orientation and interaction
wish to alter terminology from 'common' to 'most popular'
expressing outwardly is a familiar expression in the common orientatio
extremes and soft orientation
many soft individuals generate repetitive physical actions
introversion/openness of orientations
paying attention to you AND objective imagery
definitions of common and soft
surrounding yourself with individuals that are of the soft orientation
intermediates do not necessarily generate a movement of isolation
it becomes unfamiliar to be holding your attention upon self
it is unnecessary for you to objectively analyze the subjective process
one of the qualities of intermediate may be interpreted as shyness
you naturally move your attention outwardly
soft and intermediate generate tremendous comparisons
a feeling of alienation and not generating many intimate friendships
the addressing to any particular issue is generated subjectively
differences in the thought processes of the three orientations
intermediates do incorporate time in which they prefer to be not interactive
continuously interactive with some element of living energy
differences of language used by different orientations
an uncertainness of whether you are expressing correctly or not
a challenge in identifying their intent
justifying more separation
moving your attention more fully to the objective interaction
awareness of subjective movement
parallel probable common, soft and intermediate realities
individuals of the soft orientation are less less responsive to structure
labels used to distinguish orientations
soft-soft relationship: it is quite important to be paying attention to self
less of an interest in association with sexual interaction
many intermediates involved with one family
most intermediates do prefer some elements of structure
I changed to common, and now I'm switching back to soft
sexuality in relationships
generating an automatic shield
do not become distracted by the physical imagery
intimate relationship
it is not necessary to fear this passion and this power in energy
male/female/other was not associated with homosexuality
differences in noticing
orientations are not associated with sexual preferences
or are we always going to be late?
Why do I generate feeling so alone?
Soft Session #1: Intimate Relationships; Flamboyance; ‘Soft Moments’
different lenses of perception
tapping into some element of the soft orientation
Soft Session, #2: Natural Flow; Energy-Ball Game
the soft orientation connects quite easily to the energy around them
can I incorporate elements of another orientation, specifically soft?
Soft individuals express their power in energy
their own expression of order
exploring our identity
What careers or jobs are best for softies?
what am I not seeing in my imagery to match?
Soft/Intermediate/Common - an explanation
common, intermediate
responsiveness to mass events
orientation and gender
vs. objective choices in preference
relationship between soft and common
relationship between soft and common
blocking the orientation of soft
objective and subjective creations in continuous conjunction
different orientations within relationships
soft: conflicts interacting with other individuals
and gender
orientation vs. sexual preference
relationship: soft - common
the individual expressions
differences of subjective and objective attention
convoluting the concept of orientation
soft and thought-/emotion-focused
orientation of soft
input and assimilation of information
difference of impressions
qualities of soft orientation
soft and common
beliefs are more obvious
effects of the shift on orientations?
soft: maternal energy
soft: incorporating the IN and the OUT
Soft: natural flow
Common: no lack of specialty
soft, foggy and dysfunctional
why are orientations called sexual orientations?
soft and duplicity and headache and energy surges
translations - intermediate
female, or other
soft/soft romantic relationships
what does that mean, common?
soft: uncomfortable familiarity
exploring sexual preference
soft enhances the clarity of experiences
objective/subjective - soft
soft relationships
soft: dwelling on dwelling
differences of subjective and objective awarenesses/pond-analogy
intermediate: information by doing
the intermediate handicap
soft: objective/subjective separation
intermediates are not reclusive
soft/soft relationships
intermediate and groups
holding your attention outside of yourself
What's that, orientation?
analogy of the pond
differences in attentions upon self
and preference
differences of intermediate and soft
relationship soft - soft
relationship soft - soft
orientation and work
recognition of objective and subjective awarenesses simultaneously
objective creation and exploration of you
temporarily experimenting with a different orientation
not necessarily focused objectively in the how
orientations: motion picture analogy
soft - soft relationships
subjective communication when you are not in direct contact
objective and subjective awarenesses in relation to orientation
unfamiliar is to be also simultaneously paying attention to you
withdrawal in the common and soft orientations
also incorporate listening and turning your attention to you inwardly
percentage of common, intermediate, soft
a lot of intermediate mothers