Session 1468
Translations: ES

Personal Examples of Challenges in the Truth Wave


“Personal Examples of Challenges in the Truth Wave”
“It Used To Be Easier”

Saturday, November 8, 2003 (Group/Fresno, California)

Participants: Mary (Michael), Bobbi (Jale), Daniil (Zynn), Debi (Oona), Fran (Sandel), Howard (Bosht), Kris (Syanne), Laura (Belagia), Letty (Castille), Margot (Giselle), Marj (Grady), Marlene (Xenell), Natasha (Nichole), Nicole (Bethell), Patricia (Jarion), Sabrina (Stencett), Sharon (Camden), Sheri (Milde), Stella (Cindel)

Elias arrives at 2:22 PM (Arrival time is 24 seconds.)

ELIAS: Good afternoon!

GROUP: Good afternoon, Elias.

ELIAS: (Chuckles) Now; this day YOU shall be interactive with myself, rather than vice versa, and you shall be offering myself information concerning YOUR movements. As you are aware, you are all participating in the wave addressing to truths; and I am aware that you are ALL engaging your own individual truths and to some extent each of you are presenting to yourselves your challenges in association with your individual truths.

Therefore we shall be discussing your truths, and perhaps we shall be discussing how to be reconfiguring energy and how to direct your attention that you may accomplish redirecting and reconfiguring energy that you project, and therefore affect your reality in whatever you may be engaging in any particular situation. But first we shall engage identifying your movements and your truths.

Now; which individual shall volunteer first? (Nervous laughter and a slight pause) Ha ha ha!

FEMALE: Go, Oona!

DEBI: I’m tucking myself in! (Laughter, and Elias chuckles)

LETTY: I’ll start, Elias.

ELIAS: Very well!

LETTY: My movement right now is being part of the drama and the trauma at our work place. Cindel’s here - she’s a witness! (Elias chuckles) We continue to have problems or create problems of finding people to work with. We have a lot of conflict with people, starting with Bruce. I know she mirrors a lot of what we feel, the truth of the righteousness of work and human resources and trying to find people but they don’t pass background checks, and it’s gotten to be big. I do recognize how we see it in our truths and the matter of accepting people or the differences. It’s hard to accept.

ELIAS: Difference is a very STRONG challenge, which within this particular wave is being addressed quite strongly, and individuals are experiencing considerable frustration and conflict and confusion in association with attempting to be accepting of difference.

But before you may be accepting of difference, it is important to identify within yourself what your difference is and identify what your truth is in association with your difference, and therefore allow yourself to recognize that your truth is YOUR truth, but it is not true.

It is quite easily recognized what the difference is of other individuals. You automatically immediately recognize other individuals’ difference; but that is the point that you stop and you do not turn your attention to yourself to identify what your difference is and how that associates to your truth.

Now; you present the scenario of recognizing Bruce’s difference. What is your difference to Bruce? How is your perception different?

LETTY: Well, in the sense that I try to be more open to accepting people to work in our institution that’s very strict to get into, without having to have that very exaggerated background check, where if they have one bad credit or one ticket they’re scratched off. I know that she looks at paper and I look at a person, and that’s a big difference.


Now; in this scenario, identify what you are recognizing specifically is the difference.

LETTY: I’m not sure. You mean, the difference that I see of myself?


LETTY: Well, that I’m right and she’s wrong. (Laughter)

ELIAS: Partially, which is significant, and this is a significant example. For this is a situation that you all engage in some manner or another, and this is the reason that it is important to evaluate.

You view the behavior and the perception of the other individual to be rigid and too meticulous and impersonal.

Now; as you view those behaviors and perception of the other individual, you automatically generate a comparison with yourself that you are more flexible, that you are more allowing, that you are more personable; and in that, you automatically deem your perception and your expression to be better and therefore justify, and in the justification is the judgment, and this is the obstacle that prevents the acceptance of the difference, for there is no question of YOUR perception and of YOUR beliefs and your expressions. This is a truth; it is unquestioned. It is better to be more allowing; it is better to be more flexible; it is better to be more personable. And as you justify without questioning your own truths, you automatically express the judgment of the other individual in their difference.

But as you turn your attention to yourself and you question your truth and you acknowledge it, that this is your truth and therefore this is also associated with your preference, you begin to recognize that the other individual in their difference is not wrong, they are not bad. They are different, and their perception of difference is mirroring the same.

Bruce’s perception of rigidity and of preciseness and of paperwork is...

LETTY: Hers.

ELIAS: Yes. And in that you are viewed as wrong, as being too lax and not conscientious enough.

Now you view both perceptions, and you do not necessarily incorporate agreement, for you continue with your perception and your preferences and she continues with her preferences; but in recognizing that your truth is not an absolute, you may allow yourself to move into cooperation. For you no longer incorporate the need to justify and therefore you also do not judge, and that opens an avenue for cooperation. Without noticing and evaluating your own perception, your own truths, that door remains closed and there is no acceptance and there is conflict.

Who may offer another scenario of a truth that generates conflict in interaction with other individuals, or what you are moving in presently and what you are directing presently?

KRIS: I have one. I’m new to this; I’ve never been here before.

ELIAS: Welcome.

KRIS: Thank you. I’m practicing creating my own reality and going along with what you just talked about, and being able to go back into myself and figure out where my judgments are. I can kind of catch myself doing that more and more, but what I can’t do is my body consciousness. I keep seeming to bring up different illness and different little things, and I don’t know what that’s about or what that has to do ... I guess it has to do with the overall picture of creating your reality not only outwardly but inwardly? Do you know what I mean?


KRIS: So that’s my struggle.

ELIAS: Therefore one of your truths is that you may create outwardly but you do not necessarily control or create what occurs inwardly. This is another very strongly expressed truth with many, many, many individuals: what is generated inwardly is created by some other source, the subjective awareness, which is obviously the enemy for it creates havoc in many different directions that you do not expect and you do not understand and you quite do not want!

This is not true. But it is a truth, for you have generated it into an absolute that may be associated with your body consciousness and what is generated in physical manifestations. It may be associated with anxieties; it may be associated with different actions that you engage that you surprise yourself and you question yourself, "WHY have I engaged THAT action? Ah yes, that subjective force is driving me once again, that unconscious element that I have no control over and is quite hidden from me." An absolute, but not true. This is a matter of attention and being aware.

Many individuals struggle, for what they generate physically they also associate automatically as an attack. In a manner of speaking, it is, in your perceptions, the reverse of what you project outwardly.

You project outwardly into your world, so to speak, and you view yourselves creating physically outside of yourself, but there are elements of your world that are unseen and penetrate inwardly to you and attack you and therefore generate physical manifestations. This is not true, but it is quite strongly held as an absolute. No element outside of yourself attacks you, and no element outside of yourself penetrates you, unless you allow it. But what is it that may penetrate you that you allow? A thing? No. A germ? No. A virus? No.

What may penetrate through your energy field is energy of another individual, but that is not an actual manifestation. It is energy, it is a movement, and that is automatically immediately configured into a manifestation. Any physical element that you perceive to be outside of your physical body, outside of yourself, is in actuality part of you. Therefore it cannot penetrate, for it already is.

In the moments in which you generate physical manifestations, you are generating a communication from your subjective awareness in an action, for this is how the subjective awareness communicates to the objective awareness. I shall repeat, the subjective awareness and the objective awareness are in harmony, with very RARE exceptions. As there are no absolutes there are some very rare exceptions, but I may emphasize this is very rare. Generally speaking, the objective awareness and the subjective awareness are continuously in harmony. Therefore, what one is generating in action the other is also. They merely generate them in different manners.

Objective generates in imagery, which is abstract; subjective generates in action, which associates with one subject. The objective mirrors that one subject in many, many, many different manners, for it is abstract. Therefore, one action of the subjective may be mirrored in hundreds of actions in the objective.

But the point is that if you are generating a physical manifestation within your body consciousness, as the subjective awareness directs the body consciousness it is a communication to the objective awareness offering you information, in similar manner to emotions which are also a communication. Your signal is the feeling.

Your signal with the physical manifestation is the feeling also. You generate pain or uncomfortableness or an annoyance, and this is your signal that you are offering yourself a message, and this is all being generated within you.

Now; the manner in which you interpret what the communication is is to pay attention to what you are doing, which is challenging for you are not accustomed to actually paying attention to what you are doing. You are very accustomed to paying attention to what you are thinking, but you are not accustomed to paying attention to what you are DOING, and what you are doing may be quite different from what you are thinking.

As you begin to pay attention to what you are actually doing and what energy you are actually expressing, this offers you information as to what you are creating in your physical manifestation, and in actuality they are less complicated and difficult to identify than you think. It is merely a matter of genuinely paying attention.

As an example in this group, if you are an individual that generates a physical manifestation of asthma, what are you doing? You are generating a constriction of your breath. What is that signal? What are you also constricting in what you are doing, in your energy, in that time framework or surrounding time frameworks? How are you blocking and not allowing a free flow of energy?

As you begin to listen to your communications and evaluate what you are doing in the abstract - which is the objective, which is your waking actions - you begin to recognize and notice what actions you are actually incorporating in association with that signal.

But the key is remembering and knowing that you are creating that, that you have CHOSEN that action for it is an efficient signal and you are paying attention to it. (Pause)

STELLA: Well, Elias, you are going to be so proud of me!


STELLA: So proud of me...

ELIAS: As always, Cindel!

STELLA: ...because I’ve been paying attention.

As you know, I’ve been paying close attention. I think it’s really neat, because this thing you’re talking about, penetration, privacy, boundaries, sort of like we walk around with this armor thing. Then comes the day when, oh my god, now I have this growing tighter.

Now I’m dealing with my mother, which has been really a neat experience, believe me, but it’s been a challenge; but it’s been good because she knows how to turn my handles, you know? She knows how to do it, and then I get this signal right away. It’s like "okay Stella, let’s pay attention." Automatically then I kind of block her out; she’s no longer there, then I’m having a conversation with myself. So if it’s being critical, if she’s complaining, if she’s whatever, it’s like, "Oh, Stella, why am I saying that to myself?" I become compassionate with myself, and all of a sudden something happens in the interim. Because I am looking at my mother and I am paying attention, but I’m not paying attention to her, I’m paying attention to myself, and in paying attention to myself I become compassionate with myself. I say, "Oh Stella, you’re so wonderful, you’re so incredible, you’re so ... and now we’re going to treat each other better."

And I’ve been practicing that, Elias, so aren’t you proud? (Laughter)

ELIAS: Quite! Congratulations!

STELLA: It took me five years! (Group and Elias laugh, applause)

FRAN: Some people never get there!

SHARON: So I have a question, Elias. Back when we weren’t so well informed and knowledgeable, why did it seem to be so much easier?

FRAN: Why has everything gone to hell in a hand-basket? (Laughter)

ELIAS: For you have not quite generated an understanding of how incorporating your own responsibility offers you freedom. That is the key. You are correct, your perceptions - many of you - you view your reality now to be much more difficult, for you incorporate no other individual to blame. (Laughter)

But the key is not concerning blame, but that is the familiar and automatic response. Therefore now you blame yourself rather than other individuals; although at times you continue to blame other individuals also, but less so. You have merely turned the action from blaming other individuals to blaming yourself, which is not the point. This is not an offering of freedom. It is an offering of more struggle.

Now; as you continue and you move these concepts from intellectual understandings into experiential knowing and reality by allowing yourself to EXPERIENCE the actions of these concepts, you move into a genuine expression of recognizing your responsibility to yourself and how, in that responsibility to yourself, this is not bad. It is not blame-worthy, it is an acknowledgment and it allows you freedom. For if you are genuinely expressing that responsibility to yourself, you shall never be a victim and there is no need for blame, for you are choosing and you know genuinely that you are choosing.

Presently you incorporate enough information to be moving in that direction, but you have not quite accomplished yet. You are moving more, all of you, into acceptance in different expressions and you do express acceptance at times of different beliefs, and in some situations you are moving into expressions of genuine acceptance on-going, continuing to be accepting of different beliefs, and therefore altering your perceptions and altering your reality and genuinely generating more of an ease in some directions.

But I may express to you repeatedly over and over how tremendously challenging it is to move into the unfamiliar, and this is received intellectually. You view yourselves differently, for you incorporate the knowledge intellectually and therefore you also automatically express that you know. But knowing and intellectually understanding are different. You express to yourselves and to each other, "I KNOW this," but you generate actions that contradict that, and in generating the actions you also generate the automatic response of blame.

But now you incorporate information KNOWING, not merely intellectually understanding, but knowing that other individuals are not to blame but not knowing how to turn that blame and generate it into a different expression and reconfigure your own energy and generate a different perception in which you accept what you have created. And even if it is uncomfortable, or even if it is unsettling, or even if it is some action that you deem to be distasteful or that you do not like, you may recognize that this has been your choice and that you are not to blame, either; that in the moment this was your choice and it was purposeful, regardless of whether it was comfortable. But what is familiar is to continuously strive for utopia. And you do not genuinely recognize in a knowing yet, although perhaps at times.

SHARON: I get a little lost. (Laughs)

ELIAS: But not continuously, and in that you do not continuously recognize that beneficial is not always comfortable and that value is not always expressed in comfort or in what you deem to be positive.

As we have discussed previously in questioning what you value, your automatic responses, all of you, initially express all positive associations. No individual automatically expresses, "I value pain. I value heartache. I value uncomfortableness." No. These are expressions that you automatically attempt to eliminate, and you do not recognize that you do incorporate value in them also, and if you did not, you would not create them, and you do.

This is another truth that is being strongly addressed to, and many, many, many individuals are incorporating frustration and difficulty and challenge and conflict with it, that of eliminating. You all express to yourselves intellectually that you understand that you are not eliminating. But in paying attention to what you do, you shall recognize that you are continuing to attempt to eliminate in some area, and this presents conflict for you cannot. You can if you choose to disengage, which is also a choice. But if you choose to continue in participation in this physical reality, it is the blueprint and you cannot eliminate.

Therefore this presents a conflict for it is an automatic response, and I shall express once again in reiteration, automatic responses are precisely that, automatic. You do not notice them for they require no thought. You are becoming much more accomplished at recognizing some of your automatic responses, which is to be acknowledged; but this is not to say that you do not continue to express them, for you do. And this is not bad, but it is limiting.

You may continue to express automatic responses once you identify what they are, for they may be your choice. You may prefer some of your automatic responses, and that is your choice also.

But the point in our discussions is that you request information to allow yourselves more freedom and less conflict and more of an ease in your movements and in your manifestations, and therefore we discuss and we identify.

And I shall express to you all one very important point before we break. In all of this identifying and discussing, the one expression that I may offer to you each now, as I have previously but in more strength now, is to genuinely allow yourselves not to discount yourselves if you fall short of what you perceive to be the best. Every action you incorporate is purposeful, and there is no necessity to discount yourself or to devalue yourselves merely that you have not attained the measure that you expect of yourselves.

We shall break, and I shall incorporate your questions.

GROUP: (Softly) Thank you; thank you, Elias.

BREAK: 3:03 PM
RETURN: 4:02 PM (Arrival time is 18 seconds.)

ELIAS: Continuing! (Slight pause) Once again, it is your choice. (Chuckles)

FRAN: Elias, can I ask a question that is off the subject that we were on? It has to do with the fact that this whole session was sort of in a state of flux. A lot of people dropped out of it, and at the last minute the dog was not allowed in the hotel and we all ended up in this wonderful comfortable place. What was that all about?

ELIAS: Precisely what we have been discussing.

FRAN: It was an example?

ELIAS: Of individual’s truths and how they limit, but also how they may not be limiting.

All of you incorporate your truths, but as you encounter other individuals’ truths you incorporate choices. You may reconfigure and create your scenario regardless of other individuals’ truths, and regardless of other individuals’ rules you may create your own, and it does not prevent you from accomplishing.

HOWARD: Would that apply also to the recent recall election followed by the massive fires? Are they related also? Margot and I had decided there was a connection. One was a tremendous release of energy, followed by an imagery in Mother Earth itself releasing that additional energy, pent up rage, if you will, or emotion.

ELIAS: That was not your earth releasing energy, that is all of you releasing energy which, you are correct, is also associated with this wave. You have been generating quite extremes in this wave in many different manners, all involving power.

STELLA: Are the fires also related to value? Because it seems like people are losing their valuables and stuff, but it’s also looking at the value that we feel within ourselves, what we value.

ELIAS: In a manner of speaking, but more to the point it is associated with power and the powerfulness of energy and how it may be directed in any manner. It may be consuming and it may be quite powerful, and it is your choice how to be directing it, whether to be destructive or whether to be productive.

DEBI: Is it as easy to make that determination by acknowledging that there’s a choice to be made there, or does it just depend on ... you know what I mean? Personally, sometimes I see that I’m doing something along those lines, it can be productive or destructive, or it can be trauma or something else. Sometimes it seems incredibly impossible to grasp what is it I do that makes that choice, makes it go one way or the other. But it seems like sometimes it’s just a matter of realizing there’s a choice, then the choice actualizes.

ELIAS: It is much more simple than you believe it to be.

FRAN: Another truth is that nothing is worth getting unless you have to suffer to get it. It has no value unless you have to suffer for it.

ELIAS: This is quite a strong truth that many, many individuals hold.

But the point of any truth is to recognize that it is not true (laughter), and to recognize that although it may be one of your truths, that there are choices regardless and that you do incorporate the ability to reconfigure energy and to choose what you want rather than being stuck, as you term it to be, in what you do not necessarily want.

PATRICIA: Can I ask you what my essence name and family is - this is a two-edged question - and also if we’re here for a reason, if we each have something to follow? I feel like I have something to do in life - but I’m not quite sure what it is - in helping people.

ELIAS: Very well. (Pause) Essence name, Jarion, J-A-R-I-O-N (JEHR ee on). And do you incorporate an impression as to your essence families? (Pause)

PATRICIA: Was that a question? I’m not quite sure, because this is my first time and I don’t know much about it.

ELIAS: Very well; essence family, Milumet; alignment, Tumold; orientation, common.

As to your second question, "what is your purpose or do you incorporate a purpose," yes, you incorporate a purpose but it is not a mission. You incorporate a purpose as a choice to be manifest in this physical dimension, and the purpose in that choice is to experience, to explore this physical dimension. But I may also express to you that each individual that manifests in this physical dimension incorporates an intent that is a general theme that is expressed throughout the entirety of their focus, and all of your experiences are generated in some association with that theme.

Now; in relation to that theme you choose many different more specific directions to be incorporating as explorations, but they are all associated with that general theme. Although at times it may objectively appear to you that there are some experiences or directions that deviate from your theme, they do not. And all of these experiences and explorations in relation to your intent generate your value fulfillment, and as you continue to generate your value fulfillment within this physical dimension, you continue to explore. Once you have accomplished your value fulfillment or once you choose that you are not expressing value fulfillment any longer within this physical dimension, you choose to disengage.

In this, as I have expressed to many, many other individuals, you may discover the theme or your intent for yourself individually in this manifestation in evaluating the entirety of your focus and examining all of your experiences from the onset of your focus, not merely now but through out the entirety of your focus.

I am quite encouraging of individuals to be investigating and evaluating and offering themselves the identification of their individual intent, for it is, in your terms, much more meaningful and impactful if you are discovering what your intent is rather than merely accepting my identification of your intent. For this is an exercise in becoming more familiar intimately with yourself, which is extremely important in association with this shift in consciousness and your movement with it. Being familiar and aware of yourself is quite helpful in allowing yourself to generate much more of an ease in your movement and less trauma in association with this shift in consciousness. Therefore, I am continuously encouraging individuals to be generating this action of genuinely being familiar and intimate with themselves. You easily express that with other individuals, but it is much more challenging to be expressing that with yourself.

Therefore, this is your challenge, to discover your intent, knowing that it is not a mission and that you naturally express that, and that shall offer you more information concerning your direction in this focus.

PATRICIA: When you say "this focus," are you saying this life?


PATRICIA: I’ve always had the feeling of wanting to help people.

ELIAS: Which is also a quality associated with the essence family that you are aligning with.

PATRICIA: Thank you.

ELIAS: You are welcome.

MARLENE: Same question for me, what family, what is the intent of the family, and if you can help me and give me any suggestions as to what challenge I’m going through right now. (Pause)

ELIAS: Essence name, Xenell, X-E-N-E-L-L (zeh NEHL); essence family, Sumari; alignment, Borledim; orientation, common. Now express to me identification of your challenge.

MARLENE: Trying to understand, if I’m creating my reality and everything I see objectively outside of me is a reflection of what’s inside of me, how do I ... I get confused about who else is in my reality.

ELIAS: There are many, many, many individuals that are participating in your reality. The manner in which you generate reality in this physical dimension is through energy; each of you projects energy. You create your own individual physical manifestation of yourself, a reflection of essence, which you are. You interact DIRECTLY with other individuals’ energy projections, which is an expression of themselves in any particular moment. You receive that energy and you generate an actual physical manifestation of the other individual.

What you see physically of another individual is what YOU create. This is not to say that the other individual is not quite real, but what you are interacting with is an energy projection from the other individual, and you create the actual physical projection, similar to a hologram.

In this, you are creating your perception of the other individual, which is for the most part quite similar, almost identical, to what the other individual is projecting. There may be some slight differences, for it is filtered through your perception. But generally speaking, you do not automatically reconfigure energy of another individual. You receive their energy and create a projection of them and of their interaction with you in almost the precise manner in which they are expressing it.

Now; at times, there may be a deviation in this process. At times you may be interacting with the energy of another individual which does not contain the attention of the individual. Their energy is present and you receive it, but their attention may not be projected to that energy expression. In these situations, you notice a deviation in your interaction. It appears, generally speaking, to you to be slight and you excuse it automatically and rationalize it, and therefore you do not pay attention and you do not question it.

In these situations, you notice that you have generated an experience in interaction with another individual and if you are recalling that interaction to the individual subsequently, they may express to you that they hold no objective knowledge of that interaction. You excuse this in rationalizing to yourself that the other individual was not paying attention to your interaction. In actuality, that is quite literally what has occurred, because the other individual’s attention was not projected in that energy. Therefore, they do not incorporate memory of the actual interaction.

Or you may be generating that type of experience and the other individual shall be quite emphatic that the experience did not occur, and you may question yourself and you may express to yourself perhaps you have dreamt this. (Marlene laughs) In actuality you have created the scenario, but you may not have been interacting with the attention of the other individual.

In this, you may also move beyond slight experiences of this type, and you may actually even generate an interaction with another individual in a particular physical location, and the other individual is not in that physical location; in which situation you may be creating an interaction with an energy deposit of the other individual, in which the other individual is not actually participating directly at all.

But it matters not, for YOU are creating your reality, and therefore YOU have created it in the manner in which you choose, regardless of the direct participation of the other individual or not.

MARLENE: Couldn’t I make it a little simpler than that, though? (Laughter)

ELIAS: It is highly efficient and offers you in this particular physical dimension a tremendous ability to be creating whatever you choose, and it is not dependent upon the participation of the other individual.

You may create your magic with or without the actual participation directly of another individual, and this generates no less reality. It is equally as real as whether the other individual is or is not participating directly.

MARLENE: Thank you.

ELIAS: You are quite welcome. And this is the wondrousness of your reality, that you may manipulate it in tremendous manners and you incorporate tremendous power, and in that, you incorporate tremendous abilities to generate wonders.

NICOLE: I have a question; I don’t know how this is going to come out. Is the me of me ... okay, how do I want to say this? (Pause, and Nicole sighs) Do you know what I’m saying? (Laughter) Is this me, the me of me, is this the priority me, the primary me, or is this just another aspect of me that thinks that this me is the me that is the real me? (Laughter) You know what I’m saying? And also, of course, I’d love to know my essence name and where I came from, et cetera, all that.

ELIAS: (Laughing) Is this you you? Yes. (Much laughter) And even if this you wasn’t you, it would be you! (Chuckles, and more laughter)

Is this the primary you? Yes, for the primary you is what you generate it to be. Let me express to you, you all at times associate and think in very black and white terms and in hierarchies even of yourselves, that there must be one primary you and every other probable you is lesser. But in actuality, every you is a probable you. One is not greater than another, and any probable self that is generated is equal to the self that generated it and in turn it generates the other. Therefore, they are all you.

What you recognize now as you is the primary aspect of you, and this is what you incorporate as your identity, and that is you. That may change, and you may change positions of primary you’s or primary aspects, for there are countless aspects of you that are all present, that all contribute to this one manifestation and this one identification of you. But they do exchange positions.

Many times you exchange positions with other aspects of yourself and they appear to incorporate very little deviation of yourself. You may recognize that you merely discover a new talent that you were unaware of objectively previously, or you may begin to express yourself quite differently, but you continue to feel as you.

At times you may exchange the primary aspect of you in a more dramatic manner, and in which situations you may actually interrupt memory if the primary aspect alteration is dramatic enough. In these situations, individuals interrupt their memory of time frameworks. Many incorporate an interruption of memory of several years, in which they express that they cannot recall the experiences or the events that occurred within those particular years. Many individuals incorporate this action within small ages. As small ones they generate one primary aspect, and as they incorporate somewhat more age they change the primary aspect and in these situations they do not recall what occurred in smaller ages.

But this interruption of memory matters not, for there is what you would term to be an actual storage of memory that you incorporate; you merely do not access it objectively. But memory is tricky also, for you are continuously changing the past and every moment of the future. Each time you recall the past, you have altered it.

NICOLE: And if we are here, we are here to experience our emotions, and we send our emotions out and then those emotions come back. Do those emotions, when we have experiences, do they pop back into us and then that is an aspect of us coming into ourselves to experience and to hop into who we are at that time? I mean, that’s all of our aspects of us hopping into us in our primary self?

ELIAS: No. Emotion is a communication. It is not a reaction; it is not a projection of energy that is expressed outwardly and that is affecting of outside manifestations. The signal of emotion may be or may not be affecting of situations or of interactions with outside expressions of yourself, but that is dependent upon what you create yourself and how you are projecting energy outwardly and how you are receiving it also and configuring it.

Emotion is not a reaction; it is a communication. It is a function of the subjective awareness communicating to the objective awareness, and in that communication it is identifying what you are doing in the moment and what is influencing what you are doing in the moment. It is identifying to you what beliefs are expressing an influence upon what you are actually engaging, and it is identifying what you are projecting and what you are doing. This is the reason that it is significant to pay attention to what the communication is, not merely to pay attention to the signal.

Once identifying the signal, which generally you identify with one word which is your label of a particular emotion: sadness, anger, frustration, happiness, joyfulness ... there are many, many, many different emotional signals that you generate. Each signal also incorporates a message, a communication, that it is prompting you to listen to. (Pause)

Emotion is not your only avenue of communication. As you have witnessed in this conversation this day, physical manifestations are also subjective communications to the objective awareness, which incorporate a message. Imagination is a subjective communication to the objective awareness in a creative and inspirational message. All of your senses are communications. Your inner senses and your outer senses are all communications. They offer you input. Your intuition, your impressions, your impulses - these are all avenues of communication that the subjective offers to the objective, that the subjective may not be hidden from you and always available to you to be understanding and to be recognizing, therefore presenting that there is no aspect of yourself that is actually hidden from you. It is merely a matter of paying attention and noticing and practicing being aware, and practicing allowing your attention a flexibility and to move, not merely to be focused upon thought.

I may express to you, as I have expressed to these other individuals and many, many other individuals, do not confuse yourself. Thought does not create reality. It is not its function. Its function is to translate, to interpret what your communications are. Therefore, it is only as efficient as information that you offer to it. If you are not allowing your attention a flexibility to be listening to all of your communications and to be moving in awareness of what you are actually doing, which is what you are choosing, you do not offer accurate information to the thought mechanism, and therefore it may not offer you accurate translations of what you are communicating or what you are doing. This is the reason that many individuals become quite confused, as thought does not match what they are doing or what their communications are.

But if you are generating a balance, recognizing that if you move your attention to all three factors or elements of yourself - thought, communication, and choice/doing, for doing and choice are synonymous - if you are allowing yourself a flexibility in attention to these three aspects of yourself, you shall notice when one is not in harmony with the other two, and in that you offer yourself information. That is the manner in which you begin to balance and you begin to recognize the "why" of your creations.

I encourage individuals to concentrate upon the "what" of their creations, for you concentrate excessively upon the why and you offer yourself no answer, for the question is too familiar. But in paying attention and creating the balance of these three factors of yourself, you automatically offer yourself the why, without asking the question.

MARJ: Can I ask you a question...

STELLA: Her vital signs, Elias.


STELLA: He forgot! (Pause)

ELIAS: Essence name, Bethell, B-E-T-H-E-L-L (beth ELL); essence family, Zuli; alignment, Milumet; orientation, common.

NICOLE: Thank you.

MARJ: Speaking of energy and messages, the Kentucky session - what I noticed was a major difference in the energy level at that session. I noticed that there wasn’t a lot of difference between Mary’s voice and your voice in tone. The energy level I’m used to is this "woo!" at the sessions, and it was kind of low, almost felt anesthetized. I was wondering if you were purposefully giving us some calming energy?

Conversely, I go back to "I created this." Was I offering this to myself because of obsessing about trying to get it quicker or whatever? Or am I just moving in a sense of noticing that, no major difference between Mary/Michael and yourself? I’m all over the place with choices of what I was receiving there, and Joanne was feeling the same way. We talked about it all the way home, and we’re guessing.

ELIAS: There are several factors, and all of what you are noticing is valid. I may express to you that the energy that I projected was also in reflection of the individuals participating in that group collectively. You also generated the experience that you incorporated, and your impression is correct that you created that to offer yourself more of a calming energy and more of an even energy.

Now; I may also express to you that your recognition of less difference in tone between myself and Michael is accurate, which has been generated intentionally and purposefully. For as I have expressed in previous conversation and explanation, this energy exchange generated a tremendous contributant to the physical affectingness of Michael in previous manifestation, which generated a tremendous uncomfortableness and also generated a fear of continuance of this energy exchange in relation to the physical illness and manifestation that occurred. Therefore in recognition of that, I have chosen to be incorporating different physical tones vocally as to not express a strain in the blue energy center which may affect the physical vocal apparatus.

PATRICIA: Could I ask a question? Could I ask you why you picked Mary, and also did you come to express a certain message or to help us understand ourselves, something like that?

ELIAS: I have chosen to be interactive with all of you for you have asked, and I have responded. You wish for information and I have been responsive, and I am responsive continuously to your request for information.

What information is presented in any particular session is determined by you; what you request is what I am responsive to. I am aware that you are not necessarily objectively aware of what you are requesting - although you are, you merely are not paying attention, but you are aware - and in this, as you generate your request collectively, I respond and address to your questions and your desire for information.

I have chosen Michael as the partner in the energy exchange purposefully, for he generates a genuine allowance of this exchange without distortion and offers himself in agreement to be a focal point and an example in actual physical manifestations and actions of the concepts that are presented by myself. I offer the concepts and the information, and Michael’s participation is to be enacting the physical presentment of those concepts; which is purposeful, for it presents an actual physical manifestation of an example that all of you may understand, for you generate very similar experiences. And in sharing information Michael may incorporate an actual physical ability to demonstrate the application of these concepts, which is reinforcing to all of you, for if one individual may accomplish in these concepts, you all may.

He has agreed to be incorporating this responsibility in this agreement, and as long as his agreement continues, I shall continue to interact with all of you.

PATRICIA: Thank you.

ELIAS: You are quite welcome.

KRIS: Could you tell me my essence name?

ELIAS: Essence name, Syanne, S-Y-A-N-N-E (SY ann); essence family, Sumafi; alignment, Ilda; orientation, common.

SHERI: Go Kris! I’m Sumafi/Ilda, too. (Laughter)

SHARON: There’s way too many of those.

SHERI: Not too many!

FRAN: Yeah, the rest of us can’t get a word in! (Elias chuckles and more laughter)

HOWARD: Elias, I had an observation last night regarding something that Marj had said to me when she came to visit us early in the summer. As you know, our cat Sushi died and we had buried her in the backyard. We noticed that maybe six months or so, after the winter, some animal had been digging at the grave. She was under a rock. I saw this and I said extemporaneously, "My gosh, Margot, Badger’s been at Sushi’s grave," "Badger" actually being in my mind when I’m saying it an archetype, an archetypal action of an animal, Badger being one.

As I was telling Marj, I just saw something quite suddenly. It goes up here, like it was the action of the archetype, there was an intermediate level which I would call the metaphor, and the lower level called reality, which was probably a dog digging there: Badger, metaphor, reality. I thought to myself, "Wow, is that the way an archetype inserts itself into a reality, by way of this big concept and then a metaphor or action like the hole?" And of course, I wouldn’t notice it because it was a creature.

ELIAS: In a manner of speaking, and all of the interconnectedness of it. Insert the element of time, for that is an integral factor of what actually creates physical manifestation.

MARJ: Of everything, Elias?

ELIAS: In this physical dimension in association with physical matter, physical manifestations.

MARJ: So it always follows that route, from original thought?

ELIAS: It is not a thought; that is your translation. It is an energy, which generates an action, which generates in association with time an actual physical manifestation.

HOWARD: So that’s the gray area I was seeing. Wow, that’s cool! Thank you.

ELIAS: (Laughs) You are welcome.

MARJ: Elias, can I ask you one question for Joanne? She’s had two things happening to her. She sees a lot of lights, and at one point, I don’t know if it was a dream and I forget how she worded it to me, but she was aware of light from inside her coming out of one of her eyes.

That was the first question, what is that, and the second question is she knows that her eyes are fine, she can see up close, she can see far away, but there seems to be this little fuzzy area right out here (gestures approximately two feet in front of her) and she’s trying to get past that. She’ll take her contacts out, clean them thinking it’s that, put them back in, knows that she sees fine, but what is this? Is this a thinning veil?

ELIAS: No. It is an intentional barrier which is being presented to herself by herself to be emphasizing the importance of allowing herself to view closely to herself but also to incorporate the larger picture and not to be distracted with what you term to be the in-between. For the in-between is quite distracting, and many times many of you snare yourselves in the details of all that is occurring around you, which distracts you from you and distracts you from viewing the big picture, and those are the more important elements.

SHERI: Is that mine too?

ELIAS: Partially, yes.

SHERI: Well, what’s the other part?

ELIAS: And what is your impression?

SHERI: I didn’t even think anything of it till you just brought it up! Give me YOUR impression! (Laughter)

ELIAS: (Laughs) Touché! (Much laughter)

This is partially an element, and I may also express to you that partially you generate this in association with fatigue. It is a signal that you offer to yourself in association with fatigue and to stop pushing.

SHERI: I thought I was the master of relaxation! (Laughing)

ELIAS: Ha ha ha ha ha! At times! (Laughter)

SHERI: Thank you!

ELIAS: You are welcome!

PATRICIA: What are the families that you were giving us? What do they mean?

ELIAS: This is available to you within the transcriptions, and you may also be interactive with other individuals and they may be helpful in offering explanations that have been offered.

NATASHA: I have a question I didn’t ask you in my previous sessions; I forgot, so I want to ask it now. Why am I drawn so much to water? Is it a matter of preference in this focus, or do I have something in other focuses that I dealt in water or lived in the water or something?

ELIAS: Both. You incorporate a preference in this focus and that is the reason that you draw other focuses and the energy of other focuses into a reinforcement of your experience in this focus.

In other focuses you incorporate an affinity to water in association with accomplishments, sports, and also in a genuine lack of separation in recognizing your interconnectedness to a symbol that represents life. And I may also express to you that you incorporate a focus as whale.

NATASHA: Thank you very much.

ELIAS: You are quite welcome.

NATASHA: One more question. I started to see more dreams than I used to see before. Am I allowing myself to remember more or to feel more or...?

ELIAS: You are allowing yourself more of an openness to be observing subjective action and also allowing yourself an avenue in which you may generate an action of projection, if you are so choosing. It is easily accomplished to be projecting in dream state. (Natasha says something inaudible here.) Congratulations. Ha ha ha!

MARJ: Elias, the light from Joanne’s eyes?

ELIAS: This is actually an offering to herself in an experience to visually view energy...

MARJ: Oh, really?

ELIAS: Yes, which in actuality is somewhat reinforcing. For energy is an element that you do not see, but it is quite real and it is quite present, but this was her allowance to SEE a projection of energy.

MARJ: Thank you!

ELIAS: You are quite welcome. We shall incorporate one more question and we shall subsequently disengage.

DANIIL: I’ve got a question, going back to finding out a general theme or direction or intent. Once you find it, so to speak, it may be a process, but once you find something and when you try to put it in words, is it like one image, one symbol, or is it a set of combinations or a set of qualities? Because every time I think I get an impression of what connects periods of my life, later I may read about that being a property of the Sumafi family or a property of something else. So is the final result a unique image or how does that work?

ELIAS: It is a generality, and remember that your families are not accidental in any particular focus. They do incorporate a factor in your intent, for they influence the manner in which you generate your exploration. Therefore, you may be offering yourself an impression of your intent in your examination of your focus and you may subsequently read that this may be a quality of the family that you are belonging to or the family that you are aligning with; but you may have chosen that particular quality to be exploring in many different manners throughout your focus and that quality of the family merely enhances your exploration of that subject matter.

I encourage you to trust your impressions. Ha ha ha ha!

Very well, my dear friends. I express to EACH of you my tremendous affection, great encouragement, and always my supportiveness. Know that I am available to you always and that my energy is with you always. Until our next meeting in tremendous lovingness, au revoir.

GROUP: Au revoir.

Elias departs at 5:06 PM

(1) The hotel where the conference room was reserved would not allow Mary’s dog into the facility; therefore about an hour before the session the location was changed to Sabrina’s house a few miles away.

(2) Howard is referring to the gubernatorial recall election in California (October 2003) and a week of extremely damaging firestorms throughout southern California soon after.

(3) Mary had two growths removed from her larynx in September 2002.

©2003 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved

Copyright 2003 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.