Addressing to ‘Not Enough Money’
“Addressing to ‘Not Enough Money’”
“An Exercise in Distraction: Turn in One Complete Circle”
Friday, August 15, 2003 (Private/Phone)
Participants: Mary (Michael) and a new participant, Oge
Elias arrives at 7:07 AM. (Arrival time is 17 seconds.)
ELIAS: Good afternoon!
OGE: Good afternoon! (Elias laughs) Hello?
ELIAS: And how shall we proceed?
OGE: Yes, how shall we proceed?
ELIAS: In whatever direction you choose!
OGE: Okay! Well, it’s nice to finally speak to you, because I’ve been reading the transcripts. So I’m nervous, but I’m excited about it as well. (Elias laughs)
I’d like to start first with just some fact-finding stuff, things about my essence family and stuff like that, and then I’ll go on to my main questions.
ELIAS: Very well. And what is your impression concerning your essence family and your alignment?
OGE: My impression is Sumari. Is that the pronunciation?
ELIAS: Correct.
OGE: Is that correct?
OGE: And alignment is orange, Gramada.
ELIAS: Correct.
OGE: Hee hee! (Both laugh) Can I ask also about my sons as well? I’ve got impressions about them, so I’ll ask about them as well.
ELIAS: Very well. Offer impressions.
OGE: Trevor is my first son. My impression is essence family green, which is green, green, green. I do them by colors.
ELIAS: (Laughs) Ilda.
OGE: That’s it! Is that correct?
OGE: And his alignment is purple.
ELIAS: Correct.
OGE: Whoopee! Ricky, essence family, yellow.
ELIAS: Correct.
OGE: Alignment, either green or purple. I’m never quite sure with that. Purple?
ELIAS: Correct.
OGE: The last person I’d like to ask about is my partner, Emma. Her essence family, Sumari?
ELIAS: Correct.
OGE: I can’t get any impressions about her alignment.
ELIAS: Alignment in this focus, Vold.
OGE: Oh, that makes sense. (Elias laughs) And my orientation, soft?
ELIAS: Correct.
OGE: Trevor’s orientation, I get the impression of intermediate.
ELIAS: Correct.
OGE: Wow. Ricky, common.
ELIAS: Correct.
OGE: And Emma, soft.
ELIAS: Correct.
OGE: Wow, good. So my impressions are correct, then. (Elias laughs)
The next question I’d like to ask is I’ve been getting a flash of a purple light. Well, I think it’s purple, but I’m beginning to wonder whether it’s (inaudible). I keep getting flashes of purple light, and I just wanted to know what that is.
ELIAS: And your impression?
OGE: First time I got it, my impression was it was my essence, but I’m not sure about that now.
ELIAS: Actually, this is what you may term to be a type of symptom. Some individuals do incorporate this type of action, so to speak, or visual in time frameworks in which they are opening new neurological pathways. That is what you are incorporating and what the imagery of this spark, so to speak, in this color is signifying to you.
OGE: What do I do when I see them? It first started that I would see it out of the corner of my eye, but it’s actually becoming more direct now. At first I would see it out of the corner of my eye and it would flash and go, but now the last few days I’ve been seeing it more direct. It’s a quick flash and then it goes. What’s the significance of that?
ELIAS: It is merely an action that is occurring in association with opening these neurological pathways. Some individuals temporarily manifest headaches. Some individuals manifest an affecting of their vision. You are merely manifesting temporarily this flashing, so to speak, which is merely a physical indication of these openings of these neurological pathways. It shall pass.
OGE: Can you tell me, Elias, a bit more about these neurological pathways?
ELIAS: Within your physical brain, there are many neurological pathways that are what you may term to be almost dormant. They are not actually being incorporated in use, so to speak, in association with your awareness.
In this shift, individuals are opening more of their neurological pathways within their physical brain, which is a type of result, so to speak, of widening their awarenesses. This occurs with all of you throughout your entire physical dimension in association with this shift. Individuals merely present different symptoms to themselves in association with that action. But this is not facilitating your awareness widening; it is more the reverse. Your awareness widening is also stimulating your physical brain and its functioning.
OGE: I shall read through that again, later. (Elias laughs)
More sort of direct questions, have I engaged the action of transition?
ELIAS: Yes, somewhat, but not intensely.
OGE: I’ll come back to that. I’ll ask you more specific questions, because they’re all over the place at the moment! (Elias laughs)
When I first booked this meeting with you, the questions I wanted to ask you were a lot more urgent. At the moment, I am working through them somewhat myself, but they are still sort of there. One of the things I wanted to ask was I’m interested in this area about where I focus my attention and the beliefs that I focus on. What I wanted to work on is once I’ve recognized where I’m focusing my attention, how do I work through that? I’m having difficulty sort of moving beyond it.
ELIAS: Offer an example.
OGE: An example is at the moment I’ve got issues with money. I’ve got things around money. I’m beginning to recognize where I focus my attention, as in I will focus my attention on the obstacles. So I’ve recognized some of them. How do I move beyond “I cannot have money,” for example?
ELIAS: As you are aware, your first step is to be recognizing where you are projecting your attention, and in that, notice what you are actually doing. This is significant, for this is your indication of influences of beliefs that restrict you. Pay attention to what you are actually doing, and recognize that those are choices.
Now; once you recognize that you actually are not a victim and that you are actually choosing actions that are limiting to yourself, you may actively move your attention in different directions and allow yourself to generate different choices.
Now; one of the actions that is significant in interrupting the patterns that are generated in association with your beliefs is to merely recognize in a moment what you are actually generating in a limiting action, and not necessarily engage any other action but acknowledge to yourself that you are generating the action. Let me explain.
OGE: Yes, please.
ELIAS: You may notice in a moment that you may be moving your attention to a thought process which expresses that you do not incorporate enough money.
Now; that is an action, thinking of not incorporating enough money.
Now; you also may generate another action in which you may deny yourself certain choices to be generating money. You limit what is your availability to generate money. Perhaps you may incorporate a belief that you must engage certain actions in certain directions and that is your only option to be generating money.
Now; what are you doing? You are concentrating your attention upon a lack. In this, you may not actually be incorporating much physical action, but you are concentrating your attention upon lacking. Therefore, you hold yourself in a particular position.
Now; if you allow yourself to notice how much time framework you incorporate in each day in which you are concentrating upon lacking, it shall become easier to turn your attention. It is initially appearing as the reverse of what it actually is in action.
For the most part, as individuals allow themselves to genuinely notice — even within one day, but perhaps more beneficially incorporating several days — if they are noticing how often they discount themselves or how often they generate an association with lacking or how often they generate an expression of fear, merely the noticing of how many times you incorporate these repeated actions becomes somewhat humorous, and your attention shifts.
For rather than reinforcing that action in automatic responses, you are actually interrupting the pattern merely by objectively noticing how frequently you generate certain expressions. Within quite a short time framework, you begin to humor yourself with the whole entertainment of the expressions, and you begin to recognize how ludicrous it is.
OGE: I actually had that experience two days ago. I’ve been wanting to lose a bit of weight, and I recognized how often I was concentrating on the obstacles as opposed to what I wanted to do. That was quite funny; that was really funny.
ELIAS: Correct.
Now; also recognize that once you begin noticing how frequently you generate repeated expressions, you also begin to allow yourself to discontinue struggling with them. It is not that they may be replaced with another expression, although eventually, generally speaking, you do turn and incorporate different choices. But merely the discontinuation of forcing your energy and fighting with yourself and your beliefs is quite beneficial and generates a very different type of energy expression outwardly, which creates a very different reality.
If you are concentrating your attention upon the lack of money, this is what you shall generate. But if you choose not to concern yourself with generating money or creating money or even acquiring money, it loses its force and that allows you the freedom to express energy differently, which actually does change what you create.
OGE: I’ll read the transcript again, but that does make sense.
ELIAS: Allowing yourself to relax and trust yourself is tremendously powerful. I may also express to you, what may be helpful is to incorporate an action of distraction. In moments in which you notice and you recognize that you are beginning to incorporate tension and worry, distract yourself. Notice that you are generating that action. I shall express to you the suggestion that each time you notice you are beginning to generate that type of an expression, allow yourself to turn in one complete circle.
OGE: Can you explain that, please?
ELIAS: Allow yourself to physically turn in one complete circle. Ha ha ha!
OGE: Oh, okay! That’s interesting because I’ve been trying that, sort of moving myself physically — not to turn in a circle, but what I’ve done on one or two occasions, and it has worked, is to take a sidestep to the right. Does that make sense?
OGE: When I’ve noticed myself generating that thought or the action, I just stop myself and take a sidestep to the right.
ELIAS: Now incorporate an action of turning in a complete circle, which shall distract you. It shall also humor you, and it shall remind you to turn your attention and once again be in the moment.
OGE: That moves me on to the next question I wanted to ask, which is about staying in the moment. I do find that difficult.
ELIAS: (Laughs) For it is unfamiliar. It is quite familiar to be projecting attention in many different directions — forward, backward and to other individuals or circumstances or situations — and it may be quite challenging to hold your attention in the now.
Now; understand that as I express this to you, this is not to the exclusion of moving your attention to other time frameworks, for that is a natural action that you all incorporate. You move your attention between the perceived now and the future and the past quite often, and this is not a bad expression. It is limiting and generates conflict in time frameworks in which you concentrate your attention in what you term to be too much within the past or the future, and you exclude the now. THAT is quite a familiar expression with many individuals. You do not pay attention to what you are generating NOW. You incorporate projecting your attention to the exclusion of an awareness of the now.
OGE: I’m listening to you now and I’m all over the place. I’m trying to listen to you and concentrate on this, but I’m processing what you’re saying as well. Can you talk me through how I can listen to you now and be with you here and now without incorporating all those other actions? (Pause)
ELIAS: Move your attention to your objective awareness more. Let me express to you, as an individual incorporating the orientation that you do, it is not unusual for you to be projecting your attention in many different directions simultaneously.
Now; the objective and the subjective are continuously moving and expressing. As an individual incorporating this orientation of soft, you have an equal awareness of both, but you do incorporate the ability to shift your attention to one or the other more strongly.
Now; in generating a physical action that does not require thought and also paying attention to what you are doing in listening or also in interacting with myself, you quiet the subjective and allow your attention to move more to the objective. Even an action as simple as tapping a pencil may be enough of an incorporation of physical movement to allow you to focus your attention upon the objective. Not upon the tapping of the pencil — that is the action which is creating imagery and therefore is, in a manner of speaking, quieting the subjective.
In actuality, what physically occurs is you generate a small physical action that does not require attention and does not require thought to be translating it, and in that physical action what you are incorporating is a generating of imagery.
Now; the objective and the subjective move in harmony. Therefore, if you are generating an objective imagery, the subjective is moving in harmony with that. In that action, your objective awareness may be clear and you may focus your attention upon the interaction that you are generating rather than an action. Are you understanding?
OGE: Yes, I am.
ELIAS: Even tapping of your foot is enough physical action to allow you to move your attention more fully to the objective interaction that you are incorporating.
OGE: Thank you for that.
ELIAS: You are welcome.
OGE: Again, I will read the transcript and digest that more.
ELIAS: Very well.
OGE: Next question is about dreams and dream imageries that I’ve been having. First one, one that’s really stuck with me, was, I think, two weeks ago. Can I run through it with you sort of briefly, what it was?
OGE: In it I was in front of my flat, and there was a rose bush. My neighbor had come out and cut the rose bush down. I asked her why she was cutting the rose bush and she said you cut it down so it grows better. Then, somewhere within that, a woman had come in — and I forget bits of it — but a woman had come in and given me this child to look after. While I was looking after the child, the child started suffocating. I couldn’t remember the woman’s name, so I was looking for her, running after her. But what kept coming back in that particular dream is, I think her name is Rose, so I kept screaming, “Rose! Rose! Rose! Rose! Rose!” Anyway, eventually the child did start breathing again.
But somewhere in that I was aware that I was creating a drama. I also knew that nothing was going to happen to the child, but I couldn’t stop myself from screaming and creating the drama around this child dying. I wondered what that was about, because that’s kind of stuck with me since I had that dream.
ELIAS: And your impression?
OGE: My first impression is that underneath all the drama there is a calmness and a knowingness that everything’s okay.
ELIAS: Correct.
OGE: That was my first impression when I woke up. But the other one that kept sticking was the significance of the rose — the cutting of the rose bush and the name of Rose. I’m not quite clear what the significance of those two are.
ELIAS: The significance of it is that you are presenting imagery to yourself concerning this subject matter of drama and incorporating a message of reinforcement concerning a particular type of energy.
Now; that particular type of energy is expressed as a quality of the Borledim family. This is the reason that you have presented yourself with the rose imagery.
Now; not connecting with the essence of Rose, but offering yourself that imagery to suggest information to yourself concerning this quality of knowing and of relaxing in a gentleness and a nurturing atmosphere within yourself, and that is significant. For it is not that drama itself is bad — many individuals choose to be incorporating drama to be exciting themselves — but in association with yourself, many times it is unnecessary and merely complicates different situations that you generate. In this, if you are allowing yourself to incorporate an energy of gentleness with yourself and not panic and not automatically reacting, you may generate much more of an ease in your energy and in your expressions.
Now; I am not expressing to you that you shall not incorporate drama any longer within your focus, for I may express that this is also many times associated with your orientation. Individuals incorporating the soft orientation do, generally speaking — although it is not an absolute — but generally speaking, these individuals do incorporate some fancy for generating some drama. It is more of an intensity within your expressions, which is merely a choice of movement, and there is no good or bad concerning it.
But at times, you shall notice that some dramas become much more intense than other dramas, and in those time frameworks it may be generating quite an uncomfortableness within you. This is what your dream imagery is addressing to, offering you information that within those time frameworks in which you may generate more of an extreme in an expression of drama, that if you are incorporating this gentleness with yourself and this nurturing with yourself, and recognizing that you need not be incorporating an association with fixing but rather relaxing and allowing, you shall generate much less conflict.
OGE: Thank you for that.
ELIAS: You are welcome.
OGE: The other dream imagery I’ve had, and I’ve had this over the last two days, is the first one involved a cat. I specifically remember that its right leg was broken. I don’t know what happened but the right leg was broken. I was talking to my mum and I remember my mum saying to me, “You see, its right leg was broken but it still brought its child home.” That was the first one, and that was about two days ago.
Then yesterday I had a similar dream, except this one involved my friend. Something had happened to her right leg, but she wasn’t too bothered. She kept saying to me, “Oh, don’t worry about it. It will fix itself.” But I remember being horrified when I saw that her right leg had been damaged or twisted.
Now that’s happened two days in a row, so I think that’s quite significant as well. But I haven’t got any specific impressions as to what it means.
ELIAS: First of all, the incorporation of the right is symbology associated with shifting. That is associated with a female energy, an intuitive energy, and is an imagery that you are presenting to yourself in relation to shifting within yourself.
The imagery of broken is significant, for this is also associated with what we have been speaking of previously in not fixing and not panicking in relation to fixing, but allowing yourself to recognize that expressions within your focus are actually not broken and need not be fixed.
OGE: That makes more sense to me. That does ring a bell with me. (Elias laughs) Hello? What did you say? I didn’t get that, Elias.
ELIAS: I did not incorporate an expression other than a chuckle. Ha ha ha!
OGE: You chuckle quite a lot!
ELIAS: (Laughs) I am quite amused with many of you within this physical dimension. Ha ha!
OGE: Are you? (Laughs) Many of us are not amused with ourselves, are we?
ELIAS: Ah, but I suggest that you may be attempting to be amused with yourselves! Ha ha! You may incorporate much more playfulness.
OGE: Hello?
OGE: The line’s breaking up a bit, that’s why I keep saying that. Does that have anything to do with me?
ELIAS: Your energy, in a scatteredness.
OGE: Is it? (Elias laughs) But I don’t need to fix that.
OGE: The next one is another dream image as well that I had, and this is another one that stuck with me. I was in a dream and I was aware I was in, I think, a classroom setting. Now, the only two things I remember are the beginning of the dream and the ending. At the beginning of it, someone was telling me about the whole Christ consciousness, and I do remember them or someone saying his essence family is Gramada. Then towards the end of the dream, I remember this same person say to me that the twelve disciples were of the same father. There was quite a lot, a big chunk in the middle I missed because I didn’t write it down when I woke up and it all faded really quickly. So I just wanted a bit more insight into what that was all about.
ELIAS: And your impression?
OGE: My first impression is that you were involved with that. That was my initial impression.
ELIAS: Partially.
OGE: And that I was tapping into some kind of information.
ELIAS: What you were engaging was an offering to yourself of an experience of the lack of separation, allowing yourself to project yourself into another area of consciousness, allowing yourself to experience that lack of separation momentarily, and you generate the objective imagery or translation of that in this dream imagery.
It, in actuality, was not concerning the subject matter that you symbolized it with. It was concerning the interconnectedness and the lack of separation of all of consciousness and all essences. You imaged it in this manner for this is an image that is powerful to you.
OGE: The line keeps breaking up. Hello?
OGE: Is that me still doing that?
ELIAS: (Laughs) Yes. I may express to you that your transmission, so to speak, is quite acceptable. You are not generating any interruptions in the transmission in this physical location, and you are not generating interruptions of your recording. You are merely interrupting your aspect of the interaction.
OGE: One question I’d like to ask, Elias, is back to this question about limiting beliefs in relation to money. I have been working with a few beliefs I have, and one of them is this whole big thing around shame and embarrassment. I wanted to know if you have any suggestions on how I can begin to work with that and work through it, because I do think it’s greatly linked with the whole issue for me with money.
ELIAS: Offer an example of an experience that you incorporate that...
OGE: One example I have is I do feel a great deal of shame and embarrassment when I don’t have enough money. It’s something that’s quite embarrassing for me. So that’s a general thing for me to do with money. If I haven’t got enough money to meet my needs or to pay my bills or whatever it is, I do feel quite embarrassed and a great deal of shame around it.
ELIAS: For this is also associated with your perception of your worth. In this, it is not actually the money that generates the embarrassment or the shame; it is your association with your worth and your value and a measurement of your value, which is quite small. Therefore, the by-product is the objective imagery of not incorporating enough money or enough to be accommodating of what you perceive to be your needs.
Now; this also is associated with your view of yourself in relation to responsibility, which is another avenue in which you discount yourself. You are discounting yourself in your worth, and you are discounting yourself in your expression of responsibility. Therefore, you reinforce that through imagery of lacking, and this merely perpetuates the circle of discounting yourself, which is another reason that it is significant that you be incorporating this physical action in this exercise of turning yourself in a circle.
I am aware that many times individuals may be engaging conversation with myself and I may offer a simple exercise that the individual may incorporate, and they generate an expression of thinking that the exercise is insignificant and of no consequence. But I may express to you, each exercise that I offer to any individual is quite purposeful and quite associated with each individual’s energy expression.
In this, you generate circles within yourself in perpetuating this discounting of yourself in quite physical manners. Incorporating the physical action of turning yourself in a physical circle in time frameworks in which you notice that you are discounting yourself, you interrupt that energy. The symbology of the action shall be helpful in your assimilating of our conversation and your recognition of allowing yourself more freedom and to trust yourself more fully. This is what your challenge is. You devalue yourself, and therefore, you do not trust yourself and your abilities. In that, you continue this circle of discounting yourself and generating physical expressions that reinforce that.
OGE: That should be interesting doing that on the bus, Elias! (Both laugh) Thank you very much for that. Can I move on from that now? I think I’ve got a lot to assimilate from that.
ELIAS: Very well.
OGE: Is this my final focus?
ELIAS: And your impression?
OGE: My first impression was yes, it is. That was my initial impression. Then I started thinking I want to do this again, especially with all that I am learning. I know there’s no such thing as learning, but you know what I mean. So I thought oh, I want to do this again, but my initial impression was that it is my final focus.
ELIAS: (Laughs) Let me express to you a clarification. First of all, no, you are not the designated final focus, but you also do not repeat. It matters not whether you may be designated as a continuing focus, a beginning focus, a final focus — no focus repeats. All of your focuses are simultaneous; therefore, they are all occurring now, regardless of what time framework they may be identified with.
Once you disengage, you move your attention to other areas of consciousness and you continue in whatever choice of exploration you wish in that time period, so to speak, although it is simultaneous. But you do not reincarnate; it is unnecessary and would be redundant. For you are choosing to be exploring this physical reality and this physical manifestation, but as essence you are generating many, many, many focuses simultaneously. Therefore, it is unnecessary to repeat the experience.
OGE: Hello?
ELIAS: Yes? (Laughs)
OGE: It’s cutting off again, or I’m cutting off again.
ELIAS: (Laughs) You may continue with your questions.
OGE: You’ll hear it anyway, because it’s cutting off from my end. Oh god, I had a question and it’s gone. Oh, that’s it — other focuses I’ve had! I think I’ve got about six minutes left, so I wanted to talk about other focuses I have. Is one of them a soldier in the First World War?
OGE: Did he disengage — I was tempted to say “die” there — did someone sort of hit him from behind?
OGE: Yes, I saw that quite clearly one day. Other focuses I’ve had, have I been a Japanese scholar?
OGE: Have I had more male focuses than female?
OGE: I thought so. Which focus, Elias, is the most influencing or that I’m allowing to influence me the most at the moment? (Pause)
ELIAS: A focus within the time period of the Spanish Inquisition. You incorporate a focus which has been tremendously judged...
OGE: I thought so.
ELIAS: ...and that individual in that focus incorporates a tremendous disdain of himself in association with his judgment and excommunication. You draw a significant energy from that focus to reinforce what you generate in this focus.
I may offer to you another focus which you may be choosing to investigate, which may allow you some playfulness and much more of a lightheartedness, which may interrupt your fascination with the energy of this other focus within the Spanish Inquisition. Perhaps you may choose to investigate a focus that you incorporate also with your present partner in a time framework of early 1800s. Both individuals incorporate the gender of female and are both quite playful and express a tremendous affection for engaging the action of incorporating many costumes. (Both laugh) You engage quite an intimate relationship with that individual in that focus. You generate much playfulness, even to the point of attempting to fool other individuals with your costumes! (Both laugh)
OGE: We do have a lot of that in our relationship now. It’s quite lighthearted and quite playful. (Elias laughs)
I think my time’s almost up, so thank you very much. I can’t think of any more questions. There are loads, but they’ve all gone out of my head! (Elias laughs) Ah, one more question!
ELIAS: Very well.
OGE: It’s about the relationship with my brother. That’s intriguing me. Have we or did we at some stage — I think we did, I suspect that we did — engage some sort of counterpart action?
OGE: But that has since — what do you call it — disengaged? Has it?
OGE: And hence, that’s the reason why it’s causing quite a bit of friction between us.
ELIAS: Somewhat, and also in association with your individual beliefs.
OGE: Which beliefs are those?
ELIAS: Beliefs concerning behaviors and expressions, and what they should be and what they should not be. (Laughs)
OGE: I shall ponder on that one. That’s something for me to work on, yes?
ELIAS: Very well! (Both laugh)
OGE: Thank you very much, Elias! That was really, really good.
ELIAS: You are quite welcome, my friend. I shall be anticipating our next meeting, and I offer my tremendous affection to you and to your partner.
OGE: Yes, I will do. You didn’t say, “You are accomplishing in this shift.” You always say that!
ELIAS: You are! (Both laugh) It is unnecessary, for you already are!
OGE: Thank you very much. I’ve got a lot to work on there already.
ELIAS: Very well.
OGE: Yes, I’ve got a lot to work on. Thank you.
ELIAS: You are quite welcome, my friend. In great fondness to you, au revoir.
OGE: Au revoir. We shall meet again.
Elias departs at 8:09 AM.
©2006 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved
Copyright 2003 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.