Too Good To Be True
“Too Good To Be True”
Sunday, January 31, 1999-2 © 1999 (Private/Phone)
Participants: Mary (Michael) and Lynda (Ruther).
Elias arrives at 3:27 PM. (Arrival time is 19 seconds)
ELIAS: Good day.
LYNDA: Hi, Elias! (Elias chuckles) It is very nice to hear
your voice in this way. I am having a really fun, rather interesting
and exciting experience that I want to call a cresting experience.
May I describe a little bit of it to you, and get your input?
ELIAS: You may.
LYNDA: Thank you. I even drew a
little diagram born out of this cresting experience, and I’m holding it
up so you can look at it! (Laughing) I don’t want to bore you with
the details since I have a feeling you are pretty much understanding of
it, but it is a crest that has three lines in it, and the first line begins
on the date 1/28, I think it’s 1971, and continues almost to the cresting
point, and I call it John; the years of my first discovery of an expanded
awareness, which I didn’t know wasn’t Jesus, and then my subsequent years
with John, which were almost 23, and then the underneath part of the crest
has got Seth, and the underneath part of that crest has got your name and
the number 2, and I know the timing isn’t that important, but it’s interesting
because the longer crest, or the longer motion of this wave, was the 25
years with John, the shorter is with Seth, and the even very much shorter
is with you, and I feel like the last ... even since our last phone conversation,
has been sort of a final push, for lack of a better word, into this very
nice cresting experience I’m having. Would you like to make a comment
at this point?
ELIAS: (Chuckling) And you are sharing elements of your
movement presently, within your sojourn, of your discovery in more of the
areas of your own acceptance.
LYNDA: Huh! That’s exactly right, and because underneath
the word “crest,” which has a straight line, I have the words “self, self
trust, self knowing,” and emotionally secure is how this feels, because
I had another dialog with myself that triggered, or that I ... no, you
know something? It wasn’t like it magically triggered anything.
What it was is, I made a choice to receive the information I was getting
from myself, in this dialog that I just had a couple of days ago, as being
me, and that I could lean into it and trust it, and that’s when it started
for me, Elias.
ELIAS: Quite, for this is the beginnings of your turning of your
key. The key to all of this movement in addressing to belief systems
or participating within this shift in consciousness is the movement into
the acceptance of self — acceptance and trusting of self — and the knowing
that there is no element outside of yourself which is creating of your
reality, but that YOU are creating all of your reality as to be beneficial
to yourself, and also that you shall not be betraying yourself. Therefore,
you warrant your own trustfulness.
LYNDA: Yes, and isn’t it amazing! We discussed, the last
time we spoke, looking for commonalities, and I’ve applied that.
I’ve taken that information very much to heart and have been tracking the
commonalities and patterns within my own life, as you suggest, and Elias,
it is ... I want to quote you! I highlighted it in yellow from that Lawrence gave the heading “Goals/Success,” and I’ll read
it to you very quickly ‘cause it is so interesting: “You are inventive
creatures. You are extremely creative. You may build machinery
to explore your physical space, but you may not solve these tiny, individual
problems of successfulness within individuals, for no prophet or psychic
may express to you a method for accomplishment if you are not trusting
of you.” Boy, are you deep!
ELIAS: (Chuckling) Quite profound, but this also is to be
expected, is it not? (Grinning)
LYNDA: Can you say that again?
ELIAS: This is to be expected, is it not? For you expect
that I shall be delivering words of wisdom to you, for I am non-physically
focused within essence, therefore hold the ability much more efficiently
than do you!
LYNDA: Right!
ELIAS: Although now I may express to you that as profound as you
may view any of my expressions, your own expressions are equally matched.
It is merely a situation of your own trusting in self, and listening to
your own expressions.
Vic’s note: There has been an accelerating audio problem on Lynda’s
end since this session began, which is interesting as this wasn’t present
in her first two sessions. So, I will do the best I can, and indicate
“(inaudible)” when I can’t decipher her words.
LYNDA: Right! That was my point! (Elias chuckles)
The delight of experiencing me in relationship to (inaudible) personal,
and Elias, I emphasize, I know that for me, my (inaudible) point in self
awareness has been quite, quite in the area of trusting personal and intimate,
as well as conflicting, even, imagery, or ... oh, you know.
Anyway, all I’m saying is, it’s amazing to me how we all, in a sense,
have missed the holy boat or the bottom line, and I don’t say that in any
way derogatory, because there is no question that this shift in consciousness
has sped up, and time has shortened. For me, anyway, the time of
conflict has shortened a great deal, and consequently, the time of trauma,
and it’s interesting how we objectify even the most miraculous or awesome
connections! Anyway, I’m just marveling at our creativity as human
beings. And you also said, you addressed the issue of: “You shall
have desires which are in line with your intent.” And someone asked
a question — it was Drew: “Would wants that are not in alignment with our
intent be a result of belief systems?” and you said, “Absolutely.”
And when I first read this, Elias — the first time, when I got the information
— I remembered having the reaction, “Well, I don’t want to do something
I don’t want to do, but maybe I should do, not because it’s a bad thing
or a good thing, but maybe I should be open to doing.” You know,
I went into this whole sort of mental evaluation that had nothing to do
with what I have now discovered as my true desires, and I feel that however
these desires of mine manifest — and I have a general idea of many, because
there are going to be many — the blocking point for me was being afraid
to let myself hear them. Do you know what I’m saying?
ELIAS: Quite.
LYNDA: Because how could anything this good be good? (Elias chuckles
and Lynda laughs) You understand what I’m saying, I think.
ELIAS: Ah, and be this not how you have developed your expression
of certain elements being “too good to be true”?
LYNDA: Yes, exactly! That’s what I meant.
ELIAS: You are quite suspicious of any element that may appear
to you to be gained too easily, for this is unfamiliar.
LYNDA: Right! Elias, isn’t it funny? You know, the
whole teaching, or one of the latest trends in the self-awareness or even
the New Age, but sort of one of the new, psychological, trendy things is,
“getting out of your comfort zone.” And it hit me that my comfort
zone was what I was supposed to get back into! I’ve been hysterical,
laughing ever since! And isn’t that FUNNY? (Elias chuckles)
Well, it’s not funny to you. It’s hysterical to me!
ELIAS: It is quite interesting how you confuse yourselves with
your concepts, although in part I may express that in certain aspects,
this concept is correct in some directions, for in moving away from the
familiar, you also many times do present yourselves with fear and conflict,
but you may also present yourselves with new adventures in opening to more
aspects of your reality.
Therefore, in different types of expressions, individuals ARE connecting
with the concepts that are related to this shift in consciousness and have
merely not moved yet into what you may term physically as the next step,
which is to be moving into a comfort or an ease or an effortlessness WITHIN
that unfamiliarity; creating the familiarity, within yourself, of the unfamiliar.
LYNDA: Right. May I give you a couple of examples that were
the latest to trigger ... I’ve been working with your ... you gave an exercise
on the emphatic sense (meaning empathic), specifically with regard to concepts,
and you asked us or you asked the group to pick a concept and create a
landscape for it, and at a certain point since we last spoke, which was
part of this leading up to this cresting experience I’ve been explaining,
I chose to work with the concept of effortlessness, and
this was also connected to my desire to ... which I also at a point want
to ask you to expand for me ... color.
Anyway, I created a specific scene with effortlessness, and it was a
yellow field of tall wheat grass that was very bright yellow, and it was
just moving effortlessly in a very nice breeze, and it was interesting
to me that it was yellow because ... let me stay on the subject here.
Well, I guess I can keep going. Sitting here in my living room, there
are splashes of colored construction paper all over my walls, and my furniture
I hand-painted because it was rather dull when I got it, and because I
was so conflicted over being poor. I couldn’t stand to be poor, so
I needed to brighten myself up, is my only English way of saying it.
So I hand-painted all this furniture, and just a couple of days ago I was
mulling over the concept of color tiles, and I had my elbows on my table
and I looked down and I went, “Oh, there’s my color tile.” It’s a
design I’ve always used, and it’s colors!
Now, I read Jane Robert’s book on Oversoul Seven, and I was delighted
with the concept of color tiles, but would you link what I just said to
you, if you can, with my recent understanding or awareness of my personal
color tile right in front of me here? Plus a way I can ... now that
I have uncovered some beliefs that are balancing my whole system out, specifically
how the color yellow, the color blue, and the color green are in play here,
because I get a lot of blue dots lately, especially since I met you, and
I have a feeling that these blue dots ... and I got the concept “think
blue” when I was going through a particular bit of confusion a few days
back, and it’s unfolded all this stuff about color and effortlessness AND
my very emphatic (empathic) sense, which has always been something of a
curse to me, because it’s hard for me to tune into other people that are
going through what I have gone through or am going through, and this is
like a cycle with me, and I judge myself very harshly about this, and I
just stopped judging myself and started accepting myself, and all this
other stuff happened!
Alright, I’m done talking. If you can jump in here, you’re a miracle
ELIAS: (Chuckling) This color of yellow is representative,
within the energy centers, of the expression of emotion.
Now; I shall also interject that the appearance of blue is, as you have
interpreted, the expression of my energy, which is offered to you in confirmation
as you move through your explorations. Therefore, there is an offering
of energy which I choose to be expressing in the color of blue.
The green is imagery that you have presented to yourself in conjunction
with communication, in alignment with counterpart action involving the
Ilda family. In this, you allow yourself to draw upon this energy
and begin to express yourself in communication with other individuals.
In this, the expression of green is your validation to yourself that you
are connecting with energy of this expressed family.
As I have expressed previously, the yellow also is the identification
in vibrational quality of the Vold, but it also is expressed within energy
centers and generates emotional qualities and expressions.
Therefore, this is the explanation of the presentment of these particular
three colors that you offer to yourself in imagery presently.
LYNDA: Wow, that’s great to hear that! May I continue with
some more imagery that I’ve gotten, related to specifically the blue dots?
ELIAS: You may.
LYNDA: Elias, I recently did view the game board up at Vic’s house,
and I have been inquiring about Rastin, just in general, and the transition
from Rastin to Elias, and I don’t know if this sounds right, but would
it have anything to do with my parallel movement? Because I got blue
dots when I was in the belief system with John, and although they were
way few and far between, they were definitely memories of mine at certain
points of remembering and knowing, and I feel like they were you as Rastin,
kind of keeping me on the Sumafi track of staying with the thread of my
intent. Does that sound right?
ELIAS: Correct. Be not confused in the element of time framework,
for it matters not that the time framework is different, for within non-physical
areas of consciousness, it is all simultaneous.
LYNDA: Right. Okay, that would make sense.
I also have been having a really fun remembrance or an expanded understanding
of Hawaii, and my music taste is quite eclectic,
from Frank Sinatra to Maria Callas and opera, Madam Butterfly, the third
act, Jerry Lewis — one of my favorites is The Geisha Boy — a lot of seemingly
funny imagery because it’s mixed in with my present love for Jerry Lewis,
but it has also led me to some imagery about a focus or two I may have
had in Japan.
But before I get into those specifics, I want to address first the Hawaiian
connection, because the Hawaiian language, as you know, is all vowels,
and it’s got a very appealing cadence to me, and I’ve been dancing and
loving it, just for the last few days again. I have a specific CD
I play all the time from (inaudible) that is a great mix of this kind of
Hawaiian music, and the experience one morning ... I think — and this even
sounds a little mixed up too — but my name of Ruther, the tone sound or
the tone Ruther, I felt like ... oh, I’ll just say it Elias. Whatever.
I felt like I could extend it to say, Ruther Elani Aya, and the “aya” is
a little vague, but I just got that and I’m not quite sure about it, but
the Ruther Elani ... does that have anything to do with an expansion of
my tone name?
ELIAS: There is an element in the tone that aligns with this.
Now; let me explain to you that each individual focus holds what you term
to be a name. This is your physical designation of identification.
Therefore, each of these physical namings are also incorporated into the
overall tone, so to speak, of essence. Elements of each tone of each
focus are aspects of essence that all comprise the tonal quality of essence.
Therefore, in one manner of speaking, yes, you may incorporate this
other word or tonal quality into essence, but not necessarily into the
translation of essence name. I offer to you the aspect of the essence
tone that may be translated into a word within your physical language.
Other aspects of your tone may not necessarily be translated into physical
Therefore, there are more aspects to the tone than I have presented
to you, but they are not translatable into your physical language.
What you have identified and offered to yourself is the recognition of
how each focus tone is incorporated into the tone of essence, so to speak.
LYNDA: I see. So, to clarify that for myself, the burst
of several different images I got that started in Hawaii are the burst
of several different or other focuses I currently have that led me ...
the experience led me to other experiences within this present focus.
So, it’s not necessarily related to the name Ruther, but it was an interesting
way I chose to get some information about other focuses? Would that
be correct also?
ELIAS: Partially. You are correct in that this is an identification
of another focus, but you are also correct that this plays into, in a manner
of speaking, the essence name of Ruther, for it is an aspect of the tone.
It is one aspect of the tone that all together creates the translation
into the physical word of Ruther, for each focus that you hold also contributes
an aspect of tone to essence, which is that which comprises the entirety
of tone and is translated into the word of Ruther.
LYNDA: Oh, how interesting! So, if I got some information
about a focus in Hawaii ... and maybe the focus’ name, then, had something
to do with Yolani or Alani or ... it came to me as Eolani. So this
may have been more specific to that focus in Hawaii?
ELIAS: Correct. This is the naming!
LYNDA: Oh, I see! Okay, so that was my next thing.
When I was in Hawaii in 1994, I was being helpful in a young girl’s wedding,
and it was in Honolulu, and her father, Larry, is one of the few native
Hawaiians around, and his whole family was there, and his ex-wife Carolyn
is Dutch and quite American. So there were two families there, and
an older Hawaiian woman, and I was very comfortable with the Hawaiian people
and I’m very comfortable in Hawaii, and this older woman came up behind
me and put a (inaudible) on top of my head, which is a crown of ... like
a royal crown, which was part of the wedding ceremony, and it really made
me cry. It touched me so deeply that she was doing that, because
at the time I was in the process of transitioning out of the group, and
I was going through a lot of emotional conflict, and this came as sort
of a blessing ... it just blessed me! And now looking back on it,
did I have a focus in Hawaii of a woman that was maybe either a queen or
in a royal family?
ELIAS: No. What you have tapped into is a partial remembrance
of holding a focus in this physical location and identifying with the customs
and practices of these peoples, so to speak, but this is not necessarily
imagery to be suggesting that there is a connection with royalty, so to
speak, in that focus. It is merely an identification of the culture,
and a remembrance in fondness of this particular focus.
Let me also express to you that as you allow yourself to physically
connect with certain locations throughout your planet that you hold other
focuses within, this is a common expression, that you SHALL experience
a feeling of comfortableness and ease within that particular culture, and
in this, you also allow yourself a triggering of certain remembrances.
This may not appear to you necessarily within thought processes, but at
times may merely appear within your awareness in feelings or within emotions.
At times, you may be allowing yourself a remembrance through your physical
But whichever expression or form of expression you choose to offer yourself
within objective imagery, it matters not. What you are accomplishing
is allowing yourself a partial remembrance in clear, objective terms, which
may be physically affecting, not merely affecting within thought process.
Are you understanding?
LYNDA: Yes, I think I am definitely understanding that.
Would you say that ... okay. When we last spoke, I was very ... my
last conversation with you was difficult for me because ... and I see now
why it was. I had been getting a lot of imagery about Gary and I
was tying it into Hawaii, but I also was tying it into a lot of my own
wants, which you showed me, and I have a better understanding of expectations
and wants lately, in the last little season of time.
Would you say that my physical reaction that I had to the strong desire
to connect with Gary now in this focus was born out of receiving other-focus
information about ... possibly, what I think now, looking back on it, is
the possibility that he and I had a relationship in Hawaii together.
ELIAS: Partially, this is correct.
Now; let me also express to you that there exists also an element within
this present now and your own motivations stemming from THIS physical focus,
but there is also an influencing in the allowance of the bleed-through
information concerning that focus, and in these situations, as I have expressed
previously, as you allow yourself to be accessing bleed-throughs of other
focuses in objective terms, those particular focuses are influencing in
many areas of THIS particular focus within this present now.
Therefore, as you allow yourselves any connection with other focuses
of essence in objective manners, you may also assure yourself that those
particular focuses are influencing of this focus in a manner that holds
a relationship to this particular focus. You are choosing not to
be reconstructing the energy, but accepting the energy as it is being expressed
within that focus, to bring certain elements of THIS focus into clarity.
Are you understanding?
LYNDA: Oh, that’s exactly what I discerned within myself, because,
Elias, there’s no question that my many, many years in this focus with
John and that group, of which Gary is a part, and Marilyn, who is John’s
wife and now Gary’s wife, were very, very strong emotional connections
for me, and I have been receiving a lot of input from them and feeling
... how do I say this? My trigger to stand back and become objective
again was the overwhelming sense of obligation to serve and to be responsible,
to carry the thread of John’s teaching, which did hold — and holds — very
many elements of the information that you’re bringing, and I feel like
I have gotten closure.
I am not closing a door. I am not blocking my love for John and
the group. In fact, I am opening it wider, but I am not wishing to
personally, objectively be in the belief system any longer, or be believing
in it. So, I’m getting what you’re saying because I have definitely
made a choice to be me, now, today, not to be who I was.
ELIAS: Quite, which shall serve you in the allowance of yourself
to be participating more fully within the now, which also shall be quite
influencing in eliminating much of your conflict.
LYNDA: Right. That really is so wonderful to hear, Elias.
It has been such an interesting journey! I’m very excited about this
next ... I don’t want to say “half.” I’m gonna be 50, so to me, this
is the one half of my life, and now I’m going to go on to the other half
of my life, and I know that’s how we call it, and I know that time is simultaneous,
but all I can say, Elias, is that I am delighted with the probabilities
of the future, because I am empowering them with my growing awareness of
effortlessness and my desire to not suffer, and in a sense I don’t even
care or I’m not worried about how they’re going to manifest, as far as
probabilities in actuality. I anticipate that whatever they are, they’re
going to be born out of my own excitement! Isn’t that ... do you
know what I mean?
ELIAS: Quite, and as you continue to practice holding your attention
within the now, you also offer yourself more of your own abilities, and
in this expression, as you move farther away, so to speak, from your creations
of conflict by focusing your attention within the now, this becomes more
and more natural to you, and therefore is creating more and more of your
expression of effortlessness.
LYNDA: Right. It’s very exciting to me! I really,
really am so delighted to make your acquaintance in my now. I adore
having you in my now, Elias. You are most dear to me. You bring
tears to my eyes. (Elias chuckles) Anyway, okay. I just have
a couple of more things and then I will let you go, although I have a feeling
that I will never let you go! It’s impossible! (Elias chuckles
I have some current gentlemen in my life that are very diverse and different
from each other, and I am seeing where this last bit of our conversation
is going to be a really fun example to me of my future interaction with
these guys, because as you had me look at the commonality of Beatrice Kaufman’s
rather unorthodox lifestyle, it’s very plain that my lifestyle is the same
way, as far as relationships with men. I don’t say it will always
be like that, but I’m certainly wanting a time to enjoy that already quite
obvious pattern in my life, and with that in mind, I want to ask you ...
I’ll give you some quick impressions I have about these three guys.
May I continue?
ELIAS: You may.
LYNDA: Okay. Harry, this guy Harry — I don’t know how to
say it, except that he makes me very happy, and he is rather a conflicted,
pretty traumatized guy, and he’s also very good-looking, very bright, very
attached to a rather non-religious but quite Jewish thinking, and we connect
on a lot of ... our commonalities are in the area of sexual attraction,
but also a very funny connection in Jewish humor. I can see where
I am going to beneficial to him in his own shift in consciousness, just
by being me!
ELIAS: And this would be the point, in expressing yourself in
the manner of the little sapling.
LYNDA: Right, which is just delightful to me! Okay.
Then, Scott. Now, Scott is an interesting guy, and he is quite involved
in the metaphysical world. I met him when I came out of the church,
and I was very strongly driven and physically attracted to him, and I’ve
had a lot of conflict over that because I had as many expectations as I
did desires to have sex with him, and I am quite loving myself and accepting
of myself that this happened because ... see, this is also another example
of me being ... now giving myself the opportunity to stay in the relationship
with him, and also, just by being myself, be influencing of his own specific
transition in the shift. But his transition, his connection, Elias,
could possibly ... it will not be something that I physically promote in
forethought, although it could spontaneously erupt. It could spontaneously
erupt into him coming into a conscious awareness of more connectedness
to you, because I feel like you are pretty connected to this guy.
Am I right?
ELIAS: There is interaction occurring.
LYNDA: Okay, that’s what I thought. Now, I’m trusting myself
that I will be a very good little sapling in this relationship, because
I know that his curiosity is somewhat objective and he’s very smart and
he has a lot of metaphysical knowledge, and I have been distrustful of
this, and ... anyway. But I also see that ... I understand why, because
it’s not my own belief system, but I accept very much that it is his, and
I think the acceptance could potentially trigger a desire for more information
from you, or not. Is that right?
ELIAS: Correct.
LYNDA: Yeah, okay. Actually, to be honest with you, I think
he would try to ... he’s in the entertainment business, and he likes to
exploit phenomenon, and I think he may try to exploit you. I’m being
honest in my explanation of that. Do you agree?
ELIAS: It matters not, for this particular action that you identify
as exploitation is entirely a physically focused interaction, and is quite
based within belief systems.
Therefore, in the accomplishment of such an action, both elements or
individuals or essences need be participating within the framework of the
belief system. I do not participate within the framework of that
particular belief system or ANY belief systems, and therefore am not subject
to, in a manner of speaking, the influence of the actions of these belief
Now; let me qualify in this, in expressing to you that you also are
not subject to these interactions, but as you align with certain belief
systems, you also allow yourselves to draw yourselves into situations that
are facilitated by the energy of certain belief systems.
Individuals may move in the direction of attempting to be testing —
or as you term, exploiting — of this energy exchange, but as I do not lend
energy to those expressions, they also are not necessarily accomplished,
if you are understanding.
LYNDA: And ... I’m talking to myself (inaudible). Okay.
So, I get it! I’m just gonna have fun with Scott! (Elias chuckles)
I get what you’re saying. You are (inaudible) fun! Okay.
Isn’t it interesting that there is this odd buzz that just came through
the sound system here as we’re talking about this individual?
ELIAS: This is an energy expression....
LYNDA: Oh, okay. One last thing. I had a very vivid
dream about twins, two men that are blond, and
I was thinking about it this morning, and I met one of the twins about
two weeks after I had this dream, and we had a small sexual encounter.
I was quite conflicted at the time, and I sort of shooed him away as a
result. But now, thinking about it today, I had the feeling that
these twin men ... the landscape of this dream, was that a connection I
have presently, to a present future or a present past connection to Atlantis?
ELIAS: No. What you have offered yourself in imagery is
the presentment of the dream of the twins, which is the symbology, in your
imagery, of your objective physical meeting and interaction with the twins
of Lawrence and Michael, and you reinforce this imagery by your creation
of an encounter in physical terms with an individual, and in this encounter,
you offer yourself an intimacy, which is your imagery that you are presenting
to yourself that you are creating of an intimacy objectively presently
with one of these twins in objective terms, in physical expression; not
in the same manner, but you are creating of a relationship with Lawrence
in the exploration of your counterpart action, and you have offered yourself
the reinforcement of the physical imagery in objectively creating a scenario
of physically interacting with a twin and holding intimate relations with
that twin, in a manner of speaking.
Are you understanding?
LYNDA: Yes. Actually, I am understanding. It was odd
to me that I met an (inaudible) the guy in the dream, so I guess I went
in another direction with that, but I definitely am having ... I can see
the correlation with counterpart action with Vicki, because actually, a
recent encounter I had triggered this whole feeling of cresting, because
Vicki very much reminds me of another counterpart that you’ve not confirmed,
but that I feel strongly that I have with another girl named Mary, who
is still in the group I was with. Is that correct?
ELIAS: Correct. You do hold counterpart action with this
individual also.
LYNDA: Right. Now, I don’t necessarily think that Vicki
and Mary hold counterpart action with each other, but I definitely see
the parallels between my counterpart action with both of them, and I also
feel that my connection to Vicki now is going to be very beneficial to
both of us now.
ELIAS: You are correct, for you each offer yourselves and each
other imagery that shall be helpful to you in addressing to certain issues
that each of you hold individually.
LYNDA: And I think they have a lot to do with subjective and objective
interpretations, and striking a balance between the two. Is that
ELIAS: Partially, yes.
LYNDA: And also, I want to add that I also think it’s her connection
to other-dimensional awarenesses that I am not necessarily moving in right
now, and my connection, conversely, to the focuses I’m ... the difference
in the focuses we’re pursuing information about. Is that correct?
ELIAS: This lends energy to the presentment of different issues
and different belief systems that you each hold, and in this, your own
addressing to these belief systems and these issues by allowing yourselves
the opportunity to be viewing your own expressions and your own responses
or reactions to each other in differences.
LYNDA: Right. That’s really interesting. I definitely
see that. Initially, when I first met the group, I felt like the
information was so astounding and amazing! I had a lot of bleed-through
from my other focus, Mary, and I had a huge ... I was afraid I was going
to have to go through what I went through all over again. I know
that’s a little vague, but a lot of my defensiveness
with this group has been born out of that bleed-through interaction.
Am I correct?
ELIAS: Correct, although this offers you the opportunity to address
to this situation and allow yourself that aspect of vulnerability, and
to be examining the belief systems of negativity in the area of vulnerability,
from which it stems.
LYNDA: Yes, I absolutely agree. I will tell you this about
myself, Elias, and this may have something to do with my Vold alignment,
but part of my getting to this place of cresting has been a commitment
throughout my life to stay vulnerable and try not to block the vulnerable
feeling, so it could flow into undistorted information that I needed.
Do you understand what I’m saying?
LYNDA: Okay. Now to me, that’s where my Sumafi — or Sumalfi,
in my case — brain uses the Vold alignment to further my own expandingness.
ELIAS: Although you also move in opposition to this, in retreating
into your own defensiveness and your own protectiveness.
Although you wish to be expressing this vulnerability, you also hold
fearfulness in this area of hurtfulness from other individuals, and in
actuality, this is an expression of a lack of acceptance of self, which
you are presently addressing to and offering yourself imagery to be examining
more clearly.
LYNDA: Yes, and that’s exactly the short, intense conflict I’ve
experienced since I met Vicki specifically, and went up to visit the group.
It has triggered all of that — defensiveness, a holding of this dear thing
... my god! If one more person takes “my god” away from me!
It was such a strong hold I had on my own identity. Anyway, the confusion
has quite a bit cleared up, and I’m very happy about discovering these
rather large birds of defensiveness, effortlessness, guilt, and responsibility,
and fear, and I’m very happy to see them, at this juncture, fly away, Elias!
ELIAS: Ah, but do not be deluding yourself in their flight so
very quickly, for although you are loosening your hold and you are opening
the door to the bird cage, they have not entirely flown free yet.
I am acknowledging of your movement and your presentment to yourself in
awareness of these birds and your attention to them, and in this, you are
creating much of a loosening of your hold. I wish only to be expressing
to you in cautioning, that you do not delude yourself in your thought process
that they have flown away.
You shall subsequently present yourself with their reappearance, for
the birds are not flying in and out of these cages, but at times appear
to approach closely to the door, but [do] not necessarily move outside
of the door yet. Are you understanding?
LYNDA: Oh yes! Definitely! I definitely am, and I
don’t know if this would have ... would this be in the area, as far as
deluding myself, would this be in the area specifically of the nature of
the conflict I had with Vicki, for example?
ELIAS: It is merely a presentment of conflict of any type that
shall be allowing the rise of defensiveness or the rise of reinforcement
of inadequacy that allows you the objective opportunity to view the aspects
of the belief systems and your own elements of duplicity.
LYNDA: Okay, ‘cause to me, right now specifically, I feel very
strongly not to be involved with a specific group, period. I don’t
mean that I’m not going ... oh, I know what I was going to tell you.
I’ve gotten a lot of imagery to like float like a butterfly, between ...
I think part of my desire and intent has a lot to do with floating between
... like a butterfly, free! ... between different belief systems ...
ELIAS: This is....
LYNDA: ... and whenever I ... and my conflict or feeling of defensiveness
or obligation has to do with feeling like I’m supposed to be a part of
one group that has the most important ... the most information that is
important to me right now. Oh god, that got a little confusing, but
does that make sense?
ELIAS: Yes. This is your own presentment to yourself of
the action of effortlessness in comparison to the creation of conflict.
LYNDA: Okay. Well, Elias, I love you very much, and I will
be seeing you in my dots!
ELIAS: Very well, and I shall be offering encouragement to you
in energy as you continue to present yourself with more opportunities to
be loosening your hold in areas of duplicity with yourself. I offer
to you much affection this day, and the expression of lovingness in my
bidding you au revoir.
LYNDA: Thank you.
Elias departs at 4:33 PM.
(1) I have changed “that” to “of” in the following
phrase: “... and to be examining the belief systems that the negativity
in the area of vulnerability, from which it stems.” I also removed
the word “the.”
© 1999 Vicki Pendley/Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved
Copyright 1999 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.