Friday, December 15, 2000-1 (Private/Phone)
Participants: Mary (Michael), Gail (William), and John (Smith).
Elias arrives at 12:45 p.m. (Arrival time is 20 seconds)
ELIAS: Good morning, William!
GAIL: Good morning! How ya doin’, Elias?
ELIAS: As always, and yourself?
GAIL: Pretty good. I feel better today than I’ve felt in
a little while, but overall, I definitely have some questions to talk to
you about, and our pal John is on the other line here, listening in.
ELIAS: Very well.
GAIL: Well, let’s see, where to start? Yarr came over last
night and helped lend energy to me, and activated some energy centers,
my yellow and orange, ‘cause I’m again creating irritation, and we kind
of went over the topic, and I was just wondering if I pretty much got the
issue brought up to the surface, that I can look at it.
ELIAS: What is your impression, William?
GAIL: My impression is that I pretty much hit the topic of getting
mad at myself for creating what I created.
ELIAS: Which is?
GAIL: Well, my life, (laughing, and Elias chuckles) in a nutshell!
You know, what we consider negative — hurtfulness, pain, torture, all that
kind of stuff. I’ve realized that I created it, and now I feel like
I’m at the point of being mad at myself for creating it, and I feel like
I continue to beat myself up, thinking that I don’t deserve to create anything
that’s joyful or pleasurable and that I want, and I’m really tired of it.
ELIAS: And what are you offering to yourself in this information,
in this revelation that you have presented to yourself concerning your
worth and your disdain with your creations?
GAIL: Well, I think I’m definitely ready to move on, and create
happiness and things that are light and playful and joyful.
ELIAS: And your question is, how may you accomplish that.
GAIL: Yeah, how can I ... I know it sounds easy to like let it
go, but I don’t know how to let it go, and I know that I still hang onto
it, but I don’t know why I continue to hang onto it, when I want to move
forward and create joy and pleasure.
ELIAS: Let us examine this idea of “letting go” or continuing
to hold to experiences and expressions that you have created within your
focus in a different manner, shall we?
GAIL: Yes.
ELIAS: Very well. Your society and your science of psychology
expresses to you that the manner in which you may accomplish creating happiness
or joyfulness within your focus is to be letting go, in your terms, of
the emotional experience associated with certain creations that have been
enacted within your focus, correct?
GAIL: Right.
ELIAS: Therefore, you align with this belief and you struggle,
for you are continuously attempting to move away from the association of
certain experiences and replace them with other experiences. But
in your very physical terms, this does not work. (Chuckling)
Let me express to you, the reason that you — and many other individuals
also — encounter much difficulty in this type of association is that you
are not in actuality addressing to self and what creates the movement that
you continuously find yourself within, in a manner of speaking.
Now; let us discuss allowing yourself to view yourself in a slightly
different manner, which may be helpful to you in allowing you to move your
Let me first express to you once again, your perception creates your
actual reality. Your beliefs influence that perception, but your
beliefs are not what is creating the actual reality. They are influencing.
They are directing.
In this, your beliefs set forth a type of design which is expressed
to you, to your perception. The perception translates your individual
association with those beliefs, and constructs an actual reality in relation
to them.
Now; there are elements in this mechanism of creating your reality that
are extremely influencing in how your perception shall translate those
beliefs that you hold. One very influencing aspect of this translation
mechanism is your individual definition of terms, of actions, of expressions
within your individual reality.
Now; let me express to you, in certain expressions or aspects of your
reality, the definitions that you hold may be distorted, or you may offer
to yourself a definition, and in actuality, it may not be what genuinely
defines a particular aspect of your reality.
Now; I shall direct to you specifically, one of these types of expressions
is emotion.
You hold a definition in association with the action and the expression
of emotional qualities, but your definition is askew, for you define emotion
as reactionary. You view emotion to be an expression which is created
within you in response to other actions, to other creations, to other events.
You do not view emotion to be a thing in itself, so to speak, which is
not dependent upon response.
GAIL: I gave myself an example of that, I believe, when I was
with Danny, and I felt myself respond to him, as opposed to him making
an action and I have a response and an emotion from it.
ELIAS: I am understanding. This definition moves more extensively
than merely what you view to be outside of yourself, for you also define
the reactionary quality of emotion in association with yourself and with
your creations.
Let me express to you, as I have offered recently to other individuals,
the genuine definition of emotion is an action of communication.
Communication is different than reaction.
Your emotional expressions are not reactions. They are a communication.
They are an objective translation of subjective information. This
is the manner in which your subjective awareness is not hidden from you
and expresses communication to you.
You are familiar with communication of language and thought. You
have forgotten what the creation of emotion is in this physical dimension.
It is a base element of this physical dimension. All of this physical
dimension is based in emotion and sexuality.
Emotion is an avenue of communication, and in that avenue of communication,
each expression that you offer to yourself through emotion that you do
not or choose not to receive or listen to shall continue to be expressed.
Individuals puzzle themselves in why they shall create an expression
of emotion in happiness, and that shall appear to them to be brief.
But they may be creating what they view as negative emotions and they shall
continue and repeat, and the individual views themselves to be stuck within
that expression, which continues to perpetuate. There is a reason
that this occurs.
In this, as you receive a communication, you no longer continue to present
that same communication to yourself. It has been received and accepted.
If you are refusing to receive the message, that which is delivering the
message continues to deliver until the point that you allow the reception
of it.
This is a basic and simple principle, but this also creates tremendous
confusion and conflict for many individuals and for you individually, for
you are not understanding the nature of the expression. The nature
of the expression is an offering of communication to you.
GAIL: Is that what the door-knocking and the phone ringing in
my sleep state is about?
Now; let us view this briefly as an example — your telephone ringing.
This provides a clear, objective, simplistic example of what I am expressing
to you.
As your phone rings, it is delivering a message to you to respond, to
receive. As you answer your telephone, it discontinues ringing, correct?
GAIL: Right, but I never seem to get to pick up the phone in my
dream state. I just hear it ringing and it wakes me up.
ELIAS: And this is the imagery that I am expressing to you, for
as you do not answer that ringing telephone, it continues to ring, correct?
GAIL: Yeah, but I want to answer it! (Laughing)
ELIAS: And this is what you are presenting to yourself, and this
is the reason that you are engaging with myself this day ...
GAIL: This is very true!
ELIAS: ... that you may allow yourself a clearer understanding
of what you are presenting to yourself. This is a clear example.
You are not responding to the emotion; not the emotion being reactionary
or responding to you.
GAIL: Right, and I know that I’ve created that all my life.
I’ve responded to people as opposed to paying attention to what I wanted.
I only reacted from what other people wanted. That’s what I created.
ELIAS: Correct.
GAIL: But now I want to look at it from the other side and go
okay, I want to feel something and have an action or an understanding,
and I don’t. It’s like I was in a dark room trying to find a way
out, and I just couldn’t find a way out, but I knew there was one.
ELIAS: And this is what you are examining. Let me express
to you, you are feeling, in your terms, already. You are experiencing
the communication of your emotion. You wish to be experiencing a
different communication, but you continue to experience a specific communication,
for you are not allowing yourself to receive that communication.
The communication....
GAIL: I want to know why I’m not! (Laughing)
ELIAS: The communication is offering to you NOT the movement of
“letting go” of the experiences that you have created throughout your focus.
The communication is an identification of those experiences, a recognition
of those experiences, and a call, in a manner of speaking, to you to allow
yourself to be accepting of those experiences and those creations.
They have each been created purposefully within your focus. They
have been chosen — not merely created by you, but chosen by you, and....
GAIL: I understand that. I mean, I’ve had thoughts of that
and I’m aware of that and I accept that, I think anyway! (Laughing, and
Elias chuckles) I know I created it for the experience, but somehow
that seems ... I can’t like get my hands around that to really understand
what that means. I mean....
ELIAS: I am understanding.
GAIL: I mean, yeah, I created it for the experience, but what
does that mean to me?
ELIAS: I am understanding, and this is what you are exploring
now. Let me offer to you, the experience that you have created and
what you are presenting to yourself now in your exploration is an offering
to you, that you allow yourself to view the depth of yourself.
Now; allow yourself momentarily to visualize a picture, and within this
picture, if you incorporate no shadow into this picture, what shall you
create? You shall create a picture which is flat. It incorporates
no depth. As you allow the expression of the shadow into this picture,
you also introduce the depth and the dimension.
Therefore, in allowing yourself to fully accept self and move into a
genuine appreciation of self, you incorporate the acceptance of the shadow
intertwined with the brightness, and they serve equally in creating the
multi-dimensionality of you.
But you continue to view the shadow as bad, and you continue to view
the shadow as an element of yourself and of your creations and your experiences
that you wish to be eliminating, and as you continue to be judging of yourself
in this manner and not accepting of that shadow as the depth of yourself,
you continue to perpetuate the refusal of receiving the message, and therefore
you continue to create the emotional communication to yourself.
For you allow yourself recall and examination of many, many experiences
that you have created within your focus, and you continue to be creating
a judgment in association with them, and in this, your telephone continues
to ring, for it is expressing to you, “No, no, this is not the message
that I am communicating to you,” and you objectively are expressing, “No,
no, I refuse to receive this message,” and it becomes louder and louder
and continues and continues, for you are not receiving it.
GAIL: Well, I’m gonna answer the phone!
ELIAS: HA HA! And I shall be quite acknowledging of you!
You may discover tremendous freedom in allowing yourself to be accepting
of those aspects of shadow that you incorporate within yourself, and that
create the depth of your expression and your exploration.
You incorporate a very active communication with yourself in the expression
of emotion, and in this, as you turn your attention and allow your perception
to move by opening to your periphery and redefining certain aspects of
your reality, you may also offer yourself a tremendous expression of freedom
and a new recognition of self, in appreciation of the wondrousness of your
individual exploration within this individual focus.
You have offered yourself many experiences. You have offered yourself
an exploration of your communication through emotion throughout your focus.
Now you begin to view it in more clarity.
GAIL: Yeah, I can say that there’s definitely some dark shadows
there! (Laughing, and Elias chuckles)
I have another question that I’d like to ask or talk about. I’ve
been very curious about people’s eyes, and connecting with looking into
their eyes. There’s so much within another person’s or even my own
eyes that I’m quite curious about. Can you expand on that?
ELIAS: Express to me what association you are creating in relation
to this viewing of other individuals’ eyes and your own eyes. What
do you view?
GAIL: Well, it’s kind of hard to say, to put it into words.
But when Danny and I are together and I look into his eyes, it’s like,
it’s kind of strange. Energy exchanges between us that makes this
really strong connection within energy, and when we look away from each
other, it feels like fabric just ripping apart, and it hurts until we look
back into each other’s eyes. There’s just so much in them.
It seems like the whole world is inside of them, sort of. I see joy
and freedom, sometimes I see sadness — it’s like a multitude of imagery
that I get, but mostly there’s like this energy connection that happens,
especially between him and I, but it happens with other people as well.
But it’s like when you look into their eyes, you see their world, sort
of, and my own world within it.
ELIAS: If you are allowing yourself; you are quite correct.
I may express to you, there are many avenues of communication that you
each offer to yourselves and in relation to each other.
In this, for the most part, you pay attention generally to merely two,
that of thought and that of language, and you view these to be exclusive
in the expression of communication. I may express to you, there are
many avenues that you provide yourselves with to be communicating with
yourselves and with each other.
You may be allowing yourself to incorporate more than one outer sense
to be creating an actual interaction and communication, and it may be equally
as clear and understood as other avenues of communication. You are
extremely diverse beings, and hold tremendous abilities for expression
in many, many different manners.
Your vision is a powerful tool that you have created within your physical
expression. It offers you communication and information continuously.
But at times, you may incorporate an action — such as you have allowed
yourself — in paying attention to other expressions of your vision that
may be more fully expressed than merely viewing outside manifestations,
so to speak, or as an aid to identification of different expressions within
your world, or identification of movements. You may allow yourself
to incorporate much more of what may be offered to you through this avenue
of communication within your vision.
In this, your vision, your eyes, may be allowed to interact with all
of your energy expression, and may in actuality even be affecting of your
physical expression — your physical body, your functioning of your physical
body. The mere allowance of communication through vision may be affecting
of your breath, it may be affecting of your muscles, it may be affecting
of your heartbeat. It may be offering you an avenue of communication
that needs no incorporation of thought.
GAIL: That seems to be the big one for me. When we look
into each other’s eyes, it’s like we’re talking without using words or
thought. It’s just an understanding, like right away, without using
all those other tools, so to speak.
ELIAS: Correct. There are avenues of communication that
may be enacted much more rapidly than thought or language. Thought
and language are relatively slow.
GAIL: Boy, are they! I just had a thought pop in my head.
It reminds me of when I was younger, little, and for some reason, I think
that’s how you and I communicated a great deal, was simply through our
eyes, and there were no words spoken. I remember not necessarily
even having thought processes, and being in that area where it’s so easy,
like fluid and flowing like water, and you’re just going with it.
ELIAS: You are correct.
GAIL: And I love that feeling!
ELIAS: This is a powerful avenue of communication. The associations
may be received instantaneously and understood, and as I have stated, require
no incorporation of thought, but merely an association of sense, and it
is understood.
Many times, individuals incorporate a belief that thought and language
are the only avenue of communication between different individuals, and
this is quite incorrect.
GAIL: I can agree with that. I love using eyes to communicate
‘cause it’s so easy. Coming up with thoughts and words for me is
difficult, and most of the time ... well, a great deal of the time, words
don’t even ... I’m not able to find a word that connects with what I want
to communicate, and I get frustrated.
ELIAS: I am understanding. Language many times may be quite
GAIL: Um-hmm! (Elias chuckles) I’m gonna turn the conversation
over to John ‘cause he wants to talk a little bit before we go.
ELIAS: Very well.
GAIL: I enjoyed the information, and boy, am I gonna appreciate
my shadows!
ELIAS: HA HA HA! And I express tremendous encouragement
to you, William! (Chuckling)
GAIL: Thank you! Okay, John.
JOHN: So, I’m learning a lot more about what we discussed last
December 15th, in relaxing and allowing more of a flow and that sort of
thing, which is basically just part of what I want to talk about, is my
allowing that second hand to relax and put the pen down. Am I creating
a similar situation in helping to propel myself forward, so to speak, within
the wheel within the wheel?
ELIAS: What is your impression?
JOHN: I would say yeah.
ELIAS: Partially. You are also quite efficiently creating
an interesting exploration of yourself presently.
JOHN: That I am! (Elias chuckles) I’m almost showing myself
— even though there’s nothing to prove or whatever — but it’s almost like
showing myself that I can trust in myself and that I can have what I want
and that sort of thing. The difference between now and previously
when we talked — it was the same time last year, funny enough — it was
like before, I would start worrying and questioning and doubting.
I mean, there are still periods of time that I engage those things presently,
but it’s more of a boredom with those things, and so I just allow myself
a lot more presently to be relaxing in that manner.
ELIAS: Correct, and I am understanding.
Now; in this also, as you allow yourself to be relaxing and reinforcing
your trust in your ability to genuinely create and generate a reality that
you choose, continue to hold your attention with you.
Let me express to you, Smith, I hold an awareness that you are allowing
yourself to be paying attention to self and to be moving into an addressment
of different aspects of your own creations of fears, in certain respects.
But I may express to you also that you are moving in expressions — in relation
to other individuals — that distract your attention from you.
Now; let me specifically address to what I am expressing to you.
The awareness that I view within your expression is that you are moving
in a direction of attempting to be reinforcing of self and reinforcing
of your trust of yourself and your abilities, and in that action, at times,
what you also are expressing is a turning of your attention outside of
yourself and creating an expression of teaching with other individuals,
which distracts your attention from you.
This is the objective outward expression that you are creating as a
mirror of what you wish to be incorporating within you. Are you understanding
thus far?
JOHN: Quite! (Laughing)
ELIAS: Therefore, recognize, as I have stated previously, it is not
your job to be teaching. This is not the point. You are attempting
to be incorporating that type of action within yourself, and you are projecting
that type of energy outwardly. This creates a camouflage. I
offer this information to you, that you may allow yourself to be aware.
JOHN: Is that related to when I first got here, and I woke myself
up early in the morning saying ... telling myself to wake up, there’s very
little time? Is that referring to dispelling, so to speak, that camouflage?
ELIAS: This is a communication to yourself in relation to that
action, yes.
JOHN: Okay, so it’s like saying there’s like time to be doing
what I want to be doing within my direction, but without the camouflage.
ELIAS: Correct, and to be objectively aware of what you are creating
outwardly. For this also is another avenue of communication to you,
in like manner to what I have been discussing with William this day.
There are many avenues of communication. Your expression outwardly,
your direction, your movement outwardly in your projection of energy with
other individuals is a reflection of what you are creating within self.
You are a sojourner. You are a traveler. You are not a teacher.
JOHN: Right. Well, that’s why I’ve chosen not to master
in sociology anyway, so I think I’ll stick with that.
ELIAS: Ha ha ha ha ha! What you are attempting to be creating
in that action is to view yourself and identify within yourself [that]
you are also not a student. You are not learning.
JOHN: Oh, I’ve been quite acknowledging of that lately, ‘cause
in more of my movement and my allowance, I’ve noticed that I’m ... like
for example, individuals I looked to as teachers before, I don’t look to
as teachers singularly now, ‘cause I feel that I present the same abilities
and stuff and have like reinforced that belief, and so I’m more in an area
of just like going with the way I feel and stuff like that lately, so I
think that’s pretty cool.
ELIAS: And I am acknowledging of you in this movement, and encouraging
of you.
In this, continue to allow yourself an awareness of your participation.
For in this, you may allow yourself to be remembering that information
is offered to you by every other individual, and this is the point.
For every other individual that you encounter is a reflection to you, of
you. Therefore, what shall you teach?
JOHN: Right!
ELIAS: (Laughing) For what is in actuality occurring is,
you are drawing to yourself interactions with other individuals, that they
may be offering you information as a reflection of you.
JOHN: Um-hmm. Well, along ... oh, the agreement me and
you made previously that we talked about, is that to be continuing along
those lines of just paying attention to myself, and you know, continuing
in this area and that sort of thing, or is it more specific?
ELIAS: Presently.
JOHN: Presently that’s part of the agreement?
ELIAS: Presently, yes.
JOHN: Okay, so there’s more to it then?
ELIAS: Not to be incorporated within this now.
JOHN: Okay. (Elias chuckles) So I guess that might be
why I’m not allowing an awareness of that part of it?
ELIAS: Yes. It is unnecessary.
JOHN: Right. Okay. Well, also in my puzzle pieces,
I’ve been putting a lot together as far as time goes, and realizing
myself as the source and things like that, with the pictures in Oversoul
Seven and stuff like that, and I’m just curious about what the thing with
time is. Is this imagery to myself of ... within my exploration and
further direction ... I mean, even Gail has been getting the imagery of
time and how elastic it is, and many individuals have been talking about
it, and again, this would be my reflection. But it’s like, is that
messages to myself about how I can be manipulating within time?
JOHN: Okay, because my parallels with this one video game are
just uncanny! (Laughing)
ELIAS: Let me express to you also, it is not merely an expression
of manipulating WITHIN time, but that you may be manipulating time.
JOHN: Hmm. Okay.
ELIAS: For it is created, in its expression, through your perception
of it. Therefore, you hold the ability, within the mechanics of your
perception, to be altering it.
JOHN: And this would extend also to the reinforcement in the
third Oversoul Seven book, that within our probable reality, Seven could
go through all different times, and within his physical body also.
ELIAS: Yes. This is quite possible.
Time may be manipulated by you through your perception. Your perception
is a tremendously powerful tool, and in this, it may be altering of the
actual expression of time. Time is quite supple and bendable, and
in this, you may be bending it in whichever manner you are so choosing.
You are not subject to it. It is created by you!
JOHN: Yeah, that’s more of the area I’m looking to be pursuing,
but you know me and my pursuing many directions at one time! (They both
Okay, me and David were talking previously about this thing in my astrological
chart, about how I was ... well, in terms of astrology, it’s like one planet
was restricting this other planet. But I was thinking, I guess you
would say, that in comparison to my creations of expressions the last time
I was here, that same thing could be translated as the pushing or the blocking
within the pushing that I was creating, although this time, I feel I’m
creating, I guess you would say, holding back very purposefully, not like
the last time, where I was creating it when it was unnecessary.
ELIAS: I am understanding. Be remembering also, this is
reflected in these astrological movements, for you are creating of those
also. It is not dictated by them.
JOHN: Right, which is why I never really got that much into
astrology myself ... well, within those terms anyway.
ELIAS: In this, you recognize the differences in the expressions,
although the astrological movement may be, in your terms, the same.
For the movement of your universe is merely a reflection of you, in physical
terms and in physical manifestations. YOU are what creates the definition
and the identifications of that movement.
JOHN: Okay, and the holding back, so to speak, that’s not because
of the camouflage thing, right? There’s a different motivation.
ELIAS: No. The expression of the camouflage is not dictating
to you. It is an expression which is being created in automaticness,
in relation to what you are creating within you.
JOHN: Well, that’s what I meant, within my motivation in creating
the camouflage. What I meant was, are those the same motivations
in my creating this holding back, so to speak, within the energy?
Like are they the same motivation?
JOHN: I didn’t think so. My motivation for creating that
is purposeful in this exploration that I’m engaging presently ...
JOHN: ... in trusting myself to be continuing in this direction,
in like manner to what I did previously, except incorporating more allowance
and more trust.
ELIAS: Yes. Correct.
JOHN: That’s what I thought. (Laughing, and Elias chuckles)
Let’s see. Does Yarr have a focus as a toy maker, and a painter
in France, a painter in Germany, and I forgot where I got the impression
about the other painter, but three painter focuses? (Pause)
JOHN: Two painter focuses?
ELIAS: Correct. And yes, you are correct — as a toy maker.
JOHN: Okay, and are Gail and I complementary counterparts or
parallel counterparts? I’ve had that idea for a while, but now I’m
kinda starting to get a little iffy about it. I’m not sure.
I think I may be confusing those designations with the energy that we’ve
been lending each other within terms of examples.
ELIAS: You are correct. You are not parallel counterparts....
JOHN: Okay, and a silly question ... which you may or may not
choose to entertain. But I was curious as to the essence tone of
this dimension and of this planet, the vibrational tone translated into
a naming within our language.
ELIAS: Of this planet?
JOHN: Yes.
ELIAS: And of this physical dimension?
JOHN: Yes. (16-second pause)
ELIAS: This does not translate into an identifiable word within
your physical dimension, for the tone of the planet is expressed in a combination
of all of the essences manifesting within physical expression.
JOHN: That’s just awesome!
ELIAS: Therefore, this may not be translated into an identifiable
language or term.
As to a tone of your physical dimension, this incorporates — beyond
the essences that physically participate in manifestation upon your planet
— all of the essences that participate in generating energy in association
with your physical dimension, which may not necessarily choose to be manifest
within it. Therefore, the expansiveness of participation of the actual
dimension extends beyond that which is actually physically manifest within
your physical dimension, and this also would not be translatable into an
actual term or word within your language.
JOHN: Okay, I’ve got two more brief questions and a suggestion.
One question is more of an impression. Within my paralleling of the
video game, The Legend of Zelda, the mask within that, within the reflection
of my imagery within my movement, is that imagery of the camouflage I’m
JOHN: Okay, and I would like to enter a tile for me and Gail.
It’s a blue kind of eye. It’s like a blue eye, but the pupil is a
spiral like the memory tile.
ELIAS: And where shall you place this within your game?
JOHN: Sumafi.
ELIAS: And what is its function?
JOHN: Communication within ... just communication, although
I think there may be more to the communication part. Communication
through the eyes, maybe?
ELIAS: Visual communication.
JOHN: Visual communication. Yeah, okay.
ELIAS: Accepted.
JOHN: I’d like to submit my tile, which is circles in circles,
like ripples, and then another tile, which is energy configuration when
it’s manifest in a dream, being the pyramid within the pyramid.
ELIAS: (Chuckling) You are limited to one entry!
GAIL: Okay, I’ll take one of them!
ELIAS: Ha ha ha ha ha!
JOHN: Well, I don’t play the game that often....
ELIAS: You have not altered your rules of your game, so to speak
— ha ha ha! — in agreement with each other yet. Therefore, I also
am in compliance with your agreements! Ha ha!
Therefore, beyond the tile of the eye, which has been accepted, which
other tile shall you enter?
GAIL: You’ve got to choose one! (Laughing)
JOHN: Oh. Well, I’ll consider the other tile as bleed-through
or something. (Everybody laughs) Bleed-through — yeah, that’s it!
I’ll enter the circles in circles as my individual tile.
ELIAS: And where shall you place this?
JOHN: In the tile section.
GAIL: (Laughing) You nut! What family, silly?
JOHN: Oh! I’ll go with Sumafi.
ELIAS: You are guessing!
JOHN: Yes, yes.
ELIAS: Ha ha ha ha ha! Less probable!
JOHN: What’s that?
ELIAS: (Chuckling) I am accepting of your tile, but your
placement is less probable.
JOHN: Okay, Milumet.
JOHN: No, I thought that was ... never mind.
ELIAS: Discontinue your guessing game and allow yourself to genuinely
express your impressions, and you may offer this to me at our next meeting.
JOHN: Okay, and yes, I’m going to work on the spontaneous thing.
I still hold some issues in that area.
ELIAS: Ha ha ha ha ha!
JOHN: The guessing game!
ELIAS: Ha ha ha ha ha! Very well. (Chuckling)
JOHN: I’ll see you later, my friend.
ELIAS: To both of you, my friends, in tremendous affection and
great encouragement to each of you, I anticipate our next meeting, and
I shall continue to be offering energy to you each, in your time framework.
GAIL: I appreciate it, Elias.
ELIAS: To you each, au revoir.
GAIL: Bye.
Elias departs at 1:52 p.m.
© 2001 Vicki Pendley/Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved
Copyright 2000 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.