life and death, in a manner of speaking, are the same
a beautiful experience
experiencing the reality that death is a choice, that is generated quite easily
experiencing an objective realization that death is a choice
it is one of your greatest curiosities
experimenting with the concept and allowing yourself experiences
you may not necessarily incorporate initially an expanded awareness
a fear to die
Death is a difficult experience for almost all of you.
knowing of your disengagement
actions of disengagement
near-death experience
moving to another country
continuation with challenges
to croak or not to croak
spontaneous human combustion
turning off life support
exploring disengagement / moving into essence
blocked creativity
near death experiences
talking to the dead
zombies and eternal life
Do you perceive it to be a loss?
an energy deposit within your physical dimension
clarity that exists in an unconscious or coma state
allowing themselves choices reinforces their trust of themselves
it is the intensity of the experiences that he is choosing to be generating
depression — which stems from what’s going on in Iraq
confusion associated with transition
not perceiving that you incorporate control of your direction
retreat from your objective reality
not allowing yourself the fullness of your capacity
depression - disappointment in relation to beginnings and endings
control - desire
desire, want and disappointment
you are always creating in conjunction with your desire
and acceptance of beliefs
be specific in what you want in relation to your desires
desire vs. wants
There is no destiny; there is no fate.
your probabilities do not exist before you
There is no fate. There is merely choice.
it is unnecessary to be engaging discussion of your preference
bringing together different spheres, different realms
acceptance of the differences of perceptions
cooperation vs. compromise: similarities in the differences
differences do not necessarily generate odds
There is a lack of compassion for difference.
considerable frustration and conflict in association with difference
addressing to differences
if you are not generating sameness you shall be expressing conflict
examining differences of experiences
This is the expression of acceptance of difference.
Fairness is just your perception
the most challenging experience with the truth wave is difference
what is considerate is associated with their own worth
What triggers that irritation?
generate an appreciation in some manner of the differences that you hold
How do you yourself see yourself?
when you present differences to yourself, the threat is your identity
difficulty with guidelines is that they have turned to expectations
sameness and difference
allow yourself to move beyond the difference
within the differences there is similarity
acceptance of difference
offering yourself information concerning sameness and difference
Hathor - an interpretation
blinking out the book temporarily into another dimension
Did my money go into another dimension?
allowing yourself to experience other areas of consciousness
translations in association with bleed-throughs of other dimensions
so it's just about attention?
The Lord of the Rings
the recognition of dimensions within dimensions
aspects of my focus in Elias' dimension
a veil in association with another physical dimension
discovery of a Lumanian archeological site
your translation in objective imagery is to image these beings as bears
recognition that there is more that occupies your space arrangement
I was moving muscles in my back or in my wings
The Gelatin Dimension
a meadow as a dimensional window
I’m more comfortable in some of those other dimensions than I am here?
experience with my fluid focus
facilitating travel associated with different physical dimensions
The land with the rainbows and the unicorns, is that another dimension?
cartoon dimension: a translation
other civilizations in our dimension
how can I determine what's being distorted?
gods and goddesses are real within another dimension
Enki - bleed-through information from other dimensions
I’m pulling information from that dimension, aren’t I, when I create a story?
within this space arrangement there are dimensions upon dimensions
how many?
the Vedic civilization has generated an imprint in your reality
even the blueprint can be changed
communications from other dimensions
cellular memory of other dimensions
projecting through space
Lord of the Rings, Dune, Earthsea
shape-shifting beings
sideways not higher
a society of merchants or traders of knowledge, explorers of dimensions
popping yourself into an other-dimensional reality
there is much more within your reality than you are aware of
thinning those veils between dimensions
going to another dimension
blinking in and out
dragons live in other dimensions
which one is most fun?
blinking into
dreaming of other dimensions
your dimension is not your planet but your universe
ringing ears: opening to other aspects of yourself
Elias' dimension and experience
exploration of other-dimensional expressions
The colonies are more feeling like one entity.
intricacy of this dimension
feet and leg cramps
generating asthma in association with your restriction of yourself
holding to your energy or constricting it
I read in your material, and then I noticed the headache had gone
you create the fatigue to allow yourself to relax
reason for the manifestation may change
seeking medical treatment or not
interpreting the message of physical symptoms
sprained ankle: slow your movement
as you concentrate upon the dis-ease, you perpetuate creating it
tooth imagery - expressing yourself without restriction
interpreting physical symptoms
depression: feeling of overwhelmingness
offering a preparation and reason and excuse for disengagement
incorporating distraction, you may notice that the pain shall dissipate
a gastro-intestinal problem
pain within the stomach
allow yourself an awareness of your participation in interaction
tension in my right foot
a stroke - a new perception of yourself
symptoms like this pain in my feet
I don’t believe it
allow yourself to interrupt your concentration upon it
breast cancer
asthma - this is closely associated with preferences
a pinched nerve
that whole getting-kicked-in-the-hand thing
a tumor as a gauge
suggestion to not be concentrating upon the manifestation
acid reflux
weight loss - more of a lightness within yourself
allergies - unsure of where you want to be
back pain
pain in the knee
throat: a threat if other individuals are expressing difference
the vulnerability and exposure of a weak point
my Achilles tendons are very stiff: imagery concerning vulnerability
drama that incorporates dis-ease to be accomplishing what you want
left big toe joint
hurting heel: associated with the exposure and the vulnerability
aching hips
birth defect - genuinely experiencing actual real supportiveness
circle of the breathing and the discounting of yourself, and the isolation
a big fever blister
coughing imagery
there are no attacking germs that infect you from outside!
showing me that I do have the ability to affect it
skin problem
the belief that there are certain manifestations that are hereditary
what is the underlying expression that continues to perpetuate it?
expressing that gentleness and that nurturing with yourself
teeth: relaxing of these muscles within the neck that are irritating the nerve
panic attacks
you do not like it and you automatically are forcing energy in opposition to it
belief. once it is begun it must continue through its natural course
Any physical feeling requires attention.
truths concerning methods and concerning medical practices
stomach pains
if I don’t have my attention on that part of my body I’m not creating symptoms
chest congestion
multiple personalities
exploring a symptom
very high and unstable blood pressure
the lump is a choice of a manifestation that is a type of focal point
This liver thing is really freaking me out here
oposing medical beliefs
rather than opposing it, you are merely engaging a different direction
opposing myself or opposing medical beliefs?
What I couldn’t understand was why I would create cancer.
cancer: you can actually manipulate it
as a means to practice with manipulating your energy
inner landscape
back imagery - the importance of paying attention to what you are doing
how can I lessen my headaches? - Stop opposing
creating pain generates a genuine presence with yourself
I kind of hold their energy there
heel pain
skin - be aware of anxiety, nervousness, restlessness
leg is hurting
sneezing all the time
head-ache: you are pushing energy
asthma: a physical indicator that you are restricting your energy
jumpy legs
neck and back ache
neck ache
in restricting yourself you create physical manifestations
allow yourself to generate a nurturing and a gentle energy with yourself
is your fear stronger than your intuition?
hurting foot
Why I cannot heal a small dysfunction with my body consciousness?
back hurt
dis-eases affecting gender organs
types of possibly destructive physical manifestations
cure for Alzheimers
physical expressions and importance that certain issues hold
ringing in the ears
foot and back
not moving perfectly
multiple sclerosis
milk allergy
viruses / malaria
nervous leg
heart /sexuality
stomach pains
permission to receive
back / balance
you are creating a continuous battle
AIDS / immune system
bellies and rashes
sick for many years
backache - get new shoes
bumps on hand
hearing difficulties / stroke
illness and control
stuffed-up nose
constriction of breathing
ailments: focusing on self
seizures/blinking out
heart disease
acne and varicose veins
back pain
groin area / sciatic nerve
leg / aging
tumor - slowing your own movement
Fry syndrome
dependent upon where your attention is
cancer: helpfulness in merely accepting the choice
shoulder - anger
back pain
shins and ankles
in time frameworks of dissatisfaction
altering a physical expression
expression of blinking
shade under my eyes
stiff neck
the pain has persisted
migraine: I don't have to align with my heritage
ringing in the ears
incorporate more flexibility in relation to your beliefs
pain in my feet: difficulty in beginning steps
Alzheimer is an expression of transition within physical focus
hurting toe/slowing movement
liver disease
hurting foot - allowing himself to be genuinely not concerning himself
automatic associations concerning past experiences
dis-ease: a focal point for you to turn your attention to you
back surgery
stomach: associated with emotional communications
the signal of disappointment or anxiety: you are discounting of yourse
paying attention to the often-ness of your discounting of yourself
being accepting in the moment
comparison is quite discounting
your choices in this situation are not without purpose or benefit
the identification of hurt
an attempt to discontinue the discounting of yourself
Why am I allowing myself to discount myself so much?
rather than struggling with that discounting of yourself, acknowledge it
imagine yourself to be standing upon a game board
how are you discounting yourself if you know a better method?
DO NOT follow that with “I should not be thinking this way”
Oh, shit! A test question!
Note that! That is one discounting.
in your denial of yourself, you precisely create a reflecting scenario
...and I was physically harming myself.
compromise does not create what you want
discounting yourself more because you are discounting yourself
difference between discounting yourself and merely noticing an expectation
compromise is a dangerous avenue. It is a discounting of you
you attempt to fill the void with the assertiveness
beginning acknowledging yourself rather than discrediting yourself
circle of threat and discounting
I'm always tripping or dropping or hitting
discounting of yourself
you incorporate this expression of sarcasm as a discounting
grief is identifying to you the strength of separation
information concerning death and the beliefs associated with it
interaction with energy deposits
fascination with piercing this veil of death
there are many associations with beliefs as to how you shall disengage
death: attention does not cease
translating an expression of a lack of emotion
telling myself that it was just part of the grief
individuals that have disengaged do not attempt to contact
interacting with individuals expressing their wish to be disengaging
talking through a channel to her dead husband
I still hold the ability to have a relationship with them
is there a probable self that’s created that does disengage?
you would begin to notice that there would be a lack of surprise
thrusting their awareness outside of the body consciousness
I’ve been very much wanting to disengage
not quite a viewing, but rather a knowing of all of the experiences
why does she get to go home and I have to stay here?
how can I prove to myself that I have not disengaged?
what if you are dead and you don’t know it?
interaction with the individual’s energy expression
interacting with the actual energy of the individual that has disengaged
he is not entirely aware yet that he has chosen death
toying with the direction of disengagement
it is the choice of the individual when they shall disengage
wishing to disengage
at the actual moment of the choice it is one of the easiest actions
loss is one of the most difficult experiences for most individuals
fears concerning disengagement
the uniqueness and the identity of each attention is not lost
he perceives that he is interactive with you
the comfort of expressing to yourself that you exhausted all possibilities
grief: what occurs is the individual generates a denial of themselves
death imagery
thinning these veils of separation
connecting with energy projections of individuals that have disengaged
being interactive with individuals that are continuing within physical focus
expressing energy to other individuals that have disengaged
dream interaction with a disengaged friend
value fulfillment is not the ONLY reason for an individual to be disengaging
am I creating possibly disengaging in the near future through the lump?
I feel more harmony in that direction.
they can view and even interact with individuals within physical focus
my father is really afraid of dying.
It is YOUR choice.
acknowledgment of their experience
generating some action to physically intentionally disengage
be aware of the presence of his energy through the responses of creatures
directing her awareness to other experiences
it would be more accurate to express that the individual merely blinks
disengaging as an expression of supportiveness
you are actually holding yourself in continuing in this physical reality
connecting with Margot
own issues and challenges may be objectively surfacing
assimilating all of the information from the body consciousness
communication in non-physical transition via energy deposit
… is there anything she wants to tell me?
accepting a loved one's choice to disengage
communicating with the disengaged
you choose in the moment.
there are strongly expressed beliefs in relation to disengaging
the energy may be interrupted at times
definition of distortion
an example of distortion of the information
difference between what we choose and what we expect
the challenge is paying attention to what you actually do
WHAT am I doing
small actions that generally speaking are overlooked are indicators
information concerning what you naturally generate
How are you forcing your energy?
your association is that doing must be producing
paying attention to that element of you that is choosing
pay attention to what you do, for that is what you are choosing
offer yourself the empowerment to intentionally direct your choices
Waiting is an action of allowing another individual to be directing you.
And what you are not doing influences what you ARE doing.
you automatically expect yourself to do some action
What are you doing in this moment?
paying attention to what I’m doing during the course of a day
the energy that you are projecting is already discounting yourself
it is important to be paying attention in each day to all of what you are doing
the significance of paying attention to all that you do
many of these aspects are so familiar to you that you do not see them
concentrating upon the doing some action rather than allowing
genuinely express your own deservingness
pushing vs. relaxing
pay attention to this doing aspect of yourself
opportunity to distinguish that your attention is not your thoughts
discover the mechanism of your attention
allowing yourself more of a familiarity with self
an intentional block of familiar movement
allow yourself to pay attention to what you are actually doing
miraculously other choices become clearer
What specifically should I do now?
not paying attention to what you are doing
the choosing follows your direction
paying attention to the CHOOSING rather than the thinking
desire to go be close to a dolphin
he had been fragmented from my essence
this energy is familiar, for you engage this essence in partnership now
Do I have dolphin focuses?
that attention of you expresses a desire to be a personality energy tone
a dolphin focus that I’ve always called Amy or Aimee
affinity to water - you incorporate a focus as whale
Do sexual orientation and focus type apply to whales and dolphins also?
communicating with whales or dolphins
Dolphins becoming Essence
They incorporate a much broader spectrum of sense input
and Whales as essences
fear vs. doubt
you would merely choose and not concern yourself with it
I don’t have a concrete impression.
trust is directly associated with doubt
doubt and neutralizing a belief
How do I stop that doubt?
imagery that you are presenting to yourself concerning hesitation
hesitation. overriding that doubt with a forceful energy
when you notice yourself doubting engage an action that is validating
can you be creating of this with no doubt?
Why am I not receiving the attention I think I deserve?
there is no better
being aware of the doubt
that you are actually creating your reality
identification of your stop points
natural abilities in relation to your inner senses
brilliant blue water
drama may be viewed as not so very negative but interesting
one of the explorations which holds a fascination is tragedy
What is drama? What does that mean exactly?
generate outcomes that you want even within the intensity
incorporating this gentleness with yourself and this nurturing with yourself
drama as a natural expression
Some individuals incorporate drama as the spice in their experience.
dream portals, dream triggers
dream imagery to be experiencing an aspect of clarity
addressing to fear
allowing yourself to view choices
you begin generating a type of awareness within the action of dreaming
allowing yourself to view different potentials
you create a distinction between your dream state and your waking stat
water as a dream trigger
viewing your objective waking imagery as dream imagery
you discontinued the fascination with dream imagery
the reality of simultaneousness of time
I wanted to meet my love
interaction with an essence is much easier within dream state
probable self
allowing yourselves to NOT incorporate an expression within waking sta
participation in an alternate reality
bridging the gap between the dreaming and the waking world
the representation of the partial body is that of the relationship
I was offered three gifts
being eaten by an alligator
You said to me, 'Laura, there are no absolutes.'
lucid dreaming
a dream that we locked her in the house or in her room
in the dream I was cleaning out two of the arteries on my heart
We can also change the genetic information of our body?
dream imagery associated with another focus
contacting each other in dreams
altering the slepping pattern offers you more activity in dream imagery
water, fire, Ozzy Osbourne concert
imagery concerning familiarity and trust and impossibility
I do notice I get bruises from my dreams!
imagery fluctuates and may incorporate different associations
inspiration of what you may create in this focus
much of your dream imagery IS symbolic
Was this a probable future event or just an alternate self?
a symbolic message to yourself concerning living artfully
imagery associated with yourself now and allowing yourself to expand
dream imagery concerning actions of being intrusive
false awakenings
dream trigger: repeated views of forms of writing
creating within regional Area 2
aspects of two separate dreams in my objective reality
dream trigger
filtration through belief systems
changing imagery
Session 139: Dream Mission
lucid dreams may be helpful in understanding your objective expressions
altering your sleep patterns to be recalling dreams
essences representing themselves as colours
vs. waking state
the imagery of the dream may be viewed as the reverse
do not necessarily look to the dream imagery as literal
incorporating enough objective awareness to manipulate the dream
interaction with infants
intentional direction
dreams are objective imagery as a translation of the subjective action
Is the window one of my dream triggers?
scenarios where it is more difficult to be altering the imagery
a dream where I have a host family is usually an other-dimensional dream
Gates of Horn
visiting other focuses of yourself
what can I do to improve my skill to dream consciously?
acceptance of any imagery
three notable layers of this imagery
dreams about balance, imagination and power
a recurring dream with the same or similar dream imagery
desire to generate more awareness of dream activity
you are able to accomplish the same actions within waking imagery
How do I do a dream trigger?
your dream imagery is equally as real as your waking imagery
Indian cult
imagery is a translation of what is occurring subjectively
be aware, not necessarily “beware”
repeating dream imagery
you allow the subjective awareness to address to the situation
an actual interaction and a projection of energy
the information in this type of dream activity is not necessary to be translated
dream imagery and thought mechanism
three spiders, being creativity, talent and ability
reviewing your dream imagery
affecting objective reality
imagery is translation
meeting in dream state
dream missions
take place within space
dream trigger
I already assess within the dream what I’m experiencing
dream triggers
dreams of flying
Dreams are the subjective awareness generating activity in benefit to you
dream cycles
what you do not allow yourself objectively
dream trigger
less memory
dream trigger
an evaluation
reasons in lack of memory
blueprints for your waking reality
dream country
experiencing fear in dream state
manipulating energy within sleep state
dream trigger
other layers of imagery
dream trigger
Gates of Horn
the City
incorporating physical action
leg cramp
Gates of Horn
concern about uncomfortable dream
objective recognition
You never speak nothing to yourself
dream and waking imagery
dream trigger: a stove
dream levels
symbology/known realities
you turn your attention once again back to yourself
awareness of your own projections
werewolf dream
water as dream trigger
Gates of Horn
dream trigger
dream consciousness
lack of color: engaging an alternate self
dream state may be viewed as the dominant expression in non-physical f
you may also allow yourself the freedom of choice
creating in dream state and objectively in waking state
why I'm not having an awareness of my dreams after I wake up
a view of a different probability
Jene: dream artist
the subjective self speaks to you
first step to direct dreams
dream: taking care of a baby
imagery of allowing yourself acceptance of you
dreams about attending classes about consciousness themes
dream imagery: paying attention to you
toilet as dream trigger
you concern yourself with the perceptions of other individuals
imagery within your dream state in mirror of the waking objective imag
Dream Walkers
I could hear the Dream Walkers talking
difference between nonphysical essences and Dream Walkers
Dreamwalkers set a blueprint for this physical dimension
do Dreamwalkers specialize with their family intent?
Milumet imagery for my Dreamwalker
exploration of the tone of your Dreamwalker aspects as a group
the movement of essence into an actual physical manifestation
is this aspect involved in forming canyons and/or mountains?
choosing to be incorporating a Dream Walker aspect
participation of creating a blueprint for another reality
before the beginning
conceptualization of thought
it is difficult to explain the precise actions of Dreamwalkers
give information
essence not focus
Sumari/Sumafi interaction
Session 246: Dream Walker Interaction/Sumari
fragmenting into physically-focused essences
Seers / fragmentation
holding an aspect of
and essence families
consciousness body
Mythology: a Dream Walker reality?
creating an exploration in an expression of translucence
a natural complement in all of your manifestations — which is the harmony
Duplicity versus Duality
Session 193: Duality and Change
Duality is the expression of balance.
more fun in expressing intimacy with another than with yourself
in the expression of comparison you begin incorporating duplicity
expressing preferences but also discontinuing generating judgment
lessening the expression of comparison
offering yourself a genuine recognition of how this hinders your movement
I feel that I am making reasonably good progress
it is unnecessary to instruct other individuals
generating pleasure and not necessarily be deeming it to be good or bad
Why do bad things happen to good people?
duplicity is highly individualized
extremly deep-set mass belief system
you are too concerned with the right and wrong to begin with
ghost aspects
attempting to improve
belief system of duplicity underlies all
eradicating duplicity
Session 257: Duplicity/Acceptance
most effecting belief system
vs. duality
You will generate judgments; it is a part of your reality.
It’s hard to understand why such bad things happen.
the next step in accepting beliefs
not recalling all of essence
the most effecting belief system
Session 328: The Belief System of Duplicity
duplicity and relationships
and mathematics
connection between duplicity and separation?
and separation
good and bad are quite within working order
addressing to the belief system
beneficial - efficient
the magic cage of duplicity
thought and emotion differ
unfamiliarity with the lack of duplicity
a base element of your reality
Positve as judgement
wave in consciousness: duplicity
moving away from a belief
present wave in consciousness: duplicity
you complicate your reality
impossibility becomes possible
kindness - a very large aspect of duplicity
victim of accident
role of victim
wave in consciousness: duplicity
unexpressed is the same as expressed
duplicity is foundational to your reality
non-judgmental seems just plain boring
good is a judgment
blocking your expression, eliminating your choices
cats: Bad Duplicity and Good Duplicity
in defining an expression as good, you view another expression to not
duplicity and thought
always more positive elements
exploring the concept of evil
good and bad: Who is the terrorist?
World War 2
negative requires much more effort
duplicity is an organizational belief system