Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Participants: Mary (Michael) and Ann (Vivette)
ELIAS: Good afternoon.
ANN: Well good afternoon Elias.
ELIAS: Ha ha ha! And what shall we discuss?
ANN: Well I was gonna ask you a couple of quick questions and then we’re gonna maybe go into more in depth about some stuff, so
ELIAS: Very well.
ANN: My quick questions. Nishi, from the forum is she religiously focused?
ANN: OK. And then um... Rose, my friend Rose has asked a couple questions for some other people. So this is kind of like the telephone game.
ELIAS: Ha ha ha!
ANN: Rose has friend, a girl she’s recently met named Julia and um she wants to know if she’s intermediate?
ANN: And she Sumafi perhaps Milumet aligned?
ELIAS: Correct.
ANN: Is she Thought or Political.
ELIAS: Political.
ANN: Political. Hmm. And then her second question. Is James G. from STI really connecting with his higher or inner self on the Ouija board and is the communication beneficial to him?
ELIAS: To the first question regarding higher self, I would express he is connecting with another aspect of himself.. Yes.
ANN: OK. Is it beneficial?
ANN: OK. And then um… just another couple quick questions. One, my friend Michael from Texas that I met when I was in Texas. What is his Essence name?
ELIAS: Essence name Untah. U..N..T..A...H.
ANN: Interesting. And um...President Eisenhower, did he ever have a face to face contact with what um…he considered an extraterrestrial?
ANN: And President John F. Kennedy did he um... did he see extraterrestrial dead bodies that he thought was a dead body?
ANN: Hmm...Alright. OK. Well much for the quick questions.
ELIAS: Ha ha
ANN: I just kind of want to say some things and then toss some things out and just kind of see what other discussion leads to.
ELIAS: Very well.
ANN: Um...kind of the overlying theme that I want to talk about today is um...genuine identity, which has been coming up a lot and how that works in relation to independence and how that works in relation to responsibility. And um....and then other things I want to...I guess I just kind of want to throw out there that I think a lot of time when we have our discussions or when we have our sessions, I feel like I kind of like rush, rush, rush through them and I’m kind of ahead of myself and like after the session, then I’ll think ooooh, and I’ll maybe get things then or I’ll think maybe I rushed past something instead of investigating it a little bit further. So I want to put myself in the position more of being open instead of like thinking I know where we’re going and just seeing kinda like how it goes.
ELIAS: Very well.
ANN: But before we do that I do have one other question. Is my...would you agree with me that my intent in this focus is to know that I am worthy just for being, just for existing?
ELIAS: That would be a part of it. It would actually be the exploration of worthiness in any expression or any manifestation.
ANN: And it would any manifestation...I mean kind of like the dead-end or where all this to end up would be um... well, everything is worthy and everybody is worthy and what’s there to explore about that? I guess just believing it or knowing it.
ELIAS: Correct. For it maybe quite easy to express in words or even intellectually that every manifestation or every being is worthy but actually knowing that and actually acknowledging that is quite different for you own associations and your own beliefs color your perception in that it is not very difficult to generate assessments that some beings are not worthy. That some individuals are not worthy or that some creatures are not worthy. It is not difficult for any of you to generate those types of automatic assessments if what you present yourself with is very different from yourself or if you disagree with another individual or if you cannot express or experience any type of empathy with another manifestation be it another individual or a creature. It matters not. I would express that most individuals would incorporate very little if any at all empathy with a mosquito and therefore would incorporate no feeling and no thought to eliminate it, to kill it.
And in that the reason that the individual would incorporate no thought or feeling in that action is that they incorporate no empathy for that manifestation, for that creature. In like manner there are many many individuals that incorporate very little if any at all for certain other individuals if the individuals express in a very different manner from themselves and if they disagree very strongly with the expressions of another individual. I could express to you in this very time framework that there are many individuals that have never objectively in this focus encountered or interacted with an individual that aligned themselves as identifying as a Nazi but would incorporate little if any empathy for most of those individuals and would find very little worth in those individuals.
Intellectually you can express that all individuals, that all creatures that all manifestations incorporate worth but realistically that may not necessarily be accurate. It may not be an accurate statement in a situation in which individuals choose to dynamite a mountain for they choose to be creating some other purpose for that land area. Therefore the mountain incorporates no value and no worth. It is a manifestation in your reality. It is an extension of each of you but it incorporates no worth and therefore it is of no consequence that it maybe destroyed. Or a tree, or a forest. In this regardless of how you can idealistically and intellectually express that all manifestations incorporate worth. The reality of that is expressed quite differently and therefore there would be value in the exploration of worth of all manifestation.
ANN: So lets say a tree, um...which I can see like many reasons for many...i can see obviously, intellectually the worth of a tree. Producing oxygen. Beautiful to look at. They feel good. They’re um... just stunning. But then I want to build a house so I do destroy it. But doesn’t mean that I don’t think that it’s worthy.. I am just I’m gonna use the wood to build my house now which is also worthy.
ANN: So by me destroying the tree or me reconfiguring the tree. I’m not thinking it is not worthy. I’m just thinking there’s a different use for it.
ELIAS: Correct. And in some situations that is valid. For you are incorporating reconfiguration and in that it would also be a matter of recognizing what there is worth in and I would express that building the structure of your house would require more than one tree. And therefore it is a matter of also recognizing how many trees does that require and what is the worth of the trees in their natural state and what is the worth of the structure that you want to build from the trees and what is the balance in that. In recognition and acknowledgment of the worth.
ANN: You have kind of thrown a kink into this for me. thinking about who gets to decide the worth. I mean that like I could think that um...OK it’s worth to destroy this many trees to have a house but it is not worth this many and a someone else could say no it’s worth for them to destroy this many but not for this many. And like whose worth is more worthy? I mean...
ELIAS: Correct. And in that it presents another layer of worth for if another individual justifies a different volume of trees to be incorporating to reconfigure so to speak, rather than destroy and you are not necessarily in agreement with that and the other individual chooses to reconfigure a considerable amount of trees more so than you would deem to be reasonable or balanced, you automatically begin to diminish that individuals worth. For now that individual you see as diminishing a part of you and therefore you begin to diminish their worth. Therefore there are many layers in the exploration of worth. And acknowledging worth in all of its capacities is not as easy as it is to idealistically express.
ANN: I can see that.
ELIAS: Ha ha ha
ANN: I don’t think I’ll do it in this life time.
ELIAS: Ha ha ha
ANN: Ha ha ha. Yes. So how do you um.... I mean...I guess it comes to a point....I don’t think at this point and time that I could even conceive of how to go about my day without devaluing somebody. Without...when I want to follow my preferences.
ELIAS: Ahhhh! And I would acknowledge you for recognizing that. Not that this is actually a true statement.
ANN: I knew you were going to say that.
ELIAS: Ha ha ha ha
ANN: Ha ha ha ha
ELIAS: But it is an accurate statement in an assessment of what you actually do and in this is the reason that you are shifting. And I would express that a very significant aspect of this is what you presented in what you want to discuss in this conversation in relation to genuine identity and those attachments to identity.
Attachments to identity are very strong. And they are very strongly influencing in how you perceive. How you interact. What choices you engage. And you very strongly associate these attachments to your identity. You expressed one of them specifically. Preferences. Preferences
ANN: are not your identity.
ELIAS: Preferences are not your genuine identity. Preferences are an attachment to your identity. But you view them, you look at them as a part of your identity and in that it allows you to justify what your preferences are. Not that preferences need be justified. They are a part of your reality. Preferences are beliefs that are preferred. And therefore they are actions that are preferred. They are expressions and behaviors that are preferred. They are manifestations that are preferred.
The are not who you are or what you are. They are attachments to that. But they are quite in alignment with your reality and with one of your belief systems which is duplicity. Which generates the evaluation and the identification of good or bad. And that sets what you define as what you prefer and what you do not prefer. What you prefer is good. What you do not prefer is not good and therefore is bad. What you prefer is more comfortable for you. Which therefore it is good. And this is not wrong. It is the design of your reality. You all incorporate preferences you all incorporate opinions and those are all associated with duplicity which is the judgment of any expression of whether it is good or bad.
In this it is not a matter of eliminating what you perceive to be good or bad. It is not a matter of eliminating what is comfortable or what is uncomfortable. It is a matter of moving into a genuineness in recognizing the difference between what is an attachment and what is genuinely you. What.. . .
ANN: And so I have to ask this question. What is my genuine self?
ELIAS: (Laughs)
ANN: I feel like you’ve been telling us what it’s not. What is it? I mean the obvious answer that I do not understand or whatever would be ...Oh it’s love. It’s pure positive energy. That’s my genuine self. If you tell me that Elias...I just ...I don’t know what I’ll do.
Elias : Bwha ha ha ha ha ha!
Ann : Ha ha ha ha!
ELIAS: I could express that to you but that would also be rather general.
ANN: Thank you.
ELIAS: And it would be rather vague
ANN: Thank you. I’m looking for specifics here. What is my genuine self?
ELIAS: The genuineness of self is the knowing of interconnectedness. Not the idea of interconnectedness but the knowing of interconnectedness. This is what I have expressed from the onset of this forum that a significant aspect of this shift was and is to move you each into the state of being of remembrance. And I have expressed many times remembrance is not memory it is a state of being. It is a knowingness. That knowingness is the genuine recognition that you are not separate. That although you generate an individual form that you identify as yourself although you incorporate an individual gender and your individual form incorporates an individual name. That those aspects of you are not who you are and what you are.
You are a physical manifestation, a female individual in a physical reality and your name is Ann. But that is not who you are. You are so very much more than what you identify. And your experiences are not the makeup of who you are and what you are. The genuineness of your identity is stripped from all of your experiences, all of the attachments that belong to your reality. Not that your attachments are not a part of you in being a part of your experience. They are. But you experience is not who you are and not what you are.
What you are is an interconnected expression of consciousness. You are not separate.
ANN: You know Elias I’ve heard um.. a few people that they have those moments and they say “Oh I feel like I’m connected with everything that is.” “I feel the connection.” I’ve heard people describe that but I feel completely the opposite. I feel like I’m so separated from everything. I feel...not in a bad way. I mean I, I, you know I have admiration and appreciation and I love so many things and it fills my heart but I just I definitely ...ah...this is the cylinder, this is Ann, she’s right here. I’ve never felt that connectedness to seems so foreign to me. I don’t even know if I can get it into my...I just want to know what that is. I mean...
ELIAS: I am very aware and I would express to you that you would be a part of the majority of individuals and I will express to you that even individuals that perhaps express that they experience and interconnectedness with their reality, with nature per se, or with other individuals. What...for the most part when individuals express that and I’m not discounting thisexperience. It is closer to what I am expressing but even that is not the genuineness of that knowing of identity.
You view the term relationship as a term that is an involvement of more than one thing. And as I have expressed in shifting you are redefining terms. This is one of the terms that is being redefined. And it....I will acknowledge will be a difficult term to redefine. For this term of relationship in the remembrance in the knowing of who you are in the genuineness of identity is not involving more than one thing. It is the state of being of recognition and experience that all of the things whether they be inanimate manifestations in your terms or living manifestations, that they are not merely connected to you but that you are them.
That you can move into a recognition a genuineness an essence of yourself that incorporates that knowing that when your physical eyes connect with another manifestation that you know it is you. That when your eyes see a mountain or a tree or another individual or a tiger or a dog, you know that your physical senses and your physical being is connecting with that manifestation but you experience that knowing and genuineness that it is you. You are not separate. That is what creates the distinction between your genuine self and the attachments to your identity. And that is the shifting, the knowing that can allow you that genuine freedom to express actual intentional choices rather than generating choices that you do not even assess as being choices. They are merely expressions such as you expressed previously in this conversation “I do not understand how it is even possible that I can view another individual or situation and not incorporate some capacity of diminishing in some form.” But you can.
But the manner in which you do that is first of all, actually generating that experience that knowing of self and therefore that knowing that any manifestation that appears outside of you is actually not outside of you. It is and it is not. It is in a physical sense. It is not in the essence of you. If you are not creating that other separation with that term essence, I am Ann and I also incorporate an essence which is me as essence. Which is another separation. But when you can move away from associating the essence of you as being some separate entity from you, but as what you are, who you are, that allows you to move within your reality, within the blueprint of your reality, within in all of the belief systems and all of the beliefs and all of the associations and all of the choices and all of the expressions and the opinions and the preferences, the likes, the dislikes. But the recognition that those are all actually genuine choices.
And that they are in a manner of speaking, play objects. They are objects to play with. No different than toys to a child. In this, let me express to you. Other than your physical body, if you were to genuinely attempt to define who you are, what generates you as being you, most likely your most immediate assessment would be that aspect of you that you term to be your mind. That is the part of you that you define as the engine of your manifestation. It dictates, it instructs, it defines all of the functions and movements of your manifestation and I would express that most individuals do incorporate distinction in their definitive of their mind as being different from their brain. Most individuals equate their mind as almost synonymous with their spirit. Which that would be what you would most closely identify as the essence of you. The essential you would be your mind.
In a very similar manner it is a matter of translating, transforming this idea of essence as being some other manifestation of you from that to being the essential you the essence of you. What it is that is you. That is unique. That is different from every other individual, every other manifestation in this reality or any other reality. You are uniquely you and you do incorporate a type of sense of that. You do incorporate a type of recognition of that. You do know that you are uniquely different from any other individual. There is no other you and you know that . You do incorporate a type of recognition that whatever that essential element is that is the make up of you, is not necessarily what you do. And is not necessarily what those attachments are. That there is some aspect of you that is beyond that. And you each know that. You merely have not entirely defined it yet.
For what is familiar to you and what you are accustomed to is compartmentalizing. And the manner in which you compartmentalize is you think in terms of things. But if you are genuine with yourself, you cannot actually define your mind as a thing. Unless you equate it with you brain. Which generally speaking, most individuals do not. They vaguely associate that it incorporates some type of connection to their brain but not entirely. There is some aspect of you that is beyond your brain, whether you term it to be your soul, your spirit, your mind. You all incorporate this knowing that there is an essential you. Term it to be your soul. Can you define your soul as a thing? You cannot see it. You cannot touch it. You cannot generate contact with it with any of your physical senses. And even your inner senses are not actually adequate in connecting with that essential aspect of your self that you would term to be your soul. That is the elusive aspect of yourself. But it is very real and it is very present.
And regardless of what word you attach to it you all incorporate a knowing that it exists. That it is present and that it is with you. Or that it is you. Therefore in a manner of speaking if it is easier to define than defining love, I would express that the genuine identity of yourself is your soul, that which is uniquely and genuinely you.
ANN: I...I think I can grasp...I like your analogy of like what you...between your mind and what you do. You know what you do isn’t you and I can...I’ll have to let it sink in, but I kind of a little bit of what you’re trying to say.
ELIAS: Yes. For that already exists within you. And you already incorporate an aspect of knowing that but it is not entirely clear yet and this is the point. It is the objective recognition of that. And one of your greatest obstacles is also what you presented in this conversation and that is independence.
ANN: But OK, before we go into that, which I want to go into and maybe this is one of those paradoxes when you say this knowing that that makes me, me...then that’s almost still a separation instead of a connectedness. It’s like everyone has this thing, this knowingness that makes me, me my soul and it’s...and I’ve used that...yourself and it’s unique. No one is the same. Every single one is different.
ELIAS: Yes you are correct. Now I shall offer another aspect that maybe somewhat easier for you to connect to. You also all incorporate this innate aspect of yourselves, whether you assess it intellectually to be fantasy or not. There is an innate aspect of each of you that recognizes a connection that you term to be soulmates. Now your identification and your definitions of soulmates moves beyond the physical. In this there is some aspect of recognition that a soulmate is an interconnectedness, a bond that reaches beyond space and time. That it is not bound by manifestation. It is not bound by experience and there are volumes of ideas and writing on this particular subject. For it is a subject that is one of those innate recognitions, those knowings that transcends beyond what you see. Beyond what you recognize in the separation of what you know as reality. Or what you recognize as reality.
A soul mate transcends that and in that, a soul mate if you are genuinely exploring that, is a part of you. Even in the most famous ancient text in relation to that subject, how is it described? A split part. This is the driving force to discover one’s soul mate. For it is the missing part of yourself. Now this is an analogy, it is the philosophy or the story of the idea of the soul mate. And as I have expressed many times you do incorporate much more than one soul mate. But in that the perhaps the idea of the soul mate can be helpful. For that does transcend separation and in that you do incorporate some aspect of knowing that defining a soul mate is the recognition that it is not separate. That even within your uniquenesses, even within your unique identity, that which generates you being you, your soul mates is a part of. It is a part of you. It cannot be separated from you. It cannot be distinguished from you. Regardless that it incorporates its own uniquenesses. But it is a part of you.
Therefore the concept of the soul and the soul mate, perhaps they maybe easier to transition into more recognition of genuine identity.
ANN: Yes!
ELIAS: Ha ha ha ha ha
ANN:’s out there. I think I might be able to get it. Eventually it will come. I think I kind of ...very....very...I feel like maybe I got a little bit of it but we’ll see.
ELIAS: Ha ha. Perhaps more than you think. Ha ha ha.
ANN: That’s the way it always is. Isn’t it? It pops in later on so I guess that’s just the way it does it. OK. I am very curious what you have to say about independence and responsibility as well before my time gets away.
ELIAS: Responsibility and control are attachments to the attachment of identity, of that aspect or that attachment of identity which is independence. Independence...
ANN: Say that one more time?
ELIAS: Bwa ha ha ha ha (Ann laughs also).
ANN: OK I’m with you. OK.
ELIAS: Responsibility and control are two of the largest and most obvious attachments to the attachment of the identity attachment of independence. For you very definitely attach independence as a part of your identity. And the more you associate with independence, the more you include it with your identity. But in actuality it is not. And the reason that you value independence so very much and it is such a jewel, is that you equate independence as being synonymous with freedom.
ANN: umhmmm
Therefore the more independent you are the more freedom you incorporate. Which it is not. Independence is not freedom.
ANN: It’s harder.
ELIAS: Independence in a manner of speaking is bondage. It binds you. For it binds you to those other attachments such as control and responsibility. For it binds you to every aspect that is associated with your independence. Whatever is in your charge. Whatever belongs to you. Whatever is in your charge. Whatever is in your expression. These are all aspects of your independence and the more you generate independence the more separated you are and the more bound you are to all that is in your charge. And in that …
ANN: Ha ha ha you’ve just about my life Elias. Ha ha ha ha ha
ELIAS: In that the more you are generating that element of bondage.
ANN: Oh my God!
ELIAS: Independence is not freedom. It...
ANN: God damn it! Oh my God!
ELIAS: Independence quite literally is the movement away from. Independence is separation from. For whatever you are expressing independence in you are independent of.
ANN: So in my seeking of freedom I’ve been running the wrong damn direction!
Elias. And I would express that you are very much not alone. For as I expressed to you, independence is the jewel of your reality. It is the prize. This is the direction that you all move in. That you all strive for. That you all want. That lie. That illusion of freedom. That jewel of independence. And if you are independent you are free. No you are not.
ANN: Well turn me around Elias. What does it look like in the other direction?
ELIAS: The other direction is relationship. Not relationship in your terms. Relationship of the genuine knowing that it is not necessary to separate. That it is not glorious to move away from. That it is not wondrous to separate to isolate. But that the genuine recognition of relationship and interconnectedness that you are all ONE. That ever other individual is a part of you. That there is tremendous support and encouragement for you are not alone. You are not isolated. You are not separated. And in there lies genuine freedom. That is the seat of your freedom. Not in independence which moves you farther and farther into isolation. Farther and farther into separation.
The more you are independent the less you allow to receive. “No I cannot receive this!” “You should not do this.” “I can do this myself.” For it is my charge. I am responsible. I am in control. My house. My vehicle. My house represents my independence, my separateness. It belongs to me but I am responsible for it. It is in my control what occurs with it, my vehicle which I control and belongs to me therefore I am responsible for it. My children. My parents. My friends. My creatures. My environment. And the more I am independent the more responsible for all that belongs to me.
ANN: We are gonna have go soon ’cause we’re out of time. But I just want to end it with one thing and...I think I kinda have a little bit of a feeling of where you’re going and I want you to tell me it is what you think but. Like I remember that I had these cats and I was always worried about them and worried about them getting lost. And worried about them getting taken, getting hurt, getting worried, worried, worried. And it ended up that they got taken away from me for’s a long story. But then now I have these three cats and I’m not worried about them they come and go as....and they’ll stay with me...they won’t...and they’re here and we’re having a good time. But the feeling of not being responsible for them and letting’s such a glorious feeling. Is this what you’re kind of talking about? Going in that direction?
ELIAS: Yes! Yes. This is a beginning. Yes.
ANN: Well we’d better go. We’re over time. Oh Elias I love talking to you.
ELIAS: Ha ha ha ha ha ha..
ANN: Hmmm thank you.
ELIAS: You are very welcome my friend. I am tremendously encouraging of you and I will express again, you know more than you think you know. Ha ha ha ha.
ANN: Thank you. Sometimes I think I do and then and then sometimes I think I don’t know what the hell I’m doing and I go around in circles (inaudible).
ELIAS: and I continue to engage you to encourage you not in the circles. (Both laugh) Very well my friend. Until our next meeting in genuine lovingness, in dear friendship. Au revoir!
ANN: Au revoir! Goodbye..
© Mary Ennis 2009
Copyright 2009 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.