Mass Expressions of Disease,
“Mass Expressions of Disease”
“Polio/Shifting into Acceptance”
Friday, December 31, 1999-2
© 2000 (Private/Phone)
Participants: Mary (Michael) and Steve (Anton).
Elias arrives at 2:12 PM. (Arrival time is 20 seconds)
ELIAS: Good morning!
STEVE: Good morning, Elias! What’s cooking?
ELIAS: Ha ha ha ha ha ha! I may be inquiring the same of
STEVE: Well, I guess I’ve got some questions here cooking for
you! (Elias chuckles)
I guess for a friend of mine, Fran — she had a session recently, Sandel,
and I have a question from her. What is her individual vibrational
quality of color? (Pause)
ELIAS: Vibrational quality of color translation, shade of yellow
which may be identified as mustard.
STEVE: Thank you.
ELIAS: You are welcome.
STEVE: May I ask the same question for myself? (Pause)
ELIAS: Color quality which translates into your objective reality
as sea green.
STEVE: Pea green?
ELIAS: Sea green.
STEVE: Thank you. First off, I wonder if I might get some
friend’s and grandchildren’s essence names, family alignment, and orientation.
ELIAS: Very well.
STEVE: Okay, Ariel? (Pause)
ELIAS: Essence name, Taniel; T-A-N-I-E-L. (tan-yel’) Essence
family, Sumari; alignment, Vold.
STEVE: Interesting. Thank you.
ELIAS: Orientation in this focus, soft.
STEVE: Okay, thank you. Now, her grandson David?
ELIAS: Essence name, Shu; S-H-U. (shoo) Essence family,
Milumet; alignment, Tumold; orientation, common.
STEVE: And my grandson Cooper?
ELIAS: Essence name, Glossal; G-L-O-S-S-A-L. (gloss’el)
Essence family, Zuli; alignment, Sumari; orientation, common.
STEVE: And my grandson Elijah?
ELIAS: Essence name, Ali; A-L-I. (ah-lee’) Essence family,
Vold; alignment, Ilda; orientation, common.
STEVE: Well, let’s see here. I guess I’ll go into my questions.
One thing is, you had stated in one of the sessions that Seth came before
you, and after you there would be somebody from the family of Milumet,
and that there was somebody before Seth that gave this information.
Was that Edgar Cayce?
ELIAS: There have been many individuals within physical focus
which have facilitated energy exchanges or have offered information to
you through an accessing of their essence and an allowance of translation
into your objective reality. Information has been offered to you
quite consistently, so to speak, from the onset of your engagement of your
species within this physical dimension.
STEVE: Thank you. Let’s see. Could I ask, what other
focuses could I easily connect with?
ELIAS: I shall offer to you what may be identified as beginning
points for your investigation, that you may continue in your expression
of your own exercises, and in this, you may be offering yourself information
in conjunction with other focuses in ease.
In one focus that you hold within a physical location of what you identify
presently as Canada ... this being a male focus within a time framework
of 1400s.
You may also be allowing yourself ease in connection with another focus,
of female individual in the physical location of what may be identified
presently as Indonesia; time framework, 11th century.
STEVE: Thank you.
ELIAS: You are welcome.
STEVE: Let’s see. I have a question — it’s probably a two-part
question, but I’ll read what I’ve written here.
What was the meaning of the mass movement of polio
in the latter part of this century, and my participation in those events?
And then the seeming eradication of the waves of outbreaks in this country
with the advent of vaccines? And then the second part of the question
is, is post polio syndrome a different aspect of acceptance of self, as
you had mentioned before with AIDS, MS, and other dis-eases? I just
wondered if you could give me some information about that.
ELIAS: As to the expression en masse of this dis-ease, the identification
that you may associate with this particular physical affectingness may
be expressed in explanation in two different manners objectively.
One is the agreement of individuals within your physical dimension to
be creating of a dis-ease en masse, that you may allow yourselves the objective
expression of investigation of the creation of dis-ease, in part, and therefore
also allow yourselves objectively the movement into the action of uncreating
this affectingness of dis-ease.
In this particular expression, there are other associations that have
been created in conjunction with this expression of this dis-ease.
This particular dis-ease has also been a mass statement, in part, of
an objectification of certain elements of dysfunction within physical reality
and physical creations, which within this particular century — and in conjunction
with this shift in consciousness — has drawn attention to the creations
of certain dis-eases, and have moved you in the direction initially of
allowing yourselves to widen your awareness — in conjunction with this
shift in consciousness — to be viewing your reality in a more expansive
Now; within the creation of this particular dis-ease, the awareness
objectively was not expressed in conjunction with how you individually
create your reality and create the element of dis-ease, and how you agree
to be creating dis-ease collectively en masse also.
But in like manner to other expressions within your physical reality,
this has offered the opportunity to open a door, so to speak, into investigations
that allow you to view your reality more expansively.
And in this, you offer yourselves — individually and en masse — the
opportunity to explore what you may be creating and manipulating in energy
in objective physical terms, and also, you have offered yourselves the
opportunity to view how each individual may be affecting of this creation
of dis-ease in their individual expression through their perception of
its creation.
In this, what you have allowed yourselves the beginning points of in
the creation of this dis-ease — and the creation of what you identify as
its cure, in physical terms — is the movement into an examination of dis-ease,
and in that examination, you have allowed yourselves to view the effects
of perception in relation to the creation of dis-ease and the participation
with dis-ease.
You initially translate this, and continue in some respects presently
to hold to this translation, that your attitude or your outlook, so to
speak, in your terms, is very affecting of the dis-ease itself, and that
the individual holds an element of power or affectingness in conjunction
with this creation of dis-ease. Prior to this creation, the mass
belief was expressed in the powerlessness of your individual affectingness
of dis-ease once it has attacked you, for the creation of dis-ease has
been viewed as an element that exists outside of you, that is attacking
of you, or that you shall be contracting; not that you are creating this
affectingness of dis-ease.
But in allowing yourselves in physical focus to objectively view within
your perceptions that you hold an affecting element in conjunction with
any form of dis-ease, this opens the door for your movement into a widening
of awareness, in objective terms, in the exploration of consciousness,
and therefore offers you what you may express as a lead-in, in a manner
of speaking, to the concept that you in actuality create your reality —
you are not the victim of a particular effect — and as you have opened
the door, in part, with the creation of this particular dis-ease, to be
viewing yourselves individually as not a victim and that you hold some
affectingness in your reality, this also, in a manner of speaking, offers
a preparation in physical terms for the movement into an awareness of the
concept that you create your reality. Are you understanding thus
STEVE: Yes, I am. Thank you. I just wondered, having
polio and such like that. It did lead me, I guess, to investigate
the Seth material, and the material that you’re giving to us too.
ELIAS: Quite, and this is an objective example of the movement
of this particular choice of dis-ease, for in this, there is a choice to
be participating in the creation of the dis-ease. There is also a
choice to be participating in the movement beyond the actual creation of
the dis-ease.
Now; this also, in your expression and your participation individually,
is an offering and an allowance of yourself, in the direction that you
have chosen in your movement, in your offering of information to yourself,
to be allowing yourself the recognition of the concept that you have allowed
yourself to be availing yourself of, and that is the concept of acceptance.
You have entered into this session this day with your questioning as
to the movement of information, and how it has been offered and how it
proceeds in the offering of information in certain individuals participating
in offerings of information in linear time framework, and the succession,
so to speak, of the progression of that type of information. In like
manner, you have offered yourself a progression of information, and have
allowed yourself objectively to participate in a type of movement that
allows you an objective example of the movement of energy and the incorporation
of information in that movement of energy, and this allows you to view
your movement individually in conjunction with this shift in consciousness.
Therefore, you allow yourself to participate in the creation of the
dis-ease. You allow yourself to view different expressions of affectingnesses
within the creation of the dis-ease. You allow yourself to view the
action of the opening of the door, that you do hold the ability to be affecting
of your creations, which offers a preparation in your movement objectively
into your drawing of yourself to information which is offered by Seth.
This offers you a further movement — in objective terms, not merely
subjective movement — that you allow yourself the recognition that you
create your reality, and you move beyond this assimilation of information
into the incorporation of more information, and allow yourself to draw
to the information that you are offering to yourself presently — into the
acceptance of beliefs and self.
And in this, there is a recognition — or a preparation for an objective
recognition — that it matters not what you choose to be creating within
your physical expression. The choice itself matters not. The
translation of the choice and how you perceive the choice and the judgments
that you attach to the choice hold significance in what you may term to
be mattering, but the choice itself matters not. It is a choice of
It is your translation of the choice that holds importance or significance
in your movement, for in this, as you recognize that you may be accomplishing
of any element within your reality that you are so choosing of, it matters
not that you choose to be participating in a physical affectingness and
continuing that physical affectingness in a particular creation of a dis-ease.
Dis-ease is not in itself what you may identify as negative, and it
is not always a creation of blocking of energy. It is identified
as dis-ease, for within your beliefs you create a lack of ease within yourself
and within your expression of energy and your movement, for you align with
beliefs that suggest to you that the physical creation — or the emotional
creation or the mental creation — is bad or wrong or broken.
In the acceptance of beliefs and in the acceptance of self, you begin
the recognition that whatever you are creating within your physical reality
is merely a choice, and it is not within itself good or bad.
In some situations, individuals may be creating the element of dis-ease
to be gaining their attention or to be offering themselves an opportunity
to view how they are holding to their energy or blocking energy within
their own expression, but this is not the rule. Not all individuals
are creating of dis-ease for this reason.
In this, you have not created this physical manipulation of energy for
that reason. You have created your participation in a movement of
consciousness in mass expression, that you may be offering objective examples
to yourself throughout your individual focus that shall be beneficial to
you, and shall allow you an opening within your awareness into a movement
of acceptance of self and of belief systems.
STEVE: Well, thank you.
ELIAS: You are welcome.
STEVE: I guess my next question is, I’d like to ask about a couple
of dreams that I’ve had.
ELIAS: Very well.
STEVE: I’ll read them both, and we’ll go from there.
The first dream I probably had two weeks, maybe three weeks ago.
I dreamed of two individuals, Bill and George Firth, I think it was, around
1851 or 1861. I recall two symbols of the men, and one was red and
one was blue. Then I recall seeing a text. It was black printed
on white. It filled my field of vision, and I couldn’t read it.
The text seemed to shimmy and vibrate, and I became frightened.
And then the second dream — they seem to be related — I just had the
night before last. I’m having some kind of argument with my family,
and we seem to have money and we’re wearing tennis whites. And then
there seemed to be a torpedo released on the ground to another house, and
when it exploded, it left little toy cars in its wake, one being tube-like
with black and white markings. And when I looked up, there seemed
to be dusty black drapes floating above me with rusty red text printed
on them, and the drapes seemed to rustle, as if being blown by the wind.
When I woke up, a word came to my mind — thought hooks — and I also recalled
seeing the bottom of someone’s legs dressed in white pants, and I thought
it was you.
Those are the dreams. I wonder if I could have some help with
ELIAS: First of all, I shall express to you that an element of
the information that you are offering yourself in objective imagery within
this dream symbolization is, the presentment of combination of black and
white is the offering of a dream trigger. Therefore, as you allow
yourself in any dream imagery to view the combination of black and white
together in its many different expressed forms, you may be incorporating
this as a dream trigger and you may be allowing yourself to move through
this dream trigger as a portal, as I have stated previously.
This allows you greater mobility, so to speak, in your movement in energy
within your dream state, allowing you to move beyond merely the dream imagery
that you create, and allowing you to be accessing other areas of consciousness.
Therefore, it matters not that the black and white combination may be viewed
as shoes or as a form of text or a picture or an entire scene, so to speak,
devoid of color. Each presentment of the combination of black and
white together is the identification of your dream trigger individually.
As to the identification of uneasiness or fearfulness that you have
experienced in conjunction with the text that has appeared to you to be
unreadable, this is your identification in allowing yourself the beginnings
of a recognition of the dream trigger. But this also invokes a slight
element within you of fearfulness, for it is unfamiliar and you have not
allowed yourself yet to engage this type of activity within your dream
state, of engaging this type of action. Therefore, there is in objective
terms an unknown element, and this creates a type of uneasiness in your
assessment of your encountering of a dream trigger.
As to the presentment of the other individuals within your first dream
in conjunction with the presentment of the dream trigger, you have offered
yourself a glimpsing of another focus that you hold within this particular
physical dimension. You offer yourself the presentment of the dream
trigger also, that you may allow yourself a more expansive investigation
of that focus if you are so choosing, for if you are allowing yourself
to be accessing the dream trigger, you shall automatically with ease allow
yourself movement into any aspect of the experience of that focus.
As to the presentment of the movement of the second dream, in this projection
of an element that appears initially to be threatening, this also moves
in conjunction with the dream trigger. This is also the reason that
you assess that these dreams hold an interconnectedness in their imagery,
for you are once again presenting yourself with the recognition of another
expression of your dream trigger, but in this, you move a little further,
so to speak, in your offering of information in conjunction with your dream
In this, you present yourself an identification of an element that is
threatening, which creates movement. This is the identification of
your movement into the dream trigger, and that initially it appears threatening,
for it is unfamiliar. But subsequently, as you view the explosion
of the threat, it confounds you, for it objectifies in imagery as an element
that is not threatening, but holds an element of fascination and curiosity,
in why shall this element of threat in movement transform itself into an
element that is lacking of threat and appears curiously? This is
your offering to yourself in imagery, that as you allow yourself to move
through these dream triggers, you may be allowing yourself amazement and
an engagement of investigation and exploration into many areas of curiosity,
as you allow yourself to move with ease within consciousness.
As to your identification of myself in conjunction with the black and
white, you are correct. This is an offering to you in energy, that
you may allow yourself to engage this combination and this dream trigger
without fearfulness.
STEVE: Thank you.
ELIAS: You are quite welcome.
STEVE: I see we’re coming up on time here. I wonder if I
may ask one more question?
ELIAS: You may.
STEVE: What is my intent within this
ELIAS: The intent that you hold within this focus is not necessarily
to be altering of objective choices. Now; hear this, for this holds
significance in your movement in relation to this shift in consciousness.
In your expression of your intent in this particular focus, in conjunction
with this shift in consciousness, your movement has been and continues
to be the expression of allowance — the allowance of participation, not
merely with yourself but also in conjunction with other individuals, the
allowance of experiences, and the allowance within those experiences to
be moving into the expression of acceptance without an alteration of the
This holds significance, for many individuals presently, within the
movement of this shift, offer themselves many, many different expressions
of information, and many individuals offer themselves information in the
expression of change, but with the attachment of judgment. The motivation
for change is to be altering elements within their reality to be expressing
Therefore, their movement into alterations of their reality or change
in their reality is that they may be expressing their reality better, therefore
also creating the judgment that the reality that they are creating presently
is not adequate, or that there is an element that is wrong with their reality
or lacking in their reality.
The intent that you hold in this reality, in this focus, is to be offering
— in objective terms — creations within your individual choices in your
reality that appear en masse, in the assessment of the mass belief systems,
to be needing change. Are you understanding thus far?
ELIAS: In this, as you project choices and creations within your
individual expression of your reality, there is an automatic response in
the perception of other individuals that there are elements of your reality
that are in need of fixing, and this offers you fertile ground in the expression
of your intent to be offering the expression of acceptance, in there being
no necessity for fixing what is not broken.
STEVE: Thank you. That explains much. (Elias chuckles)
That explains very much. Thank you.
ELIAS: You are quite welcome.
STEVE: Well, I guess we’re coming up on the hour. Mary says
you don’t keep track of time, so I guess we’ve gotta cut it off here. (Elias
laughs) I was keeping track of time for her. I thank you very
much for everything you’ve given me here, and I thank you for all the information
that you’ve given to all of us. It’s great.
ELIAS: You are very welcome, my friend, and I express to you encouragement
and acknowledgment of your movement in the objective expression of your
intent in this focus, and I also shall express to you this day an offering
of encouragement in fun, that you be participating in your celebrating
of your holiday!
STEVE: Thank you much, sir.
ELIAS: (Laughing) To you this day, in acknowledgment, I
offer affectionately, au revoir.
STEVE: Backatcha, guy. Thank you.
Elias departs at 3:02 PM.
© 2000 Vicki Pendley/Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved
Copyright 1999 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.