Session 1157

Shifting, Turning Your Attention from Distractions


“Shifting, Turning Your Attention from Distractions”
“Interpret through Specifics, Not Generalities”
“Continuing — or Not — a Relationship with a Creature”

Monday, October 14, 2002 (Private/Phone)
Participants: Mary (Michael) and David (Zalman)
Elias arrives at 10:41 AM. (Arrival time is 20 seconds.)

ELIAS: Good morning!

DAVID: Hello! How are you? Are you there?

ELIAS: (Laughs) Yes!

DAVID: Wonderful! It’s so good to talk to you!

ELIAS: (Laughs) Welcome, my friend!

DAVID: Thank you! First of all, I’d like to ask you the regular questions. I’d like to find out my essence name, family, alignment, and orientation, if that’s okay.

ELIAS: Very well. Essence name, Zalman, Z-A-L-M-A-N (ZALL mun). And your impression as to essence families?

DAVID: Family, I believe, is maybe Sumafi.

ELIAS: Correct, and alignment?

DAVID: Sumari?

ELIAS: Correct. Orientation, common.

DAVID: And the focus?

ELIAS: Emotional.

DAVID: Oh, I knew that! (Elias laughs) I’d like to ask the same information for my friend, Laura. (Pause)

ELIAS: Essence name, Zara, Z-A-R-A (ZAH rah).

DAVID: And the family?

ELIAS: And your impression?

DAVID: You know, I don’t really have one on that.

ELIAS: Essence family, Vold; alignment, Sumari; orientation, common.

DAVID: And the focus?

ELIAS: Emotional.

DAVID: Just one more — my granddaughter, Emily.

ELIAS: Essence name, Leoapold, L-E-O-A-P-O-L-D (LEE uh pold). Essence family, Borledim; alignment, Tumold; orientation, common; focus type, emotional.

DAVID: Wonderful! Thank you so much for that!

ELIAS: You are quite welcome.

DAVID: I wondered if my friend Laura and I share other focuses together.


DAVID: How many?

ELIAS: Twelve.

DAVID: Would we be counterparts?


DAVID: How many focuses do I have in this dimension?

ELIAS: Total numbering of focuses, 413.

DAVID: Wow, that’s a lot! (Elias chuckles)

I have a question. I went for a long period of time without having sex, and then when I finally did, when I got home that day I had some kind of physical reaction. I was wondering what that was all about.

ELIAS: (Chuckles) And offer to myself your impression of what you created.

DAVID: Well, I think that it has something to do with intimacy and perhaps to point out that I don’t have that relationship with myself, I guess.

ELIAS: It is an expression of fear manifest in a physical expression. In this, it also is associated with your participation individually in addressing to the belief system of sexuality, which encompasses all of your physical expression within this particular reality, not merely sexual activity.

In this, you are correct; a strong association with this particular belief system is that of intimacy with yourself and with other individuals. This expression of intimacy, in a manner of speaking, spills into all areas of your focus and all of your expressions. You image it to yourself most obviously and strongly in the expressions of sexual activity and relationships; but intimacy is an expression of yourself, and knowing, trusting and accepting of yourself.

Now; in addressing to this belief system, which continues to be expressed in this wave in consciousness at this time, you also are expressing the opportunity to examine how you view yourself, what beliefs influence your perception of yourself and your behaviors and your expressions. You are also offering yourself the opportunity to stop [and] genuinely view yourself in how you evaluate yourself in relation to your own image of yourself and your beliefs and your outward expression of that in production or performance.

This moves also in association with your orientation, that of common, which naturally expresses outwardly objectively. Your natural expression is to be generating what may be termed as productivity in some manner. This is not necessarily expressed always in a manifestation of a thing; although in association with the perceptions of individuals that are common, even actions may be viewed as a production of a thing or a manifestation, which is quite natural.

Now; in this, as you have begun objectively shifting, you also generate a manifestation to turn your attention to you rather than occupying your attention with the other individual or with outside expressions. This is quite a challenge for individuals of this orientation. As I have expressed previously, this is also the reason that there may be tremendous trauma associated with this shift, for most individuals incorporate this orientation of common, and you are quite accustomed to projecting your attention outwardly. You are NOT accustomed to incorporating that action and also simultaneously holding your attention upon self.

Therefore, this becomes the challenge, to be expressing your natural movement of moving your attention objectively and offering yourself information through objective imagery and also paying attention to what YOU are generating, what you are creating and what you are communicating to yourself.

Now; I may also express to you that this is not necessarily an on-going manifestation. You have presented this to yourself, in a manner of speaking, as an aid to yourself, to move your attention to you and allow you the opportunity to examine what influences your choices and what influences what you actually create — what you actually do rather than what you think. Are you understanding?

DAVID: Yes, yes. This is so interesting! Very good. So, how is my incorporation of the shift coming?

ELIAS: (Laughs) Quite well!

DAVID: Does this relate to the trauma thing? Does this relate to the car accident six months ago?

ELIAS: And what is your assessment of the experience?

DAVID: I think it is, because once that happened, I did start changing my perspective on things in a lot of different areas to start looking inwardly more, it seems.

ELIAS: Correct, for you have moved your attention.

DAVID: It seems like I no longer have interest in watching TV or listening to old music and things like that. Is that a reflection of that?


DAVID: Is it also why I quit smoking pot after 30 years?

ELIAS: (Laughs) Partially. In actuality, my friend, it matters not. I mean, you may be incorporating this action and not interrupt your clarity. But in an inward recognition of your beliefs and the influence of your beliefs in relation to this substance, you have engaged a choice to discontinue that participation that you may allow yourself more clarity in relation to yourself. And you may or may not choose to be engaging that action futurely; it matters not.

Within this time framework, you are moving your attention to yourself and attempting to offer yourself a greater understanding objectively of how you are creating within your reality and paying attention to these concepts and how they may be associated with you individually.

DAVID: That makes total sense.

Why were Laura and I not able to continue our relationship in intimacy?

ELIAS: What do you view?

DAVID: Again, I think it probably has to do with the same thing you talked about before, I guess — my fear.

ELIAS: What have been your actions and your expression in relation to this subject?

DAVID: I’m not exactly sure. (Pause)

ELIAS: Very well. Express to myself what you perceive to be the interactions that have occurred that have blocked the expression of the relationship.

DAVID: Well, I think that it has to do with, again, my beliefs about sexuality.

ELIAS: Therefore, what has actually occurred in actual interaction?

It is significant that you allow yourself to pay attention and respond to this questioning. For as you respond, we may examine together more closely what you actually created, which is helpful in your objective understanding of what you generate in choices, what influences that, and how you may incorporate different choices.

Therefore, I inquire of you again, what have you actually engaged in interaction with this individual that you perceive to be the reason that the relationship did not continue in the manner in which you want?

DAVID: (Laughs) It’s so typical for me! (Elias laughs) It has continued in a manner that I wished it to, and yet it hasn’t. Again, I think perhaps it has to do with my acceptance of myself.

ELIAS: In which manner has it not continued in the direction that you want?

DAVID: Within intimacy.

ELIAS: Therefore you generate a friendship, but you want this relationship to be expressed differently than a friendship.

DAVID: I think I do! (Elias chuckles) I’m not totally sure!

ELIAS: Very well. And what is the reason that you want the relationship to be expressed in a romantic expression with this individual?

DAVID: That’s a good question, isn’t it? (Elias laughs) I guess part of it is just the belief system that that’s what should happen. It has to do with my beliefs about myself, I guess.

ELIAS: You are correct, my friend, but moving into the examination of your beliefs may be more challenging if you are incorporating that as a beginning point. It may be less overwhelming and what you term to be easier to begin examining your expectations in relation to your wants, and therefore allow yourself to identify what you are denying yourself.

This is the reason that these questions are purposeful, for you move in the expression of generalities, and as you express generalities, you offer yourself little information. Once you allow yourself to be examining specific actions and interactions, you also offer yourself clearer information in intimacy with you.

Therefore, what do you view in this other individual specifically that motivates you to want to be creating a romantic relationship with her?

DAVID: It seems that when I’m with her, things are exciting; things are interesting. I just enjoy being with her.

ELIAS: Very well. What do you assess that you express in the time frameworks that you are interactive with this individual that you perceive that she allows you?

DAVID: I’m not quite understanding that.

ELIAS: This is a key question, my friend. For one of the reasons that you deny yourself the freedom of your expression, other than fear, is that you credit the other individual with your expression. You credit the other individual with your freedom. What is meant in this is that you allow yourself certain expressions of freedom of yourself with this individual, but underlyingly you are expressing to yourself that the reason that you may express this freedom is because this individual allows you to.

DAVID: I see what you’re saying! I understand.

ELIAS: Therefore, you are expressing the credit of YOUR freedom to the other individual, which generates a stronger attraction. But it also blocks you.

Now; you may express the same intensity or more of an intensity of attraction and appreciation of the other individual in recognizing your own freedom of your expression, knowing that you incorporate greater ability to appreciate another individual the more you are appreciating of yourself.

DAVID: That makes total sense. I wanted to ask you about a dream I had about finding a key.

ELIAS: Very well.

DAVID: I dreamt that I found this golden key. Subsequently to that, I lost my mailbox key. Then I started to read the transcripts, and the very day that I started to read the transcripts, I found my mailbox key on the sidewalk in plain sight. The obvious imagery is that the transcripts are the key for me.

ELIAS: Correct – your translation in physical imagery of my introduction in energy to you.

DAVID: I’m wondering how is my acceptance of myself coming along? I mean, I’m really trying to work on that.

ELIAS: I am aware.

DAVID: I figured you would be!

ELIAS: (Laughs) You are generating sufficient movement. It is a process, my friend, and in this process there is no finish line, for were there to be, you would also be denying your freedom. Therefore, the process itself is the expression of your freedom, offering yourself continual opportunities in each moment to be accepting of yourself and your expressions and your beliefs, and to recognize what you may be denying within yourself and what influences that denial within yourself and therefore influences your perception, which is your actual physical reality, and offering yourself greater freedom in recognition of choice.

DAVID: Why am I not more aware of my other focuses? It seems to me that in the past I had more of an awareness. In the pre-dream state, I would see faces of individuals and things. But now when I really would like that information, it doesn’t seem there for me.

ELIAS: In this time framework this is not the direction of your attention. It matters not, my friend.

You offer yourselves information in many different manners, and at times you may choose to be offering yourself distraction or information in relation to investigation of other focuses of yourself, or you may engage playfulness in that activity.

But I may also express to you, you individually in this time framework are moving your attention more in association with yourself now and exploring and evaluating this focus, and allowing yourself to become more intimately familiar with you now in an objective manner. Therefore, at times you may incorporate the thought process that you may wish to be viewing other focuses as a distraction, but the greater desire moves in association with this focus and becoming intimate with this focus in this time framework.

DAVID: Wow, that makes sense to me! It really does!

ELIAS: You may perhaps futurely re-engage this type of activity of viewing other focuses, but I shall express to you, you may engage it differently, in a more playful manner, and merely as an investigation of fun, for you are offering yourself intimate information in this focus now of yourself.

This is significant, my friend, for this shift is accelerating and it is moving in the expression of the objective insertion. Therefore, in a manner of speaking, it is moving in a manner which requires individuals’ attention. If individuals are not moving their attention in this manner to themselves, they shall be — and are already — generating trauma in their shifting, for the movement is occurring, regardless.

DAVID: I’m wondering about staying in the moment and focusing on myself. I try to do that as much as I can, and I’m wondering if I’m being successful.

ELIAS: Somewhat. I may express to you, this also is a process and practicing, my friend, for this is actually quite unfamiliar. For you are unaccustomed to the action of holding your attention in the now continuously, and you are QUITE unfamiliar with holding your attention upon YOU and in the now simultaneously. Therefore, this is an action that incorporates practice.

But, my friend, be encouraged, for this is an aspect of the game! You engage this physical reality as a choice to explore, and in this exploration you generate a game, and the practicing is a factor of the game in this particular dimension. There is a tremendous volume to explore in this particular physical dimension, for it is so very diverse. Therefore, you have chosen to be manifest in a dimension in which, if you are aware of your exploration of it, if you are paying attention to yourself, if you are recognizing that you create all of your reality, you shall not be expressing boredom! Ha ha ha!

DAVID: I was wondering if you could comment on a dream that my friend Laura had the other day. She was dreaming about her kids and a highway, and she was fearful.

ELIAS: And...? (Slight pause) What was the expression of the fearfulness?

DAVID: I’m not totally sure. She just said that she was fearful of the actions that her children were doing, apparently.

ELIAS: You may offer to this individual information of the imagery of this dream, which is expressing an identification of assuming personal responsibility for other individuals and not acknowledging the other individuals’ choices.

This is quite strongly expressed in mass beliefs in association with roles of family members with parents and children, parents aligning with the beliefs that they are responsible for the children and that it is their role to be guiding and expressing direction for the children, but this also denies the choices of the children. They are individuals also, and they create their reality in no less manner than any other individual, regardless of their physical age.

Therefore, also in association with shifting, the individual is offering themselves imagery concerning their automatic response in association with personal responsibility, which...

DAVID: Wow, I knew that, but I just couldn’t think of it at the time.

ELIAS: This offers the individual the opportunity to examine that expression and their motivation and their beliefs that influence this...

DAVID: Wonderful. Here’s a question I have. I have a cat that I’ve had since it was born and that I love very much, but a little while ago the cat started to annoy me. I’m at the point of pushing him away, and I’m not sure I understand why.

ELIAS: This, once again, my friend, is associated with your movement in the direction that you are choosing now. For previously, as I have stated, you have moved your attention in projecting outwardly and offering yourself expressions of comfort in association with manifestations outside of yourself, attempting to offer yourself validations and an avenue in which you may allow yourself to express what you want to offer to yourself through the action of expressing it outwardly in association with outward manifestations, and also attempting to receive from outward manifestations what you wish to offer to yourself.

But in turning your attention and moving your attention to you and generating this new exploration of yourself, this is occupying your attention to a great extent, and therefore outside expressions are recognized as distractions and consuming of your time, so to speak. You are moving in an expression of recognizing what you have allowed previously in association with demands of outside expressions, and you are now moving in an expression of paying attention to you and exploring what you genuinely want.

Therefore, the creature has served its purpose, and you are expressing to yourself that it has served its purpose. But you are not listening to your communication to yourself, and you are expressing judgment in relation to yourself in expectation of yourself that you should be responding and generating a certain type of behavior in relation to the creature.

But this is not the direction that you are incorporating any longer.
Therefore, a struggle arises within you and you are expressing emotional communications to yourself, but you are merely recognizing the signals and not the messages. In this, you are not recognizing ALL of the signals, merely some of the signals, one of which is annoyance and frustration. But there are other signals that are occurring that incorporate other messages also that you are not listening to and you are not recognizing.

DAVID: I understand what you’re saying there. It brings up the fact that again, since emotion is a communication, when I do feel emotion I try to stop and say, “What am I communicating?” and many, many times, nothing comes.

ELIAS: Quite! For this is a generality, once again. This also is [the] unfamiliar action of interpreting objectively what you are communicating. Therefore, move your attention to the signal, identify the signal, and once identifying the signal allow yourself to explore and evaluate what influences that signal: what am I expressing to myself within myself, not in relation to any other expression within your reality — another individual, a creature, a circumstance, a situation — with no association to any other aspect of your reality but yourself, turning your attention inward and evaluating what are you expressing to yourself, what are you denying, what choices are you not offering to yourself to view, what belief is associated with this feeling.

Many times you pay attention to what you perceive to be the loudest or the strongest feeling, but there may be several other feelings or signals that are occurring simultaneously, and in this, many times, in your terms one leads to another, a type of domino action. You express to yourself an identification: “I am experiencing a feeling of aggravation.” Very well, what is the identification of aggravation? “I am irritated.” Very well, this irritation is influenced in what manner? “There is an expression of frustration.” Very well, what is my expression of frustration? “Recognizing that I incorporate choice but not objectively recognizing or incorporating a sureness of what those choices may be.” Very well, what are the possible choices that I am denying to myself or that I am refusing to examine? “I am incorporating interaction with this creature, this cat. It is annoying to myself.” Now eliminate the cat, for the cat is not generating the annoyance; YOU are generating the annoyance. Very well — what are my beliefs in association with this cat? “Previously I engaged an affectionate relationship with this creature. I am not experiencing that signal any longer.” Ah! How do I perceive not experiencing that signal any longer? “This is bad. I should be continuing to express this affection in relation to this cat. I have chosen the responsibility — key word! — of this cat, and therefore it is my obligation to be expressing affection and care for this creature.” What are my choices? What am I actually expressing now, without judgment, recognizing that movement changes?

As you move your attention, you also alter your perception, and you change and your reality changes. Change is intrinsic to consciousness. It is not bad to not be expressing the affection that you may have expressed previously. Rather, accept what you are expressing now, recognize that, do not attempt to force that away or deny to yourself what you are expressing, and recognize that not all expressions within your reality are permanent. You have created the cat. You have drawn this energy to yourself purposefully for your individual reasons, but this is not to say that you have created this in permanence.

Now; in association with your energy and your beliefs and your movement, your interaction with the creature in your want to disengage your relationship with the creature does not move in a communication with the creature in which the creature is responding in manifesting illness or disengagement. Therefore, the creature continues in its manifestation. But this is your opportunity to examine how you generate automatic responses of holding to certain expressions and relationships in relation to your expectation of yourself that you must.

DAVID: I’m understanding that. That’s very interesting. I’ll have to think about that.

ELIAS: And as you hold to that belief that you must be holding to this relationship and continuing and generating these expectations, allow yourself to examine what you are actually generating.

What are you actually expressing — are you expressing ease? No. Are you expressing affection? No. Are you offering appreciation to the creature? No. Are you generating comfort for the creature or for yourself? No. Are you appreciating yourself? No. You are discounting the creature, you are discounting yourself, and you are generating an atmosphere in which you are uncomfortable and the creature is uncomfortable. What is the benefit of this? To notice and to offer yourself acceptance, and to recognize that you are not bad or wrong if you choose not to be continuing in the relationship, and this applies to individuals also in your reality.

DAVID: Our hour’s just about up here, Elias. I want to really thank you. You’ve given me a ton of things to think about here! (Elias laughs) I really appreciate it!

ELIAS: You are quite welcome, my friend. I shall be anticipating our next meeting, and in the interim time framework I shall be offering my energy to you in tremendous encouragement.

DAVID: Thank you.

ELIAS: I express to you great affection, my friend. In fondness, au revoir.

DAVID: Au revoir.

Elias departs at 11:42 AM.

©2004 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved

Copyright 2002 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.