Session 800
Translations: DE ES PT

The Concentrate Upon Self Session


”The ”Concentrate Upon Self” Session”

Sunday, March 18, 2001 (Group/New York)
Participants: Mary (Michael), Ben (Albert), Edward (Colleen), Frank (Christian), Frank (Tyne), Joanne (Gildae), John (Rrussell), Kathleen (Bonelle), Luanne (Inez), Maria-Elena (Ginerro), Marj (Grady), Mike (Mikah), Miriam (Zymian), Robert (Ben-Adi), Robin (Renea), Rodney (Zacharie), Suki (Lissethe), Ted (Cara)
Elias arrives at 8:01 PM. (Arrival time is 34 seconds.)

ELIAS: Good evening!

GROUP: Good evening! Hi, Elias!

ELIAS: Welcome to new essences present this evening! (Chuckling) HA HA! Welcome, Christian!

FRANK: Hi, Elias. How are you? (Laughter)

ELIAS: Ha ha! Are you enjoying your reverie in your evilness? (Loud laughter)

FRANK: Quite satisfied, thank you! (Elias chuckles)

ELIAS: Very well! In true expression of acceptance, individuals presently are investigating notorious focuses of themselves and (humorously) allowing themselves to view how very evil and bad they have been in previous existences! Ha ha ha ha! And incorporating great fun, I imagine? (Laughing)

FRANK: Indeed.

ELIAS: And NOT incorporating guilt or chastisement...

FRANK: I won’t.

ELIAS: ...for they are merely choices, are they not? (Chuckling) And I may express to you, Colleen, there is no karma; therefore, it matters not! Ha ha ha! We shall be PLAYFUL this evening! (Much laughter)

I propose that we shall discuss questions concerning how you create your reality in relation to creating a relationship with yourselves. Ha ha ha! (Very humorously) Shall this not be intriguing? (Much laughter) Not with other individuals, but relationships with yourselves, and therefore allowing yourselves to be creating an openness in relation to other individuals. (Chuckling) This shall be ’concentrate upon self’ session. (Chuckling)

Welcome, my friend, Zacharie!

RODNEY: (Laughs) I have a question!

ELIAS: Ah, of course! (Laughter)

RODNEY: We talked about it last time, only briefly. How does sexuality play a role in how we create our reality?

ELIAS: Ah, quite a broad question. Shall you...

RODNEY: Not about biology or gender, but I asked you ... emotion’s base function is communication...

ELIAS: Correct.

RODNEY: ...and consciousness polarizes into emotion and sexuality.

ELIAS: In this dimension.

RODNEY: So I asked you, ’What is the function that sexuality plays?’ other than the obvious.

ELIAS: Quite.

RODNEY: And you said, if I remember correctly, ’Its other function is manifestation.’

ELIAS: Of physical reality.

RODNEY: So this evening you said you were going to talk about how we create our reality...

ELIAS: In relationship to self.

RODNEY: Oh! So sex is out, huh? Okay.

ELIAS: Ah! (Laughter) Let me express to you, Zacharie, sexuality is not merely the expression of sex, in your terms.

RODNEY: I know.

ELIAS: This is quite a limited expression, merely one function of sexuality, a small function, in your terms. It may be creating tremendous generation of sensation, (chuckling) but it is a small function. (Laughter) Ha ha ha ha!

In this, sexuality is the aspect of this dimension, the base element of this dimension, that creates all of your physical manifestations. Emotion creates the communication. Sexuality creates the physical manifestation of all of your reality.

I have expressed to you all from the onset of this forum that you identify all of your reality in terms of sexuality. This be the reason we have chosen this terminology of sexuality as the identification of the base element of your reality - one of the base elements - for you incorporate the identification of gender in all that you create, even energy. All movement is defined in relation to gender and sexuality in this physical dimension.

RODNEY: By us?


RODNEY: Or is that a base truth, so to speak?

ELIAS: Ah! This is not a truth. A truth, as I have expressed, may be defined as an expression that holds throughout all dimensions and throughout all aspects of consciousness.

Many of the expressions that you create within this particular physical dimension are relative to this dimension and NOT applicable within other dimensions or other areas of consciousness, even mathematics. (Laughing) This is not the universal language! Ha ha ha ha ha!


KATHLEEN: Hi Elias, I’m Kathleen.

ELIAS: Welcome!

KATHLEEN: Thank you. I have a question. I’ve been seeing someone for the past seven months. For weeks it’s great, and then all of a sudden we hit conflict, and we get stuck. Is it true that when you have an attraction to someone, the stronger the attraction the more they are going to show you you?

ELIAS: THIS is a question in alignment with our subject matter! (Laughter)

RODNEY: I’ll say no more!

ELIAS: HA HA HA HA! Now; as to your association in wondering of the accurateness of ’the more you are attracted to another individual, the more they shall mirror or reflect yourself to you,’ I may express to you, no, not necessarily.

Now; you may pay attention more, but the reflection is not necessarily greater. Every individual that you encounter within your focus, in every moment, is a reflection to you.

You draw to yourself other individuals quite purposefully. There are no accidents, and there are no coincidences. Each individual that enters your sphere of your reality you have drawn to you, to be a reflection of some aspect of yourself.

Now; this is not to say that you objectively pay attention to all of these reflections, and this is one of the reasons, in a manner of speaking, that you are unfamiliar with yourselves and that you have NOT created a genuine relationship with yourselves, for you are NOT paying attention to all that you offer to yourselves in information through reflection. Not only individuals reflect to you, but your creatures reflect to you, and all of your reality that you perceive reflects aspects of yourself.

You pay attention more clearly to other individuals than to other aspects of your physical reality, and you pay more attention to individuals that you create intimacy with. They are not reflecting more, but you are paying more attention to what they are expressing and therefore offer yourself the opportunity to view the reflection more clearly.

KATHLEEN: So, when you say I’m viewing the reflection, it’s ... okay, I didn’t look at the reflection in someone else five years ago because I wasn’t ready to see? And I’m ready to see now what this person’s trying to show me?

ELIAS: In a manner of speaking, yes. Many times you shall not be paying attention to the reflection of another individual for you are not willing to be viewing yourself. This is the creation of holding your attention outside of self, and in holding your attention outside of self, you also block your creation of a relationship with yourself.

Now; let me also express to you that this statement of ’creating a relationship with self’ is many times confusing to many individuals, for you hold specific definitions of your terminology. The terminology of ’relationship’ implies, in your terms, a participation of more than one element, more than one individual, more than one entity. You create relationships with other individuals; you create relationships with creatures; you create relationships with vegetation; you may even create a relationship with that which you term to be nature or your planet, or other planets. But there is an implication that is expressed that a relationship is created between more than one entity, and you view yourselves to be one entity. Therefore, the very statement of ’creating a relationship with yourself’ creates confusion, for how may you be creating a relationship with yourself if you are one individual? What shall you participate with? What shall you interact with?

But I may express to you, the manner in which you create your physical reality in this physical dimension IS all you. You do not directly interact with any other individual as an expression of another essence. You do not directly interact with any other manifestation outside of yourself although you hold your attention outside of yourself quite frequently, quite consistently; for your beliefs express that you are interacting with creations that are outside of yourself and that are not an element of you.

I may express to you, in this present now, each of you is an individual present within this space arrangement. Each of you is a manifestation, a focus of attention, of each of your essences, and each of you are creating your projection and your perception of every other individual in this presence.

What you directly interact with is the reception of each individual’s energy which is projected to you, and you receive the energy and you create a translation. The translation is offered through your individual perceptions, and from the blueprints of the energy that you have received from every other individual in this presence, you create a projection of each of these individuals. But THIS is what you interact with, your perception of each of the individuals.

Therefore, as you engage a relationship with another individual... (Elias shifts his gaze to another participant) Be paying attention! (Chuckles) As you engage a relationship with another individual, you shall create what you expect. You create what is influenced by your beliefs, for you are creating your perception of that individual.
You create what you expect, and through your own influence of your own beliefs and your own assessment of self, your own viewing of yourself, this is what is projected outwardly.

The other individual expresses energy, just as do you. It is not projected to you individually, singularly concerning you. It is projected as a demonstration of energy as choice of each individual. You all create this function. You also all create interpretations and translations of all of this movement of energy. And what influences your translation and your interpretation, and therefore is projected through your perception into an actual reality, is what YOU have created.

Now; you express to myself, you create a relationship with another individual and within your perception you may be experiencing a time framework in which you enjoy pleasure and you do not engage conflict, and then you engage a time framework in which you engage conflict. The question is not concerning the other individual; the question is not concerning the relationship. The question to be addressing to is self, and what are you creating in these moments, and what are you experiencing in these moments? What are your own communications to yourself in these moments? What do you express to yourself in the communication of emotions?

For I shall state once again, for the benefit of individuals that have not been privy to recent sessions and interactions, emotion is NEVER a reaction. Emotion is ALWAYS a communication. Therefore, as you are experiencing emotions, you are communicating to yourself, and that communication contains an identification of precisely what you are creating and your associations in the moment. It merely appears to you that emotion is a reaction, for your attention, in familiarity, is held outside of yourself, and therefore you are paying attention to the objective experience or action first. This is not to say that the emotion is not present; you are merely not paying attention to its presence. You pay attention subsequently, for your attention generally in this dimension - as it has been designed for millenniums - is to be directing your attention outside of yourself and subsequently turning to self in any situation.

You are altering, literally, all of your reality in this time framework. You are experiencing and participating in a shift in consciousness which is altering ALL of your reality, literally. And in this, you are redefining many aspects of your reality, and in redefining you are widening your awareness and you are allowing yourself a clearer understanding of precisely what you create and how you create in this physical reality, and in that movement you are beginning to allow yourself the realization that ALL that you create is what YOU create - not what other individuals create.

Your objective imagery is abstract. It is changing continuously. What holds significance is your perception, for this is the mechanism that creates your actual physical reality; and what influences that perception, that mechanism, does not change as often as your objective imagery.

I may express to you all, every individual within this presence this evening has engaged experiences or time frameworks in which they have offered to themselves many or several different types of expressions, of experiences, and subsequently have offered themselves information in what you in your mundane terms express as ’connecting your dots,’ and you express to yourself, ’Ah ha! I have created several experiences that are all attempting to offer to me the same message!’ Have you not? (General agreement) This is quite common within this physical dimension.

For your objective imagery ... that which you view within your environment, within your world, within any expressions that you term to be outside of yourself, all of these creations are your objective imagery, and objective imagery is abstract; it is continuously altering. It is continuously changing, for you are extremely creative beings, and without this continuous creative expression, you are bored! (Laughter) Therefore, you create many different objective expressions to offer yourselves the same message.

EDWARD: One second here...


EDWARD: ...but she’s talking about the conflict.

ELIAS: Yes, Colleen.

EDWARD: There are two people ... well, there can be more, but in this particular case we’re talking relationships and there happens to be the two ... or it can be yourself!

ELIAS: Quite.

EDWARD: Okay, so one person is offering up the conflict in a certain way, maybe aggressively or ... and the other one is passively trying to either walk away or deal with it, whatever may be the case.


EDWARD: But it seems like either way, if you’re trying to walk away or whatever, you’re still somehow creating the same ... how do you stop the cycle of creating that?

ELIAS: Ah! This is the question! I am quite acknowledging of you, Colleen. For the question is not WHY you are creating it, but WHAT you are creating, and how you may be altering that creation.

Now; in recognizing that the other individual is reflecting some aspect of yourself to you and that you are in actuality creating this scenario, you may stop and allow yourself to pay attention to what is being expressed and examine within self what YOUR association is in what you are creating, what you are expressing within yourself. What are you denying in your own choices in this conflict? What is your fear? What are you discounting within yourself?

For I may express to you, generally in conflict you are denying yourself a choice, and you perpetuate the conflict by expressing defensiveness, and you ALL express defensiveness automatically.

EDWARD: Who? (Laughter)

ELIAS: Now; in what you term to be practical terms, let us engage this example that you have offered. Let us express that another individual may be approaching you and may be expressing in hostility. In that moment, what shall be your response?

EDWARD: Personally, I shut down.

ELIAS: Automatic defense.

EDWARD: Yes, just to shut down.

KATHLEEN: You’re a guy - all guys shut down! (Laughter, and Elias laughs loudly)

EDWARD: Well, that’s too easy! Because the person I live with, my partner, is also a guy, and that person isn’t shutting down, so that’s too easy of a...

ELIAS: You are correct. This is not an expression of gender. This is an expression that MANY individuals create. It is another expression of defense, and in your terms, there are MANY expressions of defense, this being merely one. Another individual may be quite engaging, and they may be expressing defense also. It is merely a different camouflage, a different expression of the same association of defense. This is an automatic action that you all engage.

If you are perceiving that you are being projected to in energy in threat, if your perception is that you are receiving threat, you shall automatically express defense; and threat may be expressed not merely in aggression but it may be expressed merely in the simplicity of difference. For as you engage differences in perceptions, you view this to be threatening, for you validate yourselves through sameness. You seek out sameness. If other individuals express differently, this is unacceptable, and you express to yourselves that you do not understand.

Let me express to you, other individuals are not in actuality different from you. They may objectively display different choices or express behaviors differently, for they are accessing different qualities of consciousness and expressing them through objective physical reality, but you are ALL consciousness. You all hold the SAME qualities. You merely choose to tap different expressions of those qualities, and as you choose to tap certain qualities, you focus your attention upon those qualities, exploring your own expression of them to the exclusion of acceptance of other expressions of qualities for they are different, and you are paying attention to YOUR choice of qualities.

This is not wrong; this is not bad. But within this time framework in this shift in consciousness, you are offering yourselves the opportunity to widen your awareness and become accepting of all other individuals’ choices of expressions, recognizing that they are also yours, for they shall not be within your reality if you are not choosing these expressions also.

EDWARD: So that can explain the whole idea of ... because in relationships, one of the things that happens in most conflicts is you start self-destructing. Does that mean you start shutting down on the awareness that you’re not the same ... you want to be the same as them instead of recognizing the differences? You decide to basically ... almost an inner self-destruct mode, whatever it is.

ELIAS: Quite, and the more that you create discounting and a lack of acceptance of yourself, the more you project that outward and the more you perpetuate the circle, for the other individual also shall reflect this to you. Therefore, what is the method to be interrupting this circle, so to speak, for it is a continuous perpetuation, and it is automatic? It requires no thought process. You automatically engage these types of actions.

The manner in which you may be practicing at interrupting this type of circle is to allow yourself, first of all, merely to be noticing that you are engaging it. Once you are noticing that you are engaging this automatic expression and response, you may also allow yourself a momentary stop point; and in that stop point in your practicing initially, express to yourself, ’The other individual does not exist. I am interacting with myself. I am creating conflict and fighting with myself. What am I fighting with within myself?’ for it is not outside of yourself.

And I may express to you quite genuinely, I hold an awareness of the challenge that is expressed in what I am stating to you, for this is quite familiar behavior and interactions that you engage; and in your moments of familiarity and passion, you are so very unfamiliar with listening to your communication that you offer to yourselves in emotion that you incorporate those emotions as a reinforcement of your circle, almost to the point of a weapon to yourselves and to other individuals - but most especially to yourselves. In no less manner than your medieval knights have incorporated weapons of destruction outside of themselves, these manners in which you turn the signals of your emotions into an expression of a weapon are quite extraordinary.

RODNEY: Could you give an example of that?

ELIAS: Quite. Hypothetically shall we say, two individuals may be engaging conversation. One individual may be expressing in a manner that is perceived by the other individual as irritating, initially. Therefore, the second individual is expressing an emotion of irritation. What is being acknowledged and received is the signal; the message is being ignored. The ringing of the phone is being acknowledged, but the receiver has not been engaged. Therefore, the signal of the emotion, which is what you term to be the feeling, continues and builds.

Now; as the message has not been received, the communication has not been recognized, and the signal continues. The individual begins responding to the signal.

Now; the signal has been identified as irritation. The response is to be projecting outward that energy in intensity.

Now; as the individual automatically responds to the signal and projects that energy outward, it is projected to the other individual, the first individual, and it is relayed once again back to the second individual. The second individual continues to NOT receive the message, the communication, and is merely paying attention to the signal.

The signal thusly becomes more intense, and the individual experiencing this unreceived message or communication and the continuation of the signal turns that signal into an expression of energy which is created in the form of a type of weapon, so to speak, to themselves, for they begin to block their own energy. They begin to discount themselves. They begin a lack of acceptance of self, devaluing their experience and their worth, and denying their choice, holding themselves in the position of merely continuing the signal.

RODNEY: Thank you.

ELIAS: You are welcome.

Now; the individual may disengage the signal also, eventually. Perhaps in this hypothetical scenario the individual may disengage the signal within what you may term to be few of your minutes - but the message has not been received. Therefore, the signal shall arise again. It may be offered in a different scenario, but it shall arise again, for you offer yourselves the signals of these emotions and the communication of the emotion to be familiarizing yourself with you. Therefore, you offer yourself many opportunities to become familiar with you. You merely alter the objective imagery which you engage to accompany your messages.


ROBIN: I have a question regarding what you are talking about. I receive many signals when I’m gardening and when I’m working with soil. Just last weekend I was planting foxglove seeds, and I knew that I needed to plant more foxglove seeds and didn’t know where they were, but I knew they were in my house. I did, in fact, find some more. But when I was planting these seeds, I felt like a jolt of some sort and have many times when I’m working with this particular plant. I feel like I’m getting some kind of signal, and I was wondering if you could tell me what that is. What could the signal be for? Why would I be getting information from this particular plant?

ELIAS: It is not information from the plant. It is the action that you are engaging and the familiarity of the action.

Now; let me express to you, all of your communications are not what you term to be negative. In actuality, none of your communications are negative or positive, they merely are communications. They are neutral. But in your terms, in your assessments and how you view your reality in terms of positive and negative, many of your communications are validating. Many of your communications are encouraging and expressing to you the validation of your choices in the natural expression of essence in seeking pleasure.

Now; the point is that there IS a communication. This is what I may term to be an excellent example of the statement that emotion is never a reaction and is always a communication. You need not be engaging an event to be experiencing the communication of emotion. It may spring forth, so to speak, without an event.

In these moments, you are allowing yourself what you objectively term to be a concentration of your energy. You are merely engaging this particular action as a focal point. You are concentrating your energy in a manner which is paying attention to you. You are not distracting yourself with outside expressions. You are focusing your attention in the quietness of you, and allowing yourself merely to experience your energy.

And in this, you are practicing our subject matter this evening of creating a relationship with yourself, familiarizing yourself with your energy and its rhythm and its expression, and how that appears to you, how it feels to you. You merely engage this particular action as an expression of familiarity, and in this, you do not distract yourself even with the action that you are engaging, but allow yourself an opportunity to be LISTENING to you.

ROBIN: So there’s no little foxglove stream like a telephone line into some other realm that I’m communicating with? Because that’s what I think is happening at the time.

ELIAS: What you are communicating with is you. It is not the plant that is offering you this expression. You are merely engaging that objective imagery as a focal point in which you allow yourself to pay attention to your own energy.

Now; this will allow us to move quite nicely into the identification of how you may be creating a relationship with you, as you view yourselves to be merely one entity. But listen to the expression you have offered in this present now to myself: it appears to you, for you create an association, that there is a communication that is being engaged between yourself and some other aspect of consciousness - for you are vast expressions of consciousness.

And I may express to all of you present this evening, none of you holds an awareness in familiarity with all of the aspects of yourselves. Not one of you is familiar with all of your expressions of energy and how wondrous an adventure this shall be to engage, to be viewing and introducing yourself to all of these unfamiliar aspects of you and all of these unfamiliar expressions of your own energy.

ROBIN: But why would we ... I also have an experience of things that are iridescent that is similar to my foxglove connection, I guess, with myself.

ELIAS: I am aware.

ROBIN: So then, what was the point of having all of these different aspects of ourselves?

ELIAS: For you are engaging the movement of this shift in consciousness, and the point of this shift in consciousness is to be dropping the veils of separation and allowing yourself the expression of acceptance, and widening your awareness to be incorporating the recognition of all of these other aspects of you and the recognition of the vastness of you as essence in consciousness, dropping the veils of separation and incorporating what I have expressed as the remembrance, which once again is not memory but is, in your terms, a state of being, the remembrance of essence, the remembrance of self, which offers you - which is the point - many more avenues in this physical dimension to be creating and exploring much more fully.

Now; I shall express to you all, we shall break, and you may continue with your questions this evening, all of my friends! HA HA HA!

RESUME 9:29 PM (Arrival time is 20 seconds.)

ELIAS: Continuing!

RODNEY: Hello!

ELIAS: (Chuckling) Shall you incorporate your questions?

JOHN: I have a question, actually.


JOHN: What you’re talking about, which if I got it right, is reality creation in terms of relationship with the individual, and seeing that’s what you’re talking about and that specializes quite a bit along the lines of sexual orientation, I’d be interested in what you have to say about that: common versus soft versus intermediate.

ELIAS: This also is an involvement of perception, as you are aware. For each of these orientations, as I have illustrated previously, is in a manner of speaking a particular hue of lens in which the individual views their reality through their perception. Therefore, figuratively speaking, if you view yourself to be a camera and you place a particular colored lens before this camera, it shall be influencing of the picture that you produce, correct? Correct. Each of these orientations incorporates, figuratively speaking, its own hue, its own color, and therefore it is influencing of your perception.

Now; in relation to what we have been discussing this evening of a relationship with yourself and your interactions in relationship with other individuals, there is an interplay which is involving the individual orientations. For as you allow yourself a familiarity with each of these orientations, their interaction with your dimension is different.

Individuals that hold the orientation of common generally and naturally do focus their attention outwardly. In this, understand I am specifically stating that they focus their attention outwardly, but not necessarily outside of themselves. You may be focusing your attention outwardly and also be holding your attention upon self; it is just the manner in which you are expressing your attention and your perception. But for those individuals that do hold the orientation of common - which, you are aware, most individuals within your physical dimension are holding the orientation of common - move much more easily in the expression of directing their attention outside of themselves, and therefore may be experiencing challenge in turning their attention and altering their perception to be focusing upon self in each present moment.

Individuals that hold the orientation of intermediate may be holding their attention upon self, but also projecting their attention periodically outside of self. But it may be, in your terms, somewhat less challenging for an individual of the intermediate orientation to be concerning themselves with self and paying attention to what they are creating and not holding their attention outside of self, to the extent that those individuals that hold the orientation of common shall.

In like manner, individuals holding the orientation of soft shall be allowing themselves less challenge than those of the common orientation in holding their attention upon self. Although, I may also express that a challenge that arises with those individuals incorporating the orientation of soft is that they, in a manner of speaking, naturally incorporate attention with the entirety of your physical dimension. Therefore, their attention moves naturally in association with other individuals throughout your planet and with situations and circumstances throughout your planet. They also experience the identification of interconnectedness with all other individuals. Therefore, the challenge in relation to individuals incorporating the orientation of soft is in the expression of distinguishing their own energy from the energy of other individuals, and therefore allowing themselves to concentrate their attention upon self and not become distracted with the expressions of other individuals.

Therefore, yes, there is an interplay of each of these orientations in relation to this subject matter. In simplicity, those individuals holding the orientation of intermediate shall engage the least challenge in this type of expression, holding their attention upon self.

EDWARD: Can you change orientations? Because I feel like I’ve changed mine over the last few years.

ELIAS: You have not. (Laughter)

EDWARD: Why the withdrawal?

ELIAS: I may express to you that it is not a rule, therefore it is not an absolute, that you hold one orientation within one particular focus; but I may also express to you, in the design of this physical dimension you do not change an orientation in one focus for it is quite unnecessary. You hold many focuses of attention and express the experiences of each of these orientations in many focuses. Therefore, it is unnecessary to be altering your orientation within one focus.

Now; I may also express to you, this is not an unusual or uncommon expression in relation to your orientation, what you are expressing. Many individuals in this orientation, although requiring in your terms interaction, may also in your terms be expressing types of isolation or withdrawal.

EDWARD: What was the orientation, just real quickly?

ELIAS: Soft.

BEN: I could have told you that! (Laughter)

EDWARD: I didn’t ask you! (Laughter)

ELIAS: In this, you may be creating time frameworks of isolation, and this is quite generally expressed within individuals holding this orientation for there becomes an overwhelmingness of experience and what you may term to be input, for you are continuously engaging the objective and subjective awarenesses. Neither is removed from you, in a manner of speaking, in objective terms. The subjective is very closely associated surfacely, in a manner of speaking, and this continuous interplay of these two awarenesses, in the manner in which it is expressed, at times may become overwhelming to the individual if the individual is not aware of the manner in which they may objectively be understanding and interpreting this action, and therefore these individuals do create time frameworks of what you term to be withdrawal or even isolation. But there is a continuous draw and what you may term to be requirement of all of these individuals to continue some aspect of interaction.

KATHLEEN: Elias, how do you know what your orientation is? What would mine be? (Pause)

ELIAS: Orientation in this focus, common.

KATHLEEN: What does ’common’ mean?

ELIAS: Individuals that incorporate this orientation of common are quite objectively focused. Their attention is held in objective imagery. Therefore, they are engaging what you may term to be the display of outward creativity, outward expressions, and noticing and paying attention to all that is expressed outwardly. There is a clear interpretation and interaction and understanding of what is expressed outwardly and objectively.

I may express to you, most of the manifestations within any time framework in this physical dimension are expressed in this particular orientation, therefore the choice of the term or identification of this particular orientation being ’common,’ for more individual manifestations are engaging that particular type of orientation than any other type.

This also directs the main expression of your physical dimension, which at times creates confusion and some aspects of challenge for those individuals incorporating the orientations of intermediate or soft for they attempt to be fitting themselves into the expressions of those that are created by the orientations of common; for this is what you may term to be the norm within your dimension, not merely within a culture but throughout your globe.

You may access more information concerning these three orientations, if you are so choosing, and you may inquire of Michael and he may be directing you as to which sessions you may be engaging that I have already offered information concerning these orientations.

KATHLEEN: Thank you.

ELIAS: You are very welcome. (Chuckles, and looks at Suki) Ah!


ELIAS: Welcome! The mouse speaks! (Laughter)

SUKI: I’m Suki, and I wanted to know what my essence name was.

ELIAS: Very well. Essence name, Lissethe, L-I-S-S-E-T-H-E. (LEE seth)

FRANK: Ah, nice one. Way to go Suki! (Laugher)

SUKI: Thank you.

ELIAS: You are very welcome.

KATHLEEN: Elias, can you tell me what my essence name is and my family?

ELIAS: Very well. Essence name, Bonelle, B-O-N-E-L-L-E (BONE ell); essence family, Borledim; alignment, Sumari.

FRANK: Sumari. That’s why I know!

ELIAS: HA HA HA HA! (General laughter)

MIRIAM: Hi, I’m Miriam. I would also like to know my essence name and family.

ELIAS: Essence name, Zymian, Z-Y-M-I-A-N (ZIM ee ehn); essence family, Sumafi; alignment (14-second pause) alignment fluctuating at times, Milumet and also Tumold.

MIRIAM: Can you tell me what that means?

ELIAS: I may also express to you that you may engage Michael subsequently, and he shall be offering you information which has been offered previously in description of these families.

MIRIAM: Thank you.

ELIAS: You are very welcome.

MARIA-ELENA: I’m Maria-Elena, and I would like to know, please, my essence name and family and alignment, and my vibrating color.

ELIAS: Very well. Essence name, Ginerro...

MARIA-ELENA: Oh, how pretty.

ELIAS: ...G-I-N-E-R-R-O (JEEN air oh); essence family, Milumet; alignment, Sumari. Now offer to me, what is your impression as to your vibrational quality of your color?

MARIA-ELENA: An electric blue?

ELIAS: I may express to you, blue, but I may express to you, the identification of hue of this blue may be expressed as a sea blue.

MARIA-ELENA: Thank you.

ELIAS: You are quite welcome.

SUKI: Can I find out my family and alignment?

BEN: You should have asked that all at once!

SUKI: Well, I didn’t know! (Laughter)

BEN: You get your orientation and your color, that’s it! (Laughter)

ELIAS: HA HA HA HA HA HA! All of the vital statistics!

FRANK: That’s because Albert didn’t coach you well enough! (Laughter)

EDWARD: Albert does nothing but coach! (More laughter)

ELIAS: Very well. Essence family, Zuli; alignment, Ilda; orientation, soft. Now I may inquire of you also, what is your impression as to your color tone?

SUKI: Red?

ELIAS: (Chuckling) I may express to you, the identification or translation in your physical terms of your signature color is what you term to be mauve.

SUKI: Thank you.

ELIAS: You are very welcome! (Chuckles)

EDWARD: Well, back on the creating of self ... (laughter) does everybody know their essence names? I mean that’s very cool to know, if everybody hasn’t done it yet.

Okay, on the creating of self, and especially in relationship to our relationship with others, is that part of ... the whole idea of us choosing to focus in physical form, is that to interact with others?


EDWARD: No. So, okay, then the big question is, ’What’s the point?’

ELIAS: You choose to be manifesting within this physical dimension in exploration.

Now; I have offered previously the simplicity of response to this question in expressing that you choose to manifest within this physical dimension for experience.

Now; what is meant in this statement is that you have chosen to be manifesting in a particular design of physical dimension, a physical manifestation which incorporates a very strongly expressed separation. I have also expressed, the reason that you designed this dimension with this expression of separation is that you offer yourself the purity of the experience.

Now; in further explanation of these two statements - that you manifest for the experience, and you manifest within separation for the purity of the experience - is the identification that in this manifestation of separation you have elaborately created a design of physical dimension to be discovering self in a physical expression to be exploring a different expression of consciousness which does incorporate separation, that you may, in a manner of speaking, rediscover self as essence, as consciousness.

Let me also express to you, Colleen, I have expressed many times, this is a GAME. This physical existence that you incorporate is an exploration, is an adventure, and is not as serious and complicated as you perceive it to be; and in this, it may be viewed as a game.

You have designed an intricate labyrinth in this physical dimension, and your objective is to be entering this labyrinth which circles to its beginning. This labyrinth you do not enter at one point and exit at another. This labyrinth ends where it begins, and the point is to maneuver yourself through this labyrinth of experiences, to drop the veil of separation, and to rediscover yourself as essence but within the design of your physical manifestation; and you present to yourself continuous reflections of yourself throughout your journey.

EDWARD: So why would I, why would ... WHY? I mean, that’s like the whole idea of creating your own enemy at that point. If I’m already an essence and I already exist, why would I pull myself down to what I would almost consider a different level to find myself again?

ELIAS: You are not pulling yourself down.

EDWARD: Then what am I...

ELIAS: You are creating a new expression of discovery.

EDWARD: A new expression of discovery? But you already know it!

ELIAS: Not to be discovering what you already know! You are creating a new aspect of consciousness. You are expanding, in a manner of speaking, consciousness in becoming. You create a new game to discover more of you. For this is the nature of consciousness, to continuously be creating itself and continuously be exploring itself in creativity. It matters not that your beliefs express to you that some choices are bad and some choices are good. These are matters of your perception, and you do hold the ability to turn your perception and not incorporate the judgments of good and bad. THIS is your stuck point!

EDWARD: It IS a stuck point! (Laughter) If you don’t ... YOU are not choosing to be in this focus, and you are telling and giving us some great information, so I’m thinking about it this way: why would I have bothered to go from point A to have to have myself be told again what I already knew to begin with? I mean, there’s a certain...

ELIAS: I am understanding of what you are expressing, Colleen.

EDWARD: I’m confused.

ELIAS: I am aware. (Laughter) I am not offering you information that you may be discovering what YOU term to be that which you were before. You already have this.

You within this physical dimension are creating a new design of this physical dimension, and in this new design, you have incorporated questioning within consciousness to be helpful to you. Not to be recalling what you were - be remembering these are your terms and what you understand in this physical dimension - but to be discovering what you are becoming, and offering you helpfulness in understanding what you are becoming. For each movement that you create is not known; you are continuously becoming. Why shall you rediscover what you already know?

You are allowing yourself the incorporation of the remembrance, dropping the veil of separation. But I may express to you, my friend, you need not engage conversation with myself to be engaging that action. You already know within yourselves what is true within consciousness and what you are, and you already hold an inner awareness of consciousness, regardless of your beliefs and the influence of them.

What you are unfamiliar with is what you are creating now, the movement that you are engaging, the direction you are moving into, which is unfamiliar and which is unknown, for each probability that you engage has not be engaged previously. It is anew. You are continuously creating anew. This is the nature of consciousness. This is the nature of essence.

Even my engagement with you, what you view this to be, the students and the teacher - no. Do you view that I may be learning from you? No. But I am creating new expressions of essence, new discoveries of manipulation of energy.

I am not teaching you, my friends. I am merely offering information that may be helpful to you in your journey of discovery, and you are not less than. You are not less than yourselves, and you are not less than any other expression of consciousness.

You are continuously creating anew, and THIS particular movement of newness within this physical dimension is massive; it is so very immense and so very different from what you have created throughout your history in this physical dimension. THIS is the reason that you incorporate interaction with essences such as myself, to be helpful to you in easing your movement and validating and reinforcing in expression that you ARE creating this. For you also hold strong beliefs in relation to your realities, and quite easily move yourselves into the association that you are experiencing lunacy - and you are not! (Laughs)

Therefore, this is the purpose of our interaction; not that I may be reminding you of what you are, but that I may be expressing validation to you that you are creating what you suspect you are creating and what you doubt you are creating, and that you are not experiencing lunacy. (Chucking) I have expressed to you, there is challenge in this movement! Ha ha ha ha!

EDWARD: You also didn’t say it would be good.

ELIAS: I did not! (Laughing) And I have expressed that you shall be incorporating trauma. (Chuckles)

RODNEY: Elias, there’s a mass event taking place with the slaughter of huge numbers of animals on the European continent. Would you talk about that?

ELIAS: I have offered information recently concerning this subject matter which shall be available to you. It is a puzzling question, I am understanding, within yourselves, but holds quite a simplistic answer.

RODNEY: Thank you.

ELIAS: You are welcome.

MIRIAM: Elias, could you talk about physical ailments, disease and how that’s an expression of the relationship with one’s self? I have a pain in my back, and don’t know what that means about me.

ELIAS: This is a communication.

Now; I may express to you, at times individuals hold energy and at times individuals block energy, and this may be expressed also in physical exhibitions or affectingnesses; but all of your expressions that you incorporate within your physical body consciousness are also an incorporation of a communication that you are offering to yourself, which offer you information concerning what you are creating in the moment.

You may be noticing, if you are allowing yourself to be paying attention, physical affectingness is a creation which is incorporated in each moment. There are interruptions. You may view or believe that you incorporate a constancy of pain or discomfort or even dis-ease, but in actuality, there are moments in which you do not create that. You generalize within your associations, and therefore you view that there is a consistency or a continuation. But you create affectingness physically in moments, and in each moment that you are creating that physical expression, you also are expressing a communication to yourself in relation to your own movement within that time framework, even within the choice of dis-ease.

Some individuals choose to be creating dis-ease and do not incorporate conflict, and are accepting of their choice in their expression of dis-ease and do not choose to be altering of their expression. Many times in these situations, the individual holds an awareness of what they are creating and how it is affecting; for every expression that you create is not merely affecting of you, it is affecting of all of consciousness. Therefore, it is affecting more obviously of individuals that you are interactive with, but it creates a ripple within consciousness that is affecting of all essences.

Now; as to the physical affectingness of your back, the manner in which you identify what your communication to yourself is is to allow yourself a stop point, a noticing point. In the moment of the painfulness, allow yourself to be incorporating an awareness of other associations, your beliefs and which beliefs are being engaged in the moment.

Example, hypothetical: an individual incorporates what they assess as painfulness within their back in a particular time framework, subsequent to prolonged movement or walking. This may be objectively explained by the individual, ’I have incorporated this action of walking. It is irritating to my physical spine, and therefore that particular aspect of my physical body radiates tension and creates painfulness within the surrounding muscles.’ This is an objective explanation, holding much logic and rationale - and may be not associated at all with what the individual is actually creating.

Within the moments of the painfulness, the individual may be expressing to themselves their desire to be paying attention to themselves and not necessarily incorporating the action that they are incorporating. You may also be influencing your perception through your beliefs, that the action of walking upon certain surfaces creates a type of impactfulness which is unnatural to your physical form. You may be incorporating the communication to yourself to merely be paying attention to what you are incorporating in actions within the moment, or interactions in the moment.

Many individuals incorporate painfulness within this particular physical location in relation to their beliefs and associations with their supportiveness of themselves, not necessarily the supportiveness or lack of supportiveness of other individuals, but what they may be offering to themselves or not offering to themselves, and this may manifest in any particular moment.

As I have stated, your objective imagery is abstract, even the creation of physical exhibitions within your physical body form. If you incorporate one type of imagery in one situation and you do not gain your attention, you may incorporate a different type of objective imagery to present the same message to yourself.

Many times individuals - yourself also - create repetition in imagery if it incorporates painfulness, for painfulness shall obtain your attention. You DO offer yourselves your attention if you incorporate pain in any manner, in any form, be it emotional pain that you identify, or intellectual, mental, physical - it matters not. Any type of painfulness does attain your attention, for you place strong judgments upon painfulness, and these judgments are very influencing of your perception.

I may express to you quite literally, your perception is what creates the actual affectingness, for that same sensation may be perceived quite differently and your association shall not move in the identification of pain. I may express to you, quite commonly within your physical dimension individuals may be incorporating pain in your identification to extremes at times, and may express objectively to you that the sensation alters and is no longer identified as pain. What attains your attention is the mildness of pain. For you do not wish to be incorporating extreme painfulness, but just enough painfulness to be attaining your attention. (Chuckles)

Therefore, as you experience this painfulness within your back, my suggestion to you is that you be allowing yourself an awareness in paying attention to what you are creating in that moment. What are you associating with in that moment? It may not necessarily be a physical action. It may be an interaction with another individual. It may be a denial of your own choice in that moment, a forcing of your energy to be incorporating an action that you wish not to be incorporating, and therefore you force your energy to create a choice that you wish not to create. This many times, in your individual creation, is the scenario.

MIRIAM: Yes, thank you.

ELIAS: You are very welcome. I shall be incorporating one more question, and we shall be disengaging this evening.

Yes, my friend?

JOHN: It’s sort of two-parted, so I guess I’ll press my luck! (Elias laughs) The first part of the question is, I remember querying you some time ago in a private session about sort of more information ... I remember reading, I don’t know how long it was ago, it may be a couple of years ago when I got involved in reading the transcripts. It’s quite interesting because there’re more definitions and more things coming along, and I’d queried to you in one of our recent private sessions, I asked, there’s the framework that you present, and then there’s sort of concepts on top of the framework that you present and that’s quite interesting, and are there more frameworks to come? Framework, as in sort of the orientation material that you presented and so forth.

There was one scene afterwards, and this must have been slightly more than a few weeks ago, there’s a transcript - I think it was Rodney’s transcript actually - dealing with blueprints, and I read that and I became physically ill, sick, for about two days afterwards. I can’t help but think it had something to do with the transcript and the way the material in the transcript affected me and what was presented.

So the first part of my question is, the material that you present, you must present it in such a way that it’s not affecting people a lot but spurring them on, but not in a difficult sort of way?

ELIAS: You are correct. If you are incorporating difficulty, you are creating that.

JOHN: Okay. My second question, or the second part of my question, is that there were definitions in terms of personality types that you said you were going to talk more about, so I wondered whether this might be a good time to talk more about them. It was the emotional, religious, political, thought, in terms of what we’re talking about here.

ELIAS: Ah. Once again, I shall express to you, in relation to the identifications of these personality expressions and more of an offering of information as to their qualities and their expressions, this shall be requiring of its own session time framework shall we say, for this is an intricate subject matter. But I shall express to you, yes, in like manner to orientations, there is an affectingness of each of these personality types upon how you shall be interactive with yourself and with other individuals.

Now; I may also express to you that generally speaking, the one personality type that may experience more challenge in relation to this subject matter of creating a relationship with self and allowing that familiarity and recognizing of their communications to self shall be that of the thought-focused individuals. For thought-focused individuals pay less attention to the emotional communication and attempt many times to override emotional communication through the incorporation of thought, which it is not designed to be incorporating that action; but there is less of an objective understanding of the emotional communication with thought-focused individuals.

This is not to say that they may not become aware and incorporate as much of a familiarity with this type of communication as any other of these personality types, but there is an incorporation of more challenge for these individuals. The other three incorporate less difficulty in allowing the expression of emotional communication.

Now; let me also express to you, this is not to say that emotionally focused individuals create the most ease in interpretation of their communications, for they do not; for you all have defined emotional communication as reaction and not as communication. But individuals that are incorporating an emotional focus are much more familiar with paying attention to their emotional expressions.

EDWARD: Just one quick thing, I just want to know out of those focuses then, which one am I? (Elias chuckles, and group laughter)

ELIAS: I may express to you, Colleen, emotionally focused.

LUANNE: I would also like to know that, Elias, for myself.

ELIAS: I would express to you also, emotionally focused.

(There is some bantering and joking in the background, and Elias laughs with the group.)

I may express to you all this evening TREMENDOUS affection to you each, and I may also express to you a great appreciation of our interaction this evening. I anticipate our continued playfulness together, and I anticipate our next meeting. I express to you each in tremendous lovingness, au revoir.

GROUP: Au revoir. Thanks, Elias. Goodbye.

Elias departs at 10:31 PM.

(1) See , 10/21/00, for a brief discussion of ’mad cow’ disease.

(2) John says that the session he was referring to is .
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Copyright 2001 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.