pain in my teeth
is a perception
consciously creating pain
perceiving pain differently
perceiving pain differently
probable and alternate selves
probable reality
parallel worlds
Parlor tricks
recognizing that the impossible is not impossible
noticing visually that the table becomes less solid
manifesting parlor tricks
your attention is not focused upon your genuine concentration
you shall not necessarily be exploring your passion in engaging thought
fear is generated in association with the unleashing of passion
it is your choice to continue to wait for the wondrous reality to appe
That is not patience, that is waiting.
Paul of Tarsus
session 38: tomatoes
Saul in a dream
allowance of the flow
affecting probabilities
Patel - Nadia
present future
is an action of allowance
patience is allowance
accepting information
impatience as a tool for motivation
energy exchange with Patel
engaging conflict purposefully
Perception is an objective expression
the power of perception
choose your perception
changing my perception
are you saying I'm creating what they're projecting?
may be defined as the expression of the base element of sexuality
generating different perceptions
creates our reality
you generated a different reality through the alteration of your perce
allowing the movement and alteration of perception
experiences may be quite different
in altering your perception, you also change your physical reality
the strength and the enormity of perception
you may interact with each other and configure the energy differently
evidence of two very different perceptions
evidence that you have created a different reality
viewing objective reality and experiences in less of an absolute manner
Can I tweak my attitude to where I would actually like this position or not?
perception projects energy outwardly and creates your physical reality
perception is, in your terms, a very big deal
Because I wanted to hear what I wanted to hear?
in that awareness of other choices, you create other expressed beliefs
I never expected to actually have fun in state prison
The point of perception is to generate physical manifestation.
Are we talking about rewarding myself for being harsh?
your realities do not always match
perception, creating and time
altering your perception
I feel like I’m the only one in this world
Perception is an action of how you interpret elements of your reality
I find myself falling back into my perception back to what it was
an experience of impossible actions that are possible
hot water anology: a dangerous or soothing element
he just created an entirely different ending to it
how you perceive that other individuals perceive you
perception wave: soft individuals and dramatic physical expressions
facts are not absolute, and they change for perception changes.
how your perception of yourself influences your individual bubble
your automatic associations are greatly influencing of your perception
acknowledging of another individual and their perception
the importance of perception and the strength of perception
physically view the fluidity of your reality
time is individually perceived
orientation it is very influencing in creating your perception
your perception creates your reality
it persisted to be blue
creates your reality
and beliefs
altering perception not physical reality
perceiving pain differently
is reality
rock or cow
reconfiguring the energy
elephant or house
changing perception
and attention
dependent upon attention
physical imagery matters not
you create other individuals through your perception
differences and similarities
you are altering your perception
physical creations matter not
the tool of perception
the mechanism of perception
may be likened to a gear
Who actually spilled the liquid?
turning your perception/attention to yourself
altering your perception
opportunity to turn your perception
beliefs and perception
perception and beliefs
communications in themselves are not aspects of belief systems
What's the perception?
moving your perception
You may alter your perception within a moment.
What IS perception?
I can create something out of that when I change my perception about i
the process of identifying any one belief that is affecting
it is not a question of flaws, it is a question of uniqueness
So if it's perfect, how can it be less efficient?
perfection is not the lack of what you term to be flaw
perfect job
perfectionism and control
perfectly miserable
letting go of control
unofficial expressions
questions open to periphery
attempting to engage
connnecting with essences
interaction with wider aspects
matter in motion
opening to your periphery
What do you mean by “not personalizing”?
personality type
personality types: thought-, emotionally-, politically, religiously-fo
the limitation of philosophy is that it is a projection outwardly
they are not absolute and they are not TRUE
we might also be about to discover a new planet?
oil spill - using dead matter for functions it is not designed for
readjusting to become comfortable; this is what your planet is doing
self-watering tree
it is her energy that is affecting the plant
we create the plants that come to us
trees: a recognition of your own presence
incorporating playfulness in your energy in your quest
re-discover your playfulness
discipline is an allowance of self to move in a natural manner without force
playfulness as a façade
playfulness is generated in the absence of seriousness
I continue to be encouraging of you to be incorporating MORE playfulness
you easily translate your communications and generate your impressions
playfulness and appreciation are applicable in any direction
my desire to introduce some fun aspect in everything that I do
allows you to accomplish without obstacles
reintroducing yourself to you
playfulness holds your attention as effectively as creating conflict
eliminating thickness
vs. thickness in energy
be incorporating fun
spirituality is encompassing fun
physical pleasure
playfulness allows greater freedom
beliefs concerning pleasure
being responsible for self
duality, duplicity and polarization
expressing energy in extremes and polarizations
it is tremendously easy presently to be creating polarization
Polarization may be expressed in one term: extremes
the issue of freedom and direction of self is presented as the challenge
travel together
And please take me to the pond next time!
center of exchange of energy with essences
Pools of consciousness
species of consciousness
aligned with centuries
you are beginning to recognize the powerfulness of your energy
channeling that energy that you already possess in a focused manner
the belief that with great power comes great responsibility
continuing to express what you want
your fear is associated with your own power
experiencing the tremendous power that you actually incorporate
fear in relation to the concept of power
you are not recognizing the power that you already do express
generating an association that other individuals are not creating their reality
expressing your own freedom and power does not generate arrogance
a display of the tremendous power that you all incorporate but do not see
to manipulate energy intentionally and create
power and guilt
deer: vulnerable and powerful
deer imagery - fear of allowing yourselves to express your own power
other people are intimidated by my energy
I thought this was to show me that I did have power
blocking your power
creating with a shorter and shorter time lag
recognizing certain probabilities that you incorporated in potential
currently dominant probabilities
your innate expression, and if you will, right is choice
probabilities may be altered
there are no absolutes
choosing in relation to your preferences generates an ease
it’s not so easy for me to really know what my preferences are
coming here and finding out what I don’t want to do
you express the neutrality but you also express the preferences
opinions, preferences, desires, wants
allow yourself permission to be expressing your preferences
most individuals dare not allow themselves to discover their preferences
you have not yet defined all of your preferences
any situation is not quite as black and white as you perceive it to be
questioning whether the preference is in actuality good or not
Avatar training
you do offer yourselves indicators in association with your preferences
generating money in relation to the actions of your preferences
But you are comparing.
some individuals do not prefer to be unstructured
now individuals are paying attention to what they genuinely prefer
in not allowing your own exposure, you do not allow yourself to receive
express a natural flow of energy in association with rigidity
an action that is satisfying to you
an underlying association that preferences are not necessarily good
preferences are suspect, for preferences are viewed as selfish
Not what you prefer concerning the other individual.
opposing your own preference
significant preferences are also expressed in many mundane actions
no preference
like/dislike: same movement of energy
preferences are elements of personality
opinion: preference vs. judgement
judgement and preference
not creating judgement
preference vs. judgment
preferences express to you clearer identifications of what you want
I want to be in touch with what my preferences are
preference for redheads
Abortion: there are no wrong choices
of a group
My presence is really, really wonderful!
being present with you
being aware of you as an element of what is occurring
allowing yourself to genuinely experience your existence
Do you understand what being present with yourself is?
noticing more and more how present my energy actually is
being aware of your actual existence
being present is tremendously empowering and creates motivation
exercises that may be helpful in reminding you to be present with yourself
expressing that confidence and trust in your own knowing
many individuals become accustomed to not being present
is there a probable reality in which World War II turned out different
ALL probabilities are actualized
alternate self
you have created a probable self
being aware of and sort of participating in a different probable reali
a pool of probabilities as potentials
you are continuously altering probabilities
we have been on the island and I don't remember it?
Session 109: Introduction To Probabilities
prior agreement to coming into this focus
Session 111:Probable Selves
viewing the creation of another probability
the probable self shall continue in the direction that you did not choose
Session 113: Intersection Of Probable Selves
tapping into a probability
Session 115: Selectivity Within Probabilities
how much will that stock increase within a couple years?
there is always the potential to be altering your direction
notes not played in the symphony of ~
impressions I have about some probable selves of mine
other probable realities may engage choices that you are responsive to
all of these probable selves do not interact with each other
Was that a probable reality I was stepping into?
probable selves also generate probable realities
I did choose the probability change
tapping into the individual and also a probable self of that individual
creating probabilities of having this focus be a famous focus
you do not merely generate ONE probable self at this point of time
one probable self might fragment to form a new essence
a desire to generate certain experiences that are in a different direction
I am not sure about how different probable selves can be
official reality
alternate, probable and parallel selves
about creating the past
yes, you have created a different probability
all probabilities, actualized simultaneously, are influencing of your
viewing future probabilities
you did generate a strong potential to be sharing experiences
are not already
creating other probable selves, you create countless probable selves
probable self
three different probabilities, where in one we share 46, one 61, and one 64
Session 203: Shifting Probabilities
probable selves
probable worlds
of prophecies
Does this change of physically expressed probable paths happen often?
concern and desire
changing the past
probabilities are created in each moment
Probabilities do not lie before
no probability tree
piercing the veil of probable realities
birth vision
probable selves
your divine plan
probable selves vs. aspects
insertion into our reality
your own crystal ball
connecting with probable realities
several lines of probability
interaction with probable self
reality may not be expressed before it occurs
inserting probabilities into physical realities
probabilities are created in the moment
inserted into different realities
connecting with probabilities of another person
probable and alternate selves
expanding the awareness of probabilities
repetition / another failed effort
connecting with probable futures
exploring probabilities
pushing of energy alters probabilities
each moment is an outcome
actualising vs. existing
parallel reality
many, many choices to recreate a probability
the action of probabilities
recreating probabilities
altering perception
probable selves
long lifetime
probable aspects
probable reality
a possible choice
where is that darn crystal ball?
all things are possible
creating nature
probable selves
need not to be recognized
what has this to do with anything anyway?
probability/possibility - Seth
probable reality
a probable reality which resembles this reality quite closely
changing past or future
increasing the potential for your creation
probable selves are equally valid
agreements before birth
most probable
you do incorporate pools of probabilities
viewing different probabilities within your waking state
is created when you alter directions
you generate countless probable selves as all probabilities are actual
setting probabilities into motion
It is the process that is the subject, not the outcome.
but the outcomes are not an endpoint; they are a beginning point
if your attention is fixed upon the outcome, you narrow your potential
Why do I keep doing this even though I understand what I’m telling myself?
accomplishing that in appreciating the process
in accomplishing what you want you may experience a feeling of finality
concentrating upon is what you are actually doing
if the process becomes the reward, it is much more efficient
What appears as a bud may appear very differently once it unfolds.
paying attention to the unfolding of the process
what is the necessity that YOU engage these tasks?
vs. avoidance
experimentation with projection of your energy
the freedom without the heaviness of the body was so exciting
you are allowing yourself an awareness that you do incorporate this ab
Am I being helped in the lucidity factor?
objective and subjective awareness and physical body consciousness
practicing in relation to each other playfulness in projecting
to be physically interactive with a projection of oneself
island party
the actual manifestation shall be a projection of your perception
you all generate this action of projection quite frequently
offering yourself physical evidence and validation
evidence of a time framework of the action of projection
projecting to another individual in a different physical location
projections and out of body experience
allow yourself to relax and do not discount what you accomplish
you do incorporate the ability to physically move through space
begin to move into the visualization and experience it
projecting to a disengaged
trying your snap method
incorporating too much effort
you have somewhat of preconceived ideas of how a projection should be
computer games: flight simulation
toying with a death-like trance
you do necessarily recognize that you are already engaging the action
projecting physical manifestations
you are not projecting an energy that you are unaware of
You are actually projecting yourself to other realities
the suggestion that you practice with projections
feeling is not always an indicator of what you are actually projecting
My problem is the very uncomfortable feeling of being dizzy.
projecting to other areas of consciousness
Do not generate an expectation of how the projection shall proceed.
generating energy with an intention
you’ve allowed yourself to wittness the gloriousness of what you actually are
engage a game with a friend of projecting to their home
Session 291: SNAP -- A Beginning Course in Projection
It’s so funny how easy it happens.
experience without physical presence
projection vs. OOB
projecting/receiving energy
projection in consciousness
associating with time vs. space
influenced by desire
the sound that you experienced is associated with your energy
experimentation of manipulating energy
piercing the veil of what you view to be as death
apply that experience to the channeling of your own energy
expectations limit your method
physical affectingness of far projections
meeting place in projection
projecting to far
doubting and fearing other individuals' perception of you
generating a shield
Where is the need for protection? There is no threat.
boundaries are unimportant and unnecessary
strong alignment with this belief
examine the beliefs concerning protection
protection of yourself and of your abilities
energy that you wish to be projecting and are not allowing yourself
preference to not be lending energy to the mass expressions
interaction fear
movement in association with protection beliefs
the belief of protection is not bad
Ouija board
beliefs: security / protection
is unnecessary
is unnecessary
trust yourself that you are genuinely creating this mergence
you all express within your physical reality is a tremendous suggestibility
the ethics of psychic activity
table tipping: allowance of mergence
psychic expressions
psychics and absolutes/you already know
first layer of consciousness
childhood experiences
traumatic experience as a child
fear of public forum
a series of booklets
a difference in choices which is generated by each individual's desire
is to be exploring and expanding in self-discovery
What am I here for, then?
each individual incorporates an intent that is a general theme
now there is a recognition that it does not concern a mission
your purpose is always being expressed
what is my purpose?
your purpose is to experience
purposefully helpful
Why am I here?
whats the point?
new experience in discovery of self
turn your energy to the exploration of folding in upon yourself
You are worthy of your own gentleness
What makes giving up work?
what you SHOULD or SHOULD NOT be doing
interrupting your concentration upon the pushing of energy
you may actually choose to override the hesitation, which is the discounting
moving through
generating an expression of energy in supportiveness of each other
orbiting elements
experiencing empathically another's experience
construction of the Cheops pyramid
the A-N-D pyramid
the A-N-D pyramid fifth point is Atlantean and a focus of Mark/Baruch
groups with a common focal point
romantic relationships, sort of traditional and non-traditional
AND pyramid
experience of Napoleon and construction
a type of pyramid generated in association with a collective energy
Session 200: The Pyramid
Salitre continuing
feeling shaky
throughout your globe
apex of trust
imagery with many layers
6th point
6th point
the pointy pyramid
Cathy, Mary, Ron and Vicki facing issues
the purpose of generating the pyramid action has been accomplished