What Am I Doing Here?
“What Am I Doing Here?”
“You ARE The Universe!”
Friday, June 16, 2000-2
© 2001 (Private/London)
Participants: Mary (Michael) and a new participant, Philippa.
Elias arrives at 7:06 PM. (Arrival time is 23 seconds)
ELIAS: Good evening. Welcome! (Smiling, and a pause)
And you have questions this evening?
PHILIPPA: Yes, I have one question which is in front. I’m
just about to embark on what feels like a huge step — to open and run a
healing center. It’s been a dream of mine for many years, and now
it’s about to happen, and I can feel myself sometimes pulling back.
Like, how do I know this is right, or if this is how I should be of service?
Will it flourish enough? I just get pulled back, and I’m curious
about that energy. It makes me doubt following this voice that says,
“Yes, this is right.”
ELIAS: I express to you, follow the voice. (Smiling) Your
doubt arises merely in response to an aspect of duplicity, which creates
a bouncing back and forth in your evaluation of messages, so to speak.
The messages that are being set forth by your beliefs — which are influencing
in the expression of a lack of trust in your ability to be expressing in
this manner — are loud. The messages that are being offered by yourself
in the expression of trust are also loud and persistent, but those that
are not discounting of you are the voice/messages within you that are leading
you, so to speak, in the direction of your desire, and this is an aspect
of your value fulfillment within this focus.
Therefore, allow yourself to trust within your expression. Trust
yourself and your desire, and know that your abilities are strong, and
therefore, you need not be creating obstacles within your path, so to speak.
PHILIPPA: (Very quietly) Thank you.
ELIAS: You are quite welcome. (Pause)
PHILIPPA: Rather than ask another question right now, there’s
a lot of your teaching that I’m not yet familiar with, and I wonder if
you could tell me a little bit about where I fit. I understand there
are families and so on. I’d just like to hear from you, what am I
doing here? (Laughing, Elias chuckles) I’m interested in how our
universe is unfolding, and I am a part of it....
ELIAS: And so you are!
PHILIPPA: I’d like to be more aware of my part.
ELIAS: You are an aspect of consciousness. You term that
the universe is unfolding, and your desire [is] to be understanding or
knowing of this unfoldingness of this universe.
Let me express to you, the universe, so to speak — in what you view
as the universe — is the expression of YOU. YOU are what is unfolding,
and this is reflected in all that is outwardly projected, which manifests
in physical exhibitions of matter and solidity and configurations of time
frameworks and expressions, all that occur within the movements of all
that you have created within this universe, so to speak. It is not
directing you. You are directing it, for you ARE it. It IS
As to what is your part, so to speak, in all of this glorious magic
of movement, you are exploring. You are a great sojourner, investigating
and discovering aspects of reality within a physical manifestation, within
a physical reality.
This projection of essence that you recognize as yourself in this particular
focus is what may be termed as a focus of attention. You are one
focus of attention, but you are also all that is, in like manner to your
physical body, your objective physical awareness, and all that surrounds
you, which is not separated from you, but [is] all YOU.
Essence has many, many, many focuses of attention. You may focus
your attention within this physical reality in many directions simultaneously.
Many of your attentions require little objective concentration, or even
awareness, so to speak, but your attention is focused in many areas simultaneously.
You focus attention upon the physical functioning of your physical body,
movements of your physical body. You focus attention upon all of
your outer senses. Your inner senses are moving and processing information
continuously, therefore your attention is held in them also, and you also
express a tremendous direction of attention outwardly in your objective
awareness. That attention is directed to your world, so to speak,
and all of the interaction that you engage with it.
Therefore, you may view physically, in this one focus, how very many
expressions of attention you may hold simultaneously. You within
this physical focus are a type of mirror projection of essence, of consciousness,
and in this, essence projects myriads of attentions throughout all of consciousness.
Within this physical dimension, you term many of the manifestations
of those attentions as lifetimes. I term them to be focuses, for
they are focuses of attention. You hold focuses of attention within
other physical dimensions also, simultaneously. You focus your attention
in other areas of consciousness non-physically.
But as to this one focus of attention that you identify as yourself,
you have manifest within this physical dimension to be experiencing and
exploring all of your abilities and expressions that you may be creating
— and all of the aspects of perception — within a physical dimension, a
physical expression.
In this particular physical dimension, you choose to be interactive
within the guidelines, so to speak — or the direction — of this particular
reality, which concerns itself with the exploration and expressions of
sexuality and emotion within a physical design. All that you exhibit
within this physical dimension is related to these two core, baseline creations
of physical identification.
In this, you may view your participation within this physical dimension
as movement through an enormous labyrinth. You are choosing to be
challenging yourself to be discovering all of the avenues that lie within
this labyrinth, and how you may be manipulating your energy to be navigating
through this labyrinth.
And as you travel, so to speak, through this physical dimension, through
all of your experiences, you also are interactive with many other focuses
of essences, which are individuals that occupy this reality with you, and
in that interaction, you create many expressions together. You create
many expressions individually. You explore all of this reality in
relation to each other, for in actuality, there is no separation.
There is merely the illusion of separation.
For you create a physical reality which exhibits a singularity of forms,
which presents the illusion of separation, to offer you an identity in
singularity, and the movement to be identifying physical expressions, physical
objects, physical manifestations as individual and singular.
This creates a type of slowness within consciousness, and in that slowness
and that solidity of consciousness in this reality, you offer yourselves
an intimately detailed journey, through physical experiences, of discovery
of self.
For this is the action of consciousness — a continuous, ongoing, never-beginning
and never-ending becoming, and this becoming is the exploration of itself.
Therefore, you also, as consciousness, are exploring an avenue of self
in this physical manifestation.
In your particular manifestation within this focus, you have chosen
to be exploring your manipulation of energy — and your abilities in that
manipulation physically — in relation to other individuals and other aspects
of consciousness, that you may allow yourself to be viewing and experimenting
with your own expressions, and how they may be affecting of other individuals
in relation to their energy.
It is what you may term to be a glorious game, to be played in fun
and wonderment, to be explored and discovered, moment by moment.
It is merely the insertion of belief systems in this particular physical
dimension that complicate your journey, but you have inserted these beliefs
quite purposefully, to be challenging yourselves.
For you DO complicate your reality quite extensively, and you create
an even more challenging belief system, which couples itself with all other
belief systems, which is expressed in duplicity, which creates a type of
added dimension to your challenge within your movement in relation to belief
systems in this physical reality. For you do not merely interact
with and create as influenced by all of your beliefs, but you also assess
all that you create or all of your movement through the filter of right
and wrong and good and bad and better and worse. You gauge accomplishments
and failures.
This is the added dimensional aspect of beliefs, which is expressed
in duplicity, which complicates your reality even more, but in a manner
of speaking, creates the game to be more challenging and the labyrinth
to be more extensive! (Chuckling)
ELIAS: Ha ha! And now, in this labyrinth of complication,
as you move more fully into the expression and the insertion of this shift
in consciousness into your objective reality, you widen your awareness
and you begin to seek out the remembrance.
The remembrance is not the expression of memory, but the expression
of being, in the knowing of simplicity. And even this creates a tremendous
challenge, once again, within this physical reality, for now you have become
so very accustomed and familiar to the expression of complication that
the simplicity appears difficult!
PHILIPPA: Yes! That’s right!
ELIAS: HA HA! And you have created quite a number of twists
and turns within this reality!
PHILIPPA: Yes, I have!
ELIAS: Which offers you great fun and adventure in your exploration!
PHILIPPA: I think I don’t have enough emphasis on the fun.
I think I get very serious about it.
ELIAS: And I shall suggest to you, set your sights to be discovering
your fun! (Chuckling) Seek out pleasure!
PHILIPPA: That’s what I have difficulty with. In some ways,
my ... this is very fresh for me, and wonderful, what you’re saying, because
I’ve just returned — you probably know this scenario, I think — last night
from my spiritual school/path. I do this work to reconnect to my
true nature, to who I really am, not this self-image that I think I am,
and that is the longing that I’ve had since I can remember, is to peel
away the veils and just live in this physical body, in this ordinary life,
to live it from essence, that everything comes out of. That’s who
I am, and it’s painful to look at the obstructions that I have created
since I was a child.
ELIAS: Now offer yourself what we may term to be a fresh perspective
in turning your perception ever so slightly, for it is not requiring of
much turning to be altering the entirety of your reality, for your perception
is extremely powerful!
And in turning your perception so very slightly and offering yourself
a freshness in perspective, allow yourself to view what you have seen previously
as obstacles, and view them as wondrous opportunities, not in the expression
of negativity and blocking, but in the viewing of tremendous openings of
opportunities, for they have offered you valuable information.
Therefore, in THIS now, you may continue to be creating your movement,
paying attention to that voice — which is you expressing your desire in
relation to your value fulfillment — not bending to the doubt, which is
the expression of fear, and looking to the identification of the obstacles
as wondrous opportunities to widen your awareness even more, and incorporate
this perspective in the avenue of fun!
All of your reality is not so very serious. There are no dire
consequences that accompany all of your movement. Therefore, what
be the caution? What shall you carry with you? Merely your
There is no karma. There are no debts to be repaid, even to yourself.
There are no wrong choices. There are merely choices.
Therefore, within the grand scheme of your universe, as you term it
to be — which is YOU — what shall create this caution within you?
For all that you create is an opportunity, and may be viewed through the
lens of fun!
There is no judgment awaiting you, in any area of consciousness, to
strike you down and express to you that you have not accomplished well
enough or that you have created wrong choices or even mistakes, for none
of what you have created is a mistake. It is all purposeful and has
all contributed to the expression of your being. In lacking ONE of
those experiences, you would not be what you are!
PHILIPPA: Yes. What a much more loving way to look at choices,
the way you’ve just described it. I see that. Hmm. (22-second
ELIAS: As you go forth — as you term it to be within your linear
time framework — remember this moment, and draw upon the energy that you
express now, for it is wondrous! You are expressing presently an
allowance of self. Accept from myself the freedom of acceptance,
and offer this expression to yourself. In this, allow yourself laughter!
PHILIPPA: May I ask you one more question?
ELIAS: You may.
PHILIPPA: I am so aware that everything is one, and that in my
physical form, I make separations. I say I’m here and you’re there,
and all these things are separate. I have a very strong sense of
there being particular spirits who guide me, and I do turn to them, and
I listen. I try to really open myself to guidance. I find it
a tremendous help in my life, and I’m wondering ... see again, I guess
it’s the doubt. I say, “Am I just making more duality? Of course,
I’m really one.” What is this need to have this presence that I look
to and listen to and feel the strength coming from, the love and the compassion?
Is this my mind wanting to make more duality, like I’m here and the guide
is there? All I know is my experience, which is, it helps me very
much in my life.
ELIAS: Let me express to you, first of all, the experience is
not what you term to be, in your definition and your objective understanding,
as imagination. It is quite real.
Essences are interactive continuously. I have expressed previously
with other individuals ... although I do not designate any essences as
guides, in your terms, for this implies that there may be some status of
essences that may be above others, and this is incorrect, for there is
no stratification within consciousness. There is no higher or lower.
All is equal. Therefore, I may express to you, there are essences
that are interactive, and many individuals within physical focus in this
dimension hold an awareness and interact with other essences.
What you experience also, in tremendous strength, is communication with
YOUR essence.
Within this physical dimension, as you DO create this veil of separation
... you ALL create this veil of separation. It is in actuality an
element of the design of this particular physical dimension. And
as you create that veil of separation objectively, you translate your experience
into the identification that there exists some expression of consciousness
or energy that is outside of yourself, that is a higher power or a guiding
force, that offers you guidance and information. In actuality, this
is YOU.
PHILIPPA: It’s my own essence?
PHILIPPA: That I’m hearing?
PHILIPPA: I never saw it like that.
ELIAS: Which offers you a tremendous expression of acceptance,
which you translate into what you know and identify objectively as an expression
of love. It also offers to you information that you translate as
PHILIPPA: So it’s me.
ELIAS: Yes, and this is the wondrousness of you!
PHILIPPA: I was giving it to someone else, but it’s mine.
In this, let me also express to you that this is quite common within
physical reality, to be identifying that type of experience through the
veil of separation as some other force, for you have created an expression
of your individual oubliette, which you place yourself within — in this
area of forgetting, this area in which you are not remembering of all that
you are.
This is the wondrousness of your choice to be creating this shift in
consciousness within your physical dimension, for you offer yourself the
expression of the remembrance, the being of essence, and the knowing of
self — the knowing of consciousness, the knowing of all of your abilities,
the knowing that all of these expressions are YOU, and the knowing of the
vastness of you.
You are a multi-dimensional being. You are an expression of consciousness,
which is literally limitless! You merely create the illusion, in
a singular body, of separation and of smallness.
PHILIPPA: Yes, smallness.
ELIAS: And you are extremely vast!
PHILIPPA: I can already feel a new angle, a shift in my perception,
right now.
ELIAS: Therefore, incorporate this, and as you go forth, allow
yourself to move in this direction, in the glorious discovery of yourself
and all that you are!
PHILIPPA: Yeah. Somewhere I have an internal message that
says, this self-remembering, this reconnection to who I really am, happens
to some other special individuals, but it’s too difficult for me.
I can’t do it. I’m too blocked, or this or that. It really
is like a ... it’s like something I really need, to just watch how that
ELIAS: It is not reserved for certain individuals! (Grinning)
PHILIPPA: I’m sure it’s not! (Laughing)
ELIAS: For you ARE special, and you are unique, and it is your
gift to yourself, as you participate in this shift in consciousness.
PHILIPPA: Yes, it’s a magic gift.
ELIAS: Is it not?
PHILIPPA: The best!
ELIAS: Quite grand!
PHILIPPA: The only one I want, the only gift! (Laughing)
ELIAS: Ha HA! (Pause)
PHILIPPA: (Sighing) I feel contented, and excited, and open,
in this moment.
ELIAS: Hold to this, and hold to the awareness of the now.
PHILIPPA: Yes. When I leave now, I go into the labyrinth
and get lost. Yeah, it’s staying right here, now.
ELIAS: Within every moment.
PHILIPPA: Yes. Thank you for the reminder.
ELIAS: You are very welcome. (16-second pause)
PHILIPPA: I feel replete for now. We’ve talked about the
thing that is most important to me, and all the other things I could ask
you are just extensions of this root. This is what I wanted to hear.
Thank you very much.
ELIAS: You are very welcome. (16-second pause)
I shall offer my expression of energy to you, that you may receive and
you may carry with you, and I shall anticipate our next meeting. (Pause)
Trust within yourself.
PHILIPPA: Yes, I will. (Whispering)
ELIAS: I express to you tremendous affection, and an encouragement
in energy, and to you this evening, a loving au revoir.
Elias departs at 7:54 PM.
© 2001 Vicki Pendley/Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved
Copyright 2000 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.