Session 1250

Exploring Other Aspects


“Exploring Other Aspects”

Friday, January 17, 2003 (Private/In-Person)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Debi (Oona)

Elias arrives at 2:13 PM. (Arrival time is 27 seconds.)

ELIAS: Good afternoon!

DEBI: Good afternoon, Elias! What’s new? (Both laugh)

ELIAS: Many exciting adventures!

DEBI: Oh, I can just imagine! (Elias chuckles)

ELIAS: And yourself?

DEBI: Many exciting adventures!

ELIAS: Very well!

DEBI: Of course, huh? (Both laugh) So, you ready to answer some questions?

ELIAS: Quite!

DEBI: I thought I’d do like I have been and start with some focus impressions and kind of work through that.

I would like to know if Alexandra Romanov is a focus of my essence? (Pause)

ELIAS: Observing essence.

DEBI: Oh, really. Then in that case, Margot/Giselle would like to know if Alexandra is a focus of hers? (Pause)


DEBI: In that same group of people, Anna Vyrubova — is that a focus of Milde? (Pause)


DEBI: And the last one in that group, Queen Victoria, Alexandra’s grandmother, is that a focus of our Lawrence? (Pause)

ELIAS: Observing essence.

DEBI: We talked a little bit last time about a future focus of mine named Jerome, and also Ashrah has a focus named Clayton. What we’re wondering is are they brothers or even possibly twins?

ELIAS: Brothers.

DEBI: Is Jerome in The City chapter? Does he live in The City?


DEBI: And do they interact with Ruther’s focus, Jasper?


DEBI: Were Jerome and Clayton... I had a dream about a couple of clowns driving a dump trunk in front of me and they dumped a dump truck full of toys on the hood of my car. It was hysterical, and I thought it was Jerome and Clayton. (Elias nods) It was, huh? (Laughs)

ELIAS: Imagery...

DEBI: ‘Cause they’re so fun!

ELIAS: Imagery associated with the personalities.

DEBI: Right! It was just these guys and then it was these clowns and then it was them. And that’s what I feel — I feel that energy. They’re interactive with us all the time, huh? It feels sort of one-sided in a way, as if they kind of know more than we do — and that may be in this particular moment right now...

ELIAS: Correct.

DEBI: ...but I have no fear it will not always be that way. (Elias chuckles) But they’re really gentle and fun, and I really enjoy those guys! I’m happy to know they’re brothers.

Okay, let’s move on to the Donner Party! We also discussed this group last time in that Sandel and I have focuses in this group. I have an impression that my focus is Lavinia Jackson Murphy?

ELIAS: Correct.

DEBI: Then I have three questions all related to the Donner girls. Is Frances Donner a focus of Sandel? (Pause)


DEBI: Is Georgia Donner a focus of Ashrah? (Pause)


DEBI: And then is Eliza Donner a focus of Nanaiis?


DEBI: Woo hoo! (Both laugh) Now here’s a really fun one. I have this thing, I don’t know if it’s a focus or if it’s an other-dimensional experience or what. I refer to it as Franch, and that is a combination of the imagery. It looks most of the time like a cross between a feather and a branch, so I call it Franch. And I’m not sure what that is. Could you explain that a little bit to me?

ELIAS: This is an other-dimensional focus.

DEBI: What I’m seeing...

ELIAS: Is a translation, but fairly accurate.

DEBI: Like if I were in that dimension, that’s what the focus... Is that how that focus views its dimension or is that how...? I’m sitting there watching TV and all of a sudden — PHOOF! — I’m surrounded by these guys. I don’t know if it’s “these guys” or it’s one guy or if it’s just how that focus views their dimension. Is it any of those things?

ELIAS: I am understanding. Recognize that this is your translation into some objective imagery that is known to you within this physical dimension, which, as I have stated, in your translation is fairly accurate. This is not the manner in which they view each other or themselves, but it is the manner in which you might view them were you to allow yourself to confront yourself with one of these focuses.

DEBI: So I am confronting myself with them when I’m seeing them?


DEBI: They’re getting closer, in a way. They used to be across the room, and then they were in the middle of the room, and a couple of times it’s been like — WOO! — right there! (Elias laughs) And really green. Then the other night there was just a little squiggly red one right in front of me, and I didn’t know if it was the same thing. So that’s me looking at me?


DEBI: Delightful!

ELIAS: And others!

DEBI: So there are more in the room? When I’m seeing them, I’m seeing them?


DEBI: Because everything’s really ... there is no real space. Is that where the yellow honeycomb veil is from? Is it between my physical dimension here and that dimensional focus?

ELIAS: This is your translation, yes.

DEBI: It refers to that same dimension.


DEBI: Oh, that is so cool! (Elias laughs) It really is! And it’s absolutely lovely. I think I also get imagery of that occasionally in that in-between awake and dream state. It looks sort of plant-like. I love that! (Elias chuckles) Franch! So I can call it Franch. It does need a name, ‘cause it’s one of me. Thanks for that!

I get a little nervous, though. A couple of times I haven’t turned the light off ‘cause I only see them when I have dim lights — ooo, I’m not sure what that is yet! So now I know what it is!

ELIAS: Perhaps you may be perceiving them in similar manner to how you perceive pets.

DEBI: Oh, yeah! They are kind of right there, just like nice little dogs. They hang around me. Are they aware of me?


DEBI: They are? In that type of an energy, like a fondness, to kind of be aware of me?

ELIAS: Correct.

DEBI: Ah! It’s gonna make me cry! (Both laugh)

Speaking of pets, and this isn’t even on my list, but I have a lovebird that has begun this incredibly funny thing where she tears off pieces of paper, turns around and stuffs them into her feathers, in between, like she’s stashing them there for something. What is that about? ‘Cause I’m creating ... you know what I mean?

ELIAS: (Chuckles) And what is your impression?

DEBI: It could be storing up... Oh, is it like me gaining weight? (Laughs) Bulking up? I don’t know!

ELIAS: (Chuckles) This is imagery associated with yourself.

DEBI: With my gaining weight? I shouldn’t try to think about this, I should just ... I don’t know. Is it like decoration? Is it like saving, storing up?

ELIAS: Not necessarily. It is imagery that you are providing to yourself in association with, in a manner of speaking, adding to yourself other aspects of yourself. You are investigating other focuses and allowing yourself to be viewing other aspects of yourself. In this, the creature is reflecting to you what you are expressing, for it is adding to itself.

DEBI: (Laughs) It’s so simple when you say it like that. It’s adorable, too! Oh, great! Thank you for that!

Okay — is Julia Ferber a focus of Oona?


DEBI: That’s why she looked so familiar — although that doesn’t always work.

ELIAS: (Grins) Correct.

DEBI: We can look familiar ... well, you know what I mean, jellybean? How about Phillip Robin, future focus on that?


DEBI: No! There’s something there, though, more than just a monkey connection. (Elias nods) But there’s...

ELIAS: A familiarity.

DEBI: Is Phillip Vold?


DEBI: Well, there’s THAT going on then. Is he Zuli aligned? (Pause)


DEBI: Well, I’ll let them worry about that, then. So a familiarity with Phillip.

I got some imagery the other night in a dream state. I’m pretty sure it was another focus of mine because I did another one of those mirror things and that usually turns out to be that. A woman washing her hair, looking in the mirror, with salt and pepper gray hair, and I think that’s a focus of mine.


DEBI: Is her name Ann something like Volchek or Voytek or something like that?

ELIAS: Voldek.

DEBI: Voldek. Ann is her first name?

ELIAS: Correct.

DEBI: Is she involved in law enforcement?

ELIAS: In your terms, was.

DEBI: Is this a present now timeframe focus?


DEBI: No. Hmm! Must investigate! (Laughs) You know that English couple we talked about last time that I got imagery of? You were the male, that’s a focus of you, and the female? Are we married and are we servants?


DEBI: Is my name Ada?


DEBI: Is your name John? Jonathan?


DEBI: Okay, come on! (Both laugh) Victor?


DEBI: (Laughing) Harold? Just playing! ‘Cause you know I’m gonna get it. I will get it. I’ll spend a little bit of time with him. Servants, huh? Go figure, a couple of kids like us! (Elias laughs) Why not, huh?

Okay, your focus as a little black child that I saw, am I your uncle or a male family member of yours?

ELIAS: Grandfather.

DEBI: It had that paternal feel to it. Allison, Jenaro and Nicole Keyes — we also discussed these guys. My name is Allison Keyes, that’s a focus of mine. Is this in relation to Jenaro/Archer that I know in this focus?


DEBI: Oh, okay! So I have a focus as one of his family members. (Elias nods) Hmm. Very interesting!

All right, let’s talk about Dream Walkers for a moment, shall we? I have an impression that I have a Dream Walker aspect with a tone like Cielo, something like that.

ELIAS: Correct.

DEBI: Is it Cielo?

ELIAS: Cioelo (see oh AY low).

DEBI: And is this aspect involved in forming canyons and/or mountains?


DEBI: Both — the depths and the heights, if you will! Anything else you want to tell me about that? ‘Cause you know this is a real sketchy area for me! (Elias chuckles)

ELIAS: Dream Walkers are not as complicated as you perceive them to be, although they engage quite a diverse and complicated action in the design of the blueprint of this physical reality, which is quite diverse.

DEBI: So, I think part of my difficulty comes with me wanting to view this Dream Walker aspect as different, separate — a separate category from the rest of myself. It feels like I try to do that.

ELIAS: Correct.

DEBI: And that’s where my difficulty... So is it safe to say that I can slide right into Cioelo just as easily as I can slide into Ann Voldek or any of the...? (Elias nods) Okay.

ELIAS: Correct.

DEBI: I’m very attracted to that. It’s very — I don’t even know what the word is — it’s really kind of magical feeling. (Elias chuckles) You know what I mean?

ELIAS: I am understanding.

DEBI: Maybe that’s why I had those dreams not too far apart of the canyon and those incredibly colorful mountains and stuff. That was around that Dream Walker, I think, bringing that into my awareness.

ELIAS: And your curiosity and fascination.

DEBI: Yeah! (Both laugh) There’s definitely that going on!

There’s a thing that I experience in that tweener state — and you know what I’m talking about, right, between the awake objective and that totally dreamland. It’s really a hard one for me to describe, but it’s a feeling around my ears and head, that when I become aware of it, I startle and I lose it. I don’t feel really scared after the startling, but before, that’s my reaction. It seems like something new that I’m doing. What’s going on there?

ELIAS: In a manner of speaking, figuratively what you are generating in that startling expression is quite similar to the experience of falling. In a manner of speaking, as if you were to be falling out of your bed in that moment and catching your balance and not allowing yourself to fall out of your bed.

This is an analogy that is similar to what you are actually generating, for you are allowing yourself to move into a type of state in which you are upon the threshold of falling into another state of consciousness, so to speak — a nonphysical state or expression of consciousness.

DEBI: That’s what it feels like.

ELIAS: And prior to your allowance of yourself to move into that expression of consciousness, you catch yourself and you startle yourself in jerking yourself into an objective awareness.

DEBI: Is this the same? Everybody I know has had moments where they where they jerk and startle upon falling asleep, but this felt different. But is it kind of the same thing that happens then as well, or this is different?

ELIAS: This is a different expression.

DEBI: It is. It has a tonal feel up here of me kind of... So this is something new that I’m bringing into my awareness to get comfortable with it and play with?

ELIAS: Correct.

DEBI: It feels like that, like I’m just bringing it along little by little, you know how I do, and then one day maybe I’ll be able to stay there. Maybe I’ll actually be able to notice myself moving more fluidly than that bluh! thing. (Elias chuckles)

Also I have had imagery in that tweener state of a black, a magenta and a white sparkly dot. Is that me flying into a different regional area or viewing something about that, because of those colors being associated with those? What’s that about?

ELIAS: Yes, and your energy centers associated with those colors, which are not contained within your physical body consciousness. They are outside of your physical body consciousness, but they are also associated with your energy field.

DEBI: Is it similar or is this a whole other thing — occasionally I get an incredibly beautiful almost like a lit-up stained glass window type imagery just incorporating all these colors, and it’s just almost too much to take in. And (snaps fingers) it lasts that long; otherwise I think it would just kill me. It’s just too beautiful, you know what I mean? Is that a similar...?

ELIAS: Yes, associated with your energy and what you project within your energy centers. The combination of these energy centers creates the energy field, which incorporates all of these energies and does express that type of aura, so to speak.

DEBI: It looks so structured though, as if I’d put together the most magnificent stained glass that ever existed in the imagination.

ELIAS: I am understanding, for in a manner of speaking it is likened to a mosaic. For dependent upon the energy that you are projecting with each energy center, it creates different patterns within your energy field — which is, in a manner of speaking, a type of mosaic.

DEBI: Like looking through those kaleidoscope things. You turn it a little bit and it’s a whole other pattern, equally beautiful but different combinations.

ELIAS: Correct.

DEBI: I love those, and I could just sit and do that. I guess in a similar manner I do that in that state. I surprise myself and it’s just a feeling of wonderment — Oooh! Is that ME? (Both laugh)

We talked about and also I got that fingerprint imagery regarding dealing with not comparing and examining that. For a while I was getting sort of a dot-like pattern that seemed like coming in that same state of consciousness I get. But I don’t know what the dots are about. Is there anything special about that imagery?

ELIAS: And your impression?

DEBI: Galaxies? You know, I don’t know.

ELIAS: It is imagery to yourself of how you may place together what may appear to be the smallest expressions, and as they are fit together, they create the picture.

DEBI: Oh! It’s so strange to think that’s what I’m doing. (Elias chuckles) It’s a nanosecond of awareness and it’s meaningful enough that it got my attention.

ELIAS: Correct.

DEBI: I translated some type of ... into something I would remember. It seems so simple. And I always want to make it the big puzzle ‘cause I’m so used to viewing myself as hiding so much of myself. (Elias chuckles) And the message is over and over, you’re not hidden from yourself.

ELIAS: Correct.

DEBI: You’re just not. And it really is that simple.

ELIAS: Quite.

DEBI: Simple imagery. Look at the bird stuffing her butt with paper. What the heck!

ELIAS: And also that challenging to be interpreting — or to be applying.

DEBI: “Applying” — that word doesn’t scare me as much as it used to. (Elias laughs) I have a lot more confidence now than I used to. I just do, you know. There it is. I don’t even feel really that strange saying that. It’s okay. If I had any idea it would be like this I would have started looking at myself a lot sooner. You know what I mean?

ELIAS: For it offers you tremendous more freedom.

DEBI: Freedom! It blows the lid off of the jar.

ELIAS: It is quite contrary to what you suppose.

DEBI: Of course, freedom is also gonna be scary because it’s different, but the fear factor is nothing like it used to be. It’s like okay, so what — gimme your best shot! What have you got; that all you got? (Elias chuckles) Come on Oona, bring out the next big scary thing and let’s turn it around and look at it!

And so far everything I’ve discovered has been magnificent. There hasn’t been anything bad. So what’s not to like?

ELIAS: I am quite understanding.

DEBI: I feel like I walk around on this planet like “I got a secret!” (Elias laughs) Like I know something and I want everybody... I guess everybody does know it, right? It doesn’t matter, it’s MY world.

ELIAS: Which is more of an expression of appreciation of you.

DEBI: It is. I’m starting to have this knowing that even you are my configuration of your energy.

ELIAS: Correct.

DEBI: Pick something, anything, it doesn’t matter. Mass events don’t really depend a bit on what the masses are doing. It’s MY mass event. So I can take it out really big or I can bring it in really tiny. I’m starting to get that and it’s...

ELIAS: Shifting.

DEBI: Wow, you know! (Elias laughs) Before I couldn’t imagine because I had no frame of reference — what is this really gonna mean?

ELIAS: This is the value of experience, for the experience is what moves concept into reality.

DEBI: Absolutely. I used to make jokes about I’m not just gonna go to the lecture anymore, I’m gonna do the homework, and the homework just seemed like this big daunting thing. Somewhere in there I just went, oh Jesus, just give it a shot! Take a concept and say do I believe this or don’t I? Is this true or is it not? Is Elias full of shit or is he talking the truth?

ELIAS: Experiment!

DEBI: Exactly. Once you get rolling it’s like you’re on a roll. (Laughs) I’m so proud of myself! (Elias laughs) I’m proud of all of us, everyone that’s a player in my play that decided to donate. I’m just very grateful and appreciative, and proud of everybody for daring to just bring out the mirror and hold it up and say okay!

ELIAS: And well you should be.

DEBI: And well you should be, exactly. Well okay!

What about Seth? Am I getting Seth these days as that fizzy kind of tingling electric feeling in my mouth and tongue? Is that my interpretation of Seth’s energy?


DEBI: With that I’m pretty sure Daryl and I have moved into the Sumari family in our family explorations.


DEBI: Thought so! I’m gonna have to challenge myself a little ‘cause this is getting way too easy!

ELIAS: Ah! Be careful with your challenges! (Both laugh)

DEBI: I know, and I totally know that — the whole drama thing and all that. Speaking of that, I would like to know if you have kind of a simple... What is drama? What does that mean exactly?

ELIAS: It may be expressed differently by different individuals, but it is more of a perceived extreme of experiences.

Now; your degree of extreme is associated with the individual. Some individuals may be expressing some extreme and not view this as drama. Other individuals may view little extremes as great drama and larger extremes as traumatic. It is dependent upon the individual.

DEBI: I think I dabble in a little bit of all of that — taking the minutiae and making it big, and some things are huge and what are you gonna do, and then everything in-between. But in discussing my intent and moving into becoming more comfortable with it, which I am to a degree, it occurs to me a few times let’s try to dissect this. What the hell is drama?

ELIAS: And drama is not always associated with negative.

DEBI: No, absolutely not. I mean, a sunset can be dramatic.

ELIAS: Correct.

DEBI: Things that make me go (gasp).

ELIAS: It offers an intensity of experience.

DEBI: Right. It really is effective, too. It’s incredibly effective when you can get past the judgment and all that. It’s so in the moment, in your face — there it is there, can’t miss that! I’m starting to appreciate it a little bit more for those qualities.

ELIAS: Correct, and appreciating of yourself knowing that this is a natural expression that you offer, rather than expressing a challenging of yourself with that or discounting of yourself.

DEBI: I miss so much doing that. There’s just so much information available without all that extra crap all around it. (Elias chuckles) It’s been really way less traumatic and less stressful to kind of start playing with it and get into it and explore it.

ELIAS: I am understanding. Some individuals generate drama naturally and this is a natural expression. Therefore, discounting and judging of that merely creates more difficulty and more of a thickness within the individual’s energy.

DEBI: It feels like taffy. (Elias chuckles) It’s not fun at all when it’s like that.

I had an experience yesterday morning where someone was tapping my leg and it woke me up. And I’m pretty sure it was you and/or Ordin and/or Patel, and maybe some of your other co-conspirators. (Laughs) But I got you three for sure!

ELIAS: You are correct.

DEBI: It was you guys. It was really cool, too, because at first I got feels like Ordin, and then feels like Elias, and you know what Patel does.

ELIAS: (Chuckles) My dear one!

DEBI: Dear jokester! Yes, your dear one. And I looked at the clock and it was 4:11, which is oh-so significant in that there’s some information here! (Both laugh) And I don’t know what the information was. That’s as far as I got. But it was really cool because it didn’t freak me out; it didn’t scare me. It was enjoyable.

ELIAS: It was merely an expression of “notice.”

DEBI: Oh, okay. And I did! You guys totally woke me up! (Elias laughs) Was that the intention?

ELIAS: Quite!

DEBI: For me to get it objectively. That’s so funny! It’s so cool that I got that! Practicing and playing around with you guys’ energy made it that easy. It just did. It was so neat. Thanks!

ELIAS: It is an expression that YOU are generating in openness.

DEBI: You guys can wake me up whenever you want.

ELIAS: Very well!

DEBI: But I will request one thing. I don’t ever want to SEE you all standing next to my bed! Of course, that would be my choice, right?

ELIAS: Ah, yes!

DEBI: Nah, I’m gonna never say never. But I thought of that later — that was cool, but what if they... Well, they didn’t, so don’t even go there. It was really fun. Thanks, guys! (Elias laughs)

I have a question for Ashrah, and I’ll just read it to you, okay? “In linear time, did Seale’s friend, who is a fragmented focus of Ashrah, fragment recently between Seale’s session and Myranda’s session with you?” (Pause)


DEBI: That takes care of part number two – I don’t need to ask you.

Let me ask you this real quick. I have the big physical body, sex, weight gain, self-image, all that — it seems to me a really big topic that I want to talk to you about. I don’t know if maybe we could touch base or... What it feels like to me is this is going to be an on-going dialog between you and I, because it seems kind of large.

ELIAS: Very well.

DEBI: I’m not sure quite sure how to kick it off, but the things that I am aware of specifically are very obvious. I’ve put on weight, I haven’t been interested in sex, and having been a drug addict and all that and physical body as the enemy, it all seems very much connected to the same issue.

And I’ve thought about this, too, about how that gig I did as a prostitute — cause and effect, that would be why I don’t want the sex. But that seems like a camouflage, you know what I mean? Just like having been a drug addict isn’t really the issue. That’s camouflage for the real issue, which seems to be a separating out and a distrust and a disdain for things physical. Which is so contradictory, because I look around and I see so much physical beauty.

But when I turn the camera to me, it’s awful and horrible and so are all of you, like that. I’m kind of uncomfortable staying there now, physically putting on the weight and making myself even less attractive...

ELIAS: Which is another camouflage.

DEBI: Another camouflage, but it’s attention getting. Lately I’m going, “What am I doing?” I can no longer look at this like I used to, like you’re eating too much. That’s not what it’s about! Can you help me pull together whatever it is I’m trying to ask you, please?

ELIAS: It is an expression of protection. Perhaps you may be noticing and paying attention to the frequency of this influence within your beliefs and what you generate in association with that expression of protection. Which I shall offer you a tiny hint, this also shall be partially our topic on the morrow.

DEBI: Oh, really? Maybe I better go to the talk tomorrow.

ELIAS: It is your choice.

DEBI: I know, but it sounds like I’m giving myself a clue through you...

ELIAS: Correct.

DEBI: ...that it would behoove me to hear the conversation. Protection, it’s everywhere. I lock my doors on the car, go to the Versateller, get money out, I’m looking around, where are my children — must protect, must...

ELIAS: Which is significant that you pay attention.

DEBI: Is this number two or three in the line of most common automatic responses for me? (Laughs) I think it’s probably second or third. (Elias nods) It is. And whichever one is the other would be I’m responsible for creating your reality, you’re responsible for creating mine?

ELIAS: That would be third.

DEBI: That would be third. The protection is second.

ELIAS: Correct.

DEBI: The big three. That’s what I’ve been showing myself lately.

ELIAS: Correct.

DEBI: The theme of automatic responses, primary automatic response, seemed to me we’re going to kick this off with the primary, but that’s just the kick-off. Because this is huge, and this is what’s totally going to open the door to choosing the reality that I want.

ELIAS: Correct, and to your freedom, intentionally, in recognizing what you generate in automatic pilot.

DEBI: I’m so aware even on a small scale of that being just huge. But we’re going to get through this. We’re GOING to get around this, through it, whatever the term is! I really know that we will. I will.

ELIAS: Quite! This is the process of acceptance.

DEBI: Yes, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. (Elias chuckles) And I guess it wouldn’t be meaningful for me to totally take the lid off the jar all at one time. It would be overwhelming.

ELIAS: Correct.

DEBI: That’s why the pace is set at let’s start here and let’s get comfortable.

ELIAS: And the process is purposeful.

DEBI: Right. It’s not necessary, but I think it would just not work any other way.

I feel like sometimes I’m getting my questions ready for you and it’s almost like I’ve got nothing. (Elias laughs) I have this list of questions of things, but I feel like...

ELIAS: And perhaps it is merely the interaction that you seek.

DEBI: Yes, absolutely! It’s very enjoyable. It’s fun. It’s certainly different than the rest of my days have been this week and all of that! I want the closeness and I want to look you in the eyes, whoever’s eyes you’re looking out of. I know that you, me, all of us, everybody’s in so much constant communication, and I don’t even need to ask the question. I already know.

ELIAS: I am understanding. But it also offers you a practice in trust as you offer yourself validation.

DEBI: It is a physical dimension that I have quite purposefully chosen — and you’ve chosen to play here, too, with us.

ELIAS: Correct.

DEBI: And so why blow that off? Why not just do that, too?

ELIAS: Correct.

DEBI: I hear myself asking you questions and I already hear the answers sometimes. Not necessarily in words, but I go, “Aw, forget it, I’m not even going to ask him that!”

I’ve got a couple of minutes left, so I won’t go anymore into detail on the protection thing. I think I’ll play with that myself and actually generate some real questions when I can get more specific. I needed to kind of know what the topic was.

I’ve also been kind of playing with the vulnerability thing on this list that I apparently have generated for myself and expressing myself. I’ve been playing with expressing myself in the workplace in areas that I hadn’t been before — kind of put my toe in and see what it feels like. And it’s been okay! I won’t lie and say, “Oh, it’s wonderfully freeing!” and all that. It IS, but there is certainly a tentativeness about it still.

ELIAS: It is incremental.

DEBI: Right, just like everything else. So I’m just going to continue doing that and hanging around with my impressions and youse guys. (Laughs) I can’t wait to see what we do next!

ELIAS: And continue to be offering yourself opportunities to trust yourself.

DEBI: Absolutely. Well, I suppose that’s about it for today, then...

ELIAS: Very well.

DEBI: this manner.

ELIAS: But always continuing.

DEBI: Always! (Both laugh)

ELIAS: I shall be anticipating our next interaction, quite soon. I offer my affection to you as always, my friend, and my continued encouragement.

DEBI: Thank you very much.

ELIAS: In tremendous fondness, au revoir.

DEBI: Au revoir.

Elias departs at 3:05 PM.

©2005 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved

Copyright 2003 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.