Session 1861
Translations: DE ES PT

Individual Energy, Collective Energy, and Mass Events


“Individual Energy, Collective Energy, and Mass Events”
“The Appreciation Exercise”
“Using Genuine Appreciation to Dissipate Conflict”

Saturday, October 22, 2005 (Group/Brattleboro, Vermont)

Participants: Mary (Michael), Barry, Becky, Ben (Albert), Bonnie (Lyla), Carl (Shani), Carol, Dale (Jene), Daniil (Zynn), Donna (Luera), Edward (Colleen), Elise, Ella (Bella), Ester (Ashule), Frank (X-tian), Franko (Tyne), Gail (William), Hoke, Inna (Beatrix), Jen F., Patricia (Liva), Jim B. (Marion), Jim S. (Bevan), Kathy, Kaustubh (Vynule), K.C. (Nanaiis), Ken (Oba), Linda (Robert), Lorraine McH. (Aiden), Lorraine M. (Kayia), Lynda (Ruther), Michael (Beauregard), Natasha (Nichole), Rodney (Zacharie), Sharon, Stephen, Suzanne, Terry (Uliva), Veronica (Amadis), Wynn (Zai)

Elias arrives at 11:38 AM. (Arrival time is 23 seconds.)

ELIAS: Good afternoon!

GROUP: Good afternoon, Elias!

ELIAS: This afternoon, we shall be discussing energy, and the collective energies and what you are creating.

First of all, I shall inquire of all of you what your impressions and assessments or observations are in association with the collective energy and what is being created in this time framework. What are you noticing?

FRANK: Conflict.

ELLA: There’s a lot of movement out-of-balance, sort of to get us to swing.

ELIAS: Very well. Other observations?

VERONICA: Many people are dying in cataclysms, the reaction of the earth and the oceans, I believe, against our practices of government and beliefs. It’s very sad, and I am very confused by it. Because I don’t want to accept it, but on one level, somewhere up here, it is all for a good; but I don’t like being passive, and I’m annoyed when other people are passive. I want them to get emotionally involved with it. I don’t know whether I allow my emotions...I allow them to come out, but I’m not sure about my own reaction with regard to it all.

ELIAS: Very well. Other observations?

PATRICIA: Hello, Elias. I think that people are butting up against feeling like they want things to be perfect, like reaching for this utopia but feeling really upset and realizing they can’t have the perfect thing, that things are what they are, and sort of fighting against what is, somehow. It’s causing a lot of conflict.

ELIAS: Very well.

ELISE: I feel like there’s seeds of change moving in many people, a calling to start creating new models and new ways of living, and not exactly knowing how to begin those projects.

EDWARD: The government’s making cocaine...(The rest of Edward’s statement is lost in group laughter.)

ELLA: I would like to agree with Elise, because me and my friend all the time also notice evidence of The Shift. It is a lot of changes, not always positive, and I am more accepting of these changes. Yes, I get emotionally involved, but I also understand that it is a choice. It sort of feels that time is speeding up, events are speeding up, but yet somehow we are with it. There is a lot of confusion, yes. I’m not saying things are perfect, but yet, somehow, so much fun, really lots of fun. I see changes in myself, I see changes in people around me, and I feel like I vibrate some of this excitement because my life is changing so much now. I just want it to continue this way, more and more and more fun, and more self-awareness. That’s how I feel.

ELIAS: Very well.

BARRY: I don’t feel any changes. I feel as I felt as a child, just things are moving, progressing. I don’t feel changes; I feel a forward movement, no specific change. Forward movement is not a change.

DALE: I feel like I’m letting go of old patterns, really letting go of them, like wiping my slate clean, making choices...

ELIAS: And what of these mass events?

BARRY: I feel it’s a cleansing.

ELIAS: Other observations?

RODNEY: These mass events are involving global responses. There’s a great deal of “How do I fit into this globally?” on the part of governments. It’s not just one government going ahead and doing things their own way, it’s like they’re looking at how their actions interact with the actions of all other governments. There’s a great deal of interplay, and I question whether it was like that 50 years ago. Today there’s a lot more questioning about how to fit into the global picture on the part of just about all public figures, which I think is quite interesting.

EDWARD: It feels like the Earth is trying to get rid of the parasites. I mean, the earth is what’s shifting.

FRANKO: It’s not working—I’m still here! (Laughs)

EDWARD: But it’s massive. It’s not the government; it’s like the earth itself is shaking.

ELLA: I don’t disagree with you, but it doesn’t look to me like getting rid of parasites. I don’t necessarily see it this way. But it is definitely changing old stereotypes. So many things are changing and sometimes that involves a drastic reaction, but it feels...

BEN: But the price of gas? The whole world is dependent upon this particular type of fuel and energy, and our attention in this part of the world...

ELLA: Wouldn’t you say this is like swinging? Inna and I were discussing recently if everything is perfect, you’re never going to change it. You have to have that swinging movement before you jump...

DALE: I don’t agree with that. I think we move anyway, regardless. I don’t think we need to...

ELLA: But that’s what we do to make something change.

DALE: I feel like I’m expressing many more things much more forcefully and clearly, and so my beliefs about having gas prices rise, I’m expressing that very strongly. But I’m also expressing other beliefs that are totally different than that, and it’s like okay, too. That strong expression of things like gas being expensive isn’t threatening to me.

EDWARD: But that shapes the entire western world. We’re all based on that and like you say, we’ve become so comfortable that we have this cheap energy fuel and now we’re being forced to go, “Okay, there’s got to be a different alternative.”

ELIAS: And who is forcing?

GROUP: Us...We are...Nobody...

DALE: I don’t see that anything’s happening to me. I see me as expressing many different things.

ELLA: That might be individual also.

RODNEY: It’s not just in energy. I think we’re coming up against a lot of hard choices, like this earthquake in Pakistan. They’re making this announcement that there’s not enough tents in the world to give to these people to keep them warm. There’s a million people out there and there’s no way that they know how to help them.

ELIAS: And what beliefs do you observe are being expressed and challenged?

BARRY: Totally the religious beliefs. All these things happen because we have to learn to change our perceptions, and the main perception that’s on the way out is religious belief.

EDWARD: No, I think it’s the opposite! They’re using this...

BARRY: You have to understand what I mean by “religious.”

EDWARD: You know that those radical clerics are going to say it happened to Pakistan because he’s agreeing with the U.S. They’re manipulating the religious beliefs and fervor of these people...

DALE: Those radicals are you, and they’re not wrong.

EDWARD: I know. We’re sitting here with our own religious beliefs. I’m just saying they’re using them. I’m not saying it’s right or wrong; I’m saying they’re using them consistently.

BARRY: But it’s their last stand; it’s their last ditch... (Participants begin to talk over each other.)

ELIAS: STOP! (Loudly) What are you engaging in this moment as a reflection of what you are creating en masse? (Group continues to talk.) Are you listening? NO! (Loudly and firmly) You are arguing. You are instructing. You are not accepting of difference. You are NOT accepting of different perceptions and different preferences and different opinions. You are expressing absolutes to each other.

This is the point. This is the reason that your world is expressing all of this violence in mass events, whether it be created in association with weather or individuals. They are all mass events that are being manipulated by you, by your energy.

These are collective mass events. YOU with your energy manipulate this planet. YOU with your energy collectively manipulate the weather. You manipulate the earth. You manipulate the collective energy. This is what is creating all of this upheaval within your world. And you sit in the comfort of this information and express precisely what you are drawing information to yourself to not express!

We have been discussing acceptance for many years, and many individuals express that they are being accepting and that they understand. And what are you actually doing? What are you actually expressing? Justification of yourselves, defense of your preferences, of your beliefs, of your directions, of your opinions, of your observations.

What is defense?

DONNA: Opposition.

ELIAS: Opposition! We have been discussing opposition strongly. I have been discussing with many, many individuals the significance, the importance of balance and of cooperation—not compromise, not acquiescing, not defending—but cooperating and generating from that direction of cooperation a balance. I have been discussing with all of you the significance, especially within this time framework, of not generating extremes, and you are generating extremes.

And you are not exempt from the participation in these mass events simply for the reason that you are not physically participating. If you incorporate an awareness of any of these events, you are participating, for you are also creating it or it would not be within your perception, and it is. You are all aware. And are you incorporating responsibility? No. Are you genuinely paying attention to your energy and what you are creating and what you are expressing in every moment? No. Are you aware of the energy around you continuously? No.

This is the point. You may debate until what you express as the end of time and that shall not generate any more of widening of your awareness. It shall not answer your questions any more than you are answering them now. This is the point, this is the reason that we interact with each other, to offer yourselves information how to accomplish these actions.

You are all aware of the importance of balance. You all want to be expressing your own freedom and generating a balance within yourselves, creating an evenness and a centeredness within yourselves. You all want to be generating acceptance. You want your own freedom and your own directedness of self. The manner in which you accomplish that is to be paying attention to you and to your energy.

In this display of this previous interaction this day with each other, what were each of you aware of? Were you paying attention to yourselves? No. You were projecting your attention to another individual speaking.

ELLA: I understand what you’re saying in the circumstance of the confrontation, but when I express my opinion, I just say what I feel...

ELIAS: I am understanding...

ELLA: ...I don’t expect everybody to accept it. I’m not offended if they don’t.

ELIAS: That is not the point. Are you aware of your energy?

ELLA: You mean if I’m expressing my opinion while somebody else disagrees, and I’m being confrontational with them?

ELIAS: Are you aware of your energy and what type of energy you are projecting?

ELLA: I can’t necessarily say that I was.

ELIAS: Correct. That is the point.

EDWARD: When you’re talking about this, talking about the energy, I hear you. Since this is my last focus and since this isn’t like a school room—like we’re going through Buddhism, and we’re searching for enlightenment, and you can only disengage once you’re enlightened—since I don’t have to be enlightened when I leave anyway, what’s the point? What difference does it make? You see what I’m saying?

ELIAS: Yes. The difference is what you want. What do you want?

EDWARD: I don’t know—I’m leaving! (Laughter)

ELIAS: Not now! You are present now—or rather you are not present, but you exist in this physically reality. (Laughter)

EDWARD: Are you a little crabby today? (Laughter, and Elias cracks up.)

ELIAS: It is important that you understand the point. You want to be expressing happiness. You do not want to be expressing trauma.

EDWARD: How do you know? Maybe that’s my happiness. I’m not saying it is...

ELIAS: That would be a choice, but generally speaking the reason that you engage myself is that you do not want to express trauma and experience trauma. Were you choosing to be expressing or experiencing trauma, you would not be engaging conversation with myself. There would be no point.

For this is the point that I speak with you, to be avoiding trauma and to be interactive with you that you may draw information to yourselves in how to be aware of yourselves and how to create what you want and how to find what you want.


BARRY: Does that mean when you are expressing your opinion you are not paying attention to your energy?

ELIAS: Not necessarily. But in that interaction, which you provided an example for yourselves of what I am expressing to you, you created a demonstration of what we are speaking of and what we are engaging, and that the point is how you do not pay attention to your energy. How can you intentionally manipulate your energy to create what you want in every moment if you are unaware of what your energy is doing, if you are unaware of how you are projecting it?

GAIL: So the energy that you’re feeling when you’re having an emotion, you can feel yourself projecting it. When they were having a conversation, they were projecting energy back and forth, just slamming each other as opposed to staying calm within yourself, expressing your opinion without shoving it outward.

ELLA: I agree with you. But what I wanted to ask you, if we could go back to that interruption when Barry was talking about feeling that it was caused by religious beliefs and Dale and Edward disagreed, if we could get an example of how it would be preferable to do it. I understand what you are trying to explain, but I think a lot of people here don’t understand. How do you say something...

DALE: I noticed that at some point my attention was on him. It was outside of me, my attention was projecting out, and I was opposing. When I’m aware of my energy, it feels like he’s an expression of me.

ELLA: Inclusive rather than...

DALE: It feels like it’s a reflection. I’m looking at it as a reflection or some kind of expression that I’m seeing me through. But when I moved into opposing and he became separate, my attention was not on me at all. It was totally on him.

PATRICIA: We’re in a society, and we want to agree. I think that’s something that’s happening en masse, too. We’re in a society, and we all have our own viewpoints and opinions, and we all think they’re right and valid perceptions, and you want everyone to hear you and to agree. We all want to agree, and we’re confused as to what is correct and what do you do with all the...

ELIAS: Let me also express, first of all, your question continues to be “how,” and the first direction in responding to the how is to listen. You cannot listen if you are projecting. Paying attention to your energy may be somewhat challenging initially, for it is an unfamiliar action and many individuals are not even aware of what their energy is.

You generate an energy field, all of you. That energy field is created by the energy centers within your physical body, which radiate and generate this field that surrounds your physical body. That energy is manipulated in a projection outwardly in every action that you engage.

If you are expressing any type of emotional communication, that energy expresses outwardly more strongly. If you are experiencing a neutral state, your energy expresses outwardly in a much more calm and even manner. If you are generating any type of agitation within yourself, whatever expression you generate outwardly—regardless of tone, regardless of verbal communication—the energy that is projected is intense and strong, and it is received precisely as it is expressed, as opposition.

There are many, many forms of opposition. It is not merely expressed in aggression. You can express your opinion and not be opposing of another individual. If you are expressing your opinion from the position of sharing and participating with another individual in cooperation with the other individual, you are not expressing an opposing energy. You are also, if you are cooperating, you are not challenging the other individual. You are not setting yourself as right or that there is any wrong expression of the other individual.

Agreement is not a requirement for cooperation. “Like” is not a requirement for cooperation or acceptance. It is not necessary that you like an expression or that you like a behavior or that you like a manifestation to cooperate and to be accepting.

As I have expressed many times previously, difference is the most challenging expression to accept. You generate automatic responses to difference in varying degrees. Difference generates an automatic threat, which generates an automatic response of defense. Defense is one of your strongest expressions of opposition. If you are defending in any manner, you are projecting an energy of opposition, which is threat to the other individual, which is generally matched with opposing energy. For you create, and you reflect what you are expressing. This is how you generate your indicator of awareness of your energy.

If you are reflecting from another individual opposition—which may be expressed, as I have stated, in many, many different manners—if you are receiving opposing energy from another individual, you have generated that initially, and the other individual is reflecting. You ALL do this with each other. Every individual that you interact with in any capacity in any moment, you have specifically, precisely, immaculately drawn that particular individual to you in that moment. Stranger or friend, family or foe, each individual that you interact with you have drawn to you in that moment, for that particular individual shall precisely reflect your energy in some manner. This is your gauge of your energy.

Difference is challenging, but it is not impossible to accept. What is required is to be paying attention to what YOU are doing.

You may also incorporate your physical body consciousness as an indicator of your energy. In any moment, is your physical body consciousness being held in a relaxed state or do you notice any expression of tension in any area of your physical body? What are you actually doing? What is your posture?

If you are interacting with another individual and you are expressing conversation, but it is becoming debate or if it is becoming more intense, what is your energy? Are you sitting taller? Are you leaning forward? That is an expression of energy to challenge the other individual. If you are presenting yourself as taller, you become more challenging. Is your voice being projected calmly or is it becoming more projected, louder? Is your solar plexus relaxed or is it tight? Are your shoulders relaxed or are they tight?

There are many physical indicators that you generally do not pay attention to. Your body consciousness offers you tremendous communication continuously. But for the most part, individuals do not pay attention to their body consciousness and how they are expressing. This also is an efficient indicator of how you are paying attention if you are aware. If you are genuinely aware of yourself, you are not aware of yourself to the exclusion of all that is around you. You are aware of all that is around you; you are aware of the energy around you and how it is being expressed.

An example of how easily you do not express an awareness: (points at Jim S.) what are you doing now?

JIM S.: I’m listening.


JIM S.: I’m passing some energy through my legs here.


JIM S.: Beyond that...

ELIAS: Listening and passing energy through legs. And you are sitting, and you are present within a room. And what is around you?

JIM S.: Nothing.

ELIAS: Nothing? Other individuals, a table, walls, chairs, equipment. And how is your energy being expressed?

JIM S.: I’m not sure.

ELIAS: Tense and guarded.

JIM S.: Yes, always.

ELIAS: Therefore, shielding and holding your energy quite tightly to your physical form and, also, now, somewhat uncomfortable, for you are being focused upon. (Grins)

It is important that you are aware of what you are expressing. If you do not know what your energy is, and if you are unaware of how you are projecting it, how can you manipulate it intentionally to create what you want? You do create every minute and every expression and every other individual within your reality. You are not always happy with all of what you are creating, but you are choosing it.

How can you intentionally choose what you want, if you are unaware of what you are doing? You may be doing many expressions and you may be in the position of autopilot. In that, you create scenarios and, subsequently, you become exasperated and question yourselves and express, “Why did I create this? Why AM I creating this?”

Were you to be actually paying attention to what you are doing, you would know, for you would be aware. That is the point. You all want to be widening your awareness and incorporating the expression of your innate ability to create intentionally what you want, but you continue to allow other individuals to steer your ship, you continue to fly your plane in the copilot seat and, therefore, you are steering without a course.

Being aware of how you are expressing energy changes what occurs around you, for you ARE creating your reality. Therefore, being aware of how YOU are expressing energy creates different responses. It also can quite strongly alter your perception in many different manners. As perception is the mechanism that actually creates your physical reality, altering perception alters reality—altering actual PHYSICAL reality—and you quite definitely do incorporate the ability to generate this.

Express to myself what you notice in yourselves as generating an opposing energy.

RODNEY: I hear something or someone says something, and I want to express my view, and I do. This happened to me last week, and I noticed it afterwards. They disagreed with me, and where I go in myself is they’re disagreeing with me because they didn’t understand me, and they didn’t understand me because I didn’t express myself clearly enough. So I get caught up in attempting to express myself more clearly.

But this is a trick I play on myself because it’s kind of, like, camouflage for the fact that I’m disagreeing with them; I’m opposing them, and I’m trying to possibly correct their perception. So I use this judgment of myself that I’m not expressing myself clearly enough as a trick, a camouflage, of the fact that I’m really defending myself or trying to correct them.

ELIAS: Yes, this is a commonly expressed avenue with individuals.

RODNEY: Because it seems to me that to cooperate with someone is simply to accept the fact that I think they’re wrong about something.

ELIAS: Yes, in actuality, you are correct. Each of you incorporates your own truths. We have defined truths as your own beliefs that you have set into absolute, that you do not even question.

In these truths, there is some association of preference, and in this, as we have discussed previously, your truths are not bad. They are your guidelines. They are your individual guidelines that guide you in how you shall behave, how you shall interact, how you shall create. Therefore, for you, individually, they are good. For they are your guidelines. They allow you to measure your behavior. They also influence you to not be engaging some behavior, for your truths express a preference and not a preference. There are judgments associated with your own truths. Your truths all incorporate some element of what you assess to be good and bad.

You are not eliminating belief systems; you are not eliminating beliefs. Therefore, you are not eliminating duplicity. You are continuing to express your own evaluations of good and bad and right and wrong within yourself. What you are changing is not applying that to every other individual within your reality, for their truths may be different. This is the element of difference.

It is not necessary to agree. You may be interacting with another individual that you do not agree with and it is not necessary for you to alter your truth to accommodate the other individual. It is also not necessary for you to instruct and convince the other individual that your truth is right. It may be absolute for you and that is what is important, but it is not absolute for the other individual. It is not necessary to agree to cooperate.

You may be expressing differences but it matters not. The other individual may be expressing, “I do this action in this manner,” and you may express, “I do this action in another manner.” You may be expressing back-and-forth, offering your reasons why you do a particular action in a particular manner, but it actually matters not, for the other individual is not actually affecting you or changing you. You continue to express in your guidelines.

An individual may express a truth that they express violence is wrong and, therefore, it should not be expressed. Another individual may incorporate violent behavior—but you are not. That is the point of your truths. They are YOUR guidelines.

EDWARD: But when we become the victim of their violence...I guess you’re going to tell me that I created that. But I’m sorry, I’d rather not be blown up by somebody I created, I suppose. I don’t know, there’s a very strange dichotomy in there.

ELIAS: But you are not being blown up!

EDWARD: A similar situation is talking about disagreeing about whether (inaudible) or whatever is a nice idea. I can buy into that, but when there is extreme violence...

ELIAS: I am understanding, but if you are not creating that opposition within yourself, you shall not draw that to yourself. Therefore, you shall not participate in it.

EDWARD: That’s nice, okay. I’ll buy that. I’ll go with that.

ELIAS: You create the situation to be participating in that type of scenario. You create the situation of drawing that energy to you through the energy that you are projecting. Therefore, if you are not engaging in an opposing or in a protective energy, it is unnecessary to draw that type of energy to you. You draw to you what will reflect you. Therefore, if you choose not to be in a violent situation and you are not expressing a violent energy with yourself, you shall not draw that to yourself.

EDWARD: So I saved the whole New York City subway because I didn’t want to get blown up, and I felt really good about it! So while I was riding the trains, everybody was safe. I don’t know if I can...

ELIAS: You already are. You already are projecting an energy to not draw that to yourself.

EDWARD: I’m happy with that.

ELIAS: (Laughs) But in this scenario, this is an example of not cooperating, of attempting to convince, not necessarily in a violent manner, but in a manner of opposition rather than recognizing and evaluating how is the other individual’s opinion threatening you.

ELLA: I don’t specifically try to do it, but I do feel that I notice myself more because I hear you, and I read about all that. But I notice, and it’s very distinct. If anybody just tries to give me friendly advice but uses “You have to do something” or “Why don’t you do something,” I immediately notice my solar plexus tense because somebody wants to impose their truth on me. What I do notice, lately, is that I also don’t try to...I used to feel upset, and I, now, process it within me. I turn it in a more pleasant way, and the confrontation goes away. Am I actually doing that?

ELIAS: Yes. That is also an example in which you notice your automatic response, and you are, intentionally, paying attention to what type of energy you are expressing. You notice the initial twinge, the initial response of shielding or defending, but in noticing that, you can alter that by recognizing yourself, allowing yourself to intentionally relax and evaluate what is the perceived threat.

How is this individual actually threatening you? For this is what you are responding to in defense. You have automatically perceived a threat. Whether you think it in thoughts or not, you are, automatically, responding in energy, and you are, automatically, engaging an emotional communication which is expressing to you, within a moment, you are perceiving threat and, now, you shall be engaging defense.

RODNEY: I expressed an idea, and the other person said, “You’re wrong.” So, energetically, I feel a threat there.

ELIAS: For you must be right. (Laughs)

RODNEY: For me to cooperate would simply be to say, “Fine, you think I’m wrong,” and that’s that.


RODNEY: But I don’t go there, and I think I have to explain myself.

ELIAS: Which is another form of defending, and that creates this opposing energy, and the interaction continues and can actually escalate, and that creates a conflict.

These are examples of how you may engage that type of action and that type of energy with two individuals. You are engaging that, and what energy is that projecting outwardly? Opposition. Is it also expressing balance? No. Therefore, what energy does that contribute to?

RODNEY: Chaos.

ELIAS: And mass events.

ELLA: But, sometimes, I notice it only in my head. Does that affect too?

ELIAS: And that too may contribute to atmospheric pressures. You ARE participating; you merely do not pay attention or incorporate the awareness of how important and how powerful one individual is. There can be no mass without individuals. There can be no mass event without the participation of collective energy.

If you are generating opposition in your day—in your employment, in your family, with a friend, with an individual in a shop that perhaps expresses what you deem to be an attitude with you as you are purchasing an item—and you match that energy in opposition, you are generating an opposing energy. That energy is not limited to that very space that you are standing within. That energy translates in the collective.

You are all a part of the collective energy. You are what is the make-up of the collective energy. Therefore, the conflicts that you generate, within your day, individually, generate a contribution to the energy which is extreme and out-of-balance within your world.

ELLA: You are teaching us to interact with each other. What about the rest of humanity? We cannot deny...(The rest is lost in group laughter.)

ELIAS: This is the point! The point is not to concern yourself with other individuals. The point is to concern yourself with you, for the energy that you generate alters all around you.

Therefore, you, one individual, incorporate tremendous power. You are not always in this room. You are not always in this forum. You interact in many different physical locations with many different individuals throughout your days.

ELLA: Does that cause ripple effects?

ELIAS: Yes! Yes, and that is the point. Paying attention to your energy ripples and is affecting, for you are creating all of your reality. Therefore, if you are creating all of your reality, and you are creating a reality that is balanced, that ripples in association with every other individual that you interact with.

BARRY: So if you feel something here, feel tension here...because I thought “balance” just before you said it. Sometimes we send our awareness to our third eye, and so there’s awareness sent to our whole field, and that’s what balances us and, then, we learn to do that. That’s the how, that’s what you’re saying?

ELIAS: Being aware of all of your energy and how it is being projected. The manner in which you verify is by paying attention to what you are actually doing. As in the example—you are sitting in a chair. What are you doing?

BARRY: I was listening to what you were telling me.

ELIAS: And I may express that if I were to pose this question to every individual within this room, the initial response is, “I am listening to you.” What are you doing?

BARRY: Absorbing your energy.

ELIAS: What are you doing?

BARRY: I’m cooperating? I don’t know.

ELIAS: That would be the answer—you are not aware. What is your body consciousness doing? How is it being expressed? What is around you? What is your periphery bringing as input? Where are your feet? Where are your hands?

BARRY: One foot is on the floor; one hand is on the chair. One hand is relaxed; one hand is tight. One foot is relaxed; one foot is tight.

ELIAS: This is the point. These are all actions that you are incorporating. It is not a judgment; it matters not.

The point is that you focus your attention singularly, and you notice merely one action, but you are actually incorporating many. Your focus is more expanded than you are paying attention to. You are inputting information in many different manners, and you are also responding to that input.

If you are sitting in close proximity to another individual, your energy field is responding to the individual beside you. And how is your body consciousness responding in that side?

BARRY: I’m leaning into her.

ELIAS: Correct, therefore you are engaging an action. This is what I am expressing to you in being aware of your energy and what you are actually doing. What you are doing is your indicator of what type of energy you are expressing.


LORRAINE M.: If I were able to do that, accept in every moment and not cause any conflict in my own in-the-moment life, would that mean that in my reality there wouldn’t be any earthquakes, tsunamis, war? I could create that?

ELIAS: Yes, you can. That is not...

LORRAINE M.: But other people’s reality wouldn’t change.

ELIAS: Correct.

PATRICIA: She wouldn’t know about that because it wouldn’t be in her reality.

ELIAS: Correct.

LORRAINE M.: So do we all have own time-space continuum kind of thing?

ELIAS: You do. You ARE interacting directly with other individuals’ energy but, remember, you are also precisely drawing to yourself specific individuals that reflect you. Therefore, if you were creating a reality in which there was no earthquake or there was no hurricane, every individual that you draw to yourself would not incorporate an awareness of that either, for that would not be in your reality. You would not be offering yourself that information, for in your reality it did not occur. That IS possible; it is not difficult.

LORRAINE M.: So if you’re a Star Trek person, it’s like we all have our own holodeck, we all create our own program...


LORRAINE M.: ...and when we walk into it, the people that are in our hologram are people we programmed into it.

ELIAS: Yes, but they are the energies of all of the other individuals. But yes, you are correct.

LORRAINE M.: So anything they say or do to us, we’ve created.

ELIAS: Yes. You have drawn that to yourself, yes.

VERONICA: I have two questions, if I remember them. I have a friend who is not interested in the world affairs. It’s not important to her. Just going to work at her little job is sufficient for her. That is a reflection perhaps to me of an attractive way to be or a calming way to be for myself?

ELIAS: In part.

VERONICA: Rather than my thinking that she’s just a totally disinterested person.

ELIAS: Correct, offering yourself an example of not concerning yourself with what other individuals’ choices are.

VERONICA: My second question is: If my perception is that we have not had cataclysms in our area, is it that our population is less defensive and more accepting than people in other parts of the world?

ELIAS: Not necessarily. For regardless that it is not occurring in your area, you are participating. You are contributing energy to those mass events. You may be collectively choosing in your physical location not to be creating a mass event in your area, but that is not to say that you are not participating in the other mass events. The energy in those locations is more directly intensified for their collective reason and benefit.

These mass events are actually generating benefit. As I have expressed, you are always creating benefit to yourselves. It may not necessarily be comfortable. It may even be expressed in actions and events that you deem to be painful, but they are beneficial.


MICHAEL: So really, we have to pay attention to the man in the mirror.


MICHAEL: Because whatever he’s doing, that’s what’s happening. (Elias nods in agreement.)

KAUSTUBH: Elias, would you say that fear is [a] form of opposition?

ELIAS: Yes, for it is an opposition of yourself.

KAUSTUBH: How about situations where the apparent power is unidirectional, in the sense that when I consider myself with respect to government, regulations, laws, or when I have to travel to other countries, I have to get all this paperwork done to get a visa. I feel myself to be pretty powerless with respect to that, and I work myself up a lot in such situations. I do recognize that it is opposition, however, what could I do to neutralize that opposition?

ELIAS: Remember, you create what you concentrate upon, and as you continue to concentrate upon lack and the inability to accomplish, you shall continue to express that.

In allowing yourself to relax, perhaps begin to alter this automatic fear and these automatic expressions by incorporating an exercise of appreciation and acknowledgment. If you are within each of your days allowing yourself to acknowledge some accomplishments within your day, that reinforces your trust. It also interrupts your concentration upon lack, for you are acknowledging accomplishment and what you have. In that, also, express some type of appreciation of yourself at least twice within your day.

KAUSTUBH: So in such a scenario, when I’m appreciating myself, I may still have these feelings of fear...

ELIAS: Yes, but you are interrupting that, and you are reinforcing your trust of yourself which shall override the fear. It shall allow you to incorporate more of an expression of confidence and acceptance within yourself and allow you more comfort within yourself. Also practice relaxing, for tension is an automatic by-product of fear. You automatically incorporate tension within your physical body consciousness in association with fear.

The appreciation exercise is tremendously important and very powerful. It matters not what you appreciate. It matters not if it is in your estimation large or small. It may be in your estimation almost insignificant. It matters not. If it is a genuine expression of appreciation, it is powerful enough to interrupt these automatic responses and to reinforce your trust of yourself.

KAUSTUBH: So my take on this particular example is that I may still have to go through all the red tape, however, I will not create these twinges. I would still have to do all the paperwork, but not I would not feel it.

ELIAS: Correct.

ELLA: I found it helps me in that situation, if I sort of ask myself why I feel this way. I remind myself what you always say: that I’m sort of projecting it, but, in the now, I’m okay. Then the tension goes away, at least to the degree that I’m more comfortable.

ELIAS: Being present in the now is very important.

KAUSTUBH: These days I’ve been noticing my energy a lot. When I’m projecting opposition, I notice it, and I try to ask what is causing the threat in me. I do answer the question, but, somehow, it does not convince me in the sense that I still believe that the power is one way, and I feel that I am powerless. I try to interrupt it...

ELIAS: Correct, which is the importance of acknowledging and appreciating, for that generates an action that allows you to interrupt. It is not a matter of convincing yourself. It is a matter of incorporating a different action that interrupts those automatic expressions.

DANIIL: During private sessions with you, I guess I’m not opposing you as much as I would oppose other individuals. That would be an example of feeling appreciated and appreciating, feeling friendly and sharing. That would be an example that I could draw upon in interaction with others.

ELIAS: Yes, you are correct.

I may express, we shall engage break, and you may continue subsequently.

(Break at 12:56 PM) (Resume at 1:43 PM)

ELIAS: Continuing! (Pause)

GAIL: I have a question. As we were talking about paying attention to our own energy and what we project, I’ve been aware of how I feel and how I project, and picking up...(Inaudible)

ELIAS: (Laughs) Congratulations!

GAIL: Anyway, what I’ve been doing for the last couple of weeks is I find myself going to have massages. But I think I’m relaxed, maybe a little uptight at the end of the day after running around, and I’m finding, I’m wondering, are the massages...they’re touching points in my body that I think are relaxed. Is that imagery to myself that I’m digging deeper into paying attention to how I feel and what I project?

ELIAS: In what you are noticing in association with the massage?

GAIL: Yes.

ELIAS: And your response to it?

GAIL: I notice the next day that I’m really sore from it. I didn’t realize that I was holding that tension in my body. It forces me to pay even more attention to how I hold myself; how I’m feeling in relation to my shoulders, my back, my legs that I didn’t notice before.

ELIAS: Yes, which may, in actuality, be an efficient exercise to be incorporating for many individuals, for, generally, individuals are not aware of what their body consciousness is expressing. Your body consciousness expresses communications to you continuously. But unless you create some type of physical manifestation that is quite obvious in the form of illness or dis-ease or pain, individuals are not actually paying attention to the communications that the body consciousness is expressing.

I may express to you, your body consciousness is even expressing communications to you concerning what you consume in association with different foods. It shall express a communication to you and generate urges—not cravings, but urging you.

Each of you incorporates your own beliefs concerning health, concerning your physical appearance, concerning the functioning of your physical body, and how you project yourself physically. In accordance with those beliefs, your body consciousness knows what shall be in compliance with your beliefs concerning your body and your appearance. Therefore, it shall generate urgings to you to create that. It shall generate urgings of different foods to be consuming to create in accordance with your beliefs.

Therefore, if you incorporate certain beliefs that you may not, necessarily, express an objective awareness of in relation to vitamins, your body consciousness shall urge you to incorporate certain foods that will supply you with those particular elements that are in accordance with your beliefs to create the physical manifestation and the appearance that you are familiar with and comfortable with. Many individuals do not pay attention to the physical body consciousness, and, therefore, they generate creating an appearance or manifestations that they may not want. For they are not paying attention, and the body is responding to communicate to them what they are doing that is contrary to what they want.

In incorporating massage, it may offer you information concerning how you do hold energy that you may be objectively unaware of, for it has become so familiar to you that you are not paying attention. There are many individuals that walk about continuously through their focus and are holding tension within their body consciousness continuously and are unaware, for it has become so familiar it appears to be a natural state to them. Which it is not, but they are not aware of how they are holding energy.

Individuals are not objectively aware of energy, period, for the most part. You may be aware of other individuals’ energies, and you may feel other individuals’ energies, but what you are not aware of is your own energy, which is associated with the theme of this discussion, as we have presented the examples in two individuals as I inquire “What are you doing?”

Individuals are not paying attention to what they are actually doing in any particular moment. You view the most obvious action, but none other. Therefore, you view, “I am listening.” Yes, you are listening. You are also inquiring, you are also sitting, you are also engaging a particular posture, you are also generating certain tensions within your body consciousness. You may be anticipating while you are listening; you may be projecting while you are listening. You are also inputting information through your periphery from all of your environment surrounding you. You may be listening and you may also be paying attention to the creature in the room and how it is moving about or if it is not moving about. Or you may be, as we discussed previously, gravitating to other individuals’ energies, but not paying attention.

There are many actions that you are engaging in every moment that you are not paying attention to. Therefore, you are not aware of how your energy is being projected or what you are doing with yourself in your energy and how you may be holding to your energy, creating shielding, creating a resistance to openness, a resistance to intimacy, a resistance to allowance. And in this, you pull your energy field tightly to yourself. The more you condense your energy field, the closer it becomes to your physical body projection, the more intensely your energy is held and the more tension your physical body responds with.

In engaging massage, you are engaging an action that physically manipulates energy and allows it to be released. In releasing energy that has been held for extended time frameworks, this can generate actual painfulness in similar manner to the body’s natural release of energy. If an individual is holding energy intensely, the individual may begin to weep and assess within themselves confusion for they do not understand why they are weeping, for they view that they incorporate no reason. The reason is they are holding energy very tightly, and the body consciousness’ natural method of releasing energy is to weep. It is not always generated in association with sadness or grief. This is an indicator that you are holding energy very tightly.

Now; in that, it is significant for you to pay attention and evaluate what triggers this automatic response of holding to your energy and shielding. What is generating some type of threat with you that you are generating an automatic response of holding to your energy and shielding, not allowing for receiving, and not allowing an openness, not allowing that vulnerability which, generally, is associated with a fear? Generally, that fear is associated with intimacy.

Intimacy may be expressed in many different manners, not merely in sexual manners. But generally speaking, individuals are less afraid of sexual encounters than genuinely expressing an openness and an exposure with another individual, and that generates automatic responses of shielding and not allowing for that vulnerability and that exposure.

For even within sexual interaction or activities, individuals can quite efficiently continue to be shielding. They may be engaging a physical activity with another individual, but not exposing, and, therefore, that is less threat than genuinely allowing yourself to generate an exposure in which you allow yourself to receive—which is also strongly associated with religious beliefs that you all incorporate that express that receiving is bad, receiving is selfish, and selfish is bad.

Selfish, I shall express to you all, is good. (Laughter and cheering)

NATASHA: If you are avoiding exposure—I’m talking about sex—is the release of energy possible?

ELIAS: Be more specific.

NATASHA: What I’m saying is, if you are not involved, if you are just present there, and not involved, and you are not exposing yourself, is the release of energy possible for a person who is not exposing themselves?


NATASHA: Then what is exposure?

ELIAS: Exposure is an allowance of yourself to not retreat, to not shield, to not defend. It is an allowance of yourself to genuinely express yourself without fear and without discounting yourself. It is a genuine expression of openness and vulnerability. It is not an expression of confession. It is not an expression that you must bare yourself to the world. It is a comfort within yourself, an acceptance within yourself that you no longer deem it necessary to protect yourself, and, therefore, no longer incorporate fear. It is an expression of not hiding.

DANIIL: In fighting fear we perpetuate it, so what other beneficial habit is next to fear that will alleviate fear?

ELIAS: Appreciation. Appreciation neutralizes fear, but genuine appreciation not artificial.

DANIIL: Appreciation as in appreciation of one’s self as well as appreciation of others?

ELIAS: Yes. But as we discussed earlier, appreciation is an unfamiliar action to many of you. Therefore, it is advisable that you begin in increments. For the point is, not to overwhelm yourselves, and also not to snare yourselves or trap yourselves in a manner in which you are attempting to generate an appreciation and, in a moment, if you are unsuccessful, that you immediately discount yourself and perpetuate this devaluing of yourself.

Fear is an expression of powerlessness. Therefore, the point would not to be reinforcing that, but to be interrupting it with something that can become familiar to you, although it is unfamiliar initially. This is the reason that it is significant to practice with acknowledgment and appreciation. To acknowledge what you have accomplished, acknowledge what you ARE doing; credit yourselves, not other individuals.

Many individuals also generate traps with themselves for they may be experiencing a time framework in which they are expressing tremendous freedom and allowing themselves to genuinely be expressing of themselves, in association with another individual, and they credit the other individual for allowing that. It is not a matter of the other individual has allowed you to express yourself. It is a matter that YOU have created a scenario with another individual that you have allowed yourself. It is YOUR credit not the other individual’s. You have created that.

ELISE: Kind of going back to something we were speaking about before, as we become more aware of what’s happening within us at any given time and our capability to do that increases, there’s talk about human beings are multi-dimensional and experiencing on many different levels, and so does this just keep going on? As you master this awareness then whoosh, then there’s a whole other realm after that, where you’re more aware of yourself, possibly? You’re experiencing your different lifetimes consecutively, that multi-dimensional aspect...?

ELIAS: Quite definitely.

ELISE: Is this sort of the first step on that path?

ELIAS: As you continue to widen your awareness, yes, you can quite definitely tap into other focuses of yourself, that which you term to be other lifetimes, past and future. You can also tap into other-dimensional focuses.

You are not merely expressed in this one physical dimension. There are countless physical dimensions that you also participate in and incorporate focuses in those. As I have expressed previously, individuals that encounter extra-terrestrials are encountering other focuses of themselves. Therefore, you allow yourself to physically meet another you of you.

The vastness of essence is beyond explanation. You are one focus of attention of essence that is physically manifest in this particular time framework, in this physical reality. There are countless yous within countless physical realities, and you incorporate many, many focuses of attention in this physical reality and in nonphysical areas of consciousness. You are incredibly vast expressions.

RODNEY: Elias, in developing a sense of appreciation, which I find I’m not too familiar with, it’s one thing to say thank you or to express thankfulness for one’s self...let me give an example. Let’s say, I prepare a meal, and the meal is quite good, and I enjoy it a great deal. Instead of just thanking myself for preparing a good meal, is my enjoyment of that meal an expression of appreciation?


RODNEY: That helps. Thank you.

EDWARD: Jealousy ties into fear, right? Jealousy becomes that multi-dimensional part of fear, because you’re projecting out jealousy either of another human being, or possessiveness, or you’re jealous of somebody’s success. It’s part of fear, right?

ELIAS: Yes, you are correct.

EDWARD: How do you fight that? Is it back to appreciation, like you appreciate yourself then and realize you’re doing just fine?

ELIAS: Yes, and also evaluating what is the perceived threat. What do you perceive the other individual is doing to you that generates that expression? For the other individual is not doing to you. You are generating those responses within yourself. You are doubting and skeptical and untrusting within yourself, and what you do is project that outwardly and focus it upon another individual, and, therefore, express the suspicion and the doubt with the other individual.

That is also associated with your truths and your guidelines. For if the other individual is engaging what you incorporate in your suspicion, you are already projecting an expectation of the other individual—which once again is another expression of threat, which is opposition—but in that, you are projecting your absolute to the other individual. You would not engage in certain actions, and, therefore, you generate an expectation that the other individual will not either. In this, if the other individual is not compliant with your expectation, that can trigger jealousy. But as I have stated, it begins with you, your truths, and projecting your truths to another individual and generating the expectation that they shall absolutely comply with your truth, not allowing for difference.

In this, individuals, at times, may generate this type of situation to offer themselves information concerning what they are projecting and to allow them the opportunity to become familiar with what their truths are, objectively recognizing “My truth is I shall not be engaging an action of infidelity, but I also expect that my partner shall not either.” This is an absolute. This is information to you concerning your truth, which is not bad, and the other individual is not engaging an action hurtful to you. What becomes hurtful is that it is not a compliance with your truth, and, therefore, you generate an automatic association that you cannot express yourself freely any longer.

As example, if your truth concerns fidelity and your partner is not expressing fidelity, that challenges your truth. They are not complying. They are not complying with your expectation. In that, you experience hurt, for now you, automatically, express to yourself a denial of yourself. You cannot freely express with this individual any longer. You cannot express your appreciation with this individual any longer, for they are not complying with your expectation; therefore, it is a denial of your choice, and that is what generates hurt.

When you are denying your own choices and your own freedom, that creates hurt within you. The other individual and their actions and their choices are not what is creating the hurtfulness. It is your own denial of your own freedom and your own choices, preventing yourself from the continuation of expression that you want to express that creates that hurt within you. That hurt can also trigger opposition, which can be expressed in the form of jealousy.

ELISE: So, in other words, we have the choice to change our own personal guidelines, at any point, in order to create freedom for ourselves.

ELIAS: It is not, necessarily, a matter of changing your guidelines but recognizing that each of your guidelines incorporates many different influences. The freedom lies in recognizing the different influences and incorporating the allowance of yourself to choose different influences, rather than incorporating the automatic response that infidelity is bad and that, automatically, means that the other individual does not appreciate me, the other individual does not love me, is not expressing loyalty to me, or they would not be expressing in this manner. That is one influence.

Another influence may be, in actuality, you yourself may not actually want to be engaging certain activities with your partner continuously, and, therefore, your partner is receiving that energy and may be seeking outlet in other directions, which alleviates pressure with you.

Another influence may be that the individual is not expressing that they do not love you or that they do not appreciate you, for that is not, necessarily, expressed in certain actions. They are not absolutely associated with an expression of love. It is not absolutely expressed in intimacy either. Sexual activity can be associated with love. It can be associated with sexual activity, but intimacy is not synonymous with either of those expressions.

Therefore, it is a matter of perception, once again, and what influences you are allowing to be expressed in automatic response to the actions and choices of other individuals, and concerning yourself with the actions, behaviors, and choices of other individuals, rather than paying attention to what you are doing and manipulating energy in the manner that you want.

For as I expressed previously, you can create and do create all of your reality, and you can be interactive with another individual. What you are interacting with is their energy; you are not actually interacting with the physical individual. That is your own creation. That is your projection. You receive the other individual’s energy, you, thusly, automatically, project it and configure a physical form. YOU do that. You interact with that physical form that you are creating. You are interacting with the individual’s energy, for the most part.

At times, you may be interacting with an energy deposit of the other individual, which does not necessarily contain the attention of the other individual. In those situations, you may notice that you and the other individual are participating in the same physical location, in the same interaction, and your perception of it is in one direction and the other individual incorporates an entirely different account. This occurs more frequently than you realize.

You each are individually creating all of your reality. There is no one official reality. The official reality is what each of you create. In that, one individual may be creating one scenario and the other individual is creating a different scenario, which in actuality is quite efficient, for it is very validating and acknowledging of you that you actually can create whatever you want regardless of the other individual.

And you can participate with another individual. In this example, you may create that your partner is entirely faithful in your terms, and in your partner’s reality, they may be interacting with many other individuals. This is not a situation of denial. This is not a situation of being what you term to be oblivious. This is an actual situation in which you are creating two very different realities, but you are continuing to participate with each other. Therein, lies your freedom. You can create whatever you want, regardless of any other individual within your physical reality, for you are already creating all of it.

ELLA: Based on what you said, I suspect that in my interaction with my son, I get his energy deposits, and that’s all. (Laughter) That’s what it feels like.

Inna and I were talking, recently, about what we, in this society, term as love, and it seems that, a lot of times, what we term as love is possession. It’s a lot about possession. I’ve got you here; you’re mine. I think in the not-so-far future, monogamy, as it is, will not exist. Economically, it was useful, but as we progress, and we become more open in our relationships...

ELIAS: It is a choice. It is not an absolute. For individuals that you perceive in future, it is a choice. They may choose to be coupling together, singularly, or they may not.

ELLA: But the choice will not be dictated by society or government. It will be your choice.

ELIAS: Correct.

ELLA: You will decide for how long you will stay with this person...

ELIAS: Yes, for you are directing yourself.

ELLA: No one will tell you you must sign on the dotted line or else.

ELIAS: Correct, and, also, as I have expressed previously, the definition of love is not associated with emotion. Love is a genuine expression of knowing and appreciation. You attach affection to love, and, many times, you equate or define affection as love, but that is not a genuine expression of love. Love is, genuinely, a knowing and appreciation.

ELLA: The difference between appreciation and affection is that affection is unique about a person and appreciation is allowance?

ELIAS: No. Affection is a genuine expression. It is an emotional expression. Affection is a signal, a feeling, that is associated with an emotional communication. Affection is associated with attraction, and, in that, it is also associated with preferences. It is a feeling with an emotional communication. Appreciation is not an emotional communication.

ELLA: If I appreciate you, don’t I feel good about you? That is an emotion.

ELIAS: You attach the affection with the appreciation, and, therefore, you feel.

ELLA: So from where you are, you don’t experience emotions, and you can still appreciate us for what we are.

ELIAS: Quite, yes. But, remember, emotion is a very powerful communication within you, and it is also a basic element of your reality. Therefore, it is natural for you to express and associate feelings and emotional communications with many of your expressions.

ELLA: I’d like to ask you more about self-appreciation. I had an experience where, for almost an entire week, I had a sensation that there was a cloud of energy around me. It felt very sensual, like all of my body was aware of itself, and it felt very pleasant. I was trying to figure out whose energy it was. Eventually, I thought it was probably my own energy, but that I was more open to it, that I was more willing to play with it, and allow it. Then, it just turned off, but I figured out I could probably turn it on.

It’s energy coming from the back of my green energy center, and I don’t understand how to relate to that. I could turn it off, but I can’t turn it on full speed. So I started opening up to my own energy, but...?

ELIAS: And offering yourself an experience that offers you an example of what is possible and that you can generate this if you are generating...

ELLA: But why did it stop like that? Did I stop it? Did it overwhelm me or why?

ELIAS: Not, necessarily, to not overwhelm you, but moving into the familiar, once again, in not entirely paying attention to yourself.

ELLA: I know when it shut off. It’s two months later, but I remember a situation where I generated a lot of tension, and I was out of balance, maybe. It just went out like that.


SHARON: Earlier when you were talking, you asked us do we know what our energy is. The “is,” is there an adjective for the is? When you say, do we know what our energy is, do you mean is our energy positive or negative, is it cooperative, is it oppositional, is it intrusive, is it timid, is it gentle? When you say what our energy is, what is the “is”?

ELIAS: All of those expressions, and more, all of those identifications and, also, what you are doing; for your energy is being expressed in what you are doing. Therefore, all of those expressions would be associated, and, also, what you are physically doing, and what you are concentrating upon, not, necessarily, thinking.

Your concentration is centered in association with beliefs. The manner in which you understand what you are concentrating upon is in paying attention to what you are doing, for what you are doing, within your day, is associated with what you are concentrating upon—which beliefs are being expressed.

Therefore, paying attention to what you are doing is your indicator of how you are expressing your energy, and all of those identifications are also associated with what you are doing.

JIM B.: Elias, you have to pay attention to what you’re doing, and, you say, this is unfamiliar, so it’s hard to do. If you concentrate on what you’re doing, all the time, in the day, you’re literally paying attention to every step you’re taking, in every second, every minute. So you’re doing that, rather than paying attention to things around you that you say we’re doing on automatic response anyway.

ELIAS: It is not to the exclusion of all that is around you, for that is an element of you. Therefore, it is a matter of not merely paying attention to your physical expression, but also all that you are creating around you.

JIM B.: You’re creating everything around you but the decisions you make and the beliefs you have. So if you try and concentrate as you go along, or at least pay attention to what you’re doing, then you should be able to objectively create your world. You’re doing this when you’re trying to decide what to eat because you’re either on a diet or you want to be careful that you don’t eat certain things because you have a medical condition and so forth, so you wind up eating the things you shouldn’t eat anyway, even though you’re paying attention.

You’re trying to create your reality, objectively, but many of us go off on what you call automatic response. But you’re saying you don’t really have to concentrate on “I’m picking this up; I’m moving this; I’m doing this.” It’s hard to concentrate on what you’re doing in a minute manner is what I’m saying, and you’re saying to do it in a more expanded manner.

ELIAS: Both. In paying attention, even in one day, to every action that you incorporate and how your energy is reflecting and how your energy is being projected in EVERY MOMENT of one day, I express to you, you shall offer yourself considerable information concerning what you do not pay attention to and what influences other actions and scenarios.

What you generate in each day, repeatedly, is what creates the avenue to generate events that confuse you and that you do not like and that you do not want. But you are moving in those directions in each day and not noticing the mundane, what you term to be insignificant actions repeated over and over, which express a particular type of energy, which creates a direction of reinforcing certain actions continuously. Therefore, they gain momentum, and, eventually, you create an event that you do not like or that is unwanted.

And you sit and you express to yourself and to other individuals, “Why did I create this? How did I create this? Why would I create this?” And you are stuck with no response, for you have not been paying attention to all these repeated actions that you are incorporating that are associated with expressed beliefs that you are unaware of objectively. This is the reason that it is important to be paying attention in each day to all of what you are doing. That is your indicator of your energy.

JIM B.: At the same time, your beliefs form your reality. I know people who know that every time they take a cigarette and smoke it, in their mind, they’re doing something bad for their body. They’re paying attention to what they’re doing, but they can’t stop it. There’s part of them that can’t do it. Even though they are focusing on what they’re doing, their mind is saying “I shouldn’t do this, this is going to be bad for my body,” even though, theoretically, if you didn’t believe that, you could eat rocks, and it wouldn’t hurt you.

EDWARD: Wouldn’t that explain people who get cancer and who don’t?

JIM B.: People who don’t get cancer even if they smoke?

ELIAS: And there are individuals that generate that. That would be associated with each individual, and not merely their beliefs, but also their value fulfillment and their choices of what they are choosing to create. Individuals choose dis-ease; they are not attacked by it.

VERONICA: Elias, I was consciously walking and unconsciously fell, tripped on concrete. I inflicted tremendous pain on my body. Would that serve any positive goal other than concentrating on myself, which I wasn’t doing sufficiently in the past?

ELIAS: That is significant in itself. Many times individuals generate discomfort for you will pay attention to discomfort, and you will question, and, therefore, you also generate an opportunity to offer yourself information.

If you are moving through your focus in the seat of the copilot for the most part, and there is no pilot flying your plane, you are moving about within your focus unaware. What shall jar your attention? An interruption, a significant interruption, and a significant interruption is, generally, some action that you shall create that is uncomfortable. For you generate an automatic response to discomfort in “I do not like this, and I shall attempt to discover a means or a method to fix it, or to avoid it, or to change it.” Therefore, it becomes motivating.

KAUSTUBH: If you were paying attention all the time, then you would not be creating uncomfortable situations, like, for example, after The Shift?

ELIAS: At times, but it shall be a choice, an intentional choice. For contrary to what you think, individuals actually do appreciate moments of pain. Individuals, actually, do appreciate moments of distress or sorrow or any of the feelings and experiences that you term to be negative, even anger, for it generates an element of spice. It generates an avenue in which you actually experience the existence of yourself, the presence of yourself.

Therefore, subsequent to the completion of this Shift, shall there be no conflict, shall there be no pain, shall there be no distress? No. For individuals choose to incorporate these expressions and experiences, but it shall be an intentional choice.

ELLA: That sounds very weird—today, I’m going to have a sad day.

ELIAS: And perhaps you shall. (Laughs)

ELLA: So we choose that, now, but we don’t realize it. It comes to us...

ELIAS: Unintentionally.

ELLA: And then you get surprised. To choose that ahead of time, that sounds weird.

KAUSTUBH: But after The Shift, we will have surprises.

ELIAS: Oh, definitely, yes.

I shall incorporate two more questions.

BONNIE: Elias, you talked about dissipating fear by using appreciation. Do you have a suggestion about how to dissipate an argumentativeness or an opposition that you feel rising?

ELIAS: The same—appreciation. In the moment that you are experiencing that rise within yourself, and you are beginning to generate a conflict with another individual, and you feel yourself becoming agitated and judgmental and are moving into that argumentativeness, allow yourself, momentarily, to disappear the other individual. They do not exist momentarily. Turn your attention to you and evaluate what the threat is—why you are being argumentative, what is motivating that, what are you attempting to instruct or prove? Allow yourself to appreciate some element within yourself, regardless of what it is—that your hair may wave in a particular manner in that moment. It matters not. Reappear the other individual in your perception, which you may generate this action in merely a moment. Once you reappear the other individual, move your attention to an appreciation of any element of that individual, regardless of what it is. Perhaps you appreciate a button upon the other individual’s shirt; it matters not what it is.

The expression of genuine appreciation itself interrupts aggression, and it interrupts your attention. It immediately alters the energy. It immediately alters your energy; it immediately alters the other individual’s energy also.

BONNIE: Thank you.

ELIAS: You are very welcome.

GAIL: When I’m around people and I pick up how someone’s feeling, is that me projecting that feeling, and I’m just picking it up as that person’s feelings?

ELIAS: Yes and no. You are actually interacting with other individuals’ energy. Therefore, you may be receiving the actual expression of the other individual, but you also have drawn that individual to you, specifically, in that moment, to reflect some element of yourself.

GAIL: It can be both?

ELIAS: Yes. (Looking into the audience) And yes? Very well.

LORRAINE M.: Kind of in conjunction with what we were talking about earlier, I don’t want to go to work. I’m sure there’s other people who feel the same way. But I go to work, and I’m really unhappy there. I know that I believe I have to work to have money, so in kind of keeping with what you said earlier, is there something I could do to change that, more like appreciating the job I have? Is it a matter of appreciating what already is? Will that change the situation?

ELIAS: Partially, and also allowing yourself to incorporate a different perception. Rather than viewing or incorporating the perception that your employment is a chore and work, allow yourself to engage imagination and create the employment as a game. Express your creativity. The actions and the tasks that you incorporate in your employment—configure them in a manner that becomes a game and fun rather than a chore and work. That allows you to interact with your employment quite differently, and it also reinforces or encourages an appreciation of what you are doing.

Very well, my friends! I express TREMENDOUS appreciation for each of you and encouragement that you express it of yourselves also! I offer to you a genuine energy of encouragement in all that you are engaging and an encouragement of your success in paying attention to your energy. As always, I offer my energy to you all, which is always available. In great lovingness, in great acknowledgment, in great friendship to each of you, au revoir.

GROUP: Au revoir; thank you.

Elias departs at 2:51 PM.

Copyright 2005 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.