Session 1535

Trust in Self and Abilities


“Trust in Self and Abilities”
“Primary Aspects and Memory”

Friday, March 26, 2004 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Coen (Delaitre)

(Elias’ arrival time is 14 seconds.)

ELIAS: Good afternoon!

COEN: Hello, Elias! (Elias chuckles) Nice to meet you again! I’ve made a list of a lot of questions that I would like to ask you. Is that okay with you?

ELIAS: Very well.

COEN: First question: I received, of course, a few of the sessions with other people you had in the year 2002, and one of the things I noticed is that they asked about emotional communication and you said that the emotional communication is often that you deny yourself choice. When I looked to myself, I have one kind of emotional communication, that tears appear in my eyes or my eyes get wet. For myself, I always feel it as something is happening that really touches me, and I see it as pleasant, as something of value. Could you comment on that?

ELIAS: There are many types of emotional communications; not all of your emotional communications are expressing a denial of your choices. Some of your emotional communications are identifying beliefs that are influencing of your choices or your actions in the moment. Some of your communications to yourself are validating and are expressing a type of confirmation to you in association with your experiences in a validating manner, and that would be the type of communication that you are expressing as an example.

COEN: When I communicate with people and something happens or we talk about something that really hits me, it’s a type of validation that belongs to me or is real to me?


COEN: I choose that kind of communication to myself as the validation?


COEN: That’s nice to hear. That was the first question.

A few family members of mine would like to check their essence names and essence family. Is that okay with you?

ELIAS: Very well.

COEN: The first one is my wife, Paula. My impression is that her essence family is Vold and that the alignment is Ilda.

ELIAS: Correct.

COEN: Is her essence name David? (Pause)

ELIAS: Close! Daveed, D-A-V-E-E-D (dah VEED).

COEN: Thank you. Second one, my eldest son, David: essence family, Gramada; alignment, Sumafi.

ELIAS: Correct.

COEN: Essence name, my impression was Johannes.

ELIAS: Correct.

COEN: Thank you. My younger son Ralf: essence family, Vold; alignment, Sumafi.

ELIAS: Reverse.

COEN: His essence name, I have Enogma.

ELIAS: Correct.

COEN: Thanks. The last one, Anna: essence family, Vold; alignment, I don’t know, and essence name, Esmeralda.

ELIAS: Correct.

COEN: And the alignment?

ELIAS: Alignment, Sumari.

COEN: What we talked about a few months ago happened to be reality! (Elias chuckles) I have a few other names of one kind or another that I think are familiar to me, and I would like to pose to you and ask you what my relation is with them. The first one is Bocklin, the painter. Is that a focus of mine?

ELIAS: Observing essence.

COEN: Another one, Chiang Kai-shek, the guy from China: is that a focus?

ELIAS: Also observing essence.

COEN: Then I have the composer Grieg.

ELIAS: Focus.

COEN: Then I have the composer Satie.

ELIAS: You incorporate a focus that is known to that individual.

COEN: Osama bin Laden?

ELIAS: This also you incorporate a focus that has been known to that individual.

COEN: Thank you. Then I have Gorbachev from Russia.

ELIAS: Counterpart.

COEN: Madonna?

ELIAS: Counterpart.

(The phone connection is interrupted. There is a pause, then Mary returns, re-establishes the connection and Elias returns.)

ELIAS: Continuing!

COEN: Hello, Elias. Returning to my impression of Buddha, I had this feeling that I had a focus in India related to Buddha in that time period.

ELIAS: Correct.

COEN: The Dalai Lama in Nepal?

ELIAS: Counterpart.

COEN: Charles Handy, the author of organizational material?

ELIAS: Observing essence.

COEN: How many observing essences are tuned into my focus?

ELIAS: In this present time framework?

COEN: Yes.


COEN: Do I know them?


COEN: An observing essence is normally for a short time period, not the whole life of the focus but for part of the time?

ELIAS: It is dependent upon the choice of that essence. It may be for the entirety of the focus or it may be for a portion of the time framework of the focus.

COEN: I identified a focus in the year 2500, and he was called Ichmea.

ELIAS: Correct.

COEN: We established communication with each other, and my impression was that he was aware of our communication.


COEN: Last time we talked about the guy with the mustache. I have two impressions: one, that he is a partisan from Yugoslavia, or second, that he lives in the French Alps.

ELIAS: Yugoslavia.

COEN: Partisan or not?


COEN: We will continue with the focuses. In this present time framework I identified twelve focuses, including myself. Do you agree with me?

ELIAS: In this time framework, six. What you are expressing to yourself in your impressions is an inclusion of overlapping focuses, which are not quite categorized as being focuses that are expressed within this time framework but may overlap a portion of your present focus.

COEN: For instance, the focus in Argentina has passed away at this moment.


COEN: I have here a list with twelve focuses. What you’re telling me is that your impression is those twelve focuses are more or less correct?

ELIAS: Including overlapping focuses, yes.

COEN: That helps my confidence in this area. (Elias chuckles) Of course, I try to find any famous focuses at this moment, but I didn’t find any. I think you will agree with me.


COEN: Too bad. I tried! (Both laugh)

A completely different question: my younger son — I think it’s about a year or a year and a half ago — had a high fever. When he had that fever, I was with him and I put him in my bed. I was extremely scared that he would pass away at that moment. My question is was it at that moment a real probability that it would happen, or was it my denial of choices what happened and started that fear?

ELIAS: There was not a choice in that time framework to be disengaging. But in participation with you, in cooperation with you, there was an expression to be helpful to you to recognize your responses to those types of choices to allow yourself to examine your beliefs and your fears concerning disengagement.

COEN: So that was also a kind of exercise in the disengagement of my father?


COEN: Interesting. In the same period when he had that fever, I entered his room one evening and he talked to me. He said to me — I’ll translate it in English — “You will get fluid, and so will I.” I had the impression at this moment that this was not Ralf who talked to me but it was a kind of energy. Was it an essence that at that moment talked to us?

ELIAS: Another aspect of himself as essence, yes.

COEN: What do you mean by another aspect of him?

ELIAS: Not the expressed personality within this focus.

COEN: When I studied at Bath University, I think about fifteen years ago, my grandfather passed away. The same night or the day after, I had a dream in which he appeared to me and he asked me if I was willing to help those people. I still remember that at that moment I woke up and said okay, I’m willing to help. Could you give me some information on what happened?

ELIAS: And your impression?

COEN: My impression is that it was a moment in which I allowed myself or gave myself the opportunity to work with the Seth Material or with this wave of consciousness, that I gave myself permission to work on that.

ELIAS: Correct, and allowed yourself an openness to be receiving encouraging energies from other individuals, one of which being that particular individual.

COEN: It’s my impression now that I was more involved with my grandfather, that we share more focuses.


COEN: That’s interesting, because when he was alive I didn’t have that impression.

We’re going fast through all my questions, but okay! (Both laugh) When I read in one of your sessions that Lady Di and Mother Theresa were of the same essence and died in the same week, I was extremely shocked, also because I had discovered that with Vicki and George Harrison the same thing happened, they died shortly after each other. Is this offering myself objective information to validate your material?

ELIAS: Yes. In the time framework of the choice of disengagement by the designated final focus, within a relatively short time framework all of the focuses of that essence shall disengage their participation within this physical dimension, unless they are choosing to be fragmenting and creating a new essence. That is the position of the designated final focus.

COEN: The scary part of it is that when I choose to disengage, all the other five or six focuses will probably make the same decision.

ELIAS: But that is their choice and it is not an absolute, for they may choose to be continuing and generate a fragmentation, and therefore continue as a new essence within the same focus.

COEN: So they still, of course, make their own choice...

ELIAS: Correct.

COEN: ...or they cooperate within our choice.

ELIAS: Correct.

COEN: Returning to my work in the racquet center, I have two things I noticed. One thing might sound silly. But I noticed that we have a lot of problems with the doors in the racquet center, that we have difficulty with closing them or some of them fall apart. Also, we’ve had in the last two weeks three times a little fire, which we didn’t have for the last ten years and now all of a sudden in two weeks we had three times a fire in the racquet center.

I’m trying to figure out what’s happening, what I’m trying to communicate to myself. The thing I came out with is that I noticed that it didn’t matter to me. It didn’t influence me that there was a fire. I didn’t get frightened or scared or angry; I just said okay, it happened, we solved it and we continue. Is this what I’m trying to communicate to myself or is there more?

ELIAS: It is an offering to yourself in validation to be recognizing your own movement in association with protection beliefs, and allowing yourself to recognize that you have generated a movement in association with protection in which you have allowed yourself somewhat to neutralize that belief and therefore it is not as influencing as it has been previously.

COEN: So I create those fires and what I notice is it doesn’t matter, it doesn’t affect me, telling me that the beliefs I normally have that we should be very protective, that those beliefs are neutralized.

ELIAS: Correct.

Now; remember, in acceptance of a belief, this is what occurs: you neutralize the belief and therefore it is not as influencing of you, unless you choose for it to be influencing. But you choose what influences you allow.

But remember, any acceptance of any belief is generated in the moment. It does not eliminate the belief. Therefore, the belief continues to exist; it is merely not influencing you in this time framework. You may choose to continue that expression of not incorporating the influence of that belief. But do not delude yourself in the thought process that once you have accepted a belief and neutralized it that that becomes an absolute and you shall never express that belief again, for that is not true. That denies choice.

COEN: I think I understand. That’s the same with my financial situation. I think about the business that my brother and I have. Although there was little amount of money in our bank account and we had several bills to be paid, I trusted myself that there would be money in time, and it just appeared, all the money we needed to pay our bills. I found in that expression of myself just trust that the money will come, and it will.

ELIAS: I am understanding. I am also understanding that this is a challenging action to engage, to allow yourself to trust yourself and your own creations, but it is quite reinforcing. The more that you express in this manner, the more you reinforce your trust of your abilities to create and to generate, and the more you allow yourself to do so.

COEN: Is that also one of the reasons why I choose to create the heritage of my father and all the challenges that are incorporated in it?

ELIAS: Yes, to be examining your responses and to be aware objectively of whether you are incorporating that expression of trusting yourself and listening to yourself, or whether you are incorporating an expression of doubt of yourself. In that scenario, you express objective imagery in either direction to confirm to you objectively what you are expressing in the moment.

COEN: One of the things that surprises me is that at certain times I feel very confident in what’s happening or what I’m doing, and a few weeks later I started doubting again and something happens that I don’t like. I really have the feeling that I’m playing with it.

ELIAS: In a manner of speaking, yes, for this offers you an objective opportunity to view your own movement and to recognize your choices, and to be aware of the moments in which you are expressing doubt, knowing that you may choose a different expression and that you may choose to be trusting of yourself in those moments, that YOU incorporate the power to be generating the choices rather than merely expressing automatic responses.

COEN: Can you also comment on one thing that happened, that we created about the hidden money? That kind of surprised me.

ELIAS: (Chuckles) Which was the point! Ha ha!

COEN: Sorry? I didn’t hear the last remark.

ELIAS: That was the point, to be surprising yourself, which also serves as a reinforcement of your trust of yourself. It is imagery that expresses a communication to you that regardless of whether you are methodically planning or plotting certain movements and generating actions to be creating arrangements for different movements or creations, you may create what you want effortlessly without engaging thought and without engaging methods, that you may generate creating expressions such as money merely in trusting yourself. And you may be surprised in how you choose to generate that manifestation! (Laughs)

COEN: Also the dream of the books with the money in it that was buried somewhere?

ELIAS: Yes. (Chuckles)

COEN: I’m trying to translate into my reality what you’re saying to me. You’re telling me to stop thinking about it all the time, all the scenarios you’re engaging, just go on living and trust yourself that it will be solved, that you will solve it, and surprise yourself.

ELIAS: Yes, which also incorporates much more fun, does it not?

COEN: (Laughs with Elias) You got me there! Okay, I understand. But still, when I look at the last six months, I surprised myself how calm and easily I handled the situations, situations that would have seemed a year ago as something completely impossible to handle.

ELIAS: I am understanding, but this also is a validation of yourself in widening your awareness and allowing yourself to trust yourself much more and trust your abilities, which generates much more of a calm in your expressions and much more of a confidence in your choices and your directions.

COEN: But you do agree with me that I’ve created a reality with quite challenging obstacles?

ELIAS: At times. (Chuckles)

COEN: The problems with the doors in the racquet center, is that something different than the fires?

ELIAS: No, that is the same.

COEN: The thing that I also noticed when I talked to my youngest brother, one of the lights went on and off for a brief moment. Was that kind of a signal or attention to self, or a hello?

ELIAS: (Laughs) That was a participation with myself, a reminder that my energy is present.

COEN: Because the conversation I had with my youngest brother went surprisingly well.

ELIAS: Which is yet another validation.

COEN: And what we talked about last time, accepting different beliefs of others...


COEN: ...and leave room for them.


COEN: I agree. The other signs with the lighting that went on and off, was that also a communication with you?

ELIAS: At times.

COEN: Talking about my youth, what surprised me is that I remember very little of my young years. I’m talking about up until 15 or 16. It sometimes looks to me that that’s a completely different area of my life, and sometimes I have the feeling that another focus or another essence was involved in it. Could you comment on that?

ELIAS: I may express to you that what you have experienced is not unusual. It is not an expression of another essence or another focus. It is a different aspect. I have spoken of primary aspects previously with individuals.

You all incorporate what may be termed as a primary aspect of yourself, that which you identify as you. At times, within one focus the individual may exchange positions of the primary aspect of themselves, and dependent upon the expression and the quality of another aspect which becomes the primary aspect, that may interrupt the sequence of objective memory.

At times in incorporating different primary aspects of oneself, it may interrupt the objective memory to a point in which the individual experiences a type of missing time, so to speak, in which they do not incorporate an objective memory of certain years or experiences, and there may appear to the individual to be gaps in their memory objectively. That information may be accessed if you are so choosing, but it is slightly more challenging, for that requires tapping into the other aspect of yourself to recall the experiences that were engaged within that time framework in which that primary aspect was being expressed. This is not unusual.

COEN: Moving to business, I always have in my mind that I would like to write a book about business in the year 2055, but in one way or another it’s blocking me and it doesn’t really start happening. I also was surprised that last week I received an email in which a company offered us to write a book about a subject we would like to choose. I was kind of curious what happened here. The first thing, what’s blocking me, and the second one is by the email am I trying to open that choice?

ELIAS: I may express to you that you do incorporate a potential to be engaging that type of action. In offering yourself that physical communication, you were presenting to yourself an encouragement to motivate yourself to be engaging that action. But what may be influencing the blocking of engaging that action is an element of your perception now, that to be generating that type of creation you must be incorporating discipline, and it is being viewed as work.

Now; if you incorporate altering your perception and you engage this type of creation in playfulness as a fun activity and appreciating the process of the creation rather than focusing upon the outcome, you may be motivating yourself much more to actually engage the action.

COEN: So I must more see it as building my sailing boat, which I’ve really found fun to do and I didn’t consider it work. Because of my background at university and working there, I consider this more work, and also I’m a little bit scared of the result of it. It should be to academic standards.


Now; if you incorporate the perception that you are engaging this action as an expression of your own creativity and an allowance of yourself to appreciate your own process rather than focusing upon the outcome, you may engage the action in an expression of fun and it shall be generated in ease rather than work.

COEN: In a second you’ll tell me that I should be more playful! (Elias laughs) I’m getting a bit worried now!

Dealing with issues of business and what we talked about last time, cooperation versus compromise, was the meeting I had yesterday with a few of my employees an example of cooperation?


COEN: I read a session of yours the day before yesterday about turning your attention to yourself when you speak to other people. What I noticed is that I was dealing with this conversation on several levels: first, cooperation; second, turning my attention to myself; third, also turning part of my attention to the other people and what’s going on and what kind of process is working there. It was quite interesting to do.

ELIAS: Yes, and also allows you much more movement and generates the allowance of that cooperation much more easily. You allow yourself much more freedom within your own expression, and you also generate a clearer understanding of the scenario and what is being expressed by yourself and other individuals and what you are creating together.

COEN: True. Will you also agree with me that I put an emphasis on the responsibility of the people, based on my idea that we are responsible for ourselves, so they are responsible for themselves and I am responsible for myself?

ELIAS: Correct.

COEN: What surprises me is that I find an interest with the other people when I communicate this. It’s still difficult, but they’re picking it up.

ELIAS: For responsibility offers you freedom. For if you are expressing responsibility for yourself and your choices, you cannot be a victim.

COEN: That’s also returning to the heritage and what’s happening there. I must not allow myself to be a victim of the situation.

ELIAS: Correct.

COEN: That’s one of the things I’m trying to show myself.

A step further, with the Krajicek Foundation I’m working on, the fact that the present board will be removed and we will have a new board, is that also an objective dream of myself that I’m developing and that there is a kind of progress in it?


COEN: Are there other things that I’m reflecting?

ELIAS: Presenting yourself with the new and unfamiliar, and offering yourself the opportunity to be aware of how you respond to situations and interactions that are unfamiliar and that may be viewed as new.

COEN: Do you see something that’s not in my mind? The last time you did, about cooperation and compromise. It created a lot of realities. So you’re telling me that one of the things that I’m working on now is creating new realities or new situations and the way I deal with them?


COEN: In the past, now speaking of the long past, I was always afraid of the new and the unknown. What I notice now by myself the last few years is that new things are going with much more ease and interest on my side.

ELIAS: Yes, for you are allowing yourself to view this as an opportunity rather than a fear, and a challenge to recognize your own capabilities. In this time framework, you are expressing the direction of examining your automatic responses and examining how you express yourself in association with different or unfamiliar scenarios, which also allows you to be examining your individual truths through the experiences that you engage in these scenarios.

COEN: Do you have an example of an individual truth?

ELIAS: Offer to myself an example of a new experience that you have presented to yourself. (Pause)

COEN: A new experience... It’s difficult!

ELIAS: Let me offer to you what you have already expressed, that you shall be incorporating a new board. This incorporates different individuals and the potential to be expressing different directions and different ideas, correct?

COEN: Correct.

ELIAS: Now; in examining your response to this, that has incorporated pastly some elements of fear of the unknown and an uncertainty of whether you would incorporate the ability to generate cooperation and harmony in association with this new scenario. That has been generated in an absolute previously.

This is an interesting example, for this is an example of incorporating a truth but acknowledging that truth, not necessarily through thought but through experience — which is the point associated with this particular wave in consciousness occurring now — in which you have expressed throughout most of your focus that type of influence associated with that belief, that change or the introduction of new scenarios and experiences incorporates a strong potential to go awry, so to speak, and to incorporate negative experiences or outcomes. Therefore, the fear is expressed.

Now; that is associated with your view of yourself also and your ability to be directing of yourself or whether you are allowing other individuals to direct you. This is associated with another truth of co-creation. Remember, these truths are merely beliefs that have been expressed in an absolute, and therefore they have become your truths.

But in allowing yourself to widen your awareness, in allowing yourself to generate the movement that you have been and exploring your abilities and allowing yourself to trust yourself more and offer yourself more freedom, what you have generated in experience is a recognition that you may incorporate this truth but it is not true, and therefore you incorporate choice. That has altered your perception, and you allow yourself much more freedom within your movement and your experiences, and you eliminate the fear.

COEN: I completely agree with you. Thanks for this example.

ELIAS: This is, as I have expressed previously, an example of how this particular wave is occurring and how individuals are generating movement with it, not necessarily as much intellectual as experiential.

COEN: Yes, experiential learning. It always surprised me that at university I studied experiential learning and it talked about different perceptions, and now all the things come back in a different way. (Elias laughs) That’s quite fun to see.

On what you had to say, I have to think it over and I have to listen again to it.

ELIAS: Very well.

COEN: The last session you talked about my interaction with my father, that he is willing to interact with us in a playful way. I’m trying to find examples of that interaction. My question is does it occur or do I not notice? Could you help me with it?

ELIAS: It is not a matter of not noticing yet. It is a matter of allowance and allowing yourself an openness to that energy.

COEN: How can I facilitate that?

ELIAS: By allowing yourself to relax and by allowing yourself to not expect specific types of interactions, but to allow yourself to receive whatever is expressed by the other energy — perhaps even in surprise, for that is a playful expression. You may also be allowing yourself practice interactions within dreams.

COEN: I think it’s in dreams what we communicate with each other, although my memory is not always that clear in the morning.

ELIAS: Yes. In this, as you allow yourself to practice with interactions within dreams, you become more familiar with the energy expression and allow yourself more of an openness to be receiving within your objective waking creations.

COEN: Thank you. I understand.

Going back to my focuses, 2526 of them, you told me that there are quite a few dodgy characters. (Elias laughs) Of course, I did some investigation and I tried to find some dodgy characters, but to my surprise all the characters I found are nice and neat and well behaved. Could you help me with finding a few of them?

ELIAS: Perhaps allow yourself to generate a visualization or allow yourself to incorporate a time framework in which you relax and allow your attention to drift. In that time framework, whatever you present to yourself in your impressions, accept.

COEN: Accept?

ELIAS: Yes. Do not automatically reject what you are expressing to yourself in your impressions. In this, allow yourself the flexibility to be incorporating your visualizations or listening to your impressions not merely in association with focuses that may be researched, so to speak. For there are many, many, many focuses that you incorporate that shall not necessarily appear within your books, but they are no less valid and many of them are quite colorful. (Chuckles) Do not dismiss your impressions in association with viewing them as imagined.

COEN: The final question I have maybe is a broad one. As you know, I know that I create my own reality, but what I also find out is that I have to make a step to really, really, really accept that I create my own reality, that my whole being accepts that I create my reality. I’m trying to work out what’s needed to make that step.

ELIAS: To continue to trust yourself and to practice and to pay attention to what you are actually doing, and therefore validate to yourself that you are actually what is creating all of your reality.

This, once again, is very unfamiliar. For individuals incorporate somewhat of a recognition that they create their reality but only in association with themselves, not in association with the entirety of their reality. Your automatic association is that you co-create, which is not true, but that is what is familiar to you and that is one of the expressed beliefs, that you create some of your reality but other individuals create other elements of your reality.

In this, as you continue to focus upon yourself and you become more familiar with your beliefs, with the influences of them and what generates the responses within yourself, you shall recognize objectively that you are creating all of your reality. But remember, this also is a process, and in this particular process there is no final outcome or finish line. The outcome is produced in each moment.

COEN: Yes, there is no finish line.

ELIAS: Correct.

COEN: Thanks. My clock says that we are out of time, and all my questions are answered!

ELIAS: Ha ha! You have accomplished! (Laughs)

COEN: I have accomplished my goals for this moment, yes. I would like to take the opportunity to thank you very much.

ELIAS: You are very welcome, my dear friend. I shall be anticipating our next meeting, and in the interim time framework I shall be participating with you, reminding you to be incorporating playfulness and offering my energy of encouragement to you. (Laughs)

COEN: Thank you very much.

ELIAS: You are quite welcome. As always, I express my affection to you, and great fondness.

COEN: My love to you, as well.

ELIAS: Au revoir.

COEN: Au revoir. Thank you.

Elias departs after 1 hour, 1 minute.

©2007 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved

Copyright 2004 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.