Session 797

Energy as a Blueprint in Interactions


"Energy as a Blueprint in Interactions"
"Fear of Flying and Fear of Change"
"An Exercise in the Now"

Wednesday, March 14, 2001 (Private/Phone)
Participants: Mary (Michael) and Michael (Delal)
Elias arrives at 3:41 PM. (Arrival time is 17 seconds.)

ELIAS: Good afternoon!

MICHAEL: Hello! (Elias chuckles)

ELIAS: (Chuckling) We meet again!

MICHAEL: Yes! I've been looking forward to talking to you quite a bit.

ELIAS: Ha ha! And how shall we proceed, my friend?

MICHAEL: Actually, I was thinking, do you have anything to talk to me about, first off? (Elias chuckles) I'll take any compliments or anything. (Laughs)

ELIAS: Ah! Fishing for compliments! Ha ha ha ha ha! Shall I offer you an acknowledgment of your movement, and allowing yourself to become more familiar with yourself and what you are creating within your reality, allowing yourself to be more open to the differences in perceptions as related to different orientations?

MICHAEL: Thanks, that's a great way to start off! (Elias chuckles)

I have a number of questions that I actually discussed a little bit with Mary before hand, and I'm not sure I need to ask a whole lot of them anymore, but I'll see what I can do. (Laughing)

ELIAS: Ah! My great assistant, Michael - ha ha ha! - once again finds himself in the position of being the apprentice! (Both laugh)

MICHAEL: He's doing a pretty good job, in my opinion. (Elias chuckles)

Starting back in November, I experienced a series of what I call revelations that are, I guess, acknowledgments and recognitions of the inner movement. The first one was about mirror images that I finally really got a good handle on, I think, or like a bodily acknowledgment of it. It's really caused a lot of dramatic ups and downs, in reality. (Laughing)

ELIAS: But also offers you a tremendous opportunity to be examining self, does it not?

MICHAEL: Very much so. In fact, I realized there's almost nothing else to really think about. (Laughing, and Elias chuckles) That led to several questions, one that apparently you talked with Vicki about yesterday, regarding where does the communication happen between mirror images. If every person I'm talking to is a mirror image of myself, where does original content come from? Where does the original event come from? Is it all me, or is it also them as well?
ELIAS: In actuality, there is what you may express to be a cooperation. This is not a co-creation, for you are not creating a portion of your reality or of your interactions; but there is an action of cooperation which is occurring, and in this, you each as individuals are expressing energy as a blueprint.

You express energy in every choice, every moment, of your focus, and as you express energy, other individuals receive that energy, and from that blueprint of energy which you project, the other individual thusly creates an image of what you have created through their perception.

In a manner of speaking, this type of interaction and movement may be viewed similarly to a projector camera, in which the film is fed through as the projection of energy, and the camera thusly projects an image outwardly of that energy which has been inputted into it. Are you understanding?

MICHAEL: Yes, I think so.

ELIAS: Each individual creates this movement in interaction with other individuals.

Now; at times, the projection from your perception may be filtered through different lenses, so to speak, which color the picture and alter the projection, and therefore, at times, may be viewed as distorting the projection. In these situations, you are creating your own image of the interaction and not necessarily projecting the energy which has been received from the other individual, but rather have substituted that energy in relation to your own issues, your own fears, your own beliefs that discard the projection of energy from the other individual and replace it with your own projection of energy. Or, at times, you may reconfigure the energy that you receive from another individual and create a new translation of that in association with your own beliefs, issues, fears and assessments, and also your own communications within self.

MICHAEL: That's interesting. In the middle of it I had sort of a recognition, using your analogy, that this is similar to why languages are different. That's like another lens.


MICHAEL: That's interesting.

ELIAS: What you directly interact with in each of your realities is your perception. Therefore, what you are directly interactive with in relation to another individual is your perception of the other individual.

What you directly interact with in relation to an actual other individual is not the physical matter, is not the physical form of that individual, but the projection of their energy to you and your acceptance of that energy as a blueprint to be creating your image of the other individual.

MICHAEL: That's clearer now, so to speak. I guess along similar lines with my mirror image revelation was understanding that I'm really dealing with duality a lot. This incident recently with my cat, Hattie, was a very clear and great example of the way I label my beliefs and the way I label my perceptions about good and bad, so to speak. I guess that's a little verification that the cat was participating greatly with me in that respect.

ELIAS: You are correct.

Now; express to myself, what is your assessment of how you label your beliefs in relation to good and bad?

MICHAEL: In this particular instance I labeled the choice to take the cat to the vet to get the x-ray as a fear that I didn't want to succumb to, and that I had another choice which I labeled intuition and to trust that things would be okay. But the problem was I was in opposition, fearful of trusting and fearful of not taking action to go make myself feel better.

ELIAS: And what have you offered to yourself in insight in this experience?

MICHAEL: It's really allowed me to see a little bit clearer how I make decisions or how I recognize my choices, that choices are independent of my labeling.

ELIAS: Yes, you are correct, and in this, as you place judgment upon your choices in relation to good and bad, you also limit your choices, and you limit your freedom, and you do not express acceptance.

But in this situation, have you not moved into a recognition, or a beginning recognition, of movement into acceptance? For in recognizing that your choices are neutral and merely choices, it matters not which choice you engage, and you chose to engage that which you labeled as bad. Correct?

MICHAEL: Dead on correct.

ELIAS: But in choosing to move into the action that you labeled as "bad" and not accepting, you also offered yourself an expression of acceptance of yourself, did you not?

MICHAEL: Yes, absolutely. It was very liberating and immediately effective. (Laughing)

ELIAS: Quite! For acceptance of your beliefs is the recognition that you hold these beliefs, and that it matters not whether you choose to be engaging them or not. It is the choice that holds significance, the choice or the denial of choice.

MICHAEL: I've been working in the same landscape, so to speak, with this particular situation but in a larger context and in other areas now, and I can see where it is starting to become more familiar. It's easier to see that the choices are separate, I guess. There's still a little bit of hesitancy based on certain areas that I'm working through. I'm not quite sure how to formulate what I'm saying.

For example, there's my fear of planes. I'm about to face a fear in going on a trip to New Jersey, and I'm trying to see that as a choice rather than as a very potentially destructive event because of past history. I was wondering if you could help me move through some of that, in light of this discussion?

ELIAS: First of all, attempt to identify the nature of the fear.

MICHAEL: Fear of death, I guess (laughs), fear of a plane crash happening without my control.

ELIAS: Express to me what you assess in this focus influences that fear. (Pause)

MICHAEL: I'm not exactly sure. Could you rephrase the question?

ELIAS: What is your experience?

MICHAEL: At worst I've had a plane ride that was extremely bumpy - lightning nearby and that kind of thing - and I just became very afraid of being in the air.

ELIAS: And this reinforces your fear of a lack of control, and in what you term to be "worst case scenario" (Michael laughs), this lack of control may create your disengagement. Correct?

MICHAEL: Very much, yes. I'm not ready! (Laughing)

ELIAS: What are you expressing in this identification? That there are forces outside of you that create aspects of your reality beyond your control, and therefore you become victim to them.

MICHAEL: I'm not totally accepting my mirror image understanding yet.

ELIAS: There is no element outside of you that holds the ability to create your reality. Therefore, what shall you become victim to outside of yourself?

MICHAEL: Nothing, I guess.

ELIAS: Your fear is created through the expression of you denying yourself choice, and therefore creating the role of the victim within yourself. You are not victim to the plane, or to the pilot, or to the weather, or to any element outside of yourself. This is the camouflage.


ELIAS: The fear is expressed as you create the role of victim to yourself in not allowing yourself to create your choices, and therefore denying yourself the ability to create what you want and denying yourself the acknowledgment that all that is created within your reality is created by yourself.

Therefore, if the plane crashes, you have created that purposefully. You have chosen that. You do not deny that you create your reality. What you deny is that you CHOOSE to create your reality: you create all of your reality, but you are not always choosing what you create.

MICHAEL: Yes, I can see that. (Laughs)

ELIAS: If you step upon a sliver of glass and cut your foot, you shall not deny to yourself that you have created that reality. But you shall deny it to yourself that you CHOSE that reality.


ELIAS: (Chuckles) And you shall fall victim to yourself, expressing to yourself that there is some hidden aspect of you that at times creates your reality for you without your permission and not per your choices.

MICHAEL: There can be no randomness in the universe! (Elias laughs)

Why would you create a small thing like that? Like, for example, I was removing a light bulb the other day and scraped my finger on a piece of metal. It seems like an insignificant event, and seems like something I wouldn't choose to create. Why would I do something like that?

ELIAS: The question, my friend, is not "why." The question is, what were you communicating to yourself in the moment?

MICHAEL: Oh, I see. I was damaging myself to show Dawn that I was doing something for her, to give it a little more emphasis so she would realize I was helping her.

ELIAS: Ah! And recognize your worth.

MICHAEL: Yes. (Elias chuckles)

ELIAS: Let me express to you, my friend, your objective imagery is quite abstract. This be the reason that I express to you all, it matters not what you create objectively; it matters not what you create in outward imagery. This is continuously changing and changeable, for you may substitute countless expressions of objective imagery to be expressing the same message. Therefore, what holds significance is your recognition of your perception, and your recognition of your communications to yourself.

MICHAEL: I'm starting to see that. It's almost like my point of focus is slightly off, and I'm looking at the construction of events and then basing my next steps upon that construction. It's not necessarily necessary! (Both laugh)

ELIAS: What may be more necessary, in your terms, is allowing yourself, in the moment, to be recognizing what you are communicating to yourself.

MICHAEL: Very true. Thank you very much, great answer.

ELIAS: You are quite welcome.

MICHAEL: I'll see what I can do about the plane. (Laughs, and Elias chuckles) Maybe it'll be a good trip!

ELIAS: (Chuckling) Concerning your plane, perhaps you may offer yourself permission to enjoy your trip and your adventure upon this plane.

MICHAEL: Good outlook; I'll do that. I'll remind myself how much I used to like flying and looking at the clouds and so on when I was a kid.

ELIAS: And express an identification to yourself that you choose not to be a victim of yourself, denying yourself your choices and therefore engaging your fear.

MICHAEL: Great. Let's see, I did have a side curiosity about ... other people have talked about how many manifestations they have in this dimension, and I've never asked that. I could guess, but I think I'd probably be off. But I'm going to try anyway.

ELIAS: Very well!

MICHAEL: Five hundred thirty-one.

ELIAS: For yourself?

MICHAEL: Pardon?

ELIAS: For yourself?

MICHAEL: Umm, for myself?

ELIAS: What is the identification of the association of 531, with whom?

MICHAEL: With Delal, the number of manifestations I have.

ELIAS: In this physical dimension?


ELIAS: I may be acknowledging of you, 532.

MICHAEL: (Laughing) I don't know where that number came from! (Both chuckle)

I was wondering also, in the past we've said that this is my so-called last manifestation. I know that it gets complicated with time, but what does it mean to be in a last manifestation? I guess I'm getting confused on terminology.

ELIAS: I am understanding. A final focus is a designation of an action and a position. It is not necessarily an identification in linear time framework, for you may hold future focuses and you may be the designated final focus. You may be the designated beginning focus, and you may incorporate past focuses. (Chuckling)

MICHAEL: I understand they're in non-linear time.

ELIAS: Correct. It is a designation of a position, so to speak, an action, and in this, it is a position of point, in a manner of speaking. At the point of the manifestation of the beginning focus, ALL focuses are engaged within this physical dimension. At the point of the choice of the final focus to be disengaging this physical dimension, ALL focuses shall disengage, remove, or shall choose to be fragmenting, creating a new essence to be continuing within this physical dimension.

MICHAEL: So I could theoretically - me, myself, in this focus - become an essence? (Pause)

ELIAS: Yes. In exchanging positions with another focus of your essence and creating another focus of your essence as the designated final focus, at the point of that focus's disengagement, you may choose to be fragmenting and creating of a new essence, although you may be creating of that action anyway.

MICHAEL: I see. So the final focus is only one of those 532 in this dimension?


MICHAEL: That would be me.


MICHAEL: Cool. I guess since I'm on the topic, I've been thinking about essence and my essence Delal. I'm realizing and I've listened to you say that there isn't a separation, and I recognize that probably on an intellectual level, but I'm not sure I feel the connectivity yet, the way I'd like to feel it at least. Is there a way I can recognize more or feel more ... align more would be a better word.

ELIAS: I may express to you that the most efficient manner for you to be recognizing yourself as essence and the lack of separation is to be continuing to focus your attention upon self and therefore becoming more familiar with you in this focus. For the more you open to yourself and widen your awareness in this focus, the more intimately interactive you become with yourself and the more intimate you create a relationship with yourself, and in creating that movement, you also become more aware of all of the expressions of your energy.

In recognizing more of the expressions of your energy, you also open your objective awareness to more of a realization of yourself as essence, not as a separated focus of essence.

MICHAEL: So the times recently I've been very aligned with other focuses like Daniel and Delal - I'm sorry, Allum - that is in a certain way an acceptance of self, because I'm able to communicate and align with them - not necessarily to become them or to find out more specific information, but something to use and be lent energy from their experiences and so on.

ELIAS: Correct, and as you continue, you shall allow yourself the realization that they are not "they." They are present within you. They are merely different focuses of attention, and as you view that each manifestation is in actuality a direction of attention, you may begin the recognition that all of these attentions are you, are ONE expression. (Leaning forward for emphasis)

MICHAEL: I think I've seen too many diagrams of a big circle and then the little circles all around it! (Laughs)

ELIAS: Ha ha ha ha! Allow yourself to incorporate yourself in physical focus as an example. For you may be holding your attention in many different directions simultaneously, and this does not create separate manifestations of you; for each attention that you project, you are you. You may be directing your attention in many different areas simultaneously, and you continue to be you.

MICHAEL: That's very analogous to CPU multiprocessing. Great, thank you.

ELIAS: You are welcome.

MICHAEL: Another question, in regards to San Antonio ... I have a feeling I'm going to find the answer if I look a little harder at it, or if I work a bit on it. I'm trying to figure out why I've stayed here, 'cause I'm not sure I enjoy San Antonio as much as I'd like to go to another place. (Elias chuckles) I'm having a very hard time distracting myself ... or removing myself from San Antonio, though.

ELIAS: You have created a familiarity, and also you have created a safety in that familiarity. Venturing into the change of relocation in physical terms creates an apprehension within you, for you create many doubts as to your ability to be creating a reality that you want if you are altering many aspects of your reality, and within your assessment if you are creating a physical relocation of yourself, you shall be creating upheaval within your focus, for many other aspects of your focus shall change also. This is not necessarily the situation, but this is a reality within you, for this is your association.

MICHAEL: Quite true. Why is there so much fear throughout everything? It seems like there's so much. There I go, asking "why" again! (Laughs, and Elias laughs)

ELIAS: And I may express to you, my friend, for the most part fear may be identified and sought out within individuals within your physical dimension as a discounting and a doubting of your abilities, a discounting and a doubting of your worth, therefore discounting of yourself and denying your choices, expressing to yourself that you cannot accomplish.

This, in simplicity, is how you shall identify and seek out the nature of fear in the recognition of these expressions within self. As you create doubt of your abilities in creating your reality, and you deny your choices to yourself and you create a lack of trust, you also many times create expressions of fear.

Individuals express many, many, many times that you incorporate a fear of change. It is not the change that creates the expression of fear. Change is the nature of reality. Change is the nature of consciousness. Consciousness itself is in continuous movement of change. You within physical focus are in continuous movement of change.

Change is not the impetus of fear. It is your perception of yourself and your abilities in relation to change that creates the expression of fear, your doubt of yourself that you may be incorporating change in any particular manner efficiently, beneficially, and in acknowledgment of your abilities. The incorporation of this doubt and the lack of trust is the impetus for fear.

Physical movement, your example: why shall you prevent yourself from creating a physical change of your physical location in which you reside? Ah! I may express to you, you may offer yourself MANY examples of what you doubt in what you anticipate in change. Many of these anticipated changes may not necessarily need be incorporated, but your doubt of yourself and your lack of trust of self and your automatic expectation that one change also triggers many other changes creates your doubt of yourself in your abilities. If you are to be relocating, you anticipate that you also shall need be reconfiguring your work.

MICHAEL: Very true.

ELIAS: You shall incorporate alterations in your relationship. You shall need be incorporating adjustment to new environment. This shall be affecting of your relationship with your partner. This shall create upheaval within yourself and your ability to cope. You shall create a necessity for additional work to be reconfiguring your business and beginning once again in new location.

These are not necessarily expressions that all must be incorporated in relation to one action of physically relocating your residence, but these are the automatic associations that you create, and therefore in your doubt of yourself and your apprehension of your abilities to be efficiently creating all of these changes simultaneously, you express the choice to remain in the location that you have chosen presently, for it provides you with a safety.

If you choose to be altering certain aspects of your focus - of your relationship, of your movement, of your business, of your friendships - you may incorporate those choices singularly in the time frameworks that you view yourself to be adequately prepared.

But once again, in similar expression to your association with planes, a movement such as relocation of residence shall create an action of you thrusting yourself into the role of victim, once again, of outside influences and expectations. In actuality, the expression is created in relation to yourself, and becoming victim to yourself and your own expectations and anticipations and anxieties and associations and beliefs in relation to this type of movement.

MICHAEL: I'm starting to get imagery that the lenses we were talking about before ... in a sense, I'm creating this reality and forcibly holding a fear lens on top of it. (Laughs)

ELIAS: And I may express to you, my friend, how wondrously clear you may view through your perception if choosing to remove that particular lens. (Smiling)

MICHAEL: I'd very much like to. I think I'm going to continue working on my understanding of mirror imagery and self acceptance and awareness.

ELIAS: This shall be quite helpful to yourself. I am recognizing that you are allowing yourself the awareness and the noticing of how other elements of your reality and other individuals create an efficient reflection to you, expressing an identification of what YOU are creating in any particular moment.

MICHAEL: Yes, it's very much like I'm getting a clearer picture so that I can make new choices based on what I like or don't like.

ELIAS: Correct! And this is the freedom, offering yourself permission to create what you want in relation to your desires, your preferences, and your appreciation of yourself and what you may be creating, rather than your discounting of yourself or your creations.

MICHAEL: I can see very easily now that being in the moment is extremely helpful, because it seems like the moment I start jumping ahead, starting to see what is going to happen based on where I'm at right now, of course it's not going to look happy. (Laughing)

ELIAS: I may also express to you, my friend, with the understanding that this is an automatic expression in relation to the orientation of common, it may be quite beneficial to you to not merely be holding your attention in the now, but also to be allowing yourself to notice in the now HOW you are holding your attention and WHEN you are holding your attention outside of yourself, for this offers you the opportunity to turn your attention.

If you are not recognizing when your attention is outside of yourself, you also do not offer yourself the opportunity to turn your attention. Therefore, it is significant that in addition to holding your attention within the now that you also recognize what direction your attention is being placed in, in that now.

MICHAEL: I'll concentrate on that.

ELIAS: This may be an interesting exercise for you to be incorporating. For I may express to you, you are allowing yourself more of an awareness in holding your attention in the now much more frequently and much more consistently, and therefore this is becoming less difficult and less challenging than it has been previously. You may express to yourself many times, "I am recognizing that my attention is in the now. I am not projecting my attention futurely or pastly. I am not anticipating, and I am not recalling," BUT you may be holding your attention outside of yourself, and not necessarily recognizing that action.

MICHAEL: That's interesting how it's a continual evaluation and acceptance and movement. You're right, everything is in change all the time.

ELIAS: You are allowing yourself to move into more intimate layers of yourself, and in this, you continue to move towards the center of the Ferris wheel.

MICHAEL: Thank you.

ELIAS: You are very welcome, my friend.

MICHAEL: As far as questions go, I'm sort of dazed! (Laughs)

ELIAS: This is much information to be assimilating. (Chuckling)

MICHAEL: In alignment with this shift, when I'm feeling the most hesitant - or the most unaligned, I guess is the best word - is it my perception of not being able to catch up with my perception of this shift? I'm not sure I said that right. Is that slow down, that feeling of being slowed down, does that have to do with my lack of acceptance of the shift?

ELIAS: Not necessarily. This in actuality is an expression that you create quite in conjunction with what we have been discussing this day, offering yourself an opportunity to be genuinely paying attention to you and not to be distracted with elements and expressions outside of you, genuinely paying attention to your own communications, to your own creations and to your own associations with your reality, and therefore familiarizing yourself with your perception, recognizing your perception as you, as the mechanism that actually creates all of your reality.

At times it may seem to you or you may translate within your objective expression that you are disassociating, in a manner of speaking, or disconnecting yourself, figuratively speaking, from the movement of this shift, but this intimacy with self is a tremendous movement of this shift. For without this familiarity of self and this intimacy being created with self, you shall not be creating your insertion of this shift into your objective awareness and reality. Therefore, this is significant.

MICHAEL: My capacity for listening, I think, is starting to run out! (Both chuckle) You've given a lot of information, and I need to assimilate it quickly. I can see that ... well, now I've forgotten it. I think that this has been really helpful for me, because I'm starting to see that what I'm creating, even though I don't particularly like it, I'm doing it extremely well!

ELIAS: Ha ha ha ha! I shall be acknowledging of you, my friend, for you are quite correct! (Laughs)

MICHAEL: And I keep wondering why I'm not happy with things, and I keep wondering why I'm not feeling energetic about things ... I am doing an incredible job of what I'm doing right now! (Laughing)

ELIAS: Ha ha ha! You are correct!

MICHAEL: I think it's time to change that, the direction of it for me. I'm not too happy with it all. It's nice to know I have the capacity. I think that's one of the things I was concerned about.

ELIAS: Let me express to you, my friend, this may be a valuable opportunity that you present to yourself in this communication. Be remembering, your emotional expressions are never a reaction; they are always a communication.

Therefore, as you offer to yourself an emotional expression, you may be assured that you are also offering yourself a message, and all of your emotional communications do in actuality identify what you are actually creating in the moment. Therefore, there is great value in allowing yourself to pay attention to what you are communicating to yourself.

If you are experiencing what you identify as happiness or unhappiness, you are communicating to yourself, and this offers you the opportunity to listen and pay attention and practice translating and recognizing what the message is.

MICHAEL: It's like someone's been knocking at the door inside of my skull, and I've only looked through the peephole. I haven't answered the door yet. (Laughing)

ELIAS: Quite! (Laughing)

MICHAEL: I'm like going, "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I hear ya!" (Elias chuckles)

ELIAS: And the knocking persists and becomes pounding, and louder and more frequent. And shall you inquire to yourself when you shall respond?

MICHAEL: (Laughing) Very soon! (Elias laughs) I'll get the welcome mat!

Is the imagery of my ear making noise the last couple of days been in this vein, somebody trying to get my attention?

ELIAS: YOU attempting to gain your attention, not someone else.

MICHAEL: That's what I meant. I caught myself at the last second!

ELIAS: Ha ha ha ha! And I may express to you, my friend, in parting, you may amaze yourself. For that which you have resisted in recognizing the message, or opening the door to be receiving the message, may also provide you not with expressions that are deserving of apprehension or fear, but may provide you with tremendous freedoms and new expansions of your reality.

Therefore, I may suggest to you, my friend, that you may open the door, receive the message, and recognize that in that reception you offer to yourself great new worlds.

MICHAEL: Will do. Thank you.

ELIAS: You are very welcome.

MICHAEL: I appreciate the interaction with you greatly.

ELIAS: And shall you offer my greetings to your partner?

MICHAEL: Yes, I shall offer her "hello." (Laughs, and Elias chuckles)

ELIAS: I express tremendous affection to you, and I express tremendous appreciation of our interaction and our conversation this day.

MICHAEL: Thank you very much.

ELIAS: To you, I offer great encouragement and my energy to be offering more of an ease in your movement.

MICHAEL: It will be greatly appreciated.

ELIAS: I express to you, my friend, au revoir.

MICHAEL: Au revoir.

Elias departs at 4:41 PM.

©2002 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved

Copyright 2001 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.