Session 1115

Offer Yourself Permission to Freely Express Yourself


"Offer Yourself Permission to Freely Express Yourself"

Saturday, June 15, 2002 (Private/In Person)
Participants: Mary (Michael) and Fay (Camile)
Elias arrives at 1:33 PM. (Arrival time is 22 seconds.)

ELIAS: Good afternoon.

FAY: Good afternoon, Elias

ELIAS: We meet again.

FAY: Yeah, I know! (Laughs) I have the impression that we've had a lot of subjective interaction.

ELIAS: Correct.

FAY: A lot?

ELIAS: Yes. Now you allow yourself to be engaging myself objectively.

FAY: It's making me nervous a little bit. (Laughs and Elias chuckles) Why do I feel so nervous? I feel like I'm getting a test or something.

ELIAS: Ah, incorporating doubtfulness of yourself and apprehension - projecting your attention.

FAY: What do you mean by that, "projecting my attention"? Towards you?

ELIAS: And in anticipation of what MAY be. Pay attention to now and your apprehension shall dissipate, for no threateningness is occurring presently and no unusualness is occurring presently, other than the unusualness of speaking in conversation with a ghost.

FAY: Yes! (Both laugh) Which you've got to admit is pretty unusual. I've never done it before, so this is a first. Because my essence name was asked by Ruther and not myself, I would like to confirm my essence name, alignment and belonging to.

ELIAS: The information remains unchanged.

FAY: Okay, that's fine. May I just briefly ask on behalf of my friend Maureen, her essence name, alignment and belonging to, and orientation? (Pause)

ELIAS: Essence name, Phiann, P-H-I-A-N-N (fee AHN). And your impression?

FAY: She is studying to be an acupuncturist right now and feels that she already knows the material, that it's something that she's remembering. "Phiann" sounds to me to be an oriental type of a sound, that it's a tone that sounds familiar. I feel that we've shared many focuses together.

ELIAS: You are correct. Therefore, offer your impression as to essence families.

FAY: Tumold.

ELIAS: Alignment.

FAY: Sumafi belonging to?

ELIAS: Zuli.

FAY: Zuli! Ah! And her orientation?

ELIAS: Orientation, common.

FAY: And her focus, thought, emotional...

ELIAS: Emotional.

FAY: Thank you.

ELIAS: You are quite welcome.

FAY: She will really appreciate knowing that. I would like to know how many physical dimension focuses I'm presently engaged in.

ELIAS: How many other physical dimensions than this particular physical dimension, or how many focuses you incorporate in this physical dimension?

FAY: In this physical dimension.

ELIAS: Very well. Total numbering in this physical dimension, 939.

FAY: How many are of the most influence to me now?

ELIAS: All focuses are influencing in some capacity, for they are all you. They are all attentions of you, and therefore each attention is influencing of every other attention, in a manner of speaking. Those that may be what you term as the most easily accessible, 108.

FAY: Since I'm Milumet aligned now, is there a tendency to access other Milumet focuses?

ELIAS: Not necessarily, no.

FAY: Do I have a favorite alignment? Or do essences choose certain family alignments over others more commonly in physical dimension?

ELIAS: Not necessarily. It is generally dependent upon the intent of any particular focus of attention in manifestation, in association with which family that particular focus shall align with, to facilitate their exploration more easily. But generally speaking, essences do not necessarily generate a preference, so to speak, concerning alignments, but allow for, generally, an even incorporation of all of the essence families as alignments, to be offering the experience of exploration in association with the qualities of all of these essence families.

Your preference moves in association with the essence family that you are belonging to, not necessarily with the alignment. The alignment is quite influencing in any one particular focus, for it is more overtly or obviously expressed than the belonging to qualities.

FAY: I sometimes experience maybe a conflict or a personal discounting with the Milumet alignment. I'm in a very Sumafi profession, in the media in public television, teaching. The Milumet is a very internal kind of quiet focus, and there are times when I feel like I should be out more, when really what I want to do is just sit inside myself. I wonder if you could offer any suggestions, maybe how to incorporate the energies more harmoniously of those two families. Do you understand what I'm asking?

ELIAS: Yes. This is not necessarily conflicting in expressions. What is influencing are your beliefs and expectations in association with yourself, which influence your perception, in which you express to yourself that you should be expressing in a particular manner but that this FEELS to you unsatisfactory or conflicting. I may express to you, what is significant that you allow yourself to examine is the influence of the beliefs that you hold in association with your expectations of yourself.

I may also express to you another influencing factor is your tendency to be expressing comparison of yourself and other individuals. As you generate this action of comparing, you reinforce these expectations upon yourself, which are not necessarily in harmony with your natural flow of energy.

In acceptance of your natural expression and your preferences, and allowance of yourself to be expressing the freedom to express in the manner that YOU want, you shall not generate this type of conflict in association with what you naturally express and what you expect yourself to express.

Allow yourself the recognition that you are the manifestation that you have chosen and that this is acceptable. It is not necessary to conform to what you view to be the expressions of other individuals. As I have stated many times previously, individuals experience validation and objective comfort in sameness, and experience threat in difference. But difference is your expression of uniqueness.

In this, you are all each highly unique individuals. Each attention is quite unique to itself. Even within essence there are no two attentions that are the same. Each attention is unique to itself, which is the expression of tremendous diversity and which is a wondrous expression of consciousness, allowing each attention to explore in its own unique manner, generating your own unique choices. The challenge in this physical dimension in association with shifting is to be acknowledging your uniqueness and paying attention to you and recognizing that your uniqueness is acceptable and that it needs not conform to the uniqueness of other individuals.

Comparison is an expression of discounting of the individual. It discounts the other individual and it discounts you.

FAY: How does it discount the other individual?

ELIAS: Even in your expressions of another individual being better than yourself, you are discounting of the other individual and you are discounting of yourself, for each moment that you discount yourself you also discount other individuals. You are expressing a judgment. Better is a judgment also, and therefore you are not accepting of the other individual, either.

FAY: I'm following.

ELIAS: Judgment is not merely associated with what you term to be negative, but also positive.

Now; as I have stated also previously, duplicity is a belief system also. It shall not be eliminated, either, in like manner to any other belief system. But this is not the point. The point is to be accepting, acknowledging the existence of these expressions and these beliefs, but knowing that you incorporate choice and recognizing that there are no absolutes. This is what removes the bite from duplicity, knowing that there are no absolutes.

Therefore, you may be expressing your preference and your opinion and your natural flow of energy, and you may be expressing alignment or not with any belief but KNOWING that you are CHOOSING that expression and recognizing that another individual may be choosing a different expression, and yours is not good and theirs is not bad or vice versa. They merely are different.

FAY: I think that because I've been struggling with this, I've been really noticing when I judge myself and therefore others as well.

The whole area of relationships and the belief system about relationships has been pretty challenging for me because... Well, I guess my question is I feel that on the one hand I'm not drawing the relationship, an intimate relationship, with a man for example, to me now because I need to focus on myself. Or are my belief systems, my fears about relationship and my fear of possibly allowing myself to be dominated by a role, is that more of the case? Or is it both together?

ELIAS: Both. What do you want?

FAY: (Sighs) I want what has been termed as ... I want a shift relationship. I want a relationship where both parties love each other's difference and can connect together on multiple levels.

ELIAS: Therefore, what YOU want is to offer yourself the freedom to express this without limitation. It matters not what the other individual wants.

FAY: (Laughs) It doesn't? It seems like it does.

ELIAS: I am aware of what it seems, for this is the expression of projecting your attention to the other individual and not trusting that you actually DO create all of your reality, even the other individual. This is quite unfamiliar.

You wish to be shifting, and you are, but the concept of shifting is quite unfamiliar. Shifting is actually shifting your perception, altering your perception. The manner in which this is accomplished is allowing yourself to become intimately familiar with YOU and knowing HOW you create your reality, and therefore allowing yourself to intentionally objectively steer it and create what you want without the conflict.

FAY: It sounds good! (Both laugh)

ELIAS: Be remembering, although there is no expression of karma, in your physical reality what you project outwardly in energy is what you shall manifest, for you reflect to yourself what you generate within yourself. This is actually a highly efficient manner of manifestation, for you continuously offer yourself a reflection of yourself, that you may continuously offer yourself information concerning what you are creating and what you are choosing - for all that you create, you choose.

What is unfamiliar is the action of paying attention and recognizing and noticing that reflection and recognizing that you are choosing all of these expressions. For within your beliefs, you express to yourself that you CHOOSE what you prefer. You CHOOSE what is comfortable; you CHOOSE what you like. What you dislike, what is uncomfortable, you do not choose.

FAY: (Laughs) Right!

ELIAS: It merely occurs, or other individuals choose that for you, for they create aspects of your reality that you do not create.

But this is the key, my friend, the tremendous empowerment of yourself in knowing your responsibility, which is not a negative term but a tremendously empowering term. For in recognizing your responsibility to you, you also recognize that YOU choose every expression in your reality, and therefore you choose how you shall direct it, even in association with other individuals. It is merely a matter of familiarizing yourself with you. The most challenging aspect of that is allowing yourself to recognize what it is that you genuinely want in the moment.

You speak to yourself in generalities, in generalities of time, of expression, of manifestations. You want a relationship - this is a tremendous generality. You want a relationship in which both individuals incorporate an appreciation of their movements in shifting - this is a tremendous generalization. You want to be expressing more ease in association with your creativity or your employment. This is quite general, also. Specifics are unfamiliar.

Subsequently you express to yourself, "I want these expressions. I want these manifestations. Why do I not create them?" What information are you offering to yourself? What are you expressing to yourself specifically to offer yourself the opportunity to create what you want? Do you incorporate an objective knowing HOW to create what you want? No, for you are not paying attention.

At times you may generate what you want. I may express to you, in the moments that you generate precisely what you want, you are actually paying attention to you, and you surprise yourself.

FAY: It's happened!

ELIAS: In genuinely paying attention to yourself in the moment, you begin to familiarize yourself with you and what YOU want to express.

Let me say to you, my friend, a natural by-product of your allowance of yourself to express what you want without limitation in utter freedom of yourself shall automatically generate the outside objective reflection of that. Therefore, it is not a question of generating a method of how to pursue another individual or draw to yourself another individual to incorporate an intimate romantic relationship; but if you are allowing yourself the freedom to genuinely express you openly and what YOU want, you shall, as a natural by-product, generate the reflection of that in manifestation in actual physical reality.

FAY: Right. It sounds so simple when you say it that way. I get it sometimes, and then I forget it. It's like I wake up a little and then I go to sleep again. (Elias chuckles) But also, to understand that emotionally is a big thing for me; to really incorporate that knowledge into my cells is challenging.

ELIAS: This also is a matter of attention, paying attention to your own communications, paying attention to your choices.

You are continuously offering yourself communications, and in each moment you are generating choices. Each moment is an outcome. Each moment is an opportunity. But if you are waiting for future moments to manifest, you are not offering yourself the engagement of the opportunity.

As I have expressed to other individuals, the most significant movement of attention is not merely to yourself but in the now, for all that you generate futurely is created now, literally.

In this, each moment being an opportunity, as I have expressed previously, may appear to you presently to be insignificant, but it is NOT. For each moment offers you the opportunity to familiarize yourself with intentionally choosing and intentionally objectively offering yourself the freedom and permission to express outwardly what you want, and manifest that in ANY situation. It matters not that you perceive some situations to be large and some situations to be quite small or mundane or insignificant. Each moment that you allow yourself that freedom, you become more intimately aware of you, and you reinforce your trust and your acceptance of yourself.

I may express to you quite genuinely, as you are aware any individual may choose in any moment to immediately materialize what they want. But in association with your beliefs, which are quite strong and quite familiar, generally speaking you do not. You allow yourselves to generate manifestations through processes, which is not bad. In actuality, this method of process within your physical dimension is quite efficient, for it allows you to move in a slower manner and objectively assimilate all that you are choosing and generating.

I may also express to you repetition is a natural movement in this physical dimension. Some individuals generate more of an expression of repetition than others, in specific movements in association with their essence families or alignments, but ALL individuals throughout your physical dimension generate repetition throughout their focuses. It is a movement of the design of this physical dimension. It allows you precise exploration, and also it is an expression objectively of continuous choice, that you recognize that you continuously incorporate choice. For you may generate very similar experiences repeatedly, but each moment you also incorporate choice. You may choose to be engaging the experience in a very similar manner, or you may choose to alter how you experience a particular situation or choice.

FAY: I've done that recently with relationships. It seems as if I've been presenting myself with a series of opportunities to say no and not to feel as victimized by the other person as I have in the past, and to make that choice a strong choice. That, and it seems that I keep repeating that particular choice. Here's a person - no. What game are you playing - no, I don't like that game. So am I just repeating this so I can get good at it, or am I repeating it so I can look at what it is that I am doing?

ELIAS: Yes. And what are you reflecting to familiarize yourself with you?

FAY: I get a little judgmental on myself about that. "Oh, you didn't create well enough again."

ELIAS: Which is another expectation and another expression of discounting of yourself. It is not that you have not created well enough. You are presenting yourself with reflections that you are choosing to familiarize yourself with. That is not an expression of not good enough or not creating well enough. It is creating precisely what you want in the moment to familiarize yourself with you, to become in the moment intimately familiar with you, and aware of your ability to generate what you want intentionally and what expressions trigger your doubtfulness of yourself and what beliefs are influencing of your perception. What are your automatic responses which deny your choices? If you are not aware objectively of your automatic responses, you shall merely continue to generate the automatic responses, for they are automatic and they do not incorporate thought.

FAY: Where's the difference between the automatic responses and trusting one's impulses? One could say that I'm trusting my impulses, and my impulse is to do this but then that actually was an automatic response. How does one tell the difference inside one's self? If you trust your impulses, your natural impulses, that can also seem like an automatic response.

ELIAS: Familiarizing yourself with your beliefs and the influence of your beliefs offers you the objective ability to distinguish what you are generating. Paying attention to your communications offers you the objective ability to recognize what it is that you are precisely generating in the moment.

Emotional communications are quite precise. It may appear to you temporarily that they are vague or confusing, but in actuality, as you allow yourself to recognize the communication that is occurring in association with the signal, you shall view that your subjective awareness is presenting to you in that emotional communication a precise identification of what you are actually generating in that moment and what belief is influencing that perception.

FAY: I have one emotional communication, or it's almost physical in my heart area, that's like an expansion of energy and almost like my heart's going to burst out of my chest. I sometimes associate it with love and connection, and at other times maybe it's a projection of attention and anticipation of a particular event or of fear or of doubt. But this energy center in me feels very powerful. (Elias nods in agreement)

So how long have we known each other? How many focuses?

ELIAS: Many.

FAY: Are you going to ask me what my impression is? (Laughing)

ELIAS: Very well.

FAY: Seventeenth century France. Yes?


FAY: I was a nobleman?


FAY: Were you my father-in-law?

ELIAS: Brother of.

FAY: Brother of the father-in-law?


FAY: How many focuses have we shared all together?

ELIAS: Your impression?

FAY: It would be a guess, I think, if I said it. Twenty?

ELIAS: One hundred and two.

FAY: (Gasps) Oh my god! (Laughs) Oh god, maybe that's why I was nervous.

ELIAS: Quite.

FAY: Really? Oh my god!

ELIAS: Your expression of anxiousness is in recognition of a tremendous familiarity and once again a discounting of yourself. How may you be so very presumptuous as to be this familiar with this essence? But you are. It is not arrogance; it is not presumptuousness. It merely is. You are no less a glorious being than myself.

FAY: (Laughs) It's good to see you.

ELIAS: And you also.

FAY: I hope I remember more. I just feel it energetically now.

ELIAS: And so you shall, if allowing yourself. And so you shall also recognize my energy exchange and interaction with you more objectively, if you are allowing yourself that openness.

FAY: Did you play with my toilet the other night?

ELIAS: (Chuckles) I may express to you, this is merely an exchange of energy and YOU chose the objective imagery.

FAY: Ah! I see. Well, it made me laugh. (Elias laughs loudly) I do truly feel you around a lot.

ELIAS: I am aware. And I am.

FAY: How many people can you interact with subjectively at the same time?

ELIAS: Countless.

FAY: Really? And you have a focused attention on each of those... the particularities of that person?

ELIAS: The energy of the individual, yes.

FAY: How about like the specifics of whatever they're creating?

ELIAS: The energy that you project offers a clear expression of what you are creating and your direction. Energy is much more efficient and informative than language.

FAY: Indeed. Sometimes I feel that in my life. I feel the energy of somebody. And here I am in this situation that seems to have social constraints and cultural constraints around it. I know what the truth is in energy but I feel like it can't be expressed objectively in a situation. I just say it to myself, the rules.

ELIAS: The rule for appropriateness. And this is what we are speaking of this day, offering yourself permission to be freely expressing yourself. Steer your own ship.

FAY: I like that steering metaphor. This ship particularly. Lots of dream imagery with steering the boat up and down waves.

ELIAS: Direct yourself, and trust your ability and your expression to be directing of yourself.

FAY: I guess that I'm still coming to terms with this "I create it all." There are still little pockets of resistance to that.

ELIAS: And I shall express to you in association with rules, it may appear to you that the rules are created by other individuals; the "theys" of your world create the rules. BUT there are no rules that are expressed that you are not generating within yourself.

FAY: So hence the need to examine what it is I've taken on in terms of what those rules are.

ELIAS: Correct.

FAY: And to then choose.

ELIAS: Correct.

FAY: I could still choose to live within a certain boundary because I choose to, not because I'm forced to.

ELIAS: Correct, and perhaps this may be your preference. But allowing yourself the recognition of what your preferences are is significant, for individuals express conflict in the moments in which they are generating a choice of an expression that they do not prefer, not recognizing that they are choosing but expressing to themselves that they are not choosing and that they are a victim.

FAY: It's huge!

ELIAS: This is the reason that I have expressed that there is trauma in association with this shift. This is an immense movement and a tremendous alteration of your physical reality. You are redefining your reality, which is no insignificant undertaking.

FAY: So if I shift myself then everything around me shifts, right?

ELIAS: Correct.

FAY: Uh! (Laughs) That's so hard to wrap my mind around. I mean I get it exceptionally but...

ELIAS: It is quite unfamiliar.

FAY: So each person in the world, in the globe, in this physical dimension, it's one person at a time. But why does it seem to be concentrated in this time?

ELIAS: This is a time framework in which you have chosen collectively to be generating this movement of this Source Event and inserting it into your physical objective reality in this particular dimension, within a particular time framework which encompasses approximately one and three-quarter centuries.

FAY: Of which we're through 100 years now, right?

ELIAS: Correct, and now you are generating the objective insertion of this shift. You have already shifted, so to speak...

FAY: Subjectively?

ELIAS: ...subjectively.

FAY: Everyone on the planet? Or just...

ELIAS: Yes. The subjective movement in opening to this shift in consciousness has already been established in foundation. Now you are objectively inserting this shift in consciousness into your physical reality.

Now; do not misunderstand or generate unnecessary confusion. Objective does not follow subjective. You have been generating the objective expressions of the subjective movement consistently throughout your previous century...

FAY: Right. There's been a huge amount of change.

ELIAS: all of the movement in generating the objective expressions that are reflections of essence, all of your wondrous inventions, which within your previous century were created in extreme and in concentration of time.

NOW you are moving into the objective expression in which you are moving your attentions to yourselves individually and becoming aware what you are creating and how you are creating and that you are intentionally directing of yourselves and that you do incorporate the ability to generate what you want, for you ARE actually manipulating energy and creating all of your reality. It is not merely occurring.

Now you begin to recognize the reality that ALL of the inspirations within your previous century that sparked all of these wondrous creations and explorations - all your wondrous adventures and all of your wondrous inventions - you are now, in this century, recognizing that all of that inspiration is generated from within you.

FAY: Right. (Sighs) It's big. I know that being part of the shift is my intent. Is there anything else that we could discuss further about my intention?

ELIAS: What is your identification of your intent in this focus?

FAY: I think it is something about being a pioneer, breaking boundaries or breaking the rules or realizing that there are no rules, but there's also something about love and dreams and art. (Laughs)

ELIAS: What is the theme of your focus that is expressed throughout all of your directions throughout the entirety of your focus?

FAY: Well, being creative is part of it, bringing the inside out, expressing what is inside outside, having it be okay to open up and show my imagination and give myself permission.

ELIAS: I shall offer to you, the expression of your intent in this focus is to explore the communication of imagination in all of its expressions and to explore the manifestation of imagination communications, for imagination is a communication - it is not fantasy - and how the impossible may be expressed as possible in relation to this one avenue of communication in imagination.

FAY: That is interesting, yes. That's where my paintings come from and that's where my music comes from; that's where my singing, my dancing comes from, from within my imagination.

ELIAS: Correct.

FAY: (Laughs) The communication of imagination and its manifestation - I think that's delightful!

ELIAS: This is the theme, and this theme may be incorporated in every area and direction within your focus.

FAY: Even in relationship with others?


FAY: (Knock on door) Okay! One more question.

ELIAS: Very well.

FAY: I feel that I'm a final focus. Is that correct?

ELIAS: Correct.

FAY: I feel the fatigue sometimes of it.

ELIAS: This is associated with beliefs also.

FAY: Is it?


FAY: Oh, I thought that was something I heard you say.

ELIAS: This is associated with beliefs that individuals incorporate in association with religious beliefs, and manifestations and remanifestations, and linear time and that the final focus is the ending focus and therefore...

FAY: Exhausted.

ELIAS: ...throughout the journey has become quite fatigued.

The designated final focus is merely a designation of an action, and in this, you may not necessarily be in linear time framework the last focus in association with time.

FAY: So I could have future focuses?

ELIAS: Correct.

FAY: And I DO have future focuses.

ELIAS: Correct.

FAY: But I'm the one that gets the action going.

ELIAS: Of designating the disengagement of the attention of the essence from this physical dimension. That is translated many times by many individuals that are designated final focuses in association with religious beliefs, that they experience fatigue. But this also, my friend, is a choice. In recognizing that that is an association and an influence of a belief, you may also choose to be expressing tremendous energy and appreciation of all that you generate and perhaps a renewed appreciation of your exploration in this focus.

FAY: Now there's a good idea. (Fay sighs) Did we get the knock on the door? Oh, we had a knock at the door, which I think means we need to end.

ELIAS: Very well. I extend my invitation to you that in ease you may allow yourself to be interactive with myself again futurely.

FAY: I will, and I look forward to that objectively but also subjectively.

ELIAS: And so shall I, and I shall continue to express my energy to you in encouragement.

FAY: Thank you, Elias.

ELIAS: You are quite welcome, my friend. To you, old friend, in great affection, I express au revoir.

FAY: Au revoir.

Elias departs at 2:39 PM.

©2004 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved

Copyright 2002 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.