Generating Associations with Absolutes
"Generating Associations with Absolutes"
"The Concept of Goals"
"Morality, Ethics"
Thursday, May 23, 2002 (Private/Phone)
Participants: Mary (Michael) and Frank (Ulra)
Elias arrives at 10:28 AM. (Arrival time is 23 seconds.)
ELIAS: Good morning!
FRANK: Good morning! It's nice to talk to you again. (Elias chuckles, and a pause) Hello?
FRANK: I think I'd like to start with some dreams I had last night.
ELIAS: Very well.
FRANK: Actually, I think I had several dreams, but there was one or two in particular ... it might have one dream, I'm not quite sure. In this dream, I was at my parent's house except it wasn't their current house; it was a much nicer house. It was like a huge mansion, and it was just really very expensive and an interesting sort of place. There was some sort of party going on. There were things that occurred there but I can't recall them. Then at the end of that dream or maybe it was the second one, my dog showed up, a dog that I had like ten years ago. I started to take this dog for a walk, and I came to a restaurant. I wanted to go in the restaurant so I left the dog outside, told him to stay where he was, and went in the restaurant. The waiter in there was sort of sarcastic to me so I walked out without eating there, and when I walked out I found that the dog had somehow gotten his paw stuck in something. I pulled it out and it was bleeding. I don't have much of an idea what this one's all about.
ELIAS: No impressions?
FRANK: Well, I don't know. The part about my parents' house sort of sounds like maybe unexpected wealth. Other than that, no. Of course, I haven't had a very long time to think about this.
ELIAS: Very well. I shall express to you, the imagery that you present to yourself concerning the house is the symbology that you have created in association with expansion, not necessarily wealth but expansion, and this expression of expansion is not necessarily symbolic of physical expansion - although this may be another interpretation in another layer - but rather the expansion of yourself in your awareness and offering yourself more of an expression of clarity.
Now; you move into the imagery of the creature, which is your symbology concerning familiar expressions, and in this, you allow yourself to walk with the creature to a specific location but you leave the creature outside, knowing that it may not enter this establishment. This symbology concerns what you may term to be old familiarities that do not fit within your reality any longer.
Now; as you move outside of the establishment and you view the creature once again, you view its foot to be caught and you remove it and you view that it is injured. This is your imagery to yourself concerning old familiarities and the snare that they present within the expressions of new perceptions. For it is quite common for individuals and yourself to continue temporarily in automatic responses in association with new movement, and these old familiarities become snares in which you present to yourself conflict or even what you may interpret as painfulness, for you are attempting to generate actions or even associations that are familiar but do not actually fit any longer into the reality that you are generating now. Are you understanding?
FRANK: Yes, very interesting. That all makes sense.
What I'd like to ask you about next, which I've sort of talked to you about mentally over the last couple of days, is I've been pretty sick lately with allergies. As you undoubtedly recall, the first time we ever had one of these sessions we talked about that, and at that time you had indicated to me that the reason that I generated this physical condition was that in some cases it enabled me to withdraw from situations I didn't want to be a part of and also at other times I used it to gain nurturing I guess would be the way to put it. I'm wondering if there's more to it than that, and if you could sort of comment on that in more depth, because this is certainly an aspect of my current reality I would like to change.
ELIAS: Let me express to you first of all, individuals and yourself also may generate repeated types of manifestations, but their reason for the manifestation may change. This also is an expression of no absolutes, that you may generate one particular manifestation in one time framework and it may be associated with a particular expression or movement, and within another time framework you may generate the same physical expression but you may be incorporating different reasons.
Now; I shall express to you, partially you are generating this physical manifestation for those reasons that have been expressed previously. But I may also say to you that within your energy presently, you are also presenting this manifestation to yourself in an attempt to be addressing to this subject of absolutes and what may be possible and what may not be possible. In this, be remembering, thinking does not generate your reality and it does not precede manifestations. Therefore, you may incorporate thinking and pay attention to your thinking and this shall not be affecting of what you have created in this manifestation.
This is an opportunity for you to address to your associations with certain expressions as absolutes. Within your beliefs, the expression of the allergy is an absolute, for you view this to be a reaction that your physical body is generating to an outside source. There are manifestations outside of yourself that you believe to be affecting of you. Conceptually and intellectually you may express to yourself that you recognize that you are creating this, or that you are generating this manifestation, but the belief remains affective for the belief expresses that you are not creating this, that you are reacting to an outside element. Therefore, the outside element is creating the affectingness, not you.
FRANK: So, what you're saying is that at present the reason that I've created this condition is to give myself an opportunity to truly understand or believe that there are no absolutes and that I do in fact have control over everything.
ELIAS: Correct, and also to recognize the beliefs that you incorporate that influence your perception and therefore generate a particular manifestation.
Now; remember, you are not attempting to eliminate the beliefs but merely recognizing that you hold these beliefs, and therefore in the recognition of them offer yourself choice and allow yourself the freedom to express to yourself: "I recognize that I incorporate this particular belief that there are outside elements that are creating my reality for me and [that] I am victim to, and that I am not creating this aspect of my reality; and in recognition that I incorporate that belief, I may choose to offer myself the freedom to not be responsive to that belief and to offer myself the freedom of incorporating responsibility for my choices and my reality," which thusly allows you to manipulate your reality.
FRANK: But that is a thought process, right?
ELIAS: You do incorporate a thought process in association with this movement, yes. You always incorporate the mechanism of thought. But if you move your attention merely to thought and you continue to merely generate thought in relation to the continuation of the manifestation without allowing yourself to translate the affectingness of the beliefs which are being expressed, what you generate is merely dwelling upon the manifestation in continuing to generate the thoughts concerning your discomfort with this manifestation and your wish for the manifestation to stop.
FRANK: Is it almost like I'm lending more energy to it?
ELIAS: In THAT sense, yes.
FRANK: Well, that makes sense. Well, moving on here...
The last time we talked, we talked about things that were going on in my business life and how there were some opportunities to potentially make some major changes, and we talked about how I was kind of at a pause or had generated a pause in things to kind of step back and figure out what in fact I did want. I guess that is continuing, and so I guess I'd like to get some of your thoughts and impressions or maybe solicit your help in terms of trying to determine what in fact it is I want, because I kind of have mixed feelings about it.
On the one hand, I'm happy and I guess I would also have to add comfortable with the way my life is right now, but I have this desire, as we've discussed, to build something very large or certainly much larger than I have now. On the other hand, I realize that if I do that, or at least I believe if I do that, that my life will become very different in terms of where I work and how I work and how much I work and what the interactions are and all that. To some extent I sort of look forward to that, but to some extent I think I may not be so happy doing that. So I thought that perhaps you could give me some assistance in trying to sort all this out.
ELIAS: Once again, my friend, I shall express to you that you may be noticing how you are generating associations in absolutes in this situation also, in black and white, in either/or, and therefore you create hesitation and some confusion in attempting to identify what you want. You know what you want, but you are associating that what you want must be expressed in either/or terms, and this is incorrect.
What I shall express to you is to allow yourself to choose what you want NOW, and not to concern yourself with what you MIGHT want futurely, but merely allow yourself to pay attention to your communications now and your wants now and allow yourself to create that.
In this type of movement, my friend, you generate much less conflict, much less challenge, and you offer yourself a natural ease in creating what you want and allowing yourself the flexibility of change. You shall generate change regardless, for this is the nature of reality, in continuous change, but you shall create much less confusion and conflict or thickness in association with changes if you are allowing yourself to hold your attention now and merely concern yourself with what you are creating now and what you want now.
FRANK: So if I understand you correctly, to take it a little farther what you're really saying is that my conception that to create this thing that I want to create will change my life in ways I don't want is faulty, that it doesn't have to be that way. It doesn't have to be any way. It can be however I want it to be.
ELIAS: Correct.
FRANK: And that's what's scaring me off.
ELIAS: Correct, and also this is generated in projecting into the future and concerning yourself with what MAY be within the future, which you have not created yet, and this is an illusion, regardless.
FRANK: Right, and I assume it also comes back to what you talked about with the allergies, in the sense that there are no absolutes. I've got this conception that on the one hand I say, "I know I create all my reality," but on the other hand I'm sitting here saying, "Well, such and such will happen if I do this, and I don't want that," and that's just not accurate.
ELIAS: Correct. This is the expression of your belief concerning cause and effect.
FRANK: Boy, this is a good lesson in how we kind of sit here and say, "Well, I create my own reality," but then deep down don't really believe it, at least not totally.
ELIAS: Correct, which I have expressed many times within this forum, intellectually in concept you all express to yourselves and to each other that you create your reality, and that this is a redundant statement or an overplayed concept, and that you understand and that you accept this that you do create your reality - but you do not. You do in part, but not entirely.
FRANK: So hopefully, at least in my case, I'm on a progression from where I was to the point of fully truly believing that I create it all.
FRANK: That's sort of the goal, I guess, at least it's a goal I would set for myself.
ELIAS: Yes, I am understanding.
FRANK: You know, you told me that before, I believe, but I didn't fully understand what you meant about all of this, about what I want, and I think now I do have it.
Let me move on to a related topic that we also sort of discussed briefly before but I thought maybe we could go a little more in depth into it. In terms of my partner in this business, I'm not totally sure what he wants, and to some degree I am sort of afraid - I'm not sure "afraid" is the right word; "hesitant" maybe is a better word - to lay out for him my vision of where this thing should go, because I think that his vision may be very different and much more limited. So, can you comment on that? Can you tell me, am I accurate in terms of his vision? I guess you'll say his vision doesn't matter because I create him.
ELIAS: You are quite correct. I shall express to you, you are correct, we have discussed this subject matter previously and I shall reiterate to you, it literally, my friend, matters not what the other individual is choosing.
What matters is your acknowledgment of what YOU are choosing, for this once again, I may express to you, concerns your genuine expression of creating your reality yourself. In this, as I have stated to you many times, your perception, YOUR INDIVIDUAL PERCEPTION, generates every aspect of your reality, and quite literally, my friend, you may engage partnership with another individual in any capacity, in any subject matter, and it literally matters not that you entirely agree with each other's wants, for you incorporate the ability to generate the manifestations that you want, and if the other individual generates a different want, they shall manifest that in their reality simultaneous to you generating what you want, or if they are not allowing themselves the recognition that they may create what they want regardless of what you choose, they may be compliant with your choices or may choose different avenues in association with their wants. But it literally matters not, my friend. What holds significance is that you offer yourself the freedom to create what you want and not concern yourself with the choices of other individuals.
And remember, my expression to you of not concerning yourself with the choices of another individual is not to say that you do not CARE about the other individual. These are two very different expressions. In concerning yourself with the choices or the wants of another individual, you are projecting your attention outwardly and you are NOT paying attention to yourself, and therefore you deny your choices and you allow the choices of the other individual to dictate to you, and this generates confusion and conflict and limitation.
FRANK: Right, and no matter what I choose, I'm not going to hurt them in any way because they're going to choose their own on their own...
ELIAS: Correct.
FRANK: whatever way that all works.
ELIAS: Correct. Your intention is not to be generating hurtfulness. Your intention is merely to be expressing responsibility for self and allowing yourself to generate what you want.
FRANK: Make my own choices.
ELIAS: Correct, which is not a hurtful action to another individual, and also does not generate judgment in relation to the other individual, which the other individual recognizes that energy, that there is no judgment in association with their choices, and therefore the other individual allows themself more freedom to generate the choices that they want.
FRANK: I know you keep telling me these things over and over, but little by little they sink in.
ELIAS: I am understanding, my friend. Let me express to you, as I have recently, within your physical reality individuals consistently express a noticing or commenting that I am continuously repeating information and that this may be tiresome. In actuality, you ALL within this physical dimension are repeatedly generating movements. I merely am expressing information to each of you in response to what you are creating and the directions that you generate.
This physical dimension incorporates in its blueprint repetition. This is the manner in which you offer yourselves an objective clarity of understanding; therefore it is a natural expression.
FRANK: It certainly is true in my life.
ELIAS: And one not to be discounted or incorporated as yet again another avenue to be expressing judgment in association with yourself and your movement.
FRANK: I understand what you're saying, and I guess we're also sort of ... well, at least I know in my case, it's an impatience more than anything else with the movement...
FRANK: ...or lack of movement.
ELIAS: Yes, but this also is generated in not paying attention to the now. You become impatient or restless in projecting your attention futurely.
You express that you attain to a goal. This is one of the familiar snares. This is an old familiarity that shall not fit within your reality much longer.
FRANK: You mean the concept of goals?
ELIAS: Yes, for this is a projection future.
FRANK: Because anytime I'm focusing on a goal, I'm not focusing on now.
ELIAS: Correct, and the now generates outcomes in every moment.
FRANK: So I should drop this concept of goals?
ELIAS: I may express to you in this present now, were I to say "yes" to that question, it potentially would generate more conflict. For in that response to you presently, in association with your movement and your energy and your beliefs, you would attempt to force yourself not to be generating goals, and in that action, you would be concentrating upon that expression of not generating goals and not pay attention within the now again. Therefore I may express to you, presently it matters not, and as you continue to move your attention to the now, this shall be a natural action that shall discontinue in your generating of goal setting, so to speak.
FRANK: That makes sense.
The third big thing that I want to ask you about today... Let me explain it to you the way I see it now that we've had this discussion, and maybe you can confirm that I'm right. What I was going to ask you about also was something we discussed in our last conversation and that has to do with the other business I'm involved with. I think I explained to you that at least in what most people would view as objective terms, I've kind of done my part and now everything depends on this other individual. You pointed out to me last time we spoke that in fact I do control everything and so it's not up to him, it's up to me, even though objectively it seems like it's up to him.
Again, I assume this is like the allergy thing where I'm sitting here saying that I'm in charge of this and I create it, but deep down I'm really not believing that and acting that way. So, probably what I need to do is follow the same advice you gave me with regard to dealing with the allergies.
ELIAS: Correct, for you are continuing to generate associations in absolutes and projecting your attention outside of yourself with the expectation that some outside expression is creating an aspect or part of your reality.
FRANK: So what I need to do is accept that belief and offer myself the freedom to create what I really want to create.
ELIAS: Correct.
FRANK: Well, I learned something today. We'll see, huh? (Elias laughs)
Now last time we talked, also I think I talked to you about a dream I had. I'm not sure what it was that triggered this, but anyway one of the things you said to me was that this was offering me information about a potential conflict with another individual and that I've had the opportunity to either match that person's energy or to focus on myself and not match his energy. I'm wondering if that occurred a few weeks ago on a baseball field when there was another team kind of encroaching on our area. I went to sort of nicely ask the other guy to move and we got into a verbal confrontation. Was that what you were referring to when you said I would have an opportunity to practice this very soon?
ELIAS: Yes. (Laughs)
FRANK: Oops! (Both laugh) Well, I matched his energy!
ELIAS: I am aware! (Laughs)
FRANK: But assuming that more opportunities will arise (Elias chuckles), another approach - I won't say it's better, because it matters not - but another approach would have been what? I come and talk to him about what I saw as his encroaching upon where he shouldn't be, and he got very hostile about it. I'm not really sure... How else could I have reacted that would have been different? Could I have just said, "Thank you," and walked away? I don't really know.
ELIAS: Now; listen to the scenario and what you have expressed. Where is your attention?
FRANK: On the other guy.
ELIAS: Correct, and what are you generating?
FRANK: Hostility, aggressiveness, anger... I don't know.
ELIAS: Judgment. You are concerning yourself with the other individual...
FRANK: Right. I thought he was a jerk.
ELIAS: ...your attention is being projected onto the expression of the other individual...
FRANK: Because I judged him. That's how I projected my attention.
ELIAS: ...and you are generating a judgment in relation to the choice of the other individual.
Now; what are you NOT creating?
FRANK: Well, I wasn't creating what I wanted to create, that's for sure.
ELIAS: And the reason that you are not creating what you want to create is that you are not paying attention to YOU, for you are too busy concentrating your attention upon the other individual. Therefore, do you offer yourself choice? No.
What you do generate in this judgment is the expectation of the other individual to generate specific actions, and therefore projecting the responsibility of creating what you want to the other individual.
FRANK: Let's sort of replay this thing. I walk up to this person and say, "Hey, you shouldn't be doing what you're doing here," and now he reacts in a hostile manner. My alternative is that I focus on myself and I say, "What I want is for him to discontinue this."
FRANK: Help me with this. (Elias laughs) I don't know where this is going.
ELIAS: Not "what I want is for the other individual to discontinue this action," or not to express to yourself what you want concerning the other individual, period. What do YOU want? Not what do you want from another individual, what do you want to be creating? What do you want to be generating? Remove the other ind...
FRANK: I want a clear field. I don't give a damn who else is involved.
ELIAS: Very well! And once you recognize what you want, you may offer yourself permission to create that and choose that. But you do not generate it and you do not create it, for you are not paying attention to what you want, and therefore you do not offer yourself the choice to create that. What you express instead is to be moving your attention to the other individual, generating the expectation that the other individual is responsible for creating your reality and what you want. But you are not expressing what you want; you are expressing what you do not want.
FRANK: When I've created the whole thing.
ELIAS: Correct.
FRANK: Oh, that's very helpful. (Elias laughs) Whether I remember it next time or not is another thing!
ELIAS: (Laughs) Allow yourself to recall your dog and the snares.
FRANK: I'll move on to something a little lighter here.
I started playing baseball recently, which is sort of unique for a guy my age. I'm not sure why I created this, other than it's part of my general movement away from absolutes and away from this concept that you can't be too old and do these sorts of things.
ELIAS: Yes, and also to allow yourself another expression of playfulness.
FRANK: I'm having a lot of fun!
ELIAS: (Laughs) Now; be remembering of your previous scenario of matching energy in your incorporation of interaction in this scenario, for you generate a potential presently of offering yourself opportunities of practice. Ha ha ha!
FRANK: So, something's coming up, huh?
ELIAS: Ha ha! I am not expressing predictions, my friend! I am merely offering you information concerning the energy that you are generating and your desire to be objectively generating clarity in association with this subject and your experimentation with how much of your reality you actually create. Therefore, you are generating potential to be offering yourself opportunities to practice (both laugh) which, my friend, I may express to you as I have often, is quite amusing! Ha ha ha!
FRANK: You love being cryptic, don't you?
ELIAS: Ha ha! I merely enjoy expressing playfulness with you, for you interact playfully and it is well received! (Laughs)
FRANK: Well, see, now I'm going to really be trying to figure this one out! (Elias laughs) But to be a little bit serious, are you talking about a situation similar to what we just talked about, or is it something more in terms of how I play the game and how I try to improve or that sort of thing?
ELIAS: Both.
FRANK: All right. (Elias chuckles) Well, we'll see what happens.
ELIAS: Merely be aware of matching energy. (Laughs)
FRANK: I'll try to remember that for Friday. I have a game on Friday. Maybe something will happen there.
ELIAS: Very well, my friend.
FRANK: More chances for practice, right?
ELIAS: Quite, and shall you offer the invitation for myself to join you in your playfulness and I shall be present at your game?
FRANK: Oh, well, I do offer for you to be present. That'd be great! I'll be thinking about you! (Elias laughs) You can call some pitches for me!
By the way, while we're on this subject, when we had talked about the allergies, you had mentioned that to some extent it is still what you told me a couple years ago. Is that part of what happened last night, that I was trying to withdraw from the situation, and that's part of why I felt the way I did?
FRANK: So, I didn't want to pitch yesterday, did I?
FRANK: Because I was afraid I might not do well.
ELIAS: (Chuckles) Very good, my friend! (Laughs)
FRANK: Because I don't have enough confidence in myself, is that it?
ELIAS: At times it is wavering.
FRANK: Well, this is a whole new experience ... not a "new" experience for me, but it's an experience I haven't had in 30 years.
ELIAS: I am understanding, and as you allow yourself to recognize the moments in which you are experiencing this doubtfulness in your ability, you may also recognize that you are automatically generating comparisons. Comparison generates discounting of yourself.
This also, my friend, is an opportunity for you to view that not all of these expressions are generated in thought, for the action of expressing comparison is not necessarily identified in the translation of thought. But as you move your attention to what you are actually expressing and the associations that you are generating, you shall allow yourself to translate these actions through thought. This is the significance of paying attention to what you are doing, what you are generating inwardly, and what you are communicating.
FRANK: Well, this one I think I've figured out. I think I'd probably do it yesterday, too. I did.
FRANK: So, at least I'm getting that right. (Elias laughs) And I'm sure you're right about the comparisons thing. I'm not really comparing myself with other people, I'm just sort of maybe comparing myself with some standard I've created.
ELIAS: Correct.
FRANK: And I really shouldn't worry about that.
ELIAS: Merely allow yourself the freedom to express yourself and your abilities.
FRANK: Well, I'll keep that in mind on Friday, while you're watching.
ELIAS: Very well! (Both laugh)
FRANK: We have just a little bit of time. Lizella broke her foot two weeks ago, three weeks ago, and my impression is it's similar to what we've talked about in the past in that it has to do with putting pressure on herself.
ELIAS: Correct.
FRANK: Kind of the reason I feel that way is the reason it broke is that she put too much pressure on it, so it's sort of a very direct manifestation of the subjective reality.
ELIAS: Correct, and quite obvious and easily interpreted. (Laughs)
FRANK: Oh, and here I was proud of myself! (Both laugh) And now you told me I wasn't so smart after all!
ELIAS: Very well, my friend. (Humorously) Congratulations! You have offered yourself a difficult impression! (Laughs)
FRANK: I knew it was easy! (Both laugh)
One other thing I want to ask you about, it's sort of the last thing here, and this actually might require a lot of discussion so maybe you can sort of give me a quick overview of it. One of the things I've wondered about for a long time is in concert with this idea of it matters not, no one is a victim, nothing happens that somebody doesn't create for themselves.
As you know, generally speaking most individuals in our society believe in certain moral concepts, and so we teach our children, for example, don't lie, don't cheat, don't hurt other people, physical violence is not good. But yet if we have this concept of it doesn't matter, then is it irrelevant to talk about these things or try to instill these concepts in children or in other people? How does all that fit together?
ELIAS: Quite literally, my friend, it genuinely does matter not.
For as you recognize, your reality is generated through your perception, and each individual incorporates their own unique perception. In this, in concentrating your attention upon self and not concerning yourself with the expressions of other individuals, you do not lend energy to the perpetuation of expressions that you do not prefer.
For the most part within your physical reality, individuals generally choose expressions in association with their preferences. You may express within your family unit what you associate as guidelines for behavior with the children within your family and with your partner. But if you allow yourself to genuinely examine this information and these concepts, you may also allow yourself the recognition of what is meant by there are no absolutes.
You express certain guidelines of morality, what you perceive to be honesty, truthfulness, right conduct, appropriate behavior, ethics, but another individual may perceive those expressions that you view as correct or valuable as inconsequential. You may express your beliefs that you should not incorporate the action of stealing, and you may define what you associate as stealing; another individual may define it quite differently. You may express that right behavior is to be expressing honestly and your definition of honesty may be specifically defined, and another individual may perceive it quite differently.
In expressing rigidity in morality and in expressing rules of behaviors, you are also reinforcing the belief in absolutes. You may express preferences and opinions within your reality, but also recognize that those are relative to you and your perception and also create an acceptance in which you do not generate judgment concerning tremendous differences in association with other individuals' perceptions and choices.
This is not quite entirely familiar yet, for you continue to grapple with the concept that you do generate every aspect, every moment, every manifestation of your reality - even other individuals - through your perception individually, and that you actually do create every aspect of your reality and that you choose it. These are not entirely accepted concepts yet and therefore are not entirely generated as your reality yet. They SHALL be, but within this present now they are not yet. But you also may offer yourself conceptually the recognition of how conflict is created in the lack of acceptance and in the continued association with absolutes, that there are absolute rights and absolute wrongs, and that an individual does not create every aspect of their reality, which you justify with the absolute rights and wrongs.
FRANK: So, really what you're saying here is that again if you really, really accept this idea that we create it all, none of it matters what anybody else's morality or actions or ways of living are.
ELIAS: Correct.
FRANK: Well, that's a tough one for me at least, and I think for a lot of other people, too.
ELIAS: You are correct.
FRANK: Because we're so used to this other way.
One final thing I do want to ask you about is to confirm something. The other day - I won't go into the details - but I was involved in a situation with Lizella where she got pretty angry at me about something I did. At first I was angry at her for being angry at me. In other words, I wasn't accepting her choice in the matter. Then I sort of thought about it and said, "Well, I should just accept it and this will all go away," and it did. So is that an example of what you're talking about here? Is that what happened, first of all?
FRANK: It seemed like as soon as I decided to just accept that it was her choice to be mad at me that the whole thing just went away. She wasn't angry at me anymore. It was pretty interesting.
ELIAS: (Laughs) And offering yourself an example and evidence of shifting your energy and shifting your perception and also generating quite a different reality.
FRANK: Yeah, it was pretty amazing. Pretty instantaneous, too.
ELIAS: For it is created in the moment, my friend.
FRANK: That was a good learning experience. (Elias chuckles) Well, thank you.
ELIAS: You are quite welcome.
FRANK: As always, it's been a pleasure and most helpful. I look forward to tomorrow.
ELIAS: Very well, and so shall I also!
FRANK: Okay!
ELIAS: (Laughs) I extend to you as always, my friend, my tremendous affection and supportiveness. Until tomorrow, au revoir.
FRANK: Good-bye.
Elias departs at 11:37 AM.
(1) Originally expressed as "But as you move your attention to what you are actually expressing and the associations that you are generating, you shall allow yourself to translate through thought these actions."
©2004 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved
Copyright 2002 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.