Do those beliefs get passed down from society?
bird cage
I have to be perfect
you create what you believe
mass belief systems
you may recognize your beliefs through what you generate
should not
concentration is an aspect of your attention
creating movement independent of you
there is no one most influencing underlying belief
How do I neutralize believes?
remaining in the safety of your fear
recognizing your belief and allowing yourself choice
the idea that the different action shall not be associated with a belief
an acknowledgment that your beliefs are influencing your perception
incorporating hard work to be accomplishing successfulness
noticing how you translate the experiences of other individuals
as you recognize that this is a belief, you also may offer yourself choice
what has surprised me was finding beliefs I didn’t even know I had
your responses to other individuals in relation to their responses
altering your perception in association with aligning with a different belief
altering your perception through the recognition of the beliefs
you may choose to be listening to the phonograph and not to the television
some beliefs are working for you and some beliefs are not
in other actions, motivated by the same beliefs, you are not satisfied
recognize what beliefs are being expressed
I want to know how to realize this house
beliefs are not necessarily associated with thought
belief systems not objectively recognized
incorporating beliefs and expressing to yourself objectively that you do not
insignificant beliefs are significant
beliefs that you express but that you are not necessarily clearly aware of
is gaining or losing weight a belief system?
you create experiences to match the strength of your beliefs
accepting underlying belief systems
paying attention to what you do
temporary acceptance of a belief
beliefs as director
Influence of beliefs is evidenced in what you do
There are no new beliefs that we make that become part of our reality?
a factor in your frustration, for you are not identifying influencing beliefs
not incorporating an awareness of how influencing it is
identifying the beliefs may be more challenging than it initially appears
you use beliefs efficiently by neutralizing them in association with judgment
your position should not be above or below any other individual
this belief completely influences that other seemingly unrelated topic
responding to an expressed belief which incorporates strong influences
belief associated with equality
identifying all of the influences of one belief
the belief system of truth
and transition
creating money effortlessly
once you choose to be born, you immediately assume all of the beliefs
struggling against the beliefs that you express
facts are merely collective beliefs, and they change
they are not just beliefs
It may not be necessarily that complicated.
offering another belief system
one of your truths is that there is limits of time
There is no other outside of beliefs.
changing, altering, exchanging beliefs
healing all of your manifestations without assistance
not merely one belief is influencing of different scenarios
automatically attempt to eliminate the beliefs
expressing without reinforcing beliefs
difference between what you express as beliefs, and what you believe
acceptable and non-acceptable behaviors, and eliminating
regardless of what you believe, you may create differently
effort to attain effortlessness
not agreeing with your own expressed beliefs
you are not engaging an action to choose
you are continuing to attempt to eliminate in some area
you hold concepts that you do not hold belief systems
It is not a belief system!
identifying belief systems
Is the belief that we create our own reality actually a belief?
a want is a belief system
there is a difference between believing and a belief
choosing a different expressed belief
choosing which influences you wish to be incorporating
incorporating a different influence of a belief
I use various physical objects and activities to move my attention
medical beliefs: You generated REACTION
the influence of exchange
But how may you express that belief more efficiently?
automatically incorporating the action of attempting to eliminate
I speak to you of the examination of beliefs that generate limitations
you continue to express the belief of chance
all of the musts are belief systems
Session 168: Belief Systems/Impulses
changing beliefs is choosing a different influence of the same belief
you believe that you are incapable
recognizing your opposition to your own beliefs
identifying an influence of a belief as the belief itself, which it is not
the point is to not be opposing your beliefs
each belief incorporates many different influences
recognizing different influences
accepting belief systems
changing (Seth) vs. accepting beliefs
automatic response
Session 188: BeliefSystemsBeliefSystemsBeliefSystems
Session 191: A Belief Systems Game
How can you get yourself to believe that?
nobody has accepted any belief system
emotion/opinion in accepted belief systems
belief = belief system
allowing you more freedom within the structure of beliefs
accepting belief systems
subjectively holding belief systems
belief system of duplicity underlies all
lack of awareness of your automatic associations
there is a carry-over
merely the energy projected from your own ~
lack of trust of self
belief that belief systems are bad
lessen the importance of what you do not like
belief systems addressed by Tumold
conflicting belief systems
you hold belief systems subjectively
I do not hold this belief system
your reality is reality
accepting is moving outside of duplicity
accepting vs. detachment
influences by mass belief systems
pushing yourself
analogy of a bird cage
liberation now
scientific belief systems
belief system about belief systems
automatically not intentionally reinforcing belief systems
lending energy to certain belief systems to address other beliefs
Why shall you murder someone for an experience
neutralizing belief systems
core belief: roles
addressing belief systems out of body
numerous aspects to few belief systems
reinforcing a belief system as you continue to express it
accepting beliefs
replacing one bird with another
aspects of belief systems
the shoe analogy
emotions and acceptance
working belief systems
within all of your belief systems there are truths
entering physical focus
accepting aspects of belief systems
listing of all of your belief systems
list of belief systems
mass beliefs of healing
of sexuality and emotion
of sexuality
addressing to belief system of sexuality is more intense
setbacks: re-examining beliefs
accepting belief systems
acceptance of belief systems / effortlessness
inserted and base elements
4 steps to accepting beliefs
changing beliefs
belief system of healing
addressing to beliefs - step three
stuck in step two
creating efficently, effortlessly within the context of belief system
rape, murder and mass belief systems
thoughts vs. beliefs
not being aware of beliefs
beliefs against stealing
changing beliefs
beliefs in themselves are neutral
what will people think
and perception
cause and effect
dream: identification of a belief
an example of addressing to beliefs
creating in harmony with beliefs
underlying alignment with beliefs
reinforcing beliefs
belief systems surrounding religion
camouflaged religious beliefs
altering your perception in relation to your beliefs
creation of your reality in actual contrary expressions to your belief
recognition of all of these expressions as influenced by beliefs
you all continue to view your belief systems as the enemy
the affectingness of your belief systems has grown to extreme
perception and beliefs
merely continue turning your attention to self
communications in themselves are not aspects of belief systems
acting may or may not alter your alignment with beliefs
it is unnecessary to be identifying every individual bird
I feel myself like the oak in the wind that won't bend
aspects of yourself that are actually independent of your beliefs
attempting to express to yourself a belief
struggle and difficulty creates value
you almost associate this gender as another species
elimination is not the point
dream symbology - you may allow yourself the freedom of choice
fairness is not the point
insulating and limiting power
beliefs of separation which occurs in disengagement
changing a belief is merely an action of turning your attention
if you are creating this type of expression, you also align with these
beliefs in themselves are merely associations with your reality
visualize the belief as an object
hot flashes - menopause
weight and protection and exposure
what am I communicating to myself with these body temperature changes?
blocking unfamiliar vibrational qualities
your body consciousness is a physical expression of you as essence
trusting your ability to create in relation to physical expressions
the ability to alter the entirety of your physical expression
body consciousness is directed by your subjective awareness
generating an understanding of what motivates physical manifestations
directing the physical body consciousness to the objective awareness
individuals that wound themselves
separating personality expression from body consciousness
as your attention moves to the discomfort, you continue to generate it
your physical brain generates much less of your self than you afford it
my teeth were clicking
responsiveness to alternate selves
ringing in the ear is associated with other dimensional focuses
an exercise in examination
'It is better to be accepting of your physical form' denies preference
the left is the identification of intellectual
buried or cremated
my hands are shaking so much
any physical manifestation that you may create IS a communication
subjective communication with the body
weight as a mechanism of protection
generating a physical manifestation within your body consciousness
expression of essence
How would that feel if I don’t have my old body?
noticing that your physical body is expressing a resistance
the right side is your feminine side
sneezing as energy release
preferences concerning physical appearance
communications from your physical body consciousness
It is not bad or wrong to want to create an attractive appearance.
the perception that you are smaller or incorporating less weight IS real
LISTENING to what your body consciousness is expressing to you
expressing to yourself this unacceptability of appearance
an awareness that you also are not as solid as you appear to be
genetic coding
What matters is that you allow yourself to play.
transplantation within same essence
a different energy that you are projecting in association with appearance
opposing what you have already created
viruses exist already in the body
my hair seems to be getting kind of thin
the manner in which you accomplish is to not be opposing yourself
painful hip: pressure to perform or to accomplish
communicating with myself with physical symptoms
manipulating body consciousness without noticing what they are doing
cloning a human being
throughout most of your focus you are not aware of your own presence
appreciation of mass and strength
Physical manifestations are not actually on-going.
signals to be continuously generating attention to self first
these are energy expressions that are also other dimensional
Your body consciousness communicates to you in many different manners
paying attention to the communications of the body consciousness
pooling energy to be shape-shifting
I prefer maybe a little bit younger energy
fear of change
biting nails
take a bath
allowing your form to naturally change
one specific function is to preserve existence in the physical reality
associations blocking regeneration
your body consciousness will automatically quell feelings at times
DNA is a choice
just for the experience
what you see is that teeth do not regenerate
the body consciousness is very responsive
The body consciousness does NOT have limited regeneration capacity.
holding significant amounts of energy within different parts of the body
teeth: one area shall be all-consuming and affecting of all other
left and right side of the brain and body
body fat
born with physical and mental illness
passing out
body form
pineal gland
form in another focus
relaxation of energy
biting nails
for your noticing
sneezing: blinking
manifestations that appear to be impossible but are not
signal to relax your muscles
my nose is tickling me all the time
experiencing your physical body consciousness as a separate entity
collective consciousness