Session 1243
Translations: ES

Crystal Ball Questions, Psychics, and Suggestibility


“Crystal Ball Questions, Psychics, and Suggestibility”

Friday, January 10, 2003 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Frank (Ulra)

Elias arrives at 11:16 AM. (Arrival time is 18 seconds.)

ELIAS: Good morning!

FRANK: Good morning! Nice to speak to you again.

ELIAS: Again! (Both laugh)

FRANK: On short notice! (Elias laughs) Although time does not pass for you, right?

ELIAS: Correct, therefore it matters not! Ha ha ha! But I am aware of your time framework.

FRANK: At the last minute my daughter decided that she didn’t want to speak with you today. (Laughs)

ELIAS: Very well!

FRANK: Anyway, here I am. It’s an unexpected pleasure for me (Elias laughs), but as you say, not coincidental.

Let’s start with something I’ve been wanting to ask you for a while, which is not a crystal ball question but a question about crystal ball questions. (Elias laughs) The question is this. When we ask you a question that you would term a crystal ball question, in other words what’s going to be happening in our future, the question I have is what do you see? I know you don’t see in the sense that we do, but what is it that you’re perceiving about the future? Do you see a most likely scenario or do you see a variety of scenarios?

ELIAS: It is dependent upon the individual in the moment. At times individuals are moving in a specific direction and are generating in the moment, choosing in the moment probabilities and directing themselves in a manner that may be creating more of a potential for a specific outcome. In some scenarios, individuals may be generating a direction but the energy may be scattered and the individual may not necessarily be clear within themselves as to what they want, and therefore the potential is less clear also.

In this, regardless of how directed any individual may be within any time framework, there is always the possibility for change, and there is always the possibility for what you may term to be a sudden alteration in an individual’s direction, dependent upon what they are choosing in each moment. For this reason it is ludicrous to be expressing to any individual what may or may not be within their given future, so to speak, for it has not been chosen yet and there are infinite variables that may be incorporated.

Although it may appear to you that most of you move in singular directions and that you create a type of path, so to speak, in a process toward a goal, you always incorporate choice, and therefore there is always the potential to be altering your direction. In association with whatever an individual may be addressing to in a moment or what they may be drawing to themselves for their own information and their own examination of themselves, they may be choosing different experiences that alter the direction that they may be engaging in the moment.

This is the reason that I caution individuals in their interaction with what you term to be psychics. These individuals are allowing themselves their ability in their expression to tap into the energy of other individuals and do allow themselves to view potentials at times. But in your terms, this is a tricky business concerning future events. First of all, an individual that is identified as a psychic may tap into potentials of another individual, but as they express that to the individual what is generated is many times more of a likelihood that the individual receiving that information shall create what they have been told.

For one of the qualities that you all express within your physical reality is a tremendous suggestibility. This is not bad; it is a manner in which you allow yourselves to connect to each other in a different manner. But at times that suggestibility may be influencing of your choices in association with automatic responses and therefore limits your choices.

Now; I am not expressing that it denies your choices, for every action that you engage in every expression or manifestation that you create within your reality is your choice. But it does limit your choices at times, for you generate an automatic response in projecting your energy in concentration of the manifestation that has been expressed to you as a prediction.

In this also, if an individual is recognizing their choices and is familiar with themselves and incorporates an objective recognition that they generate their own choices and that what is being expressed to them is merely a potential, the individual may allow themselves not to be expressing automatic responses and shall continue to direct themselves in the manner that they choose individually.

But there are many, many expressions of energy that are occurring within each individual in every moment. Although you may think at times that you are moving in a certain direction, you may also be addressing to different beliefs that may be quite influencing of you. Therefore, you may generate experiences to be instructive to yourself or to offer yourself information concerning certain beliefs, and those experiences may not align with what you expect.

Therefore, crystal ball questions are either a seeking out of future information — which, in a manner of speaking, is not real for it has not been created yet and in a manner of speaking is an illusion, and at times, in your terms, may incorporate dangerous expressions — or individuals may inquire of crystal ball questions as trickery, attempting to...

FRANK: trick Elias?

ELIAS: Yes, attempting to prove reality to themselves, for they express a skepticism.

FRANK: Well, really it’s fundamentally a lack of trust in yourself, isn’t it?

ELIAS: Correct, and in these situations I am aware of the individual’s deceptiveness, so to speak, and what their inquiry concerns. I incorporate no need to be justifying my existence — or yours! (Both laugh)

FRANK: I want to come back to one of the things you said where you talked about suggestibility and how it can influence and limit our choices. It doesn’t deny the choices, but if it’s limiting our choices, isn’t that denying them to some degree or certainly denying some of them?

ELIAS: In a manner of speaking, yes. But even that, my friend, is a choice.

FRANK: In other words, we do not have to be influenced by the suggestion.

ELIAS: Correct.

FRANK: This issue of suggestibility is interesting. You discussed it in terms of a psychic giving someone information, but I presume that it also applies in other circumstances as well, where we’re subject to suggestibility from the media, let’s say, or other people.

ELIAS: Quite, continuously!

FRANK: So it’s going on all around us?

ELIAS: Yes. This is not to be viewed as a negative. You all engage this action. You share information with each other in association with your beliefs, and this creates a projection of energy which does incorporate a suggestibility many times.

FRANK: But it certainly could be a negative, at least in my terms, to the extent that it does, for example, limit my choices.

ELIAS: Yes, but as I have stated, that also is a choice. I am aware of what you are expressing and your association. This is the reason that I offer all of you information concerning yourselves and your beliefs and that I speak to you of moving your attention to yourselves and becoming familiar with yourselves, that you recognize how you create what you create and that you allow yourselves objectively to intentionally manipulate energy in a manner which generates what you want and without conflict — unless you want conflict. (Laughs)

FRANK: I’m sure some of us do!

ELIAS: (Chuckling) I may express to you, quite definitely. There are some individuals that are aware that they are choosing conflict and this is what they want.

FRANK: I’ll ask you about that at another time. (Elias laughs) One last thing that I want to ask you about this point — and really your answer was what I had anticipated it would be — but the question I have for you is this: in those situations that you described where an individual’s energy is well-focused and so the likely path is pretty clear, but as you said in an instant that path can change and the individual has the freedom to change the direction they’re going...

ELIAS: Correct.

FRANK: situations like that, is the process of creating reality different than under more normal circumstances? I’m not sure I’m phrasing that right. I guess what I’m saying is that ordinarily I presume there’s a process that occurs over a period of time that causes us to choose a path. But now someone makes a very quick right turn in a totally different direction. What’s different about that process, if anything? Is it just more intensity at a certain point to make the change to a new path?

ELIAS: I am understanding your curiosity. There are many variables in involvement in these types of expressions also. It may be associated with an individual’s personality type. It may be an influence of the individual’s beliefs. It may be generated by experiences that the individual is generating. The individual may appear to be altering their direction instantly objectively but in actuality, generally speaking, has been moving towards that alteration in the experiences that they have been generating throughout a time period.

Therefore, personality and beliefs aside, I may express that for the most part the manner in which individuals alter their direction is generally the same as all of your movements.

FRANK: So what you’re saying is that the fact that I’m on a pretty well determined, and by that I mean self-determined, path does not really influence the ease with which I can change to a totally different path. Is that correct?

ELIAS: Yes. The ease is created in clearer awareness, in being aware of yourself and familiar with yourself and in knowing your beliefs, knowing your influences and knowing your choices, knowing what you want and knowing what you are doing, being familiar with yourself and what you are creating in the now. This is what generates the ease in which you may appear to yourself to be altering your direction dramatically instantaneously. But if you are aware of yourself and of what you are doing in the now, you also shall be aware of what you term to be the process of altering your choices.

Now; at times you may instantaneously alter your direction in association with knowing what you are doing and what you want and recognizing the direction that you are incorporating in the now and listening to an imaginative communication and incorporating an inspiration and choosing in the moment to be expressing that, which does not necessarily incorporate a process but shall become a process once you alter your direction.

FRANK: Actually, you mentioned something there that I want to come back to a little later about imaginative communications, which we have discussed recently as well. But for now, let’s move on to something else that I want to talk to you about.

First of all, I thought our conversation a couple of days ago regarding communications was quite helpful. I had a business meeting yesterday with an individual who everyone, at least within our company that knows this person, would describe as being very difficult to communicate with. I tried to apply the things that you and I discussed, and thought I was quite successful and had a very positive meeting with pretty good communication.

ELIAS: (Laughs) I offer to you my congratulations!

FRANK: I was very pleased about that. But I want to talk to you about some of the things that we discussed there. You had suggested that I try to examine mundane actions that I do well and that this would provide me with help in terms of improving the communications. So I assume you’re talking about just take some action that I feel good about and look at all the things that are involved and all the beliefs that sort of underlie that. Is the purpose to sort of reinforce to myself that I have these positive qualities?

ELIAS: Partially to validate yourself and also to allow yourself more of an intimate familiarity with yourself, for this offers you the opportunity to view the influences of the beliefs that you are expressing and what you allow or do not allow. You incorporate an expression within your physical reality of “some beliefs are working for you and some beliefs are not.”

Now; the interpretation of this phrase is that you incorporate and express some beliefs that you do not concern yourself with for they express an influence of your perception that allows you to generate your preferences; therefore, they become classified as “working” beliefs.

In this, as you familiarize yourself with those beliefs and recognize that you may be choosing to continue to express them, you also recognize that this IS a choice; it is not merely an automatic response. Automatic responses are also a choice, but you objectively are not aware of that as a choice intentionally.

Now; the significance of this action is that it offers you the opportunity to be incorporating more of an expression of acceptance, for you familiarize yourself with you, you recognize the beliefs that are being expressed, you recognize that these are expressions of yourself individually and that they are your choices. This is tremendously helpful in acceptance of difference in regard to other individuals.

FRANK: I see that. Let’s move on to something else that you said. You stated that if I would relax with regard to my communications with others, in addition to helping me communicate better, one of the things it would do would help me to be more directed. The question I’ve got on that is, is that in regard to my ability to communicate with people only or primarily, or are we talking about it would help me to be more directed in general?

ELIAS: Both.

FRANK: I see the first part, but can you explain the second part? In other words, how it would help me to be more directed in general?

ELIAS: For it familiarizes you with being directed in any expression. It familiarizes you with the action of directing your energy specifically, and therefore it allows you more of an ease in directing your energy in any expression.

If you may validate yourself, my friend, in acknowledgment in one expression, you offer this to yourself as evidence of your abilities. Therefore, you inspire yourself and motivate yourself to apply that type of action to other expressions.

FRANK: The next thing I’d like to ask you about that is what other beliefs or perceptions are affecting my ability to communicate? I think the one thing we talked about last time was sort of a lack of trust in my ability to convey information. Are there other things that I’m not aware of? (Pause)

ELIAS: As I have expressed to you, it is also associated with your concerning yourself with the perceptions of other individuals, which also is associated with not trusting yourself. But it is a movement of your attention outside of yourself, projecting it to other individuals and concerning yourself with the perception of the other individual, more than your ability to efficiently communicate which clouds your expression of communication. For if you are not paying attention to you, your communication becomes less clear.

FRANK: What is that concern based on? Is that based on some belief? I guess what I’m getting at here is how do I deal with that?

ELIAS: In turning your attention. Many, many, many individuals incorporate a very similar expression concerning themselves with the perceptions of other individuals. This is an outward projection of attention.

Now; let me also express that this is reinforced by mass beliefs which express that it is better to be concerning yourself with other individuals than to be with yourself — for if you are paying attention to yourself, you are expressing selfishness, and if you are a good individual you shall place others first, which is quite incorrect. But these are mass beliefs and these mass beliefs discount the individual.

Now; these mass beliefs are also very familiar, and therefore you generate automatic responses in association with them. The action of projecting outwardly is a natural movement for most individuals, for most individuals incorporate the orientation of common and this is a natural expression for this orientation.

But you may be paying attention to outside expressions and also simultaneously continue to be paying attention to yourself and what is influencing what you are doing, and catch yourself, so to speak, in these actions of concerning yourself with the perceptions of other individuals, how they view you. Are they viewing you in the manner that you wish them to be viewing you? Are they understanding you in the manner that you wish them to be understanding you? What evaluations are they creating in association with you? Are they in approval of you? And you are evaluating them also, and at times generate comparisons of yourself with other individuals. Many of these actions are influenced in a lack of trust of self and not valuing yourself.

Now; generally speaking, you individually do express a considerable value of yourself, and in many directions you also express a trust of yourself. In some directions, you express less trust of yourself, which is not unusual. But you are choosing to be examining those areas in which you are not trusting yourself as much, so to speak, and allowing yourself more of an expression of trust and acceptance, and therefore also allowing yourself to realize more of your individual freedom. One of these expressions is associated with communication.

Now; be remembering, what you generate outwardly is a reflection of what you are generating inwardly. Therefore, you are trusting your communications to yourself more than you have previously, but you continue to express doubt of yourself inwardly, whether you are accurately interpreting or translating your own communications to yourself. Therefore, you also generate this outwardly and you reflect this through other individuals to yourself. Are you understanding?

FRANK: Yes, I do exactly. What’s going on objectively is a reflection of this lack of trust in my ability to communicate with myself. So, the way to deal with it is to deal with my ability to communicate internally...

ELIAS: Correct.

FRANK: ...which we’ve talked about many times. (Elias laughs) But I guess even that just starts with just having confidence in myself.

ELIAS: And pay attention. (Chuckles) It is quite simply a matter of paying attention. But as I have expressed previously, it is also quite challenging.

FRANK: Yes, but after two and a half years or so, I think it’s getting better!

ELIAS: (Laughs) And becoming more familiar and somewhat easier!

FRANK: In line with that, let’s move on to imagination. A couple of sessions ago and earlier today you talked about how imagination is a means of communication and inspiration and all that sort of thing. The question I’ve got about that is it seems to me that imagination is self-directed, so to speak, from – and I know I’m going to say this wrong – the part of me that I recognize here, as opposed to a communication from other parts of myself.

ELIAS: Not necessarily.

FRANK: Are you referring to those times when, for example, I could sit down and say, “Gee, I’m going to let my imagination loose on the subject of a lunch meeting I’m having later today,” and start to, in my mind, envision a direction that it will go. But at times it sort of drifts from wherever I had intended to direct it to some other direction. And that’s the part that’s the communication? (Pause)

ELIAS: What you are thinking is the translation. The communication is one of inspiration, and this may be expressed in many, many, many manners. It is expressed quite similarly to any other communication that is an inward communication, so to speak, such as impressions or impulses or emotion or inner senses.

Imagination is expressed similarly to all of these types of communications. It is an energy, so to speak, a movement that offers you information that you filter through your thought process, which translates that communication. In a manner of speaking, it is an action that is occurring inwardly that offers you information, similar to impressions or emotion.

Now; as you drift within your thought process, what you are expressing to yourself is an identification of an allowance for that avenue of communication to be expressed, but not necessarily directing your attention to it; therefore, your translation becomes scattered.

FRANK: Well, I have to tell you that I don’t really understand much of what you just said! (Elias laughs loudly) But rather than focusing on that right now, let me read my notes and listen to the tape and I’ll come back at you on this next time. I really don’t understand that.

ELIAS: (Laughs) Very well. I may express to you simply, you may begin listening to your imagination communication and you may be translating into thought those communications, and as you recognize that your thoughts become scattered, you may assure yourself that your attention has moved and is no longer focused upon that avenue of communication. This is the reason that your thoughts become interrupted and not as directed.

FRANK: Let me play with that a little bit and we’ll see what happens! (Both laugh)

ELIAS: Very well!

FRANK: The concept of perceptions that are based on widely held mass beliefs that are very strong, I presume these are much more difficult to change?

ELIAS: At times, and at times not.

FRANK: Does it again come down to the individual and where they are in terms of everything you said before, knowing themselves and recognizing the belief and that sort of thing?

ELIAS: Being familiar with yourself, yes. At times it may merely be a recognition of the individual’s preferences, which may not necessarily align with certain mass beliefs, and the allowance of the individual to express their preferences.

FRANK: It seems to me that a lot of the widely held mass beliefs are what we view to be negative. I understand what you said about how nothing really is negative, but they seem to be contrary to what I would think that most of us would prefer.

ELIAS: Not necessarily.

FRANK: For example, you must work hard to make money, or a lot of people feel like they can’t trust other people, that sort of thing.

ELIAS: I am understanding, but you generate many mass beliefs that you associate with positive.

FRANK: Okay, there’s another example.

ELIAS: (Chuckles) And your question?

FRANK: My question is that you said that it depends on the individual’s preferences, and I guess maybe I’m misinterpreting in this case what you mean by preferences. Objectively, at least, it seems like very few people prefer poverty over abundance.

ELIAS: Very well. In recognizing your preference and allowing yourself to express it, you alter your reality. But the question is, do you recognize what your preference is?

FRANK: And am I familiar with myself or is the person familiar with themselves.

ELIAS: Correct. An individual may be expressing the experience of poverty and may express that they do not like being within this experience or that the experience is uncomfortable, but they may also be expressing a belief within themselves that abundance or wealth is worse.

FRANK: Did you say worse?

ELIAS: Yes! And therefore shall continue to express the poverty.

FRANK: Well, that’s true and that is a mass belief, I think as well...

ELIAS: Correct!

FRANK: ...the feeling that people with wealth are somehow less than other people or not as noble or whatever.

ELIAS: Correct — “suffering is noble.”

FRANK: Okay, I’ll go with that. (Elias chuckles) Since we’re talking about poverty and wealth, I would like to ask you if you have any thoughts on the one business that I’m involved with regarding an investment fund, which again is one of the things we’ve talked about in the past. That seems to have sort of stabilized, but I think it’s still kind of on the fence for me. Would you say that’s an accurate assessment?

ELIAS: Yes, that you continue to waver.

FRANK: Can you tell me why I’m wavering and can you give me any suggestions?

ELIAS: This also, my friend, is associated with doubting your choices and wondering if you are generating the right or the best choices rather than merely allowing yourself to generate choices and trust the choices that you have incorporated.

FRANK: I understand what you’re saying but I don’t see it. Normally when you tell me something like that I’d say, “Ah-ha! Elias is right. I didn’t realize it but I know what he’s talking about.” But in this case, I’m not sure that I see that, that I don’t feel like this is the best choice or correct choice or good choice for me. I think it would be a great choice for me!

ELIAS: It is not that you incorporate a thought process that it is not the best. This is not what I expressed to you.

What I expressed to you is a wondering if it is the best choice — which is not to say that you do not perceive it as what you term to be a good choice or a profitable choice — but it continues to be associated with your hesitancy within yourself, for you express this doubt of yourself that you are generating most efficiently. This is affecting in all of your directions, not merely one.

FRANK: So I doubt that I’m generating most efficiently? If I were generating efficiently, I would be generating this choice that I would like to see occur. Is that what you’re saying?

ELIAS: You would merely choose and not concern yourself with it.

FRANK: So really what you’re saying is, again, it’s just a lack of trust in my ability to create my reality.

ELIAS: In precisely what you want.

FRANK: But yet it hasn’t gone the other way, either.

ELIAS: Correct. You are not entirely discounting yourself. You are merely incorporating a doubt in your ability to generate efficiently precisely what you want.

FRANK: Okay, I get it. Well, that’s no surprise! (Both laugh) Given that, now that I understand what you’re telling me, do you have any further advice for me?

ELIAS: Allow yourself the recognition, my friend, that choices are merely choices. They may be altered in any moment. If you generate a choice, you may always change your choice if you are not satisfied with the choice that you have incorporated previously. Therefore, allow yourself to relax and merely trust the choices that you ARE engaging. You are moving quite efficiently already! (Laughs)

FRANK: I do sometimes get paralyzed by that, don’t I?

ELIAS: Acknowledge yourself! You are generating quite efficiently and you ARE offering yourself the freedom to express what you want and to actually manifest that. Therefore, rather than continuing to doubt your ability to generate what you want — which is what you are already creating — perhaps you may acknowledge yourself that you ARE already generating what you want and you may continue to do so.

FRANK: Let me ask you about something else. I wasn’t going to bring it up today, but I’ve thought about it so much lately that I should at least ask you about this. I’ve got clients, investors, in this fund. One of the things I reflect on from time to time is that no one can decide to stop being an investor unless I permit that, so to speak, or choose that, correct?

ELIAS: Correct.

FRANK: So then it occurred to me, well, on the other hand, no one that I talk to can choose not to come in new — in other words, become a new investor — unless I choose that also.

ELIAS: Correct.

FRANK: I realize those are really the same thing, but in terms of the way most of us think objectively, that’s not always so clear.

ELIAS: I am understanding, for you associate that this denies the choice of other individuals. But in actuality it does not, for you project outwardly an energy that draws individuals that choose to be expressing similarly in conjunction with you.

FRANK: Right, but I’m talking about specific people now.

ELIAS: I am understanding.

FRANK: Our time is getting short here, so maybe next time we can explore that in more detail. That is hard to fathom sometimes because it does seem to limit other people’s choices. Somehow I feel like it’s wrapped up with different probabilities. But I suspect that that will be a rather lengthy discussion (Elias laughs), so maybe we’ll put that off!

Let me just end with two things. First of all, Sterling injured his wrist about four or five days ago in a sporting event, and I’m just curious to know what was his motivation for that. (Pause)

ELIAS: To be interactive with you and your partner in receiving an expression of comfort.

FRANK: Why did he feel he needed that? Did he feel like we were ignoring him or something?

ELIAS: Not necessarily, but merely wishing for a different type of interaction in an expression of comfort.

FRANK: I presume this will persist until he feels like he’s gotten what he needed?


FRANK: That’s interesting. I never would have thought of that one! (Elias laughs)

The last one I’ve got, let me just throw this out at you and we may have to table this for another time too. I’m currently reading a book about a battle in World War II, the battle of Midway. It’s interesting because at a certain point it talks about how close this thing was and could have gone in either direction, either side could have won this battle. I presume that there are a variety of probable events that occurred at some level with regard to that, correct?


FRANK: First of all, would it be correct to say that there were an infinite number of probabilities that occurred, or is there a finite number? If it’s a finite number, is it a small number or a large number?

ELIAS: In association with the entire event? An infinite number of probabilities.

FRANK: I guess what I’m trying to get at here is in a situation like that, at least here in the objective world that I live in, there’s a recognized event that occurred...


FRANK: ...which is sort of carved in stone. I understand there are also other probable events that occurred. Is there one that is more energized? Is the one that we recognize the one that has more ... I’m tempted to say validity, but I know you’ll disagree with that. (Elias laughs) I know they’re all just as real as each other...

ELIAS: Correct.

FRANK: ...but is one more accepted, I guess?

ELIAS: One is chosen collectively to be inserted in this reality.

FRANK: But in other realities other things occurred?

ELIAS: Correct.

FRANK: So in some other reality, the Japanese in fact won this battle as opposed to the United States?

ELIAS: Correct.

FRANK: And there are an infinite number of those realities?

ELIAS: Correct.

FRANK: What I’m really going at here is, to me these sorts of things are very interesting, and I’m curious to be able to explore an alternate history of what occurred if this thing had gone in another direction.

ELIAS: And you may, if you are so choosing, in allowing yourself to tap into probable realities. You incorporate the ability to be accomplishing this action.

FRANK: Should I do that in the same manner in which I explored other focuses?

ELIAS: You may.

FRANK: All right. I will try that, then.

ELIAS: (Laughs) Very well!

FRANK: Thank you. As always, it’s a tremendous pleasure to speak with you.

ELIAS: (Laughs) And you also my friend! I shall be anticipating our next conversation.

FRANK: It’s a little further off, I fear.

ELIAS: I express to you encouragement in your movement — and attempt not to confuse yourself much! I also offer to you a supportive energy in association with your new exploration of probable realities. Ha ha ha!

FRANK: I appreciate that.

ELIAS: To you as always, my friend, in great fondness, au revoir.

FRANK: Good-bye.

Elias departs at 12:23 PM.

©2005 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved

Copyright 2003 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.