Session 2786
Translations: PT

Soft Session Four


”Soft Session Four”

Thursday, May 14, 2009 (Private / Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Julie (Fontine)

ELIAS: Good Morning!

JULIE: Good morning, Elias. Several members of the soft group send their greetings to you. And, we’ve made a list of questions that we’d like to ask you about, and voted on them, so they are in the order of our preference.

ELIAS: Very well.

JULIE: Okay, so a couple quick ones. Is there a soft gathering place in the City?


JULIE: Okay, and are we creating that right now?


JULIE: Okay, thank you. So we’ll have some fun around that. Okay, and there is a member of our soft group who would like to know his essence name and his stats and orientation. He goes by Kelly and his name is Rakau. I think I’m saying that right.

ELIAS: And the impressions?

JULIE: I’m afraid that I didn’t get his impressions but we think that he’s soft. I think there’s the impression that he’s a political focus. And I’ll just throw something out there – maybe Tumold / Ilda?

ELIAS: Correct!

JULIE: Are you serious? Wow! (laughing and happy that my impressions were correct.)

ELIAS: And the essence name is Jaize.

JULIE: Oh, I like that. Okay, thank you. All right, so question number one. The person said: ”I am interested in exploring our soft orientation and this current wave by asking Elias questions about how we deal with it, maybe some things about exploring our identity and discovering our core essence identity and how softs experience moving into the unknown and regarding letting go of old associations. Basically things about softs and the current emo wave and what we’re addressing to right now.

ELIAS: Very well. This is actually more than one question.

JULIE: I know, I know. (laughs)

ELIAS: Very well. How soft individuals are interacting with this wave in relation to identity. The soft individuals, in relation to identity, would be exploring that and experiencing that somewhat differently than other orientations, and in a curious manner, the manner in which soft individuals are doing this is more common to an intermediate individual, in how they naturally process. For intermediate individuals naturally process inwardly and therefore during their time framework of processing, they may be questioning what they are doing but they are not necessarily offering themselves answers until the point in which they have inwardly completed their process and subsequently they present an answer to themself. But they cannot necessarily explain how they arrived at that answer.

In this situation, in relation to identity and this wave, soft individuals are generating a very similar process. Not necessarily in other areas but in relation to identity, for what most soft individuals are doing presently is processing information subjectively and not necessarily noticing how that is translating into objective actions or even activities, and in that, once the soft individual has processed the information subjectively, they present themselves with, in a manner of speaking, an event. Now the event is not necessarily an actual event, but it can be a clarity or an understanding, or what you term to be a revelation. And that becomes their event of almost a small explosion of information and understanding. Which, generally speaking, soft individuals are more aware of what they are doing subjectively, but in this situation in relation to identity, this involves, as I have expressed, disassociating with outside learned or taught information and disassociating with past experiences.

Not that you are forgetting any of that information, or that you are eliminating any of that information, but disassociating from that in order to discover what your individual natural expression and flow of energy and inclinations are to yourself, apart from past experiences and learned or taught information or accumulated information. In this, for a soft individual, in order to disassociate from the outside learned or experienced or taught information, what occurs is the individual, in a manner of speaking, separates or retreats somewhat to the subjective, to allow the subjective to incorporate that movement or that work, so to speak, of separating the experiences from the core identity. And, subsequently, that becomes translated by the objective awareness somewhat in bursts. And in those bursts, the learned, the experienced, the taught, is already stripped away, which allows for the clarity of the understanding.

What is different in relation to other orientations is that for the common and the intermediate individuals, they are objectively processing and viewing their experiences and recalling what they have been taught or what they have learned, and objectively evaluating whether those are valid to themselves, genuinely, or not. The soft individuals are not necessarily moving as much in the objective evaluation of the point of valid or not valid. They are not necessarily as much moving into the objective recall and evaluation of past experiences, for they are processing that subjectively, and subsequently creating these bursts of clarity and understanding.

I would also express that it is not less challenging for a soft individual in uncovering their genuine identity than it is for another orientation; it is merely different. As to your core guidelines that are associated with your genuine identity, I would express that this factor in some manners may be easier for soft individuals and in some manners may be more difficult. In relation to yourselves, it may be easier for you to accept and move into your natural flow, and therefore expressing your guidelines in association with your identity, but in relation to your guidelines and other individuals, it may be more difficult. I would express that, in that respect, it may be easier for a common individual to be expressing themselves in relation to their identity and their guidelines, in relation to other individuals.

JULIE: So softs’ guidelines are different?

ELIAS: Their guidelines are not necessarily different, but expressing them or interacting with other individuals in relation to them may be more difficult than the other orientations. This would be association with our analogy of the soft individual and their ball. Soft individuals generally want to bounce their own ball, and therefore following and expressing their own guidelines for themselves would not be difficult and would be easier than the other orientations, but in relation to identity and expressing your genuine guidelines in relation to other individuals may be more challenging.

JULIE: So, do you have a suggestion to make that easier – how it could flow easier?

ELIAS: My suggestion for the soft individual would be to genuinely listen and to engage their creativity when interacting with another individual. Viewing their own guidelines, being aware of them, being present with them, and also genuinely paying attention to what is occurring in relation to the interaction with the other individual. That may sound somewhat simplistic, but if you are actually being genuine with yourselves, you will notice, as a soft individual, that when you are interacting with another individual, you may be listening to what the other individual is expressing, but you are also very inclined to be paying attention to your direction or your opinion of what the other individual is expressing, for you are more inclined to be paying attention to your own guidelines, therefore you are naturally more present with yourself – m ore aware of yourself. Therefore, when you are listening, you may think that you are genuinely listening and that your attention is focused, but in actuality, generally speaking, it is divided, for you are also moving your attention to your own guidelines. Now, this is not bad, but temporarily, in relation to this wave, and in relation to communication, it can be confusing and it can lead into misunderstanding or it can lead into assumptions or even imagination.

JULIE: So, you’re saying that it would benefit us to pay more attention to the other individual and what they are expressing in the moment, as well as to our own guidelines, and that will ease the communication and bring more comfort.


JULIE: Well, I think I have some assimilating to do with that.

ELIAS: I’m not expressing for you to move your attention away from yourselves, for I do not encourage that action with any individual. But, to be recognizing and perhaps temporarily, until the point that you are more familiar with this action, creating somewhat of a separation when you are interacting with another individual, paying attention to what they are doing and how they are expressing and separating that automatic attention to yourself and not associating that with the other individual.

JULIE: Not associating myself and my guidelines with other individual, that’s what you mean?


JULIE: So is that different than the exercise of when I want to find out what I’m expressing, eliminate the other individual temporarily. So that’s me…right? That’s what I’m projecting.


JULIE: But this is almost like temporarily eliminating all of my projections and just listening to them.

ELIAS: Not necessarily, it is merely generating a separation in recognizing that your expression is separate from the other individual’s. And in that moment, your associations are not relevant yet.

JULIE: Okay. Well I think I’ll move on to the next question.

ELIAS: Very well.

JULIE: Thank you. Okay. Since we accomplish in energy, as softs, how can we more easily recognize when we have accomplished or are accomplishing? How would we realize that we were indeed using our energy in an accomplishing way instead of being unaware?

ELIAS: The manner in which you can realize that you are accomplishing is by paying attention to what you are doing or what you are not doing and viewing the effect of that. Now, this is very similar to impressions. As you are aware, I have expressed many times that if you pay attention to impressions, they are very consistent. You present an impression to yourself and if you ignore it or if you do not respond to it and push it away, you will offer yourself a validation of that impression – whatever your impression was will be expressed, and that validates to you that that was a valid impression, that you did incorporate a knowing.

If you listen to your impression and you move with it, generally speaking, whatever the impression was will not necessarily manifest, for you have engaged choices in relation to it to move with it. In this, in energy it is very similar. You can be aware of what your energy is doing or what it is accomplishing or what direction it is being expressed in by paying attention to what you are doing, what you are not doing, what you are motivated to do or what you are not motivated to do, and what occurs in relation to that.

Let me offer a simple example. Let us say that you encounter a friend, and the friend is expressing themself in a very disturbing manner, and you automatically want to be helpful. In this, let us say that this friend is very distressed and perhaps even weeping, and you are prompted to offer what you perceive to be consoling words, and your friend becomes more agitated and is not actually accepting of your consolation. Now, in that scenario, your intention was to be helpful. The energy that you were expressing was not accomplishing what you wanted. You were not actually stopping and paying attention, ”What are my choices? What is my natural expression?” and moving with that. Now, conversely, perhaps in the same scenario, you are prompted to express consoling words, but you do not. You stop momentarily, you genuinely are listening to the other individual, you pay attention to what your choices are, and perhaps what you do is move towards the other individual and embrace them, and say nothing.

Now, in both scenarios, you can be aware of what you are accomplishing in energy by paying attention to what you are doing and paying attention to what your choices are in how to direct yourself, and this applies in other situations also – in any situation. But in situations in which you are not necessarily involving another individual, or you may be involving other individuals that are not in physical proximity to you and that you may not actually even be physically communicating with.

There are many different scenarios, but the baseline of energy and recognizing whether you are accomplishing in that energy or not is to be paying attention to what choices are being engaged in relation to the intention and whether you are actually recognizing all of the choices that are available to you. In this, when you are directing energy in a specific manner to accomplish a specific manifestation, whatever it is, it is a matter of genuinely looking at what you are doing, the choices you are engaging, and being open and noticing all of the possibilities that can be associated with that.

Just as in the simple scenario of an individual that is discharged from employment, the individual may automatically think to themself that their energy is moving in a destructive manner or is moving in a direction that they do not want when in actuality it may not be. It may be moving in the direction of what you want to accomplish. And perhaps in being discharged from that particular employment, it opens a door for a different direction and the ability to accomplish what you wanted in a different manner.

It is a matter of being open and viewing the potentials or the possibilities that can be expressed from what you are doing and knowing that those possibilities are not always what you expect. Many times individuals are viewing situations in a black and white manner. They view a scenario, they generate an automatic association with it, and they automatically evaluate whether it is good or bad, but many times, what appears good may not be and what appears bad may not be. It is a matter of being aware of what your intention is and seeing what is actually occurring that can be related to that intention.

JULIE: So if we are seeing a lot of different choices in any scenario then we are accomplishing, if we are allowing ourself to move in relation to those choices and our intent.

ELIAS: Yes, and in relation to what you want to accomplish.

JULIE: Okay, thank you. So, the next question: Is there something that you can tell us about ourselves that we don’t know yet? An avenue that we can explore further?

ELIAS: (Long pause) Something about yourselves that you do not know yet...but that you can explore. That would be the key! (long pause) An avenue that you can explore is experiencing yourselves actually as being essence. This is an idea that you are familiar with, but it is also an action that you do not actually know yet. That other than that small tribe (laughs), the rest of you have not actually experienced what that is. Now, I would begin by expressing to you that a beginning of that type of exploration would be to, not discover other focuses, not to watch other focuses, not to be one other focus, but to experience yourself as ALL of your focuses NOW. That would be a beginning point.

JULIE: (laughs) Oh no! Wow!

ELIAS: I would express that none of you have experienced that.

JULIE: Okay. None of us...but the small tribe. Are they living that way?

ELIAS: Not entirely. But they do incorporate the ability to do that at will if they are so choosing.

JULIE: Okay. All right. Thank you, Elias. Is there any more to say about that?

ELIAS: I would express that will be challenging enough.

JULIE: I think so! I’m excited about that though. Okay, thank you. So, question number four: How does a soft view identity? How would it differ from the other orientations?

ELIAS: It would not necessarily differ much from other orientations. With the exception that a soft individual does include an equal expression or awareness of the subjective, but other than that, I would express that genuinely discovering your identity and expressing that would not be much different with the other orientations.

JULIE: Okay. Question five: Which orientation is the easiest for a softie in a partnership relationship?

ELIAS: In a partnership relationship, that would depend. I would express that it would be, for many soft individuals, easier to incorporate a partnership relationship with an intermediate individual, if they are not coupling themselves with another soft individual. I would express generally, it would be more difficult for a soft individual to couple themself with a common individual, although it does occur and can be successful, but it would be easier with an intermediate individual. Intermediate individuals incorporate more of a willingness to allow for that aloneness and intermediate individuals also incorporate more of a tendency to not be as concerned or involved with sexual activity. Mind you, that is a generalization; it is not a rule, for intermediate individuals are very passionate, but many of them do not necessarily express that consistently in sexual expressions. Therefore in relation to a soft individual, that would be somewhat more compatible.

JULIE: Okay, and you said, out of all three orientations, an intermediate might be easiest in general?

ELIAS: Once again, that is dependent upon the individual, as I have expressed. If two soft individuals are coupling themselves and incorporate enough information and genuinely allow themselves to pay attention to themselves, that would be the optimum, but generally speaking, that is very challenging for soft individuals. Therefore, generally speaking, that, in your terms, is not entirely realistic. Therefore I would express that the easiest relationship would be with a soft and an intermediate, for there are some components or qualities that complement each other – not expressed the same, but they do complement each other.

JULIE: All right. Thank you. That was an interesting answer for me. Question six: What careers or jobs are best for softies? More specifically, what pathways would fit like a hand in glove, without the constant friction of adjusting to differences?

ELIAS: What types of careers that would be most suited for a soft individual would be any type of career that would involve very few other individuals. Incorporating their own business would be well suited. Incorporating a career in which they can engage significant time generating whatever they do by themself or with one or two other individuals. And in situations that the individual can freely express themselves.

Now, there are some exceptions to that, but they are not actually exceptions. Careers in the arts would be well suited to an individual of the soft orientation, for although careers in the arts involve, generally speaking, many other individuals, it is expressed in a manner that is very individualized, such as a career in the theater. The soft individual may be engaged with many other players but they also can concentrate in their character very effectively, in which the other players become almost props for the soft individual would be very much engrossed in their own role, in their own character and developing that in the most accomplished manner that they can.

Also, a direction that would be well-suited to many soft individuals, if not most, would be in fields that interact with creatures or with plants. Therefore a career in relation to botanicals or nurseries would be well suited. Or even farming. You can incorporate considerable time to themself, but also be interactive and in that, not necessarily be engaging many individuals at once. In relation to creatures, there are many different fields in which the individual can be interactive with creatures and not necessarily with many other individuals.

I would express that soft individuals can perform well in careers and situations with many other individuals if they are supervising. Soft individuals do not necessarily perform well if they are continuously being instructed, but they would be effective in more supervision roles. In this, I would also express that in any of these directions or careers, one component that is somewhat significant for soft individuals is that, generally speaking, you do naturally incorporate some structure, but not much. You are comfortable with a limited amount of structure but that must be balanced with a considerable amount of freedom and flexibility. For regardless of the personality of an individual that is soft, their orientation naturally moves them in a desire for flexibility and not to be constricted or what you would associate as controlled.

(Tape ends here. Session ends shortly.)

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