Session 1257

Recognizing Impressions


“Recognizing Impressions”
“No Curiosity about Other Focuses”
“Elias’ Expression of Emotion”

Monday, January 20, 2003 (Private)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Steve (Steffano)

Elias arrives at 1:15 PM. (Arrival time is 23 seconds.)

ELIAS: Good afternoon!

STEVE: Good afternoon!

ELIAS: (Chuckles) We meet again!

STEVE: We do! (Chuckles) I guess I’ll start off and just ask whether I was interacting with you this morning on my walk?


STEVE: Was I aware of your interaction?

ELIAS: Partially.

STEVE: I asked to interact with you, and I realized I have to allow, to notice, and to recognize. The only thing on the walk that stood out to me, and I wondered if you had some involvement with, was the coyotes yipping and howling. You participated in that?

ELIAS: Yes, within your daytime hours. (Chuckles)

STEVE: I also have a question that I’ll just get done with so that I don’t run out of time. On the email discussion list there’s a new member named Christine, and I told her that I would ask her essence name, family and alignment.

ELIAS: Essence name, Alicia, A-L-I-C-I-A (ah LEES ee uh). And the impression?

STEVE: Her impressions were... Oh, gosh, I’m forgetting now. I think Milumet was ... I should have written it down. But she did have an impression, two families, and she was asking on the list if you can be two families. I don’t think she realized at the time that you have a belonging family and an aligned family. It might have been Sumari and Milumet.

ELIAS: Correct. Sumari, alignment Milumet.

STEVE: Okay. Thank you.

ELIAS: You are welcome.

STEVE: That will lead into my next area that I want to talk about for myself, and it has to do with impressions. I really feel that I don’t understand them very well. I’ve done a little bit of looking on one of the web sites and read some from the sessions about impressions, but I don’t feel that I’m recognizing them when I’m having them. I guess my first question along those lines is how frequently do I have impressions?

ELIAS: Frequently.

STEVE: Like many times a day?


STEVE: All the time or several times an hour I’m having them? Or variable?

ELIAS: Yes, but they are frequent.

STEVE: Was the connection that I made between Lyryn and a character from the “Lord of the Rings” story, was that an impression?


STEVE: He had an email message where he said that he had a fondness for hobbits. I thought of the hobbit character Farmer Maggot and it just seemed to fit him. So that was an example of an impression?


STEVE: Is it a correct impression?


STEVE: But of course, Tolkien’s story is a translation from another dimension...

ELIAS: Correct.

STEVE: ...that we’ve been calling the folklore dimension on one of our lists. So is there really a focus like that, that is Lyryn’s focus?


STEVE: Another thing in trying to identify examples of impressions that I’m having is, in one of our recent sessions I felt strong feelings towards you of fondness, love, and I associated it with feelings I might have towards a lover or a family member or a close friend. Was that an impression?

ELIAS: Yes, associated with other focuses.

STEVE: That’s what I suspected. Is Allesander’s impression about my relationship with your Oscar Wilde focus correct? (Slight pause) Do you want me to tell you what his impression was? (Elias nods) That I was your father. (Pause)

ELIAS: No, grandfather.

STEVE: Paternal or maternal?

ELIAS: Maternal.

STEVE: Some objective investigation that I can do. How many shared foci do you and I have?

ELIAS: Eighteen.

STEVE: Are any of those foci as lovers?


STEVE: Well, maybe I do believe that I have impressions. (Chuckles)

ELIAS: It is significant to allow yourself to pay attention and to exercise that attention in association with impressions, for each individual does offer themselves a tremendous volume of communications through impressions. In this, I incorporated the Game in our previous sessions as an exercise that individuals would allow themselves to practice noticing their impressions. At times, impressions may be offered and may appear initially to be nonsensical, but they are not.

In paying attention, you do offer yourselves quite a volume of information. This particular avenue of communication, figuratively speaking, is likened to an antenna that you incorporate within your energy. It assesses many expressions and activities within your environment in what you create.

Now; at times, for you incorporate the perception of linear time, it appears that some impressions may be what you term to be precognitive. They are not actually, for this is, as I have stated, somewhat of an antenna of communication to yourself, and therefore it is a manner in which you assess your creations and your environment and allow yourself to slightly move outside of the confines of your perception of linear time.

In many situations, individuals, as they begin experimenting with listening to their impressions, may notice an impression and may generate an action contrary to the information of that impression merely to offer themselves a validation of the impression. For many times, in certain expressions of impressions, if you are paying attention and you are responsive to the impression, you avoid certain events and manifestations, and therefore you do not present to yourself physical evidence validating that communication to yourself.

Therefore many times in initial experimentation with impressions, many individuals do not necessarily follow their impression and offer themselves physical evidence of the manifestation of that impression, and subsequently discount themselves and express, “Ah, I should have been listening! I knew this event was going to occur.” But this is also significant, for it does provide you with evidence of the validity of your impressions.

STEVE: So, it’s also an example of why we may not need to discount ourselves for discounting ourselves?

ELIAS: Correct.

STEVE: Because in that discounting, it does gain our attention and then we say, “Okay, when I get a hunch or a sense of something that I should investigate more and I ignore it, then I am sorry, I shouldn’t have done that. That’s discounting, but it...”

ELIAS: But it is a validation to the validity of your impressions.

STEVE: Well, that’s something that I’m starting to get a little bit of a handle on, that I don’t need to judge myself for judging myself. And I do frequently judge myself. But when I’m paying attention to that, the feelings and the judgment help to motivate me to examine the beliefs. I’m aware of many more beliefs than I ever was before.

ELIAS: Correct.

STEVE: Or the same thing with the physical symptoms and so on. My very first session with you when I was asking about my sinuses and my allergy symptoms, you said that it was a sign of my discomfort with the situation and all I was looking at was how I could eliminate them...

ELIAS: Correct.

STEVE: ...and how I could not be uncomfortable anymore. I still am uncomfortable, but I guess I don’t create sinus infections very often. When I do, it’s not necessarily a bad thing.

ELIAS: (Chuckles) I am understanding.

STEVE: I was gonna ask, too... I guess before I ask the question, I have a confession to make.

ELIAS: Ah! (Chuckles)

STEVE: I compare myself with other people. I know I’m probably the only one in the forum who does that kind of thing! (Laughs)

ELIAS: Ah, of course! NO other individual generates THAT action! (Laughs)

STEVE: And when I compare myself with others, I like to come out positively in the comparison. If it’s an ability like having impressions — or let’s not say having impressions, because we all have impressions and I have impressions, but recognizing them, correctly interpreting them — that because I haven’t practiced that skill as many others in the forum do, I compare and I say I’m not as good at that as they are. I think I use that of course to discount myself, but also to stay away from it because I’m not good at it, I feel, and then I discount.

I’ve thought about that a little bit, and I think that I am willing to try new things if I feel that I will be able to accomplish, that I’m willing to go through that initial discomfort and maybe feeling foolish, feeling I’m not very good, if I’m on a track to getting good at it. So maybe ... I’ll have to see.

I’ve thought I don’t want to explore shared foci. There’s many people on the email lists who do a lot of that. I think some of them want to connect with me and are looking for exploring foci with me, and I kind of say I don’t recognize my impressions, I don’t have any feelings about that.

I can neither confirm nor deny, for example, Allesander’s impression of me being your father. I had no feelings. Of course I wasn’t thinking about... Well, actually I did think about the feelings of fondness but I didn’t feel anything thinking that I was the father of Oscar Wilde.

So I guess there really isn’t a question there.

ELIAS: Let me express two identifications to you. One, other individuals may incorporate impressions that they may associate with you, and they may or may not be correct. At times, perhaps, if they are correct, you might express a response within yourself of ringing true, so to speak, but you may not. It is dependent upon your preferences and your direction.

Now; I am aware that many individuals incorporate a preference and a fascination with exploring other focuses. But not all individuals incorporate this preference or this curiosity, which is quite acceptable, and which associates with the second identification of what you are offering, in statements concerning yourself and recognitions of actions that you incorporate in comparison.

It is unnecessary to compare yourself with other individuals and discount yourself that you do not choose the same types of expressions or incorporate the same fascinations or curiosities. Individuals that prefer and enjoy exploring other focuses of themselves are not better or more enlightened or more open or incorporating more information than you. They are choosing different expressions, and there are many individuals that express this type of curiosity. There are much fewer individuals that do not.

But there are individuals that do not express this curiosity or this preference, one of which being Michael who has been chosen and has accepted the agreement to be your focal point, and does not explore other focuses for he incorporates no curiosity and therefore no interest. In similar manner to yourself, other individuals at times do explore other focuses of Michael’s and he incorporates no association either.

STEVE: I didn’t realize that.

ELIAS: He expresses no feeling, so to speak, of what other individuals may be connecting to, and also little interest.

And it matters not, for you are choosing to be exploring different avenues, different expressions. YOU focus your attention in this now, in this focus, and your exploration of all of the aspects and experiences and abilities of this focus, also in similar manner to Michael. Therefore, you do not necessarily generate an interest in other focuses.

What generates a conflict or a confusion is that comparison of yourself and your actions and your preferences and your direction to those of other individuals. They are merely different. But as I have expressed many times, differences are unacceptable and generate threat, for your automatic association with difference is that one expression is better and one expression is lacking. There appears to you to always be a good direction and a not so good direction, a more efficient, better expression and a not so better expression.

STEVE: Kind of a follow-up to that is I wanted to ask about punishment. The example I want to get your comment on is, on one of the Elias email discussion lists there was a conflict that I was prominently involved in involving a few of the list members. My expression was quite different than one of the other list members, and I was quite angry at their expression. I thought my expression was better and theirs was not good. (Elias chuckles) I wanted to eliminate their expression; I wanted to punish this person for expressing in that way.

What I ended up doing was I withdrew from the list, because this individual had expressed that he liked my participation in the list and enjoyed reading what I created on it. It was someone else that he didn’t like their expression. I think I felt like I was punishing him as well as others on the list who stayed out of the conflict. I felt that they should have been involved and that they also should have been saying that this was unacceptable what this person was doing.

I’m trying to understand that strong desire. I mean, it was powerful. I still can’t say that I’ve totally eliminated that feeling that I wanted to punish this person for expressing in the way that they did.

ELIAS: I am understanding.

Now; examine the occurrence; examine the interaction. First of all, express to myself your assessment of the other individual’s expression.

STEVE: Well, I think they were doing the same thing that I was doing with them, in a different way. My assessment was that they were criticizing a third individual on the list for what they were sharing.

ELIAS: And your response to that criticizing was that this is an unacceptable behavior...


ELIAS: are not in agreement, therefore it is unacceptable. AND you assess yourself to be an individual that would not generate that action. Therefore if you would not generate that action, other individuals should not generate that action, either.

STEVE: Exactly. That’s exactly what I created.

ELIAS: For your expression or your opinions and your preferences are right, and if another individual expresses their opinion and their preferences and they are not in agreement with yours, or they are DIFFERENT from yours, they are unacceptable — which is the subject matter that we were addressing to also in our group session recently, the recognition of your own beliefs which influence your perception, acceptance of those beliefs but also recognizing that these are your choices. There are no absolutes.

What you view to be right or to be wrong another individual may incorporate quite a different perception concerning — even those expressions that you may assess within yourself can be viewed in no other way but absolutes such as terms of yes and no, which do not always incorporate the meaning that you associate with them. Another individual may be generating a very different association, a very different perception. At times there may be no meeting of the perceptions, for the expressed beliefs may be quite different.

This is the significance of knowing yourself in intimacy, knowing your influences and your motivations in association with your beliefs, knowing your preferences, recognizing that acceptance is not at odds with continuing to express preferences and opinions, but rather recognizing that those preferences and opinions are YOUR expressions. They are acceptable to you, they are your choices, and you may continue to express them. And in your recognition of any expression of difference, you automatically generate the understanding that you may be expressing differently, but this is your expression. It is not absolute, it is not better, it is not right and it is not wrong. But neither is the other individual’s.

In this, you may perceive another individual to be expressing criticism. The other individual may not perceive themselves to be criticizing. They may perceive themselves to be expressing an observation or an opinion in association with their beliefs and their perception.

And what have you generated in this action — prior to the incorporation of the punishment, which we shall also address — but in this, what you have expressed but the nobility of yourself in expressing protection for the other individual which is being attacked? Is this your responsibility?

STEVE: No. (Laughs)

ELIAS: No. Is the other individual capable of creating their reality? Yes. Is the other individual responsible for how they choose to be receiving the energy of any other individual? Yes. Is it their choice? Yes. Is it affecting of you? Yes, for you allowed it to be affecting of you, for you diverted the energy, which was NOT expressed to you, and drew it to yourself. To be expressing what — an elevation of yourself and thusly justifying your beliefs and your preferences.

Your preferences and your beliefs do not require justification. They are what they are. They are your expressions and they are acceptable. It is unnecessary to justify or to prove your worthiness or your nobleness to any other individual.

Now; once expressing in this manner, you continued the action to emphasize your judgment, for the judgment was strong, and in itself was not adequate enough but now it must be reinforced and emphasized in your disapproval. Therefore, you incorporate an action of punishment in association with another individual in denying your interaction, or in your perception, denying the other individual the privilege of your interaction. And what have you actually created? Denial of yourself, for you denied yourself the freedom to be expressing yourself in a manner which you express pleasure.

This is significant, for this is not an action that is unique to you. You may discover it to be quite interesting that for the most part, generally speaking, that punishment, so to speak, moves unnoticed by the other individual, for their attention is not concerned with your judgment. The attention was projected in this direction. You diverted that energy to incorporate it within you. The attention continues to be in this direction, not in this direction. Therefore, the attention is over here and you are here, hopping up and down and having a fit! (Steve chuckles) And this attention is not watching. Therefore, who are you punishing?

STEVE: Well, I figured that out! (Laughs) That seems to be the case, too, when I punish my spouse, my children. Often I end up punishing myself.

ELIAS: Correct.

STEVE: Especially since I have a history of holding grudges. I think holding those grudges seems to punish me more than it does anyone else.

ELIAS: Quite!

STEVE: Exactly what you described there.

ELIAS: Quite. For you continue to hold the energy and you continue to project a similar energy outward. Therefore, you generate a response of precisely what you are projecting. You are projecting disapproval, and this is the reflection that you pull to yourself, that disapproval. Therefore the punishment, in your terms, is exacted upon yourself much stronger.

STEVE: Well, my next topic fits with some of what you just talked about, and that has to do with preferences and opinions. One thing I was curious about is, do YOU hold preferences and opinions?

ELIAS: Preferences, yes. Opinions are associated with your reality in physical experiences and associations with your beliefs. Your preferences are also associated with your beliefs, but preferences may be expressed outside of your physical reality also.

STEVE: So you do hold preferences?


STEVE: Do you hold desires?

ELIAS: Yes. Not in the association that you generate them, but yes.

STEVE: But you probably do not hold wants?


STEVE: So after I disengage and go through transition, shed my belief systems, I will continue to express preferences — differently, because I won’t have beliefs influencing them — and I will have desires but they will be expressed differently?

ELIAS: Correct. The desire is a motivating factor, which influences the attentions to be exploring different directions.

STEVE: I don’t think I’m ready to understand that yet. (Both laugh)

Let’s move on. Like you said — I think you are very accurate — I tend to be focused on this focus and the issues that I’m dealing with now.

ELIAS: Which is quite acceptable. (Chuckles)

STEVE: One thing I’ve noticed is that in conversations with others, frequently we talk about other people who aren’t there, and that when an individual that I’m having a conversation with expresses their opinions, their preferences, their likes and dislikes — “I don’t like this person because they do this” — I find that I let it influence me. Now, I guess it can be variable whether I’m agreeing because that’s also my opinion or if I’m wanting to be the same.

The reason I ask is that it seemed like a lot of those conversations occurred around this group session. There’s a part of me that’s just kind of bothered when I hear someone else talking about another individual, particularly... I guess it’s similar to the conflict that I talked about before, when I hear someone criticizing someone else. It bothers me but it also seems to influence me. Then when I’m dealing with that other person, it seems like I have expectations based on stories that I’ve heard or opinions of other people.

ELIAS: Correct, and this is not uncommon, either. As I have expressed many times previously, one of the reasons that I caution individuals in association with their involvements with psychics, as an example, is that within your physical reality you all incorporate a tremendous suggestibility. This is not a bad quality. It is associated with the design of your physical reality, and in actuality, it is a quality that you express in association with allowing yourselves to be somewhat objectively interconnected and recognizing that interconnection with each other. It is almost a surface expression of your empathic sense. Therefore, it is not necessarily a bad quality. But it is quite real and you are quite suggestible.

In that suggestibility, individuals may express an identification of any subject and there is a potential for another individual to incorporate that information in that suggestibility and not allow themselves the freedom of their assessments and their choices, and rather express an automatic choice in association with what has been suggested.

Now; this occurs quite frequently in mundane interactions that you incorporate in quite common scenarios, often in interactions with each other. This is another reason that it is significant that you pay attention to yourself and offer yourself your freedom to be incorporating YOUR choices in alignment with your preferences.

Now; at times, you engage interactions with other individuals and you draw that information to yourself, for perhaps you are generating a similar assessment or your perception may be similar to another individual’s. At times, you draw this type of interaction to yourself to be puffing up and to be expressing your own nobility and elevating yourself above another individual, which is yet again another judgment.

At times, you may be drawing this type of experience to yourself in protection, for you may sense an energy in association with another individual and not necessarily incorporate an objective understanding of that but a recognition of the sense, and you may be experiencing an uncomfortableness in differences of energies. Not necessarily that this is bad, but that you may not necessarily express what you term to be a compatible energy with another individual. You may draw this scenario to yourself in protection of yourself, for this justifies your choice to not be interactive with another individual. For you view that it is necessary to incorporate a justification, especially if you do not objectively know another individual and that individual has not expressed experiences with you, and therefore you incorporate no objective reason, so to speak, to not be interactive with the individual.

STEVE: That’s helpful, because there’s many different factors...

ELIAS: Correct. It is dependent upon the situation, it is dependent upon the energies, it is dependent upon the individuals that are interplaying. Each scenario may be different and motivated by different expressions.

This is the significance of recognizing yourself and what you are expressing, what you are drawing to yourself and for what reason, and knowing that none of these scenarios is an accident. You have purposefully drawn these experiences to yourself and created these experiences to offer yourself information.

STEVE: It helps to be paying attention to get the information, though! (Chuckles)

ELIAS: Correct.

STEVE: I’m going to skip over one question that I don’t want to just spend a few minutes on, so I’ll save that for a future session.

ELIAS: Very well!

STEVE: If it’s too hard to explain, we don’t have to get into this now. I know that you have mentioned that we create our interaction with you to have you expressing emotions...


STEVE: ...and that you mentioned that in the times when you did not express emotions, people were uncomfortable and it seemed to interfere with them being able to assimilate the information.

ELIAS: Correct.

STEVE: So I’m creating my perception of this interaction and so I’m creating you to have certain emotions. Does your energy have influence over what emotions I perceive you to be expressing?

ELIAS: Yes, for it is my choice also to be incorporating the energy configuration in association with the design of your reality. Therefore, I express an energy to you and you configure it similarly to how I am expressive to you.

STEVE: And where you are focusing your attention mainly, emotion is not a part of that?


STEVE: So I was just wondering, is it kind of analogous to an actor when you are expressing emotions to me? I’m just wondering how that happens. I know you’re familiar with emotions. You’ve had 3000 plus focuses.

ELIAS: Correct.

STEVE: So you’re probably quite adept at them. I’m just curious what the process is like in this now, since this isn’t where you’re focusing your attention usually. Maybe that’ll take more than a couple minutes to explain.

ELIAS: It is a filtration of energy. The energy is expressed and it is expressed without the incorporation of emotion, but it is being expressed through layers of consciousness, which reconfigures the energy. As that energy is reconfigured, my manipulation of that energy is quite specific to be incorporating expressions that are familiar to you in similar manner to language.

You may incorporate several languages simultaneously. You may be expressing one language in one moment and within another moment you may be expressing a different language. You are moving your attention and you are reconfiguring your energy to express yourself in a different manner — channeling, so to speak, the energy in a specific direction in association with that language.

Emotion is a language also, for it is an avenue of communication. Therefore, my incorporation of the expressions of the signals are a form of communication also.

It would be quite inefficient to be speaking to an individual that incorporates the language of Chinese if you are speaking Spanish. Therefore, the individual may understand bits of what you may be attempting to communicate objectively or verbally, but not much and shall not quite assimilate efficiently what you are attempting to express to them.

In similar manner, I may be incorporating an energy exchange and not incorporating your language. You may be allowing yourself to incorporate a very small acceptance and perhaps understanding, but not much, for it would not be speaking your language. I purposefully incorporated that choice to be offering that expression of myself through this energy exchange, merely to offer an example that what you perceive of myself is not necessarily what it actually is. It is what it actually is in your reality, but there are expressions beyond your reality.

STEVE: Well, I think that’s a good note to end the session.

ELIAS: Very well, my friend! I shall be anticipating our next meeting and our continued exploration. (Chuckles)

STEVE: Me too.

ELIAS: You may offer my greetings to your friends if you are so choosing. And if not, this is acceptable.

STEVE: (Laughs) I’ll decide when I have the opportunity whether I will or not.

ELIAS: Very well!

STEVE: Thank you, Elias.

ELIAS: You are quite welcome, my friend. As always, I offer my affection to you and continue to be supportive. And I shall continue to offer playful energy and perhaps you shall allow yourself to notice. (Steve laughs)

STEVE: Oh! Before we end, one thing I have noticed is on my computer at work, the screen frequently changes to a blue tint. Is that you?


STEVE: I did recognize that! (Elias laughs) Thank you.

ELIAS: I may express, I hope you have noticed of this — it is quite obvious!

STEVE: I know. Maybe I will be able to notice some of your less obvious expressions as well. But thank you for the obvious ones!

ELIAS: Ha ha! You are quite welcome. To you in tremendous fondness, my friend, au revoir.

STEVE: Au revoir.

Elias departs at 2:16 PM.

©2005 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved

Copyright 2003 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.