Session 1406

A Game: Offering Yourself One Point for Noticing


“A Game: Offering Yourself One Point for Noticing”
“Comparing with your Ideal Self”

Thursday, July 24, 2003 (Private/In-Person)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Anne (Monique)

Elias arrives at (actual time not available). (Arrival time is 29 seconds.)

ELIAS: Good morning!

ANNE: Good morning! How are you?

ELIAS: As always, and yourself?

ANNE: I’m doing well today.

ELIAS: Very well!

ANNE: Have you been enjoying your trip? (Laughs) Have you been enjoying your trip through Mary, meeting all these interesting people?

ELIAS: Not necessarily a trip, but enjoying interaction with all of you, yes.

ANNE: It’s really cool. I’ve enjoyed it. (Elias laughs) Right. I want to go through things, small items to start with, and then we will get into slightly larger subjects.

ELIAS: Very well.

ANNE: What is my signature color?

ELIAS: And your impression?

ANNE: I’ve been trying to figure it out.

ELIAS: Let me offer you a clue. It is not a matter of figuring out. It is a matter of merely allowing and listening to your impression. An impression occurs in a moment, and you translate that, which is communication, into thought. It may not necessarily be associated with what you term to be your favorite color, but in trusting your impressions and listening, you may identify what is being expressed to you and merely allow yourself to identify that.

ANNE: Can I throw out a couple of colors then?

ELIAS: You may.

ANNE: I had the color purple come around a lot recently.

ELIAS: This is your focus color — in not quite orchid, slightly darker, but not quite plum, either. Correct.

ANNE: Thank you.

ELIAS: And your other impression?

ANNE: I really always liked a brown, red-dy earthy red-brown color, on the one hand, and on the other hand I’ve always liked a deep emerald green.

ELIAS: Now; I shall offer explanation. This brown, which I may identify as sienna brown, that is your signature color of essence. The emerald you are drawn to for you are drawn to that vibrational quality, which expresses a calming vibration.

ANNE: So, it’s the sienna brown. I’ve known that for a while, then. Thank you very much.

ELIAS: You are quite welcome. And this may be encouraging you to trust your impressions.

ANNE: Yes, exactly. I had an impression of a belly dancer focus coming through. That is me, correct?

ELIAS: Correct.

ANNE: She is in Saudi Arabia or the Arabic states quite a while ago, and she really enjoys her body and the movement of it.

ELIAS: Correct.

ANNE: Quite a feisty, fiery individual she is, and quite beautiful as well.

ELIAS: Colorful. (Laughs)

ANNE: Yes, she’s been teaching me a few things! Oh, that’s lovely! I’ve also had a dream recently, a very, very detailed dream of the mob boss John Gotti. Now, in the dream it gave me the entirety of the details of his life, the ins and outs of his personality, the way that he thought. In the dream I was a reporter reporting on him, very, very interested in him. Was I John Gotti or was I the reporter?

ELIAS: Reporter.

ANNE: This was in the ‘80s, so this focus of mine is still here?

ELIAS: Correct. Now...

ANNE: It’s in New York.

ELIAS: Yes, let me offer you another clue. Generally speaking, many, many times as any individual, and yourself, may be connecting with another individual, you may at times confuse yourself in identifying a particular individual as a focus of you if you are generating a strong association with that individual and a tremendous interest or admiration in that individual. This is, generally speaking, an indication that your focus is not necessarily that individual but another individual that is closely associated with that individual or generates a tremendous interest or admiration for that individual closely associated with them.

ANNE: Yes, because it was such an amazing amount of information that was coming through and someone kept saying “John, John, John” the entire time. I’ve got to find out information about this person and I did! So, she is still alive and she’s actually quite young, almost my age.

ELIAS: Correct.

ANNE: Is there another one in New York? I had another dream about a girl in New York, blond this time. It felt like me. What she did was travel quite a lot. She went to Africa — went around, understood the nations there and partook in the culture. Then she came back to her old life and she realized that she was actually quite privileged to be able to come back and step into her old shoes again.

ELIAS: Correct.

Now; this is not what you term to be a current focus. This focus has been manifest within your previous century, within the approximate time framework of 1920s forward. But you are quite correct; you have interpreted quite accurately. The individual has incorporated an extended time framework in that physical location of Africa.

ANNE: She’s another very attractive girl. Can I generally say that all the focuses of my essence that I have seen to date have actually been very attractive people?

ELIAS: To this point, that you have connected to, yes! (Both laugh) Although I may warn you that you may incorporate connection with some of your focuses that may not necessarily be, in your opinion, expressing that attractiveness.

ANNE: Shucks! (Laughs)

ELIAS: But you do incorporate a preference for a particular appearance. This is not unusual. Most essences do incorporate a preference for a particular type of manifestation in appearance.

ANNE: I know that I definitely prefer female bodies as opposed to the male body.

ELIAS: Correct.

ANNE: Another dream, about Morten Harket. I don’t know if you have heard of him, but he is a singer. He often comes through at times when I am not feeling particularly attractive. He comes in and says, “What’s the problem now?” He is a man who takes great care in his looks, makes a huge effort. I’m interested to know what the connection is, and why he would actually come in.

ELIAS: First of all, you incorporate the role of observing essence with this individual throughout the entirety of the focus and also you incorporate counterpart action. Therefore, there is a familiarity and you allow for that exchange of energy.

ANNE: This also now explains why I am sitting, explaining the importance of him, taking his dream activity into account.


ANNE: Does that information consciously come through for him?

ELIAS: Yes. Not necessarily within his perception in association with you individually, but a recognition that there is some other source, so to speak, prodding in information, but not a specific identification of what that source is.

ANNE: I do feel I have a strong intuitive sense of what he is like. Can I just ask, do you think we’ll ever meet? I would really actually like to meet him.

ELIAS: It is your choice — which you may create, if you are so choosing.

ANNE: I’d like to. I’m trying to put it in motion, put the information out there.

ELIAS: Let me express to you, individuals are not so untouchable as you perceive them to be, regardless of their position or fame.

ANNE: Another dream I had a while ago was of my essence. Quite an amazing essence I am, I guess. (Laughs)

ELIAS: Quite!

ANNE: Sitting at a round table, there was a man I was talking to, she was talking to. I say “she” because I, as my personality, was sitting next to the essence. My personality was looking rather deflated, to be honest, and tired. She said to the man, “I am going to do what I have to do, regardless of the personality. She is going to have to do it.” The man says, “Fine, fine.” I’ve seen this man in other dreams. Who is he?

ELIAS: Another focus of you.

ANNE: Why would she be talking to him? Because, I mean, I was sitting next to her as the focus, who was rather deflated, mind you.

ELIAS: Correct.

Now; what you are offering to yourself, first of all, is an actual allowance of yourself to be connecting, so to speak — although this is an inadequate term — with yourself as essence. But you generate that in imagery in a manner in which it is presented, somewhat symbolically, as a type of image of an oversoul, which is not unusual. Many times individuals may experience an easier expression of attempting to understand themselves as essence if they are generating familiar imagery.

Now; familiar imagery is to be separating into different entities, for in the incorporation of a complete lack of separation initially, within your physical focus, it may temporarily threaten your individual identity. Therefore, you generate imagery that is familiar that shall not threaten your identity.

What you generate is imagery of what may be termed to be a type of oversoul, which is the image of the essence. You generate imagery of different entities, different manifestations, which are the attentions of that oversoul, the focuses. You are a focus, you are an attention, and you are manifest within this physical reality. The other manifestation, that you term to be the man, is another focus, another attention of essence, of your essence.

Now; in this, you present this imagery to yourself, in a manner of speaking, in a type of validation. You present specifically the imagery of this man as another focus in a particular manner, presenting itself in a particular manner. You view it in a specific manner, and you are watching the man and you are watching the oversoul interact with the man.

Now; this is significant, for what you have presented to yourself is a type of comfort and validation that regardless of what you generate within your focus, there is another aspect of you, in your terms — in the manner in which you associate — that is supporting you. Not protecting, but supporting, and figuratively speaking, guiding. Therefore, regardless of what type of experience you generate, regardless of how much you may associate an experience or a time framework within your focus as uncomfortable or despairing or at loss, there is an aspect of you, there is an element of you, this oversoul, so to speak, that figuratively speaking is watching and supporting, that you may trust and that shall not betray you and shall be uplifting and guiding to you.

Now; mind you, what I am expressing to you is quite figurative and it also is quite in alignment with your beliefs and the manner in which you perceive. In actuality, there is no higher power; you are your highest expression. But I am understanding your perception and that many individuals generate a comfort in choosing to associate with this type of imagery of this oversoul, which — as you are recognizing that this is in conjunction with your beliefs, and beliefs are not wrong, and it matters not — it is quite acceptable. It is merely a point that I express to you, that you do not generate that into a truth, into an absolute.

ANNE: I know. I am working on that, because I actually am starting to level this out a little bit. I know that it should not be developed in any way.

ELIAS: Correct, for that becomes an expression of expressed beliefs in association with religious belief systems and setting yourself apart from a god which is greater than yourself, which generates a discounting of yourself. There is NO expression that is greater or higher than yourself, and therefore you are equally as worthy as any other expression within consciousness, not below or less than. Therefore, there is no necessity to devalue or discount yourself.

ANNE: I wanted to get into that subject a little bit later, because I discovered that that’s an issue. I’ve just discovered that issue about appreciation and acknowledgment.

ELIAS: Very well. I am understanding, which I may be acknowledging of your discovery, for without the discovery, without the noticing, how may you address to and how may you offer yourself choice? Therefore, this is an accomplishment. You are offering yourself new opportunities.

ANNE: Thank you. I needed to hear that (emotionally).

ELIAS: You are greatly welcome.

ANNE: Sorry.

ELIAS: Do not apologize. This is an acknowledgment of yourself and your accomplishment, and it is worthy of your acknowledgment and worthy of mine, also.

ANNE: I’ll get into that a little later.

ELIAS: Very well. You may proceed in whatever manner you are choosing.

ANNE: I recently started a publishing company. I commissioned my first book, and the person who is writing it said that he is getting a lot of information from an old man sitting in an old room somewhere, old. He senses that it is Einstein. Is it actually Einstein? (Pause)

ELIAS: Ah. What the individual is accessing is what we term to be the worldview of that individual. Each individual incorporates a worldview.

Now; upon the choice of disengagement or death, each individual as an individual attention — not the entirely of essence, but in the uniqueness and the wonder of each individual attention or focus — the individual generates a worldview.

Now; this worldview is an energy deposit. Within that energy deposit, in a manner of speaking, is contained not merely all of the information that the individual incorporated as experience within their focus — that is an aspect of what is contained within this worldview — but also beyond. For, what is contained beyond the physical experience is a type of what you may term to be philosophy that that focus expresses in association with nonphysical information also. There is a projection of energy into this energy deposit, this worldview, which expands much farther than the physical experience. It is also a subjective expression.

Therefore, an individual may tap into any worldview of any individual, and they may be accessing information which you may term to be much more comprehensive than what has been experienced in the individual’s focus, which in itself the experiences are considerable. The associations of the experiences and the information of the experiences that have been generated within the individual’s physical focus are considerable, but there are also other elements that are expressed and this is what this individual is tapping into.

ANNE: Because when he said that, I was thinking no, I don’t get the sense personally that it’s Einstein. But if it was, I’d like to know.

ELIAS: It is not a direct interaction as an energy exchange, but it is a tapping into information of the worldview.

ANNE: There is a connection between the three of us, isn’t there?


ANNE: I’ll figure out the rest.

ELIAS: Counterpart action.

ANNE: Is it all counterpart action?

ELIAS: Which is significant.

ANNE: Is it just Glyn and I?

ELIAS: No, you have engaged counterpart action with that individual also.

ANNE: Which individual?

ELIAS: The physicist.

ANNE: Him and him, both.

ELIAS: Yes. It matters not whether you perceive an individual to be dead or not or within another time framework. You may be engaging counterpart action.

ANNE: Thank you for that.

ELIAS: You are quite welcome.

ANNE: Another quick dream recently of a woman, I was told, who collects diamonds. We went to go see this lady in her shop and she had four rings that were encrusted with diamonds. I was actually quite disappointed to see that the diamonds weren’t loose, that they were placed in a ring. She was quite happy to have the rings. She had four rings, expecting to receive six more eventually. What was that about? And the number four has been a little bit significant in my dreams recently.

ELIAS: Your response to your experience within this shop is associated with your experience in another focus.

Now; what focus you are connecting to is another individual within Africa, but this individual is what you term to be a native of that continent. This individual toils in mines and generates a yield, so to speak, of many of these stones in various sizes, but many at one time, so to speak.

Now; I may also express to you, occasionally... (Chuckles)

ANNE: Oh, you’re kidding! She takes a few!

ELIAS: ...this individual incorporates the possession of some of these stones for themself. She offers the majority to her employer, but every so often generates a few. (Laughs)

ANNE: So, this was another focus I was looking at!


ANNE: Wow. I can recognize now when I am looking at my essence, because it’s pretty clear now.

ELIAS: Yes, yes.

Now; also, there is significance in association with the rings and not loose, for this individual incorporates these stones uncut and generates an appreciation of these stones unfaceted, not within a setting of jewelry. This is the bleed-through that you are experiencing in association with the rings — not that in this focus you are not appreciating of the faceted stones, but not camouflaged or contained within the setting of the ring. But I may express to you, were you to view one of these stones set into a ring in which it is prominently displayed with little surrounding it, you shall notice that your appreciation of its setting and of the stone itself is much greater if the stone is set apart, so to speak...

ANNE: You’re right.

ELIAS: ...from the band in which such a presentment does not distract from the stone alone.

ANNE: Yes, ok. That was a very big portion. So that was the bleed-through that was coming through.


ANNE: And the number four? Any significance of this?

ELIAS: And your impression?

ANNE: The first thing that I was thinking was the four steps towards self-acceptance. That was the first, kind of. That’s it, isn’t it?

ELIAS: Correct.

ANNE: And that’s what the... I don’t want to explain the full dream, but there was another dream the day after of four very, very, very large creatures — no, they weren’t creatures. They were people, very, very tall, but they were all dressed in black and looked rather gothic, to be honest. You know gothic, you know that style?

ELIAS: Yes, I am aware.

ANNE: If it’s four steps to acceptance, why would they look so gothic?

ELIAS: This is your interpretation and your imagery of difficulty, that although you view the finished accomplishment to be positive, you view the process to be difficult, and each step has its own ominous difficulty.

ANNE: That’s right, very difficult, dark...

ELIAS: Which, this is a matter of perception, as I have expressed to you. You may be altering your perception and may view this quite differently if you are viewing it as an opportunity and an accomplishment in each step, rather than the heaviness of a chore. You are generating movement in each step as an opportunity in acknowledgment of yourself, rather than a discounting of yourself that you have not created what you term to be the end result. Recognize that each end result, each outcome is not absolute, either. It is not a matter that you choose a belief to be addressing to, noticing, identifying, recognizing...

ANNE: Yeah, I am very regimental with it.

ELIAS: ...and thusly accepting, and therefore once accepted it is forever after solidified and never addressed to again. For acceptance is a continual expression which is generated in each outcome, in each moment, and the acceptance of any one belief is generated repeatedly in many different scenarios...

ANNE: The other day I went through this whole scenario of appreciation of myself and realizing that yes, there is that belief of low appreciation, low worthiness and all of that. I actually had the experience of accepting that belief and recognizing it and actually having quite a lot of affection for it, and seeing it as an opportunity to have a choice.


ANNE: And then the next day, I was back to square one. I thought, “What was that all about?”

ELIAS: Now; this is significant. For what you are presenting to yourself is the imagery of what I am expressing to you, that it is the opportunity in each moment. In the next moment and in the next days, so to speak, you are generating a different experience. You are discounting of yourself or you are anxious or you are distressed. You may turn your attention and view this not in the familiar manner, which is to automatically discount yourself further and judge yourself in comparison with yourself, comparing your previous experience of the previous day, and expressing to yourself, “I accomplished yesterday and now I am failing and now I am discounting myself again! What is the matter with myself?”

Now; in those moments, allow yourself to stop and recognize this is another opportunity for you to turn your attention and alter your perception, viewing, “Ah, I am experiencing this day this feeling of anxiousness or disappointment or distress. What is motivating that distress? What am I perceiving that I have not accomplished in this day? What am I comparing in this moment? What feeling is influencing this experience in this moment? For I am offering myself a signal, which accompanies a message concerning my beliefs that are influencing me in this moment. I am expressing this signal, therefore I recognize I am in some manner discounting myself. What is motivating that discounting?” In that, recognize that in that moment you have offered yourself the opportunity to alter your perception once again, and acknowledge yourself. Merely in your noticing, that is an accomplishment, regardless of whether you incorporate an action or not, the noticing itself.

I shall offer you a game and I shall be projecting my energy to you in this game to be helpful. And I shall be watching and anticipating our next discussion, that we shall interact concerning your game and your accomplishment in it. This shall interrupt your pattern and interrupt the familiar and interject a playfulness. It shall also interrupt your seriousness in discounting yourself.

Now; each time within each day that you notice your signal, your feelings in some expression that you deem to be negative, each time you notice — regardless of whether you identify what is influencing that or not, regardless of your action or any movement that you choose to incorporate — each time you notice that you are generating that type of signal and you intentionally do not discount yourself — you notice and you express in a moment, “I shall not compare. I am not wrong,” merely express that to yourself — offer yourself a chocolate! (Anne laughs) Physically offer yourself a chocolate and allow yourself to indulge yourself.

This is offering yourself one point for noticing. And I shall be watching to view whether you actually incorporate the action, for I am expressing to you physically engage this action. You shall surprise yourself at how you alter your perception.

ANNE: (Laughing) Is that because you know how much I like food?

ELIAS: Individually to you, yes! It is an expression of acknowledgment.

Now; I shall be anticipating that you shall actually physically incorporate this action. In this, perhaps you shall allow yourself to laugh each time you incorporate this chocolate, in remembrance of myself and our interaction, and I shall be enjoying your chocolate with you! (Laughs)

ANNE: Sounds good to me! And here I am trying to exercise to lose weight and I am going to be eating chocolate! (Elias laughs) That would be good. I know, because I can be very strong and stuck in those patterns in particular, I need to lighten that up.

ELIAS: Much too much seriousness. Engage playfulness.

ANNE: Sometimes I do, not perhaps as much as I should... (Elias laughs loudly)

Just quickly, I want to ask you about my current café. Every single time I’m in there, I don’t enjoy it, and it’s because I realize I do not appreciate the café anymore. I realized last week as well, it’s because I don’t appreciate my creations and that is my creation.

ELIAS: Let me express to you, you may acknowledge and appreciate your creation in what you have accomplished, but also recognize that your direction is changing.

Let me express to you, as I have in our recent group involvement, preferences change. Preferences are merely preferred beliefs which influence you to move in different directions. They change, and this is quite natural. To expect yourself to continue in the same preferences or expressing the same preferences throughout the entirety of your focus is quite unrealistic. You are generating a movement in which you are changing your preferences, which is quite acceptable.

Now you may acknowledge yourself in what you have accomplished, in your creation and its creativity, and express an acknowledgment also of yourself that you choose a different preference now.

ANNE: And leave it at that.

ELIAS: Yes, rather than discounting yourself and expressing to yourself this expectation that you must be generating this particular expression in association with your creation “otherwise this is bad.” What are you doing? You are comparing once again with yourself.

I may express to you, in difference to many individuals you compare with yourself much more than you compare yourself to other individuals. For you have generated or invented this ideal self as which you view yourself, but you also incorporate a view of yourself as you are, which that self is not good enough and is continuously striving and pushing and forcing to be this other entity which is the ideal self. There is continuous comparison of yourself with your ideal self.

You are already your ideal self, and you incorporate vast creativity and tremendous expression of yourself in passion, if you allow yourself to express freely. Therefore, the ideal self is already you, and you need not be comparing you to you.

ANNE: (Emotionally) I know. I’ve got to relax about that a little bit. It is a striving, and it’s very tiring.

ELIAS: And quite unnecessary. View what you have accomplished. View what you have now. Allow yourself one day, my dear friend, one day in which throughout that day you allow yourself to genuinely recognize all that you have accomplished, all that you incorporate within your environment, all that you have generated and what you have now, and who you are now.

Merely for one day, without comparison, without judgment of what you view to be mistakes within the past, but merely today, this day, and in that day you may offer yourself a new perspective of yourself in every manner, not merely what you incorporate physically — what manifestations you incorporate, what objects you incorporate, what you have accomplished within your creativity, although all of those are to be expressed in consideration also. But also stand before your mirror and view the wonderment of yourself and the attractiveness of how you have created your physical being, merely for one day. In that, perhaps you shall view this manifestation differently, that you already are your ideal self.

ANNE: I will. I’ll incorporate that.

ELIAS: Much to practice! Ha ha ha!

ANNE: Yes. Thank you very much for that. Sometimes I just need to calm down. It comes through with my writing, my business, earning money, the way that I look, the relationship. That is just everywhere.

ELIAS: Correct. This filters into all of your experiences in every avenue.

ANNE: And it’s because of that, that this is where the lack of appreciation is coming from?


ANNE: Thank you very much for that.

ELIAS: You are very welcome.

ANNE: Can I ask you a couple of more little questions?

ELIAS: You may.

ANNE: I have a little kitty cat; his name is Albert.

ELIAS: Ah, Albert!

ANNE: Yes, it was after Albert Einstein, yes. I can hear Albert Einstein laughing. He loves being called after the cat, I know it. Anyway, why is Albert, the kitty cat, a little bit fearful, a little bit in himself? Is he a very soft cat? Do you know what I mean?

ELIAS: Timid?

ANNE: Very, very! The only person he’ll come to is me. He won’t go to anyone else. Is that just because he likes my energy, he recognizes me?

ELIAS: Partially, and incorporates a trust in association with you.

Now; I may express to you there are two factors in association with the behavior with this creature. One is associated with you; one is associated with the creature and its reconfiguration of energy and its experience in other configuration of energy. This creature in other configuration of energy was — what you term to be was — configured in manifestation of another feline as what you identify as a cub, in larger feline creature. This cub... (Slight pause) Yes, this cub has been separated from its mother, that you term, incorporated what you identify as no protection as a small one and encountered other creatures that consumed it.

Now; that experience in association with the choice of manifestation to be configuring as another feline, but not the same type, incorporates somewhat of a bleed-through of that experience. Therefore, there is a behavior of some timidness.

But I may also express to you, another factor which is quite influencing is your energy. (Shaking his finger at Anne) DO NOT discount yourself in association with what I am expressing to you, for there is no fault! Creatures are not accidental in your experience. Each individual generates the creature that they shall be interactive with in companionship, and it is not an accident. Each creature that is individually interactive with you in companionship expresses some reflection of your energy.

Now; you incorporate a challenge in an expression of exposure of yourself in openness of yourself with other individuals. You shield and you express a protection of yourself. Therefore, this energy is quite obvious and the creature, in connection with you, generates a similar energy to be reflecting to you what you are generating.

Now; understand, creatures do not incorporate beliefs; therefore, creatures are not experiencing that shielding in the same manner as you. It does not incorporate emotion, for emotion is a communication. Creatures incorporate a tremendous awareness of their subjective awareness; therefore, it is unnecessary for them to be incorporating emotion. They do incorporate communication and this is displayed in behavior with you, but not emotion.

Now; therefore, the creature’s expression and experience is different from your own. For it is not experiencing fearfulness in what you feel, but it is expressing a display of behavior, which is its manner of communication to you in reflection of what you are expressing in your energy. Therefore, you shield, you protect, you do not expose, which presents reservation in association with other individuals. The creature reflects — not in feeling — in behavior and is receding from other individuals.

But you do allow yourself somewhat of an openness with the creature for this is safe, for the creature does not incorporate judgment and is accepting. Therefore, you incorporate a safety and you allow yourself somewhat of an openness with this creature, and therefore it also displays behavior which is its communication to you, for it does not speak in language — or I shall correct that, it does not speak within your verbal language, but its language is behaviors. Therefore, it expresses behaviors of affection and interaction with you, to reflect you and your energy.

ANNE: Thank you very much for that.

ELIAS: You are quite welcome.

ANNE: Can I just, a real quick one...?

ELIAS: Yes. You may.

ANNE: My neighbor, if you might recall from our previous discussion...


ANNE:’s all stopped. (Elias laughs) I barely see her now. And I’m like, “But I didn’t do anything!”

ELIAS: It is not necessarily a matter of doing in actions of physical manifestations or physical interactions; it is a matter of turning your attention and therefore altering the energy that you are projecting. If you are projecting an energy of force and struggle and conflict and expectation and your attention is projected outwardly concerning the other individual, you have experienced what you generate. But in turning your attention, you generate a very different reality.

ANNE: I went away on holiday for about three weeks, and my intention was all about desert and expansion and beauty and love and life and everything. So, when I came back this is when it all stopped. It’s pretty much been that way ever since.

ELIAS: For your attention is no longer occupied with the expectation of the conflict. Your attention has moved to other experiences.

ANNE: That’s very interesting, that exercise. I’m going to remember that.

ELIAS: This offers you a physical example of your experience. I may offer to you concept after concept, but if you are not generating the experience, you do not incorporate an objective understanding of what I am expressing to you. This is the significance of experiences. But you have offered yourself the experience and therefore the evidence that you do change your actual physical reality, even in association with other individuals and their behaviors, by changing your perception and moving your attention. I am quite acknowledging of your accomplishment.

ANNE: Thank you! So am I! I have to say that was a little bit of a surprise, a nice surprise. (Elias laughs) I could go on and on, but...

ELIAS: We shall meet again, my dear friend. I shall be anticipating our next meeting. I shall be watching and I shall also be offering my energy to you continuously in encouragement.

ANNE: Were you in the train today?

ELIAS: Yes. (Laughs)

ANNE: (Laughs) Were you coming through the guy with the blue eyes? Was that you?

ELIAS: An expression of energy, yes.

ANNE: It was amazing. Thank you.

ELIAS: You are welcome. You may be looking for this blue in many manifestations and recognize that I am present. To you, my dear friend, in great affection and in the truth of love, until our next meeting, au revoir.

ANNE: Au revoir.

Elias departs after 1 hour, 6 minutes (actual time not available).

©2006 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved

Copyright 2003 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.