Session 2352

Expectations and Guidelines


“Expectations and Guidelines”
“Intermediate and Political”
“Caring, Concern and Preciousness”

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Vivienne (Eliza)

ELIAS: Good afternoon.

VIVIENNE: Good afternoon. Hello. We’re having problems today! (Elias laughs) I thought I’d fixed all my problems now!

I’ll have to ask you to speak up because we’re still having problems a little bit. What is the relationship here? I really thought I was prepared and ready. Am I not ready?

ELIAS: You are. You are perhaps slightly nervous, but other than that I would express an acknowledgement of you that you have been generating considerable movement.

VIVIENNE: Because I feel I have; I was telling this to Mary earlier. I feel that it’s been a real breakthrough for me, and I’ll read to what I’ve written because that’s very important. (Laughing)

“It’s come to me that the issues that I’ve been dealing with have been so conflicting because they go to the core of my definitions of what exactly it means to be a good person — what is the right thing to do and what isn’t — for myself particularly, but also for other people. And that it’s been conflicting for me because I felt that it was forbidden to question these definitions of what being good or being right meant for me is, and it has been nothing short of a moral dilemma, as I have been striving for so long to be a good person, while believing myself not to be. And it has brought me face to face with my worst fears, and this has been very frightening and stressful.

But the good news is that I believe I am better understanding the “it matters not” idea. Before, other people’s perception of me did very much matter — the mass held ideas of what constitutes being a good person and behaving in the correct, approved manners.

Furthermore, because I expected certain standards of myself, I expected them of everyone else too, and frequently was confused and conflicted and frustrated in this.

So all in all, I was very anxious and stressed because I couldn’t make much sense of why things went wrong when I was trying so hard to do everything right.”

So would you like to comment on this? (Laughs)

ELIAS: I would be acknowledging of you; this is a significant revelation that you have offered to yourself and is a doorway for you to move more effectively into the expression of your own freedom.

It is an important step when you can realize and recognize that you incorporate your own guidelines, but they do not necessarily apply to other individuals.

This is a difficult concept for most individuals, for the action of expecting other individuals to follow your own guidelines as being so absolute is so automatic that it is difficult for individuals to actually see what they are doing, and this does created considerable conflict and discomfort and confusion for most individuals, for just as you have expressed, you all are attempting to generate good and right actions, and become confused when the outcome is not what you want, and when it appears that you are creating precisely the opposite of what you want — that if you are generating good and right choices, you should be comfortable and happy.

But it is a matter of genuinely evaluating what are those good and right choices for YOU — not necessarily what is dictated by other individuals — and in addition to that, not expecting other individuals to follow what is good and right for you.

VIVIENNE: Yeah, because that would involve some big conflict for me, but I had these very strong ideas about the right things, what to do, and obviously if they applied to me, then everyone should do them, and if people didn’t do them then what was the matter with them?

And that has caused me endless confusion trying to understand other people’s behavior, because recently, when I booked this session, I was going to ask about what is the matter with other people! (Laughs)

But since then, I’ve come to look at it differently and recognize that...

ELIAS: Which is significant.

VIVIENNE: ...I was expecting them to behave in the manner I thought was appropriate.

ELIAS: And had we engaged that conversation in that time framework, you would have been frustrated with my responses and you would have generated your automatic response in turning that upon yourself and questioning what is wrong with you if it does not concern the other individuals — which is what I would have expressed to you — and in that, subsequently, you would have discounted yourself, pondering that idea: “It does not concern other individuals and what their choices are. It concerns me; therefore, what is wrong with me?”

VIVIENNE: (Inaudible) (Laughs)

ELIAS: Therefore, I would be acknowledging of you that you very efficiently and effectively avoided THAT discounting of yourself (Vivienne laughs) and generated an interaction in which you can be acknowledged, rather than discounted! (Both laugh)

VIVIENNE: Aren’t I clever! (Elias laughs) I’m starting to think I’m a lot more clever! Isn’t that good! (Elias laughs) All those years of thinking that I was a bad person and now it’s starting to turn around... that’s pretty big. (Emotional)

ELIAS: I would express agreement. That is very significant.

VIVIENNE: With regard to it, what I did want to know, as well, was (inaudible) on the one hand I think it’s a bit simplistic, but on the other hand I’m still interested to know how much this has to do with my being intermediate and political — and maybe even Ilda — because two of these factors seem to be uncommon and the other one has also made me stand out in a crowd at times, and yet at the same time, I was always trying to fit in with everyone else. So, can you tell me about that please?

ELIAS: Orientation and focus type do play into many of your experiences — as they do with any individual — for these are the lens and the manner in which you process information, and they are very influencing of your perception, for they are natural expressions of you. Therefore, they do play a significant role in your experiences and your perception.

I would express to you that in association with your orientation, this is also somewhat of a source of your confusion many times, for as I have expressed previously, intermediate individuals, generally speaking, assimilate and process inwardly, and therefore in many situations that they may be processing an issue, the action of that is occurring inwardly, and objectively they become — in a manner of speaking — stuck in the replay of any given subject.

They are attempting to offer themselves a solution to any particular problem, and the process of that is occurring subjectively, and therefore objectively they are not necessarily aware of moving through the steps of what is actually occurring.

And what occurs subsequently is that they incorporate a time framework of being confused and replaying the subject matter over and over, and suddenly they generate the outcome experience where they offer themself the outcome piece of information, and all that they have been assimilating and processing for a time framework becomes clear.

Therefore, yes, your orientation is very influencing, for when you are attempting to address to an issue — or what you view as a problem — or some element in your experiences that is disturbing to you, you generate an associating that you should be processing it in the manner that other individuals do. You should be generating the ability to objectively recognize each step that you are engaging, and in that, you should be recognizing what you are doing more objectively, or you should be more aware of imagery.

It is not that you are not aware. It is that you process differently; therefore, what is significant to remind yourself when you are presenting yourself with a challenge or a problem or an issue, that once you have recognized what it is, it is a time framework for you to relax and allow — not to obsess in relation to the subject, but to remind yourself that you are actually processing and addressing to the situation; you are merely not necessarily objectively entirely aware of how that process is proceeding, but that is not necessary, for when you remind yourself, “I AM processing, whether I am objectively aware of it or not. I am aware of what the challenge is; I am aware of what the problem is; I am aware of what the issue is, and that is enough. And I WILL present myself with the solution or with the answers that I seek to allow me to understand, and therefore it is not necessary for me to become agitated and perpetuate confusion, but merely to be watchful for what you are presenting to yourself in your experiences, and to be aware of how you are responding to them inwardly.”

VIVIENNE: What about the political? How does that affect things?

ELIAS: That is also a factor in processing, for you do not entirely process emotionally, but you do not entirely process in relation to thought either.

You process information and express yourself more in a similar manner to a thought-focused individual than an emotionally focused individual, but you also include your processing of information from your environment — which includes ANY manifestation in your environment — which includes other individuals and their input, and what they are doing.

A political focused individual includes in their information what is occurring in their environment.

Now; this is not to say that it is any more difficult for you than for a different orientation to not be constantly projecting outside of yourself. It is not more difficult that you are political, and you do include whatever is occurring in your environment in your processing of information — that is merely a different manner of processing than the other focus types, and in that, I can express to you that if you are NOT paying attention to yourself, it can be very easy for you to be projecting your attention to what other individuals are doing and the choices they are generating and how they are expressing, for they are a part of your environment, and they are a part of how you process you own information.

Therefore, they can be very distracting, but I will express that this is not limited to political focused individuals, for many individuals generate difficulty with not becoming caught in that expression of projecting their attention to other individuals.

I would express that emotionally focused individuals generate this quite frequently — and in that, it becomes distracting also, and becomes uncomfortable — but ANY focus type can experience difficulty in holding their attention upon self and not being distracted by the choices and the actions of other individuals, for this is what you have known in your experiences.

This is what is familiar to you in your experiences, and in that, most of you express that as a commonality, as a similarity that you are unfamiliar with the action of empowering yourself, paying attention to yourself and allowing yourself your own freedom.

And one of the most distracting factors in that is projecting your attention and concerning yourself with the actions and expressions and choices of other individuals, for that interrupts you paying attention and listening to YOU.

And remember, this is not the same as CARING. You can be quite caring of other individuals, but not concerned with what they are doing; not preoccupying yourself with the choices of other individuals; not concerning yourself with other individual’s guidelines. You can be aware of other individual’s guidelines — and in that, you can be acknowledging of other individual’s guidelines, and therefore not discounting them, and therefore, also, not generating conflict for yourself — but not CONCERNING yourself with the expressions or the guidelines of other individuals, for they are not yours. And the actions that they choose to engage, they choose to engage in relation to their OWN value fulfillment, whether you assess it to be right or wrong, or not.

And the same holds in relation to yourself — what you choose to engage and how you choose to express yourself may appear to another individual to be right or wrong, but it matters not, for they are assessing through their guideline, not yours; therefore it does not invalidate your perception.

VIVIENNE: In instances where (inaudible) my husband — I love my husband — and he went through a difficult period not too long ago. He seems recovered now. I made him do appreciation and acknowledgement exercises (laughing), which possibly helped, but in a situation... I was concerned about him because I love him, and (emotionally) I didn’t know what to do to help him. And what would you recommend that in such an instance, (inaudible) I didn’t really know what to do, I did (inaudible) do the acknowledgement and appreciation exercises, (very emotional) but in such an instance where I’m truly concerned?

What would you suggest (inaudible) recommend that I would behave in such instance?

ELIAS: First of all, let me express to you: I would acknowledge that you were expressing concern. You were also expressing caring.

Now; in that, you were expressing caring and appreciation for him; you were expressing concern for yourself. And in that, I would express to you this is not bad.

Your concern for yourself is rooted in a fear, which is quite natural. The fear is of loss.

VIVIENNE: (Emotional) Right.

ELIAS: The fear of loss of ANY type, whether it be a loss of joy, whether it be a loss of happiness, whether it be a loss of fun, whether it be a loss of mobility, whether it be a loss of death; it matters not. It is a triggered response of a fear that creates that concern for yourself, that perhaps you will incur a loss that is valuable to you and that you do not want. That is not wrong. That is natural.

And in that, what I would express to you is the most efficient expression and action that you can engage is to merely acknowledge that, my friend. Acknowledge it and allow it and it will dissipate itself, for when you acknowledge it and allow it, your body consciousness relaxes more, and in that action you are not opposing your own expression.

When you become confused or begin to express, “I should not be generating this concern; this is not helpful,” you become tense and you begin to oppose yourself, and that genuinely is not helpful. But recognizing that you genuinely incorporate a fear of a loss is quite natural.

Let me express to you, my friend, what I have expressed to a few other individuals. When you generate genuine love, that does not leave you. It is not destroyed; it is not lost, but each of you also generate certain expressions in your life that are precious, and those expressions of precious can be lost, and they may go away. THAT is what generates the fear and the automatic response of concern in this type of situation, for in this, there is a recognition of love that is not lost and that is never removed, but there is also a recognition of precious that can be lost, and that can be frightening, and that is natural, for the association with the precious carries the FEELING.

That which you think of as love, in identifying it as a feeling, is actually not the love itself; it is recognition of the preciousness of what you love, and THAT generates that intensity of feeling, which may be beyond affection — although affection can be very strong — but that coupling of preciousness with love can be at times — in certain situations — threatening, and that may generate concern within you.

But if you can recognize, in actuality, you are expressing caring and love for this other individual, and the concern you are expressing is actually for yourself, you can allow yourself to merely acknowledge that and allow it.

This is a different type of concern than concerning yourself with what other individuals are doing, for they are expressing themselves and allowing that to affect your choices.

VIVIENNE: Can I just ask about... I know that a couple of my past focuses have experienced loss, and I haven’t really experienced very much loss, but I seem to be very (inaudible). So is that (inaudible)?

ELIAS: Are you enquiring is your fear associated with other focuses experiences with loss?


ELIAS: I will express to you what I express to all individuals: It is not causing it, but it does enhance it. Your other focuses do not create your experiences or your associations or you fears; you generate that. But similar experiences or similarly related experiences in certain subject matters that other focuses have experienced, you will automatically draw that energy to you.

The point of doing that is a validation of what you feel. Many individuals will express, “Why shall I draw to myself energy from another focus that I do not like, that I do not want, for that is fearful?”

In actuality, the reason you automatically do that is to validate within yourself that this fear is valid; that you do actually incorporate experiences — even if you have not experienced them in this focus — that have generated these types of responses, and therefore it is valid that you are experiencing this now, and the energy from the other focuses that is similar reinforces and enhances your association in this focus.

Now; at times, depending upon what type of energy you are drawing, that can be conflicting in your focus or it can be an obstacle, for it can create fear or hesitation in your responses to certain situations; therefore it is significant to recognize that YOU are generating your OWN associations in this focus. You are generating your OWN choices and your OWN directions, and if you incorporate a fear, it is your own fear, but that it can be being enhanced by the experiences of other focuses.

Now; in that, when you recognize that you are generating your own fear, you can evaluate that and discover what is motivating that — what associations you generate that motivate that fear. And in that, you yourself can dissipate that or perhaps chose not to, such as hypothetically an individual may incorporate a fear of spiders that may seem to them to be irrational, and they may engage an evaluation of this fear of spiders and they may recognize that it is being enhanced by experiences of other focuses, and they also evaluate that in this particular focus they actually do not incorporate any actual experience that warrants being frightened of spiders. But they may choose to continue to be frightened of spiders intentionally, for perhaps they do not like spiders.

Therefore, they may choose to continue to allow themself to be fearful of the spider, and it is not necessary to validate that any longer; therefore the energy from the other focus dissipates, for that is no longer necessary, as this is a valid fear, for the individual understands, “Perhaps, no, I have not generated any fearful encounters with this spider, but I actually do not like spiders, and therefore I shall continue to be fearful of them.”

VIVIENNE: Okay, (inaudible) was the present issue (inaudible) about looking at the (inaudible) a bit (inaudible) the situation. Thank you, that should help with that, but otherwise I’m very proud of my other focuses (inaudible - laughing). (Inaudible and Elias laughs)

Okay, I am curious a little because my (inaudible) husband’s Vold alignment... about how it manifests, other than what I know about, which is the revolutionary and empathic. What other ways that I would recognize that he manifests that?

ELIAS: Changeableness.

VIVIENNE: Changefulness?

ELIAS: The ability to change. Flexibility.

But this may appear to you to be somewhat of a paradox, for the qualities of this family express a comfort with routine and familiar, but also they express the ability to be flexible and change.

VIVIENNE: Yes, because that would fit him very well! (Both laugh) Because we’ve done a lot of changes, but he kind of helps me with stability, and he provides me with that stability and comfort and continuity, which I really appreciate. (Elias chuckles) Okay, that’s interesting (laughing).

I did also want to talk about this a little bit. I think of my childhood as having been easier than my adulthood, because I’ve (inaudible) the struggles have dominated so much. I have nostalgia and yearnings (pause – emotional) for a return to something similar to that. I’m hoping that this new movement is a step in that direction, and I’m wondering if you agree with that?

ELIAS: I would agree. (Pause) In actuality, I would express to you that you have generated in recent time framework significant movement. You have offered yourself significant revelations, and you have surprised yourself with your new outcomes in your new direction. That is to be greatly acknowledged.

VIVIENNE: What you were referring to just now, I was wondering if that had to do with the car accident that we witnessed this morning. I thought about it and I wondered if the outcome was so much better, as it were, than the outcome of the tragedy that we also witnessed in July and I didn’t feel (inaudible) control over it; that we weren’t going to be able to make our decisions. Whereas, this one today — it could have been an accident. We could have been involved in an accident; we could have been at least held up, but we weren’t. Is that what you mean?


VIVIENNE: Okay. Well that’s really (inaudible). Oof, boy!

ELIAS: It is a different energy.

VIVIENNE: Pardon me? A different energy?

ELIAS: Yes, you are beginning to express a different energy, for you are allowing yourself to be more aware of you.

VIVIENNE: (Inaudible) maybe I’m being intermediate (inaudible) I’m half aware, I’m (inaudible) half not! (Laughs)

ELIAS: I am understanding, but you are processing, and you will present yourself with more surprises of your own revelations. (Chuckles)

VIVIENNE: I hope good ones (inaudible)! (Both Laugh)

ELIAS: I would express that you will appreciate them. (Chuckles)

VIVIENNE: (Laughs) Well, thank you. That’s reassuring! I’ve got (inaudible) a few minutes.

Okay, the last time we talked about focuses, and after we talked about them I was naughty and did some discounting, but (laughs) I think I’m better now about it, and I am really quite pleased about them, so it worked out well. I have thought of a few more (inaudible): Chardin, Vermeer and Pavlova?

ELIAS: Observing.

VIVIENNE: Pardon me?

ELIAS: Observing. Lifetime.

VIVIENNE: All of them? All three of them?

ELIAS: The latter.

VIVIENNE: The last one?


VIVIENNE: Pavlova?


VIVIENNE: Observing? Ah, okay. Because that one did have a slightly different tone. Well, no wonder I didn’t want to do ballet! (Both laugh) But Chardin and Vermeer? Those are me?


VIVIENNE: Ah. I’m going to get really, really big-headed now! (Both laugh) Really (inaudible) now!

Okay. I also for observing, I thought Princess Grace.


VIVIENNE: So one of the thirty-six or thirty-seven people. Ooh. Was that for the whole lifetime, or partial or…?

ELIAS: Yes, the entirety.
VIVIENNE: The entirety, okay. And then I thought for counterpart — and I have to admit I don’t understand, but it just came to me so I’m going with it — I thought as counterpart, Wallis, Duchess of Windsor.


VIVIENNE: Oh boy. I’m going to get really, really, really big-headed now! (Laughs) Wow! Oh boy. That’s amazing! That is so amazing. (Laughs)

Well really... I think we have... I know we’ve got six minutes left and I’m happy to listen to anything you have to say. I think I’ve...

Oh, yes! Another issue I wanted to talk about. I have had (inaudible) I have had ongoing chest pain and shortness of breath. Are these purely a response to anxiety and a belief in lack of control over physical symptoms?

ELIAS: Yes, I would agree.

VIVIENNE: Okay. I need to work on that a little bit more.

ELIAS: I would suggest you incorporate generating exercises of intentionally relaxing.

VIVIENNE: I’m not very good at intentionally relaxing. (Laughs)

ELIAS: That is the point, and in that, you will become more familiar with that action and more familiar with what it FEELS like to BE relaxed, and that will alert you more clearly when you are not.

VIVIENNE: The familiarity, though, with stress can be fixed?

ELIAS: Yes. That is the point.

VIVIENNE: Because I have done it for so long that I feel like (inaudible) that it does not come very easily.

ELIAS: I am aware, and that is the point, and this is the reason I suggest that you incorporate that action intentionally to become familiar with the FEELING of being relaxed.

I may also offer to you the suggestion that perhaps you may investigate yoga.

VIVIENNE: Yoga. Okay.

ELIAS: That may be helpful to you in allowing you a structure to help you relax more.

VIVIENNE: Because I have done it previously, and am currently following a program that combines yoga and Pilates, but I’ve never really found myself relaxing as a result of it.

ELIAS: I would suggest to merely be incorporating yoga, not the other.

VIVIENNE: Okay, yoga.

We have three minutes left. I think we have pretty much covered everything. If you have anything you wanted to say (inaudible) to add...

ELIAS: Merely an acknowledgment, my friend. Credit yourself with your accomplishments, for you are worthy of that credit. And I offer you my acknowledgement of your successes and your accomplishments, for you are accomplishing, and my encouragement of you to continue.

VIVIENNE: Thank you very much.

ELIAS: You are quite welcome. (Chuckles)

VIVIENNE: (Pause) I don’t know what to say. (Laughs) It’s been a long, long, long haul.

ELIAS: And you have much to assimilate. Very well.

VIVIENNE: (Inaudible).

ELIAS: Very well, I will express to you to incorporate the action of relaxing, and I shall be anticipating of our next meeting and your success. (Chuckles)

VIVIENNE: Thank you very much.

ELIAS: To you in great appreciation and dear lovingness, my friend. Au revoir.

VIVIENNE: Bye bye.

(Elias departs after 59 minutes)

© 2007 Mary Ennis. All Rights Reserved.

Copyright 2007 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.