Session 2340

Connecting as Essences


“Connecting as Essences”
“Tapping into the Energy of Experiences”

Friday, August 31, 2007 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael), Jean-Baptiste (Araili) and Eric (Yuki)

ELIAS: Good evening!

JIB, ERIC: Good evening Elias

ELIAS: Ahah! And what shall we discuss my friends?

ERIC: Don’t you have an idea? (laughs)

ELIAS: Ahahaha.

ERIC: Hmmm OK, this is Eric speaking. Actually since we last met, there has been lots of things moving on in energy, and especially in connecting with Jean-Baptiste. And, we also felt you around a lot during this time, and we would appreciate some of your comments on our movement and on the things we are experimenting in energy with Jean-Baptiste.

ELIAS: And what are you doing?

ERIC: (laughs) It seems like we are doing some mergences, quite intense, and some exploration in sharing some aspects and feeling energy, and manipulating it, and it’s like we are facilitating each other’s shifting in a way.

ELIAS: In what capacity?

JIB: Enhancing our exploration, [inaudible] or exploring new areas of our aspects, or consciousness. It’s like we’re switching aspects between each other. Even I felt at times that I was switching orientations, like I was perceiving in an intermediate way, coming back to a soft way afterwards.

ELIAS: An interesting exploration.

ERIC: Yes, very interesting, and it’s like also we are providing each other total acceptance, and we are really experiencing things rather than merely intellectualizing it.

ELIAS: Aaaah, and what types of experimentations are you engaging, other than exploring different aspects?

JIB: A lot of belief acceptance, and a lot of remembrance, like being one another, no separation, projecting energy in a physical way, like I felt Eric at all times, almost like he was beside me in the bed, or at times I felt he was channeled by my boyfriend, when he was taking me by the hand or something like that, a physical translation [of energy], and also channeling our others aspects, mixing or melding them...

ERIC: A lot of thing!...

ELIAS: Quite interesting. This is quite interesting, and I would express that it can be quite a fun exploration.

JIB: Oh yes. (all laugh)

ERIC: Actually, our questions probably have to do with what are the potentials of exploration, the most easy or probable within our facilitating of each others. And perhaps help us identify each others’ blockages or areas in which we can focus more to enhance this connection.

ELIAS: I would express that you are accomplishing that quite well already, and in that, as you focus your energies with each other, and you allow yourselves to merge and feel into each others’ energies, you may in actuality each discover some obstacles that the other may not necessarily be aware of yet, and you can share that with each other, and therefore facilitate your interactions even further.

JIB: Yes.

ERIC: And in terms of essences interacting with us, we felt a lot of supportive energies, yours and also from others. Are there some essences more directly interactive with us that we can identify?

ELIAS: Yes. I would express that there are several within this energy exchange, that are offering encouraging energies to each of you. I would express to you an identification of Tomkin,...

ERIC: Yes, indeed (chuckles)

ELIAS: ... Twylah... I would also express that Lazour has been interactive. That energy is more subtle. That energy is expressed by that essence in a more gentle manner, can be quite soothing, which encourages ease.

ERIC: Interesting.

JIB: OK. And what about Rose?

ELIAS: At times, yes. Rose’s energy is very playful.

ERIC: When we are doing this mergence with Jean-Baptiste, is there a tone with which we can identify the merged essence, if that makes sense, or something that we can draw on?

ELIAS: I would express that what you can incorporate as a focal point that may be easier and may be more effective, would be a color.

JIB: Would it be the kind of purple-pink I saw last time...?

ELIAS: Yes. Yes, that would be correct.

JIB: OK. We have been shifting in a lot of actions lately, would you confirm that the probability that we can tune into shape-shifting or some other energies manifestations, like creating something out of nothing, or...


JIB: Would it be easy to do that now, or do we have to focus more on belief systems...

ELIAS: I would express that this would be more easily accomplished now than it would have been previously and I would express that it may be a beneficial practice to engage that action with an existing object first, such as... a chair.

JIB: Chair?

ELIAS: Yes. In which, if you concentrate your energies together, you can focus upon a chair and allow your perception to reconfigure its shape.

JIB: That wouldn’t mean necessary the same shape [into which] we would reconfigure the chair?

ELIAS: Clarify.

JIB: I mean, Eric [could] reconfigure the chair with another shape or [would it be the same?]

ELIAS: Yes, you are correct, but let me also express to you that may occur initially in which each of you may configure the chair differently but you may also pool you energies together and in engaging the action together, perhaps in physical proximity with each other, you can generate the reconfiguration and both see the chair in the same manner in a different shape.

JIB: OK. How the physical proximity affects the exchange and the reconfiguring energy. Is it because of our associations based on [being in different] locations?

ELIAS: You can do it without being in the same location, but I would also express to you that in shifting shapes to create the same shape, it may be easier if you are in physical proximity with each other.


ELIAS: I would express that practicing with this action will allow you to experience altering shapes and actually accomplishing that. In that, once you become familiar and comfortable with the action of altering an existing shape, it will become easier for you to generate new shapes, or create new manifestations.

JIB: OK. Could you tell us if Mary is in a good shape, or if she feels bad [with her ribs]...

ELIAS: Very well. I will express to you when the body consciousness is experiencing significant discomfort.

JIB: OK. Thank you. We don’t want it to be too uncomfortable.

ELIAS: I am understanding.

JIB: I also wanted to know about the experience that we had last time when Eric came home, and we were sitting on the bed, holding our hands together, I was feeling different waves of energy, and it was like my body had different faces - and Eric told me I had different faces. And I wanted to know what I was doing, we were doing, because he was facilitating that...

ELIAS: I would express to you an acknowledgment and a congratulation for this is not an action that many individuals engage although it is quite possible for any individuals to engage, and most individuals do not. This is an action in which you are allowing yourselves to connect as essences and in doing so, you can access the experience of other focuses. Now, therefore what occurs is, you are passing energy between you, and with the significant openness as essence, what occurs is that the separation and the singularity of this one focus somewhat blurs and therefore it somewhat dissolved. And in that action you allow the experience of yourselves or of each other, or both, being more expanded than merely this one focus, but without threatening your identity. This is the significant accomplishment my friends.

JIB: Thank you, this is very interesting...

ELIAS: I am greatly acknowledging of you for this is not an action that is easily accomplished. It requires a significant openness not merely with yourselves, but with each other, and that is not often experienced between individuals.

JIB: Yes, we felt very very connected with Eric, and I feel like I don’t want to hide things from him, and he feels the same...

ELIAS: I am greatly acknowledging of you both.

JIB: Who was it who gave me so much love during that experimentation... She felt like a grandma, and she or she was always laughing and laughing... Eric says, ”the fat lady”...

ELIAS: Hahahahaha. Hahaha. That would be associated with another focus that you share, that incorporates a very strong bond and a very strong affection.

JIB: Okay. We’ll have to investigate this one. Eric also wanted to know if our exchange is influencing many of our focuses... I know some of them reconfigure the energy, and some of them don’t incorporate that very much, I think what we wanted to know, is how it facilitates our own experimentation...

ELIAS: Somewhat.

JIB: And did we increase our shared focuses?


JIB: How significantly?

ELIAS: Quite significantly.

JIB: Really? How many do we share now?

ELIAS: Presently, seven hundred and three.

JIB: WOW. That’s a lot! I like that.

ELIAS: Ahah.

JIB: We feel also that we fragmented some essences since the beginning of our experimentation. At least one, that Eric felt, whom we called Midora, and we felt her as a golden yellow. Eric also felt two potential fragmentation. Because he dreamt of twin eggs tended by Rose.

ELIAS: I would express that your information is quite accurate.

JIB: Great!

ERIC: I had also a question regarding the other exchanges we are doing with other people, we are drawing to each other. Actually we have been doing things like group drawings on the Internet, also on my part some writing. And doing this writing, I felt like I was channeling a lot of these group energies. And I wanted to know if there was more than a potential to do these kind of exchange, and if it was facilitated by Araili ; or is it just something that I do right now because it brings me some information, or is it something that I can continue?

ELIAS: All of it!

ERIC: (laughs)

ELIAS: Ahah! I would express that yes, affirmative to all of what you have expressed.

ERIC: Okay. And another question regarding that is also is there a point in trying to identify from which essence or group of essences the information comes from, because I find things like it’s coming from a vast energy and I don’t really know where it comes from. Is there a point in doing this, trying to associate some tone or some energy...

ELIAS: I would express to you generally speaking individuals want to attach some type of an identity to what they are interacting with. You are correct that for the most part what you are connecting with is a collection of energies, a collection of essences, a group. And therefore it may be somewhat difficult to isolate individual essences, and it is in actuality not necessary. In this, if you feel more comfortable assigning some type of group name to this collection of energies, then I would encourage you to do so, for it may allow you to create more of a focal point with a name. But it it not necessary action, but if you feel that you can connect more in a focused manner by assigning a title to this collective, I would quite encourage you to choose one.

ERIC: (laughs) Yes. (Elias laughs) Actually I like also the fact not to associate names, as it also makes things more fluid..

ELIAS: Yes, I would agree. And, as you are moving in the direction of generating less separation, when you assign a title to a group of energies you create an association of a thing, and when you do that you create another expression of separation whereas if it does not incorporate a title it is more fluid for it incorporate less of an association of separation for it is not separate from you. It is and it is not.

JIB: We had something to ask about an experience we had when we did a shared drawing. It was very upsetting, because I felt I was forcing energy to do something I didn’t want at that time. I wanted to be with Eric but it seems like I couldn’t continue to draw that drawing, because it was like it was repelling me. Eric was quite involved in that drawing...

ERIC: We were both forcing...

JIB: And each time, I tried to draw a line, or a color, or something like that. And once the drawing was ended we realized it was connected to many many drawings from a Japanese painter Hokusai. [And Eric tells me that he felt very uneasy too in that experimentation.] We even tried to reconfigure the shapes: there was a woman, and hands, and afterwards we found a similarity with Fujiyama (Mont Fuji), the big wave, the small people in another drawing [of the painter], the squid so many things like that... We wanted to know what was the connection with the painter at that time; is there a focus connection or is there another kind of connection with the essence... ?

ELIAS: First of all, I would inquire of you why you continued when you were aware that you were forcing and you were uncomfortable.

ERIC: Well, it was an interesting experiment actually, just to see where were our limits I think, and how we did create opposition in trying to manipulate each other’s energy and not accepting it. So it was very interesting. It was a good experience.

ELIAS: Very well...

ERIC: Because we stopped in the end!

ELIAS: Very well. Because what you were tapping into was a very unpleasant energy. In that... Let me express to you, in these experimentations that you are engaging, in merging and in creating less separation and in connecting your energies together as essence, you can tap into energies that you have experienced that you would view now as being extremely uncomfortable, and unpleasant. And in that, you automatically generate imagery to create some type of an association to attach to the unpleasantness. Are you understanding?


ELIAS: Therefore the imagery that you are presenting to yourselves may not necessarily be literal, but it is a representation of an unpleasant association. Are you understanding?

JIB: You mean that was unpleasant in association with when we where connecting?

ELIAS: No, no, no. You are connecting as essence, and just as I expressed to you in the other experimentation that you engaged, you are as essence allowing yourselves to tap into many many many other experiences that are being expressed in other focuses. In this action, at times, what you are doing in that mergence of yourselves as essence, is generating a very similar action to that in which you may connect with another dimension. When you connect with another dimension, you generate a translation of what you are connecting with for the other dimension does not fit within your dimension therefore you translate it in a manner that you can understand and that you can generate an association with. In this situation, you are tapping into other experiences that are being generating by other focuses but you are not necessarily actually tapping into the imagery of those experiences, you are tapping into the energy of it. And in that, what occurs is you begin to automatically generate a translation of that energy and that is what appears in the imagery of your drawing.

JIB: OK. So it is not necessarily related to the painter Hokusai or of that dimension, but we translated...

ELIAS: Yes! It was associated with the energy of the experiences of other focuses in this physical reality, in this dimension, but not one in particular. It was more associated with, in a manner of speaking, a grouping of experiences that are similar and in that, rather than tapping into the imagery of the experiences, you were tapping into the energy of the experiences. In a manner of speaking you were tapping into the feeling of the experiences and translating that into the drawing.

JIB: Okay. Why did we choose the Hokusai paintings to translate that. Is there a connection or nothing special?

ELIAS: Yes. There is a connection for you do incorporate focuses there.

JIB: OK. And it was related to the energy that we were tapping into...

ELIAS: Yes. Yes. But not singularly with that focus, but with many focuses. A grouping of focuses that incorporate similar experiences.

JIB: It seems that it’s a singularity in our experimentation... It’s more like we are tapping into one bit of that, and one bit of that... and we’re pooling and grouping and reconfiguring all that energy in our own particular focus...

ELIAS: Yes, I would agree.

JIB: Interesting... (pause) It’s just like we’re doing [inaudible]

ELIAS: Ahahah.

JIB: Eric and I are also concerned about our shared creations, because we feel that there is a potential that it can be a chore... We don’t want it to be a chore, but just configure it as a game. We think about the story I wrote when I was a kid about Georges and Salome, and there is also more general stuff...

ELIAS: I would express to you my friends not to be concerned that you will generate your experimentations into a chore for you both incorporate a very playful perception and considerable curiosity and in that you are allowing yourselves to generate fun. I am understanding your motivation for continuing in your one experiment as an interesting deviation, and that also was motivated by the curiosity to see what would occur, and that is acceptable. But I would also express that within each of you, neither of you incorporate much of a desire to be experiencing in negativity or discomfort and you do incorporate a considerable playfulness. Therefore I would express to you that it is much more likely that you will continue to expand and explore in this playful manner and generate fun and deeper connections than it is that you would create these actions to be a chore. Ahahah!

JIB: (laughs) I’m loving that! Another question in relation to that about all the ups and downs we’re going through currently, experiencing different belief systems and also reconfiguring considerably our preferences, just like testing them one after another. Eric wants to know about [transition] that helps to?...

ERIC: Yes, because you said in a session to Jean-Baptiste, that he was considering slight [transition] to add an ease to his explorations. And my question has to do if that was something I was also doing - in relation also to the shift. Is that just a movement where we are just exploring within fun, or is it something we are doing more subjectively to allow that?

ELIAS: Generating transition? Yes, you are.

JIB: Both of us?

ELIAS: Yes. And I would express that in your interaction within each other you are enhancing that action, which is instrumental in allowing you to be generating the experiences that you are, in shifting.

JIB: OK. Because it feels more and more that kind of more [fluidity] and it feels like it is more and more possible... there is more and more potentials doing that...

ELIAS: Yes, you are correct.

ERIC: So this is not specifically related to the wave of perception. It is more related to our own personal movement?

ELIAS: There are elements that involve perception, but in this situation it would more be associated with your own movements in association with shifting and with this mergence that you are doing.

JIB, ERIC: Great!

ELIAS: I had a question about the tile you told me to investigate once, and I drew it and shared this with Jean-Baptiste and it feels like it was related to both families of Tumold and Sumafi and linked also to a notion of separation and coming back as one, and wanted to know if it was correct.

ELIAS: Yes. Congratulations.

ERIC: (laughs) And there was another, when we tried to investigate tiles together, and it was in the form of the eject button on the computer, and I wanted to know if that’s a tile or a portal or something like this...

ELIAS: Yeees. But, once again, I would encourage you to investigate further. And when you are aware of what it is, it will be inserted.

ERIC: Okay. Another quick one, I had perhaps another huafua word I also got from Patel too, something like ”quirtz” [pronounced kweerts], and I connected it with having a sense of clarity or focusing within clarity, and I wanted to know your confirmation about that.

ELIAS: Congratulations! You are correct.

ERIC: Is there a way I can use this word, is that related only to dreams or...

ELIAS: You can incorporate that in association with dreams, you can also incorporate it in association with visualizations and you can even incorporate it at times to enhance your experimentations.

ERIC: Okay.

JIB: I wanted to come back on the configuration of our experiments with preferences and energy... Because since last Friday, it’s very upsetting...

ELIAS: Clarify.

JIB: I feel like I’m not doing what I want to do currently, but it seems like I don’t know where I want to be, and I’m creating imageries with my right foot, like I’m generating imagery that a shoe can be comfortable and that I can still create pain...

ELIAS: What are you doing that you do not want to be doing?

JIB: I’m going to work!

ELIAS: Aahahaha

JIB: More realistically... I don’t think I like working in that area. It’s like I’m forcing energy. [Eric feels that I’m counterpart that with his mother].

ELIAS: But these are choices my friend. And I am understanding that there are strong associations that you should or you must do certain actions in relation to employment, even if you disagree or dislike them, but that in actuality is not true, it is a matter of what you choose. And whether you choose to be directing of yourself and engage your own choices and your own methods or whether you choose to incorporate the direction and instructions of other individuals and comply with the manner in which they want actions to be done. And in this I would express to you it is more a matter of you allowing yourself to express in a manner that you are more comfortable with and not concerning yourself with that of other individuals.

JIB: Yes, I feel more and more embarrassed if I don’t accept myself, actually more like I will explode... (both laugh) I feel also that I’m doing it in increments...

ELIAS: I am understanding, and I would be encouraging of that, for it is not necessary to overwhelm yourself, but I would express to you that it is important that you allow yourself your own freedom and not restrict yourself, for in restricting yourself you create physical manifestations.

JIB: Yes, like the foot, or constriction in my chest, or....

ELIAS: Yes! For these are manifestations that are signals or responses in relation to what you are doing in other expressions. What you are restricting yourself with, what you are denying yourself, what you are not allowing within your own freedom. Let me express an encouragement to you my friend. Allow yourself to apply that freedom that you allow yourself to engage with the two of you and translate that into your employment. In different actions, but in the same allowance of yourself.

JIB: Yes. Because I feel also like I’m creating many many directions in my employment. Like one where my employer wants me to move from this area to another one, and there is [the manager in this other company who wants to hire me]... It’s like nothing is settled, and I’m creating tension, pushing or pulling from one part to another, and everything is tearing [me] apart...

ELIAS: I’m understanding, but this is a matter of you allowing yourself to evaluate what you want, and in that allowing yourself to move forward in what you want, in the manner that you want, and to generate in your own creative expression.

JIB: OK, I’ll do that.

ELIAS: Very well.

JIB: I’ll trust my creation and my imagination.

ELIAS: Ahahaha!

JIB: Eric wanted to know about an animal for our merged essences... Because we’ve got lots of imageries of lions or dragons...

ELIAS: And your impressions?

JIB: Eric says phoenix and dragon.

ELIAS: I would agree.

JIB: Both of them? Wow...


JIB: We like that!

ELIAS: Ahahaha.

JIB: Because we’ve been translating that in the story he wrote with the people in the forum, with the animals, and I was the lynx, Eric the rabbit and the merged one was a dragon...

ELIAS: (chuckles) Another playful expression.

JIB: I had once a feeling about dragon focuses.


JIB: I felt... that it was interested in me, and maybe just curious about what I was doing... more than I was curious about it...

ELIAS: (laughs) I would express that it is quite accurate. Ahah. And do you think that you are the only curious beings? Ahahah.

JIB: (laughs) not always...

ELIAS: (laughs). I will express to you as you have requested that the body consciousness is weakening.

JIB: Okay. Thanks a lot for all of what you said...

ERIC: ...for all of your supportive energy...

ELIAS: Always my friend! I am always with you, I am always present, and I am always encouraging...

ERIC: We are allowing more of a recognition of it.

ELIAS: I shall greatly be anticipating our next meeting and our adventure together in your new explorations. (laughs)

JIB, ERIC: Thanks a lot Elias.

ELIAS: You are very welcome my friends, in great appreciation, and in tremendous lovingness, to each of you, au revoir.

JIB, ERIC: Au revoir.

[Elias departs after 59 min]

Eric’s note: see the inserted tiles .

Copyright 2007 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.