Session 2347

Magically Manifesting


“Magically Manifesting”
“The Importance of Being Clear in What You Want to Create”

Monday, September 17, 2007 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Bobbi (Jale)

(Elias’ arrival time is 17 seconds.)

ELIAS: Good morning.

BOBBI: Good morning, Elias. Nice to speak to you again.

ELIAS: And you also.

BOBBI: We almost didn’t talk. (Both laugh) Missed you last week.

ELIAS: And what shall we discuss?

BOBBI: Well, I have a lot of little miscellaneous questions, some from my sister, but the main thing that I was wondering about, I maybe could just jump right into that and get to the little stuff at the end. I would like to talk about magic. (Laughs)

ELIAS: Ah! Magic!

BOBBI: Yes. How to…not in a literal sense, I’m not interested in pulling a rabbit out of a hat. (Elias laughs) Pretty much what I mean by that is manifesting of a bit more purposefully, objectively, and effectively than I am. You know, I work at it. It’s a bit of a hit and miss affair. So I was wondering if maybe you could provide a method or a list of steps, like you provided for Acceptance 101 and 102. You remember that. (Elias laughs) You know, for manifesting stuff, or maybe give me a place that I could start out because as I do things that do work out, it kind of builds your trust. You go, “Well, okay, I can do that!” and that does go a long way. So, anything you have in that area of assisting me in going in that direction of a more objective and effective way of manifesting things.

ELIAS: Very well. In what capacity?

BOBBI: Now, you see that’s another interesting thing. At first, I thought there’s nothing really pressing right now. It’s not like I need a big bag of money or an apple in my hand or something. So I thought, well, start with the things that are around me, and the one thing that would be fun to influence would be the weather. So I’ve messed with that a little bit. I’ve had some, I guess it’s sort of success with that, maybe. But I’ve had so many different thoughts about it. I don’t know if I’m approaching it correctly. I understand that weather is a, sort of a mass…a construct of the mass, and I’m not looking to change global warming or anything enormous like that, but simply during the summer it is ridiculously hot here. I would like to have it be cooler. And then I thought well, maybe all I really want is have my perception, my experience of it be cooler and it really doesn’t matter if the thermometer reads 110° outside. I would experience it as being cooler.

ELIAS: Correct.

BOBBI: Right? So I’m not sure what I am looking at here and maybe it doesn’t matter either. But there are other times when I go, “Boy, it would be great if it would rain.” You know, I love the rain, and I don’t want it to rain for any secondary effects, like I want the grass to grow or something like that; I just like the rain. Or I would like it to snow, for fun. You know? So maybe I’m biting off more than I could chew here.

ELIAS: Not necessarily.

BOBBI: Okay.

ELIAS: I would express that you do incorporate the ability to affect this and the greatest manner in which you can affect it is by altering your perception of it. And the manner in which you do that is to examine your automatic associations, for they are greatly influencing of your perception. Also, paying attention to what you pay attention to, for what you pay attention to also greatly influences perception. If you are generating more concentration in the direction of what you do not like, you are influencing your perception to create precisely that.

BOBBI: Exactly. And that’s been the problem with my attempts with the heat. I know and I noticed that I’m very focused on how hot it is and how much I don’t like it, and I’ve tried. I just can’t…I can’t figure out how to bring that around so that I’m not focusing on that so much. With stuff like the rain or with snow, which I have been more successful at, I concentrate on what it is that I like.


BOBBI: It is not that I don’t like that it is not snowing or raining. It’s like it’s easier for me to concentrate on the actual it’s raining or…


BOBBI: …it’s snowing—the feel of it—and what I like about it and how it makes me feel and all of those things.

ELIAS: Yes, and that is the reason that you are more successful with those types of manifestations, for you are not concentrating upon what you dislike. You are concentrating upon what you want, but without opposing what you do not want. For the element of what you do not want is not important in those situations. Such as, with the rain or with snow, it is not important to you that it is not raining or not snowing. You are not concentrating upon that as a negative or a dislike. You are neutral.

BOBBI: Right.

ELIAS: That allows you the freedom to concentrate and to focus upon what you do like and what you do want, without the obstacle of that opposing energy. In this, I would express that it may be helpful, initially, to remove from your reality indicators of temperature.

BOBBI: Right. I have. In fact I have done that (Laughs). Because I thought, this is not helping things…

ELIAS: Correct.

BOBBI: …looking at this. (Laughs)

ELIAS: Correct, for that reinforces what you do not want, what you do not like, and it reinforces your concentration upon it. Therefore, if you are not presenting yourself with indicators of temperature, or you are not presenting yourself with other individuals expressing to you information concerning the weather or temperatures, that may be one aspect that can disassociate with your automatic expectation of the temperature.

Also, it may helpful to you to practice, perhaps in the evenings or in the early morning, when the temperature is more neutral or more comfortable for you, to be more present with the experience of that temperature, rather than anticipating the rise in the temperature. But to be more present in experiencing the temperature that you enjoy, and therefore interrupting that automatic action of projecting futurely and anticipating the temperature to continue rising.

In that, especially within your morning hours, the more present you can be with the comfort of the temperature and the enjoyment of that and the experience of it, the more you can continue it. For, if you are concentrating in the present, in the now, and appreciating the moment of comfortable temperature, it interrupts you from anticipating and allows you to prolong the experience.

BOBBI: Right. And that way, it is easier to concentrate on what you like and what you want.

ELIAS: Correct, rather than continuously moving back into that concentration of the anticipation and what you do not want and what you do not like. For you are replacing that with experiencing what you do want and what you do like.

This is precisely the action that I was expressing in the analogy of the bubble. For that is the energy that you are projecting and in that, as it serves as an immense magnet, it attracts whatever matches it. Therefore, if your concentration is not in the now and is not appreciating what you already have, what you are already creating, and allowing yourself to experience, you begin to attract what you do not want. You deliver the message to your leprechaun: “I am waiting for the heat.”

BOBBI: Yeah. And that has been the problem, that it’s been really difficult to pull my attention away from what I don’t like…

ELIAS: Correct.

BOBBI: …about physically about the heat.

ELIAS: Correct. And generally speaking, this is a very common action with most individuals. If they are generating discomfort in association with any experience, you automatically immediately concentrate upon that, and you generate importance in relation to what you do not like.

I will express to you, the more you practice with being present in the experience that you do like and that you do want, the easier it will be for you to prolong that longer and longer, and the easier it will be for you to create that more consistently and intentionally.

BOBBI: Okay, good. Thank you.

Now, I’ve also noticed that there is and you mention in some of the transcripts, the recent transcripts, they’re recent to come out, they are three years old now. But the difference between wishing for something and actually creating it and I find that sometimes that can be a very fine line as well, wishing being kind of a thought process, easy to fall into, for me, anyway. Are there, as far as other manifestations, just in general, are there other steps that we can kind of take in a progression to move along towards accomplishing whatever it is we want to manifest? Or is it specific to each individual and each situation?

ELIAS: It would be dependent upon the individual and the situation, and in association with the generality of this question, I would express that one factor would be to genuinely evaluate whether what you are wishing for is what you actually want.

BOBBI: Oh yes.

ELIAS: And being clear in what it is that you are wishing for, and whether what you are wishing for will actually be beneficial to you or whether it actually is purposeful in association with your individual intent.

BOBBI: Though I have noticed also, when I’m thinking about what is it that I want, if there’s a general or easy way, you know, I want to win the lottery or a big bunch of money—it’s not really what I want. I don’t want just stacks of cash around. I want to be able to either do things, or I want, perhaps a car. There is something specific that I want to do with that. So when I turn my, when I start thinking about in that direction, I think, well, what is the bottom line that I actually want here?


BOBBI: And that seems to be very helpful as well, more…


BOBBI: …more specific at sort of highlighting…the bottom is, instead of going around the block to get what you want, go right for what it is that I want.

ELIAS: Correct. And this is significant also. For when you move in a direction of attempting to incorporate some type of method of acquisition to provide you with an avenue of what you want, what you are doing is actually discounting yourself. For you are discounting your ability to directly create that.

BOBBI: Oh, interesting.

ELIAS: And in that, you are generating an association that you are dependent upon some outside source to provide you with the ability to create what you want, rather than crediting yourself with the ability to create whatever you want, regardless of how impossible it may seem in the moment. For it is, once again, a matter of what energy you are projecting, and your energy will attract what matches it.

Therefore, let us express in your example, perhaps when you express to yourself that you want to win the lottery, and then you evaluate that and question yourself further, more specifically in what you want, and you identify that you want a car. Rather than as you have expressed, moving around the block to acquire what you want, you can directly address what you want and allow that to unfold naturally, by it being attracted to you. For rather than concentrating upon an aside, such as the lottery, you can focus your attention in the direction of the vehicle itself, and in that, experientially visualize yourself already possessing it and already in it and already engaging it and already driving it. But not merely in thinking or in visuals, but allowing yourself, within your body consciousness to actually experience the feeling of that vehicle.

Therefore, you are projecting in energy that it is already in your possession. And therefore your energy seeks to attract that to you directly. And in that, you generate much less energy, much less effort, for it is merely a matter of allowing that to unfold. For once you are projecting that type of energy, you will attract to you information and avenues to accomplish that.

Therefore, once you have set the intention, once you have allowed yourself to generate the energy of creating what you want, and you are engaging the experience of it, which is very similar to what I expressed to you in relation to temperature—allowing yourself to experience. Once you engage that, your energy changes and, therefore, you begin in a direction that will unfold more naturally and more easily. And you will begin to present yourself with avenues in which it is merely a matter of paying attention and noticing when you are presenting yourself with your own opportunities to actually physically create that object that you want.

BOBBI: I have noticed when I am more successful at these things, if I…as I’m attempting to do this, if I sort of get my emotional, or the feeling of my emotions, as if I had already accomplished it, and that seems to be quite powerful too.

ELIAS: Yes, it is. Very much so. For that is the power of energy. It is…

BOBBI: Although, can I tell you an incident that happened that was kind of funny? I think it’s a success story in this, with a twist. (Elias laughs) Yeah. I really wanted it to snow. It was getting towards the end of winter. In fact, it was early March. We hadn’t had much snow and I’d really like it to snow before the winter is over. So I was concentrating on it for a few days and, you know I could see maybe it would go in that direction. So it hadn’t snowed yet, but for whatever reason I had to go into…go sixty miles into another town, up and over the mountain pass—twisty two lane road—and of course, on the way back, I’m driving Ken’s truck which I hate to drive. It starts snowing, and not just snowing, it starts dumping snow. (Elias laughs) I was all over the road and, I mean, I was freaking out. You know, shear drop on one side, oncoming traffic, I couldn’t see where I was going; it was awful. So afterwards I thought, well, I created what I want, but what was all that? Why did I scare myself? Oh, and interestingly about that, that snowstorm was fairly localized to right where I was on the road. (Elias chuckles)

When I was imagining, going through all my little process attempting to create this snow, at one point, I got so excited about it—the feeling of it—and also this fear struck me that I was going to be able to do this. It was a real feeling of, this is really creepy, but I could do something like this. I think that it was that bit of fear got sort of injected into my manifestation and that’s how I managed to create scaring myself to death (Laughs) during the process of what I wanted to happen.

ELIAS: Partially.

BOBBI: Partially?

ELIAS: I would express to you this is an excellent example of what we have been discussing. For this is what I expressed when I expressed to you that it is significant to clearly identify what you want and also to evaluate how that can benefit you, or if it will benefit you, or if it is actually in keeping with your direction.

Now; this is an excellent example, for there are several factors at play in this. One is a tremendous validation of your power and your ability to genuinely create. Another is an example of that power and the importance of being clear in what you want to create. For you may think you want to create a Christmas winter scene, but you may actually merely want to view or look at the Christmas winter scene and not actually engage it in a vehicle.

BOBBI: That’s really what I had in mind, yes.(Laughs)

ELIAS: Therefore, it also is emphasizing to you the importance of generating clarity in what you want, for your energy is very powerful. And you can create precisely what you want and it generate an outcome that you had not anticipated and, therefore, it can be overwhelming.

BOBBI: So, to be careful to be more specific, then?

ELIAS: It is a matter of being clear and understanding that your energy is very powerful. That is not to say that it will be harmful to you but, just as if you are an individual that is engaging machinery such as a vehicle and you do not objectively know how to drive that vehicle yet, but you incorporate a tremendous want to drive it, you may enter the vehicle and you may also overwhelm yourself with its power, which is actually your power of it, and you may present yourself with a situation that may be frightening or may be uncomfortable. For you are not being entirely clear as to what it is that you actually want.

Just as in a similar situation, an individual may express that they want to win the lottery, and they may actually, in similar manner to yourself, think that the reason that they want to win the lottery is that it will provide them with an avenue to create what they want. But in genuinely evaluating that and being clear, were they to actually be more clear in relation to the reality of if they actually did win the lottery, what might occur and what they actually want, they may actually offer themselves information that if they actually did win the lottery, it may generate more difficulty and challenges than they anticipated, and they may be quite uncomfortable with that action. And it actually may not necessarily provide an avenue for them to generate what they want, but actually generate conflict.

In this, you may genuinely want the snow and it may be a powerful enough wanting. You may be generating a powerful enough energy without obstacles and without doubt that you actually create that. But how do you actually want to engage it?

BOBBI: That’s the part I had left out. (Elias laughs) And you have an interesting analogy of sitting in the car, but you’re not sure how to operate it, because that exact imagery had occurred to me. I feel many times because I’m at the control panel of some wonderful machine or vehicle or something and all the lights are flashing, and it’s ready to go and all the instructions are in another language. (Both laugh) And, many times, I’m just hitting buttons, you know, and this is kind of my motivation in asking is there a certain procedure I could through, as I’m sitting at this control panel not quite knowing how to operate this energy machine that we have?

ELIAS: (Laughs) Actually your control panel is much more simple than you think. (Both laugh) It is, in actuality, merely a matter of allowing yourself to be specific and clear in relation to what you want, and allowing yourself not to doubt your ability, to concentrate and experience what you want and what you like, and to allow it to unfold.

BOBBI: Many times that’s the hard part, allowing it to unfold.


BOBBI: To resist the urge to kind of be shoving it along.


BOBBI: Or to be impatient and assume that it’s not working.

ELIAS: (Chuckles) But I will express to you, although this experience may have been somewhat frightening or overwhelming, it was a tremendous validation of your ability.

BOBBI: (Laughs) Once I regained my sanity, yes, it was. (Both laugh) I almost forgot there, for the rest of the day. (Both laugh)

ELIAS: And a tremendous example of just how powerful you actually are.

BOBBI: Yeah. Now I would imagine, as The Shift continues, people, after the completion, they really will not even speak in these kind of terms. Will they? I mean it will be a much…what do I want to say? Like a natural process.

ELIAS: Yes, for this is what you are beginning to create already. You are practicing enough to the point in which some actions are becoming natural to you, already.

BOBBI: Yeah. It won’t be a matter of, those future Shifties will go, “Well, I want this so I must align my energy,” it will be a much more flowing, natural…

ELIAS: Yes, but do not delude yourself into the thinking that this shall be utopia, or that these individuals shall not generate their own challenges, or their own new explorations. I will express to you that I have been engaging a rather amusing situation with another individual, within this forum, in which a future focus of that individual is attempting to generate contact with the individual, but is finding this quite challenging, for the manner in which this individual wants to contact the individual now is through your present computers. And this…


ELIAS: …and this is proving to be quite a challenge, for this future focus, in attempting to discover a method of how to accomplish that.

BOBBI: Interesting! (Elias chuckles) So the challenge is on the part of the future focus?


BOBBI: Well, good! (Both laugh)

ELIAS: Therefore, they do not incorporate all of the answers either. (Laughs)

BOBBI: Okay. Well, I’m going to continue then with all my experimenting and see where I can get. Can you think of like, any little exercise that would be helpful for me? In building my confidence in this area, or…

ELIAS: I would express I have already offered to you an exercise, two indeed, in offering you the steps of what is important to incorporate when you are attempting to generate these types of actions.

BOBBI: Okay. Well, I was thinking more in terms of an actual manifestation (Elias chuckles), but I’ll look around and find my own. (Elias laughs)

Okay. Well, off to the other questions, I suppose, and thank you very much for all of that information…

ELIAS: You are very welcome.

BOBBI: …by the way. And you know, speaking of future focuses, do I have any that would be interested in interacting with me? That you can tell?

ELIAS: One moment.

BOBBI: Okay. (Pause)


BOBBI: Okay.

ELIAS: The individual is female. The name is Alexa…

BOBBI: Okay.

ELIAS: …and the time framework is twenty-third century. I must express, it appears that many individuals within the twenty-third century incorporate a significant interest in the individuals of the twenty-first century.

BOBBI: Really? From a historical perspective, or…?

ELIAS: Yes, and curiosity as to the mechanics of shifting…


ELIAS: …and the experiences of shifting and the transition that in their perception was experienced.

BOBBI: I can understand their curiosity. That was sort of the basis of my question about if you are already shifted, how natural would this process be? You know, I have that kind of a corresponding curiosity, just going in the other direction.

ELIAS: Yes. Of how unnatural it is.

BOBBI: Yes, yes. For us it’s a real process, you know, something that we’re learning.

ELIAS: Correct. And with those individuals, it is natural and, therefore, there is a curiosity of how it would not be natural.

BOBBI: Right, and when the children are born or babies are born, as they grow, that wouldn’t even be something that their parents would teach them like language or other things. They really wouldn’t learn that. It would just be there.

ELIAS: Correct.

BOBBI: Wow! Neat.

ELIAS: (Chuckles)

BOBBI: Okay. I have some questions here, sort of of a random nature, if that’s okay?

ELIAS: Very well.

BOBBI: Okay. My daughter, Melissa, has a young man that she’s seeing. His name is Miguel, and I would sort of like his essence information…

ELIAS: And your…

BOBBI: I’ve never met him but I’ll give you my impression anyway, just totally pulling it out of the air, because I haven’t met him. I’m thinking that he is Tumold, Borledim, common, and I think his essence name is something like Carl or Carlo, or anyway, something starting with a “C”.

ELIAS: Congratulations.

BOBBI: Really?

ELIAS: And the essence name is Carlos.

BOBBI: (Laughs) Wow. Okay, thank you. And the rest then was right on?


BOBBI: Okay, thanks. This is about my aunt Shirley, who disengaged, oh my goodness, probably more than thirty years ago now. But as I listened to Natasha, Nicole’s voice on the session tapes, she really reminds me of my Aunt Shirley. Are they of the same essence?


BOBBI: Oh that’s so neat. She was so neat. She was my favorite aunt. (Both laugh) That’s wonderful. It’s just wonderful to know.

Okay, this is a weirdo question. This year, we bought some great big restaurant, or not restaurant supply, but bakery supply stuff for our little cookie business. And the guy who helped us, the owner of the company of bakery supply, his name was Ken Lynn. He’s up in the bay area here in California. Really a great guy. He reminded me so much of Ron/Olivia. Now, are they the same essence or maybe, I was thinking maybe even like a splinter?

ELIAS: This would be a fragment.

BOBBI: Okay. Yeah. Some of the stuff that he came out with was so amazing, specifically really for Ken. This guy loved to talk. Not really like Ron, but this guy loved to talk (Elias chuckles), and some of the directions he would go off were so specific, without him knowing it, were so specific to information that was helpful to Ken, in a personal area, that it was just amazing. I thought, wow, there is something else going on there. (Elias chuckles) Okay, my question, speaking of splinters, since we’re speaking of that, do I have any splinters? Does my focus of me, Bobbi, in this focus have any splinters?


BOBBI: I do? And is that something you can quantify, like a number or is that one of those…

ELIAS: Yes. That can be expressed, although just as I have expressed in association with focuses, it would be relative to the time framework, for it can change.

BOBBI: Okay, yeah I understand. It could be changeable. I understand that. How many…

ELIAS: I would express presently, you incorporate fourteen.

BOBBI: (Laughs) Fourteen? (Elias chuckles) Wow! Okay, I never would have guessed that many. (Elias chuckles) That is really weird. Okay, so I’m going to investigate. You would investigate…a person would investigate those similar to like another focus or anything else right?


BOBBI: That information is just…


BOBBI: …out there.

ELIAS: You are correct.

BOBBI: Okay. That’s really weird, and interesting too.

ELIAS: (Laughs) I will express to you, many times when individuals encounter another individual that appears very similar to an individual that they know, it may be a splinter, whether it be in physical appearance or in personality.

BOBBI: Interesting. Yeah that whole concept of splinters is sort of, it’s just interesting. You know, it’s not something that has been talked about a whole lot, but I find it an interesting idea. (Elias chuckles)

Okay, on with my random questions. I was wondering, what location or area does Ken, my husband Ken’s tone, resonate with? (Pause)

ELIAS: I would express some areas of your state of Washington.

BOBBI: Ah! Okay.

ELIAS: Some areas of your state of New Mexico, and some areas in your state of Utah.

BOBBI: Utah. That is so interesting. We’ve been in all those places and we must be in the wrong areas. (Both chuckle) Okay. Thank you, though.

ELIAS: In more mountainous areas.

BOBBI: Yeah. We really weren’t in the mountains in any of those places. Okay. I think I’ve had eighty-six focuses with Ken and I think that this is a larger number than it was previously. I’ve never asked you what the number was but I just have the impression that…

ELIAS: Yes, you are correct.

BOBBI: Okay. I have a couple of impressions from Howard/Boscht. One, he had the impression that I have a focus of E. Cardon Walker, who was an associate of Walt Disney.

ELIAS: Observing.

BOBBI: And he also has an impression that Miles Davis is a focus of Jale.

ELIAS: Also observing.

BOBBI: Now I have some questions from my sister, Nancy. The first one is, well actually this is a joint question. On the same nights, we had extremely similar dreams. Her dream was she was on a tour bus and there were old ladies urging her to put on a nice dress and get on the bus. She had that dream for two nights. On one of those nights, I dreamed that my grandmother and some of her friends were urging my daughter, Melissa, to put on a nice dress and go to a luncheon or a tea party with them. This was near the time that Nancy’s dog died and she was feeling a strong interaction with our disengaged grandmother. So my question is what was up with our similar dream energy, and then what is that imagery, put on a nice dress? (Laughs) Visit with these old ladies, what is that about?

ELIAS: In actuality, this was somewhat beyond dream imagery. This was a type of projection of both of you, meeting in dream state. You may recall that I have expressed in previous discussions that individuals can connect in dreams, which is beyond dream imagery, for it is an incorporation of imagery and also projecting to each other, and therefore connecting with each other, which creates strong similarities in the imagery that each individual generates, for you are participating together. In this, the participation was intended to be comforting. The imagery reflected that, in being encouraging to appreciate self, and to be comforting in being gentle with self, therefore generating an action of engaging some nicety for self in a supportive and fun environment.

BOBBI: Okay. Did the bus, as far as my sister’s dream, she felt that the bus had some important imagery to her. Was there?

ELIAS: Community and the significance of what she associates as community, her community, which is not necessarily the physical community in her physical environment but the community of individuals that she draws support from.

BOBBI: Oh, okay. Yeah, she has a lot of interaction with all her, she calls them her people, the guiding voices that she notices. So that would probably be that community then? Some of the unseen?

ELIAS: And also, individuals such as yourself and some other individuals.

BOBBI: Okay. Thank you.

ELIAS: You are quite welcome.

BOBBI: The rest of her questions: She would like to understand what her connection to Marie Antoinette is. I’m pretty sure she thinks she was, did have a focus as Marie Antoinette, but the way she put it is, what is her connection to Marie Antoinette?

ELIAS: It is twofold.

BOBBI: Okay.

ELIAS: One, she is observing essence to that individual.

BOBBI: Is that lifetime?

ELIAS: Yes. And two, is incorporating a focus as a child that died.

BOBBI: Oh, a child of Marie Antoinette?


BOBBI: Okay. Her next question is, she has been told by many people that she must have a focus in Russia, probably the Russian revolution. She is very resistant to this, for some reason that she doesn’t even understand. So her question would be, does she have a focus then, and I guess, what was it? That was the focus where her daughter now, Christine, was Lenin’s wife at that time frame.

ELIAS: Yes, she does incorporate several focuses in that time framework, and I would express that perhaps her resistance to acknowledging that is that the experiences of those focuses in her estimation now and in their perception then was not pleasant.

BOBBI: So, probably as…

ELIAS: She incorporates focuses as peasants and as soldiers, neither of which have incorporated pleasant experiences.

BOBBI: Okay. She also would like to know what is her most influencing focus with her husband, Jim?

ELIAS: And does she offer an impression?

BOBBI: No she doesn’t. I asked and she said, “I don’t know. I just want to know what’s the most influencing one.”

ELIAS: (Chuckles) I would express the focus that she draws the most energy from would be one within the time framework of the 1700s, in the area that has been Romania. These are not predominant individuals within their community, but they incorporate an interesting diversity of experiences between them.

BOBBI: And what is their relationship in that focus?

ELIAS: In that focus they are partners.

BOBBI: Okay. I’ll let her look into that one. As far as Jim goes, Nancy says that I’ve never asked about him, so I’m interested in what his essence things are. My impression would be that he’s belonging to Sumafi, aligned with Gramada, emotional and common.

ELIAS: Correct.

BOBBI: Do you have an essence name, please?

ELIAS: Essence name, Moe, M-O-E.

BOBBI: Thank you. Well, okay, this is the last of Nancy’s questions. She feels that this is her first and only focus in the United States. Is that correct?

ELIAS: No. But she incorporates very few. And as to the first, yes, that would be correct.

BOBBI: Okay.

ELIAS: For the other focuses that she incorporates are future.

BOBBI: Oh, interesting. Okay. So she has none in what we would consider to be the past of the United States from this point?

ELIAS: Correct.

BOBBI: Okay. All right, then that would totally explain her perception of that. I have some good old game things that we could do real quick.

ELIAS: Very well.

BOBBI: For Vold, under the category of “Quotations” or “Quotes,” would be “Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.”

ELIAS: One point.

BOBBI: Again under Vold, and this is the category of “Movie Monsters”. I think I found him—Wolfman.

ELIAS: (Laughs) One point.

BOBBI: (Laughs) Good. This is a new category. I’m assuming it’s a new category, since I’m not really up on what everybody is doing with the game, but it’s “Tools”. And I would associate a hammer with Gramada.

ELIAS: One point.

BOBBI: And under that same category, under Vold, I would associate a screwdriver.

ELIAS: One point.

BOBBI: Okay. Wow! We did it!

ELIAS: (Laughs)

BOBBI: That’s it. I have minor kind of junk but it’s unimportant.

ELIAS: (Laughs)

BOBBI: Well thank you so much. It was lovely to talk to you again.

ELIAS: You are very welcome, my dear friend. And I am always anticipating our interactions. But I am also always present with you. (Chuckles)

BOBBI: That is very appreciated.

ELIAS: To you in great appreciation and in dear friendship, au revoir.

BOBBI: Au revoir.

(Elias departs after one hour, two minutes.)

©2007 Mary Ennis. All Rights Reserved.

Copyright 2007 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.