Tension in Shifting from the Familiar to the Unfamiliar
“Tension in Shifting from the Familiar to the Unfamiliar”
“Need Is an Illusion”
Saturday, October 12, 2002 (Private/Phone)
Participants: Mary (Michael) and Letty (Castille)
Elias arrives at 10:56 AM. (Arrival time is 29 seconds.)
ELIAS: Good morning!
LETTY: Hello, good friend! (Elias chuckles) Good to hear your voice again!
ELIAS: And you also!
LETTY: Thank you! I know you’ve been around, but it’s nice to talk to you again objectively. (Elias laughs) I do, of course, have lots of questions and validations and fun stuff.
But I wanted to start with Marta. He was supposed to call me and let me know about his question, or if he had figured it out for your validation. He has had big imagery with his computer dying and his car dying in the middle of the road. His first impression, of course, is the frustration that he can’t do anything about it. He can’t write emails anymore and he doesn’t have any transportation. At least temporarily he has put himself at a point where he just is not moving, or he thinks he’s not moving.
So my impression has to do with that. You’ve talked to us about frustration being that you have choices but you just don’t know how to move or which way to go. I think it delays your making a choice sometimes because of the fact that you feel insecure and lack trust in your decision.
ELIAS: Correct.
LETTY: Good, because I know I do that to myself! (Elias laughs) That happens to me with my car, too. My car would turn on, but it died in the moment unless I manipulated the gas and the brake. I mean, I had to manipulate the motor to get me moving. I see it’s a little bit different in the sense that I would be able to move, but it made me stop and think about what I was doing at the moment.
ELIAS: Correct.
LETTY: What I was doing in the moment usually had to do with feeling a little insecure or a lack of trust in myself with the people that were with me, or one time by myself in the car at the moment.
ELIAS: Correct.
LETTY: Well, that’s good, Elias! You’ve been sending me lots of energy haven’t you?
ELIAS: Ha ha ha! Yes!
LETTY: Now I’ll start with my questions. Well, this is an interesting one. It was in a dream state — I mean it was at night and I was dreaming — and I really believe I connected with another dimension very similar to ours, because we looked alike but the feelings were not there and we were talking in this very, very strange way but yet we were still communicating.
ELIAS: Yes, you are correct.
LETTY: Wow. Then, I can’t remember if it was the same night or the following night, in kind of like a continuation of connecting to that other dimension also, I was with what looked like people and then another what I would call extraterrestrial, an outsider, came because he was trying to destroy my friend. At that moment, my friend uncovered his appearance of looking human and had another form, and this invading one said to me, “We like you. We’re not here to do anything with you. We came to destroy this other species,” just because he looked so different. Now was I just having fun with that or was that really happening?
ELIAS: Both, for it is a tapping into imagery and information with regard to another physical dimension. There is also an element of translation which is occurring, but your sense, so to speak, of conflict is accurate.
LETTY: Wow. That was kind of neat because I sometimes feel — and I tried not to discount myself — I read all these transcripts about these people and how easily they seem to connect to other focuses, and I don’t. At one point I recognized I really don’t want to or at the moment I don’t really care. Sometimes they just happen naturally.
ELIAS: Correct.
LETTY: I have actually two focuses I want to see if I connected. I have a friend by the name of Raul, R-A-U-L, and I see him very sporadically, not very often. I saw him this week and there is a very strong attraction between us. What I’m thinking is that I connected him to the focus where I was a prostitute and he was one of my — guess they call them johns here or something like that — but one of my favorite or best customers.
ELIAS: Correct.
LETTY: Oh, no wonder! (Elias laughs) But he doesn’t know that and doesn’t understand the attraction. Oh, that is so cool!
Then I had another one with Isabel. It’s about the 1800s. I don’t know why I say it’s in Boston, and we were very close. I believe we were partners. I’m not even sure whether it’s same sex or not. But we were very close partners and one of us disengages. I’m saying that because she and I — and I notice it more in her — we have a difficult time when we have to say goodbye to each other when we leave. Of course I work on there’s no separation, but it still is kind of like very sad and emotional.
ELIAS: Correct.
LETTY: Were we husband and wife?
ELIAS: In a manner of speaking, but not in the traditional sense. You are correct that you both incorporate the same gender and I may express to you what you are recognizing in association with this bleed-through is that the experience of the disengagement was difficult for both of these individuals, for there was an expression of separation between them in relation to societal beliefs and a blocking of their expression together prior to the point of disengagement and also at the point of disengagement. The one disengaged through illness and was prevented from interacting with the other during that time framework of illness, and the other was prevented visitation.
LETTY: Tuberculosis?
ELIAS: Correct.
LETTY: And we were both women.
LETTY: Wow. I just had a little twinge of feeling! (Elias chuckles)
I want to talk to you a little bit about my emotions lately. I need assistance in understanding the communication. The emotion is like of tension, of being tense. I’ve been paying attention to how I’ve had a difficult time relaxing that tension in my physical body, that within my physical body I know it’s energy, also. At the same time, my breathing has really not bothered me at all. I know when I go into the direction of breathing or lack of breathing, constriction, that usually talks to me about paying attention to myself.
So I know with this tension it is all about me, and I am focusing on myself but yet I haven’t been able to it figure out. As I talk to you, I do think it has to do with the fact that I feel tremendous movement and maybe it’s because I feel the movement of the earth and the shift. But I see no physical objective movement in my life or what I think the movement should be or what I want it to be, and that may be because of my job. I’m still there. Cindel and I speak, you know, we keep saying we’re not going to be here in six months, and a year passes by and we’re still in the same place. The same with my relationship, you know?
I really feel I’ve understood and worked on my lack of separation like with Leezar, and it’s gotten to be where I feel comfortable with it and it’s fine. I’m understanding maybe the reasons why we stopped seeing each other, and on and on. But I still continue to have this tension. Somehow it’s an emotion that I’m just not communicating to myself. I was hoping you could help me with that.
ELIAS: First of all, Castille, let me express to you that you in like manner to many, many, many other individuals in this time framework are presenting to yourself the experience of your most familiar automatic response. I have been speaking with other individuals also concerning this action recently.
Within this time framework in which there has been an interruption of objective interaction with each of you and myself, you have chosen to be purposefully incorporating this time framework as a time of reflection, a time to actually generate the experience — not merely the thought of experiences, but to be experiencing your most familiar automatic response to allow you the opportunity to examine this, examine your own shifting, and to recognize your desire to be moving into unfamiliar expressions and your struggle with those expressions that are familiar and the strength that you allow in familiarity. This is actually quite purposeful, for it allows you to view the limitation in the experience of the familiar automatic responses. This is a time framework in which you are moving concept into reality through generating experience.
Now; you in like manner to many other individuals have moved into the direction of offering yourself the experience, and now as we re-establish our objective communications, I may offer you the identification and information concerning what you have generated in these experiences and validate to you that you have actually shifted.
I am aware that it appears to you that you are not moving, but the shifting is in association with perception and a recognition of certain directions that you choose. In offering yourself the experience of automatic responses in relation to your most familiar directions, what you are shifting is the perception and allowing yourself a new desire, which is influencing of your direction, and a new expression of lessening and even dissipating to the point of not generating any longer a fear concerning the unfamiliar and the unknown and generating a new desire to be moving into that freedom, and a genuine real recognition of the familiar and its limitations and how automatic you may be [in] expressing familiar directions and not offering yourself permission to be moving into new directions.
Now; you, yourself, and each other individual in association with this information and their participation with myself, have also offered yourselves glimmers, so to speak, of new directions and new movement. This may not be entirely clear, but there are sparks that in your terms show through, so to speak, allowing you to sense that you are upon a threshold, so to speak, in your movement.
Now; this identification of non-movement or what some individuals are viewing as being stuck or moving backwards into old expressions is not actually a non-movement and is not a question of being stuck. It is an actual shifting and turning the disdain that was once held and the fear that was once held in association with movement into unknowns and unfamiliar into an association WITH the familiar. Previously the familiar was that which you held to in comfort and safety. Your perceptions are shifting in recognizing that you ARE shifting and that the familiar is restricting.
Now; there is some expression of fear and discomfort in association with this recognition of the familiar in a wondering, so to speak, whether you each possess the ability to move from that and actually offer yourself your freedom or whether you shall continue to hold to these familiar expressions and movements that you generate, which you now dislike. Are you understanding what has been shifted?
LETTY: Yes, very much so. My dreams have been telling me that, too.
ELIAS: That which previously provided you with comfort in familiar now generates a discomfort and a restlessness, for your perception is changing.
LETTY: And this has brought the tension.
LETTY: One of the dreams that I had — and I was going to relate it to this question — was I hit two cars. I was trying to park and I hit two cars. I got out of the car and turned around, looking for the owners of the cars, and my car gets stolen. I’m looking for a ride, and I get a ride and find that my purse was in the car and I have no money, no cellular — which we seem not to be able to live without anymore. It was a sense of helplessness, and that helplessness I think, from what you’ve told me, is that little fear still of the unfamiliar.
ELIAS: More so that you shall continue to express the familiar, which restricts you.
LETTY: And I felt restricted in my helplessness.
ELIAS: Correct. Your struggle has shifted from difficulty or struggling or apprehension concerning the unfamiliar into an excitement concerning the unfamiliar and struggling with allowing yourself that freedom and not continuing to hold or be stuck or be confined within the familiar, which does not fit within your reality any longer.
LETTY: This is kind of like the feeling when you have something at the tip of your tongue. It’s like you know the word but it’s just not in the moment appearing. It’s how I feel about my job and a partner, which I desire. I would like to have another partner; I would like to change my place of employment. I think the restlessness comes in that I’ve always liked change.
ELIAS: I am understanding. But incorporate your own analogy and examine this, for this is quite accurate. In the moment in which you are experiencing knowing a term or a word and you express that it is upon the tip of your tongue, the more you force your energy to produce the word, the more it becomes blocked and you do not allow yourself to identify it. But if you relax, move your attention, in your terms it shall come to you.
LETTY: Yes. That’s exactly what I’m doing in my expressions of my life, that I’m forcing the energy that way instead of going whatever direction it wants to go.
ELIAS: But this is your most familiar direction, is it not?
LETTY: Oh, yes, tension! Absolutely, very familiar.
ELIAS: Or attempting to force energy in a direction, which is associated with control. This is your most familiar expression, and therefore this is what you have generated in this time framework, that you may now identify and examine that, and allow yourself the recognition of how to move your attention and therefore alter your perception and relax, and allow yourself the freedom to generate different expressions without force.
LETTY: I think all my life I’ve been tense, and that’s the familiar of me so I just kind of accept it.
ELIAS: Correct.
LETTY: Now that I pay attention, I recognize the familiar area of tension. I really do want to shift that, because in my shifting of my perception, I don’t want it anymore. In trying to relax, I’m having problems, because I’m trying to relax the way I used to before and it’s not working.
ELIAS: Correct.
LETTY: Well, more than relaxing, the word “allowance” keeps popping up in my mind.
ELIAS: Correct.
LETTY: Continuously. So I guess it’s like when I continue to think it allows... I feel more relaxed than when I try to concentrate on relaxing.
ELIAS: Correct. Concentrating upon relaxing at this point...
LETTY: Does not do it.
ELIAS: Correct.
LETTY: Wow. This is exciting, Elias. I think you were with me all along. (Elias laughs)
These are some fun questions; see if I picked them up. A few weeks ago we were at a company picnic — as you know, I was with Cindel and many people, very close friends — and we had this CD player and all of a sudden it would just die, completely turn off. We thought it was the batteries, but we turned it back on and it was just as loud. My perception — and that was a validation — is we were all participating in that.
ELIAS: Correct.
LETTY: Because we’re all going through the same shift.
ELIAS: Correct.
LETTY: There’s one more that’s kind of very interesting also that I think plays along with everything in the shift, and I wanted to understand a little bit more of my participation.
I continue to have problems with... Well, I make it my problem because these people report to me, but the conflicts between them. I continue to find myself creating situations where I’m between two people that are not understanding each other, mainly because of the fact that their perceptions are so different and nonaccepting. I use that, obviously, to understand myself, and I see how this imagery is for me, but what is it? Is it part of the shift that’s happening between them, or is it that I just kind of keep wanting to practice?
ELIAS: Both, and also another element. The other factor in this type of situation is your participation in attempting to fix.
LETTY: Oh, yes, I do.
ELIAS: Rather than allowing.
LETTY: Can you kind of give me a little hint on how I can go more into the direction of allowing versus fixing when they come to me for help? I just don’t know sometimes how to be that sapling without talking too much or telling them what things they should do.
ELIAS: You may be conversing with individuals, but recognize what you are expressing. The individual is approaching you for helpfulness, correct?
ELIAS: What is your greatest expression of helpfulness?
LETTY: Fixing it.
LETTY: Or should be, I mean.
ELIAS: No. Your greatest expression of helpfulness is to be supportive. And how shall you be expressing supportiveness? Not to fix, for this discounts the other individual and expresses to them that what they are choosing and generating is not good enough and that YOU incorporate a better method. Therefore, you discount the other individual, and in the moment you discount the other individual you also discount yourself.
Now; your greatest expression of supportiveness to the other individual is to merely be accepting of whatever they are expressing — not attempting to alter it or fix it, not attempting to advise them, but to merely be accepting of what they are expressing and what they are choosing. For this generates an energy of allowance, and in that energy of allowance the other individual shall discover their answer and what shall be most efficient for them in their expression.
LETTY: I see this being an example over and over of my moving to the familiar and automatic.
ELIAS: Correct.
LETTY: Thank you very much, Elias.
ELIAS: You are quite welcome.
LETTY: I wanted to ask you about my nephew, Diego. If I remember correctly, he is diagnosed in our belief system with some type of autism. I went on a vacation with him with the whole family, and I would observe him being very content, very into his own world. I want to understand a little bit of his world, because sometimes I think it would be helpful for me in the sense of where I want to be sometimes, where you can really understand and accept and not care about what the world outside is thinking or looking at you.
In this particular instance, we were at a hotel and there were all these other children playing together and he kind of was off by himself with his own friends, maybe. And that’s what I wanted to ask you about. Is he connecting past that veil? Because he definitely seemed to be having conversations with somebody else and happy and understanding or sometimes it seemed like trying to make a point. But was he actually connecting with another focus or another part of a dimension or part of where we were?
LETTY: Oh, so he does better than we do.
ELIAS: Not necessarily better, but different. You view one reality; he views that reality partially also, but he also views other realities.
LETTY: He does seem to enjoy more without the beliefs of being proper or acting in a certain way. (Elias chuckles) I like that.
I have one more question, and it’s regarding a dream I had last night. Actually it was a double-feature dream, where they both have to do with what’s happening objectively. One of them was about my brother Walter, who’s struggling in his way with his company and his imagery of money or lack of money and struggling to keep the company afloat. In my dream, I was going to start working for him and I was going to be doing all his accounts payable. I guess I’m trying to tell myself that I’m trying to fix it by telling him how he should be doing this paying, that the person before was not doing it correctly. So I think the imagery has to do with the fact that I’m trying to fix him instead of allowing him.
ELIAS: Correct.
LETTY: The other dream had to do with my friend Rosario, who continues to struggle in finding another employment. She was supposed to get this position, but our mutual friend Bruce ended up taking her position. Again, I guess maybe I’ve a little bit of a judgment, that Bruce doesn’t really need another job because she has one, and Rosario, who needs one, all of sudden found herself without that position.
So again is it all related to telling myself about my judgments and my belief systems in the way I’ve been looking at these people on an objective basis?
ELIAS: Yes, and how you generate these judgments in relation to their choices and assess that some of their choices are good and some of them are bad, and also offering yourself the opportunity to examine not merely what you constitute as good and bad but also in association with need.
LETTY: Specifically my need.
ELIAS: And what you perceive other individuals to need.
LETTY: Oh, okay. Well, tell me the direction that I don’t want to go to.
ELIAS: Need is an illusion. I am aware that you think you need many things within your physical manifestation, but what you forget is that the physical manifestation itself is a choice, and you may choose to continue in it or you may choose not to continue in it. It is ALL merely a choice, an exploration. Therefore what shall you need? This is associated with your beliefs.
Now; let me also express to you a significant identification. Every individual that occupies your physical dimension, every individual manifest upon your planet incorporates ALL belief systems. Therefore they incorporate ALL beliefs, and so do you and so does you nephew, and so do all of your individuals that you engage relationships with.
Now; it is a matter of which beliefs you choose to be expressing. This is also the significance of offering yourselves this experience and opportunity to view your most familiar directions and expressions and automatic responses, for this offers you the recognition of the beliefs that influence those automatic expressions and those familiar directions.
Once you recognize the beliefs that are influencing, you may move beyond that recognition into the recognition that in actuality, underlying that expression, you choose which beliefs you shall be expressing and which beliefs you shall align with. But there are countless beliefs that are latent within your focus or any one individual’s focus that are available.
This is the point, Castille. I have been expressing throughout the time framework of my conversations with you all that you are not eliminating beliefs. You are accepting and acknowledging their existence and therefore offering yourself freedom, and the manner in which you offer yourself freedom is to recognize choice. In this, as you recognize that there are countless beliefs that you incorporate, it is merely a matter of what you CHOOSE to be influencing of your perception.
Your nephew does not incorporate any less beliefs in this physical dimension than do you. He chooses to align with and express different beliefs. Your friends do not incorporate any less beliefs than you or any more, but they may be expressing different beliefs than do you.
Your belief is that you need to be incorporating work to sustain yourself, and this is the belief that you express and therefore this is what you choose and this is what you generate within your reality. Your friend may express a similar belief, but may also be expressing another belief which may be in conflict with that belief and may be more influencing, and therefore does not generate the choice of actually incorporating a job.
LETTY: From how strongly I align with them, I guess.
ELIAS: Which is not wrong and is not bad. It is merely a question of recognizing what you are actually expressing, what you are actually doing, and therefore recognizing the influence of which beliefs are being expressed in relation to your perception, and in this, allowing yourself the objective freedom of choice.
LETTY: I think it goes back to I continue to fight imagery of this to myself, because I’m trying to be supportive without trying to impose a fixing.
ELIAS: Correct, and your supportiveness is merely to be accepting of whatever the other individual is choosing and expressing.
LETTY: So let me ask you, like with my brother Walter — I loaned him the money to... It wasn’t going to solve his problem, because obviously I recognize that not only did I not want to but I cannot fix his problem, but in lending him money to make it easier for him in the present moment, is that still trying to fix him?
ELIAS: I shall ask this question of you.
Now; I may express to you that there is no wrong expression in offering physical helpfulness if you are not generating the expectation. If you offer to another individual freely and you do not incorporate expectation of how they shall incorporate receiving, in that scenario you are being helpful. For without the expectations of how they shall receive what you offer, you are generating allowance and acceptance and not attempting to dictate to the other individual.
If you are offering any expression to another individual and you also incorporate an expectation of how they shall receive your offering and what that individual should do, then you are not being helpful. In expressing expectations, you are expressing conditions and you are discounting the other individual, for you are expressing a lack of acceptance, a lack of allowance, and you are expressing an energy that communicates to them that they are not expressing their choices or creating their reality well enough.
LETTY: Well, I find myself a little bit of both, still a little bit of the familiar, and I would say less of an expectation, although in certain circumstances there is still an expectation.
ELIAS: I am understanding.
LETTY: That explains my doubting of myself as to whether I am doing right or wrong, or should I try to be... My intention, I think, was to be helpful without again recognizing objectively the concept that I LOVE to fix people. (Laughs with Elias) That’s still familiar and automatic, not necessarily because of the enjoyment of it.
ELIAS: I am understanding.
LETTY: Oh, Elias. Well, you put a lot of little lights in my dark places this past time framework when we had not spoken. (Elias laughs) But I feel very accomplished in how I feel I am creating my experience, and I am enjoying that I recognize my choosing of no trauma. Little things keep me afloat, but no trauma.
ELIAS: And I am acknowledging of you also, Castille.
LETTY: Thank you. Well, our time is pretty much up, and so are my questions, anyway! (Elias laughs)
ELIAS: Very well, my friend. I shall be anticipating our next meeting, and I shall continue to offer energy to you in encouragement and in supportiveness. (Chuckles)
LETTY: Thank you.
ELIAS: To you as always, my dear friend Castille, I express tremendous affection.
LETTY: Thank you. Love you, too!
ELIAS: In fondness, au revoir.
LETTY: Au revoir.
Elias departs at 11:49 AM.
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