Session 3052
Translations: DE ES PT

Exploring Feelings


“Exploring Feelings”
“Planetary Readjustments”

Saturday, April 9, 2011 (Group/Castaic, CA)

ELIAS: Good afternoon!

GROUP: Good afternoon!

ELIAS: Ha ha ha ha! I am choosing this day to allow an open forum BUT with a theme that I will allow all of you to present what you are noticing in this present wave in relation to feelings. We will be concentrating this discussion in relation to feelings.

Now, let me offer, before we begin our discussion: This present wave, as you are aware, is addressing to creation and is addressing to senses. Now, the reason we will be discussing feelings is that your senses are very interconnected with your feelings; they trigger feelings. Your senses are a part of your functioning of your body consciousness. And your body consciousness stores memory, and, therefore, also, by extension, stores associations. But what your body consciousness DOES NOT DO is register time; therefore, it does not distinguish, in triggering feelings, whether they are feelings that are actually associated with now or whether they are feelings that are associated with past experiences. It merely seeks out information, in relation to memory, that matches whatever your senses are inputting to you now.

And your senses input considerable information that you do not pay attention to. You can be interacting with another individual in a conversation – and all of your senses are functioning – and in that conversation, perhaps the other individual generates a very small gesture with their hand, and your sense of touch and your sense of sight will pick up that information and will relay that sense data to your body consciousness. You may not be paying attention to that small movement that the other individual generates, but it is not escaping those avenues of communication through your senses.

And when they input information, your body consciousness responds to that information. It seeks to find similar information that is stored, therefore memories; and in that, you may notice that you begin to feel uncomfortable, or excited, and you begin to think about what you are feeling for it does not seem to match what the situation is. You may be be continuing in your conversation but also noticing some feeling that is occurring within you. Now, this is different from emotional communications; these are feelings that are associated with experiences – information that you store within your body consciousness – and you may become agitated in that situation, and confused, for you cannot seem to offer yourself an explanation of why you are feeling what you are feeling and that it does not necessarily match what is occurring in the present situation.

Another factor in this, which also is very connected to your senses, is that your body consciousness performs another function; this function is to alert you to danger. This is a function that has been a part of your species from the onset of your emergence in this physical reality. But through time, through millenniums, and through the manner in which you have evolved as humans, the initial function of this alert system, so to speak, with your body consciousness, was designed to alert you in a similar manner to any of your creatures, any of your animals; they also incorporate this innate alert system in physical focus to notify them when danger is present. But, for the most part, it was designed to alert you to PHYSICAL danger. As you have moved through time, and as you have evolved, the function of this alert system, that is a part of your body consciousness, has somewhat changed, for the function of being alerted to physical threat in outside sources became less and less, other than with yourselves, or each other. (note: there was a police siren wailing in the background during that last sentence.) But, in relation to any other outside source that would pose any type of physical threat, that has become less and less through your history, and in that, the function changed. It does continue to express alert to you, in relation to physical danger, but it also has somewhat evolved in relation to HOW you have evolved. Now, in relation to this particular function, you could actually express that the function has de-volved rather than e-volved, for, initially, the function to alert you to threat, to physical danger, was all that was necessary; there was no threat to your genuine self.

As you have evolved, or changed, through your history, the physical threat of outside sources has changed and has lessened, with the exception of the threat that you pose to each other. But, what has grown, or what has become a different threat, is the threat to your genuine self, or your genuine expression. Now, this generally occurs, for the most part, when you are small ones, when you are children. And, I will express once again -- this is not psychology -- but it IS a basic function of your body consciousness. As small ones, you have not yet developed as much association with attachments. You are more open, generally speaking, and it varies, in the time-framework in how long you allow yourself that openness as a small one, a child. Some children begin developing attachments and begin shielding in, what you term to be ‘very young ages’; some as young as one or two of your ‘years’. Others may remain with that openness for approximately six or seven, perhaps even eight, of your ‘years’. But, eventually, you begin to assume attachments and they are influenced and encouraged by all the other individuals around you.

But in that time-framework in which you are not generating so much of these attachments, and you are not shielding yourself yet, you are generating openness to your environment and to individuals around you, and you allow yourself to receive. And you, also, are not as adept at discerning what is true, or factual, and what is not, for your perception is being expressed from your genuine self, and, therefore, you are not necessarily perceiving in the manner that certain suggestions, or statements, or actions, would be wrong, or would be hurtful, or would be threatening; therefore, you allow receiving, but in that receiving, you very quickly begin to generate evaluations. And the one action that your body consciousness very much alerts you to, as a small one, is any threat to your genuine self, or your genuine expression. Therefore, whatever is contrary to what you genuinely express, as yourself, without attachments, is signaled with your body consciousness as a threat; and, therefore, you incorporate those memories differently than you do other memories. In a manner of speaking those memories are flagged. Those are memories that you may not objectively think of, but they are experiences that you have generated an assessment: “This is a threat to me.”

Generally speaking, most individuals do not incorporate many objective memories of these types of threats unless they are significantly traumatic; those, many individuals do remember. But if they are not significantly traumatic, individuals incorporate a tendency to not objectively connect with those memories. But those memories – being different from other memories that are acquired once you are incorporating attachments – those memories carry, and they are easily triggered, and you develop habits and patterns around those memories. Even if you do not objectively think of those memories, they are in play in your behaviors. You develop actions that will shield you from those types of threats and as you grow, and as you increase in age, you do not necessarily objectively remember the experiences, but they are triggered through your senses. And when they are triggered, you feel. You do not necessarily incorporate a thought process, which is not unusual. Your thought mechanism knows what that feeling is. It has already interpreted it. It has already identified it and translated it for you; therefore, it is unnecessary for it to continue to translate it to you. Therefore, many times, you feel, and you are confused, for you do not understand what is prompting that feeling.

And your thinking is not helpful, for it is not identifying for you what that feeling is being motivated by, for it has already done that; it is not necessary. And you are experiencing a situation in which you are aware of feelings but you have no reason; or, in that moment, you THINK you have no reason.

What can be even more influencing is when you are NOT feeling, and those responses to those old experiences are consistently occurring, and you are not even aware of what they are. As I recently offered, a hypothetical example: an individual may be generating an experience as a small one, and perhaps that small one chooses to engage an adult to express their discomfort. They are uncomfortable with this situation or perhaps they have injured themselves – not dramatically, but enough that it is a concern of the small one – and they approach an adult that perhaps is sympathetic. And, perhaps the adult generates some gesture to the child in responsiveness, but perhaps the child, in their estimation, in that moment, that gesture was not adequate, and it did not satisfy what the child wanted, in that moment, in an expression of comforting. And, in this hypothetical example, perhaps this child generates an assessment in that moment: “You did not help me and now I do not trust adults. I do not trust you for you do not fix it. You do not comfort me in the manner that I wanted and I do not trust you.”

This seems to be a very simple, insignificant situation, but in that time-framework in which that child is not shielding yet, and is not functioning with attachments yet, that is perceived as a threat to their genuine expression and what they want; and, therefore, that assessment, that association, becomes very strong. Now, that may influence that child, as they grow, to be less interactive with adults, or to express in a manner you term to be ‘shy’. And the adults will merely excuse it as, “The child is shy.” And the child may not actually recognize what they are doing for it does not require thinking. They are developing patterns and habits of behavior that they feel protect them.

As they grow – as this child grows – and becomes an adult, perhaps this child expresses “I’m not like children.” For now, the individual is an adult, and they have expressed – throughout all of those experiences and all of those years growing – that they do not trust adults; and now, they are one. So, (there?), now the individual does not trust them self, for now they are an adult and they cannot trust them self in what they are doing, for adults are not trustworthy; and they cannot trust them self with children, for adults are not trustworthy with children. The individual does not evaluate this, and may not engage a thought process of this, but generates an assessment: “It is merely me; I do not get on with children. I do not like children; they annoy me.” And that will influence other choices that the individual generates. Perhaps they will be influenced not to participate with other family members, for the other family members incorporate children. It will influence how they develop a partnership, for they do not want to incorporate children, and, therefore, they will seek out a partner that does not want children. And it may not necessarily be that the individual does not like children. It may all be influences from these experiences that the individual has generated patterns and habits that they do not think of. This can be expressed in a myriad of directions.

And, let me also express to you, it is NOT necessary for all of you to be investigating your childhood and discovering what experiences occurred when you were a small one and have affected you throughout your entire life. That is not necessary. It is not necessary to analyze yourself. You can address to situations without objectively, in thought, recalling those experiences, or re-experiencing them, if you will. That is not necessary. What IS important is that you are paying attention to your feelings, knowing that your senses input information to you continuously in relation to triggering your feelings. And, in time-frameworks in which you cannot define your feelings or why you are feeling what you are feeling, or in time-frameworks in which a feeling may be expressed that appears to you to be more extreme than is necessarily, in your estimation, appropriate in that moment, there IS a reason, but it may not be now. Your body consciousness does not distinguish – unless you instruct it – in any time-frameworks. But, you CAN instruct it in relation to feelings.

Another point, in relation to feelings, which can become more empowering to all of you is that, generally speaking, individuals perceive feelings as out of their control – they merely occur – and that you do not choose feelings and that you don’t control them. They happen and you do not control the intensity of them. That if they are intense, they are intense, and you are powerless to change that. That is not entirely correct. You CAN change feelings and you CAN manipulate them for they are very connected with your body consciousness and you DO instruct your body consciousness. In this, you can express messages to your body consciousness, in relation to time, in very simple actions. It is not necessary to incorporate an objective recall of a memory, but a very simple action of looking at your timepiece, your watch, or your clock, or your calendar, in a moment in which you are feeling, but you cannot connect the feeling to what is occurring in the moment – the simple action of allowing your self to engage your senses and look at some object that designates time – that immediately instructs your body consciousness: “This feeling may not be associated with now. It is possible that this feeling is associated with another time.” But your body consciousness will not automatically do that itself; it will not consider time, for time is irrelevant to you body consciousness.

In this, when you generate involving your senses in that manner, it can also trigger the actual objective recall of a memory that you may not even realize that you had. You may, in a moment, recall an experience that you were not aware you even participated in. These are not buried memories. They are merely not being paid attention to. And there are many, many, many memories that you do not pay attention to. And, as you grow, there are many time-frameworks that you do not pay attention to, for you do not view them as relevant to what you are doing now. And, perhaps in some capacities, that is correct. In some capacities, it may not be correct, for there are many actions that you may engage that are related to other experiences. You may generate a significant experience as a small one with a taste. You may eat a piece of food that you, as a small one, do not like, and perhaps intensely do not like. As an adult, not objectively recalling that particular experience, you may actually enjoy that very same food, but you may also generate a feeling with it and it may be confusing. “Why do I feel uncomfortable when I eat this, but I like it?” “Why do I seem to generate this same feeling when I eat this food, but I like this food?” For in that time-framework, even some actions such as food, you are engaging your senses and you are not shielding as a small one; therefore you are receiving any input, in a manner of speaking, as raw material, and you have not developed an assessment of whether you like it or whether you do not like it, whether it is your preference or whether is it not your preference. You perceive it as an assault. If you do not like a particular taste or sensation, you do not necessarily, as a small one, evaluate that you like it or you don’t like it. You perceive it as comfortable or uncomfortable; it is comfortable or it is a threat.

And your senses can incorporate threats in tastes, in sounds that are abrasive, in sights, in light that may be harsh to your eyes. And in that, the child is not assessing: “I do not like the light.” “I do not like the sound.” “I do not like the taste.” They will eventually express that, but, initially, that is not their evaluation. It is merely: is it comfortable? Is it not comfortable? Is this threatening to me for it is not comfortable? Or is it not threatening to me for it is comfortable? In those types of assessments, they carry into behaviors, for you are not generating evaluations and rationalizing what you are doing. This can affect individuals in many, many, many capacities. It affects how you interact with each other. It affects how you interact with yourself. It affects what you do and how you do it. It affects when you are comfortable and when you are not comfortable. And in this, it triggers feelings.

Feelings are important for they are very strong influences in relation to behavior. They’re very strong influences in relation to choices. If you generate an excited, pleasant feeling, you are likely to engage choices that move in that direction. And pleasant feelings are not always, what you would term to be ‘good’, in choices. In times, you my incorporate a pleasant feeling and you may also make choices that create situations that are uncomfortable or that are unpleasant for you.

A hypothetical example: an individual may incorporate a good feeling in relation to creatures. And they like the feelings that they generate when they are interacting with a creature. And, therefore, they begin to collect more and more and more creatures, for they feel good when they are interacting; it is pleasant for them to be interacting with these creatures. And, eventually, in continuing to generate these choices of incorporating more and more and more, they become overwhelmed. And now they are not comfortable, and they begin to discount themselves, and it moves into a very different type of experience. Therefore, it is not as black-and-white as ‘good feelings are good’ and ‘bad feelings are bad’.

At times, uncomfortable feelings are beneficial for they alert you to situations that you do not want to engage. At times, uncomfortable feelings, when you are interacting with another individual, can be beneficial for perhaps you do not resonate with that other individual and perhaps that other individual becomes threatening to you. In this, feelings are a very intricate part of your reality and they influence you tremendously in what you do, in what you choose, in how you behave, in your responses. They trigger reactions in many situations, and therefore, they are important to pay attention to, and to allow yourselves to evaluate.

And be accurate. “What ARE my feelings?” In some situations, if you are not expressing an identification of a feeling accurately, it can influence you in situations that become uncomfortable for you have not defined the feeling accurately. In a situation, you may identify a feeling as being agitated or annoyed, and in actuality, that may not be a correct assessment or definition of what that particular feeling is. It may be disinteresting. But you will respond differently to disinterest than you will to annoyance. You will generate different choices with annoyance than you will if you are uninterested. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to what you are feeling, and to identify that and to define that accurately, and, therefore, understand what your choices are.

If you are distressed and the feeling is not associated with now – if you KNOW that it is not associated with now – your response to it may be very different. If you are NOT aware that it is not now, or related to now, you may generate automatic reactions attempting to move away from that feeling, or distract yourself from that feeling, and may influence you to generate certain choices, that, if you knew that that feeling was not related to now, you may generate very different choices. You may choose to acknowledge that feeling very differently and recognize perhaps it is not important for me to get away from this feeling – which you all do in different capacities when you are uncomfortable. But, if you are more aware in a time-framework that the feeling is not necessarily related to what is occurring now, it may influence you to generate very different choices and that can influence many different situations.

Once again, ALL that you do is interconnected; therefore, what you are doing to get away from a feeling is interconnected with all the other activities that you are doing – and interactions – and there are influences that interplay. Therefore, this day, this discussion will be an interaction between myself and all of you to explore feelings and what feelings you are generating that may be confusing, or sharing examples of feelings that are disturbing, or that are influencing you in manners that can be confusing, or that you would like to change. (To Jennifer) Yes?

JENNIFER: Hello, my name is Jennifer. And I’m paying special attention, with an interest in losing weight, to the feelings that arise as I sit before food. And I’m noticing, to my surprise, that there is anger that arises as I eat, often, encouraging me to eat more quickly and more voluminously than is my intention. So there is a cognitive dissonance, a feeling of impatience with myself, and lack of keeping an agreement with myself, because something in me says, “You must…” – well, I’m not sure what the conversation is but it’s… there’s a kind of compulsion to be very full and to have what I want, when I want, in the way that I want it, which is in disagreement with an intellectual decision to not do that. And then, what arises is a quality of anger that seems to go in the favor of continuing to eat. So…

ELIAS: This is an excellent example. Now, what I pose to all of you in this situation is to engage a brief, simple exercise – there is no right answer to this exercise – and merely allow yourselves momentarily, in situations such as this, to stop and to question yourself, what is the earliest time-framework that I recall feeling this feeling? Whether it was connected to food or not, what is the earliest time that I can remember that I felt this feeling? And do not push yourselves for an answer. It matters not if the earliest time that you remember feeling that feeling was two of your ‘weeks’ prior, or if it was when you were three years of age. The point is you are instructing – you are engaging – and you are instructing your body consciousness, “I am engaging you now. I am directly interacting with you now to identify. This feeling is not associated with now, and I know it is not associated with now, for it continues to repeat. Regardless of what I do, regardless of how I present this situation of food to myself, or what food I present to myself, this feeling occurs. Therefore, in the repetition of this feeling, I know that this feeling is not now. Therefore, I am expressing a trigger of some other experience, some other time-framework. Find that.” You may not immediately present yourself with an actual objective memory, but your body consciousness will respond to that instruction. It knows immediately when you are communicating with it and offering a different instruction, and when you are including time, for it does not. Therefore, it recognizes your expression that you are now including time. And this is not this time. It is also important that you are relaxed with yourself, or gentle with yourself, not pushing and not expecting, “I must have answer to this question, now.” Or, “Eventually, you must give me an answer.” That is not the point.

Perhaps you will generate an objective memory that may not actually be food itself. It may be associated with a pattern, or a manner, in which your family, or members of your family, engaged in how they interact, or how they prepare, for any interaction or action. Such as, hypothetically, that food is not necessarily a manifestation that is to be enjoyed. “We are busy people.” And being busy, food is a manifestation that you engage out of necessity and that you do it quickly to be engaging whatever else you are engaging. Therefore, this is an important factor, that it is not always the object that may be the experience that created that association, or that shield, in which you are denying yourself. It may be some OTHER action, but, that, in some matter, it included that. And in that, they also view, hypothetically, that food is a manifestation that you engage for nutrition, not for pleasure, which as a small one, in your genuine self and in your genuine expression, you may be engaging your senses, and engaging food, and paying attention to your sense of taste, and enjoying that. And when that is denied, that becomes a threat for this is your genuine expression. You like this. “This is pleasurable. This is fun to explore. It is colorful. It is different shapes. And I am enjoying this. And I am interested in this manifestation”. And if there is some expression around you that is contrary to that, rather than generating the assessment, “but I like this”, you automatically receive that energy as a denial. Any type of denial is a threat. If you are being denied, you are being threatened, and therefore, you develop behaviors and habits that you are not thinking of. You begin to view food differently and there is this struggle – there is the association “I like food”, “But, no, you can not have that”, “But I LIKE that”, “But, no, you can not HAVE that” or “No, you SHOULD not have that”. And as you grow, in your society, there are many influences that support the “No, you can not have that” or “No, you should not do that” or “You should not have that”, and “You should be generating this type of a body consciousness”, “You should be generating this type of an action”, “you SHOULD be incorporating this type of food to be nutritious.” There are many rules that are influencing attachments that you develop as you grow, but that initial association remains. And, as it was not shielded as a small one, that memory is enacted and triggered differently; and, therefore, it continues. Regardless of your age, it follows you. And it continues to be expressed – “But I like this. But I like this. But I want this.” – and that creates a struggle and a conflict within you.

And, you have developed these attachments – certain foods are not good for you, certain foods are influencing weight, they are fattening, certain foods do not metabolize correctly – these are all tremendous attachments that influence you in what you choose and what your behavior is. But that initial association continues to argue with it and express, “But I like this. But this is fun.”, and it becomes difficult to reconcile, for now you are battling the intellect and the feelings. But the feelings, if they are battled with enough, can turn into ‘angry’ and ‘annoyed’. And what is anger? Anger is the expression of perceiving you have no choices; therefore, another denial. You cannot, for you have no choices; that is anger. In this, when you can recognize what you are feeling, such as you expressed, “I noticed I am feeling angry.” What is anger? If I am defining I am angry in relation to food, I am expressing, “I incorporate no choices with food.” This is distressing for you have no choices and you are denying yourself.

And your genuine self will rail against denial, regardless of what it is. When you deny yourself you automatically are railing against yourself. You become accustomed to denying yourself. That is not to say that inwardly you do not continue to rail against that, which in many situations, becomes discounting yourself. You turn that railing into discounting yourself. And you develop all of these actions and expressions and feelings that are very uncomfortable and very intertwined in relation to what you can not do and what you should not do, and denial, denial, denial.

I would express to you, to also – and this can be applied to any other type of situation – when you are before your plate of food and you are noticing your feeling, and perhaps you are noticing a slight amount of anger, allow yourself to pause. First, engage time. First, remind your body consciousness, “This is a time factor. This is not now. This feeling is not now.” And once you have done that – which you can accomplish that in a moment – once you have done that, look at your plate of food and play with it. Visualize it. Play with it. “What can I configure my peas into? How can I configure this steak? What does this steak remind me of? Ah, yes, my soup seems to be a yellow lake.” Play with it. For when you can allow yourself to disassociate, when you can stop that momentum of paying attention to it in a particular manner, “This is good for me. This is not good for me. This tastes delicious. This tastes sour. I do not like this, but I very much like this. I want to eat this and I do not want to eat that.” You are generating those very familiar habitual actions. You have created those patterns and those habits for years and years and years. When you can engage a very different action and employ your attention in a very different manner, you interrupt those patterns. And in the interruption of the pattern, you are reinstructing the body consciousness. You are expressing to it to be aware of time and you are expressing a new instruction to it, “I am viewing food different. I’m not listening to these old associations. I am choosing for it is my choice. This is a choice. And I am choosing to begin to practice viewing my food differently. And my food is not associated with weight, with appearance, with complexion. My food is merely my food – what I choose to consume or what I choose not to consume. And I am now reconfiguring my food into other objects. My peas are many, many, many, many, strange, green aliens. And, if I push them with my spoon, they bump into each other. And my steak is Uluru in Australia.” This seems simplistic, and to many individuals, may even seem silly, but in actuality, those simplistic, silly actions that you intentionally choose to engage reconfigures your energy and it sends different messages to your body consciousness. And it is important to be communicating with your body consciousness, NOT JUST DOING TO. This is what you do with your body; you do TO it. And rather than doing TO it, do WITH it. And engage it, communicate with it, and interact with it, rather than doing TO it or denying it.

JENNIFER: Thank you.

ELIAS: You are very welcome. (Elias chuckles) We shall engage one other offering and subsequent to that, we shall incorporate a break. Any other feelings to be offered?

TYLER: Yes, I have some.


TYLER: My name is Tyler. I would say maybe two years back, I generated this tightness within my body. And it’s lasted a few years now. It’s changed over the years. When I first had it, it was definitely what you were talking about; it was a threat. I took myself to the ER. I thought I was having a heart attack. I thought I was gonna die. And over the years, it’s changed and it’s become what I consider right now… that I feel like I have this ‘anxious intrigue’. I’ve been losing weight. I’ve been changing the way I am. I’ve been adjusting and I just feel like it’s still there, so it grabs my attention, but it’s become, kind of like, something that’s motivating me now. But I’m still wondering how to even further (inaudible/loud squeak) how to continue to, kind of, free myself from that tightness.

ELIAS: I would inquire of you, are you satisfied your body consciousness yet?

TYLER: Well, I am becoming much more satisfied with it.

ELIAS: More so.

TYLER: Much more so.

ELIAS: But not entirely yet.

TYLER: Not yet.

ELIAS: And therefore the tightness continues. But I would inquire of you also, you express that it is different – is it lessened?

TYLER: Oh, yes. Yes it has.

ELIAS: It is not unusual for your body consciousness to display certain actions or manifestations in relation to your own associations, or – once again, another example – how you FEEL in relation to how you perceive yourself. If you feel constricted with yourself, if you are uncomfortable with yourself in other manners – not merely physically – it is not unusual for the body consciousness to be very responsive to that and to create uncomfortable situations or manifestations. But it also is responsive to whatever you do and, therefore, whether you express in a restriction, as you yourself become more satisfied and more comfortable with yourself, that restriction becomes less and less.

And this applies also to situations in which individuals create dis-ease, unless they are creating dis-ease to disengage; but if they are not creating dis-ease to disengage, it may be expressions that are dissatisfied within themselves. Or, also, individuals do this in many situation in which they are unaware that they HAVE choices. They are not only unaware OF choices, but they are unaware that they have choices, and that restricts them. And, once again, you create a denial within you and your body consciousness will respond to denial.

I would express in relation to that specific manifestation with you, as you allow yourself more mobility, more of a freedom in your own physical and feeling mobility – which includes the mobility in your interactions, and what you allow yourself to do, and your movement in your business – that as you allow yourself more flexibility in that and are allowing yourself more mobility in it, this manifestation will also dissipate much more dramatically – which you have already noticed – but it will continue to do so.

TYLER: Thank you.

ELIAS: Ha ha ha ha ha ha! You are very welcome. We shall break and continue momentarily.

Break. (1:07:41)

ELIAS: Continuing. Any other feelings? (To Prince) Yes.

PRINCE: This is Prince. Elias, I often find myself feeling sleepy and tired in the middle of the day, and it would be nice not to feel that way and kind of go about my work in my day. And these feelings come about despite the fact that I had a good night’s sleep and I’m not depressed as some people are, ya know. So I guess I’m trying to figure a certain source of that feeling and how to deal with that. But I should also add that I have the good fortune of being able to work from home most of the time where I could probably just as easily, when those feelings come about, lay down for a little nap, but I tend not to want to, because I feel probably a little bit guilty when I do, because, you know, there’s work that I wanna get done. So I give you all that (inaudible).

ELIAS: Very well, which is interesting both aspects, that you do not necessarily allow yourself to stop and to indulge that feeling. But let me also express to you, this type of feeling is very common with individuals – that they are generating their usual actions within their day, and at some point, begin to feel fatigued. And it does not necessarily seem that you should be feeling fatigued for you may not necessarily engaging any action that is tiring. Generally speaking, when this type of action occurs, this is your body consciousness signaling you that you are bored, that you are uninterested in that moment in what you are doing; and, therefore, the body consciousness begins to respond, and it begins to depress itself in a manner of slowing, and you generate that feeling of being tired. It is not necessarily that you are actually tired, but that your body consciousness is slowing it’s functions, for you are not generating enough stimulations, for the body consciousness is recognizing that you are not interested in what you are doing. You are doing it, for you are expressing to yourself that you SHOULD, or that you MUST, but that you are not, in that moment, actually entirely interested in what you are doing.

Generally speaking, I would express to you that that feeling will change relatively quickly if you notice, and you recognize, that you are generating a mundane action that you are not entirely interested in that moment. And if you allow yourself, for a brief time-framework, to stop what you are doing, and engage some other activity temporarily that DOES interest you, your body consciousness will respond to that and you will feel your energy rise, and you will feel more active in a very short time-framework, for now you are re-engaging your interest.

This occurs very frequently with students, with individuals that are attending school and are studying and/or engaging homework, and they feel tired or fatigued and not motivated. And in that, they push themselves, for they are expressing to themselves that they MUST accomplish these certain tasks, or studying in a particular manner. And it becomes more and more difficult to accomplish what they want to accomplish, for the body consciousness is recognizing that, in that moment, it is enough and you’re no longer interested in what you are doing; and, therefore, you are not generating a stimulation with the body consciousness, and it begins to depress, and it begins to slow it’s own functions, and this is what generates you being tired. You may even notice yourself yawning in those situations, which is another signal of the body consciousness depressing itself, and slowing itself, and slowing it’s own functions, to which your breathing changes. You do not necessarily NOTICE that your breathing is changing, but it IS, and this is the reason that you begin to yawn. For in whatever you are doing, you are not necessarily breathing in the manner that accommodates the function; and, therefore, the body consciousness is reacting to the signals that you are expressing to it. And as I expressed, you can very briefly, remove yourself from whatever the task is that you are doing and engage some other activity that is very different that allows you to re-stimulate your body consciousness. And you will surprise yourself at how quickly that feeling of being tired, or fatigue, dissipates and you begin to feel more energized again.

This is a very common action that occurs with individuals in many situations, regardless of what it is; that if you are engaging any activity, or any task, that perhaps requires a length of time – several hours – if you are not entirely interested in what you are doing, if it some activity that it is required and is somewhat mundane and tedious – the body consciousness responds to these activities that you do.

And in that, interest is a significant factor with your body consciousness and how it responds to you and how it accommodates you in different capacities of energy – more energy, less energy. It responds to you in relation to your interest level. And when your interest dissipates, and you are generating an action in routine that you are not necessarily interested in doing, but you are pushing yourself to do, your body consciousness will react to that and signal you. This is, in a manner of speaking, a message. It is expressing to stop – “Engage a different action. You’re bored. You are not interested and I am prompting to you engage some other action.” – which also, in a manner of speaking, resets you, for it allows you to concentrate more.

Which, as I expressed in relation to students, this occurs very frequently – in which they are pushing themself in studying – and what occurs is: they actually engage more time studying, for it is necessary to incorporate more time studying for they are not retaining what they are studying. And the reason they are not objectively retaining what they are studying is that their attention begins to drift and it is not actually focused in what they are doing for they are not interested any longer in what they are doing. Therefore, a very small action of incorporating, at times, merely a few minutes of generating some entirely different action, distracting yourself, and subsequently returning to what you were doing, you will not merely feel more energy but you will also notice that you are generating more clarity and more concentration, for you have readjusted your energy and your body consciousness is responding to that.

PRINCE: Thank you.

ELIAS: You’re welcome. (To Rex) Yes.

REX: Is this direct... Oh! Rex. Rex is my name. Is this direction we’re going in now more in league with the shift where we’re adjusting from the objective to the subjective, in the sense that we see what’s going on? And let me try to illustrate that with this recent experience that I had. I went out… I was staying at the motel… I won’t give a name, but... so I noticed when I came in… and I kind of have this problem sometimes that I’m not happy with the room, and the heater doesn’t work, and I get into this thing about: “Oh, you’re creating this, right?” And then I get hung up on it. I found myself going to the familiars: “Oh shit, you’re creating something you don’t want here, right?” And... But I made some kind of adjustment where I said, “Well, gimme a break. Don’t just stay with that, but, ya know, go … if you’re creating it, well, uncreate it, ya know. Because – and I gotta slide something else in there – cause, ya know, I’m an old-timer that’s (new?) to the physical stuff and I can go back to the days where you start reading the good stuff and you just wanna sit there and go “Whoop! There it is.” Ya know? “Whoop! There it is.” And now, the fact that I … I’m thinking in terms of “Well, ya know, what can you do to uncreate it?” so I start dealing with the office and before you know it we’re even in a different room and it’s even right next door. So, ya know, all we gotta do is shift this stuff, so it seemed like I remedied it. And, boy, after I did it – made this adjustment to the objective – I was really happy with it. I said, “Hey, you don’t have to go into… you don’t have to get hung up with the problems about the subjective: “Oh, you know, you created this! And, boy, here you go again!” and that kinda stuff, ya know. (inaudible) your turn.

ELIAS: Yes. Well, there are two factors in your question: one, actually asking in relation to the objective and the subjective, and then the other, in relation to experience. Let me address to the latter first, for this appears to be a very common expression with individuals in which you have afforded yourselves information, and you’re aware that you create your reality, but in many situations, you move in that type of an expression where you recognize some aspect that of your reality that you are not pleased with, or you are not comfortable with, and rather than engaging your choices, you stop and you begin to discount yourself. “I am creating this.” And when you do that, you move in the direction of questioning yourself further and discounting yourself. “I am creating this, therefore, I am responsible for this.” And you begin to look for a wrong reason. You begin to search for what you are doing wrong, for what is occurring wrong in your reality, and you begin discounting yourself and reinforcing that you are not accomplishing, and you get caught in this cycle of discounting yourself rather than looking at your choices. For rather than immediately recognizing, “This is merely a choice. If I do not like this choice, that I have engaged, I can choose in any other manner, and I can change my choice. Every action that I engage IS a choice. If I choose one action and I discover that it is not satisfactory, I can choose a different action.” But what occurs with many individuals, in this idea that you create all of your reality, rather than reminding yourselves that you DO have choices, and that you can ENACT those choices, you stop and you become caught in this web of analyzing “What did I do wrong?” And, “what is wrong within me, that I’m not creating what I want?”

Let me express to you, most of your choices are experiments. You are not necessarily entirely sure of the outcome of ANY of your choices. They are actions that you engage as an experiment. You are EXPLORING. That is what you are DOING in this reality. I would express to you, very many of you have inquired of myself, at one point or another, “What is my intent in this focus?” and what is an intent? Your general theme of what? Your exploration. That is what you are DOING in this reality; You are EXPLORING, therefore, EVERY choice that you engage can be considered an experiment. And in that, you experiment with one choice and you evaluate, “Do I like this choice? Do I like what I’ve created in this choice? Or do I NOT like what I’ve created in this choice?” And knowing that you incorporate unlimited choices, therefore – this is the reason there are no WRONG choices – for whatever choice you engage, if you are not comfortable with it, that is not necessarily a wrong choice; it was an experiment and you have discovered that you are not comfortable with that choice. And you also incorporate endless other choices that you can engage.

I have also expressed from the onset of this forum, shifting or no shifting, you are NOT CREATING UTOPIA. That is NOT the point of this reality; and that is not the point of this shift. This shift in consciousness is to shift your awareness, to expand it, to allow you to be more objectively aware of all that you create, to allow you more ability to be creating intentionally what you want. But there are other aspects of this shift in expansion, availing yourself of more of your reality than what you have previously and what you are accustomed to, dropping those veils of separation. Knowing yourselves – becoming aware of your genuine selves enough – that dropping those veils of separation do not threaten you. That you know yourselves, you know your abilities, you are satisfied and safe within yourselves, that when you drop these veils of separation, it does not threaten who you are. That you are aware of what are attachments to your identity, therefore, when they are stripped away, you remain; and you are not threatened by the stripping away of attachments that you have seen as who you are, for your existence in this reality. These are actions that you are engaging – they are explorations that you are engaging – that expand you, that expand your awareness.

And the more that you become aware is not to say that the entirety of your reality, in the physical reality, changes and is entirely different, and now you can think and you will materialize whatever you want. First of all, we are already aware that thinking does not create your reality or that you can ‘will’ any manifestation into your existence. This is not the manner in which you experience and explore your reality. Can you actually do it? Yes. Do you have the ability? Yes. Will you? Likely not. In this, you have set a blueprint of this physical reality and you exist within it. And this shift is designed to allow you to be aware of more of it, and understand it, and, therefore, manipulate it more effectively, more consistently; to understand yourselves, and what you do, and what influences what you do; and, therefore, also allow you more choices.

If you were to replace the term ‘shift’ with another word it could be ’choice’. You are becoming aware that, yes, you create your reality, and in that, it means that you have choice – that whatever you do, whatever you engage, you have choices. No aspect of your reality is completely out of your control, so to speak, or out of your realm, or occurs TO you that you are powerless against or helpless within. But there are many, many experiences, and situations, and choices, that individuals feel powerless, that they feel helpless, or they feel useless, for they are not aware that they HAVE choices. And this is what you are empowering yourselves with. (To unkown) Yes.

WENDY: Generally speaking, here on the Pacific Rim, I have felt agitated lately and you’re bringing up something, in my mind, that is a real challenge, in terms of feeling that I have choices, when watch something like earthquakes – the many earthquakes in Japan – and the tsunami. I have been through this before. I think probably it has a little different significance this time, but I would really love it if you would address to that.

ELIAS: Very well. I will address to that in two parts: one globally, one individually. And, before I respond to that, I will express to you all a reminder that what I am expressing to you is NOT a situation of cause and effect, which influences you automatically, once again, to discount yourselves, or to blame yourselves.

As a species, you have grown, you have evolved, you have explored, and in your explorations throughout your history, you have experimented – just as we have been discussing – in many, many different capacities with your reality and what you can create, what you can invent, what you can develop, in your reality. In this, you have engaged all of your environment in spurring yourselves to explore and to discover what you can do and how you can do it. You are very creative and inventive.

Now, in some of the directions that you have engaged in your exploring, and your experimenting, you have engaged actions that have affected your actual planet. Now, let me be clear – NOT ‘destroying’, but ‘affecting’. And let me also be clear, your planet is functioning and energized, so to speak, through your collective energy as consciousness, as essences. You, collectively – as an extension of yourselves – collectively create, and generate, and fuel your planet with your energy; therefore, it is an extension of you. But it also has a blueprint that you have developed, but in a time-framework far earlier than you exist now. In that, the planet, just as your bodies, incorporates a design and functions.

When you alter certain aspects of your physical body, you will alter the function. If you remove an organ from your body consciousness, your body will continue, but it will readjust its functioning; it will readjust to function with the alteration, or with the loss of a particular aspect of your body, or a lack of function of another aspect of your body. Your body consciousness will readjust itself, and, in a manner of speaking, to compensate for that alteration of the body consciousness, it will function differently. Your planet is very similar.

You have generated explorations and actions, that, within your beliefs, you are divided in your opinions about. Some individuals express that you are destroying your planet, or you are harming your planet. Other individuals disagree with that. What, in actuality, has occurred is that you have engaged your planet in certain manners that have affected its construction, and in doing so, it is readjusting itself to function differently. Your planet is very strong; it is capable of accommodating whatever you do to it. In this, that is not to say that it will continue to function in manners that you are accustomed to. It will change some of its functions to accommodate itself to continue functioning. There have been actions that you have engaged with your planet in mining in many different capacities. Regardless if the mining is of matter, or if it is of gases, you discover that you can access certain elements, in relation to your planet, and use them. And, as in any experiment, some of your uses of different elements of the planet are not entirely successful. And, although you can use certain elements of your planet, there are also extensions of those uses that you discover that you can use certain parts of your planet – fossil fuels. Fossil fuels is not an accurate term for that part of your planet, but in that, yes, you can use them. But there are also other extensions of using those elements of your planet that are not necessarily entirely conducive to your own growth, or your own maintenance of your body consciousnesses or other body consciousnesses. But as you grow you are also discovering that. But in your processes – in, for the most part, mining of different elements of your planet – you have shifted its construction, and it is shifting to readjust itself in relation to those changes of its structure.

Once again, (slowly and with emphasis) ALL IS INTERCONNECTED; therefore, sediments and construction of different elements that create layers of your planet in outer layers, ones that are more accessible to all of you, they are not there accidentally. And they have not been created in the manner that they are, accidentally. All of your fossils – all of your creatures that you recognize are extinct – their contribution has been to parts of the construction of your planet. And, as you deconstruct some of those constructions, you alter the function of the planet. This is the reason that you are noticing more and more severe situations in relation to your planet, in weather, in configurations of land masses, in configurations of ice floes, of water; they are readjusting for you have generated actions that necessitate readjustment.

In relation to the interconnectedness within your country that you occupy now, here, and within several other significant countries – or you could even express within certain continents moreso than within other continents – you have mined considerably. In this continent of America, you have mined considerably. In your continent of Africa, you have mined considerably. That creates shifts in the construction of your planet, and in that, what you do in one continent, or in one country, does affect the structure of the planet in another country, and in another area of your planet. That you generate certain actions in one section is not to say that that is necessarily the only section of your planet that will readjust. It is attempting to rebalance itself, and, in doing so, and in some similar manners to yourselves, it is generating some upheaval.

Figuratively speaking, if you were to visualize within yourselves, if you were sleeping and you placed yourself upon a soft,very comfortable mattress to sleep upon, and you rolled in your sleep and discovered that another area of your mattress is not very comfortable – it may be likely that you will begin to move more to readjust your self into a comfortable position. And you may even throw off your blanket. And you may even whisk your pillow to the floor. Eventually, when you become comfortable, you will reapply your blanket, and you will replace your head upon your pillow, and you will sleep again, but there is that turbulent time-framework in which you are readjusting to become comfortable; this is what your planet is doing. It is somewhat turbulent, it is readjusting to become comfortable again in its function, which, I am aware is not very comfortable for you, that occupy the outer edge of your planet, and live upon it, that some of its groaning, and readjusting, and thrashing, may not be entirely comfortable, or feel very safe, for all of you, and it will continue to be readjusting for a time-framework, to, in a manner of speaking, compensate for what has been changed in it structure. This is the reason that you are recognizing more and more violent earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, tornadoes, and in different areas of your world that perhaps they were not previously.

As to the aspect of you, as individuals, and feeling safe, and not generating that threat, and that fear, you also do directly participate in the readjustment in what areas are readjusting when. Those are not random, or accidental, either. The areas that are unsettled, and dissatisfied, and are generating agitated energy collectively, are more likely to be the areas that your planet will be responding to more. Or, if you were developing a sequence – which you are not – but if you were, the most agitated areas will be readjusted first. In this, the area that is readjusting – which moves quite quickly on the heels of an area in what you would term to be ‘on the other side of your planet’ in your ‘South America’, which generated tremendous upheaval in earthquakes, and, across your world now in Japan – in this, these are areas in which the collective energy of the individuals that occupy those areas are unsettled, are dissatisfied; and the energy is agitated. They are not comfortable with what they are creating, and they are contributing to the planet responding – “This area is very agitated, and very uncomfortable, and very unsatisfying; I will readjust here first!” – for it complies with what you collectively are doing. Therefore, as individuals, first know that you are not destroying yourselves. That, in relation to choice, individuals that choose to disengage in relation to these readjustments with the planet, that is a choice; they are choosing to participate. In that, there are collective units of individuals that are participating in disengaging in agreement, or in supportiveness, of the readjustment of the planet. There are groups, or collectives, of individuals that disengage for they choose to be supportive in non-physical manners, in relation to your shift and what you are accomplishing.

Let me express to you, my friends, within your recent fifty years, throughout your planet, as a species, one of your concerns is that you are over-populating; one of your collective concerns is that you are reproducing to an extent that you will over populate your world and it will not incorporate the ability to sustain you. This is not merely an idea; you express that energy. You have been expressing that energy for fifty of your years, collectively. Therefore, it is also not unusual that you would choose different methods to address to that situation. If you are not generating significant wars and eliminating each other, you will discover another method to eliminate the problem of too much population. And individuals choose to participate in that just as much as they choose to participate in your armies. You choose to engage in wars. You choose to be a soldier. You choose to engage in an army. You also choose whether you shall participate in some collective action, such as an earthquake, and disengage in that. That is no less a choice than being a soldier and choosing to be eliminating yourselves in that method.

That is not the only reason that you participate. But, in relation to your fears of what you are possibly creating – and could you be participating in that? – it is a matter of paying attention, once again, to what you are feeling, and paying attention to what you choose participate in. Do you choose to participate in, “My section of the planet is not moving. My section of the planet is not necessary to readjust in that capacity. Perhaps in my section of the planet, I would be more comfortable with an alteration of a weather pattern.”? And in that, it is a choice of what collective energy you want to participate with, for the collective is what influences what occurs in your environment; therefore, what collective do you want to participate with? And in that, if you notice that the collective expression in the area that you occupy is not in agreement with you, perhaps you may choose to locate your self in a physical location in which they ARE in agreement with you; but that also is a choice: what do you want to participate with?

You, as ONE individual, ARE participating, and ARE rippling, in much greater capacity than you credit yourselves for. I expressed, in recent time-framework, to individuals that were inquiring of your disaster, of your oil spill. This is an EXCELLENT example to all of you of how powerful you are as ONE individual. – ONE INDIVIDUAL generated a choice in relation to the functioning of a pipe; and view how that ripples – tremendously! ONE INDIVIDUAL created a ripple effect that INVOLVED and AFFECTED THOUSANDS AND MILLIONS. If one individual generates that much effect, that you can objectively see with your own eyes, hear with your own ears, and you can watch, you incorporate that same power, and you are DOING IT in every day of your lives.

You may not see it in the same capacity that you did with that choice, but you are affecting in equal measure. Therefore, it is a matter of being aware of what you want, what you feel, and in that, generating choices that create your greatest benefit; move to your greatest benefit.

(inaudible/thank you?)

ELIAS: You are welcome.

STEVE: Elias, I’m Steve Lord.(background giggles) You might remember that I’m the one that asked you to hum the 4 most famous notes in music history – this is an aside to my question. (background giggles) You hummed them for me; will you hum them for the group?

ELIAS: And what would be the purpose of that?

STEVE: (laughter) Just for fun, cuz everyone loved that when I reported that on the boards.

ELIAS: And it has already been done. (laughter)

STEVE: All right. 4 notes. (sings) Dum dum dum dum – which he wrote. (laughter)

Elias, our question is related to the question before the last one. And thank you for telling us about what’s happening in the world. That’s very interesting. All three of these entities have basically said the same thing that you’ve said at various times, that – Bashar, Sharee and yourself… Sharee is channeled by derelic7…

What Sharee said the most specifically – you said he’s Sumafi, too – that the role, the job of the conscious mind, is to choose, and the role of the subjective is to carry it out, that our subjective is standing ready for our choice, and begins the process of fulfilling it immediately – although it may not be seen immediately, because it’s a process – it would begin that process immediately. Always. Now, that may be exaggerated – or maybe it isn’t. You said similar... The point being… the punch line is, I guess, what to do about this… The key to conscious creation is to get the conscious mind out of the way of the subjective once the choice is made, once the probability is put into the air.

And I have done that maybe more than anything else. I make the choice to heal something – a dog bite, (inaudible) stomach, chronic illnesses – and I have… Actually, now that I think about it, (inaudible) a choice. And I let the subjective take over. And, in fact, I completely forget sometimes – that I made the choice – and even with the dog bite still there and completely hurts. And I don’t know any other way to get more out of the way than to have completely forgotten about it, and yet, nothing gets healed. The subjective is not doing it’s job, it would appear. And what I wanted to know is, why is that?

Is it a matter of the Dream Walkers have created a blueprint, that in the separated state, that little system doesn’t work? The subjective is programmed not to respond to the choice of the conscious mind? I’m sure it hears me every time I make a choice, but it doesn’t do its … fulfill its function. Is it the separation problem that prevents that?

ELIAS: No. You are generating the separation situation. In this I would disagree with you. I would express that one of the aspects of what you are expressing is separating the objective and the subjective, and not integrating them, that it is not that one generates one function and the other generates another function. They move in harmony together and they are generating simultaneously. The difference between the objective and the subjective is the manner in which they process the subject matter. One incorporates imagery, which is the objective, and, therefore, incorporates abstractness, for it includes imagery. Subjective does not necessarily include imagery, therefore, it is less abstract; but they are both moving in harmony with each other simultaneously and they are both addressing in the same manner with each other simultaneously. It is not that one generates one function, and another generates a different function. They are moving together. There are different components with them, but, I have been expressing this from the onset of this forum. And this is an example of how, even now, there continues to be this separation with individuals between the objective and the subjective in your assessment, and there IS NO separation between them. And this creates what you are speaking of in these problems, for you generate a designation of one awareness to function in a particular manner. “I will instruct, as the objective awareness, and this elusive thing of the subjective awareness…” – which none of you have an image of, or you do not even know what that is as the subjective awareness but some ‘separate entity’ that is carrying out the instruction, and that is incorrect. They are not two separate entities; they are not separate things. And, in this, it is all simultaneous. And, it is a matter of what you employ with an objective function of attention as to how that is directed, or what you are aware of in relation to either. It is a matter of how you are directing your attention and what you are concentrating on.

Beliefs incorporate a significant factor in this, which I have expressed many times, that you concentrate upon certain beliefs that may generate some limitations or some influences of beliefs, such as, the body consciousness has limited regeneration capacity. The body consciousness does NOT have limited regeneration capacity. But, you incorporate a belief that the body consciousness in itself is limited; then you employ different influences of that belief to express, more specifically, that certain aspects of the body consciousness do not regenerate. And they DO.

But they won’t, if you are concentrating upon that influence of a belief that they do not. Let me express once again, BELIEVING – not beliefs – BELIEVING is another term for trust. When you BELIEVE that your body consciousness, in certain capacities, cannot or will not regenerate, that is what you will create, for you trust it; therefore, that is what you will do if you express to yourself that this belief that the body consciousness is limited, and you engage those influences of that belief in which certain aspects of the body consciousness are MORE limited than others. “Your brain does not regenerate brain cells.” YES, IT DOES. But it WON’T if YOU are BELIEVING that it DOES NOT; therefore it will respond to your instruction, not subjective instruction, not subjective action alone. You, consciously, in your terms… Your objective awareness is expressing “I do not believe that brain cells regenerate.” And therefore they don’t. They DO, but you prevent them from doing so, in a natural function, for you are expressing an instruction to your body consciousness in relation to what you BELIEVE. “If you sever your spinal cord, it will not regenerate.” It CAN, but it WON’T, for YOU trust that it won’t, that it can’t; you trust that, and you DO what you trust. If you do NOT trust an expression, you will void it. You gravitate automatically to what you DO trust, and you will create that. Therefore, if there is some action that you do NOT entirely believe will occur, you will create that, in that capacity. This is not a matter of the subjective awareness receiving instructions from the objective awareness and the subjective awareness creates all of your reality. No. If that were the situation, there may be significant time-frameworks in which you are unaware of what you are creating AT ALL. Or it would be random as to what you objective wants; it’s not merely your objective awareness that wants, YOU want; YOU generate a want, or a desire. There are not two parts of you; there is ONE you, and you express what you want. “I want to heal.” “I want create dis-ease.” It matters not. You are instructing. YOU are creating. There is no elusive, unknown, hidden, aspect of yourself that is randomly creating without your permission. This is not to say that there are not time-frameworks in which you create directions and manifestation that surprise you. But that is not that it was unknown to you, it is that you are not paying attention to what you were DOING. You are physically participating in the creation of whatever manifests in your reality. You may merely not be paying attention to what it IS that you are doing; and, therefore, when you accomplish some action, you surprise yourself. And you express, “How did I create that?”

STEVE: (inaudible) lifting veils of separation is part of the shift. (inaudible)

ELIAS: And that is what you are doing in being more aware, in recognizing what your choices are, in expanding your attention, in understanding what your attention is and how to direct it, and in manipulating that to BE paying attention to what you are doing, and knowing that YOU have the choice. (To Rodney) Yes.

RODNEY: About paying attention, did you want to talk this weekend about forgetfulness? And most of it’s been my own.

ELIAS: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

RODNEY: But a lot of people are joking about…ya know, people in my age group, there’s a scenario, ya know...

ELIAS: Ha ha ha ha ha!

RODNEY: … where you go to do this, and half way there you remember something else. And you move over there, and halfway there you go over here. And they make fun of that, ya know. They make cartoons of this. And it’s rather amusing. I recently got one of these, and I wrote back that what you are engaging is an expansion of consciousness. And (inaudible due to coughing) making fun of an expansion of consciousness because what you’re doing is your exercising your flexibility in shifting your attention. You’re thinking of multiple things almost simultaneously and learning how to manage multiple actions…

ELIAS: Correct.

RODNEY: …simultaneously.

ELIAS: And being more flexible.

RODNEY: Would you confirm my …

ELIAS: I would!

RODNEY: Okay. Good! (group laughing)

ELIAS: I would! But (inaudible due to overlapping voices) let me express to this also, (inaudible) considerable time-framework in your lifetime, as you grow, and you experience. Most individuals generally move in specific directions, and you concentrate, and you focus, and you set specific goals and ideas of what you want to accomplish, and you expend considerable energy being as focused as you possibly can. And as you incorporate more age, this is not a “de-functioning”. As you incorporate more age, it is very similar to playing a game over and over and over, in the same method, and at some point, choosing to alter the game to stimulate yourself and to incorporate more interest in what you are doing. This is not necessarily a malfunction associated with age; it is more that your attention is more flexible. And in that, it is not actually a situation of forgetfulness, either. It is an action in which your attention IS more flexible, and it is moving with your attention in relation to whatever is interesting in the moment. Rather than setting, “I am interested in this subject and I will continue with this subject. Regardless of whether I am not interested in it any longer, in this moment, I will continue with this subject. As you incorporate more age and more experience, that is not as interesting you anymore. And, you become aware that your attention IS very flexible and that you CAN pay attention to many different directions. And if one is not being paid attention to in a moment, that seems that you have forgotten it. It matters not. You will re-engage it when you want to re-engage.

RODNEY: Well. it’s almost a game. Jene pointed out to me – it’s so true – that learning to manage these multiple attentions, you play the game, how much can I accomplish in how many different ways? And its actually… you know, when you get over the hump of “There’s something wrong with me!” and look at it playfully, you start becoming incredibly efficient at multitasking, real multitasking.

I would like to say for the record that this is Rodney. (Elias chuckles) If the confirmation had gone the other way I would have been another guy. (laughter)

ELIAS: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! And perhaps forgotten your name. Ha ha ha!

RODNEY: There is another aspect that I thought you might address that is… If someone has a physical illness like – well, I’ll use myself as an example. I have shortness of breath. I become exhausted with a little bit of motion. – can develop feelings, alright? We we’re talking about feelings – feelings that are probably not conducive to good choices regarding whatever we do around that quote/unquote illness. Now that’s kind of vague, but not so. (Elias chuckles) I’m wondering if you would address that because you said initially that, when we have an experience, it triggers feelings that were created a long time ago...

ELIAS: It can.


ELIAS: Not always.

RODNEY: Regarding other issues…?


RODNEY: ...that there’s reflection back and forth…?


RODNEY: How does that pertain specifically to people who are involving illnesses with…?

ELIAS: That would depend upon the individual. For, in any situation, an individual may be developing a dis-ease in relation to what they are doing NOW and it may NOT be associated with a previous experience, or that type of feeling.

RODNEY: So the feelings would be associated with their current actions (inaudible)?

ELIAS: In that situation, yes. In relation to what they are creating now, if that is the choice that they are creating, without being attached to other situations, which as I expressed, would depend on the individual in what they are individually creating...

RODNEY: Well people can be very self-destructive in their thoughts…

ELIAS: They can be.

RODNEY: ...regarding ’Why did I create this?’ Tah dah dah dah dah dah dah dah!

ELIAS: And that was what we were addressing to previously in this, “I create my reality. What am I creating wrong?”

RODNEY: Right.

ELIAS: And individuals do move in that direction very frequently, which is unfortunate, for that is not the point. The point is that, whatever you experimented with in any one choice that you are not comfortable with, is not that you generated a wrong choice, but you may not like that choice and you CAN choose OTHER expressions. You incorporate the freedom to employ other choices. In relation, to your example...

RODNEY: Which one?

ELIAS: of your physical manifestation.


ELIAS: Now, in that, express to myself what is the feeling that you were referring to.

RODNEY: You mean I get up I walk across the room I feel exhausted? How do I feel about that?

ELIAS: Yes. That you expressed that you generate an uncomfortable feeling in relation to, perhaps, some of your choices are ‘not so good,’ in your terms.

RODNEY: Well, I – yeah, smoking a pack a day for you know, sixty years – but specifically, in addition to that, feeling... Part of it is what would other people think of me...

ELIAS: Ahhh!

RODNEY: …alright? Evaluating myself by other people’s standards… That’s a (inaudible) less, but still pisses me off that I go there.

UNKNOWN: And that he’s a big man. And a big man is supposed to be very powerful. (laughter)

RODNEY: This is so true.

ELIAS: I am aware.

RODNEY: Why can’t I do this – a little bit of Steve Lord over there...

ELIAS: Now I will stop you.

RODNEY: …and anger. And anger.

ELIAS: Now, I will stop you for this provides an effective example. I would express to all of you that these are actually objective choices that Zacharie engages, that we have interacted for considerable time-framework, and you {Zacharie} are very aware, it is not a matter of “you engage smoking for sixty years, and this has created the situation that you are presently experiencing”. And this is also...

RODNEY: But that’s what (inaudible/overlapping voices)...

ELIAS: Yes, an association or an influence, and a suggestion, that collectives generate, that do influence how you feel and, therefore, influence what you do, and your behavior. In this, I would express to you, you and I have engaged conversations in relation to this subject matter, and your physical manifestation, and, what you term to be, ‘your physical (health?)’. And, in certain time-frameworks in which we engaged conversation and you listened, (laughter) and you employed my suggestions, that physical manifestation changed! And your physical health was different and was not so oppressive. But, you also objectively choose to generate other actions that recreate that physical manifestation of depressed breath, and difficulty, and constriction. Now, I am not expressing a right or wrong in this situation. What I am expressing is that this is an excellent example, for, in that, you DID employ my suggestions, and you DID experience...

RODNEY: You mean like walking, and…?

ELIAS: Yes. And you did experience differently.


ELIAS: And you felt different.


ELIAS: And you felt freer. But, there are also other aspects, in relation to feelings, that interplay. Feelings of, “I do not like being told…” – and this is a very common expression – “I do not want to be told that any manifestation will occur in any particular situation.” “I do not want to be told that if I smoke for sixty years it will destroy my body consciousness.”

RODNEY: You better believe it!

ELIAS: “I don’t like that.” “I feel aggressive in relation to that.”


ELIAS: “I feel aggravated or agitated with that.” And what does that do? It influences the individual to generate an action that may be not so beneficial to you, individually, but those feelings influence you to generate choices. “I will not be told.” “I will choose.” “ I will do it regardless.”

RODNEY: And that’s not good. That’s (inaudible/overlapping voices}

ELIAS: Is that to your highest benefit? No, it is not, but it is influenced behavior by your feelings. That – just as the other individual is influenced by her feelings in relation to food, and becomes angry in relation to food, and what she can eat and what she cannot eat – when you are responding, or reacting, to those feelings, you are generating choices that are not necessarily to your highest benefit, your greatest benefit. But, regardless, those feelings are very real, and they are very influential. And they do, in many situations, influence you all to generate choices that are not necessarily to your greatest benefit.

RODNEY: But the example, you know, it’s like the whole world – all you have to do is turn on the TV for, you know, half an hour – and you’ll see that the whole world says that smoking is a profoundly evil thing. And so I get angry at those people saying those things. I mean, that’s mass consciousness, and for me to disengage from that, I get angry at that. And what you’re saying is that my having anger with them influences me to make choices that are NOT beneficial.

ELIAS: Correct.

RODNEY: Can you give me an example of that?

ELIAS: You are the example! (laughter)

RODNEY: Why can’t I keep smoking?

ELIAS: You, yourself, incorporate that belief that it is harmful. You agree with the world that is expressing that it is harmful, and therefore, you create responses within your body consciousness that are in keeping with your beliefs. But, you are not railing against what is being expressed – that smoking is harmful; You agree! That is not what you are in disagreement with. That is not what is affecting the situation. You are in disagreement with other individuals, whether it be one, or whether it be a collective, telling you what to do. That is what you disagree with. You do not disagree with the effects of smoking. That IS your belief, that smoking IS damaging. And there are some individuals that do not hold that belief as strongly, and therefore they DO engage that action, and it is not as physically affecting, or physically affecting at all. But you do express that belief, that it is harmful; and, therefore that is what you create. What you are railing against is not a matter of smoking or not smoking. What you are railing against is authority, that any other individual, or group, can be set in authority of you, and, therefore tell you what to do. And you do not accept that. And that is what you are generating conflict with – not whether you are smoking or not smoking – but that there is some authority, that you do not want, and you do not recognize, that is telling you what to do, and you do not accept that.

RODNEY: Okay, there’s an issue with that, and the issue is… Alright, in some situations, I have claimed my authority very successfully…

ELIAS: Yes, you have.

RODNEY: (inaudible) anybody else’s. But then there is the issue of… Someone wants to be helpful, okay? And they come to me and they say you should do this.

ELIAS: Correct. And that is not helpful.

RODNEY: And it’s not helpful?

ELIAS: No. I will express to all of you – in any situation that you may present to yourselves: that you care for another individual, that you love another individual, that you want to be helpful to another individual – when you express to another individual disagreement with what they are doing, you are NOT helping and you are NOT being supportive. That is not the manner in which you approach being supportive to another individual, by expressing to them that what they are doing is wrong, and that what you express to them to do is better. That is not supportive and it is not helpful. Offering suggestions of what they can do that is better – if they do not request it – is not helpful.

RODNEY: So claiming your authority on all issues is the rule of the day.

ELIAS: In a manner of speaking. It is following you, being genuine to you, generating your own evaluation of, what is your greatest benefit? This is a significant point also, which you are illustrating, in that, at times, you will sacrifice your greatest benefit in your striving to generate your point. To be your own authority, it is not a matter of exchanging what you view as an outside authority to being your own authority. You are merely replacing, and in that, you are generating the same action. But now you are generating yourself as the object of opposition, for you are the authority; that is not the point. The point is to be aware of what you are doing and generate that to your greatest benefit. What is your greatest benefit?

If you assess that not breathing is your greatest benefit, then I applaud you. (laughter) It matters not what any other individual’s assessment of that is. If any other individual assesses that this is not good for you…that this is not beneficial for you…that this is destructive to you, and they love and care for you, and they want you to be happy, and well, and better. But if your genuine assessment is “My greatest benefit is to not breathe,” so be it. It is not for any other individual to generate that assessment. They incorporate their opinion and their opinion is real and valid to them; and their concerns are real and valid to them. And if they want to be helpful, their most, greatest help is to listen and acknowledge. It is not necessary for them to agree with you. They may disagree and they may express, “I think it is better to breathe.”

RODNEY: Something that you said really struck me and that was this business about my doing a job on myself regarding authority. It’s like, I’m not quite sure I understood that. And we oppose ourselves…

ELIAS: Correct. Recall my example of the child.

RODNEY: So we start opposing…


RODNEY: …the part of us…


RODNEY: …that is holding that authority.

ELIAS: Yes. In that…

RODNEY: What you’re saying is this, “I don’t want you to tell me what to do” gets turned around, gets inverted…


RODNEY: … and we point that finger at ourselves…


RODNEY: “I don’t want me telling me what to do.”

ELIAS: Correct! For you are telling yourself the same as the authority; the authority is telling you that smoking is harmful, and you are telling yourself the same!

RODNEY: This world has so many mirrors in it. You know, the reflections (inaudible)

ELIAS: Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!

UNKNOWN: When you say greatest benefit, do you mean undistorted expression of self? Is that what you mean by benefit?

ELIAS: You could express it in that manner. What is your greatest benefit in any moment? What will you benefit from in the greatest capacity in any moment, in any choice? And in that, what will you interpret as your greatest benefit? That is dependent upon the individual. This seems to be an extreme example of expressing “I view to be my greatest benefit to not breathe.” That seems an extreme example, and it seems ludicrous to all of you, for you all agree that it is beneficial to breathe. But, in a different situation, another individual may choose a very uncomfortable experience, knowing that, in engaging that experience, they will be more aware, or they will, in your terms, ‘learn’ tremendously. Therefore, they intentionally choose an experience that seems negative, or seems harmful, but their intention in that may be to gain knowledge and information. Therefore, I cannot express to you that your greatest benefit would always be comfort or safety, but I CAN express to you that your greatest benefit will include satisfaction. That when you choose intentionally to your greatest benefit, you will be satisfied with what you have chosen for it will fulfill that desire within you. It may not be comfortable. In this, it is dependent upon the individual, as I expressed. Your situation may be an extreme, but it is not ludicrous to actually express that example. “My greatest benefit is to not breathe.” For you, perhaps, in an experience, it is. For perhaps, beyond what any other individual perceives, or watches, perhaps your intention is to generate an experience of such discomfort in NOT breathing that you appreciate breathing! Other individuals are not necessarily privy to what your motives are, or what your motivation is; therefore no other individual can assess what is your greatest benefit in relation to your choices. Only you can determine, what is your greatest benefit? But that is the base in a guideline for all of you, “What is my greatest benefit in any moment in any experience? How will I benefit the most?” And knowing that when you express your greatest benefit—just as I expressed with that one individual with that one pipe, and that one choice, and how it rippled – every choice you generate to your greatest benefit does the same – it ripples, and it affects, and you contribute to the whole. In every greatest benefit to yourself, you benefit all. And you ENCOURAGE all to benefit.

RODNEY: Thank you, sir.

ELIAS: That is your charge, my friends! (To Danny) Yes.

DANNY: My name’s Danny. Friday morning I woke up at three o’clock in the morning and when I opened my eyes there were two blue eyes on my drapes, looking at me. I closed my eyes for like five minutes, and opened my eyes again, and the two blue eyes were still looking at me. I closed them again, and, within five minutes, I opened my eyes, and these two blue eyes were still looking at me. Was that you?

ELIAS: Yes. (group laughter) And you can close your eyes, and close your eyes, and close your eyes, (more laughter) and that does not necessarily mean that I shall be removed. (laughter) Or that it is your imagination. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Or you can shake your head and it is not necessarily your imagination. (To unknown) Yes, my friend!

UNKNOWN: Many, many, many years ago you provided me with a purpose.

ELIAS: (Chuckles.) For it was so desired!

UNKNOWN: Yes, it was. In these recent events of all the disengagement of all the individuals and creatures that I have been assisting… In the beginning, I used to think it was in another direction, in terms of the living. I’m now beginning to look at both: the individuals that are bereaved, and grieving, and have no idea what to do in the process; and those that are making transformation into transformation. Is that right? Is that what I’m doing? Or am I in the wrong place at the wrong time? (both laugh) And I need to move!

ELIAS: No, you are not. You are expanding. But I would also express that what you have presented to yourself, in relative recent time- framework, in your own experiences in loss, has been purposeful to allow you a greater awareness of the interconnectedness of all of you, and what you share, and those feelings, and how tremendous they are, and how tremendously affecting they are. It is difficult to objectively connect and interact with individuals when you lack the experience of the feelings that they are engaging, and in that, when you avail yourself of those experiences, it allows you a greater capacity to express that interconnectedness and to penetrate energy. Now, let me explain. Very commonly and very consistently, when death is involved, the individuals that are associated with a death engage a time-framework, in which – whether they are expressing what you recognize as grief or not – they are inwardly expressing confusion, floundering, and loss. And in that, temporarily, individuals within physical focus shield. It is an automatic reaction; they shield. Therefore, it matters not how many individuals approach that individual and express their sorrow, their sympathy, their wanting to help, their empathy. The individual is not receiving. They are shielded, and they are not receiving that energy. You will notice, if one individual approaches that incorporates a significant awareness of that experience and is not expressing helpfulness, or advice, or sympathy, but is merely participating in the feeling with that individual, the shield removes and the individual will open and allow the connection.

Death is a difficult experience for almost all of you, in some capacity or another, and it is a difficult subject matter. And when you are involved with that subject of death, and it is directly affecting you individually – this is not an action that you think of – your energy field thickens, and it shields, and it will not allow penetration. And that occurs for varying time-frameworks with different individuals, but, temporarily, that will occur. It is an automatic protection. That is another of those expressions – a threat is being expressed to your genuine self. Death is an expression that, in some capacity or another, all individuals feel that threat in their own genuine self, that they are susceptible and not exempt from that action also, and what occurs beyond death is unknown to you objectively. And whether you fear it or not matters not; it is an automatic response to shield. And in that, I would express that in knowing the feelings that occur, and in experiencing the feelings in different capacities – not merely in one capacity, not merely with humans – it allows you to generate that connection and open that window of that shield with other individuals without even expressing language, but feeling with them, for you understand the feelings, and you know the feeling, through the experience. One of the reasons that individuals shield in relation to the subject of death beyond themselves, and that automatic threat that occurs to their genuine self, is that individuals automatically, in those moments, feel alone – another feeling – and they feel – not that they think – but they feel that no other individual will understand what they are experiencing, and, therefore, it is a moment in which they feel very alone, that they cannot connect, for “No other individual could possibly feel what I am feeling.” This is another reason that individuals create that shield. When they encounter another individual that they can feel that the other individual is feeling, they allow to connect, and that can be very healing. Therefore…


ELIAS: Yes. That would be the short answer. Ha ha ha ha ha!

UNKNOWN: Okay, a little bit more. {2:55:55} Mister Miagi and (inaudible) just passed – making transition. And, he and I were discussing… (inaudible) He was holding up… And, we had quite a conversation before he chose to do his migration, and his friend and myself decided we wanted to put a coat over him, after he had passed, and he decided to re-emerge in{to} the body consciousness, and he kind of gave me a dirty look (Elias chuckles) out the side of his eye, and, therefore, let me know he wasn’t too happy about putting on that jacket right at that moment. We prevailed, however – and did remove the jacket later – and I was moving his arms very nicely, which I don’t think he was too crazy about either, but the warmth then reappeared in one of his hands that I was moving, and he and I had a little energy exchange, and thought exchange, and then he was back into his migration. I mean, I know what I experienced, but I want to hear that what I know what I experienced is what I experienced.

ELIAS: Yes. (inaudible) (Group laughter) Within non-physical areas of consciousness, I will express to you that we do not actually consider an individual dead for, as I have expressed previously, approximately two of your ‘weeks’ subsequent to disengagement for they remain in that blink state, and they have not blinked in yet. In their state, in their awareness, it literally is a blink, but in your linear time-framework it is approximately two of your weeks. And in that time-framework, I would express that the individual is continuing to participate within physical focus; they are not actually dead. And in that, it is very possible that they can re-engage their body consciousness, generally speaking, in limited capacity – not that they cannot reanimate it – but they do not, for the most part, but it is not unusual for moments of reanimation to occur.

UNKNOWN: Thanks.

ELIAS: You are very welcome.

UNKNOWN: How’s my sister?

ELIAS: Well.


BRIGITT: How’s my husband?

ELIAS: Curious.

BRIGITT: Is he? Is he finally figuring out he’s dead yet?

ELIAS: Not entirely, but curious.

BRIGITT: (inaudible), right?

ELIAS: Yes, but curious. Yes.

Very well, my friends! I express tremendous affection to all of you, and tremendous gratitude in your sharing. To you all, I offer my energy in encouragement and in supportiveness of all that you do, and all of your explorations, and your expanding your awarenesses. Feel away! (laughter) To you all, my dear friends, au revoir.


Copyright 2011 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.