What Is Familiar to You Is to Be Producing
“What Is Familiar to You Is to Be Producing”
“Political Focus”
Friday, July 18, 2003 (Private/In-Person)
Participants: Mary (Michael), Gerhard (Doro) and Lisbeth (Sebastia)
Elias arrives at (actual time not available). (Arrival time is 28 seconds.)
ELIAS: Good morning!
GERHARD: Good morning. (Elias chuckles)
ELIAS: We meet again!
GERHARD: Guten tag.
ELIAS: And how is your adventure proceeding?
ELIAS: Very well. And your questions?
LISBETH: Oh, I will start?
ELIAS: Very well.
LISBETH: I don’t remember. (Both laugh) I want to know, am I emotionally focused?
LISBETH: And the number of my focuses, I would be interested in.
ELIAS: Total numbering, 521.
LISBETH: My essence color?
ELIAS: And your impression?
LISBETH: The essence color, very light yellow. (Pause)
ELIAS: Saffron.
LISBETH: Oh, it’s different! It’s darker. Is the focus color another color?
LISBETH: And which one is this? (Pause)
ELIAS: Soft pink.
LISBETH: I thought it was something with blue! (Both laugh)
I want to know if I have one focus where I left my family, my children, and I went to USA or America or Canada. I saw that I was dying when everything was cold, and I looked out of the window and everything was snow and mountains. Is this the same focus, or is it a different?
ELIAS: The same.
LISBETH: The same. Was it Canada?
LISBETH: Because when I saw this, it was so cold and I died, I was very comfortable with this. This life, I think, was not so okay, because I was not happy about leaving the family. I thought it was another life. I thought maybe I am an Indian. So it is the same?
LISBETH: And which century was this?
ELIAS: Seventeenth century.
LISBETH: This life where I was a gladiator, is this in Rome or is it in another city?
ELIAS: Rome.
LISBETH: This focus, is it influencing my life now? This car crash I had, was it a bleed-through? Because I felt that my face was damaged, and I know that my face also was damaged there.
ELIAS: Yes. But you recognize that in bleed-throughs, this does not occur unless you are drawing that energy to yourself to be reinforcing of your own experience or to be also offering you more of an understanding of your own experience in an expanded manner. It is not a situation in which another focus bleeds through and dictates your experiences. You choose the experience, and you choose to be allowing that bleed-through to offer you more information and to expand your awareness.
LISBETH: I’m interested in this experience, but I do not want the influence so that I get accidents, because I had four of them after this, feeling that my face is crushed! (Laughs) I am eager to stop it, but a little fear is that I have another accident in this way because sometimes I feel that my face is damaged.
ELIAS: My suggestion is that you recognize that you have created the experience, you have also connected with this other focus and you have drawn energy from that focus, but that you also incorporate choice. If you are not concentrating your attention upon creating such experiences and you are moving your attention in another direction, you may acknowledge that you have offered yourself the experience and the information, and it is no longer necessary to be continuing in that type of experience. (Elias chuckles)
Let me also express to you, do not confuse yourself with thought in relation to creating experiences, for thought does not create your reality and it does not create your experiences. It merely translates what you are concentrating upon and what you are actually doing. Therefore in this, you may incorporate thinking and this is not to say that that shall influence your continuation of that type of experience. But it is an indication, for your thinking is translating what you are doing. It is offering you an identification of where you are channeling your energy and where your concentration is.
LISBETH: Yes, this is difficult. (All laugh) It is very difficult.
ELIAS: Perhaps you may incorporate a game with yourself, and as you recall your gladiator and you are feeling that experience, you may choose to move your attention to another experience that the gladiator may be incorporating, and that shall divert your attention and interrupt the concentration.
LISBETH: Yes, that’s good. I also want to know, when I had a chat with Marlies, was I the sister or the aunt of my friend? Is it the sister which died or is it herself?
ELIAS: The other.
LISBETH: The sister which died.
LISBETH: What, the aunt?
LISBETH: But she is living, and I know her.
ELIAS: This is another focus.
LISBETH: Another focus from the aunt?
LISBETH: That’s interesting. (Both laugh)
GERHARD: I also would like to know the number of focuses I have in this dimension.
ELIAS: Total numbering, 676.
GERHARD: How many do we share, Lisbeth and I?
ELIAS: Two hundred eighteen.
GERHARD: That’s so much!
In the last one and a half months, it has to do with the feelings here in the solar plexus. Somehow I think this is sort of the key to how I position myself in this reality or something like that. I would like to know what it’s about, this feeling.
ELIAS: And offer your impression, first of all.
GERHARD: Yes. My impression is that this has to do with somehow positioning myself outside of myself, trying to function and doing what I should do, and not having contact with myself. That has something to do with it.
ELIAS: Correct.
Now; express to myself, what have you been engaging — doing — within this time framework?
GERHARD: First, one night I felt how it could be when everything is feeling very good, and then I more or less felt sort of a blocking. There is some feeling in there that life is hard and I have to do things. Somehow I want to open this.
ELIAS: I am understanding. But what I am inquiring is for you to express to myself what you have been engaging in this time framework. What have you been actually DOING in this time framework?
GERHARD: There was also the Reiki session I had. This had to do with it, and also I did it in a balancing.
GERHARD: That’s not what I was doing?
ELIAS: No, this is not what I am inquiring. I am inquiring, what do you do within your day? What actions are you engaging within your day?
GERHARD: I often ask myself what do I have to do and what should I do. If there is nothing to do, I don’t feel so well sometimes.
ELIAS: And in the moments that you inquire of yourself “what do you have to do” and you answer yourself with a task, what do you do?
GERHARD: Usually I like to do the task.
ELIAS: You LIKE to do it, or you express an expectation that you SHOULD do it?
GERHARD: It’s difficult to know. (Both laugh)
ELIAS: This is the key, my friend, to be paying attention within your day — what you are actually doing and what is motivating the doing, whether you are listening to yourself and DOING what you want, for you are paying attention and you are responding to your own communications, or whether you are expressing an identification of some action to do and you actually are fulfilling that out of expectation that you SHOULD be engaging a particular action. That is an indication that your attention is not upon self and you are forcing energy to be fulfilling expectations. That is also a discounting of yourself, for you are not paying attention and you are not allowing yourself your free expression. Therefore, you are limiting.
GERHARD: Yes, and not allowing my free expression has to do with this?
ELIAS: Yes. For this particular energy center within your solar plexus is your indicator in association with emotion, and emotion is a communication.
Now; if you are not offering yourself signals — and with some individuals, they are not as familiar with paying attention to the signals, which are the feelings; some individuals express those feelings very quietly or softly, and therefore they are more difficult to identify — in which situation, there is a compensation in which the energy center shall physically present a signal, for you are not paying attention to the FEELING signal. Therefore, you incorporate a different type of feeling signal, a physical feeling signal, which may manifest in many different manners.
Now; as it pertains to emotional communications — messages - you are experiencing the feeling physically within your solar plexus.
Now; what this is indicating to you is to be paying more attention to yourself. How you may accomplish that is to practice within your day to be holding your attention in the now, not projecting, and in the now pay attention to what you are actually doing and what motivates that — why.
As I have stated previously, in certain situations as you are attempting to evaluate certain communications that you are offering to yourself, the question “why” is futile, for it is much too familiar to you and therefore you do not offer yourself an answer. But in association with this type of action, once you recognize what you are expressing yourself to do — you are stationary one moment and you are thinking I must accomplish this task or I am going to do this action — stop and inquire of yourself, “What is my motivation?” Once you inquire “what is my motivation?” thusly you may inquire of yourself “why?”
You may be incorporating a task which is an expectation or a fulfillment of an expectation, which is not necessarily a direction from yourself. It may be an expectation that you have placed upon yourself in relation to outside information or outside interactions. In that situation, it is valuable to question your motivation and whether you are actually listening to yourself or not — for the significance is that you direct you.
GERHARD: Sometimes in this situation I would say my motivation could be a fear of life, too, that I don’t know what to do, and then I see what kind of expectation that I have to fill my life with something that is somehow useful. I do not really have to contact my own motivation.
ELIAS: I am understanding. I may express to you this is quite common, for what is familiar to you is to be doing, doing, doing — producing. You are continuously doing some action in some manner or another, regardless of what it is. Even if you are merely sitting and staring at your sky, you are engaging an action; therefore, you are doing. Your association is that doing must be producing and that your value is synonymous with production. But it is not.
In this, what you choose in paying attention to you and allowing yourself to relax and merely choosing what you want in the moment, regardless of how you deem it to be simple or complicated, it matters not. Even staring at your sky perhaps offers you a moment of genuine appreciation. In this, what is significant is the energy that you project outwardly, for that is the contribution to the collective.
Every individual is unique, and every individual is ultimately significant and incorporates tremendous worth. No individual is more worthy than any other, but no individual is less significant than any other. In this, EVERY individual generates what may be termed to be a contribution to the collective. Therefore, your mere existence, in your terms — which is not “mere” — generates an energy which is affecting of the entirety of your reality.
In this, I have expressed from the onset of this forum that your greatest responsibility is yourself, for this is what you manipulate. This is affecting of your entire reality, for you create it and you each express an influence.
As example, in this time framework you are all aware that there is being expressed considerable turmoil within your physical reality as a whole. There is tremendous unrest. There is tremendous confusion and tremendous frustration.
Now; it is a time framework of movement and change, which most individuals become unsettled with as you view changes. Most individuals within your world incorporate the orientation of common. Common individuals express an uneasiness with intense changes. Within your assessment, small changes are acceptable — occasionally. But intense change is overwhelming, and what occurs is that the individual retreats and is experiencing a confusion and a frustration, but they are not identifying that. Therefore, what they identify is a lack of motivation and a floundering. They express to themselves, in your common vernacular, “I do not know what to do. I do not know what I want and I am unmotivated to create anything.” This is the point in which it is important to pay attention to yourself.
Also, as you are aware, there is a tremendous wave occurring presently in consciousness addressing to the belief system of truth, which is a contributing factor to frustration and confusion, for this wave is immensely powerful. But it also is immensely empowering, for this wave shall produce and is producing an energy in which it facilitates a much greater objective understanding of your beliefs and of your preferences and of your movements and your motivations. Therefore, it is clarifying all of this information that I have been expressing to you for these many years.
LISBETH: Yes, but that’s so difficult. It’s not good to look at what we think, so we must look at what we feel if we are to pay attention to what we want in the moment.
ELIAS: Your thinking is not bad. Your thinking, your communications and your doing, all three are important and it is important that you balance and generate harmony with all three. If any one of these three factors of yourself are not in harmony with the other two, this is your indication that some belief is influencing you in a manner which is contrary to your preferences and is contrary to what you want.
Many times individuals question what it is that they want. Your thinking alone is not an indicator of what you want. For what you want you may think you know, but you may notice that you are actually generating other experiences.
Now; this is not to say that your thinking is completely incorrect, for perhaps your thinking is translating somewhat accurately with whatever information it has been offered — which may be limited, dependent upon where you are directing your attention. But you may be thinking that you want a particular expression within your focus or to accomplish a particular goal, so to speak. You may genuinely want that, but you may notice that you are not generating it. This is not necessarily to say that you do not want that, but there is some belief influencing you to not create that. This is the significance of being in the now and paying attention to yourself and paying attention to these three elements of yourself, that you may offer yourself information as to what you are actually doing, what is influencing what you are doing.
You express to myself an identification of one of your truths — life is hard.
Now; what is a truth? It is a belief that is unquestioned and therefore becomes an absolute. Therefore, it becomes your truth and it becomes quite limiting. But each truth also incorporates elements which you prefer. “Life is hard or difficult.” That may be viewed in a negative manner and unmotivating, but also it may be quite motivating and it may be, in some context, what you deem to be a positive: Life is difficult, therefore I must rise to the challenge and I shall overcome, and as I accomplish, I shall acknowledge myself even more, for it has been a difficult struggle to accomplish, and therefore I am worthy of my acknowledgment if I accomplish.
GERHARD: And to feel free, isn’t it necessary for me that I am not free at first?
ELIAS: Correct. Which is not true, but it becomes a truth to you individually.
Now; this is significant. For in examination of that, if you wish to express freedom, how shall you accomplish that?
GERHARD: I think it’s more that life is not hard and it is easy, that it seems to be more free. (Laughs)
ELIAS: Ah! You express to myself that if you change your thinking, you shall thusly change your perception and therefore that shall change all of your reality and you shall be free if you merely express through your thinking to yourself “life is not hard, it is easy, and therefore now it shall be easy.” (Lisbeth and Gerhard laugh)
But thought does not create your reality, my friend; therefore, you may think “life is easy” over and over for many of your years and it shall continue to be difficult. At times you may create an ease, but not in association with your thinking, in association with moving your attention, and therefore you generate an ease at times. But you are unaware objectively of what you have done; you are unaware of your method. You merely recognize that in one moment it is easy and in another moment it is difficult.
The point in this scenario is to be, in conjunction with this shift in consciousness, objectively intentionally directing yourself in what you want in ease — unless you choose objectively intentionally to create conflict, which some individuals do. But how do you accomplish expressing your freedom in its fullest? Not by thinking, but by recognizing your preferences, by identifying your preferences.
Preferences are preferred beliefs. In recognition of your preferences, you recognize that they are not necessarily truth, but they are preferred. You also recognize that other individuals may incorporate different preferences, and that is acceptable. But your preferences are your preferences, and you incorporate the freedom to express them without limitation. Regardless of the expressions of any other individual, you allow yourself your freedom and you may be amazed at what you generate in what you think of as that small action. But that small action is much more challenging than you think.
Many times you do offer yourselves indicators in association with your preferences. You may not necessarily in the moment objectively identify in thought what your preference is, but you do immediately offer yourself some indication, some twinge, some hesitation if you are generating an action that is NOT associated with your preferences. You are always communicating to yourself. It is merely a matter of paying attention and listening, rather than holding your attention outside of you and allowing other expressions, other individuals, circumstances, situations, to dictate your choices.
GERHARD: Thank you.
ELIAS: You are welcome.
GERHARD: I also want to thank you for the information that I get through reading transcripts. I think it’s very valuable.
ELIAS: You are very welcome, my friend. (Chuckles)
GERHARD: I wonder whether Reiki or inner balancing is somehow a method to make it easier for remembrance, or if it would be just that we use that direction. Is there something special to it that the teacher offers?
ELIAS: Let me clarify. You have offered a statement within your question which is expressed quite commonly by many, many, many individuals — is this just a belief? Let me identify and be clear with you that it is not a matter of “just” a belief. For every expression that you incorporate — every action, every choice, every movement that you incorporate — is influenced by a belief. There is no other outside of beliefs.
This is the significance of this wave, for this is your association. You think of and identify beliefs as some thing that you either believe or you do not believe. You either believe this or you do not believe that. If you believe this, then that shall be, and if you do not believe this, then that shall not be. This is a misunderstanding and quite incorrect.
You may think that you do not believe some expression and you may generate it and create it anyway, for it is not a matter of whether you AGREE with a belief or not. You incorporate all of the beliefs. It is a matter of which belief your attention is moving to; therefore, which belief you are expressing.
As to your question of Reiki, as I have stated previously, this is a method incorporating a focal point. It is an actual movement of energy. It is an incorporation of an individual that has allowed themselves to trust their ability to manipulate energy physically. As you engage interaction with that individual, you are engaging a cooperation with them. You are choosing to incorporate their method of their manipulation of energy physically as a focal point for yourself, to manipulate your own energy in different manners.
Now; this is also associated with beliefs, but it is not a matter of whether you believe it or not. The energy does move and individuals do manipulate energy, and you, in participation with them, in association with your beliefs, are allowing yourself to incorporate that action as a focal point to manipulate your own energy. Many times it may be quite beneficial, for it is a method that you trust. This is the difference. It is not a matter of whether you believe it or not; it is a matter of whether you trust or not.
GERHARD: Am I a political focus?
ELIAS: Correct.
GERHARD: What is the difference to thought focus, or what is the specialty of politicals?
ELIAS: The difference between thought-focused individuals and political-focused individuals is that political-focused individuals do incorporate somewhat more of an emotional processing. These focus types are, in a manner of speaking, associated with personality and the manner in which individuals process information.
Now; this is not to say that any individual does not incorporate emotion. That is different. But emotionally focused individuals process information through feelings first. This is not to say that they do not think; for they do, immediately. But the information is input initially through feeling — not emotion, feeling, for emotion is different.
Now; the feeling is almost a type of sensing. They sense and they process in that manner, and that offers the information to the thought mechanism in which they translate the information.
Thought-focused individuals process through thought. The information is input through impulse and impression, but not in the same manner as an emotionally focused individual. This is not a feeling and it is not necessarily a sensing. It is merely an impression which immediately is processed through thought, also. But there is no feeling necessarily associated with it.
Political-focused individuals incorporate both; in a manner of speaking, more leaning toward the thought-focused process, but they also incorporate that sensing, that feeling that emotionally focused individuals incorporate. Therefore, political-focused individuals, generally speaking, are much more easily interactive with more individuals and may easily access information of energy through other individuals or from other individuals.
Whereas emotionally focused individuals are receiving the FEELING aspect, which may be overwhelming to them at times and may at times be confusing, thought-focused individuals are receiving the impressions, and if practicing and if paying attention, they may be sensing some energies from other individuals. Soft individuals accomplish this much more easily as thought-focused individuals than common. But they may be somewhat easily deluded, so to speak, by the energy of other individuals in relation to the manner in which they process the information, for they are not allowing that feeling aspect of the energy that they are receiving. The political-focused individual generates both, but more so to the thought.
GERHARD: One question I had concerning my impressions of other focuses, somehow I thought I do that later and concentrate more on impressions of how I am now.
ELIAS: Which is quite acceptable. It is not necessary to be investigating other focuses. I encourage this with individuals for the most part, for it offers them an opportunity and an avenue to be validating.
GERHARD: I, for instance, would like to connect myself to my shaman focus. I think my way could be dreaming about it.
GERHARD: I would like that, too.
ELIAS: Very well. I shall incorporate my energy in supportiveness to you.
GERHARD: (Laughs) Thank you.
ELIAS: You are quite welcome. (Chuckles)
LISBETH: I don’t know if it’s time, but I want to know. I have this problem, and I want to know what it is connected to. (Points to a small sore spot in the middle of her right palm)
ELIAS: Any your impression?
LISBETH: I don’t know.
ELIAS: No impressions?
LISBETH: No impressions.
ELIAS: And what time framework have you created this within?
LISBETH: I really don’t know — maybe one year or something like that.
ELIAS: And in this time framework, what has been occurring?
Let me express to you, I am offering these inquiries purposefully, for you all have incorporated enough information to this time framework that now it is significant that you begin to genuinely pay attention and investigate. And in this time framework, I am offering helpfulness in that type of investigation.
Now; in this time framework of your one year or approximately...
LISBETH: I think I allow myself more trusting, but I don’t know. We thought so often about this that I am really confused. I really do not know, because I am confused because of thinking so much about it.
ELIAS: You ARE offering yourself much more trust of yourself. What you are creating is a mild irritation to remind you. It is a type of triggering. You are creating a mild physical manifestation, not a dramatic manifestation but a slight manifestation to be reminding you in the moment to pull your attention to you. In those moments in which you are noticing this mild irritation, that is your trigger to pull your attention to you.
LISBETH: To myself, yes. Thank you.
ELIAS: Which I may express to you is quite creative, that you are offering yourself a physical indicator to be reminding of yourself in trigger point. At times, individuals may create physical manifestations that are not quite irritating but merely slightly to remind themselves, for many times physical expressions shall snap your attention.
LISBETH: It is the same with my back? It is the same trigger?
ELIAS: No. This is an indicator to remind you to be supportive of yourself and acknowledging of yourself and not to be discounting.
LISBETH: Thank you.
ELIAS: You are very welcome.
LISBETH: And I think we have to stop now.
ELIAS: Very well. I may express to you both that I have enjoyed your company and our conversation.
BOTH: Thank you.
ELIAS: I am acknowledging to you both, and I shall be offering my energy to each of you in supportiveness. Be acknowledging of yourselves, also. (Lisbeth and Gerhard laugh) To you both, my friends, in tremendous affection as always, au revoir.
BOTH: Au revoir.
Elias departs at (actual time not available).
©2006 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved
Copyright 2003 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.