Session 1238

Comparison Creates a Tremendous Obstacle


“Comparison Creates a Tremendous Obstacle”
“Agitation and Frustration with Other Individuals”

Wednesday, January 8, 2003 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and a new participant, Mary T (Maari)

Elias arrives at 2:15 PM. (Arrival time is 20 seconds.)

ELIAS: Good morning!

MARY T: Good morning! (Elias chuckles) It’s wonderful to hear your voice. It’s like talking to a movie star or something! I’m really anxious to talk to you!

ELIAS: Ha ha ha! Ah, I have attained celebrity status! Ha ha ha!

MARY T: That’s right! I’ve taken down some notes, so it’s going to be a little awkward but I’m going to read my notes. So, if you’ll bear with me...

ELIAS: Very well.

MARY T: First question is, even after trying the exercises that Seth and others have suggested, I still keep creating the same outcome. I get some recognition and satisfaction on completion of a new pursuit but eventually all my pursuits run into a stalemate or inertia.

In particular I’m concerned about my jumpsuit design. I have not had any contact from Noy in about eight months, and then my Sandy book which is based on Seth’s teachings, and finally my interior design... Well, my interior design is doing well but it could be better.

Initially I’m inspired and feel content in that completion in any one of my projects, but eventually that fades away because I’m expecting success in the form of peer recognition and of course money in this reality. So I get envious of someone else who’s achieved those things through their endeavors.

I’ve tried to figure out what I’m doing instead of why. My trigger seems to be when I’m driving. I usually get angry and agitated with other drivers because I feel that they have no right to get ahead of me. My analysis is that I’m full of self-doubt, self-pity, and I compare, for instance, by saying that everyone else gets the breaks but me — so, if you’d comment.

ELIAS: Ah, generating a considerable expression of comparison, are you not?

MARY T: Yes. A type “A” personality!

ELIAS: I may express to you first of all that this creates a tremendous obstacle. For in generating comparison, you are continuously projecting your attention outwardly to other individuals and situations, and not paying attention to yourself and what YOU are creating. This also generates competition, which ultimately discounts yourself.

In this I may express to you, as you offer to yourself any inspiration for any particular project that you wish to be accomplishing, my suggestion is that you move your attention to yourself and alter your perception. Recognize that your motivation in many of your actions thus far has been influenced by comparison and competition and seeking outside approval, which creates a particular type of perception, which thusly also creates the type of reality that you have been generating.

Now; in altering your perception through the recognition of the beliefs that you have been expressing and the directions that you have been expressing, you may offer yourself different choices.

Now; this is not changing beliefs. Understand that you incorporate all the beliefs that are contained within all of the beliefs systems.

Now; initially this may appear to you to be daunting and negative, but in actuality it offers you tremendous freedom, for you are not locked or bound to any one belief. You do not change beliefs; each belief is what it is and it is not to be changed. But you may change choices, and in the alteration of your choices you may move your attention to different beliefs.

In this physical reality, beliefs and belief systems are an intricate aspect of the design of this physical dimension, and they are not being eliminated. They do not change. But you incorporate a vast wealth, so to speak, of beliefs to choose from.

In this, each individual expresses some beliefs. In relation to all the beliefs that are contained within all of the belief systems, the beliefs that you express are relatively few. Therefore, all of the other beliefs are latent — but they exist, and therefore they are also available to you in relation to your choices.

Now; the manner in which you begin to express different beliefs is through the action of moving your attention, paying attention to the now, not projecting your attention to the future or to the past, but holding your attention within the now and paying attention to you, to what you are choosing. The manner in which you know what you are choosing is viewing what you are doing, for whatever you are actually doing is what you are choosing. Regardless of what you think, what you do is your evidence of what you are choosing. In this, it is associated with the beliefs that are influencing those choices.

Now; in paying attention to yourself, you become more familiar with what you do, what you want, how you create, what influences what you create, and how you alter your perception. This offers you your point of power objectively, allowing you to generate what you want intentionally without limitation. But this requires becoming familiar with yourself, and the manner in which you become familiar is to pay attention. I may express to you as I have to many individuals, for the most part individuals do not pay attention to most of what they do.

MARY T: This would refer to even the mundane things in every moment of reality.

ELIAS: Precisely, for every action — EVERY action — that you incorporate within every moment is influenced by a belief. Those actions that you incorporate repeatedly in all of your mundane movements are influenced by beliefs, and those beliefs are also influencing what you view as significant events within your focus, and they are being continuously reinforced. For you move in the expression of automatic pilot, and you do not pay attention to what is influencing what you are actually doing. Therefore, you are, generally speaking, unaware of your motivations also.

MARY T: I’ve been focusing on what I am thinking as opposed to what I’m doing. It’s kind of a new perspective for me.

ELIAS: Correct. Thought is not always accurate. Its accuracy is dependent upon the information that is offered to it, and the information that is offered to thought is acquired from communications. But if you are not paying attention to your communications, you also are not offering the thought mechanism accurate information, and therefore it is not translating accurately.

MARY T: My next question, what was the injury to my finger in the death dream that I had in October? What was that all about?

ELIAS: And your impression?

MARY T: The immediate impression, or what I guess on the surface appears to be most obvious with the injury to the finger, is that I should be more aware of the now and not have my mind wandering off, as you say, to the future and the past. But then an underlying thing was I thought that I was offering to myself a physical expression of my ability to cope.

ELIAS: And both impressions are correct.

MARY T: The death dream bothered me right after I had it. I’ve, of course, completely forgotten about it now, but I wrote a note down to myself. I’m not sure what that was about other than I’m trying to put an end to my current situation and improve my situation, I guess.

ELIAS: It is imagery that you have offered to yourself concerning choice and change, and the unfamiliarity of some change but that it is unnecessary to be incorporating apprehension or fear concerning that unfamiliarity, for it is a choice. In expressing or allowing yourself to express your choices in association with what you want, it may be as unfamiliar as the choice of death, but this is not to say that it shall be frightening or uncomfortable.

MARY T: I was just reading one of your sessions, a phone session, with an individual dealing with that, too.

Next question — I’ve been agitated lately and irritated with people. I feel I’m going backwards in my spiritual growth and understanding, but when I relax my mind through meditation, I’m less agitated and impatient. So I’m wondering if following the Kriya yoga techniques of Paramahansa Yogananda would be beneficial to bringing about that peaceful state, helping me to be more effective in uncovering my beliefs and helping me to relax.

ELIAS: It may be helpful to you to be generating more of a relaxation within your energy expression, yes.

MARY T: So it wouldn’t be contrary to my peaceful state? In fact, it would help?

ELIAS: Yes. But I may also express to you, what may be more helpful is to move your attention to you and not continuing to project your attention outwardly in association with other individuals.

You may incorporate this action, if you are so choosing, as a game, which may be more playful and also helpful in allowing yourself to relax and allowing yourself to change your perception. For in this, in a manner of speaking, as you begin to recognize yourself expressing agitation in association with other individuals, remove them from your reality.

MARY T: So you’re making this a game. It’s like my game with using vitamins. There’s a part of me that understands that there’s no need for that, but I’ve kind of chosen it and so it becomes a game to see an outward expression of how I can create my reality.

ELIAS: I am understanding. In this, as you incorporate the perception of engaging a game, you may allow yourself to generate the action of creating other individuals to disappear and not paying attention to the other individuals. In a manner of speaking, in your terminology, pretend they do not exist. This may offer you a new avenue to move your attention to you. For if the other individual does not exist, what is left but you?

MARY T: In the early ‘60s I felt a presence and it seemed to float above and slightly behind my left shoulder. It felt as though there were two or three essences and that one might be my maternal grandmother. They were benevolent, but it scared me and I told them so, and I have not felt them since. I think I’d like to make contact now. Would you comment on that? I think I understand and know the answer after having read some further sessions, but would you comment on that?

ELIAS: Your assessment of the one essence is correct, and your identification of two other essences being present also is correct.

In this, if you are allowing yourself an openness and requesting — which does not necessarily incorporate thought or language but merely a desire — other essences shall be compliant, and you may allow yourself to be experiencing interaction with other essences. It is a question of openness and allowance. For essences interact and merge continuously, but within your objective awareness you do not always allow yourself an openness or a recognition of that interaction.

Therefore, as you begin to allow yourself to relax and trust yourself, knowing that no essence is intrusive (and) therefore there is no harmfulness, you may begin to generate this type of interaction again.

MARY T: The next question is, I’ve felt alien most of my life and was closest only to my mother and now to my son and husband. I don’t feel a full connection to other humans, although I feel like I would like some close friendships. I’m wondering if you would comment on that.

ELIAS: I may express to you that partially this is associated with your orientation. It is...

MARY T: I may not understand what my orientation is, because that was going to be one of my questions. What is my essence name, my orientation, and my family? I’ve come up with my orientation is common but crosses over to intermediate, and my family is Sumafi.

ELIAS: Your impression concerning your essence family, Sumafi, is correct; alignment, Sumari. Your identification of common is incorrect. Your orientation is intermediate, and this is partially affecting of this expression within you in a feeling of alienation and not generating many intimate friendships or relationships, so to speak, interacting with fewer individuals in intimacy than you view other individuals to incorporate.

Now; let me also express to you, in association with your orientation you have reinforced this action of comparison, comparing yourself to other individuals and thusly discounting yourself for you express differently. You generate the association that you should not be expressing differently and therefore there must be some expression that is wrong with you, which is incorrect. It is merely a lack of objective information concerning yourself and your chosen orientation in this focus, and therefore not allowing yourself to freely express yourself in relation to that orientation and accepting that this orientation is merely different. Therefore, your expressions are different than other individuals’ but no less valid and valuable than any other individual’s.

MARY T: And my essence name? (Pause)

ELIAS: Essence name, Maari, M-A-A-R-I (MAH ree).

MARY T: I feel the color red. Is that associated with my orientation? I guess I was trying to analyze based on your and Seth’s teaching. I was trying to figure out what color I feel most closely to and red was the one I came up with.

ELIAS: This is associated with your focus color, the vibrational quality that may be translated into this color in which you resonate.

MARY T: One other question, is there any truth to the Kabbalah and some of the mysticism from what we consider the past, such as Hinduism and some of the other mystic traditions?

ELIAS: Are they truths? No.

MARY T: In studying the Kabbalah, every letter is associated with a number and has a vibrational quality, and since color is a vibration... In other words, in this reality everything is a vibration, and therefore they can all be translated into either numbers or colors or musical notes and so on. So I’m wondering if there’s a truth to the Kabbalah.

ELIAS: I may express to you, partially correct. Every expression within your physical reality is an expression of consciousness, and therefore is energy and does incorporate a vibrational quality. For the most part, although not entirely, most of your manifestations may be translated into an association of a color or note, (but) not a number. Numbers are associated with mathematics; mathematics is relative to your physical dimension. It is not a truth and it is not necessarily translatable in other areas of consciousness. Therefore, it would not be classified as a truth.

But in association with your physical dimension and your creation of mathematics, recognizing that it is not a truth, it may be associated with all of the manifestations within your physical reality but not necessarily in association with all of consciousness.

MARY T: I guess what I was referring to is that there is truth to the Kabbalah, based on this physical reality.

We have about fifteen minutes. I don’t have any other questions, so maybe if you could just comment on any other thing that you would like for me to know.

ELIAS: Very well. Let us perhaps examine your experiences that you may incorporate a clearer understanding of how you may be altering your expressions. Offer myself an example of any experience in which you incorporate agitation with any other individual.

MARY T: A good example is just recently, yesterday. I went to the store, it was a fabric shop, and I was trying to get some information regarding a particular trim. The young clerk, first of all, was not very attentive, and secondly wandered off when she had asked me if I had another example of what I was looking for. When I went to get it and came back, she had disappeared and I had to wait for her. I became agitated with that and was trying to calm myself from being agitated at that. Then when we were comparing the various trims, she was trying to tell me that they were both the same size. I showed her and got agitated and told her, no, they weren’t, and pointed it out myself, but she was incompetent. That’s a good example of what happens regularly with me.

ELIAS: Very well.

Now; recognize that every individual that you encounter, that you draw to yourself, is purposeful. Every individual offers you a reflection of yourself, for this is the design of this physical dimension.

You have created a physical reality in which you generate a tremendous strength in the belief of separation. This has been purposeful to this point, prior to the movement of this shift in consciousness, for it has offered you a purity of experience. But you also generate that veil of separation, which creates a type of veil of your objective awareness in separating your knowing of yourself from yourself objectively, to be creating the action of discovery.

Now; in your physical dimension, you have also created a very efficient manner in which that which is hidden from you, so to speak, is continuously exposed and therefore not hidden from you, and this is expressed through reflection. Therefore, every individual that you encounter offers you a reflection of yourself in some capacity.

Now; you expressed (that) you initially expressed agitation with this other individual for in your initial encounter the other individual was not paying attention to you. What is this reflecting to you?

MARY T: That I’m not paying attention to me.

ELIAS: Correct, and you become agitated for you are expressing frustration.

Now; you also express expectations in relation to the behaviors and the performance of the other individual. What does this reflect to you?

MARY T: That’s exactly what I expect of myself.

ELIAS: Correct, and your impatience with yourself. In this, you express that you are attempting to show and prove to the other individual that their perception is incorrect. You offer two manifestations of trim, in your terms, the other individual expresses to you that they are the same, and you are attempting to express an alteration of her perception. And you are becoming more agitated, for what are you reflecting?

MARY T: This is a little tougher. I’m not sure if I’m reflecting comparison?

ELIAS: Partially, but more so what else?

MARY T: Not noticing details?


MARY T: This one’s a little harder for me.

ELIAS: What you are reflecting to yourself is the expression of not being satisfied with your perception and therefore attempting to prove your expression or your manifestation to another individual.

Now; in this, another reason that you express such frustration and agitation is that what you present to yourself is a clear example of differences of perception, which within your beliefs is unacceptable and...

MARY T: Personal beliefs or the mass beliefs?

ELIAS: Individual.

MARY T: My individual beliefs?

ELIAS: Correct, although this is a mass belief also. But we are speaking of your beliefs, that you may become more familiar with your triggers and the sequence of events and what is influencing of what you do.

In this, you attempt to alter the other individual’s perception, which you cannot, for you do not create the other individual’s reality. But you are creating the other individual. Therefore, you can alter your experience and therefore alter what you view to be the other individual’s perception or expression.

Now; in this, you are attempting to prove to another individual, and this is motivated by the action of seeking approval from another individual rather than expressing a trust of yourself. These create very different outcomes and very different realities. For as you attempt to be proving to another individual, what are you expressing?

MARY T: That I’m valid and that my beliefs are valid?

ELIAS: No, that you are NOT valid and that your perception is not valid; therefore you must prove it and justify it to gain the validation of another individual, for you are not offering it to yourself. In this, you also generate disappointment, for...

MARY T: That refers back to my jumpsuit and my relationship with Noy, whom I’m trying to form a partnership with.

ELIAS: Correct, for you are seeking certain expressions from other individuals and generating expectations. The expectations concern how they should be behaving, how they should be expressing themselves, how they should be choosing.

Now; in this, what you generate is tremendous judgment, which is ultimately discounting of yourself. For every expression that you discount another individual in your association that they are not performing or expressing correctly or well enough, what you are actually expressing is elevating falsely yourself, which ultimately is discounting of yourself. For were you not discounting of yourself, it would be unnecessary to elevate yourself.

MARY T: I understand that. It’s easy to see that in other people, more difficult to see it in yourself. But I recognize it.

ELIAS: This is the significance, my friend, of allowing yourself to pay attention to all of your actions and what you are actually doing, allowing yourself to stop in the moment. As in this example, you are within the shop, you are interacting with another individual, and you experience yourself beginning to feel agitated.

Now; in empowerment of yourself in that moment that you recognize that you are expressing agitation, allow yourself to stop and disappear the other individual.

MARY T: What I’ve been doing, and what I did yesterday, was I recognized my agitation but I tried to change my thinking as opposed to recognize what I was doing. Is that correct?

ELIAS: Correct, and this is inefficient and does not necessarily create the outcome that you want, for your thinking is merely a translating mechanism. Therefore you may attempt to alter your thinking, but thought does not create reality and it does not precede creating reality. Therefore, it matters not how you may be changing your thinking. This may not necessarily incorporate any influence upon what you are doing, for it does not create your reality.

MARY T: Is it emotion that creates the reality?

ELIAS: No. Perception creates reality. Emotion is a communication. Emotion is a PRECISE communication, and its function is to communicate to you from the subjective awareness to the objective awareness precisely what you are generating in the moment and what is influencing that. This is the reason that emotion is significantly important to pay attention to, as are all of your avenues of communication.

Thought is not a communication. It is a translating mechanism. This is its function. It does not create reality; it does not precede reality. It is not a communication. It translates. It translates information in an objective manner.

Now; in this, as in your example of your interaction with the individual within the shop, in pretending momentarily that the individual has disappeared, you may allow yourself to stop momentarily and examine what YOU are doing and what is influencing those choices, what you are seeking, what you are attempting to generate. For rather than paying attention to the other individual and continuing to perpetuate the agitation that you are expressing, this interrupts that pattern and allows you to question yourself in what you are attempting to seek out from another individual that you are not offering to yourself.

MARY T: And of course this applies to everything, my book and my jumpsuit design and my interior design.

ELIAS: Correct.

Now; also what is tremendously significant in paying attention to yourself is not to be justifying yourself, not to be judging yourself, but merely acknowledging that you do incorporate beliefs but allowing yourself to choose whether you shall be influenced by some beliefs or not, or whether you may allow yourself to choose a different belief in that particular moment. Also in paying attention to yourself and not projecting your attention and concerning yourself with other individuals, you may reincorporate your fun and your...

MARY T: Which is really the purpose, right? Experience and fun?

ELIAS: Correct! And perhaps you shall rediscover your playfulness and your fun, and you shall generate your creations in your pleasure of creating rather than in association with expectations. This shall allow you the freedom to generate the successfulness and the money that you desire.

MARY T: I really appreciate this. It’s really taken a whole different slant on it, because I really thought that thought was the whole thing. I know I can’t remember what else you said, but when I get the tapes I’ll review those. It’s a whole new light on all of this than I’ve been aware of before.

ELIAS: Very well! Perhaps you shall offer yourself much more freedom!

MARY T: I hope so! (Elias laughs) I hope to speak with you again.

ELIAS: And I shall be anticipating of our next meeting, and in the interim time framework I shall be offering encouraging and playful energy to you.

MARY T: Thank you so much.

ELIAS: To you, my friend, in fondness, au revoir.

MARY T: Au revoir.

Elias departs at 3:08 PM.

(1) Originally expressed as “But you also in generating that veil of separation which creates a type of veil of your objective awareness in separating your knowing of yourself from yourself objectively to be creating the action of discovery.”

©2005 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved

Copyright 2003 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.