Session 2272
Translations: PT

The Magnet of Your Energy


“The Magnet of Your Energy”
“Overriding Awareness is Opposing Self”
“Recognizing Objective Imagery of Your Energy”
“Strength in the Foundation of How You Perceive Yourself”
“Creatures Are Excellent Reflectors”

Session 20070517 (2272)

“The Magnet of Your Energy”
“Overriding Awareness is Opposing Self”
“Recognizing Objective Imagery of Your Energy”
“Strength in the Foundation of How You Perceive Yourself”
“Creatures Are Excellent Reflectors”

Thursday, May 17, 2007 (Private/Phone)

Participants: Mary (Michael) and Vivienne (Eliza)

ELIAS: Good evening!

VIVIENNE: Good evening. (Elias chuckles) Oh my goodness. I’ve been having a rough old time lately, but I think it’s been productive. There’s been some good bits of it and some bad bits, but I’ve started to recognize a lot of the imagery, I think, which has been giving me the impressions about fears, a lot of my fears, but perhaps especially the one about being a bad person. And that one, I think, has been so frightening that I couldn’t go through with my session that was originally booked for Saturday, but now that I’ve gone through it and I believe I recognize this has been what the imagery has been pointing to, I would like your help in moving beyond it now, in putting it behind me, please.

ELIAS: And what have you discovered?

VIVIENNE: Well, let me see now. (Sighs) Lots of fears.

ELIAS: Such as?

VIVIENNE: Well, there is the fear of being unacceptable, and I think I mirrored this to myself with our cat pooping and peeing outside of her litterbox. And then there was the fear of being out of control and a victim, and as expressed when I felt overwhelmed and panic stricken by repeated instances such as the cat’s behavior, or the repeated incident of our car breaking down and requiring additional repairs each time. And I think there was another message in that one as well, that was to stop ourselves from pushing to get on too quickly with the housebuilding project, that we were pushing ourselves too hard. Then another one was a fear of family obligations, as when my mother mentioned her intention of an impending visit, and also when we heard some news from my husband’s family which suggested to us a crisis might be looming in that particular corner as well. Then, fear that I’m not choosing but being acted on by outside forces because of the perceived randomness and that I couldn’t comprehend things, but they upset me and they frightened me.

(Sighs) I think also, maybe, I get chest pains which I think are caused by anxiety, and the sinus headaches, but I’ve noticed that they were clustered around the time of my period. So, I wondered… Well, I think this is about another fear, which is health issues, which worry me and bother me and make me feel frightened and out of control. So, (sighs) those were the big ones, really, I’ve noticed of late.

ELIAS: Let me express to you a reminder. Your energy responds in a manner that can be likened to a very powerful magnet, and that magnet projects in every direction surrounding you. You are the center of that magnet, and you are the source of it. When you project energy—which you do in every moment of your existence—whatever energy you are projecting, it is being expressed in every direction around you—in a manner of speaking, somewhat as a bubble that surrounds you. And the surface of that bubble is the magnetic element. And in every direction that that bubble surrounds you, it attracts whatever matches it.

Therefore, whatever you are expressing within yourself, that magnet will find whatever will match it, and it will draw that to you. This is the preciseness of how energy attracts.

In this, if you are generating discounting of yourself or fearfulness, you will present discounting expressions or fearful experiences to yourself. For, just as I expressed in my example of the leprechaun [1], this magnet, which is your energy, does not distinguish between good or bad or comfortable or uncomfortable. It merely seeks to match what you are expressing, which offers you imagery of what you are doing, which in actuality is quite efficient. It may not necessarily be comfortable, but it is highly efficient, for that provides you access in every moment to be aware of what you are doing.

And I will also express to you, as I have been recently with other individuals, you know more and are aware of more than you think you are. In this, what becomes difficulty or obstacles is the automatic overriding of what you know and what you are aware of, in which you are aware of certain actions and you are not necessarily ignoring them but you override them and choose other actions, regardless of what you know.

Such as a hypothetical example: an individual may be generating discomfort within their body consciousness. Perhaps they may be generating pain.

Now; they are aware that they are experiencing pain, and therefore they are not necessarily ignoring it. But perhaps the individual receives an invitation to engage a walk with another individual, and although the individual is aware that their body consciousness is generating pain or discomfort, they may override that awareness and that knowing and choose to agree to engage the walk with the other individual, for they feel obligated to do so, or they feel that it would be unacceptable to refuse or inappropriate to refuse. Therefore, they override the pain and choose to engage an action that will reinforce the pain and that will aggravate it more.

This type of action occurs very frequently with individuals within your reality, for you generate associations with certain expressions such as expectations and obligations, and right behavior and wrong behavior, and what is acceptable and what is not acceptable, and what is appropriate and what is inappropriate. And therefore, regardless that you offer yourselves information and communications and you are aware of them and you know, you override them and you choose to move in the direction of these other expressions.

And in that, you project a particular type of energy. That type of energy is one of opposition, for you are opposing yourself. You are not listening to your own communications and your own awareness, and you opt to engage choices that will empower that opposition of yourself. And therefore, that is the energy that you project, and that energy seeks out any expression or imagery that will match it. And if you continue to express that energy, it will continue to be creative and find many different types of imageries and expressions that will match that energy.

This is the reason that I express that objective imagery is abstract, for you can be expressing one type of energy and you can draw to yourself hundreds of different types of experiences that will all match that energy. They may all appear surfacely to be quite different in nature, but in actuality they all incorporate a common theme, for they all incorporate a common energy. This is the reason that it is important to be aware of what type of energy you are expressing.

Now; you are beginning to become aware of what type of energy you are expressing, for you have allowed yourself to identify several expressions of fear and obligation. And that is significant, for that allows you to recognize, “Ah! This is the energy that I am projecting.” In that, you can generate a clearer understanding of why you present the imagery to yourself that you do.

Now the next step, now that you incorporate that information, is allowing yourself to generate different choices, not the automatic override choices, but to engage choices that allow you to move into a more comfortable position with yourself.

Now; in this, can you offer an example of some specific fear that you incorporate presently, or that you recognize presently?

VIVIENNE: Well, the biggest one I’ve been dealing with, that’s frightened the most, I found, (emotionally) is my recognition that in interactions with people that I’ve found hurtful, that I was afraid that what they were saying or implying in their behaviors or whatever was true, that I really was this unacceptable, inadequate person. So, to me that’s the biggest one.

ELIAS: Very well.

Now; let us first generate a different evaluation.


ELIAS: How do you perceive yourself?

VIVIENNE: How do I perceive myself?


VIVIENNE: Was that the question?

ELIAS: Yes. Eliminate any other input of any other individual.


ELIAS: How do you yourself see yourself?

VIVIENNE: I think I’m a kind person, compassionate person, a caring person, an intelligent person, a person who has artistic inclinations, but a person who means well, wants to do well. My intention is to be a good person.

ELIAS: Very well. And do you perceive yourself to be an observant person?

VIVIENNE: Yes. Yes, I do. I think I notice a lot of things about people and I’m able to intuit, I guess, things without them telling me, just listening to them and watching them even. I can figure out a lot of what they are thinking and feeling and what’s really happening without people actually having to come out and tell me in so many words what’s going on. So yes, I would say I am an observant person, and I do watch people quite closely, because I am interested in what makes people tick.

ELIAS: And do you view yourself to be an attentive person?

VIVIENNE: Oh yes. I like to… I listen to people, because I AM interested in what makes people tick. So, I do listen to what they have to say, and I like to hear people’s stories and I enjoy when people tell me about their lives. I like to listen to that and learn about different people’s experiences.

ELIAS: Very well.

Now; what I will express to you is your perception of yourself, your assessment of yourself, is correct. I will also express to you that every other individual that you encounter within your existence in this reality will express varying degrees of variations of you. And in that, their perception of you will be different. No other individual that you encounter will perceive you precisely in the manner that you perceive you. But, some individuals’ variation of you will be very similar, and they will view you almost the same, with some variations, as you perceive yourself. And throughout your existence in this reality, you will present yourself with individuals that do perceive you quite similarly to how you perceive yourself. You do that naturally, to validate the validity of your own perception of yourself. But, you will also present yourself with individuals that incorporate very different perceptions of you.

Now; this is purposeful in a twofold manner: one, as a reflection to you to inform you and for you to be aware of what type of energy you are projecting, and the other is to present you with the reality of differences and allow you to eventually recognize that the validity of any other individual’s perception does not diminish or change the validity of your own perception. It is not a matter of one set right and wrong. It is not a matter of always matching perceptions. It is not a matter that one individual is absolutely right and another individual is absolutely wrong. It IS a matter that each individual is right for themself in the expression of their own perception, but that is not to say that they are right in relation to another individual.

This is the core key element, which can either allow harmony and comfort or it can create tremendous conflict and painfulness. For if you move in the association that all perceptions must match to create truth or to create rightness, you will move in the direction of painfulness and disappointment. If you can move in the direction of recognizing that it is quite possible for every individual to be right in their own expression but not necessarily right in relation to you, you can begin to stop being threatened by the other individual’s perceptions. For this is what creates the discomfort, the hurt, the fear, the anxiety—it is the threat that in the absoluteness another individual’s perception is right and therefore invalidates yours.

The other individual’s perception IS right for them, for that IS their perception and that is their reality. That is not to say that it is true.

VIVIENNE: Would it be because they have…? Is it because it suits their purpose? Is that what it would be? That their perception, while different than mine, suits THEIR purposes?



ELIAS: For it is associated with their own value fulfillment.


ELIAS: And their own movement and what they present to themselves.


ELIAS: And value fulfillment is not necessarily expressed in comfort or joy. Individuals generate a grave misunderstanding when entertaining the idea of value fulfillment, or even of the term “value.” For dependent upon each individual’s intent, some individuals’ intent in one particular exploration may not necessarily be to explore joy and may actually be to explore the experiences of how diverse they can express being a victim. (Vivienne chuckles) Therefore, it is important to recognize when you are generating evaluations in relation to other individuals, that you separate your guidelines from their behaviors, for their guidelines are different, and their guidelines influence and guide their behaviors.

And in that, their value fulfillment may be structured very differently. And in an action that YOU might perceive to be hurtful or inconsiderate or mean in relation to YOUR guidelines, and therefore YOU would not express a behavior in a particular manner that would generate that type of an expression, but you witness another individual that will—in their perception and in association with their guidelines—they may not perceive it as being inconsiderate or hurtful or mean. They may even perceive their behavior or their expressions as being instructional or informative. They may even generate a perception that they are being helpful, when you perceive it to be destructive.

This is the point. These are the differences of perceptions. And they are all very real and they are all very valid, but they are different. And, the one important factor to remember is that regardless of their differences, they do not invalidate YOUR perception. Your perception is equally as right as another individual’s perception. Your perception of them is equally as right as their perception of themself, which may be entirely different. Your perception of you is equally as right as another individual’s perception of you, regardless that it may be entirely different. Neither is invalid, and in that, you can allow yourself to not compare, not question, and rest in the comfort of your own perception.

Do you view yourself to engage actions that are intentionally hurtful to other individuals?

VIVIENNE: No, absolutely not.

ELIAS: Do you view yourself as behaving in a compassionate and considerate manner?

VIVIENNE: Yes. Absolutely.

ELIAS: Do you view yourself, in your behaviors, to be expressing loving, caring behavior?

VIVIENNE: (Emotionally) Yes.

ELIAS: In this, if this is what you are doing, what suggests to you otherwise, other than another individual’s perception? But what of the other individual’s perception? You know what you are doing. You know what your behavior is. YOU are doing it. YOU are experiencing it. YOU are engaging it.


ELIAS: Therefore, it matters not that the other individual’s perception may be very different and may be very valid, for it does not change what you are doing. It does not change your experiences, for they are YOUR experiences. And it does not change who you are and what you do. That remains the same. That remains the constant.

The you in the other individual’s perception may be very different, but they are filtering that through their own guidelines, their own beliefs, their own expressions. You all do this quite naturally. This is the point of genuinely allowing yourself to become intimately connected and familiar with yourself and to appreciate yourself in who you are, and therefore generate the strength in that foundation that cannot shake the structure of you.

That when another individual expresses, “You generated an action yesterday that was entirely unacceptable and quite inconsiderate, and I am beside myself that you would generate that type of behavior,” YOU can stand in your foundation of your knowing of yourself. You can allow the other individual their expression, and you can know within yourself that your experience is valid and right for you and is unchanged that the other individual incorporates a different perception. The other individual generates that perception, for it matches their guideline.

VIVIENNE: Right. (Sighs)

ELIAS: You have offered yourself considerable information, and with that information you can generate choices and expressions to benefit yourself and to allow your own expansion, regardless of the choices that other individuals engage.

VIVIENNE: That sounds really, really, really good. (Both laugh) Really good. I really want to do that. (Elias laughs) Oh my word. It’s been Wobbly Central around here. (Both laugh)

ELIAS: Let me also express to you, in relation to your feline I will express a validation to you that your assessment is quite correct. For I will express, as I have previously, creatures are excellent reflectors, for they do not incorporate the confusion of beliefs, and they do not incorporate the associations that you do as humans. They do not compare, they do not acquiesce, they do not naturally oppose. I may express to you, even when a creature engages the action of what YOU term to be fighting, they are not opposing; they are generating a natural action, and it is not motivated by beliefs that engage anger. They are merely expressing natural actions. To express—

VIVIENNE: Well, as long as she naturally stops pooping on the floor, we’ll be okay. It’s a real mess. (Elias laughs) Oh my goodness. I don’t want to clean up any more poop and pee. It’s terrible.

ELIAS: I would express—

VIVIENNE: It’s not pleasant, but it sure catches your attention.

ELIAS: Yes. And I would express to YOU that if YOU are allowing yourself to relax and not generate this opposition with yourself, and not be expressing this harshness with yourself, and not moving in the direction of attempting to ELIMINATE, your creature will generate more calmness and will stop engaging this action.

VIVIENNE: So, by trying to eliminate I’m trying to get rid of the beliefs? Is that what you mean?

ELIAS: When you attempt to push away, you are attempting to eliminate some expression.

VIVIENNE: You say I was pushing away the fears in this case?

ELIAS: Yes. This is another example of overriding, as I expressed previously. When you generate an awareness and a knowing of some expression within you and you override it, you are attempting to push away. And in that pushing away, you are generating the attempt to eliminate.


ELIAS: Rather than acknowledging, “Yes, this is present. Yes, I am aware of this. Yes, I am expressing in this manner,” and not attempting to push away, that allows you to relax and to move into new choices. For if you are not attempting to push away, you allow yourself an openness to inspire yourself to generate new choices, different avenues, for you allow yourself to actually view what you are doing and acknowledge that and express to yourself, “Yes, this is what is occurring. Yes, this is what I am doing. Yes, I am not genuinely comfortable with this. Therefore, what can I do that I will be more comfortable with?” But if you are pushing away and attempting to eliminate, what you eliminate is all of the options to inspire yourself to new choices. For you are overriding, and therefore, you do not engage that aspect of yourself to discover new choices.


ELIAS: You move in automatic responses.

VIVIENNE: [Inaudible] Okay.

ELIAS: This also, my friend, is significantly important, for what it does is [it] allows you to become more familiar with not automatically discounting yourself. For when you notice, “Oh, I am generating this action again. Very well,” it is not necessary any longer to become irritated with yourself or disappointed with yourself or annoyed with yourself, for you merely acknowledge, “Very well. I am engaging this action again. Now, what choices can I engage that will allow me to move into a different expression that I appreciate or that I am more comfortable with?” When you attempt to eliminate, what you actually accomplish eliminating are those options.


ELIAS: For those options will not occur to you, for you are not allowing yourself that inspiration. You are not eliminating what is discomforting to you; you are eliminating the avenue that COULD alter what is discomforting to you.

VIVIENNE: Right. I’ll have to take it on board a little bit. It’ll take me a little while to soak this in, but… (Both laugh) We’ve got a few minutes yet. Can I ask a few other questions?

ELIAS: You may.

VIVIENNE: Last time, at my last session, I wanted to sort of look into past focuses and I asked you a bit about that. So, I did a little bit, and—

ELIAS: Congratulations!

VIVIENNE: (Laughs) Well, I need them confirmed first. (Both laugh) But I just get names—just names pop into my head. So, these are the names. For me, I got Madame de Pompadour. I got John Constable, the painter, and this was a while ago I had that one, but I’m [inaudible] now. And I also did get, by a long route, Edouard Vuillard, a French painter.

ELIAS: And I would express that you are correct in all three.

VIVIENNE: Oh my god, this is so exciting. Really! (Both laugh) I guess you know. Wow. That is so amazing. I also got one for my father-in-law. I got Genghis Khan for my father-in-law.

ELIAS: That would be observing, but I would express to you that he does incorporate a focus as what you would term to be a soldier in that individual’s army.

VIVIENNE: Ah! Okay. Right. Fine, because again I just got a name when I was thinking of him, and that’s the name that popped into my head.

ELIAS: And these are beginnings! Therefore, I express congratulations to you once again.

VIVIENNE: I don’t think I want to go too deeply into them right now, because if I… I do know a little bit, and I find that I get sort of emotionally involved in it a little. And I’d rather just be happy about it for now and just enjoy it. (Both laugh)

ELIAS: Very well. That is entirely acceptable. (Both laugh)

VIVIENNE: I also had a dream about my husband I ‘d like to tell you about. I just dreamt that his oldest brother was his father. He had a brother who I think is a family friend now, but my husband himself was a malformed individual, but they took care of him. But there was a certain element, a mixture within him of a sort of gratitude that they didn’t just throw him out, but also resentment because he was made fun of and poked fun at. And they were butchers, and I had the impression of myself buying meat there.


VIVIENNE: What century would that be? 17th century?


VIVIENNE: Okay. Wow. My husband [inaudible]. (Elias laughs) Okay. Wow. That’s pretty huge. (Elias chuckles)

And the chest pains and the sinus things, is that the fear of health issues?


VIVIENNE: That I have it around the time of my period in particular?


VIVIENNE: Along with the anxiety and stress, of course?

ELIAS: Yes. You are correct.


Well, we’ve got two more minutes, but I think I’ve really gone through every subject in this. (Both laugh) I really appreciate it and will think about it. (Both laugh) And I’ll work on it and I’ll keep you posted as to my progress.

ELIAS: Very well. I shall be anticipating of that. (Laughs) And I shall be offering my encouragement to you continuously. (Chuckles)

VIVIENNE: Did you give me that glass? Did you present me with the glass that I picked up at the charity shop?


VIVIENNE: Is that meant to be a celebration?


VIVIENNE: That’s what I thought. And there’s a little dish that I’ve got, a soldier. My feeling was that that was from my father.

ELIAS: Correct.

VIVIENNE: Are you and my dad hanging out now? (Both laugh) If you are, say hi to him for me. (Both laugh)

ELIAS: A curious expression. (Both laugh) But I understand what you are expressing. (Both laugh)

VIVIENNE: That would be funny if you were. I can’t picture my dad, but I think he might have changed a bit now. (Both laugh)

ELIAS: I would say so. (Both laugh)

Very well, my dear friend. I express to you tremendous appreciation and great acknowledgment of your movement.

VIVIENNE: Thank you very much.

ELIAS: And I shall express to you in tremendous lovingness, until our next meeting, au revoir.

VIVIENNE: Bye-bye.

(Elias departs after 1 hour 1 minute)

[1] Session 2227

©2007 Mary Ennis. All Rights Reserved.

Copyright 2007 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.