was it Samuel or Roald or someone else?

ELIAS: Samuel.

PAUL: Samuel is from my dimension, right?


PAUL: Actually, I think that’s the first contact that I had with him in the dream state in many months, that I recall.


PAUL: How best can I maintain or continue the connection with Samuel?

ELIAS: Playfully.

PAUL: (Laughs) Okay, fine. I can do it in the waking state, too?


PAUL: Okay — he’s in for it now! (Elias laughs) Did I have a Phoenician trader focus?


PAUL: I don’t have any idea what his name is. I believe he is a carpenter of boats.


PAUL: What’s his name?

ELIAS: Continue your investigation!

PAUL: Oh, damn. (Elias laughs) This goes back to the first question. Why do I keep presenting myself with confrontations with my daughter, and how best can I resolve these confrontations without getting into automatic responses? Other than taking a step back and saying I don’t have to choose this confrontation.

ELIAS: I am understanding. First of all, a key point is noticing that you are expressing automatic responses, which at times may be somewhat challenging.

PAUL: (Laughs) That’s an understatement!

ELIAS: But you do noticed the conflict or the confrontation and the uncomfortableness of that, even if you are not noticing your automatic responses.

In those moments in which you begin to notice that you are engaging conflict with her, allow yourself to generate a distraction, stop, and allow yourself to momentarily generate some expression of appreciation for each of you. It matters not what it is, for ANY expression of appreciation in the moment shall change the energy that you are projecting immediately.

PAUL: I think I can agree with that, because I think I have seen some of that in the past. When I tried tickling her when she was little and having a temper tantrum, that changed the mood entirely.


PAUL: So do more of that? (Laughs)

ELIAS: The expression of appreciation is tremendously powerful and incorporates the ability to change the energy that you are expressing and that the other individual is receiving, and therefore change the energy that they are expressing immediately.

PAUL: There is no other communication that I am missing?

ELIAS: That would be associated with your initial question of the imagery that you are presenting to yourself concerning hesitation, and also concerning not allowing yourself to genuinely generate the connection and continuing to interrupt that for a time framework. The interruption occurs in association with you not paying attention to you, with you projecting your attention to her and paying attention to her and what she is expressing and how she is behaving, to the exclusion of what you are doing.

PAUL: You mean I should pay more attention to what she is doing?

ELIAS: No. You already engage that action quite effectively. (Chuckles) What I am expressing is for you to be paying more attention to what YOU are doing.

PAUL: That’s right. You’ve said that before to me.

ELIAS: In that, remember your imagery of your television, that eventually the connection is generated, but there are interruptions initially. That is the imagery that is associated with your own interruptions, paying attention to her and not paying attention to you and what you are doing.

PAUL: I assume I am getting better at that...


PAUL: ...even though it’s a long process.

ELIAS: Yes, but you are generating more of paying attention to yourself.

PAUL: Yes. It doesn’t come as easy to me as some of the other things that I have been doing.

ELIAS: (Chuckles) It is a challenging direction, for it is unfamiliar. You have generated most of your focus in the direction of projecting your attention to other individuals to the exclusion of recognizing what YOU are doing. Therefore, that is a very familiar action to you.

PAUL: Is there a psychological word or trigger-type word that I can use to remind myself to focus inward as to what I may be projecting in energy? (15-second pause) Do you want to hear my impression of what the word should be?

ELIAS: What?

PAUL: “Ankh,” the Egyptian ankh.

ELIAS: You may incorporate that as your symbol to gain your own attention, a trigger word. Associate that word with motivation.

PAUL: As to what’s motivating me to project my energy in a certain way?


PAUL: (Sigh) That’s not easy. (Elias laughs) Well, it’s not! It will be, but it’s not right this very moment.

ELIAS: Ah, but my friend, be encouraged, for the more that you engage practice, the easier it becomes. (Laughs)

PAUL: I had a deer dream a while back, where I was traveling with this individual in his car, going extremely fast down this country road, and deer confronted us. Many deer confronted us, and they were being aggressive, angry, and were threatening us. We had to lock the doors and struggle to drive the car away from them. Later in that dream, I came across a scene in my uncle’s old house of all these dead deer or diseased deer running around in his field.

ELIAS: And your impression?

PAUL: Deer tend to be, in waking and sleeping state, a symbol of quiet strength of self.


PAUL: The fact that they were aggressively and angrily attacking the car that I was driving in...

ELIAS: Is an automatic association with power. There is an automatic association with powerful energy as being expressed in what you view to be a negative or threatening manner, which also is not true, but it is a strong association. Therefore, you generate the symbol of the deer, which you view as a quiet strength or a majestic strength, but in action, you also associate it as a powerful strength. Once the power of that strength is expressed or introduced, it is generated into what you deem to be aggressive or negative, and potentially threatening. This is a significant imagery to be evaluating, for many of you incorporate this underlying association in regard to power.

PAUL: That would be our own power.

ELIAS: Yes, and the fear of allowing yourselves to express your own power, for that automatic association is continuously being expressed.

PAUL: What was the symbol about the dead deer, then?

ELIAS: That imagery is associated with the deflating of power and denying.

PAUL: So, the moral of the story is I should be open and allow my power to be freely expressed?

ELIAS: Yes, and not to generate a fear of it, but also not to deny it and attempt to ignore it.

PAUL: There are times when I think that I have great ability, and then I run into a situation when interacting with an individual of the opposite sex and I would like to get to know the person better, and they’re not interested. I was wondering why my power appears to be blunted in those situations.

ELIAS: It is not necessarily that your power is being blunted. Your power is being expressed in association with your reflections. You may not necessarily be expressing your power in the manner that you want, but you are expressing it.

What is significant in those situations, once again, is that you allow yourself to evaluate YOU, what YOU are doing and what you actually want. If you actually want the other individual to be receptive to you, what are YOU projecting in energy in expectation of the other individual, that they are receiving and responding in the manner that you do not want, in a lack of interest or in opposition to you?

PAUL: I’ll have to think about that one.

ELIAS: That is quite an affecting energy, my friend, and I may also express to you that it is commonly expressed with individuals that are attempting to move into romantic liaisons.

PAUL: The key is to focus on self and on what I’m projecting in the moment.

ELIAS: Yes, and what expectations are you projecting.

PAUL: Because the expectations may turn away the other individual.

ELIAS: Yes. They may be expectations of the other individual, or they may be expectations of yourself.

PAUL: It’s gonna take awhile to soak in. (Laughs) You can help me out in the dream state where I have more time on that one!

ELIAS: Ha ha! Very well!

PAUL: If you could help me process that, it would be appreciated.

ELIAS: Very well. I shall.

PAUL: What’s this dream scene I had of watching this person dual talk between an essence that was connected in an energy exchange and their own focus? How were they doing this double talk with another person that they were arguing with?

ELIAS: And your impression?

PAUL: I don’t know. I kind of assumed it’s dealing with my own efforts at doing an energy exchange with Jade.

ELIAS: Correct.

PAUL: Why I was arguing with another person, I don’t know.

ELIAS: It is merely imagery that you are presenting to yourself concerning different concerns that may arise if you engage that type of exchange.

PAUL: Oh, and in fact, there’s really not a cause for hesitation on my part.

ELIAS: No, but what you would term to be the concerns associated with the energy exchange are quite real.

PAUL: Is there something I should avoid in this energy exchange with Jade?

ELIAS: It is not necessarily a matter of avoiding, but you may generate the exchange much more easily if you are generating more of an awareness of yourself, for there are some commonalities that individuals within physical focus experience in association with their beliefs in relation to engaging an energy exchange.

PAUL: I think for the time being I will just proceed mainly in the meditation and dream state, and see how that goes.

ELIAS: Very well.

PAUL: Is Jade also the essence that relates to the focus called Wendy?

ELIAS: In what capacity?

PAUL: Is Jade Wendy’s essence?


PAUL: So there was a mix up, then, with what Kris said about Jade and I think her essence name is Myiisha.


PAUL: Myiisha and Jade are not the same.


PAUL: Is there a focus that I know whose essence is Jade?


PAUL: (Laughs) The interest level is going to increase!

I had a dream about a tumor on my vocal cords. Was I just acting out this as a probable reality in dream state so that I don’t have to experience it in the waking state?

ELIAS: You incorporated that imagery as a communication to yourself, once again, concerning some concerns or fears of potentialities that can occur in engaging an energy exchange, not that that is an absolute or that you would engage that manifestation. What you are presenting to yourself are expressions of your concerns, that you may evaluate them and be aware of them, and therefore dissipate the fear or the apprehension.

PAUL: I guess if I just recognize the fear, is that enough to overcome the potentiality?

ELIAS: Somewhat.

PAUL: What is the purpose of the ancient Egyptian symbol that you see in hieroglyphics of the royal flagellum, and of their construction of the stone obelisks?

ELIAS: And your impression?

PAUL: The royal flagellum, I believe, is almost like a flag symbol representing power, I guess.

ELIAS: In a manner of speaking. A marker.

PAUL: A marker of what?

ELIAS: Possession.

PAUL: Possession of what?

ELIAS: It may be a marker of many different types of possession.

PAUL: You’re being coy. (Elias chuckles) It sounds like you’re being coy on this one here. Is the marker the fact that we can possess many different things?


PAUL: What about the obelisk?

ELIAS: And your impression?

PAUL: Just a strength of will comes to mind.

ELIAS: Strength, and I shall also encourage you to be investigating further.

PAUL: Strength and something else, huh?


PAUL: I’ll take that challenge! (Elias laughs) If I come across, though, will you promise to give me the answer in a dream state?

ELIAS: Very well!

PAUL: Kris says that Anubis is the original Sphinx head. Does that mean that the original builders of the Sphinx were connecting to a focus in the werewolf dimension? Or is there some other reason for that?

ELIAS: Not necessarily connecting to a focus, but incorporating some element of bleed-through.

PAUL: From the werewolf dimension?

ELIAS: Yes, in association with a form that symbolized power.

PAUL: So the Sphinx was originally designed with Anubis’ head.

ELIAS: Partially.

PAUL: Partially?!

ELIAS: Not entirely — not completed.

PAUL: Why was it rebuilt, then, with a human head by one of the Pharaohs?

ELIAS: Different symbolization of power and strength, but also of the divinity of the human as the Pharaoh.

PAUL: Why did that Pharaoh chose to change the unfinished head from Anubis to himself? Was it just to show power?


PAUL: I don’t like what he did.

ELIAS: And as a glorification of yourselves.

PAUL: In Egyptian mythology, there was the god Atun showing a picture of Osiris raising her hands to the rays of the sun. Is this a clue, some type of communication with light crossing dimensional borders or some other imagery?

ELIAS: No, it is not associated with an interdimensional expression. It is more associated with the beliefs of the culture in that time framework and how they viewed different elements of their universe as powerful and divine.

PAUL: I had a dream a while back of a person, I think it was my girl friend at the time, going to a department of the company and changing my programming, kind of as a joke, but changing it so that my physical romantic efforts would be more like an energy vortex.

ELIAS: And your impression?

PAUL: My impression is that is a way for me to be more connecting with another particular focus at this present time.

ELIAS: Partially, but also partially is associated with your expression at times of viewing that other individuals can express certain choices or actions that influence your reality in manners that decrease your power.

PAUL: Oh, like the victim belief?


PAUL: (Laughs) I can buy that one! (Elias laughs) This may relate back to one of the other questions, I think. Can you provide any insight about my present career path, like do I need to do any additional efforts... I know I need to be aware of not forcing my energy, but is there anything I need to do that I am not doing presently? Am I being passive in any one particular area that I need to be applying more actions?

ELIAS: Not necessarily physical actions, but acknowledging your appreciation of your creativity and of your creation genuinely, and allowing yourself to express that energy outwardly.

PAUL: I’ll have to replay what you said and think about that a little bit.

I am coming up on my last questions. I had a dream about these trucks that were set aside and then exploded — associated with some type of trauma, I’m assuming — and then I spotted those individuals and when I tried to report them to the police, they beat me up severely. I was initially trying to escape and I had trouble breathing, because they kicked me in the throat. Then there was a scene where I eventually fled from that particular rescuer because I thought they were trying to kill me, and I had to run through the snow-covered woods. I sense that this was not only objective imagery, but was also bringing in scenes from another focus.

ELIAS: Partially yes, but is also associated with, once again, how you incorporate an association that other individuals can direct you and can be harmful to you if you are not protecting of yourself. But also in this, it is imagery concerning moving in a direction of expressing an evaluation of what is right and wrong with regard to other individuals and what they do, and how that generates a reflection to you. In your own judgment of other individuals, you generate the hurtfulness to yourself.

PAUL: In judgment of other individuals, I generate hurtfulness to myself?


PAUL: Intellectually, I try to use the concept of not trying to judge others.

ELIAS: I am understanding.

PAUL: So, I need to just keep on trying to apply that understanding more often.


PAUL: Sometimes I play around with the sound I make when I sort of hum and my jaw makes almost a ringing type noise. Is that beneficial for me in some way, this jaw humming?

ELIAS: It can be.

PAUL: In what way?

ELIAS: It would be a choice. You can incorporate that as your individual trigger in which you may generate that action and automatically associate it with relaxing and acknowledging yourself. For it is a playful action, and it may be incorporated, as I have expressed, as a focal point for a trigger.

PAUL: So I can use it in meditation, right?

ELIAS: And in other time frameworks. Perhaps in time frameworks in which you are not quite relaxed or in which you may be generating hesitation, you may incorporate this action as your individual trigger to remind yourself to be acknowledging of yourself.

PAUL: Last question, and I think we need to end. I have dry skin on top of both of my ears. I’m wondering if the message is something other than just general discounting.

ELIAS: It is a communication to be paying attention to listening more.

PAUL: Listening to myself more?

ELIAS: Listening to yourself, and also in engaging other individuals to genuinely incorporate listening, not merely hearing.

PAUL: Sometimes it’s hard to listen to others and focus inward on self at the same time.

ELIAS: I am aware! (Paul laughs) But I may assure you that you can accomplish, and it shall become easier.

PAUL: Elias, are there any last words of wisdom you want to impart to me?

ELIAS: My words of wisdom are for you to be playful. (Both Laugh)

PAUL: I guess I could do some more of that!

ELIAS: (Laughs) Incorporate fun, my friend!

PAUL: I will, and I look forward to encountering you more often in dream and waking state.

ELIAS: Very well. I shall be available.

PAUL: Okay, Elias, our time is up. I want to wish you (inaudible).

ELIAS: Very well, and you also, my friend. As always, I express my affection to you and my appreciation. In great fondness and friendship, au revoir.

PAUL: Thanks, Elias. Bye.

Elias departs after 1 hour, 8 minutes.

©2008 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved

Copyright 2005 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.