Session 67
Translations: DE ES NE

Understanding Essence Families and Their Roles


"Essence groups and their connections"
"Sumafi family and its intent"
"Milumet family: spiritualists, mystics"
"Gramada family: organizers, initiators"
"Vold family: reformers, change agents"
"Ilda family: communicators, travelers"
"Sumari family: artists, non-conformists"
"Tumold family: healers in various aspects"

Sunday, January 21, 1996 ©

Participants: Mary (Michael), Vicki (Lawrence), Ron (Olivia),
Jim (Yarr), Elizabeth (Elizabeth), and Christie (Oliver).

Elias arrives (with great anticipation!) at 6:40 PM.

ELIAS: Good evening. (Grinning) We have much anticipation for this evening's
exchange! (Pause, looking at Vicki) I believe this will be all! I will
be leaving now! (We all crack up)

RON: It doesn't matter to us! (More laughter)

ELIAS: Much! (Grinning widely) We have much to cover this evening, in
information. As I have expressed at our last session, I will be speaking
to you this evening of essence groups, or families,
and the connections with these groups.

I will preface first by explaining to you that each of the essences
incorporated within our game has come together, within agreement, in representation
of an essence family. Each of these essences are within the family of the
Sumafi, but they have each chosen to be representative of the other
families. This is why you may be connected, within our game, to a color
which is not connected with your fragmentation. In this, you display, within
physical focus, traits and elements in your direction which align with
other families; therefore you are aligned, within the game, to the corresponding
color and essence. Your intent, overall, is Sumafi. Your individual focus
may align with another family.

I will explain also that all of the families that I will be expressing
to you incorporate all qualities of each other. Overall, the majority of
the essences magnate to the qualities of the specific family, but all essence
families incorporate individuals who display action, partial desire, and
manifestation of other essence families. You within this group are diverse,
and exhibit qualities of other essence families, although you are all Sumafi;
this being the reason also why you are not all the same, why your interests
vary, for you align vibrationally and through desire with other families,
but your intent remains that of the Sumafi.

I will also begin by expressing to you that you are not "born into"
an essence family. You magnate to a family. You are drawn through intent,
as metal is drawn to a magnet; the family being the magnet. You, within
your individual intents, are the metals being drawn to the families. This
may change, if you are choosing. Generally speaking, it does not. This
is not to say that it may not, for you always incorporate choices, as I
have expressed. Therefore you may, at any moment, choose to align more
with another essence family. Within this group, you do not. You may also
choose, for the duration of a specific developmental focus, to align with
another essence family for that particular experience and intent. Generally,
you have not. Within this group, you have continued to align with the Sumafi.
I will, this evening, offer you a brief explanation of half of these essence
families, and will continue at our next meeting with the other half. I
will say also, before beginning; one family still remains unincorporated
within our game; one color and one essence remains undiscovered. (Pause,
looking at Vicki) And you will offer a guess?

VICKI: Yan Su Lu?

ELIAS: Incorrect. (Pause, looking at everyone) No impressions?

JIM: Would it be an essence connected with Leonardo Da Vinci?

ELIAS: Connect with yourselves. It is an essence very close.

VICKI: Rose?

ELIAS: Correct; and one vibrational color also.

VICKI: Magenta?

ELIAS: Very close; pink. These will be incorporated onto your board
for your game. Each family incorporates a vibrational tone that resonates
within each of you, that you identify with, that you connect with. Now;
I will also offer to you, in connection with our game, that the other bearing
essence of the other twin shall be aligned within our game to this new
color, for this essence aligns with the family that Rose represents. Be
remembering, as I have expressed: All of these essences within our game
are Sumafi. They only represent the focus of the other families.

I shall begin with your first color of red. This is aligned with the
essence representing the family of Milumet. This family incorporates the
focus of spiritualists, mystics. They manifest mainly within what you will
view as primitives. Your Indians of these Americas would fall into this
family; many tribes within your continent of Africa; your aborigines also.
This is not to say that all individuals connected with this essence family
will manifest within a primitive tribe, for they do not.

Their focus is inward. They do not concern themselves with political
involvement, social involvement. They generally do not involve themselves,
to any great degree, with many other individuals.

Their communal focus is limited and small, for they are mainly interested
in seeking; mark this word for Shynla; of truth. They are concerned with
continuing and holding the remembrance. (Looking at Ron)

Remind yourselves, as I speak of these families, you will cross over
these imaginary lines of families, within yourselves. You will identify
with many elements of all of these families. This does not mean that you
align your individual desires basically to these families; this being why
you are not connected with certain colors within your game.

These individuals are very connected with nature. They hold an extraordinary
connection with creatures. It is quite easy for these individuals to exchange
telepathically, and also empathically, with creatures, and with all elements
of nature. They are simple beings. They choose not to be complicating their
focus with too much intellectualizing, for their desire is to be continuing
with what they view as original. They also incorporate great connection
and affinity with elements such as stones, having an inner knowing of the
energy that may be transmitted through stones, and radiated out through
manipulation. Many individuals manifesting not in primitive tribes may
feel an affinity for plants or animals or precious stones, and may surround
themselves with these things. They may not understand why they collect
these things, other than the idea that they "like" them; but within them
there is an inner knowing of identification which aligns them to these
families. You will notice, the essences that are connected with each color
will bear parallels to the corresponding family.

We move to your next family, in your color of orange. This will be the
family of Gramada. They are organizers. They are initiators. They bear
great creativity. They possess an ability to connect with world views of
other essences.

I will briefly deviate to explain world views of other essences. This
is not how an essence views the world! It is a tremendous energy put forth,
by any individual, which stands through time.

These individuals may be what you view to be great artists, or musicians,
or architects, or physicists; individuals whose ideas are initiating and
original; individuals who express to your world information that they have
connected with through essence, and have the ability to translate into
your physical languages. Individuals within the family of Gramada possess
the ability to connect with this element of consciousness, for these individuals
disconnect from their physically focused accomplished consciousness, and
allow this to be offered to your world.

It may be tapped into at any moment; but few individuals possess the
ability, within their physical consciousness, to connect with these world
views; this being why certain individuals may feel a great affinity and
an underlying understanding of concepts that have been expressed by previous
individuals, such as our Einstein. These individuals may not consciously
understand the concepts that have been expressed forth, but they identify.
There is a connection. They are also initiators in the modem of expressing
original ideas for efficiency. They may not always be focused upon by other
individuals as being responsible for their ideas, for they choose not to
be within the spotlight, so to speak. They are comfortable being "behind
your scenes", but they offer the originality of ideas.

These individuals, on a grander scale, are the ones responsible for
establishment of your societies, your governments, your institutions, your
religions. Others "take up" the work and establishment of these elements,
but this family projects the original; the idea; the concept; the information.

Your third color of yellow; this essence represents the family of Vold.
(To Vicki: "V") This family would be focused upon by you as being reformers.
They are not interested in the status quo. Their main objective is change.
They are not satisfied with elements of existence continuing along the
same direction. They change themselves, they change where their location
is, they change elements around them, they change societies, they change
governments, they change your world! They are a restless group. They also
are very, very emotional. They are quite passionate, this being their motivating
force behind their changing. They are never satisfied with elements being
what they are, for their passion and their emotion runs very deep. They
are great connectors with other individuals, for they also incorporate
tremendous compassion and understanding.

These individuals are very strongly focused within their dream abilities.
They also possess very strong precognitive abilities. They may not be aware,
or acknowledge these inner senses that they possess, but in connecting
with these inner senses, may develop them to great extremes.

They possess inner knowings of probabilities. They possess an understanding
of probabilities. They will connect with information concerning the probabilities
of all things, and how they work. They do not incorporate this information
intellectually. They draw this information through feelings. They may not
always possess the capability of expressing to other individuals their
inner knowing, for they may not understand how to be translating this into
intellectual expression; but they know within their feeling.

They also, within this passion and great emotional focus, confuse themselves
much; for they strive, within physical focus, to be translating elements
that they may not translate into thought. They are in many ways, within
physical focus, trying to conform to accepted realities, especially within
your present times, which allows small amount of room, within your civilizations,
for the knowing that they possess within feelings.

Your fourth color of green; this will be represented of the family of
Ilda. I shall offer spelling later. These individuals are very likable.
They are extremely verbal. They are communicators. Their focus is exchange.
They are travelers. They may be manifest as merchants, as gypsies, as seamen;
any individuals that travel and exchange ideas of cultures. They are the
"mixers". Without these individuals your civilizations, your cultures,
would become stagnant. They also incorporate, within physical manifestation,
as slaves, as pirates. They are quite colorful individuals! They exchange
ideas from one culture to another. They bring infiltration of religion,
of trade, to all areas within your world. Some, in other times periods
of your history, were great jesters of courts, having access to diplomats
and kings, and exchanging ideas and concepts between these of high rank
and peasantry. I personally hold quite affection for this family. (Smiling)

The one essence family which will not be identified singularly within
your game, is that of Sumafi, for you all are Sumafi. Therefore, it needs
no representative with the game. I will explain to you, this family incorporates
the focus of teaching. It incorporates teachers of every element and every
subject of your existence. Many who manifest being a part of this family
will be individuals connected with universities. They may be aligned with
museums, they may be religious leaders, they may be within government;
any area of society that incorporates any element of teaching, you will
find these individuals.

In other time periods within your history, they have been "keepers of
knowledge". They have manifest as scribes. Many have chosen religious focuses.
They are quite intent upon keeping truths. Their intent also is in the
direction of the least distortion. Therefore, within any element of teaching,
they strive to incorporate the least distortion, the most original, the
most pure.

We will focus upon our other four colors at our next meeting. Therefore,
you may incorporate time to connect with these four, and also with your
own identity of your family of Sumafi.

These essences also, of Sumafi, I will express, are playful. They do
not incorporate the seriousness that you think of, within physical focus,
of "solemn teachers"! They are quite flexible and incorporate much humor,
for this is an asset to teaching. They are also quite experiential, understanding
the value of experience with teaching. You learn through experience; therefore
they are quite directing of experiences, and hold much desire to be experiencing.

This family also is quite closely connected with the essence of Sumafi.
Excuse me! I am Sumafi! (Laughter) Sumari; teachers of Sumafi being those
influencing of the family of Sumari, who are the "actors-out" of the teaching.
We will not discuss Sumari this evening, for I will reserve this for our
next meeting; but you will find a great concentration of Sumafi as teachers
within the elements of arts, all arts; art being that which they view to
be quite important, placing a very high value upon aesthetic beauty. We
have begun our sessions originally by speaking to you of living artfully
and incorporating beauty; this being aligned with your intent, as you are
Sumafi. I continue to incorporate these elements throughout our meetings,
and when you are moving away and being forgetful of the beauty and the
artfulness of yourselves and your creations, I am immediate to be reminding

JIM: I've noticed!

ELIAS: Now we will incorporate a brief break, and you may collect your
questions, to which I will answer.

BREAK: 7:28 PM

Note: We began discussing this information immediately upon Elias' departure,
which instigated a "pop-in" at 7:31 PM.

ELIAS: Incorrect! I will explain once more briefly, and then you may
incorporate your break! You are all one family of Sumafi. Your desires
and your physical manifestation within this developmental focus magnate
to the qualities of other essence families, but you are Sumafi. (Very firmly)

I have explained that all essence groups cross. They all incorporate
elements of each other. Therefore, you may find individuals manifest within
any essence group who possess qualities of another essence group. It may
seem to you that they "should" be aligned with a certain group. I will
express one brief example. You may think that an individual, who has a
great desire within the area of healing, would be aligned with the family
of Tumold. The individual may not! The individual may possess these qualities,
but the individual's intent follows Sumafi. Therefore, it is incorporated
within the family of Sumafi, and possesses the desires and manifestations
of Tumold. Is this clearer? (The group agrees) Very well! I shall return

BREAK: 7:34 PM RESUME: 8:01 PM

Note: We were all going nuts during the break, knowing that we had to
wait for a week (!) to learn of the other four essence families. Elias
listened and responded, which we all very much appreciated!

ELIAS: Such impatience! (Grinning, and we all crack up) Wishing to be
incorporating four more essence families with the period of one evening!
("Heavy" pause) Very well ...

VICKI: Cool!

JIM: Alright!

CHRIS: Yeah!

ELIAS: (Grinning widely) I will offer your spelling at our ending. In
continuing, we move to my color of blue. The essence family that I choose
to represent is Sumari. The Sumari are playful. They are creative. They
are spiritual. They are your artists. They are not teachers of art; they
are doers. The Sumari are doers of everything! They incorporate action.
They materialize what the Sumafi and the Gramada initiate. This essence
family incorporates great creativity.

I have spoken to you of the initiators, these being the driving forces
behind the actualizers. Therefore, the initiators within the arts would
be the manifest individuals who promote the individual artists. These of
the Sumari are the artists. They do incorporate the spotlight. They enjoy
being within the forefront of all action. They are not introverted or shy
individuals! They are quite extroverted. They also are quite independent.
They do not align themselves with groups. They do not align themselves
with societies or governments or religions. They are your rebellious group.
They are the individuals that butt against everything! They are your salmon
swimming upstream! They do not conform. You will find, in movements of
cultures, individuals who are refusing to conform to the norm. These individuals
belong to the Sumari.

Within your culture, within this country of yours, you have been exposed
to a movement of the Sumari before you physically, within your time of
great change, within this century; your young individuals, your students
who revolted, who refused to conform; your "flower children". These were
Sumari. They are great expressers of love and freedom. They choose not
to align themselves within groups, for they feel that this is constricting
of their individuality and creativity. They are tremendous expressers of
individuality. They are your triumphers for the individual. They are focused
upon the development, within all creativity, of each individual. They stress
spirituality, but only within the individual, not within a religious focus.

They are connectors. They connect essence to focus. They are also temporary.
They are your physical "pop-ins" of cultures. They do not establish cultures
to be lasting. They "pop-in" to established cultures, they encourage individual
thought and creativity and spirituality, and they "pop-out"! They initiate
thought. They initiate remembering of connections. You will not find Sumari
in long-lasting cultural situations. They will appear, temporarily, to
be "stirring your pot", so to speak; and then they will, as suddenly as
it may seem that they appeared, they will disappear. The Sumafi is greatly
involved with Sumari, for Sumafi incorporates before and after. When your
Sumaris appear, they are taught by Sumafi. When they disappear, their ideas
are continued and held steadfast by Sumafi. Within your present time, the
Sumari have initiated, they have manifest, they have "stirred your pot"
temporarily, they have altered your focus. Now, the Sumafi incorporates
the carrying on of this in teaching; therefore you, now.

Moving to your color of indigo; this will be represented with the family
of Tumold. These are the healers. These individuals may manifest within
medical professions, they may be mystical healers, they may be cultural
healers. These healers incorporate a vast territory, so to speak, for healing
may be incorporated within any element of focus. It does not only incorporate
physical healing of ailments. It may be spiritual healing. It may be psychological
healing. It may be physical healing.

These you will find in all walks of life, so to speak. You may find
your garbage man to be of the family of Tumold; for "it matters not" what
their physical manifestation may be, or their occupation, for they possess
the inner ability to be healing. Many times, they incorporate merely vibrational
qualities that are expressed by their very being, and need never implement
any physical manifestation of what you view to be healing. Their presence
itself is healing to all they touch.

They also incorporate, within this healing family, alignments with organizations.
They do recognize the power of the collective consciousness. They may not
always understand this inner knowing, and they may not physically express
this, manifest within connections of the collective consciousness, but
they possess an alignment vibrationally; which, if allowing themselves
to be "tapping into", they possess great power in these areas.

Your purple; this is represented of the family of Zuli. These essences
are primarily concerned with physical expression. They are performers.
They are athletes. They have a deep appreciation for beauty. They appreciate
physical form and the greatness manifest in the creation of your physical
expression. There is tremendous appreciation of every element of your physical

They are very preoccupied with the physical body. They incorporate a
tremendous understanding of its workings. They understand the consciousness
of the cells and the molecules that are incorporated within physical form.
They are excellent manipulators of physical form. They incorporate living
art. They do not necessarily express art or artfulness through music, or
painting, or sculpting. They manifest this through their own bodies, expressing
the capabilities of bodies and their functions, allowing other essences
to appreciate the beauty and the magnificence of your physical expression.
As I have said, they are usually or generally adept at athletics. Their
bodies are connected with their consciousness, within a deep understanding
of each other. They listen to them. They may choose to be performers, manipulating
their bodily expression in mime, allowing others to view its beauty. You
will notice many of your players, your actors, take great care in adorning
the physical body, enhancing their expression by allowing you exaggerated
visualization. This is their incorporation of living art.

Your color of pink, your new category; this essence represents the family
of Borledim. This family is concerned with your earth stock. Their primary
focus is to be creating of new individuals. They are very family-oriented,
this being their priority. They are excellent parents. They take great
care in nurturing. Their primary function, within physical focus, is to
produce. They stop at nothing to be accomplishing this goal, and they are
quite accomplished at realizing this. They produce balanced, centered individuals.
They produce directed individuals for essence families. When essence families
are needing of representatives within physical focus, they align within
agreement with this essence family to produce the stock.

These individuals possess great affection, great understanding, and
tremendous patience. They may not always appear, as individuals, to be
extremely patient within their physical expression, but within their intent,
they may be quite patient; for although their intent is to be producing
of this stock, they do not always possess physical capability of accomplishing
this normally, or within what you term to be reasonable amounts of your
time. They incorporate tremendous patience in the pursuit of their accomplishment.
They are very singularly focused, and do not deviate. Once accomplishing,
they produce tremendous individuals, quite crediting. They also are not
self-sacrificing, for they are quite understanding that this is defeating;
for in being the good tree and exhibiting the example for their young,
they produce individuals who possess an understanding, realistically balanced,
of how to incorporate physical life. They also possess, within this balance,
a great fairness.

Many do incorporate bearing of these young quite easily, and produce
many. You will find many of these individuals possessing, so to speak,
eight or twelve or fifteen young ones within one family.

They also are great believers in extended families, incorporating all
aspects of family living to be allowing the experience, to the small ones,
of all others within the family unit that may be contributing. Many of
your cultures that you view to be undesirable or backwards incorporate
many individuals of this family. You will find, within these cultures,
that they do not express irritation with small ones. They do not block
impulses. They are not concerned with "right" behavior. They are allowing
of experiences. They direct, but they are not intrusive. (Pause)

Therefore, you have now incorporated all nine of your essence families,
eight of which are represented within your game. (Pause) Such quietness!
My pipe, Holmes! (Ron hands over the pipe) Thank you!

VICKI: There's nine essence families, period?

ELIAS: Correct.

CHRIS: Eight of which are represented by a color?

ELIAS: Correct.

CHRIS: One is not?

ELIAS: One being the Sumafi, which is you; therefore this not being
represented within your game. (Pause, and then to Vicki) As to continue
with your question, (Here, he turns and extends the pipe out to Ron) It
is not lit, Holmes! (Laughter, as Ron takes the pipe) Thank you. (To Vicki)
These essence families are focused within this dimension of this manifestation
physically. They interact with this creation. You are within this dimension,
upon this planet, within this focus. Therefore, you have directing essence
families which manifest within this dimension. (Ron hands the pipe back)
Thank you.

RON: You're welcome.

ELIAS: (Looking directly at Vicki, and puffing on the pipe) Are you
understanding of this? (Vicki loses it, and you can hear her and Elizabeth
cracking up) I see nothing humorous within this discussion! I am missing
the joke! (You know, he really is a funny guy!)

RON: I don't think Michael will! (Much laughter)

VICKI: (Still cracking up, trying to be serious) These nine essence
families pertain to this physical creation we're experiencing now?

ELIAS: Correct.

VICKI: And other physical creations have other essence families, so
to speak?

ELIAS: Correct; within other dimensions. Within other focuses of other
dimensions, other essence families align with other intents. These are
not important for your knowledge, for you do not interact with these, and
they do not affect your dimension. Therefore, I offer you those which are
affecting of your reality. Of these, there are nine. (Hands the pipe to
Ron) I am out! (Laughter)

CHRIS: So, now everyone that we have come in contact with is of the
Sumafi family. Is that correct? In this group?

ELIAS: Not necessarily.

CHRIS: Okay. We here, the five of us, six of us including Michael, are
of the Sumafi family. Is that correct?

ELIAS: Correct.

CHRIS: Okay. So others that have incorporated in this group may not
be within that family?

ELIAS: Others who have incorporated within this group are within the
Sumafi. Some have visited, so to speak, within our group, but have not
continued. In this, they may not ... (To Ron, who has just handed him the
pipe) Thank you, once again. (To Christie) They may not necessarily be aligned
with this essence family. Is that clearer? (Christie nods, and there is
a pause)

VICKI: The individual that I gave a site to today, would belong to this
last essence family?

ELIAS: Would align; would belong to Sumafi, would align with ...

CHRIS: Aligning is like falling under the color group, correct?

VICKI: I would imagine aligning would be similar to what you were speaking
of, about how you magnate to ...

ELIAS: You exhibit qualities. Elizabeth exhibits qualities aligned with
Zuli, therefore she is connected with the essence representative of purple,
incorporating bodily expression. Oliver and Lawrence align within physical
manifestation with exchangers. You incorporate many other individuals and
exchange ideas. Yarr focuses within the area of healing, therefore placing
him in alignment with this color of this representative family. Are you

CHRIS: I'm just really curious about Thomas, because I've had some issues
with him, and I need to know if he is in alignment with ... what color?
Would it be pink, or would it be purple?

ELIAS: (To Ron) I am needing of my chair! (Laughter, and then to Christie)
You are wishing to be connecting this individual with a color within our
game. Now I will express to you to be focusing upon this question of yours,
and allowing yourself to be receiving your impression.

CHRIS: Okay, in that case then, I would ... (Here, Elias stands up)

ELIAS: (To Ron) I am wishing ... (Indicating to Ron to pull the rocking
chair forward)

RON: You're standing on your other chair!

ELIAS: Ah! The foot! (He moves his foot, and Ron pulls the chair forward)
Very good! (Sitting down, and then to Christie) Continue.

CHRIS: Well, my first feeling would be that he would be aligned with
the color purple, until you talked about pink! (Laughing)

ELIAS: This individual is not aligned with Rose, with pink. His manifestation
does not follow for providing earth stock!

CHRIS: Okay, good! (Laughing) Then in that case, I would suspect that
he is aligned with purple.

ELIAS: Correct.

CHRIS: Okay, which explains a lot.

ELIAS: Now, as I have expressed: Be remembering that each of you also
incorporates the elements of Sumafi, this being your overriding intent.
You also incorporate elements of all essence families, therefore you may
discover, within you, small elements that you may consider to be latent,
but aligning with elements of each other family. (Pause, handing pipe to

VICKI: I can see that probably this information would be very, it would
be easy to incorporate a lot of separation when thinking in these terms.

ELIAS: Very much so, this being why I have held off, so to speak, within
your terms, of discussing this issue; for you are quite adept at separation!
I wish not to encourage more separation of thought; this being why I express
strongly that you all possess elements of all essence families. Your intent
aligns with one. (Pause)

JIM: I would like to ask a question of my mate Cindy, and her essence
name, and connection with Sumafi? In connecting her with red?

ELIAS: (Pause, accessing) Essence name; Borloh.

JIM: Spell it, please?


JIM: Thank you.

ELIAS: Connecting ... (Pause, accessing) Red; correct.

JIM: And of the family Sumafi?

ELIAS: Yes. Connections within past developmental focuses being aligned
with this essence family of Milumet.

JIM: That's neat. Thank you.

ELIAS: And Lawrence?

VICKI: I have a few questions for Shynla. I don't know if it's appropriate.

JIM: Why not?

VICKI: It's off the subject matter.

ELIAS: Does she still play with my friend? (Grinning, and then the tape
stops) Discontinue temporarily. (Pause) Are you continuing playing with
my friend, Shynla? (Pause) Incorporating confusing answers. I am quite
adept at blocking these elements, and only for your reference, you may
hear these words personally, that information given may also be accessed
by me, and I may confuse you equally. I do not play with Ouija boards!

VICKI: She's quite frustrated with the Ouija board also.

ELIAS: Which shall continue, and increase! (Laughter)

VICKI: Too limiting, she says.

ELIAS: Quite!

VICKI: She did have a few questions, one of them being ...

ELIAS: (To Ron) Quite aromatic. Very good choice! (Laughter)

VICKI: One of her questions is, "Can we expect Rose's gifts before the
physical manifestation of Elizabeth's baby?"

ELIAS: Not necessarily; this being Elizabeth's question also! And be
asking Shynla, "May we expect her gift before the physical manifestation
of this individual?" For it has not been offered, either. Not surprising,
with unmoving probabilities! (Pause)

VICKI: She also wanted me to ask about the essence name of Ryan, and
assuming that it is Rose ... (Another "Oh, brother" look)

ELIAS: Continue.

VICKI: She's wondering about her impressions with the name May.

ELIAS: She is misinterpreting for name. (Pause, looking at Vicki)

VICKI: She was maybe connecting with the Milumet name?

ELIAS: Incorrect. She is identifying May as a name. It is not.

VICKI: Oh! It is also a month!

ELIAS: Correct. She has made a connection, but is incorrect within her
identification; and she is correct with her connection with the twins.

VICKI: Shall I go on, or does somebody else have a question?

CHRIS: I do, but I can wait until you're done.

VICKI: I can wait, too.

CHRIS: No, no, finish up.

ELIAS: Holmes! (Hands Ron the pipe)

VICKI: She wants to know why she is having so much water in her dreams.

ELIAS: Shynla is moving through. Water is quite symbolic, this being
an identification also with Lawrence and Michael, who also move through
conflict through water. (Pause) I am distressing of Elizabeth, with this
incorporation of this? (Indicating the pipe)

ELIZ: No. (Chuckling)

ELIAS: Good.

ELIZ: I like the smell better than cigarettes!

ELIAS: Very nasty habit! Not harmful in the way that your society believes
within their belief systems, but not quite as refined as a pipe! (We all
crack up, watching Elias smoke his pipe)

VICKI: Her other question: "Who was the young boy Ron viewed in the

ELIAS: (Pause, accessing) You are wishing an identification?

VICKI: I assume so.

ELIAS: (Pause, accessing) I will clarify by asking if you are expressing
of the fair boy?

VICKI: (To Ron) You viewed it!

RON: He was fair.

ELIAS: Correct. I am wishing only to be connecting, accessing the correct
meditation; this being another developmental focus,
not of Ron; this being connected with Shynla within another developmental
focus. Incorporated within this focus was also Lawrence and Michael, but
were not viewed. Another fair-haired focus! You believe you deviate from
your physical form within each developmental focus, but you would be surprised
at how closely you follow one form, with few exceptions. Continue. (Handing
the pipe to Ron) This is becoming quite tedious! I shall be needing to
be incorporating flame and tobacco at our next session, as to not be interrupting
of Ron every few moments! For now, this will do.

RON: I don't mind.

ELIAS: Thank you. (Turning to Vicki)

VICKI: Those were all the questions I have for Shynla right now.

CHRIS: I have a question. My sister was supposed to be joining us tonight.

ELIAS: I am aware.

CHRIS: And the weather kind of got to her, because it was, she couldn't
be stuck. Are you, I'm kind of curious as to what her essence name is,
and if she is connected with indigo, the color.

ELIAS: Ah! This would be correct, as connecting to color. Essence name
I shall reserve for her presence.

CHRIS: Okay. Now my connection then, I mean my question then, about
intent. Intent, is that the word you used to the color, the color that
we ... I'm at a loss of the words that you used ...

JIM: Align?

CHRIS: Align. Yeah. Align to? Okay. So, if we're aligning to a particular
color and what is happening with that, such as green you were saying was
travelers, and if we align with that color, I mean, we align with all of
them, but if we are really, and we do not, and we don't physically align
with that color, in other words, we don't do what that color represents,
then would that not bring conflict in our life? I mean, it's like, if we're
a magnet going to that color, and doing that sort of thing, and we're going
this way not doing what the intent was, would that not bring conflict in
our life, and should we indeed align better, try to align better with what
that color represents?

ELIAS: Let me explain to you. You align with Sumafi. Your intent follows
Sumafi. Your manifestation draws in the direction of Ilda. Therefore, your
desire follows that. It does not conflict with your intent, for your intent
correlates with your desire and manifestation.

Now, I will express to you that if you are not following your intent,
yes, you will incorporate conflict. When you deviate from your intent,
within your pursuits in experience within physical manifestation, you create
conflict. You may incorporate manifestation aligned with another family
and not create conflict within your focus, for you may incorporate more
than one ideal within focus, although you continue with one intent. Therefore,
in using our example earlier of healing, you may be aligned with healing
and the qualities of that family, and you may express physically those
qualities, but your intent being Sumafi, you may be a teacher of healing;
but before you may be a teacher of healing, you must understand healing.

CHRIS: So, this is very important information for us to know, not necessarily
to separate, but more to know ourselves.

ELIAS: This being why I have offered this. You have been striving, within
your game, to be connecting. You have connected well. You have received
impressions, and you have connected yourselves together, and with essences
and elements. In this, you are needing of more information of yourselves
and why you align with these essences in this group; why we have this game
of these essences and these colors, and what their significance may be.
This is helpful to your understanding of your intent of your direction
of yourselves; and you may be better understanding of your own vibrational
qualities, which align you with other essences and families. It may also
be instructive for those of you choosing to be not remanifesting, but not
also to be creating of senility, to be preparing for transition within
physical time.

I will offer also that although you may view probabilities of one small
individual as seeming to be quite much and quite involved, each of you,
within your fragmentations, involve more than you understand. I, in offering
you explanation of your fragmentation, have simplified tremendously. I
offer you a name; an identification to identify with in fragmentation.
I do not expound upon the process. You now incorporate a physical example
of process, to which you are each involved. Therefore, as one example of
the fragmentation process, I offer information of these new twins. The
probabilities are far-reaching. (Pause)

Welcome, my friend. (Talking to and petting the cat, who has been on
his lap for a few minutes) Shall you be sharing my pipe? (Laughter)

I will not be engaging in explanation further this evening of this new
individual, but you are correct that there is more also involved. I will
comment as to what you would be expressing as the attitude of Rose, being
quite flamboyant and expressive, as you (indicating Elizabeth) with your
partner, within this physical focus, have witnessed; this being not a shy
or introverted essence, and needing to not be, for this essence incorporates
great responsibility and action. (Pause) And the wheels are turning and
turning and turning! I myself found this to be an interesting development,
aligning with these twins of Michael and Lawrence also; and, quite frequently,
manifest within the same sexual orientation. It is easier.

RON: Can I impose on you to pause for a moment?

ELIAS: Acceptable. (Tape change)

RON: We're back!

ELIAS: I was not aware that we were gone! (Laughter) Are you wishing
of more questions?

CHRIS: I have one. Is it quite common for an essence to split into twins,
as Lawrence and Michael, and Ryan and ...

ELIAS: Relatively speaking, no. Although it is done, it is not what
you would consider to be the general or average.

CHRIS: I was wondering if I knew, other than these, if I knew anyone
else who is of twins.

ELIAS: Presently, no.

CHRIS: Is there anyone in history that we knew? (Laughter)

ELIAS: Many.

CHRIS: Many?

ELIAS: We will focus upon this at a later date, but it is only trivial
information, for it is not quite important. We will be allowing Ron special
acknowledgment this evening for extreme patience of essences. A very good
turn-about, for essences have exhibited extreme patience with physical
focus! (Grinning at Ron) Continue.

JIM: Do other families have different intent within the families? As
we are Sumafi, another family group, so to speak, like Sumari, would they
have a different intent, over all the ... I'm not quite expressing myself
... of we of Sumafi, and learning of the other families, is Sumari, being
who they are, serve as a different intent, but also incorporate the other
families within their family?

ELIAS: All essence families cross over. Each essence family incorporates
one intent. All essence families incorporate individuals which express
manifestations aligned with other essence families, but are still aligned
with the intent of their own essence family.

JIM: Ours being Sumafi.

ELIAS: Correct. The exhibition may deviate. The intent remains the same.

JIM: Okay. Thank you. Clarified.

VICKI: In Michael's viewing of the colors during the first half of our
session, he was conceptualizing this information, partially?

ELIAS: Correct. (Pause)

VICKI: So it appears that Michael has kind of moved into a bit of a
different place, shall we say, again, in his experience? Correct?

ELIAS: Correct. (Pause)

VICKI: Could you explain that a little bit?

ELIAS: (Chuckling) This being a resulting of this alignment of vibrational
qualities, but also being an acceptance of this alignment. Michael, to
this moment, was not quite accepting of this alignment; therefore blocking,
not only of other energy, but also of his own movement; therefore viewing
himself to be stuck hanging within his web, only by his own design. He
has allowed probabilities to move. He has accepted of this alignment. Therefore,
he has allowed himself to move. In this, he has allowed himself to experience.
I will express that he has quite efficiently accomplished this, for other
individuals incorporating this phenomenon may have been allowing much more
of your time to be elapsing before moving to this position; some incorporating
years, within your time frame.

VICKI: And my own personal experience this week, of feeling like I moved
through something but I didn't have a clue what, being connected with that?

ELIAS: The same. I was expressing to you: If you are aligning and connecting
within consciousness, you will amaze yourselves; and you have incorporated
my advice. (Pause)

We shall move to our game, as it is quite a topic of discussion this
evening. You may incorporate your questions and connections; and you (looking
at Ron) may also offer your questions. I am aware.

RON: I had more than one, but I really want to know about this particular
one. I was wondering, if probabilities
are ever-changing and ever-changeable, is it possible to change who you're
fragmented from?

ELIAS: Very interesting question! I will say to you, there are no closed
systems. Therefore, nothing is impossible. All things are possible;
but there is a difference between all things being possible and all things
being done! I will say to you that in actuality, it is possible. It
is not that this idea or concept has not been thought of previously, for
it has. It has been chosen not to be actualized. Are you considering being
our first? (Laughter)

RON: No, just curious.

ELIAS: Theoretically, yes, it would be possible. Within actuality, it
has not been chosen. (Pause) And???

RON: Well, okay. I'd like to know about the man
that I met in the local dining establishment.

ELIAS: (Grinning slyly) I have waited for this question! Did you not
find this individual interesting?

RON: Quite!

ELIAS: I will express to you that this individual is your explanation
of another question, partially; of if you may manifest within the same
time-frame, within two individuals simultaneously, in the same dimension.
There is your example!


RON: Oh! I met myself!

ELIAS: Quite interesting, as Lawrence speaks with himself every day!
(Laughter) This is also beyond this though, for this individual is one
of the types of individuals to which we spoke briefly of, once before;
not incorporating a beginning and an end, only a middle.

VICKI: Like Will, in the book.

RON: Oh!

ELIAS: For your noticing.

RON: Oh, I definitely noticed! I'll fill you guys in on the story after
the session.

ELIAS: Praying too hard! Not necessary for such exertion! It may be
viewed as crazy! Are you understanding?

RON: Yeah, I think so.

ELIAS: Dance effortlessly!

RON: Okay, I won't ask that question!

ELIAS: On to our game! (Pause)

RON: I have one impression. I'd like to connect ... Oh boy, it just
slipped out of my mind! (Elias is grinning at Ron) Oh! I'd like to connect
the color of orange with the constellation of Libra.

ELIAS: One point.

RON: And I'll come back a little later with the other one.

ELIAS: Acceptable. (Looking at Jim) And Yarr may be "popping back in"
to be joining us!

JIM: I was here ... there ... Oh, my!

VICKI: Well, I'll do some game questions for the other individuals.
For Shynla; she would like to connect Tomkin, in the fabric category, with

ELIAS: Very good! One point. Express to her to be contemplating this,
other than only fabric.

VICKI: And to go back to her game question from last week, the connecting
physically focused essences with the animal of a whale. You said one was

ELIAS: Correct.

VICKI: She would like to take Joseph out of that connection.

ELIAS: One point.

VICKI: For Michael; he would like to connect Elias, in the cities category,
with Dublin.

ELIAS: One point.

VICKI: And also with Elias, to connect in the metals category with platinum.

ELIAS: One point. (Pause)

CHRIS: I'd like to connect my daughter, but I can't remember what her
essence name was; Walla?

VICKI: Wagga.

CHRIS: Was it Walla?

VICKI: Wagga.

CHRIS: Wagga, Wagga! How can you remember that?

ELIAS: I was spelling of this information.

CHRIS: You were what?

VICKI: Spelling.

CHRIS: Oh, okay. That's why. To connect her with the color blue?

ELIAS: Incorrect.

CHRIS: Incorrect? Wow! Hmmm ...

ELIAS: Although there exists an essence that will be connected with
blue, which you have not found yet! (Pause, grinning)

JIM: In the connecting essences category of physically focused individuals,
I'd like to connect Yarr and Michael with Leonardo Da Vinci. (Elias pauses,
smiling) That name keeps coming up for me a lot. I know there's a connection

ELIAS: You are partially correct, and one of your essences is incorrect.
You will be surprised at your answer! (Still smiling)

JIM: With Ron?

ELIAS: Incorrect. You have incorporated the wrong twin!

JIM: Lawrence?

ELIAS: Correct!

JIM: Okay. Gee, okay. One point? (Laughing)

ELIAS: Acceptable.

JIM: Thank you!

ELIAS: As I do not incorporate half of a point! (Pause)

VICKI: Okay. I would like to connect Otha, in the category of roots
and berries, with an onion.

ELIAS: One point. (Chuckling) Quite irritating! (Laughter) And also
quite appropriate, if viewing this essence fragments, with tearfulness.
(Pause) You do not always understand the extent of your impressions, and
what you connect to. Once again, I say to you: View, more closely, this
game! Continue.

VICKI: I'd like to connect Twylah, in the category desire, or the desire
categories, (stumbling over her tongue, with Elias chuckling) with the
desire to return things to their natural state.

ELIAS: One point; this following our discussion and subject of this
evening; incorporating the physical manifestation following one essence
family, but incorporating the intent of another; incorporating the Sumafi
with the original, and continuing holding to the least distorted, but within
the element of healing. Yarr may view the wording of this answer again.

RON: In the connecting essences, under the category of woods, I would
like to connect Otha and Ordin with rosewood.

ELIAS: One point. (Pause) And you offer no impression this evening,


ELIAS: Too distracted with new small essence?

ELIZ: Yeah.

ELIAS: Understandable. (Smiling) Then we shall be discontinuing for
this evening, and we shall continue with these discussions at our next
meeting. You may incorporate questions of essence families at that time,
if you are wishing. I will bid you each adieu for this evening.

RON: The next time, do you prefer matches or mechanical fire?

ELIAS: You may be expressing to me instruction of the use of this mechanical
instrument, and I will be attempting to be using this. If this is unacceptable,
I would be preferring matches of my own type, which would be ... not paper!

RON: Wooden matches?

ELIAS: Acceptable. Then I will be discussing with you at our next meeting.
Au revoir!

VICKI: Wait wait wait wait wait!

ELIAS: Excuse me! (Much laughter)

VICKI: You did say you would give me the proper spellings at the end
of the session.

ELIAS: Very correct, but this may have waited for Shynla! (Pause) Your
answer is acceptable, but I will express spelling, if you are wishing,

VICKI: Either way would be fine.

ELIAS: Choose!

VICKI: Now, then!

ELIAS: Acceptable! (We go through the spellings of the families)

VICKI: Thank you.

ELIAS: And you already possess Sumari and Sumafi?


ELIAS: Acceptable. Now, au revoir! (Laughter)

GROUP: Au revoir!

Elias departs at 9:44 PM.

Note: After the session, I called Cathy as per our agreement. While
I was explaining essence families to her, Elias "popped-in" and asked for
the phone. This was his first phone conversation. The tape begins with
Elizabeth explaining how to use the phone. Unfortunately, we do not have
Cathy's part of the conversation, which I'm sure would have been priceless,
as she was not planning to talk to Elias!

Pop-in: 10:08 PM

ELIZ: Okay, you put this end against your ear. (Elias is examining the
phone, and then ...) Good evening, Shynla! (Pause) I shall express a connection
with you briefly, for I am experiencing great anticipation from essences
wishing to be connecting with Michael. Therefore, Lawrence may be explaining
to you of our session for this evening, after I am extending my greetings
to you. Are you well? (Pause) Are you well? (Pause) I am being cordial!
Is this not what you are expressing upon your speaking machine? (Pause)
Is your weather acceptable? (Pause) Quite cold in this area of your planet!
(Pause) And are you wishing to be moving probabilities to warmer climates?
(Pause) No? (Pause) Ah! I have offered much information for you this evening,
and you will be noticing, upon your mechanical device, a personal message
from Elias to Shynla also. (Pause) This is quite unnecessary to be incorporating
this machinery, but as you are needing to be listening audibly, within
physical focus, to a manufactured voice, there you may have this. (Pause)
You are welcome. I shall be anticipating your energy within our next session,
as it was also incorporated this evening. Thank you. (Pause) I was noticing.
(Pause) You are welcome. I shall be expressing au revoir to you now, if
this is acceptable. (Pause) Ah! A quick question! Acceptable. (Pause) Yes.
(Pause) Correct. (Pause) You will manifest whatever your belief systems
align with. Therefore, if your belief systems are aligned with believing
in an entity of a god, you will view this, as we have expressed in our
sessions in this subject of transition, and what you create for your noticing
and viewing, in alignment with your belief systems. (Pause) Be aware of
not being intrusive. (Pause) Very good. Then I will be speaking with you
at another moment in your time, and I will be saying to you, au revoir!

(To the group) Good evening!

GROUP: Good evening!

Elias departs at 10:16 PM


(1) Footnotes have not been incorporated recently,
but I felt a need to explain the pipe, for future readers of these transcripts.
Elias humorously requested a pipe, a few months ago. We gave him one for
Christmas, which he has held, but never smoked. He said it was conflicting
with Mary's belief systems. Obviously, he finally came to an agreement
with Mary regarding this, as he asked Ron to load and light the pipe. Personally,
I thought the sight of Elias smoking a pipe was hysterical! I know Elizabeth
joins me in this, as you can hear our combined laughter on the tape. This
incident is a very good example of how very well Elias changes the mood
of the sessions, when we all become too serious or inward. He always incorporates
humor in a very unique way, as he is a very unique personality essence!

© 1996 Vicki Pendley/Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved

Copyright 1996 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.