Session 1755

Dreams: Experiencing the Unknown and Remembering


“Dreams: Experiencing the Unknown, Triggers, and Remembering”
“Hearing Loss”
“Supportiveness to Older Children”

Tuesday, April 19, 2005 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Frank (Ulra)

(Elias’ arrival time is 15 seconds.)

ELIAS: Good morning!

FRANK: Good morning! Good to talk to you again!

ELIAS: Ha ha! And you also!

FRANK: It’s been a little while here — at least for me, although not for you, I guess. I don’t have much of an agenda, so we’ll see how it goes today.

ELIAS: Very well.

FRANK: Let’s start with a couple of dreams, as usual. About three weeks ago, I had a really interesting dream. In this dream, I was with somebody who was in charge of this program to test a rocket or spaceship. We got in it and we took a short flight. We were really close to the ground. What was particularly interesting to me was that during this dream I really had the sensation like I was flying at very high speeds; it was exhilarating and actually exciting. I had the feeling I was really flying. I woke up right after that. I’m just really curious as to what was going on there. Was it an out-of-body experience, or what exactly was happening there? What was that all about?

ELIAS: A projection, yes. In this, you have offered yourself imagery with this projection to validate to yourself the actual possibilities of what you can accomplish within your physical focus, that those actions or manifestations that seem impossible are actually not impossible and that you may actually offer yourself a slight introduction to your capabilities, and in association with shifting, how those capabilities are expanding and increasing.

You are also offering to yourself an experience of an unknown, which is significant. For this is beginning to be generated in many individuals in this time framework, in which you begin to offer yourselves somewhat of an experience of some unknown action or manifestation, which allows you to expand your awareness more, and therefore, allows you to actually create more within your physical reality.

You create what is known; therefore, in offering yourself experiences of unknown, you allow yourself to expand your ability to create more within your physical reality.

FRANK: You said we create what is known. Could you elaborate on that a little bit?

ELIAS: Correct. You generally create expressions, actions, manifestations within your reality of elements of your reality that are known to you. Let me offer a simple example. Many individuals express affection for other individuals, for situations, for creatures, for many different expressions and manifestations within their reality.

Now; many individuals define that affection as love, for the feeling of affection is known to them. Therefore, they equate affection with love. Affection is not actually love, but if the individual has not actually experienced love, it is an unknown to them. Therefore, their definition of love may be inaccurate, for it is actually an unknown. What is known to you is what has been experienced in some capacity. What is unknown is expressions that have not been experienced.

FRANK: I understand. It was really an interesting dream. It was exhilarating. It was as good as any rollercoaster ride I’ve ever been on.

ELIAS: (Laughs) For it also allows you to experience a new sensation of freedom.

FRANK: Yes, absolutely. I’d love to know how to reproduce that.

ELIAS: (Laughs) Perhaps incorporate a dream trigger.

FRANK: Okay, tell me about that.

ELIAS: What do you identify as your dream trigger?

FRANK: I’m not sure I even know what a dream trigger is.

ELIAS: A dream trigger is some expression or object that consistently appears in all of your dreams.

Now; in some of your dreams you may not necessarily notice that your dream trigger is present, but you shall notice that there appears to be a consistency of some expression or some object within your dreams that appears frequently. That expression or object is identified as a dream trigger.

What you may do in relation to your dream trigger is incorporate that as a portal that allows you to manipulate your dream imagery in any manner that you want. All that is required is that you move towards the dream trigger within your dream and allow yourself to merge with it. In that action, you may choose how to manipulate the energy within your dream imagery and create whatever type of imagery that you want. You also may incorporate the dream trigger as a portal to other areas of consciousness, which allows you to explore other areas, not merely your physical reality.

FRANK: What is my dream trigger? Can you tell me that?

ELIAS: (Laughs) I shall encourage you to investigate and pay attention.

FRANK: Oh man!

ELIAS: This may be an interesting exercise for you, for it shall also encourage you to be expressing more of your objective awareness within your dream activity — which you already incorporate considerable objective awareness within your dream state, but this will encourage you to be generating what you term to be much more lucid dreaming.

In that type of dreaming, you are incorporating an actual balance of the objective and the subjective involvement in dream action, which allows you to manipulate the dream imagery intentionally and efficiently. It also allows you, if you are so choosing, to tap into the energy of other individuals within dream state and allows you to connect with their imagery, which is also a fun experience. (Chuckles)

FRANK: I guess it probably would be. That sounds like a tall order, but I’ll try and do that. So, I’m looking for some consistent element.

ELIAS: Yes. It may be an object; it may be a type of element that changes form, such as glass, which may be generated into many different forms, or it may be an element such as water, which may also incorporate many different forms. It may be a vehicle...

FRANK: Oh, water! Remember, I used to have all those water dreams.


FRANK: So maybe it’s water.

ELIAS: That is...

FRANK: But when I asked you that, you wouldn’t answer me!

ELIAS: But this is an efficient beginning point, for you may begin to recognize that water may incorporate many different forms, and it may not necessarily be expressed in what you term to be a body of water. It may be expressed in many other forms. This also encourages you to be aware of the consistency in which it appears within your dreams.

FRANK: Since the last time we talked, there’s only three dreams I remember. How can I have a greater awareness of my dreams when I wake up?

ELIAS: As I have stated, the recall of dream imagery is generated through the allowance of the involvement of the objective awareness within sleep state. That is what generates dreams, for the action that is occurring is a subjective action. The imagery that is generated is objective. This is the reason that it is abstract, for it is an objective expression.

In the desire to generate more awareness of dream activity, it is necessary to incorporate more of the objective awareness and its involvement, which creates the imagery. Therefore, if you are desiring to be generating more dream imagery and more recall of it, it may be beneficial temporarily to alter your sleep patterns somewhat. In altering your sleep patterns, that alerts your objective awareness and therefore encourages your objective awareness to be more involved in that action.

Figuratively speaking, in altering your sleep patterns, you may view your objective awareness as your watchdog. As you change your habits, you alert your watchdog, and it becomes aware and patrols what activity you are engaging. Therefore, you incorporate more awareness and recall of what you are generating within sleep state, and you create imagery.

FRANK: By altering sleep patterns, you mean go to bed at different times, get up at different times, that sort of thing?

ELIAS: Yes, or interrupt your sleep pattern. You may incorporate retiring at the same time as you are accustomed to, but if you interrupt that sleep momentarily within a few of your hours, that also alerts the watchdog.

FRANK: So I set the alarm for three in the morning or something?

ELIAS: Yes, and it is not necessary to be incorporating an extended interruption. Merely a brief interruption is sufficient to trigger your objective awareness to engage an involvement.

FRANK: I’ll try that. It sounds like a lot of fun, actually.

ELIAS: (Laughs) A new adventure.

FRANK: Absolutely. Let me ask you about some other dreams here. This one I just jotted down when I woke up. All I can remember about this dream is that my cousin’s husband died in this dream. My interpretation is that some part of me died or I sort of pushed it into the background or whatever.

ELIAS: In actuality, this imagery is a presentment to yourself concerning the subject matter of death, the perception of separation and also the actuality of the lack of separation. This dream has been triggered by a movement within consciousness in association with your physical reality in this time framework.

In this time framework, there is a tremendous surge of energy which is thinning these veils of separation. Many individuals are tapping into that action and that movement concerning these veils of separation being more and more thinned, and there is more and more of an awareness and interaction between individuals that continue within physical focus and individuals that disengage.

FRANK: Am I in contact with someone who’s disengaged?

ELIAS: Not yet.

FRANK: Other than you, of course.

ELIAS: (Laughs) Not yet, but this has been a presentment of that potential.

FRANK: Is it a preparation for doing that for me?

ELIAS: In a manner of speaking, yes.

FRANK: (Laughing) Is there some particular person or entity that I seek to communicate with or vice versa?

ELIAS: (Laughs) Not yet!

FRANK: I’m sorry; it’s hard for me to be serious about this.

ELIAS: Ah, yes, seriousness! (Humorously) I would definitely discourage you to seek out dead individuals and communicate with them, for it is quite unnatural! HA HA!

FRANK: I don’t have any interest in that. You don’t have to worry about that.

ELIAS: (Humorously) Thank you very much! (Laughs)

FRANK: Present company excepted.

ELIAS: Very well!

FRANK: Let me ask you about another one, the last one I have. Again, unfortunately, I don’t remember much about it; I just jotted it down quickly. This dream was about the space shuttle. I was looking at it, and it started to take off and then it failed. It came down and crashed and burned, but somehow, people got out of it okay.

ELIAS: And your impression?

FRANK: The only thing I can think of — and I don’t know if this is an impression or just an analysis — but that when things figuratively speaking crash and burn, it’s not the end of the world. People still go on and live.

ELIAS: Partially correct, and that what may appear to be tragedy may not necessarily be. Also, it is imagery concerning the efficiency or the inefficiency of traveling.

FRANK: Really! I’d never have figured that one out.

ELIAS: Within your movement now, there is a potential to be creating futurely much more efficient means for traveling within your space.

FRANK: You mean me or everybody in general?

ELIAS: In general, but you also.

FRANK: Are we just going to beam around or something?

ELIAS: Perhaps! As I have expressed many times previously, your science fiction is more in keeping with science fact than you realize. (Chuckles)

FRANK: Actually, I do realize that. That would be good. Hopefully I’ll live to see it. I would never have figured that one out. Anyway, that’s it for the dreams.

It was interesting, when I think about our last conversation and how things don’t have to follow how you think they do.


FRANK: I had the surgery on my shoulder, and it’s amazing, I’m almost completely healed. It wasn’t anywhere near this point for a long time.

ELIAS: Congratulations.

FRANK: Yeah, I’m happy about that. It’s gone amazingly well, and I’ve been often thinking about what you said to me the last time we talked about it. So that’s been good.

One topic that I’ve been wanting to talk to you about is I seem to have some degree of hearing loss, although I’ve been tested for it and the doctor said he didn’t think I had any hearing loss. But yet at times, many times, in fact most times, I have trouble hearing what most people hear. It’s not that I’m not paying attention, because sometimes I’m intensely focusing and can’t hear what other people are hearing. What is the reason for that?

ELIAS: First of all, what is your impression?

FRANK: Again, I don’t know that this is an impression as much as an analysis, but maybe I’m not hearing myself or listening to myself well enough.

ELIAS: Partially, but not entirely. In actuality, it is more of an encouragement to be paying attention to you and also it is an example to you of how easily you project your attention outside of yourself. It is an example of how in that action you concentrate your attention quite strongly and quite singularly.

FRANK: Explain that last part. When you say how I concentrate my attention, you mean not on myself or...?

ELIAS: You concentrate your attention upon whatever it is that you have focused upon that is outside of yourself, and it becomes an intensity to which that becomes consuming and you are excluding your attention from yourself.

That is, in actuality, quite an efficient example that you have offered to yourself, an obvious example to allow you to recognize how strongly you generate that singularity of focus of attention in different moments.

FRANK: I guess it comes back to if I were to focus more on myself, this physical symptom would change.

ELIAS: Correct. In that, remember, focusing upon yourself is not to the exclusion of the outside, either, but incorporating a balance, being aware of what you are interacting with and what is occurring within your environment, but also being aware simultaneously of you and how you are interacting with your environment and with other individuals or with situations.

In this, you may notice that in the moments that you are experiencing this block within your hearing, you also begin to generate automatic responses. You focus your attention singularly and quite strongly, and you begin to strain. In this, if you are paying attention to you also, relaxing and not straining, this incorporation of muffling your hearing shall dissipate.

FRANK: A question: you’ve talked about how you need to be balanced. Are there people who are so focused on themselves that they are not aware of their environment, in other words, the opposite?

ELIAS: Yes, which is not a balance, either.

FRANK: I’ve actually wondered about that on and off for a long time now in terms of things that you’ve said. I’ve known people that were totally self-centered, and they didn’t seem to have things together very well.

ELIAS: I am understanding.

FRANK: I’ve often wondered if that person is really focused on themselves.

ELIAS: Yes, which does not allow for the recognition of the interrelatedness of all of your reality, and it also does not allow for a genuine recognition that you are actually creating all of your reality. For in recognizing that you create all of your reality, you also recognize that all of your reality is an element of you and an expression of you. But if your attention is concentrated upon self to an extreme and to the exclusion of what you create within your interactions with other individuals and your environment, you are not acknowledging that all of that is a part of you, per se.

FRANK: I understand. Interesting.

ELIAS: Which also in many situations in which an individual may be generating that type of attention, there is tremendous potential for the individual to be expressing themselves as a victim.

FRANK: I’m just trying to think about the people I’ve known who are like that.

Let’s move on to something a little related to that. In a certain sense, actually in a pretty large sense, I’ve become much more relaxed about a lot of things, I think, and that’s why things are flowing smoothly for me.


FRANK: On the other hand, and maybe I’m just kidding myself here, but when I was younger, I was able to do certain meditative techniques and breathing techniques and things like that where I think, at least it felt like, I was more relaxed physically. Now I don’t seem to be able to do that, and so I’d like to hear what you have to say about that.

ELIAS: Your perception has altered somewhat, and in this, the alteration has occurred within a time span and therefore has been expressed in what you would view as a very subtle manner, but it has altered significantly. It merely did not occur in an event but throughout a time framework, gradually and subtly altering.

Within what you view as younger years or ages, your drive for productivity was not as intense. Your expectation of yourself for productivity was not as intense. In more recent of your years, this has developed considerably in your drive to expand, to offer yourself more information, to accomplish, to widen your awareness, to accomplish in many different expressions that you want and intentionally creating what you want within your reality and liking your successfulness in generating that, and becoming considerably successful in what you do in association with widening your awareness and offering yourself more information. But this also generates a familiar energy of yourself, which is continuously being expressed underlyingly, of being productive and generating this somewhat of an expectation — but not as strong of an expectation as it is a desire. But it has become such a familiar energy to you that you are, for the most part, not objectively aware of it.

This is very similar to what we have discussed previously, pastly, in relation to you becoming more familiar with relaxing and how you have pastly generated a physical tension that was so familiar to you that you were unaware of the actual physical feeling of tension. Which I may express to you now, you are much more aware now than you were previously, and you do pay much more attention to that. But this is a similar type of expression, in which it is so familiar to you that you do not actually objectively notice this driving energy that you express consistently.

FRANK: So before, the contrast was so great it seemed more significant.


FRANK: That’s interesting. I never would have thought that. But that’s good. I had a good teacher. (Elias laughs)

Lately Lizella is just driving me nuts.

ELIAS: Clarify! (Laughs)

FRANK: A lot of phone calls, a lot of requests for help, requests for money, requests for advice! (Laughing) She keeps going back and forth on what she wants. I’m not even sure what I’m asking you here. Why have I generated this? What is she generating?

ELIAS: What are YOU doing?

FRANK: What am I doing? That’s a good question. I should be thinking about the lesson. (Elias laughs) I’m just reacting to everything, I guess.

ELIAS: Ah, interesting.

FRANK: Okay. Go on.

ELIAS: Reacting, and what is that as an expression? That is not paying attention to you.

FRANK: No, I’m just focusing on what she wants and what she’s generating.

ELIAS: And not paying attention to what you are expressing to yourself or what you are communicating to yourself. Also, what does reaction generate?

FRANK: Automatic responses?

ELIAS: Yes, and does it accomplish what you want? No.

FRANK: No, hell no.

ELIAS: Does it accomplish supportiveness genuinely to the other individual? No. Therefore, does it generate actual helpfulness to the other individual? No. It merely perpetuates a circle between both of you.

FRANK: Well, I’ve got to get off!

ELIAS: (Laughs) In genuinely paying attention to your communications and genuinely paying attention to what she is expressing and allowing yourself to evaluate what she is generating — for you are listening to YOUR communications and paying attention to you — you shall incorporate much more clarity, and you shall allow yourself to move in an expression of genuine supportiveness which IS helpful. But in merely creating reaction, you are not genuinely paying attention to what she is actually projecting, you are not paying attention to what you are communicating to yourself, and you are not paying attention to your preferences. Therefore, in those automatic responses, you are also denying you and acquiescing to the other individual, which generates frustration.

FRANK: I understand and I accept what you’re saying, but now I’m trying to think of exactly how I failed to listen to myself and what I would have done differently if I had been more focused on myself.

ELIAS: That is not the point. The point is what shall you do NOW.

FRANK: Are you saying she calls up with some problem or whatever, and if I don’t feel like dealing with it, I just don’t talk about it now? Is that what you’re advocating? I know we’ve been at this a long time, but I’m still not totally clear on what it means to pay attention to myself.

ELIAS: Very well. Let us incorporate this example, that she may telephone you and want to be interactive with you and discussing some troublesome experience or feeling, and in the moment, you are not expressing that you wish to participate in that interaction.

In that moment, you may acknowledge her and her expression, but also allow yourself to express your preference that you do not wish to interact in that moment. It does not require excuses; it does not require justification. It merely is an expression of allowing the acknowledgment of the other individual but also acknowledging your choice, in which you are not discounting either of you.

FRANK: I’ll do it. I’ll go to work on this.

ELIAS: Very well! I am greatly encouraging of you, my friend, and incorporate full confidence of your accomplishment! Ha ha!

FRANK: Next, for a long time there’s been a source of friction between me and my partner over certain issues in our business. Finally, last week I called him up and expressed all of that, and frankly, I feel a lot better now. Was this a major turning point in terms of our business?

ELIAS: It may be, for it may be or is, in this present now, a significant step in you allowing yourself to express yourself more freely and allowing more of your own expression of your preferences and not compromising.

FRANK: It’s important because it’s a big stage of growth for me.


FRANK: To the extent that I continue to do that, it will make my ability to do whatever else I want to do easier.

ELIAS: Correct.

FRANK: It was very hard to do.

ELIAS: I am aware.

FRANK: Part of the catalyst for doing it was a conversation with Lizella over something similar in her life. I told her you’ve got to do this; you’ve got to tell somebody what you think.

ELIAS: (Laughs) Therefore, you have incorporated your own advice. Congratulations!

FRANK: I thought this is pretty similar. I should be doing what I’m telling her to do!

ELIAS: And THAT would be an expression of generating the straight little sapling — being the example.

FRANK: Maybe I should give more advice to people, and just do whatever I tell them.

ELIAS: (Laughing) Listen to what you are expressing and incorporate the advice yourself.

FRANK: It was pretty interesting how that worked. Moorah had some problems last week, too, but she seems to be over those. Anything you could tell me about that?

ELIAS: And what is your impression?

FRANK: I think it was a stage of growth where she needed to kind of learn to be expressing more what she wanted and not so concerned about what other people wanted. I think she, as I sometimes do, had to develop almost a crisis to create that movement.

ELIAS: Yes, you are correct.

FRANK: I think she’s done that, and she’s done it on her own. I think she’s moved through it and passed it and probably will be a lot happier as a result.

ELIAS: And also has validated herself in that she does incorporate the ability to express her preferences and that it is not bad for her to express herself, which is a significant encouragement that she has generated within herself.

FRANK: At the time, it was hard for me to take the bigger view of it and say she’ll be okay, she’s gonna get through this. But pretty quickly afterwards I could see where it was all going.

Earlier, maybe a couple of months ago, I was getting very depressed over the whole situation with my business and how things were going. Was that the same thing, I needed to generate that to create the impetus to stand up and say here’s what I think, here’s what I don’t like and here’s what I want?

ELIAS: Yes. This is a method that you incorporate to motivate yourself. For, certain expressions you incorporate difficulty with, for you express beliefs concerning consideration and acknowledgment of other individuals and not desiring or wanting to be generating confrontation, for your general association with confrontation is somewhat negative.

Therefore, although your expression is not necessarily confrontative — it is actually more of your own allowance of yourself to express yourself — but that is unfamiliar, and there is somewhat of a negative association with that action, that it is not a good expression. Therefore, you generate a method that shall push you in an encouraging manner to move you into allowing yourself to generate that experience of expressing yourself freely and with regard to your preferences. Therefore, once experiencing that, allowing yourself to actually evaluate the benefit of it and also to recognize that it is not actually bad.

FRANK: It’s too bad that at the time I couldn’t see it. I couldn’t objectively understand...

ELIAS: But this is all purposeful, for this allows you to become more intimately familiar with what motivates you and what influences you in different situations and scenarios and how you respond and how you automatically respond, which allows you to become much more clearly familiar with yourself and your patterns and your motivations and your influences.

FRANK: Again, I can see that now, looking back on it and thinking of it. I guess I’m just one of those people, I’m always looking for why didn’t I do it better. (Elias laughs) But not really, actually.

I’ve wanted to ask this for a long time. Even though I come from a background that’s involved in investing and investments and that sort of thing, I don’t consider myself to be particularly good at that, and I wish I was. Is some of this caused by an expression or a belief that money that’s generated through this medium is not earned or deserved?

ELIAS: In part, yes, which is associated with your belief concerning work and value in association with work, which we have discussed many times. As I have expressed repeatedly, you are not eliminating beliefs, and this is another influence of that belief. Which, I am recognizing of the challenge that you have incorporated and continue to incorporate with this particular belief, for you do genuinely recognize that it is not true but it is one of your truths. It is challenging with you, for you present to yourself those influences which are somewhat limiting or uncomfortable.

FRANK: So, your advice is?

ELIAS: Not to oppose it, for that merely strengthens it. Therefore, in moments, such as now, that you notice that you do incorporate this influence of this belief and that it is at times somewhat affecting of what you are creating, do not discount yourself and do not oppose it, and that shall allow you to relax your energy with that and perhaps even allow you to recognize other influences that are more in keeping with your preferences.

FRANK: I think what you’re saying is just sort of observe and don’t do much of anything.

ELIAS: Yes. The push to do is frequently expressed in conjunction with the opposition. That is an automatic response.

FRANK: We’ll see if anything happens on that front by the next time I talk to you.

ELIAS: Appreciate also what you have accomplished in association with that particular belief or truth that you incorporate, for you have relaxed that considerably.

FRANK: I agree.

ELIAS: Therefore, acknowledge and appreciate what you have accomplished also.

FRANK: I will do that.

ELIAS: Very well!

FRANK: It’s been great, and next time we talk, it may be in person.

ELIAS: Very well! I shall be anticipating our next discussion, my friend, and I shall be offering encouraging energy to you in the interim and perhaps reminders to be playful and paying attention and not reacting. Ha ha ha!

FRANK: I’ll do my best.

ELIAS: To you as always, my dear friend, in great affection and in great appreciation, au revoir.

ELIAS: Good-bye.

Elias departs after 1 hour, 5 minutes.

©2009 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved

Copyright 2005 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.