Session 1304

The War in Iraq


"The War in Iraq"
"Other Dimensional Focuses"
"Probable Selves"
"The Difference Between Cooperation and Compromise"

Tuesday, March 25, 2003 (Private/Phone)
Participants: Mary (Michael) and Frank (Ulra)
Elias arrives at 7:22 AM. (Arrival time is 16 seconds.)

ELIAS: Good morning!

FRANK: Good morning, nice to talk to you again!

ELIAS: Ha ha ha ha! And how shall we proceed?

FRANK: Well, first of all I've got to get my phone straightened out here ... that's better now. Whoops, bear with me! (Elias laughs, and a brief pause) Hello?


FRANK: Okay, I hope it'll be better now. Let's see, how shall we proceed?

Let's start by talking about the war in Iraq that's going on right now. I'm just curious as to what ... obviously it's some sort of mass imagery that's being projected, and I'm curious to know what the reasons are behind it.

ELIAS: And what are your initial impressions?

FRANK: My initial impressions are that number one, it's got something to do with the way different people can perceive the same event as being totally different, and number two, I feel like maybe it's got something to do with a demonstration of the fact that people in fact do have choices.

My reason for those two things are number one, this conflict must seem totally different in the Arab world than in the western world, and as I've been watching the news reports I've tried to be mindful of the fact that everybody's perception is valid even though the perceptions are diametrically opposed. Then number two, again coming from my perspective, it seems like this was sort of a hopeless situation for a lot of people in that country, and all of a sudden now different choices are being expressed. Anyway, those are my impressions.

ELIAS: Very well. I may express to you that this is a mass display of different aspects of different beliefs and the duplicity associated with those beliefs. It also is a display and an example of deception.

In this, it is an example that in actuality there are no secrets, and that energy is received in more of a genuine fashion than verbal communication or even actions. What is meant in this is that there is an expression being offered en masse by individuals that you view to be authorities or, in your terms, in power, which is not actually what it is being presented as, and masses of individuals are quite aware of the deception that is being expressed. Those individuals that are in agreement with the deception lend energy to its continuance; but there are many, many, many individuals that are not in agreement with the deception and are recognizing of it.

The deception is a mass example of what we have discussed many times in relation to the action of helpfulness, and as I have stated many times previously, what you view to be helpful for the most part is in actuality not, and accomplishes quite the reverse of what you expect.

Genuine helpfulness is the act of supportiveness and not an action of attempting to alter another individual's reality, or to discount their choices and express that one may incorporate better choices than another individual. This merely discounts both. And this is what is being played out, so to speak, as a mass example of how you may deceive yourselves and also how individuals may attempt to deceive each other, but it is NOT accomplished.

Now; you are correct, there are many aspects of choices and beliefs that are in involvement in this conflict which is occurring within your world, and it is serving a purpose, so to speak, in the presentment of many different beliefs, and it is also offering an example to you all of how you project your energy, and what beliefs you express, and whether you are actually paying attention to what you are actually doing or not.

In this, I may say to you that within your dimension it does appear that conflict gains your attention more strongly than many other expressions; but what is significant in this action is choice.

Within your society many individuals incorporate the perception that the individuals within the other society do not incorporate choice, but they do. You have chosen to be manifest in your country, in your society, and generate an alignment with its philosophies. Other individuals have chosen to be manifest in other countries with other philosophies. These are all choices. What is being expressed in this present time framework is a mass example of countries expressing outwardly that they incorporate a better philosophy and better choices in the guise of helpfulness, which is not actually the genuine motivation; but in recognition of the strength of masses of individuals that are and would be in disagreement of the genuine motivation, the expression of conflict is camouflaged in the disguise of helpfulness and liberation.

The genuine expression is motivated in the threat of difference and the lack of acceptance of choices, and this generates conflict, and you are playing this out upon a mass stage.

FRANK: What about the aspects that this is self-protection?

ELIAS: This is another belief which is very strongly being expressed en masse, and not merely within your country or its allies but also in what you view to be the opposing country.

This is the reason, my friend, that in recent time frameworks prior to your engagement of this conflict I have been speaking with you and strongly urging all of you to be paying attention to what you are actually expressing, and what you actually do, and what beliefs influence that. For although you may objectively in thought disagree with conflicts, you may also be contributing energy to those conflicts in what you actually do within your focus in each of your days.

Protection is a very strong belief, and it is expressed in many, many manners objectively; but it is not merely protection which is being expressed in this display. There are many beliefs which are being expressed in a manner in which they become obvious to you all.

FRANK: In terms of this conflict, there are obviously many, many probable outcomes, and so each of us will choose his own view of what the outcome is. Is that correct?

ELIAS: Correct. The point is to be paying attention. And as you have created this massive display, this is your choice, to be viewing this theatrical production in a large scale and presenting to you beliefs in a very obvious manner. Now it is your choice how you shall incorporate that energy and how you shall manipulate it, what you shall do with it.

FRANK: Okay ... okay. Well, very interesting.

The last time we talked, we talked about other physical dimensions, at least a little bit, about how essences that maybe didn't have a lot of contact in this dimension maybe in fact had a great deal of contact in other dimensions, and that led to a closeness in this dimension. Could you describe these other dimensions? Is it possible for us to even understand much about that?

ELIAS: Many individuals allow themselves to view or to even experience other focuses within other dimensions.

Now; as I have offered information previously, I may say to you also, what you shall view or experience in this physical dimension associated with another physical dimension shall be a translation, for different physical dimensions do not quite fit in association with each other, in a manner of speaking. Therefore, each dimension may at times connect, so to speak, with another; but they shall translate their experience, or what they view, in association with what is known within their own dimension.

For example, there is one physical dimension which individuals within your reality have viewed and translate the beings as associated with water. This is not entirely accurate, but it is a close approximation in translation of what the focuses appear to be in the other dimension. There are also viewings of beings that appear to be crystalline in nature but incorporate an awareness and movement. There are also dimensions that incorporate what you in this reality translate as mythical creatures.

Those expressions that you can imagine, that you view not to be reality or real within your reality, ARE quite real. They merely are expressed in different realities. This is the reason that you view your communication of imagination as fantasy. It actually is your strongest avenue of communication which allows you to connect, so to speak, with other realities, which indeed are quite real.

FRANK: You have mentioned that Moorah and I have a lot of focuses in other physical dimensions.

ELIAS: Correct.

FRANK: Is there one in particular, and if so, could you describe it so that I could possibly understand it?

ELIAS: I may express to you, there is not necessarily one particular dimension that you express more focuses in than another, but you do incorporate a preference in the exploration of other dimensions which may be less complicated or less diverse than this particular dimension - expressed more simplistic - and in this, some of which do not actually incorporate what you recognize as an objective awareness.

FRANK: You mean like a tree or something like that?

ELIAS: No. There are many physical dimensions that do not necessarily express an objective awareness. Therefore, their reality is expressed quite differently from your own, and in this, they also do not incorporate time in the manner that you incorporate time, for they incorporate no objective awareness that manipulates it.

FRANK: Okay, obviously something that we can't really conceive of, given where we're at.

ELIAS: For the most part. You may investigate and you may offer yourself translations, but remember that they are translations and they are associated with what you know in this dimension. Therefore, some physical dimensions that you may connect to may be quite challenging or difficult to be translating or expressing an identification of for they are quite different, and your knowledge is very much held in association with this particular physical dimension.

Now; you may offer yourself accurate information through the inner sense of conceptualization, but that does not incorporate language and many times does not incorporate images, either - therefore that may be objectively difficult to be translating. But there are some that do express objective awarenesses and do manifest in forms that are somewhat familiar to you, for you have created mythology in association with them.

FRANK: Do impressions about these other dimensions come to us all the time, but we just ignore them or don't understand them?

ELIAS: Many times, yes.

FRANK: So is it an easy - I'm not quite sure how to formulate this question - is it as easy to access these impressions as it is to access impressions about other focuses in this physical dimension?

ELIAS: Yes. In actuality, at times you allow yourself more of an ease in connecting to other dimensions than you do to this one.

As I have stated, your strongest avenue of communication in relation to other dimensions is that of imagination, and in this, you have expressed a discounting of imagination for centuries, viewing this to be merely fantasy and not incorporating reality at all.

FRANK: (Laughing) Of course, most of us have got our hands full with this one particular focus right here!

ELIAS: Ha ha ha ha ha! Which I am quite understanding! But at times it may be an expression of fun to merely be incorporating a playfulness and investigating other dimensions.

Let me express to you, a very common display of connecting with other dimensions is exhibited in artwork, and young individuals in their scribbling many times generate pictures of images that are translations of other dimensions. I may express to you also, your caricatures, your comics, so to speak, are also translations of other dimensions.

FRANK: That's very interesting, too.

Well, let's go back to this dimension, for the moment. (Elias laughs) Recently we've talked about probable selves, and I guess the question I ask is that last time I talked to you, you said that probable selves aren't being created all the time. They're created at major reflection points in our lives, when major decisions are made. So the question that I have is - and that you and I have talked about a couple of times in maybe the last three years, about when I have created a probable self in my life - how many times have I done this in my life? I assume it's a finite number. (Pause)

ELIAS: In actuality, this may incorporate some difficulty in offering an actual number, for the action of generating probable selves and probable realities is not as black-and-white as you view it to be and is interconnected in a manner that may be somewhat confusing to your understanding within your reality. I may express to you, within what you would term to be the initial meetings of myself and individuals within this forum, I offered several explanations of probable selves and probable realities, and there was expressed much confusion in association with them.

For as you generate probable selves and probable realities, probable selves also generate probable realities and probable yous. Therefore, it is not merely a situation in which you generate choices to be altering directions and therefore generate probable selves, but probable selves also generate choices in difference of directions which generate probable yous, also.

FRANK: So it can be sort of limitless.

ELIAS: It is an action that is actually unlimited.

FRANK: Is it possible that I would generate a probable self and some other probable self would generate a probable self that were so similar or identical that they would sort of merge or become the same thing? I'm not sure if that question makes sense or not.

ELIAS: I am understanding. Yes, for they are all aspects of you, but they do generate their own individual choices, in like manner to yourself. But it is possible to be generating two probable selves that may be almost identical and merge the two.

FRANK: So the me that I recognize as me is really just the probable self that I'm focusing on at this particular moment?

ELIAS: It may be stated...

FRANK: I am always a probable self?

ELIAS: Correct. It may be stated in this manner, yes. This is the reason that I express to you all, you are MANY yous, not merely one; but within any moment you view yourself to be merely one.

FRANK: This business about blinking in and out, all these blinks are different probable selves?

ELIAS: Not necessarily. This action of blinking in and out is an action that is incorporated by each individual as an individual attention, and in that action, as you blink out you move your attention to other areas of consciousness - perhaps other physical dimensions, perhaps nonphysical expressions of essence. You allow yourself to move your attention to any and all other areas of consciousness.

And this is what I express to you, that you do actually incorporate all of the same information as do I; you merely in this particular physical reality do not incorporate a remembrance, for you choose to be interacting in this physical dimension in accordance with its blueprint.

Therefore you may be, in the moments of your blinking out, moving your attention to other probable selves, but you are not limited to that action.

FRANK: Okay ... well, it's getting kind of deep for me here, so... (Elias laughs) Let's go to some more mundane things! (Laughing)

Lately, my wife and I have had an urge to remodel our home, sort of complete the remodeling process that we started a long time ago. I'm just curious as to what the imagery is behind that.

ELIAS: And what is your assessment?

FRANK: Well, I think that it is something to do with our relationship, improving our relationship.

ELIAS: It also is imagery of change.

FRANK: Okay, which is the same thing.

ELIAS: And what energy are you expressing in this action? Are you becoming more familiar with your preferences?

FRANK: I don't know, am I? (Elias laughs with Frank) Well, let's see. Let's think about this. I have a desire to do it, and I'm trying to find a way to do it in the midst of what I perceive to be financial obstacles. I don't know if that makes me more familiar with myself or not.

ELIAS: It is allowing you to become somewhat more familiar with your preferences: what you prefer in your environment, what you prefer in association with your relationship, and your preferences in association with generating ease. Not that you are necessarily generating ease, but you are becoming aware of your preference to create that.

FRANK: Okay, so that's all good stuff. (Elias laughs) When you say "becoming more aware of my desire to create ease," that implies that I was not aware of a desire to create ease in my movement, and that doesn't seem accurate to me.

ELIAS: I am not expressing that you were not aware; I expressed to you that you are becoming MORE aware.

FRANK: Oh, well, that's good! That sounds like a precursor to generating more ease in movement! (Elias laughs) Right?

ELIAS: Correct!

FRANK: Well, the big obstacle here seems to be the financial on this thing, which is a recurrent theme here and I guess with lots of other people. Do you have any words of wisdom in that area?

ELIAS: (Chuckles) And this appears to be your obstacle in MANY expressions! You choose a direction, and the initial obstacle is financial. But I may suggest to you that you allow yourself to acknowledge yourself in what you have already created for this is a validation to you, and it is also evidence to you that you do allow yourself to generate money in association with what you want.

FRANK: That's been sort of true lately.

ELIAS: I may express to you that you move your attention in anticipation of the future and forget what you have already created, which is your evidence to yourself that you DO incorporate the ability to create what you want, and you also do create much of that in an expression of ease. You merely complicate it, for you project your attention futurely and generate anticipations and "what ifs."

FRANK: Yeah, well. (Laughs, and Elias chuckles) Gee, I've heard that before!

ELIAS: In time frameworks in which you perceive you need money, my friend, you have consistently generated it.

FRANK: Yes, I guess I have.

ELIAS: And you generate it in creative manners. Therefore, perhaps you shall allow yourself to merely relax, move in your direction, and trust that you shall generate what you want. You have, thus far! Ha ha!

FRANK: Yeah, you know what? There it is - there's that great example of focusing on the now.

ELIAS: Correct! Ha ha ha!

FRANK: Interesting. Anything else going on in respect to this, in terms of the imagery and what's going on here?

ELIAS: I may offer the suggestion to you to merely pay attention, and what may be significant to pay attention to is cooperation - not compromise, not acquiescing, but cooperation.

FRANK: This is a sort of a way to practice that?

ELIAS: Yes. Recognize that there are differences of perceptions and different preferences, but that those differences are not threatening and that you may incorporate an action of cooperation.

FRANK: And the difference between cooperation and compromise is ... I would say that compromise means you accept something you don't want, and cooperation is you find something that both people do want?

ELIAS: In a manner of speaking, yes. It is engaging your choices and not limiting them to the "either/or" expressions, not acquiescing in expressions that you do not prefer or that you do not want to be incorporating, but allowing yourself to engage your creativity and explore more of your expressions to discover the similarities in the differences that may generate a cooperation.

FRANK: I understand that.

Let's see. Next, Sterling tried out for the baseball team at school and didn't make it, and was sort of disappointed about it. I would like to ask you, what were his reasons for that choice? What was happening there?

ELIAS: And your impression?

FRANK: Number one, I think it was an expression of victimhood to some extent. Number two, I think he really didn't want to do it. He really wanted more time to just do whatever he wanted to do, as opposed to being regimented.

ELIAS: And both of your impressions are correct.

Now; the first impression actually incorporates a pay-off, also. For in this, as he presents himself to be disappointed and not accomplishing - being the victim - he also generates a responsiveness of sympathy which is comforting, and he also offers himself an excuse to allow himself to not be as regimented, as you stated, but without what he perceives to be a struggle in merely expressing that he does not want to be incorporating this game.

FRANK: In other words, for whatever reason, he just didn't want to say, "I don't want to do it."

ELIAS: Correct.

FRANK: Probably because he thought he would disappoint other people?

ELIAS: Partially, and also that he perceived that this would generate somewhat of a conflict. At times, individuals choose to incorporate what you term to be failure, for it is easier.

FRANK: That would explain a lot of other things.

ELIAS: (Chuckles) And also successfulness generates expectations, for the most part.

FRANK: The last time we talked, I told you about a pain in my elbow, which is sort of going away but not really. You had talked about how this involved some beliefs about age and flexibility and things like that. Now, the fact that it's still there, does that tell me that I still continue to express those beliefs, that I haven't accepted it or chosen to express another one, or is it just that it takes time, or what's the situation there?

ELIAS: It is associated with your continued expression of this belief, and also in association with time, with seasons. You are moving into your season of spring, are you not?

FRANK: Oh yes. It's a beautiful day today.

ELIAS: (Chuckles) Which is also emphasizing this belief, for as you move into your spring you also move into your season of outdoor activities.

FRANK: Okay, and the mere fact that if there's more physical activity going on, that sort of activates this belief or reinforces it?

ELIAS: Yes, for there is more of an expectation of performance.

FRANK: So the prescription is the same (Elias laughs), in terms of accepting the belief and expressing something different? I'm still not sure I know how to do that.

ELIAS: Pay attention to what you are doing in the moment and acknowledge yourself. This is the method.

Rather than what you term to be taking for granted what you actually do, pay attention to what you actually do and how you present yourself, and acknowledge that and appreciate it rather than moving your attention to the future and anticipating what you may be or what you may be doing. Appreciate what you are doing now.

FRANK: You're saying with respect to this physical manifestation?

ELIAS: Yes, for this is associated, as I have discussed with you, with your beliefs concerning age and physical accomplishment, that your ability to accomplish is diminished with age. Therefore, pay attention to what you actually DO accomplish and appreciate that, and this shall alter your perception, which...

FRANK: I'm sorry; you're saying not just with respect to my elbow, but just in general?


FRANK: Okay. So it's like physical, mental, whatever.

ELIAS: Any expression that may be associated with a diminished ability due to age, which there are many. (16-second pause)

FRANK: I'm just writing this down.

ELIAS: As you accomplish, my friend, and you acknowledge yourself, you automatically shift your attention from that belief and alter your perception. The alteration of your perception is the evidence that you have shifted to a different expressed belief, and this requires no thought and actually involves no thinking. It is a matter of doing and appreciating.

FRANK: I see that our time is up, so as always, I thank you. It's always fun and enlightening.

ELIAS: (Laughs) And I express to you, I anticipate our next meeting, and I shall be offering my encouragement in your endeavor of your remodeling! Ha ha ha!

FRANK: Thank you very much! Too bad you're a ghost - you could come over and help!

ELIAS: (Laughs loudly) I shall offer helpfulness in other manners! (Frank laughs) Perhaps I may offer my energy to you in a moment that you may be expressing some physical hurtfulness to yourself, and together we may prevent that action! Ha ha! Or perhaps I shall merely be amused! (Chuckles, and Frank laughs) Ha ha ha!

Very well, my friend! (Still laughing)

FRANK: Thank you very much!

ELIAS: I shall be anticipating our next discussion. To you, as always in great affection and amusement - ha ha ha! - au revoir.

FRANK: Goodbye.

Elias departs at 8:22 AM.

©2003 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved

Copyright 2003 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.