Session 431

Step three: Addressing to Beliefs


“Step Three: Addressing to Beliefs”
“The Orientation of Soft”

Friday, July 23, 1999     © 1999  (Private)
Participants:  Mary (Michael) and Frank (Christian/X-tian).
Vic’s note:  This is the third session that has been held in a hotel room, and Frank has been present at all of them.  Now, isn’t that interesting!  But there is a new element in this session — Frank is sitting right next to Elias.  So, I’ve got Frank waving and yelling “Hi, Vic!” into the camera, and talking about doing an interview with Elias and calling it “Spiritual CNN” or “Groundbreaking Spiritual Journalism” or “The Frank and Mary Show.”  Frank, you are a NUT!
Here we go, live from room 105!
Elias arrives at 3:12 PM. (Arrival time is 30 seconds)

ELIAS:  Good afternoon, Christian!

FRANK:  Hello, Elias!  How are you? (Laughing)

ELIAS:  (Chuckling)  And we meet objectively ...

FRANK:  This time we do!

ELIAS:  ... within physical matter!

FRANK:  Of course!

ELIAS:  (Chuckling)  And which direction shall you be choosing this day to be moving into?

FRANK:  There are many directions, I guess, but I guess we should start with where we left off last time.  How about my progress, first of all?  I’ve been working a lot with the four main belief systems that you alerted me to, in reference to relationships, the way I feel about myself, etc.  I feel like I’ve been putting in a decent amount of effort in identifying them and bringing them to the forefront, and dealing with when I have conflict and putting that in front of me and realizing what’s causing it.  How am I doing on that?

I’m sure there’s more that I have to do ‘cause obviously my conflict hasn’t disappeared totally, and then I’ve had bouts where I’ve gone backwards in the way I feel, and then, like right now, I feel really good and things are going in a no-conflict direction.  So, I’d just like to get some insight to start, and then we’ll take it from there.

ELIAS:  Very well.  Let me express to you that what I have offered you previously moves in what you may term to be steps.

Each time framework that we speak objectively with each other, I have offered you information in a sequence, for in the manner that you approach your direction of attention and your affinity for methods, this has shown to being more efficient — to not be overwhelming you with information, but be offering information within that time framework that you may assimilate, and direct your attention specifically to certain areas and certain movements.  This eliminates much distraction that you may create yourself in your attempts to be addressing to these belief systems and issues that you hold.

Therefore, initially we began merely in looking to self and examining behaviors, and subsequent to that, you approached myself and inquired for more specifics in the areas of the aspects of beliefs that you individually are addressing to, that are affecting you within your focus physically and emotionally.

FRANK:  Right.

ELIAS:  In this, I have offered to you specific directions that you may turn your attention to, be noticing, and also be addressing to.  Now we move into what you may term to be the next step.

FRANK:  I had a feeling there was a next step! (Laughing)

ELIAS:  For in this, you notice the aspects of beliefs that are affecting you.  You turn your attention to be recognizing all of the different expressions of those aspects of beliefs and all of the areas that they may be affecting of you and influencing of your behaviors.  This is what you have been addressing to, to this point.

Now; in the next step, so to speak, you may move your attention from the area of concentrating upon these aspects of beliefs, for presently and within this time framework, you have been paying close attention, and in that, you have also been concentrating tremendously in this area.

FRANK:  Too much?

ELIAS:  Temporarily, this may be beneficial.  The area that this moves into being non-beneficial and creating obstacles or blockages is that you may lean in the direction of extensive concentration, and in that type of expression, you also stop your movement.

Now; in this, let me express to you, I have offered an analogy recently as to a window with many panes.  View your issues and your beliefs as this window.

Now; in this, there are many, many, many sections of this window, many panes within it, but there is merely one window, and the purpose of this window is to offer you an opening to move through.  But if you are concentrating upon this window very intensely, you are not moving through it.  You are holding your attention in the examination of the window....

FRANK:  On the panes?

ELIAS:  Correct.

FRANK:  On one pane, or several panes at a time?

ELIAS:  You look to one at a time, but you are examining many different panes, each individually.

FRANK:  So I don’t see the whole window!

ELIAS:  And as you are viewing each of these panes, you are examining all of the aspects of it, all of the angles of it, how the light is reflected through it, and every element of this particular window pane, and you continue this process with each pane of the window.

Temporarily, within the previous step, this may be beneficial, for you to be noticing and examining each of these elements that contribute to the entirety of the window, but you may distract yourself if not moving to the next step and continu[ing] to be holding your attention in the area of the window panes, and as you hold your attention in this area, you discontinue your movement, for you do not allow yourself to move through the window into new areas.

FRANK:  Does that mean I’m not neutralizing my beliefs, the effect of my beliefs?

ELIAS:  Correct.

Now; this be the movement into the next step.  You have already allowed yourself a time framework to be examining, to be noticing, to be identifying.

FRANK:  So I’m done, right? (Laughing)

ELIAS:  Therefore, do not concern your attention in tremendous concentration.

Look to your focus and look to elements that you create within your focus that you view to be an annoyance, a frustration, a backwards motion, an irritation — any element that you look to within your focus that holds a negative connotation.

Now, let us view this carefully.  Each time you are creating of any element within your focus that holds this quality, how intensely are you concentrating upon this?

FRANK:  Usually, very!

ELIAS:  Incorrect!  You are NOT concentrating.  You merely create!

FRANK:  Oh, because it’s affecting me so much?

ELIAS:  You are concentrating upon the effect, but you are not concentrating upon the creation before you are creating it!

Let me express to you, within your physical expression, you view this as an annoyance, an irritation.  You wish to be discontinuing in this manifestation.

Now; in your creation of this physical affectingness, within your actual heart and its beating or your breath or the affectingness of your physical muscles in fatigue, look to this creation.  How intensely are you concentrating upon the creation of these actions before their manifestation?  You are not....

FRANK:  Probably not at all!

ELIAS:  Quite, and this is the point.  It requires no concentration objectively for you to be creating this, and look to the efficiency of your creation!

FRANK:  And how well it works, right?

ELIAS:  Quite!

FRANK:  Okay, there’s the point.  Okay.

ELIAS:  You are creating this quite easily, quite efficiently, with NO thought process and with NO effort.

FRANK:  A very good point! (Laughing)

ELIAS:  You TRUST your creation.  You trust your ability to be creating physical affectingness in this manner.  You trust your physical body expression, but recognize also that one of the reasons that you trust this expression is that you divorce your physical body from your spiritual body, so to speak.

FRANK:  Still?  I still do that?  That’s always been the issue!  I thought I got through that one! (Laughing)

ELIAS:  In this, as you continue to separate, you continue to express that your physical body is creating elements out of your control, without your permission.  This creates the irritation, the frustration, and the lack of acceptance.  In this, were you within control of your physical form, within your beliefs it would not be creating of this action, for you choose it not to be objectively.

FRANK:  Right.

ELIAS:  Incorrect.  This is the exhibition of the lack of trust and of the separation of you and your physical form, which you are not separated from.  It IS you.

In this also, returning to our discussion of the ease of your creation, you are not meditating upon creating a lack of breath.

FRANK:  Right.

ELIAS:  You are not concentrating objectively within your thought process for many of your hours upon fluctuation of your heart rate.  You require no effort to fatigue your muscles, but you express to yourself that you require great concentration, meditation, and effort to be discontinuing this action!

FRANK:  Right, like it’s a big thing! (Laughing)

ELIAS:  And I express to you that the more you concentrate upon the action of disengaging this activity, the more you are NOT disengaging it.  As you allow yourself — in whichever method you choose — to be accepting, you also diffuse the energy.

Now; in some areas, you have already begun this type of action.  Now; let me express to you that within one direction, you align with Eastern remedies and beliefs, and you accept this.

FRANK:  Right.  I have more trust in that.

ELIAS:  Therefore, it requires no concentration, no thought process, no meditation, and it shall accomplish in part what you seek for it to be accomplishing, for you trust that it shall accomplish, and therefore, you merely lend the energy in that direction and you recognize that you need not concentrate upon this.  Therefore, there is movement.

In other areas, you concentrate upon what you have created and you place much of your energy into the creation, holding the thought process that you are in actuality concentrating upon uncreating, but you are not.  You are concentrating upon the creation.  Therefore, it perpetuates.

It matters not that you are screaming, “Stop, stop, stop!”  It matters not that you are yelling to the cosmos, “Discontinue!  Stop conflict!” for you are concentrating upon the action.  View your physical response! (Frank has been having some difficulty breathing)  Now; let us view genuinely your individual, physical response.

Within the moments that you are experiencing what you have created — in your shortness of breath, your irritation to this situation, your removal of yourself into an area that you view to be isolating, for you do, of what we have discussed previously — you also within your physical form are tensing your physical muscles, and as your time framework progresses, you tense more.  You become more irritated; you become more frustrated.  Your breath becomes shorter and shorter, and the shorter your breath becomes, the more you become irritated and agitated, and this tenses your physical muscles more and more, and what are you accomplishing?  Perpetuating the very element that you wish to be discontinuing!

Vic’s note:  Here, the audio starts to fade in and out....

ELIAS:  And all the while, you are lending more and more energy in agitation, to the point that you physically, verbally, outwardly express raised volume of voice and are yelling to the heavens ...

FRANK:  Which I was doing too!

ELIAS:  ... “Stop, stop, stop!”  This is even more of an outward expression of perpetuation, for you are reinforcing your tension.  You are reinforcing your irritation and your aggravation, now not merely through physical muscles, but within thought process, within emotional expression, and within verbalization.

Vic’s note:  And here, the audio becomes normal again — interesting!

FRANK:  So that’s as total as you get, or could get, I guess.

ELIAS:  Now; in this, recognize the circle that is created.

Individuals express to myself, “I am concentrating upon creating my reality in this manner.  Therefore, why am I creating my reality within a different manner?”  And I express to them and to you, “No, you are concentrating upon the manner that you are already creating.  You trust this, you accept this, and you are concentrating upon this.”

Individuals express argument to me: “But you express, Elias, that I shall create what I am concentrating upon, and I am concentrating upon a different direction.”  And I express to you, “No, you are not.  You are merely choosing another expression of the same issue.”

Let me express to you, I have offered an example in response to a questioning of Michael recently, and this is the same type of situation.  It matters not which label you attach to any outward, objective creation.  Your movement and your acceptance or lack of acceptance — your lending energy to the situation and the creation of the situation or your lack of lending energy — is the same.

The energy movement is the same regardless of the subject matter, be it creating a physical element within your physical body or Michael and his involvement with other individuals in the expression of what he terms to be prejudices, and what is his direction of concentration but the mirror action of the very expression that he is wishing to be discontinued.

He is not accepting of the other individual’s expression.  He is merely expressing differently.  Therefore, he is lending energy to the very expression that he wishes to be discontinued and he is concentrating upon the action which is being created.  He is concentrating upon the expression of other individuals and upon his opinion.  He is concentrating upon his DISLIKE of the expression.  You are concentrating upon your DISLIKE of the expression.

FRANK:  Okay.  So, using Michael’s example, for Michael to have no conflict in that situation, he would concentrate on his beliefs or expression of that situation, on his prejudices or his idea of other peoples’ prejudices as they apply to him?

ELIAS:  In this, as I have expressed, this is the area of the genuine expression of it matters not....

FRANK:  So whatever this person says ...

ELIAS:  Correct.

FRANK:  ... technically, it should not affect you in the least.

ELIAS:  Correct.

FRANK:  In true integrity, you can just laugh at that.

ELIAS:  Correct.

FRANK:  And not even laugh; just do nothing.

ELIAS:  Correct.

FRANK:  And that’s how you know you’ve done it.

ELIAS:  Correct.

FRANK:  Alright, that’s the sign, but how do you get to that then?  If it bothers you a little or even somewhat, then you know you’re mirroring out a conflict that’s within you?

ELIAS:  Correct.

FRANK:  And so you identify that, and by identifying it, it’s neutralized then?  The effect is neutralized?


FRANK:  How do you move through that?  That’s where I’m at.

ELIAS:  This is....

FRANK:  It’s the pains again, right there (indicating his chest).

ELIAS:  Correct; quite correct.

This is the next step.  What I am expressing to you is, you may be noticing initially that you are being affected.  This is your first step, noticing WHAT is affecting of you and noticing your responses.

Subsequently you move into your next step, which is to be identifying what is influencing you in this area, what is influencing your perception to be creating your responses, which are your belief systems.  This is what is influencing and therefore creating your responses through your perception.  This is the identification step.  This is the second step, identifying.  This is not addressing to yet.  This is merely the second step.  You have moved from noticing to identifying, and now you move into your third step.  You have already identified the behaviors, the beliefs, the effects, the responses, the reactions, and once you have identified all of these, you move into your third step of addressing to these issues.

Now; the addressing to is not to be continuing to concentrate upon all of the elements within step two.  This is the purpose of step two, to be recognizing, identifying, examining.  This area creates — for the most part, with many, many individuals — much conflict.  This is your area of conflict, your step two, your identification phase, so to speak, and as you are continuing within all of these conflicts, you may also recognize that you are not addressing to yet.  You are continuing to merely be identifying.

As you move into your third step, you begin to allow yourself to release your hold upon all of this energy, recognizing in step three, so to speak, that have you already identified.  You already recognize how very tightly you hold to your energy, how very automatically you respond and you react.

In this, as you present yourself with the situations once again, for you shall, now you may move into the area of addressing to this — not responding, not concentrating.  You need not be moving in the direction of expressing to yourself, “I shall lend energy to my physical form and I shall concentrate upon its functioning perfectly.”  Michael may not concern himself with, “I shall lend energy to these other individuals, that they may express more positively.”  It matters not!  The point is the recognition that your expression is inefficient and is not the expression that you wish to be creating.  Therefore, why shall you continue to be creating in that expression?  In this, as you present the situation to yourself once again, you may also recognize that it is unnecessary to be responding.

And the expressions are the same once again, within yourself?

FRANK:  Um-hmm. (Frank is still having some difficulty breathing)

ELIAS:  Conversely to tenseness and automatic responses, recognize the beginning throes of these automatic responses, and stop.

FRANK:  So in other words, relax and let it go.

ELIAS:  Correct.

FRANK:  One of my common symptoms is, I wake up in the morning just gasping for air, just as I wake up, just to start the day off right.  I would just almost ignore it, is what you’re saying, or maybe just realize that it’s happening....


FRANK:  And then relax; not get irritated, frustrated, or say “here we go again” and all that stuff I would say to myself; just continue on with my normal....

ELIAS:  Quite.  Allow yourself your moments of actual physical relaxation, for realize that you are moving into unfamiliar area of expressions of acceptance.  Therefore, you automatically create certain actions.  In that automaticness, there is effortlessness, but what you are beginning to create now is unfamiliar.  Therefore, it is not automatic yet.  Therefore, it shall initially incorporate effort, reminding yourself objectively that you are moving into an automatic expression, recognizing that you are moving into an automatic expression, stopping your automatic expression, and allowing yourself the moments within your physical time framework to relax, to validate yourself, to be realizing that within the now, there is no reason for your tension, there is no purposefulness to your holding to energy, and that you are merely creating a block or an obstacle.

Now; mind you, you also, as you continue in this area, need not be concentrating in this manner either, stepping yourself through the movements, but you may find initially that this method may be helpful to you temporarily, to be directly addressing to the situation that is presenting itself to you, that you are presenting to YOURSELF.

In this, stop.  This is NOT as difficult as you perceive it to be!  Merely stop.

FRANK:  Probably because I perpetuated it for so long, it seems big.

ELIAS:  You already have immobilized your movement.  You are already preoccupied with the window and all of its panes.  You already are not moving.  Therefore, merely draw your attention to what you are creating, and stop.  You need not even move through the window yet, but merely stop.

Look to your window panes and close your eyes (Elias closes his eyes) and express to yourself, “No, I am not viewing any longer.”

FRANK:  “I’m done.”

ELIAS:  Correct.  “I stop.”

FRANK:  Stop concentrating on every little thing.

ELIAS:  Correct.  Allow yourself the moment of relaxation, and in this, all of your attention focuses within.  Without thought, without emotional expression, it naturally focuses within.

FRANK:  Is that the goal of Eastern meditation?  Is that the intention of that?

ELIAS:  In part.

FRANK:  Not to be full of thoughts, just to let go and be trusting?

ELIAS;  Quite.

Now, there have been belief systems developed in these areas surrounding these actions, but the idea, the concept, springs from the recognition that you may be distracting yourself immensely and confusing yourself with all of these automatic expressions, all of these other elements, be they another individual’s creation or your own creation.  It matters not!  They are all elements of distraction and they are all elements that shall be offering you more confusion, for they are all expressions that may incorporate belief systems, but if you are not concentrating upon any of these areas, you are also not allowing the affectingness of the belief systems.

Now, I am not expressing to you that you walk about your focus throughout your manifestation and never be incorporating any thought process or emotional expressions!  I am merely expressing to you, momentarily, within those creations that you are automatically responding to, stop your response.  Alter your response.

For as you practice — be remembering, this is our third step, not necessarily our final step but our third step — and as you are practicing within this third step, you replace one automatic response with another automatic response.  You create an automatic response in place of the familiar automatic response, which moves you closer to the acceptance, which shall neutralize the effects altogether.

FRANK:  Okay.  So we’ve added, in essence, one more belief system that deals with my physicality — that I have a belief system that my physicalness is separated from my spirituality.  That’s something that I really haven’t addressed, almost indirectly, as being aware of the effect of that.  So now I have that too, which is, I think, major to my physical situation overall.

ELIAS:  Correct, which has always been present, but within your addressment to these issues, you have not held readiness to be addressing to this, to this point, for this becomes more abstract.

You have been moving in the direction with myself of absolute physical expressions: “Speak to me, Elias, in absolute terms, in concepts that I may understand objectively,” and I have offered you information in this manner.  Now you move into areas that you may view to be slightly more abstract, in the area of the lack of separation of your physical form and that element which you perceive to be the consciousness of you.  There is no separation.

I express to you that you may remove any element of your physical form, and it shall contain the encoding of all of the rest of your physical form.  It shall not contain any other energy signature but yours.  In like manner, your consciousness IS your physical form.  It may not be separated from that elusive element that you identify as the you of you.  An element of the you of you IS your physical expression!  They are not two entities.  It is one creation, and in this, as you begin to recognize this, you also may address to the movement and the functioning of your physical form.

Simultaneously, you shall also be engaging step three, and this shall be affecting of you physically also.  But in recognition of the lack of separation ... for what shall you separate if it is all one and not two entities?  In this recognition of no separation, you also shall begin to address to the concept that your physical body is not creating elements outside of your permission or outside of your control.  It is not sabotaging you!

FRANK:  Well, I’ve felt like that a few times ... several times!

ELIAS:  Individuals express many, many times, “I am realizing that I am creating of this.”  No, they do not, for they are continuing to view that their physical body is creating an element of distress beyond their control, and I express to you that there is no control!  You are merely creating, and you are not unconsciously creating any element of your reality, for there is no unconscious either!

You are purposefully creating, and you may express to me, “Why shall I uncreate if I am purposefully creating?”

FRANK:  (Laughing)  I’ve thought about that!  What’s going on there?

ELIAS:  And I express to you that you each within physical focus choose certain expressions to gain your attention, but this is not to say that you necessarily enjoy or find pleasure in what you are creating.  Therefore, it holds purposefulness temporarily, but it also may be discontinued, and if you are wishing to be discontinuing an expression, you shall be expressing of this also.

I express to you, there are many individuals within your physical focus that are creating of physical ailments, so to speak, that hold no conflict in their creation and are not attempting to be altering their creation and are quite accepting of what they are creating.  This appears foreign to you, for your beliefs move in different areas, but this also is the reason that you each have engaged myself.  You have asked for information to be creating your reality more efficiently and with less conflicts and with less trauma.  Therefore, I am responsive to you in offering you information to be creating of what you wish ... although I am not your fairy godmother! (Chuckling)

FRANK:  (Laughing)  That’s quite a sight!  That’s good imagery!

ELIAS:  (Chuckling)  You shall create and uncreate all of these elements yourselves!

FRANK:  Right.  We have to.  We have no choice, I guess.

ELIAS:  Ah!  Incorrect!  You ALWAYS hold choice!

FRANK:  (Laughing)  Have fun with that one!  I was relaxing too much!

ELIAS:  Ha ha ha ha ha ha!

FRANK:  Okay.  Let’s say, in dealing with when there’s another person involved, an external situation ... I find myself, just as Michael does now, I find myself in a lot of those situations still too, and I realize the effect.

If somebody says something about me that I’m intimate with or I work with or something like that, I find that it affects me, and sometimes I get very angry or frustrated or feeling betrayed or something like that, and then I realize that it’s a mirroring out of something and I shouldn’t be affected at all.

ELIAS:  (Softly)  Ah ah ah ah....

FRANK:  Well, if I’m accepting, if I’m truly accepting of myself, I wouldn’t be affected, right?  It shouldn’t bother me.

ELIAS:  It is not a situation of should or should not, but I shall express to you that in the situation of genuine acceptance, it WILL not affect you in the manner that it is affecting of you now, for it shall matter not! (Pause, staring at Frank)

If you hold no interest in a certain subject matter, if you hold no investment within yourself in a certain subject matter, already you may view your own genuine expressions of it matters not!  Another individual may approach you, may hold an opinion, may express their thoughts, their emotions, their ideas, concepts, and you shall be responsive in genuineness of it matters not.

In this, you may allow your attention temporarily to be engaged with the other individual, but you also shall allow yourself to release this energy and let go, and you may be disengaging interaction with that individual and you shall not concentrate upon their expression, for it genuinely matters not within you, for you hold no investment in this area.

You hold investment, in your terms, in any area that YOU have already placed energy into.  Think of your terms of investment.  You invest your energy into many different areas, and many times, a very large area that you invest much of your energy into is the area of issues of your worth of self, and how this may be measured and how this may be gauged by the expressions not merely of yourself, but by other individuals.

FRANK:  And it shouldn’t ... and it matters not! (Laughing)

ELIAS:  And it matters not, for your worth is independent of even your own expressions!

FRANK:  Even my own expressions?

ELIAS:  Quite, for your expressions are filtered through your belief systems.  Your worth is independent of your experiences, of what you create, of your perception, for all of this is colored by your belief systems.  Therefore, it matters not!

If you are expressing that the element of gold intrinsically holds a worth, it matters not how you perceive that gold, for it intrinsically holds a worth.  Therefore, how you view this gold, where you place this gold, how you interact with this gold, who you exchange this gold with may not diminish its intrinsic worth, for it holds its intrinsic worth.  It is what it is regardless of which experiences it is placed into, which exchanges it engages, which country it is placed within.  It matters not.  It is what it is.

In like manner, regardless of your experiences, of your perception, of other individuals’ perceptions, of other individuals’ opinions, your worth is intrinsic to you.

FRANK:  Always.  Now, how does my response to somebody else ... I mean, in Regional Area 1, we’re responding to each other.

ELIAS:  Quite!

FRANK:  If somebody remarks to you, you want to remark back or you want to give your opinion to them.  What’s the best way to handle that?  I mean, if I wanted to express emotion, if I was angry, am I justified in expressing that to that person if I’m frustrated, even though I know it’s my mirror of what’s bothering me?  Or do I handle it by just not dealing with it?  If I know it matters not, then I don’t even have to deal with the person or with the comment or with the situation.  Is that healthy?

ELIAS:  The situation may be quite diffused within your experience if you ARE genuinely expressing it matters not.  Why shall you be engaging anger in response to another individual if their expression matters not?  It shall not invoke anger within you.

Now; this is the area that many individuals misunderstand and misinterpret in relation to this information.

I am NOT expressing to you in any manner that the action of this shift and the neutralization of belief systems — NOT the elimination but the neutralization of belief systems — shall be also neutralizing of your emotional expressions.  I am not expressing this to you, for it shall not!

You shall continue to be holding your emotional expressions, but they shall be motivated differently, for they shall not be motivated by the influence in energy of your belief systems.

You shall continue to create, but you shall know within you that you are creating and expressing yourself for yourself, for your experience, intentionally, expressly; NOT in automatic response to outside elements that are entirely influenced by belief systems.

Within your orientations, you shall continue to be responding in the manner that is natural for your responses, emotionally or non-emotionally, but not being influenced by the power of the belief systems, and allowing a natural expression.

FRANK:  In orientation, I am common, right?

ELIAS:  In orientation, you are soft.

FRANK:  Really?

ELIAS:  Correct.

FRANK:  Wow!  That’s a new one!  I swear, I thought I was more like Lawrence — common.

ELIAS:  Let me express to you also that this contributes once again to your obstacles and to your responses in this focus in creating conflicts and confusions, for you are blocking natural expressions.  This be the reason that I have moved your attention with you in the direction of your interaction of other individuals so very often, and I continue to express to you individually in different manner to other individuals, expressing to you that there is importance in your interaction with other individuals and not to be isolating of yourself, for this moves contrary to your natural flow within your orientation in this focus.

FRANK:  So that’s why I need interaction constantly.

ELIAS:  Correct.

FRANK:  Why didn’t you tell me this a while ago? (Laughing)

ELIAS:  For you would not have not held objective understanding, but you have allowed yourself a time framework presently to be assimilating information that I have been offering, and now you may hold more of an objective understanding of how you are creating contrary to your natural flow.

But you may also view that although I have not incorporated the terminology to this point of expressing to you, “Ah yes, Christian, in this focus, you are the orientation of soft, and this be the situation and why you are experiencing very much conflict,” ... and you shall be responsive to me objectively in BLANK! (Frank laughs)

But I HAVE expressed to you quite solidly that you do not engage interaction in many situations, and you block your interaction and you isolate yourself, and this is continuously creating barriers and conflict, for it is NOT in compliance with your natural expression.

FRANK:  I remember that one session in New York when you were first explaining what soft, common, and intermediate was, and I remember you explained about the soft orientation, that they didn’t like to adhere to the mass belief systems in such a way, right? (Elias nods)  And I liked that and I wanted to be addressing to that, but I always thought I was common.  I just always felt like the common thing, like with Lawrence, you know, I always had that link with Lawrence, like I identified with Lawrence as ... he’s common too, right?

ELIAS:  Correct.

FRANK:  So, I don’t know.  I’m still in amazement about that!

ELIAS:  Now; you hold a connection with Lawrence that you identify and that you recognize, and an ease in expressing yourself and in interaction with Lawrence, as does Michael, but this is not necessarily the indication that you are the same orientation, for in a non-expression of intimate relationship, in what you term to be romantic relationships, you may be quite interactive with EACH of the orientations.  I do not express to any of you that you shall be not holding an ability to be interactive and hold relationship of ANY type with individuals that hold a different orientation....

FRANK:  I think I understood that, but I do remember you saying that when you hold a relationship with the same orientation, it’s much easier to understand each other and have less conflict ...

ELIAS:  Correct.

FRANK:  ... because your expressions are the same.

ELIAS:  In intimate relationship, in romantic types of expressions.

FRANK:  Alright, we’re going to get to that too.  But in any other relationship ... well, I’ve always felt like I could interact with any type of person easily, at least ideally.  I’ve always felt that, so I don’t think I have that conflict.

But let’s talk about intimate relationships then.  I just haven’t had time to think about it at all.  So as soft, it wouldn’t matter to me what orientation, what gender, what anything a person is to have an intimate, romantic relationship.  True or false?

ELIAS:  Incorrect.

FRANK:  Oh!  This is news!

ELIAS:  As soft, (chuckling) as ANY orientation, it matters not which gender you choose to involve yourself with objectively.

FRANK:  But that’s just a choice.

ELIAS:  That is an objective choice.  This is preference.  This is different from orientation.

In the area of orientation, in intimate, romantic relationships, you shall fare well as you draw yourself to another individual of the same orientation, and you shall offer yourself much less conflict.

FRANK:  Right.  Interesting!

ELIAS:  Temporarily, I shall be interrupting for Michael.

FRANK:  Okay, we can give Michael a break.  I need a break too!

Vic’s note:  Mary “comes back” coughing.

BREAK:   4:23 PM
RESUME:  4:42 PM (Arrival time is 12 seconds)

ELIAS:  Continuing.

FRANK:  Welcome back! (Elias chuckles)  You left me hanging with a lot of stuff there! (Laughing, and Elias chuckles again)

I’m beginning to see, like with the orientation issue, why I have so much conflict in so many areas, I guess.

ELIAS:  And look to your focus and what appears to you to be a very large concern, and this moves in the area of intimate relationships and romantic relationships, and in this, this is a natural expression of individuals holding this particular orientation.

As I have stated previously, individuals holding the orientation of soft create their reality in continuous interaction and intimate relationships with other individuals.  They are in continuous exchange, and as you create a reality resistant to that expression, you also automatically create conflict.

FRANK:  I was just telling Michael, I would have bet the farm that I was common.  I always used to ask myself, ‘cause you used to tell me to go interact with a lot of people, and I’m thinking, there are a whole lot of people who are hermits, who live in the woods and don’t talk to anybody for years, so why do I have to go out and talk to like ten people a day and increase my interaction so much?  So that kind of makes it more understandable now.  What’s really going on is the orientation focus factor.

ELIAS:  Quite!

FRANK:  Very interesting!

ELIAS:  Now; you may look to different individuals holding this same orientation of soft, and you may look to their expressions in the manner that I employed as an example previously with Michael and Lawrence and Shynla. (reference #387, )

You look outwardly to expressions concerning mass events and this type of behavior, which you may express to yourself that you do not express in this manner.

FRANK:  I don’t think I do, but go ahead.  I do to some extent, but not always outwardly.

ELIAS:  Now; look to this also.  Look to your perception of self.  This very much parallels all of your other expressions.

You view that an outward expression, an outpouring of responsiveness to certain situations, shall be creating of the appearance of yourself to be weak, to be non-acceptable, to be lacking in masculinity, so to speak.  These are all the same issues and all relate to the same base element.

In this, you DO hold responsiveness to these very same elements that you may view Michael holds responsiveness to, but you block your expression, for you view your expression to be unacceptable.  But you DO initially hold the responsiveness, and once you BEGIN the response, you immediately block.

FRANK:  That’s true.  That’s very true!

ELIAS:  I am aware! (Frank cracks up and Elias chuckles)

FRANK:  Well, I’m being aware of it, okay? (Laughing)  Very interesting!  That explains a lot.

ELIAS:  In this, individuals may confuse themselves in that particular example — in viewing that example that I have offered — for they may look to their outward expressions in like manner to yourself.  But I shall express to you that each of you recognizes genuinely what your initial responses are, regardless that you may block them.  You know within you what is your natural expression, which direction you naturally lean into within your focus.

You DO hold concern and attention in the areas of what may be occurring throughout your globe.  You do NOT remove yourself from the information of all that is occurring throughout your globe.

FRANK:  No, I know that.  That’s true!

ELIAS:  You involve your attention in this area quite consistently and intensely.

FRANK:  Right.  It does bother me, I do admit that, and I do have emotion to it too, but not that I would share that in public, right?  But then I would always identify with the common orientation, of what effect does that have, my being emotional about it?  That might be my camouflage talking, my belief systems and camouflage.

ELIAS:  This is your rationale.

FRANK:  My rationale.  And so I identify with the other side too, that there’s really no reason to respond so emotionally to any situation like that because it’s too far out of touch, out of my control, or something like that.

ELIAS:  Quite, and in like manner, other individuals holding this orientation express the same to themselves, for your society moves in the designation of rules of behavior, and this falls outside of your societal rules of behaviors.  This be the reason that individuals within the orientation of soft hold conflict in many areas, for once again, they are attempting to be fitting themselves as one shaped peg into a different shaped hole.

FRANK:  Right!  We’re not used to designation! (Laughing, and Elias chuckles)  Very good.  So, using the soft orientation, what other areas of influence has this affected me in?  Probably everything, right?

ELIAS:  Quite!

FRANK:  ‘Cause I’ve never really identified in that way, in that perspective, so I have to think about a lot of other stuff too.

ELIAS:  This filters into every area of your focus.

FRANK:  It’s core, right?  So now, getting back to the thing about concentrating on the pains again, what am I going to do now?  Am I going to start relooking at the pains again through this orientation and understanding it, or should I just continue to step three?

ELIAS:  Be continuing in our step three, but you may also offer yourself, in this recognition and understanding of the orientation that you hold, permission to allow your natural expression; that as you are creating your natural expressions, it is unnecessary to be blocking of them.  This also shall lend to your relaxation.

FRANK:  Very good.  A whimsical question: is my split-apart in soft orientation, if in fact in this focus at all in this Regional Area 1?

ELIAS:  Yes, and let me express to you that this is an interesting question in actuality, for individuals that magnate in their creation of their probabilities to this concept of your split-apart shall be magnating to those individuals within their like orientation, and not to individuals of different orientations.

FRANK:  Interesting!  Without getting too into the romantic, dramatic thing again, in the manner of what I would term progress, how far am I from meeting my split-apart in this reality, in this focus?

ELIAS:  Ah, crystal ball questions!

FRANK:  Oh, is it? (Laughing, and Elias chuckles)  In as far as my progress would be related to it, ‘cause I think that would symbolize something, like a movement in a no-conflict direction and everything falling into place.  Or is that necessarily true ... to meet up with your split-apart?  Is that necessary?

ELIAS:  It is not necessary.  It is a desire within many individuals, but it is not necessary.  It is dependent upon what you are creating within your desire and in your direction of your line of probabilities that you are creating within your focus.

Now; let me also express to you that in this, you shall magnate to that individual much more freely and easily if you are moving in the direction of self.

Now; let us be recalling also many of your different types of clichés and quotations throughout your history, and in like manner to all of your beliefs, the original core, so to speak, figuratively speaking, stems in a truth.

Therefore, as you express to yourselves and to each other that “as you are not looking and as you are not occupying your attention in the pursuit, the element that you seek shall present itself before you with no effort,” this bases in an element of truthfulness.  As you are turning your attention to you and not concerning yourself in your quest for your split-apart, it may present itself before you.

FRANK:  The reason why I ask is that any time I think about New Orleans or anything that has to do with that, even in song or in writing, anything, there’s still a very strong tie to me ...

ELIAS:  Quite!

FRANK:  ... that’s very emotional, that in the soft concept, I really feel that!  It’s huge!

ELIAS:  Quite!

FRANK:  And it’s not like I’m trying to ignore it — it’s just always there.

ELIAS:  Let me express also to you that the reason that this is occurring is that that particular focus that has been experienced within that context is quite influencing of this focus, and therefore you experience the sense and the feeling of that.  It is a chapter type of focus; one chapter leading to another chapter.  This be the reason that Lawrence and Michael, and yourself at times also, experience a very strong draw to one particular focus in connection to France.

They are chapter focuses.  They are sequential, so to speak; not in linear time framework, but in events and in how they are influencing of each other.  In like manner, this other focus that you hold within that particular province of your country is also a chapter type of focus and is quite influencing of this focus.

This is not to say that Michael or Lawrence may find their split-apart in France.  This is not to say that you shall find your split-apart in New Orleans.  But this is an element within your reality that is very influencing of this particular focus in this reality.  The physical location matters not.

FRANK:  Okay, understood.  I just thought I’d throw that question out there.  Alright, I think we’re on a time thing right now.  This was a very great session, and I really thank you for it.

ELIAS:  You are very welcome.

FRANK:  I appreciate the help! (Laughing)

ELIAS:  And I shall be continuing to be encouraging of you in your movement within step three! (Chuckling)

FRANK:  Can you give me a hint, a light hint in general, about step four?  ‘Cause I know you’re gonna have step four, step five....

ELIAS:  Ha ha ha ha!  We shall move into more of the automaticness and the ease and acceptance within step four.  That shall be the movement into acceptance.  The movement that you are creating within step three is the movement towards acceptance, in altering automatic behavior and creating new automatic behavior.

FRANK:  Okay.  NEW automatic behavior!

ELIAS:  Correct.

FRANK:  That’s good enough for now.

ELIAS:  I offer to you much energy in encouragement, and we shall continue our discussions in our interaction.  I express to you this day great affection, and anticipate our next meeting.

FRANK:  Me too!

ELIAS:  To you ...

FRANK:  Au revoir!

ELIAS:  ... au revoir.

Elias departs at 5:01 PM.

© 1999  Vicki Pendley/Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved

Copyright 1999 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.