“Lunatics Within The Now”
Sunday, July 9, 2000-1
© 2001 (Private/Phone)
Participants: Mary (Michael) and a new participant, Ariel (Taniel).
Elias arrives at 11:17 AM. (Arrival time is 16 seconds)
ELIAS: Good morning!
ARIEL: Good morning! (Elias chuckles) I’m so glad to get
to talk to you! This is Ariel, or Taniel, and I was gifted this session
by my friend Steve, and I’m really excited to finally be able to do this!
ELIAS: (Chuckling) And you have questions?
ARIEL: Yes, I do. May I begin with questions now?
ELIAS: You may proceed.
ARIEL: What vibrational quality of color do I hold? (Pause)
ELIAS: This would be translated into your physical identification
as violet.
ARIEL: Oh, really! That’s very interesting — very interesting!
Thank you!
ELIAS: You are quite welcome.
ARIEL: I would also like to know the essence name, family and
alignment, orientation, and the vibrational quality of color of two friends
of mine, Jim and (name omitted), if we could start with Jim first?
ELIAS: Very well. (Pause) Essence name, Waylen; W-A-Y-L-E-N.
ARIEL: Waylen?
ELIAS: Correct.
ARIEL: Ah, thank you!
ELIAS: Essence family, Sumafi; alignment, Ilda; orientation, common.
ARIEL: Common — I thought that!
ELIAS: (Chuckling) One point! (They both laugh) Vibrational
tone of color, (pause) lemon.
ARIEL: Lemon?
ELIAS: Correct.
ARIEL: Alright! And now (name omitted)?
ELIAS: Essence name, (pause) Crystaal; C-R-Y-S-T-A-A-L. (kris-tall’)
Essence family, Sumari.
ARIEL: Sumari?
ELIAS: Correct. Alignment....
ARIEL: That’s what I had — two points!
ELIAS: Ha ha ha! Alignment in this focus, Tumold.
ARIEL: Tumold — interesting!
ELIAS: Orientation, common.
ARIEL: Common, and I thought he was soft! (Elias chuckles)
Okay, he’s common.
ELIAS: Vibrational quality of color (pause) may be identified
as a wine red.
ARIEL: Wine red! And you know, I felt that too!
ELIAS: Ha ha! I may acknowledge to you your successfulness
in connecting with your impressions!
ARIEL: Why, thank you! Has Jim or my daughter or I shared
a focus or some other connection with a Vivienne de Watteville or her family
in the early 1900s? (Pause)
ELIAS: You, yes.
ARIEL: Yes! Can you tell me which family member or whatever
I was, or Jim or my daughter?
ELIAS: I shall express to you, not family members, but what you
may identify as holding the relationship of friendship.
ARIEL: Friendship?
ELIAS: Correct.
ARIEL: And that would be between all three of us?
ARIEL: Yes. Well, I’ll be darned! Do I share a focus
or other connection with a black woman of some power, like a healer or
a shaman or something like that? (Pause)
ELIAS: In a manner of speaking, yes, within a tribal association
and identification of a particular role which this individual creates in
that focus, [which] would be identified in your terms as a type of medicine
woman, so to speak. This would be within the physical location of
central Africa.
ARIEL: Central Africa, and about what time frame?
ELIAS: Within a time framework of early 1700s.
ARIEL: Do I share a focus or other connection with a very religious
Jewish man? (Pause)
ELIAS: Yes, and also occupy this type of role yourself.
ARIEL: I see, and also on that one, what was the time frame there?
ELIAS: Second century....
ARIEL: Second century. Very interesting — very interesting!
Do I share a focus or other connection with a Celtic woman? That’s
really the only information I have. (Pause)
ELIAS: Yes, in physical location identified presently as Scotland.
ARIEL: As what?
ELIAS: Scotland.
ARIEL: In Scotland!
ELIAS: Correct.
ARIEL: Thank you!
ELIAS: You are quite welcome.
ARIEL: And what time frame would that be?
ELIAS: Time framework, 1400s.
ARIEL: 1400s. Thank you. Do I share focuses or other
connections with any friends or family that I could easily connect with?
ELIAS: Yes. You do occupy other focuses with all of the
individuals that you participate with in interaction in this focus.
ARIEL: Really! That is very interesting because I do feel
so close to them. I don’t have that many friends, but the ones I
do have, I feel a connection to, and that’s wonderful!
ELIAS: I may express to you that you may quite easily be accessing
information in relation to the focuses that you share with these other
individuals if you are allowing yourself merely the activity of quiet meditation.
You may also be accessing information concerning these other focuses through
dream interaction.
ARIEL: That’s how I came up with the two I did share with you,
Jim and (name omitted). They were through meditations or my dreams, especially
the Vivienne de Watteville one.
ELIAS: This is quite easily accomplished within your focus and
in the type of movement that you create individually in association with
this society that you participate within.
ARIEL: So, I’m doing okay on my discovering of focuses, but I
could do much better with some that I have right now in my own life.
ELIAS: I may express to you an acknowledgment that you are allowing
yourself to be viewing other focuses that you participate within, and if
you are so choosing, you may continue to be investigating of different
focuses that you hold, and you may offer yourself information which may
be valuable to you within this focus.
As you allow yourself to view the movements of interaction of other
focuses, you may relate these actions to yourself and what you create within
THIS focus.
ARIEL: Right, right!
I have had a very special connection with wolves since I was 12 years
old. I believe that I am drawn to them because of their close family
community and their telepathic communication. Now, is this true?
Is this the main reason for my connection with wolves?
ELIAS: In a manner of speaking, yes, for you associate these creatures
with specific behaviors that you value within....
ARIEL: Yes, definitely — what I’m actually lacking in my life.
ELIAS: Not necessarily! (Laughing)
ARIEL: Oh, really?
ELIAS: I may express to you that you engage some of these qualities
within yourself also, and this affords you the expression of what you term
to be closeness with certain individuals in this particular focus.
ARIEL: Okay. Now, another thing is, I have been diagnosed
as being bipolar or manic-depressive. Are you aware of those?
ELIAS: I am understanding of the identification within your physical
ARIEL: When I’m manic, I’m very psychic and spontaneous, and I
love it! However, sometimes when I’m very manic, I hallucinate and
I see auras, and all my inner senses seem to be in full gear, and at those
times, I find it hard to cope with. I feel very overwhelmed with
too much psychic information. Can you tell me why I go through this?
ELIAS: Very well.
First of all, let me express to you that this is a choice of a particular
type of manifestation within this physical dimension.
Now; in creating this choice to be manifest in this manner, you also
choose not to be participating within the guidelines of the officially
accepted reality, in allowing yourself your individual natural flow of
energy. This is not to say that objectively you do not choose to
participate within the guidelines of the officially accepted reality which
is set forth through mass beliefs, for you do align with those belief systems
also, and this be the reason that you move your expressions into more of
an acceptable alignment with what you term to be the norm of behavior.
Now; the reason that conflict is experienced and confusion is experienced,
within yourself and within other individuals that create a similar type
of choice of expression within this dimension, is that you also align with
the beliefs which govern the expressions of what you define as normal behavior.
Now; this is an important key, for in aligning with these belief systems
and attempting to be fitting your expressions of behaviors into the officially
accepted expressions, your attention becomes occupied with the action of
fitting the behaviors into the official guidelines, but the behaviors do
not fit within the official guidelines or rules, so to speak, of the mass
expression within this particular physical dimension.
Now; in this, at times you are allowing yourself a free flow of your
expression of energy, which creates certain types of experiences.
These experiences are quite real!
ARIEL: Really!
ELIAS: These experiences, in actuality, are the same type of experiences
that the individuals participating in the officially accepted rules and
guidelines of your societies WISH to be creating, as what they deem to
be spiritual experiences!
ARIEL: I know it! Yes!
ELIAS: Ha ha ha! But your experiences are labeled lunacy
or dysfunctions! (Chuckling) Quite ironic, is it not?
ARIEL: It is — it is!
ELIAS: Now....
ARIEL: Sometimes I swing really far in the other direction, and
I get suicidal also. So I do swing the other way too, besides just
swinging more towards the manic.
ELIAS: Now; let me also offer you a brief explanation of this
Within the time frameworks that you are allowing your natural flow of
energy, you create experiences that become conflicting and confusing to
you, for you also are aligning with the mass belief systems which express
that these types of experiences are not normal.
ARIEL: I see. I see this so much clearer.
ELIAS: In this, you create conflict within yourself, for one aspect
of yourself views your individual experiences, and in a manner of speaking,
understands objectively what you are creating, appreciates what you are
creating, and wishes to continue in that creation.
Another aspect of you within your reality is aligning with the mass
belief systems and creating powerful judgments concerning your own creations
— discounting of yourself, expressing to yourself that what you are creating
is not real, but is the manifestation of hallucinations or imagination
— and in this, you do not afford yourself the action of turning your attention
to self to allow yourself a time framework physically in which you may
familiarize yourself with self without judgment.
Now; in not allowing yourself the freedom of your expression, and in
creating the judgment in lack of acceptability of self and a lack of trust
of self in association with your experiences, you may move for a time framework,
continuing to be creating an openness to the free flow of your individual
But in a manner of speaking, the pressure, so to speak, which is exerted
through the judgment of self and the judgment which is expressed outside
of self by other individuals and by your society — which you align with
and which you allow to penetrate your energy field and influence and reinforce
your own beliefs — creates the action that you identify as the depression,
so to speak.
Now; this depression is the objective manifestation of victim and hopelessness,
an expression of powerlessness. This is matched in intensity to the
expression and experiences of free flow of energy that you allow at times.
Now; the times of free flow of energy may be physically identified as
less or fewer than the times of depression, so to speak, for the energy
which is expressed within your beliefs and within societal beliefs are
very powerful, and this expression of energy overrides your allowance for
the moments in which you shall allow yourself a free flow of energy.
For even within the time frameworks of your allowance of free flow,
as you are not allowing yourself the expression of familiarizing yourself
with your natural flow of energy, and you are not expressing an acceptance
of your choice to be experiencing in this manner, there is an underlying
judgment that is continuously being expressed, even within the experience
of elation.
ARIEL: Yes. Yes, I can see that now.
ELIAS: Now....
ARIEL: Maybe these beliefs that I’m holding when I’m depressed
can affect me being comfortable with the free flow of my feelings when
I’m more elated and happy.
ELIAS: Quite.
ARIEL: Quite, yes.
ELIAS: Now; let me express to you, let us identify what occupies
your attention objectively as you move within the free flow.
You allow yourself an expression of recognition of inner senses.
You allow yourself a heightened awareness of your reality. You allow
yourself more of an intensity in your expression and exploration of emotional
and thought qualities.
ARIEL: And I don’t find any of those to be negative, in my viewing.
ELIAS: And they are not!
ARIEL: And they are not, are they?
ARIEL: And I could somehow keep working with my beliefs, and attain
that state of mind more frequently and more freely with the free flow of
ELIAS: Yes, you may be creating of this.
Let me also express to you that another quality that you exhibit as
you allow this experience is a concentration in your expression of attention
within the now.
(Intently) Let me express to you also, one of the expressions
that is presenting difficulty in the interaction with other individuals,
in association with yourself in these time frameworks, is that other individuals
hold great difficulty in the expression of holding their attention within
the now.
As other individuals experience difficulty in holding their attention
within the now, they also recognize that the general expression of individuals,
in a manner of speaking, is quite similar, and in this, individuals validate
themselves in the recognition of sameness.
As they identify and interact with you in your experience, they view
difference in an action that they themselves are not creating, and therefore,
there is an automatic projection of judgment, for the action and the experience
that they view is unfamiliar and is threatening.
I have been expressing to individuals the importance and significance
of holding your attention within the now from the onset of this forum.
Individuals BELIEVE that they are creating this action of holding their
attention within the now, but I may express that in actuality, their attention
is held, for the most part, NOT within the now, and that these continue
to be mere words and concepts that are not yet actualized, with the exception
of random moments, so to speak.
Therefore, as you create this action of holding your attention within
the now — in BOTH expressions, of elation AND depression — you also look
outside of yourself in comparison to be offering yourself validation, but
you are viewing the expressions of other individuals that are NOT holding
their attention within the now. Therefore, in your perception also,
the other individuals appear different, and this threatens YOUR ability
to be creating validation within yourself.
I express to you, you have created a type of movement within your focus
which expresses already a natural movement in holding your attention within
the now. Therefore, you need not be concentrating your attention
in this expression, which is a challenge for many other individuals!
But as you allow yourself to be focusing your attention within the now,
also allow yourself the acceptance of self, that what you are creating
is not wrong.
ARIEL: Is not what?
ELIAS: Wrong.
ARIEL: Oh, wrong. Yes.
ELIAS: It is merely different. Difference is not wrong.
Difference is perceived as threatening to many individuals, but in actuality,
the reason it is viewed as threatening is that it is not validating of
the individual in the outside expression. (16-second pause)
ARIEL: Well, do you have any other gems of wisdom (Elias grins)
for this ... like I say, it’s been diagnosed as a dis-ease!
ELIAS: Ha ha ha ha ha!
ARIEL: At times, it can be what I feel is a blessing, a wonderful
ability that I have, with the psychic ability and the spontaneity I feel,
and all of that.
ELIAS: I express to you, allow yourself the acknowledgment that
you are expressing now, and allow yourself the freedom of your free flow
of energy without judgment. (Chuckling)
ARIEL: Yes, I can see that, and I think sometimes, when I get
... from what I’m getting from you right now, I’m beginning to see that
when I get too manic and feel overwhelmed with my inner senses and all
that, I’m just not allowing a free flow of energy, and it gets backed up
and condensed into what we have as a time frame, and can feel overwhelming,
whereas if I just let myself have a free flow of that energy, it will unstop
some of the blockages and some of the abilities that I have to be psychic.
ELIAS: Quite. In this, also be remembering, allow yourself
a familiarization with self. Allow yourself to become familiar with
yourself and your expressions without judgment.
ARIEL: Exactly. Oh, you’ve been so helpful! I feel
like I’ve been lifted up by this conversation. You know, you can
get very caught up in what doctors diagnose and what society says, and
buy into that at times, and it can really foul you up when you do that!
ELIAS: Ha ha ha! I may express to you that your physical
science of psychology expresses many narrowing guidelines within your societies,
and perpetuates the expression of limitedness.
ARIEL: Yes. Their idea of normal is very, very narrow, (Elias
chuckles) and not allowing for a lot of what I experience.
ELIAS: Or of what many other individuals experience either!
ARIEL: That’s true. I’m not alone in this! (Elias chuckles)
That’s very true, and that’s another thought that will help me — to remember
that I’m not the only other person doing this.
ELIAS: Quite.
ARIEL: Well, I do have some other questions that I would like
to ask you, if I could.
ELIAS: You may.
ARIEL: I would like to know what the vibrational quality of color
for my grandson David is. (Pause)
ELIAS: Color identification, mauve.
ARIEL: Mauve — that’s like me! I like that! (Elias chuckles)
Then I would also like to know the essence name, family, alignment,
orientation, and vibrational quality of color of my daughter Andrea, her
husband Quentin, and my granddaughter Micaiah, if we could start with Andrea,
my daughter. (Pause)
ELIAS: Very well.
ARIEL: Thank you.
ELIAS: Essence name, (pause) Monphar; M-O-N-P-H-A-R. (mon-far’)
Essence family, Ilda; alignment, Milumet; orientation, common; vibrational
quality of color, lime.
ARIEL: Lime, okay. And then Quentin? (Pause)
ELIAS: Essence name, (pause) Cloadis; C-L-O-A-D-I-S. (klo’dis)
Essence family, Sumari; alignment, Zuli; orientation, common; vibrational
quality of color, silver.
ARIEL: Silver — I’ll be! And then Micaiah?
ELIAS: Essence name, (pause) Lisette; L-I-S-E-T-T-E. (lee-set’)
ARIEL: That’s very pretty! She’s a very pretty little girl
too! (Laughing, and Elias chuckles)
ELIAS: Essence family, Borledim; alignment, Zuli; orientation,
common; vibrational quality of color, lavender.
ARIEL: Lavender?
ELIAS: Correct.
ARIEL: Thank you. Well, this has all been very interesting!
Now, from one of the sessions I was reading, and my memory is not real
great, but it appeared, to me at least, in reading about it, that my essence
and alignment and the fact that I’m soft can in itself kind of manifest
into some of the ... what the doctors are diagnosing as my manic-depression.
Do you find that to be true? (Pause)
ELIAS: I may express to you that the expression of your orientation
may enhance the clarity of your experiences.
ARIEL: Really! That’s wonderful! I need to take advantage
of that.
ELIAS: (Chuckling) But I may also express to you that this
be the reason that I am suggesting to you that you allow yourself to become
familiar with self and all of the aspects of your expressions within this
manifestation, all of the elements that are contributants to your natural
flow of energy.
For in holding this orientation of soft, you DO allow for an enhancement
or a type of clarity in your experiences that you create. You also
enhance those expressions that you deem to be negative.
ARIEL: I see.
ELIAS: This orientation of soft may also contribute to your confusion
in your experiences, for what you allow, in a manner of speaking, are louder
voices of your objective and subjective awarenesses. In a manner
of speaking, you may create, within yourself, the analogy of a radio, so
to speak.
In this, you may view yourself as the radio, in a manner of speaking,
and in the manifestation physically of an individual holding the orientation
of soft, they may be creating this radio also, but within YOUR choice of
manifestation in this physical dimension, you have chosen to be turning
up the volume, so to speak, with this radio.
ARIEL: And that, you’re expressing, could be a problem for me
ELIAS: I am expressing that it has already created what YOU identify
or assess as a problem. It is NOT a problem if you are allowing yourself
to become familiar with yourself and your natural flow of energy and your
natural expressions.
In this, you may also allow yourself to be accepting of those natural
expressions. It becomes what you identify as a problem as you are
not accepting your natural expressions, for you are not familiar with your
own expressions objectively.
ARIEL: Objectively, yeah. Yeah, I’m very often inside of
myself subjectively. I can see that now. That’s one of the
things I’ve kind of been able to pick up on.
ELIAS: In this, as you familiarize yourself with your natural
expressions, you may also allow yourself movement into a balance, through
the acceptance of self and the allowance of trust within yourself.
But as you rail against your own natural flow of energy, you also create
confusion and ...
ARIEL: Confusion and sickness.
ELIAS: ... conflict and frustration.
ARIEL: Yes, yes. Well, you’ve been very helpful, and I think
we’re coming close to the time of Mary’s hour, and my friend Steve will
be speaking with you next.
ELIAS: Very well.
ARIEL: So, I guess we’ll go back to Mary for a while, and I’ll
let Steve talk to her, and I really thank you for your time.
ELIAS: You are quite welcome, my friend. I offer to you
great encouragement. Continue in your movement in familiarizing yourself
with yourself, for you are a wondrous creature!
ARIEL: Thank you!
ELIAS: (Chuckling) To you this day, in great affection and
anticipation of our next meeting, au revoir.
ARIEL: Goodbye, Elias.
Elias departs at 12:13 PM.
© 2001 Vicki Pendley/Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved
Copyright 2000 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.