Initiating Focus
“Initiating Focus”
“Time and the Creation of Physical Manifestations”
Sunday, November 24, 2002 (Private/Phone)
Participants: Mary (Michael), Jon (Sung) and Erin (Melody)
Elias arrives at 11:19 AM. (Arrival time is 19 seconds.)
ELIAS: Good morning!
BOTH: Good morning!
ELIAS: (Chuckles) We meet again!
JON: (Flatly) Yup.
ELIAS: (Chuckles) Perhaps you may express a favor to myself and attempt to quiet your enthusiasm. (All laugh)
JON: (Laughing) Right.
ELIAS: How shall we proceed?
ERIN: I have a couple of things I want to ask about. The first is I’ve been thinking about what my intent is. The first feeling that I got about it was that I was drawn to social experiences somehow. Then I had a dream, and in my dream what I offered myself was that my intent was an exploration of my individual reality and social or group reality and the attraction between them. I don’t know if that’s it; I’m not entirely confident about it.
ELIAS: You are in actuality quite correct. (Chuckles)
ERIN: I remember one experience I had that I thought was related to my value fulfillment, where I was talking to people in their language and I was expressing acceptance and understanding and empathy. I think that’s also related to my intent.
ELIAS: Yes. In this, be remembering, your intent is the general theme that is expressed throughout your focus, and in that theme, in association with it, you choose many different specific experiences and directions that are all associated with that general theme.
In this, you choose many different types of experiences and directions that are more specific expressions of that theme of exploring differences in association with the individual and with groups, the differences in the expressions of perceptions of the individual and that of a group, and allowing yourself to express, in a manner of speaking, a bridging of these two types of expressions, and therefore in your exploration allowing you a clearer understanding of how you fit, so to speak, in a reality that incorporates many, many, many other individuals and societies and groups of individuals.
ERIN: So I have been following that intent my entire life?
ERIN: So it was correct. I don’t know why I doubted it so much.
ELIAS: (Chuckles) This is quite commonly expressed by individuals, for you are unaccustomed to trusting your own expressions and your impressions and your communications that you offer to yourselves, for you are familiar with the association that thought is a communication, which it is not. In this, as you offer yourself information in listening to actual communications and translating those communications through thought, at times you may doubt the accuracy or the validity of your translation of your communication.
ERIN: I think that’s really what I am doubting, the translation sometimes.
ELIAS: I am understanding. Let me express to you, thought translates for the most part quite accurately; although, it translates communications in association with what information you offer to it in relation to your attention. Therefore, if you are offering general information, you also translate in general terms; therefore, the general expression of translation that you offer to yourself may be accurate but not specific. This is what individuals recognize but do not necessarily incorporate a clear understanding of. Therefore, you generate doubt as to the validity of your translation through thought.
ERIN: Is there some more specific intent than the one I came up with?
ELIAS: No, you are offering yourself an accurate and specific account of your intent in this focus. I am speaking generally in relation to the mechanism of thought and why individuals express doubt in trusting the accuracy of that translation through thought.
ERIN: I don’t think I’m thought focused, though. I think maybe that I’m religious focused. Is that correct?
ERIN: And also maybe connected with the color red-violet? (Pause)
ELIAS: That which you may view as plum.
ERIN: The second thing I wanted to ask you about was about the experience of being an initiating focus. I definitely connect with the enthusiasm of that and also the anxiety, which I think is a sort of fear of living, and what we were talking about last time, that heightened sensation. I definitely have those three experiences, I think.
I’ve had this dream, which I think is related to being an initiating focus, where I’ve been handed a script for a play at the last minute and I’m required to enter into the action of the play where there’s expectations that I deliver lines. I’m supposed to improvise because I haven’t had time to learn the script. But there’s an audience and there’s a plot to the play — which I don’t know about but which is there — so I have to know the lines to allow the play to move with respect to its plot. I interpret this dream to be a sort of situation that symbolizes how I feel as initiating focus.
ELIAS: Correct.
ERIN: I’d like to think that the way I can do that is by trusting myself to deliver a line. The more trust I have in myself, then I know that I will be able to deliver the correct line that allows the play to move.
ELIAS: Yes, but not necessarily what you express as the “correct” line, but trusting yourself that whatever line or expression that you choose, it shall allow the play to continue. This is a matter of trusting your creativity and trusting that your choices are your choices, and regardless of which choice you engage, it shall initiate movement.
ERIN: What I wonder is, in this analogy of the spark of the sparkler, does this sparking of other focuses occur throughout the entire initiating lifetime?
ELIAS: In a manner of speaking, yes, for it is all simultaneous. (25-second pause)
ERIN: Do you think that maybe you could explain that a little bit? I’m kind of confused about it.
ELIAS: You view your reality to move in sequences of time, which it realistically does as you continue to generate your reality in this physical dimension. But outside of this physical dimension, time may or may not be incorporated as an element of reality, and it may be incorporated in different manners.
But in association with consciousness and essence, which is consciousness, all of the focuses are occurring simultaneously and all of the experiences are occurring simultaneously. It is merely a matter of attention that generates the configuration of time and expresses this appearance that movement is occurring sequentially or in a linear fashion. Therefore, as all of the experiences are occurring simultaneously, all that you generate within your focus is occurring at the same time that the other experiences of yourself as essence are occurring.
Therefore the spark, so to speak, is continuous, and this generates a type of influence of your experiences within your individual focus of attention in similar manner to the expressions of an individual which may be a designated final focus. There is an underlying influence associated with that designation. This is the reason that individuals that are an initiating or a final focus incorporate a strong awareness of that designation throughout most of their focus.
Now; they may choose different manners in which they express that influence, but the influence is present, so to speak, for you generate a time framework and sequential events and a movement in linear fashion, which generates certain types of experiences. If you were to be removing the element of time, all of these experiences would be occurring simultaneously. Therefore, the expression of the initiating spark is continuous throughout the experience of the physical engagement.
Visualize your sparkler once again. In this, the initiating spark continues throughout the burning of the sparkler in harmony with all of the other sparks. It merely is the spark that ignites all of the other sparks, but it continues to burn simultaneously with the other sparks. Therefore, its experience continues to be that expression of the ignition, so to speak. (Pause)
ERIN: In my case, was I fragmented into this initiating focus in this dimension in this physical reality?
ERIN: Was I fragmented in a different physical reality?
ELIAS: No. The expression of fragmentation which generated your essence, so to speak, has been an action that has been incorporated in mergences of essences in nonphysical expression. What is the nature of your concern in relation to your experience associated with being an initiating focus?
ERIN: I’m just trying to understand how it affects my experiences, how this is one aspect of my experience. I’m just trying to understand it so that I know which aspect of myself it’s influencing, in a way of speaking.
ELIAS: I am understanding. Be remembering also that you incorporate choice in relation to this expression or this influence, for you may manipulate your energy in any manner in association with that influence. You are not locked into any particular expression.
In similar manner to a designated final focus, individuals generate a misunderstanding and move in association with creating absolutes in regard to these designations, expressing that there are certain qualities or certain expressions that shall be incorporated by every individual that may be a final focus or an initiating focus, and this is quite incorrect. It is the choice of the individual how they shall incorporate that influence and what they shall generate in their experiences.
ERIN: I think since I first heard about that, I have felt kind of childlike and inexperienced, but I recognize that all of the information of essence is within me. So the feeling I have is the way I want to incorporate choice, that I don’t necessarily have to feel childlike and inexperienced.
ELIAS: Correct, or you may choose to be incorporating that type of expression and allowing yourself that experience, but you are not locked to that type of expression. You do incorporate choice, and you may manipulate energy in relation to your experiences in any manner that you choose. (40-second pause)
ERIN: I have a couple of other questions. Is it okay if I try to connect people that I know with their family and alignments, for my understanding of that?
ERIN: This one I have difficulty with. It’s my dad. I was thinking that maybe he’s Zuli, aligned with Sumari.
ELIAS: Correct.
ERIN: My mom — Milumet, aligned with Sumafi?
ELIAS: Reverse.
ERIN: Becky is Sumari, aligned with Borledim?
ELIAS: Correct.
ERIN: Paul is Sumari, aligned with Gramada?
ELIAS: Correct.
ERIN: Matt — Vold, aligned with Sumari?
ELIAS: Reverse.
ERIN: Judy — Vold, aligned with Ilda?
ERIN: Trisha — Vold, aligned with Sumari?
ELIAS: Correct.
ERIN: Carol — Sumafi, aligned with Vold?
ELIAS: Essence family, Gramada.
ERIN: And that alignment is correct?
ERIN: Maybe Joanne would be Sumafi, aligned with Vold?
ELIAS: Correct.
ERIN: Is Chris belonging to Milumet?
ERIN: And Alan, belonging to Sumafi?
ERIN: Wow, that’s great! I did pretty well! (Elias laughs)
I have another curiosity question. Judy received the name Benjamin Laszlo as the name of her child, who turned out to be a girl, Bridget. I was wondering, what is the connection with the name Benjamin Laszlo?
ELIAS: This is another focus.
ERIN: That’s what Jon thought.
Finally, I was wondering about my attempt to connect with other focuses. Paul connected with a focus where my name was either Claire or Clara, and he was my nephew, John.
ELIAS: Clara, yes.
ERIN: And this is in New York?
ERIN: Last night I tried to connect with focuses, and there were three: a Greek woman, a woman in Japan, and a future focus. Was I correct in the information I received about them, or was there anything that was not quite correct?
ELIAS: You are correct, and you have offered yourself accurate information in your impressions.
ERIN: Great. I also had a dream where I was experiencing myself as a serial killer. Was that actually another focus also?
ERIN: Wow! (Laughs) That is something! Wow! (Elias chuckles) Well, I’m going to hand over to Jon now.
ELIAS: (Chuckles) Very well.
JON: First, I was just curious, when Erin was getting her focus impressions last night, I kind of got an impression about someone in Japan named Hoyru, with something like Ishinu as a last name. He was like the son of a farmer, who worked for a village political leader. Was that a focus of Erin or one of me?
ELIAS: One in which you both participate.
JON: But neither of us is this guy?
ELIAS: Yes, this is you, and the father is your partner.
JON: I’m basically interested to know more in depth what is going on with how attention and the choosing aspects work. It seems like there’s an inner attention which is different from my waking conscious attention. The inner attention is sort of like a smooth muscle which is constant and automatic, like a heart. My waking attention is sort of like an arm muscle. It’s like this sort of strong background attention which is generally focused strongly, like the police.
I want to sort of imagine a giant fire hose shooting water at a wall of jars that are beliefs, and once the water hits, they’re eliminated. It objectifies them. Acceptance of the beliefs makes it possible to aim the water in other different directions to again objectify other beliefs. Focusing on myself in the present moment gives me the opportunity to do that.
It also seems like in some cases when you align with a belief, you align with it for some reason, and that reason has to be dealt with also at some level before you can effectively shift your attention away from it.
That’s sort of my conception of what’s going on at the moment. I was wondering if you could correct me or add anything to that.
ELIAS: I may express to you that you have presented an interesting and accurate analogy of attention in relation to movement and beliefs.
In this, you may recognize that you may be intentionally directing that water flow to the jars and choosing which beliefs you shall be expressing, recognizing those which are expressed in automatic responses and thusly allowing yourself a new recognition that you may intentionally direct your choices in relation to your beliefs and which beliefs you choose to be expressing and aligning with in association with your preferences, but also incorporating a genuine objective recognition that these are your choices and that other individuals may express different choices. In acceptance of your choices, recognizing that these are expressions of your preferences, you do not generate the judgment in relation to your own choices or to other individuals’ choices.
JON: In that moment when I choose and direct the water stream in different directions, I’m sort of curious how to do that really effectively. Let’s say I wanted to do something like teleport or morph a table into a steak. What can I do within myself to make that happen? I’m also curious, why is it easier to do that in dream state than it is in physical reality?
ELIAS: You express less constraints or restrictions upon yourself and your abilities within dream state than you do in waking state. You also incorporate less of an expression of linear time in dream state than you do in waking state. You allow yourself more of a flexibility in dream state, and you express more of a rigidness in waking state.
Your association with time is quite significant also, for time is the factor that enables you to generate physical manifestations, actual matter. Therefore, you may be incorporating more of a challenge in reconfiguring physical manifestations in waking state in your objective reality, for you automatically generate an expression of time in alignment with the design of your physical dimension.
Now; this is not to say that you may not bend that expression of time or that you do not incorporate the ability to reconfigure the manner in which you are manipulating energy in association with time to be generating these types of manifestations. It may merely be more challenging in waking state, for your beliefs associated with your abilities are strong and your familiarity with the movement of time is quite strong also.
In this, allowing yourself to relax your attention and incorporate more flexibility in the movement of your attention and also incorporating more of a flexibility in your association with time shall be quite influencing of your perception, therefore allowing you to accomplish these types of actions in waking state more easily.
As an example, individuals do allow themselves to incorporate an actual physical action of levitation. The manner in which this is accomplished is to be bending the perception of time and allowing the self to incorporate a specific type of relaxation that relaxes certain expressions of the perception to defy strongly expressed beliefs, in a manner of speaking, and therefore move the attention to different beliefs that are not generally expressed by the individual. For you incorporate all beliefs within all belief systems; therefore, it is merely a matter of moving your attention and choosing to express different beliefs.
JON: When you were talking about this relationship with time and bending time and how that affects the physical creation of matter and physical reality as different from in dream state, I guess I’m not really sure what question to ask but can you kind of clarify? I’m not exactly sure what time is, I guess. What’s going on there?
ELIAS: Time is an element of movement.
What you incorporate in action as consciousness as you choose to be manifesting in this physical reality is an action of generating things from nothing. For consciousness, and you as essence which is consciousness, is not an entity; therefore, it incorporates no form. Therefore, you are generating actual forms and physical manifestations from no physical manifestation and no form.
Therefore, you incorporate this element of time within your physical reality, which generates a type of thickness of energy, which allows you each to configure energy of consciousness within that thickness and therefore create actual physical manifestations. The manner in which you bend time alters your manifestations, but it is also an incorporation of how you direct your attention.
In this, if you are incorporating a faster vibration of time, physical manifestations may appear less solid. If you are incorporating a slower vibration of time, physical manifestations may appear much more solid. Figuratively speaking, time is a type of cloak which surrounds links of consciousness, energy, and therefore generates form.
JON: When you say “bending time,” would you be speeding up the vibration or slowing it down? Is that what you mean by “bending?”
ELIAS: Yes, and moving your attention also.
JON: (Inaudible)
ELIAS: Correct.
JON: So if I wanted to levitate, it would help to increase the vibration of time to a higher rate?
ELIAS: Yes, and also to move your attention to not be expressing the belief of gravity. The movement of your attention also is the manner in which you shall alter the configuration of time, which you actually incorporate this action much more often than you notice.
You incorporate this action of bending time or allowing yourself more of a flexibility of time in association with your attention quite frequently, in actuality. You merely do not pay attention to what you are actually doing that generates that expression. Frequently you may express to yourselves that time may be moving quite quickly or it may be moving quite slowly, and you briefly notice but you do not pay attention to what you are actually doing that generates that alteration of time.
You express, generally speaking, to yourselves that time remains the same and your perception of it is different, which is quite amusing, for your perception is what generates the alteration of the factor of time itself. Therefore, they are not separated. In this, your perceptions do generate different expressions of time in relation to how you are directing your attention.
Therefore, if you are allowing yourself to become more intimately familiar with yourself and what you actually generate within your physical reality, what you actually do in all of your moments, you shall also begin to offer yourself clearer information as to how you create certain actions and what influences certain expressions and experiences. In generating more of a clarity in familiarity of yourself, you also may allow yourself to generate experiences intentionally in expressions that you want.
JON: I’m just curious; if I’m focused more on the present moment, does that have an effect? Like the more I’m focused on the present, does that affect the rate of time at all, or is it a different attention that affects the rate of time?
ELIAS: This is one manner, yes.
JON: That would slow it down, by concentrating on each moment?
ELIAS: It may or it may not. It is dependent upon how you are directing your attention. This is one manner in which you may be reconfiguring your expression of time. There are many manners or methods, so to speak, of moving your attention to be affecting of the configuration of time.
JON: If I move my attention away from the belief in gravity to one where I do not believe in gravity, but at the same time I move my attention so that time slows down rather than speeding up, I’m assuming that would make it impossible to levitate, basically. It probably would be a little more difficult to levitate.
ELIAS: Not necessarily, for you may choose to be configuring time in a slower manner to offer you the opportunity to extend the experience, so to speak.
In this, be remembering, you shall not be moving your attention in a manner in which you express that you do not believe gravity. You are merely acknowledging, yes, you do incorporate a belief of gravity, but you also are allowing yourself choice and therefore allowing yourself to direct your hose to a different jar; recognizing that the other jar continues to exist, but in this particular moment your attention is focusing upon a different jar.
JON: Okay, I can see that. Well, thank you very much. I think we’re on the monthly plan now (Elias laughs), so we’ll talk with you more.
ELIAS: Very well! I shall be anticipating our interactions and our conversations! (Laughs)
JON: Me too.
ELIAS: To you both I express great affection and a continued encouragement in your exploration and your adventures. I express to you each in the fondness of friendship, au revoir.
ERIN: Bye.
Elias departs at 12:20 PM.
(1) The “spark of the sparkler” analogy, from , 6/13/02:
ELIAS: ...I have expressed an analogy concerning the focuses of attention in association with any physical dimension, and the designation of a final focus and a beginning focus in relation to what you view or know to be as a sparkler within your physical dimension. One spark initiates the action of all of the sparks of the sparkler, and almost immediately all of the sparks stop. They all sparkle together, but one spark begins the action of the sparkling, and there is a moment in which all of the sparks stop together.
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Copyright 2002 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.