Intimacy as an Expression of Interconnectedness
”Intimacy as an Expression of Interconnectedness”
”Relationships: Paying Attention to Preference”
Saturday, May 25, 2002 (Private/Phone)
Participants: Mary (Michael) and Ben (Albert)
Elias arrives at 1:34 PM. (Arrival time is 20 seconds.)
ELIAS: Good afternoon!
BEN: Good afternoon!
ELIAS: Ha ha! And how shall we proceed?
BEN: Well, actually, I just thought of something this second. I listened to the last tape of our session, which was about a month ago, and it got cut short because Mary came out of trance. I know you were in the middle of saying something, so if you had a thought you wanted to finish, we could do that first.
ELIAS: It matters not. You may continue. (Laughs)
BEN: It was one of those things where I can’t help thinking that, you know, she just doesn’t come out of trance for no reason. I just kept thinking maybe I wasn’t ready to hear whatever you had to say or whatever that was.
ELIAS: (Chuckles) And also that Michael perhaps is, in your terms, not ready for the information offered.
BEN: That’s interesting, because I know one of the things that I was probably going to... I guess I’m still going in that direction. We’ve been having this discussion about the concept of - especially where it applies to intimate relationships - of trying to get everything we want in one person, that somehow that we think this is an innate need or desire, that we can’t just have one person that we like to do this with and one person we like to do that with and share our experiences with several people - you know what I mean. As a people or a culture or whatever, we keep thinking like there must be somebody out there that will want to do all of these things.
ELIAS: Correct.
BEN: She wanted me to ask a question along those lines, like why do we do that?
ELIAS: This is an association with mass beliefs in relation to your concept of soul mates and your romanticizing of that concept of soul mates.
BEN: Oh, that’s it?
ELIAS: And you do set forth a considerable amount of rules as to your expectations with regard to intimate relationships in association with your belief of soul mates, that you require all of these qualities that you set forth individually that you want and project that to another individual, generating the responsibility for creating your reality and your pleasure to the other individual.
What in actuality you are seeking is the freedom to be allowing yourselves to express these qualities yourselves. But with the incorporation of your beliefs and the familiarity of projecting your attention outwardly to other individuals, you generate the expectation that this shall be fulfilled, so to speak, through the expression of another individual rather than yourselves.
BEN: I was going to talk about this later, but I’ll talk about this now. Since the last time we talked, my sex life has been all over the place. When we talked before, we talked about me going to yoga class and scanning the room or whatever. Then the next week it was a completely different thing, which was hilarious to me. I became interactive with Joe again; I had the best sex of my life; I had all kinds of things. I got into a situation where I had the choice of being in a three-way. It’s been so weird to me that all this stuff has been going on in the past month. There’s a lot of movement going on there.
ELIAS: Correct, and what is your assessment?
BEN: I think about it in terms of just what you were talking about, it being about me and not about anybody else, about my willingness to express myself or whatever.
ELIAS: Correct, and offering yourself the freedom to enact that and experimenting with allowing yourself to generate what you want. And in that experimentation, you challenge yourself to be defining what you want in many different directions, and an element of that challenge is defining what you want in the creation of an intimate romantic relationship.
BEN: But I keep going back to this idea of this validation from other people or this thing of wanting to have some kind of complementary aspect to ourselves by other people. It’s just like when I say, ’Oh, you like someone else because they share the same interests you do,’ but why do you even need that? If you already have the interests, what difference does it make if someone else has it or not? But yet we like it when there’s something to be able to share: ’I like this just fine myself. But if you like it too, that’s even better, because now I can share this! I’m not just doing it alone.’
ELIAS: Correct.
Now; this is an innate quality within you all, and the reason that you express this is in association with the reality of interconnectedness, and in a manner of speaking, attempting to offer yourselves evidence of the lack of separation. For within your perceptions you generate the influence of this belief of separation in many, many manners, which reinforces a sense of isolation within the individual.
You generate singularity. You generate a singular physical body form, which reinforces this belief of separation quite strongly. For as you view yourself objectively as an entity, you associate yourself as being separated from every other expression within your reality. You do not view yourself as generating all of your reality and your reality as being an aspect of you.
Therefore, the manner in which you allow yourselves to translate objectively some expression of interconnectedness in familiarity is to create friendships and intimate relationships with other individuals, offering yourself expressions of similarities and preference similarities and also intimate romantic relationships, in which, within the guidelines of your beliefs, you shall allow yourselves more of an expression of interconnectedness, for you also allow yourselves the expression of sexual activity.
What you are actually expressing is this innate quality and knowing of this interconnectedness and that you are not a separate entity. In this, you choose to be continuing to enact certain directions in association with relationships with other individuals in the old familiarity.
Now; the challenge with that action is that you are moving in a shifted reality. Therefore, you continue to attempt to generate the familiar expressions and rules, but you also recognize an inner dissatisfaction with those expressions and those directions. The inner dissatisfaction is generated in association with your expanded awareness and with your movement in allowance and freedom in association with yourselves, and in offering yourselves information which you are assimilating concerning how you create your reality and the significance of incorporating a relationship with yourself, and therefore not generating those expectations in association with another individual.
But this type of movement into an intimate relationship, especially in association with a romantic relationship, is quite unfamiliar. Therefore it is not yet clear within many of you how you may be paying attention to yourself, offering yourself freedom to generate what you want, but also continuing to incorporate the type of relationship that is familiar to you.
As you continue to widen your awareness and you continue to create a familiarity within yourself and offer yourself the freedom to express yourself in what you want, you shall become clearer in the manners in which you may also be incorporating intimacy in relationship with another individual - not in that old familiarity, but in the expression of the shifted awareness and not generating the expectations in relation to other individuals.
In a manner of speaking, my friend, you are incorporating a type of transitional time framework in which you are actually generating more of an insertion of this shift in consciousness into your actual reality, actualizing it in altering your perception and generating quite different expressions.
BEN: I can see that. But you know, one of the things that you bring up and when we were talking about the expectations of the other person, I sit there and think okay, I can have whatever it is I want, and then I’m looking to this other person and saying, ’Well, for whatever reason, this person is not what I want.’ If I continue to agree with myself that I want something else, then it seems like I’m saying basically that I want someone else and not expecting the other person to change. It’s just like you continue going if you’re honest with yourself and this is what you really want, you’ll stop looking at this particular person to provide it for you. You’ll just look for someone else.
ELIAS: Not necessarily, for underlyingly...
BEN: I know! In your way, if I just agreed to whatever I wanted, the whole world is going to turn around and agree with me, right?
ELIAS: Not necessarily, either. (Chuckles)
BEN: Okay, somewhere in the middle! (Laughing)
ELIAS: (Laughs) You are merely recognizing that it is not a matter of replacing one individual with another individual.
BEN: No, for me it’s just the question of... We just go back to the whole idea of the motivation and the want to express yourself or whatever; that if you, for whatever the circumstances, are not expressing yourself in a particular way, you just basically are hanging onto the idea of wanting to express yourself and not looking outside yourself for anybody else to want to share that with you, anybody specific you want to share that with you.
ELIAS: I am understanding. But be remembering, you also express quite naturally this desire to be expressing intimacy with other individuals as your objective expression of the lack of separation, and this desire is quite strong.
The transitional expression is attempting to express a clarity in allowing yourself your freedom, not generating an expectation of the other individual, offering yourself the ability to generate what you want, and recognizing your preferences and not forcing your energy.
What generates confusion many times are your associations in black and white and absolutes: if you incorporate the ability to generate whatever you want in the moment, you should incorporate the ability to create the other individual precisely as you wish them to be manifest. What you do not recognize in that scenario is that you are interacting with the energy of the other individual, and you do not pay attention to your natural expression of PREFERENCE in association with the expression of the other individual’s energy.
BEN: Can you clarify that? The way you’re emphasizing the word ’preference’ I feel like I’m missing something.
ELIAS: I offer to you all information. You incorporate this information, for you draw it to yourselves. You assimilate the information to a point (Ben laughs), but you also quite naturally and understandably incorporate the information in familiar manners.
Now; you do allow yourselves to widen your awareness and incorporate unfamiliar movement, which expands your understanding objectively and also is tremendously affecting of your perceptions. But in this scenario that we are discussing, this is a very commonly expressed direction of movement that is generated in old familiarities, for the concepts of creating the perception of another individual becomes confused and clouded, for you automatically associate in absolutes.
Now; you become preoccupied with the ideas of creating the other individual as a challenge to yourselves, rather than actually paying attention to your individual preferences in association with the energy projection of the other individual.
Even within yourselves, there are some expressions or actions or behaviors that are preferred and some that are not preferred, and therefore you generate the actions that are preferred in the moments that you recognize what your preferences are. Many times, you do not incorporate an objective awareness of what your preferences are, for you have not allowed yourself that intimacy with self. Are you following?
BEN: Yes.
ELIAS: Therefore, as you incorporate this information, you become distracted with the idea of creating the perception of the other individual, and this becomes an absolute: ’I am creating the other individual.’ No, you are creating the IMAGE of the other individual, but you are not creating the other individual. The other individual exists within its own right.
You do directly interact with the energy projection of the other individual, which, as I have stated, you configure and project into an actual physical manifestation, and all of these actions are purposeful and not accidental. You do not draw individuals to yourself accidentally but rather to offer yourselves an avenue of reflection that you may offer information to yourself concerning what you are creating, what you want, what your preferences are. These are all reflections to allow you to become more intimately familiar with yourself.
The distraction is created in moving your attention to the idea of creating the other individual, and the snare is that if you are creating the other individual you should incorporate the ability to create the other individual in precisely the manner that you want. This becomes a distraction, and more consuming of your attention and your energy than recognizing the opportunity to familiarize yourself with you and your preferences.
Now; as you allow yourself to become familiar with your preferences and you interact with another individual, you may allow yourself to evaluate how the other individual’s energy expression is associated with your preference or your lack of preference. Therefore, it is not a matter of if this individual is expressing an energy that is not in alignment with your preference that you disengage interaction with this individual and incorporate another individual, or if this individual is not moving in association with your preference that you attempt to alter your perception to create the individual to BE an expression of your preference, but rather allowing yourself to generate the preference yourself.
BEN: Okay... I’m going to go in a different direction now.
ELIAS: (Laughs) Very well!
BEN: So, when Mikah and I went to see the movie ’Spiderman,’ seeing Spiderman flying around the way he was, I was sitting there saying to myself, ’Oh, this is kind of the way I move in my dreams,’ in my lucid dreams, that kind of gymnastic flipping around. It was also one of those things, that when I watch that kind of thing it gets you sick to your stomach or dizzy.
Later that evening, I was pretty intoxicated and I couldn’t get to sleep because when I would try to fall asleep in the chair I would be so dizzy or whatever else that I thought that I was going to fall through the chair or something else like that. For quite a while the next day, I was still walking around like something was going on.
I’m going to tell you that my impression of what was going on was I felt like I was going to literally, objectively begin dreaming, that I had the choice to actually move like that in real life (Elias nods in agreement), and to me, I associated that with being sick to my stomach. I mean, if the floor wasn’t solid anymore, if reality wasn’t the way I thought it was going to be, that I was going to get sick.
ELIAS: Correct.
BEN: I would like to experience something like that without getting sick. That’s the fear or whatever. In fact, that’s what I don’t like about being in planes. It’s just that feeling in my stomach of changing altitudes quickly. I mean, I don’t really care if the plane changes altitudes quickly; what I don’t like is the fact of feeling in my stomach the way I do.
ELIAS: Correct, and this is associated with control.
BEN: Any advice on that?
ELIAS: I may express to you merely to allow yourself to examine your beliefs in association with control and a lack of control, and your association of fear with the expression of the lack of control, a lack of surety of what may occur and of what you may generate in the power of your own energy.
BEN: I guess I don’t even need to ask you this, but I’m sure you’re going to tell me that it’s well within my ability to do what I actually was scared was going to happen.
ELIAS: Yes! It IS within your ability. You have offered yourself a brief experience objectively in recognition that you may generate your reality to be much less solid, and you may incorporate physical movement that you believe to be impossible, for it is not impossible.
BEN: Part three of my notes for today, I have become aware lately of an impulse to be objectively interactive with the baby Roses. Now, I’ve always been sort of interested in this nine manifestations of Rose thing, but lately it was just sort of this kind of thing where I’m thinking, ’Oh, they’re all about six or seven years old now, and I would really like to hang out with one of them.’ I think that I could be a good influence on one of them. It even went so far as thinking about being interactive with one of their fathers, but that was an add-on! (Elias laughs)
I guess I was trying to figure out if there was some way that I could possibly be in a situation where I could be interactive with one of the Roses on a daily basis. So, of course, I started asking around about who knew one and where they were and whatever else. I’d like to know what’s behind that impulse. Because I know in some sense you’re going to tell me I’m already interactive with them...
ELIAS: Yes, but...
BEN: ...but what is this impulse about?
ELIAS: Yes, but this is not the point.
BEN: I don’t see why I shouldn’t just follow through with it, except I don’t exactly know how I would go about it.
ELIAS: You may, if you are so choosing. I may suggest to you that you examine your motivation.
BEN: Well, that’s what I’m trying to figure out. That’s why I thought you might be able to help me. Where did this come from? I mean, in some sense it’s like we just go back to projecting onto the other person, like my impulse for wanting to baby-sit some seven-year-old is really to baby-sit the seven-year-old inside of me.
ELIAS: If your motivation is curiosity in what you may offer to yourself in information in relation to these small ones’ energy expressions, I may suggest to you an encouragement to allow yourself that freedom. If your motivation is to be influencing of them, I shall suggest to you that you examine your motivation.
BEN: (Laughs) Actually, you’re right. To me, the curiosity is about them and what they would teach me. Yes, you’re absolutely right. You’re hitting it much more on the head, actually.
ELIAS: And why shall you deny yourself this experience?
BEN: Because my beliefs are that I don’t know who any of these people are. I know you’re going to tell me, ’Oh, you just go look on the Game board. You see one of them is in Edinburgh, you get on a plane, you go over there, and you just happen to run into one,’ or ’If you really open yourself up, you’ll know exactly what their names are and their phone numbers are and whatever else.’ But I have these objective beliefs that make me think that it doesn’t work that way.
ELIAS: Very well, but you also incorporate information and within your beliefs the means to be interactive or to be presenting yourself to two of them.
BEN: I have had a discussion with both Michael and Shynla, and I guess there is still a possibility that with Shynla’s help I could become interactive with one of them. But apparently Olivia’s aware of another one - objectively aware of another one.
ELIAS: And...?
BEN: So that’s another possibility. I’m trying to work all those angles, yes, but so far I’m coming up with nothing.
ELIAS: Ah, but YOU create your reality, my friend.
BEN: (Laughs) Yes, thank you for reminding me!
ELIAS: Therefore, if you are not offering yourself what you view to be conclusive information, you are also offering yourself a communication that you continue to incorporate hesitancy in actually allowing yourself to freely express yourself and to engage one of these small ones.
BEN: Is one of them in Castaic now? (Pause)
BEN: There’s one in Virginia that I’m sort of objectively aware of, and one in Washington state.
BEN: And those are the two you are referring to.
ELIAS: Yes, which if you are so choosing and if you are allowing yourself, you may objectively encounter either of these small ones with relatively little challenge. It is merely a matter of offering yourself permission to generate what you want and express freely. This is a challenge, my friend (Ben laughs), and you have chosen a particular objective expression to illustrate to yourself...
BEN: That I am creating my reality.
ELIAS: ...the strength of the challenge. You do allow yourself to express what you want and...
BEN: To me, even just telling people about this impulse is already something, because when I talk about it people seem to find this to be ... they have their own perception of this particular impulse. So to me, even just telling people that this is what I want to do should already set up something, put the wheels in motion.
ELIAS: It is partially allowing yourself to express yourself, but you also continue to concern yourself with the perceptions of other individuals. Therefore, what you are generating is a process, which involves allowing yourself your own expression of freedom. (Pause)
BEN: I think part of it just has to do with the fact that I’m in this situation where I think I’m waiting for other people to give me information or permission or whatever else. It’s not like I could just get up and go do it myself.
ELIAS: Ah, very well. (Both laugh) And this may be another aspect to be examining.
BEN: Yeah, that’s when it gets tricky. (Elias laughs)
Well, just because I’m thinking about this now, there was another small one that I used to be interactive with, Roger’s nephew, Kaden. It was one of those situations where he seemed to know me. I really wasn’t that familiar with him, but he knew me right away. Was there some kind of relationship between the two of us, that he completely gravitated to me immediately?
ELIAS: Yes. This is a recognition of other shared focuses. Small ones allow themselves a clearer recognition of themselves and do not question the impressions and the familiarity of energy as do you as you incorporate greater age.
BEN: I think in that sense, as you say, all small ones are that way in particular, but then I think that a small baby Rose must be like that times ten.
ELIAS: Not necessarily. As I have expressed, this is not the point of these manifestations. These manifestations of these small ones have not been generated as some guiding force or that they incorporate a greater awareness than do other small ones manifesting in this time framework in this shift.
This has been expressed purposefully in an offering of energy in helpfulness of this essence of Rose in association with shifting the energy within your physical dimension from that of a male expression to the female expression of energy, and this is the reason that the manifestations are all generated in the gender of male.
BEN: Well, I guess I’ll have to see that for myself, won’t I?
ELIAS: Very well! (Both laugh)
BEN: I guess I can end up with maybe some focus questions or something like that.
I know from talking to Mikah that he had to find out some more about the focuses that we share, and to borrow Lawrence’s word, fuckus, apparently we’ve got two of those. This one that he was talking about where he was female and I was male, it just... What’s my question here? I have almost no impressions about that sort of situation at all.
ELIAS: And your inquiry?
BEN: (Laughs) Help me out here! When was this?
ELIAS: Let me express to you, my friend, individuals do not always offer themselves the same information or impressions in association with the same focuses. One individual may offer themselves more of a clarity in association with one focus that they incorporate with another individual, and the other individual may offer themselves no impressions concerning that particular focus. This also is purposeful, for it is an expression of your differences of attention and the differences in your associations with your individual curiosities.
Mikah may incorporate a curiosity in association with intimacies expressed between yourself and himself, and you may generate more of a curiosity in association with whether the focus generated a colorfulness or not. Therefore, those focuses of attention that you do not sense, in a manner of speaking, generating a colorfulness or an expression of a peacock, you are not necessarily curious of. Therefore, you may assure yourself that in that focus you are not a peacock! Ha ha ha!
BEN: Oh, I wasn’t - but he was!
ELIAS: But you are not curious of whether the other individual was a peacock! Ha ha ha!
BEN: Yeah, you’re right! I guess I was a peacock enough times. I don’t have to worry about it. (Elias laughs)
Out of the total, how many female focuses do I have?
ELIAS: And what is your impression?
BEN: Percentage-wise, I would think a small amount compared to the whole. I relate to very few of them. I mean, I think I’ve only ever related to one of them, which seems to be quite odd to me. I would think that I would have no problem going in that direction. I just think that the reason I don’t go in that direction is because there aren’t that many of them.
ELIAS: Partially. Your impression is correct. You do prefer to be manifesting in the gender of male. I may express to you, approximately one quarter of your focuses are manifest as female.
BEN: Perhaps they’re not so colorful! That’s why I don’t notice!
ELIAS: Ha ha! Perhaps! (Chuckles)
BEN: What’s the draw that Mikah and I have currently to Amsterdam? Because we’re planning a trip there in July, and we were saying that it’s odd we both want to go to Amsterdam at the same time when neither one of us is necessarily objectively aware of having any focuses in that particular location. That’s usually why we like to travel.
ELIAS: (Laughs) And perhaps in this moment you are generating this shared draw in association with the colorfulness of the location and a draw to a different expression of energy.
BEN: Quite within this focus, you mean.
BEN: That’s fine; I’ll take that.
I couldn’t quite understand the significance of the fact that Mikah and I have two fuckuses together but yet we’re supposed to have four that incorporate Emilio, so I would imagine that... Was she involved with the two that we already know about?
ELIAS: Yes. And what is the nature of your confusion?
BEN: Because I’m thinking, how am I supposed to have been sexually interactive with Mikah only twice and yet sexually interactive with the three of us on four occasions?
ELIAS: Misunderstanding. I have expressed that you have incorporated this expression of sexual activity but not necessarily with yourself and Mikah. I am not expressing to you that you ALL are engaging sexual activity with each other simultaneously.
BEN: But did that happen? (Laughs) It’s much more colorful. (Elias chuckles) I guess that’s incorporating his interest in intimate activity and my interest in colorful behavior!
ELIAS: (Laughs loudly) Correct! You each incorporate sexual activity with Emilio, but not necessarily with each other.
BEN: I could see that.
ELIAS: (Laughing) And this be your colorfulness and also satisfying of Mikah’s curiosity of sexual activity. (Both laugh)
BEN: So I have an impression right now that Michael and I were the Franco-Prussian soldiers and that I suppose we were both having sex with Emilio as a female, but just not at the same time.
ELIAS: Correct.
BEN: Were we aware that we were each interactive with Emilio...
BEN: the time?
BEN: Was she a hooker?
BEN: How very colorful! (Elias laughs) Okay, I think we’re about done here. I don’t want to overstay my welcome.
ELIAS: (Laughs) Very well. You may express to Mikah, I am aware of his curiosity and interest in challenging relationships, which he continues now!
BEN: Yes, he is quite ... that would be his preference, yes. (Elias chuckles) Maybe he’s doing the same thing I am with this whole big ’intimate relationships during the transitional phases of the shift.’
ELIAS: (Chuckles) Quite a challenge, my friend! (Ben laughs)
Very well! As always, I express my affection to you and to Mikah, and I offer my encouragement and supportiveness in your movement. I shall be anticipating our next meeting and our colorful discussion.
BEN: Why, thank you.
ELIAS: To you this day, my friend, au revoir.
BEN: Au revoir.
Elias departs at 2:34 PM.
(1) For an overview of the nine manifestations of the essence of Rose - and what that has to do with the shift - see , 7/16/98, as an introduction.
(2) A copy of the Game board is on-line at ; the information that Ben is talking about is under the category of ’Name and Location of Babies.’
©2004 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved
Copyright 2002 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.