Friday, March 26, 1999 © 1999 (Group/Vermont)
Participants: Mary (Michael), Jen (Margarite), and
Tim (Marlet).
Elias arrives at 8:48 PM. (Arrival time is 22 seconds)
ELIAS: Good evening! (Grinning)
JEN: Hello.
TIM: Good evening.
ELIAS: We meet once again!
JEN: We do!
ELIAS: (Chuckling) This evening, we shall engage a discussion.
JEN: Oh, good!
ELIAS: And I shall be offering questions, and you may be responding
to these questions ...
JEN: (Laughing) Okay....
ELIAS: ... as a difference in our usual delivery.
I shall be addressing to a subject matter this evening specifically, and
this shall be the reason that I shall be engaging YOU, in questioning you
as to your perceptions and your understandings of certain elements, for
within this time period, much movement is occurring.
In this, I have expressed within this forum previously to you that there
is a wave in consciousness occurring presently, and has been for a time
period. Also, I have expressed to you that within this particular
time period of this final year of your century and your millennium, much
energy has been lent to this time framework. Therefore, energy is
what you would term to be very intense — very high, in your terms — which
lends to an ease in all of your expressions.
Now; this ease may be lent in the direction of conflict as easily as
in the direction of fun. Therefore, you shall notice — within yourselves
and within all individuals that you encounter in this time framework —
individuals are experiencing extremes. Energy is very intense, and
in this intensity, you all automatically draw upon all of this energy which
is being lent to you within this time framework.
Therefore, if you are moving yourselves in the direction of creating
fun, you shall be creating this easily. If you are creating movement
through issues, you shall be moving more efficiently and more quickly through
issues and offering yourselves imagery to support this. If you are
creating conflict, you shall be creating extreme conflict. If you
are creating stressfulness with yourselves, your stress shall be extreme.
All of your expressions shall be heightened and more intense than you normally,
so to speak, would be creating within your experience. Some individuals
are experiencing extreme calmness. Whichever your expression, it
shall be created more easily, for much energy is lent for you to draw upon
within this time framework.
Now; also within this time framework there is a wave in consciousness
occurring — which we have already introduced — addressing to the belief
system of sexuality. This is an intense belief system itself, apart
from the intensity of energy which is lent within this time framework.
Therefore, you are experiencing twice the intensity.
In this, I have expressed to you previously, sexuality in itself is
not a belief system. It is a base line, a building block of your
creation within this particular physical dimension. You create within
this dimension in the expression of sexuality and emotion for the experience.
In this, these two particular elements of your reality — sexuality and
emotion — have also been created into massive belief systems. I use
this terminology intentionally, for being that these are the base elements
of your reality, the belief systems attached to them are very large.
They also may be quite camouflaged or hidden from you, for you — within
your beliefs in these areas — express to yourselves that the elements of
these beliefs are not beliefs. They merely are your reality.
You express to yourself, “Male is male. Female is female.
This is not a belief. It is merely a creation within your reality.”
This is correct, but there are many, many, many other aspects of this particular
belief that you also assign that reality to, and remove from your awareness
that it is attached to a belief system. “Your physical function is
your physical function. This is not a belief. This is merely
the reality.” Incorrect. Your physical function is very influenced
by your beliefs. “Your perception is your perception. This
is a reality.” Incorrect. This is also very influenced by your
beliefs. In this particular area of sexuality, your beliefs are very
narrow, and you have confused yourselves in extreme with this particular
belief system.
Now; in initially addressing to this belief system, we shall demonstrate
your own belief, and I shall inquire of you: How do you define sexuality?
(Smiling, and a pause)
JEN: Hmm. Wanna take a shot at this, babe? (Laughing)
TIM: No. (Elias chuckles)
JEN: Sexuality ... well, I certainly think of male and female,
as well as “other,” or homosexual, in our terms. Hmm ... sexuality
is bringing people together, and clearly, procreation is a belief that
we engage in, but also for a feeling of pleasure, of touch. I guess
that’s the act of sex, though.
TIM: Sexuality to me is all-encompassing, including the sex.
I mean, it does seem basically that the base elements are broken down into
male and female, but that does seem very narrow, and I can see where sexuality
would be more than just that, and....
JEN: It also seems like it draws people together too, like even
female to female. There’s a sexual draw sometimes.
TIM: Yeah.
JEN: It’s not necessarily, “I want to have sex with you,” but
there is an attraction there that is more than just, “I’m interested in
what you have to say.” There’s an underlying....
TIM: It doesn’t even have to be with another person. It
could be with objects. I mean, it’s obviously in today’s advertising.
It’s with cars and whatever, alcohol. They all use sexuality.
It seems like sex is everywhere. Even though it’s not right out in
the open, it’s everywhere behind everything, even if people don’t admit
JEN: Yeah. A lot of people don’t allow themselves to admit
TIM: Right, because they still feel that there’s something wrong,
that it’s dirty or whatever.
JEN: Yeah. You’re taught not to. You’re taught to
repress that.
TIM: Right.
JEN: It’s religious beliefs, or just the way you were brought
TIM: Right, religion is a big part of it.
JEN: Huge ... major!
ELIAS: As you note within yourselves within your discussion, you
view that your beliefs cross over each other and are intermingled with
each other, as you identify with your introduction of religious beliefs
intermingled with beliefs concerning sexuality.
In this, let us be clear in our identification of what sexuality is.
There is one element of your creation of sexuality which is gender.
You have created two genders for your species within this dimension.
In actuality, all of your species are within the realm of two genders.
This is defined by male and female.
The definition of gender within male and female is a body type and function.
This is all. This is your designation of gender. It extends
no further. This is the beginning of your confusion within this belief
of sexuality, for you attach gender to all aspects of your reality and
you define many elements of your reality within the context of gender.
Gender is merely a body type and function.
There are three other elements of your sexuality which compose the wholeness
of sexuality. These three other elements are your orientation.
Orientation is quite different from gender. Orientation is your
perception: how you view yourselves, how you view your world, how you interact
with yourself, how you interact with all other individuals, how you interact
with your environment. It is the most influencing element which creates
your perception. Your perception creates your reality. In this,
there are three orientations of perception.
Now; you — within your beliefs attaching to gender — define these three
orientations as male, female, and other, or your terminology being homosexual.
Now; how may you be presenting male/female gender, male/female/homosexual
orientation? Male and female may not cross to orientation.
These are body types and functions, not orientations. They are not
Therefore, I designate to you — as you do not hold terminology within
your language to identify your orientations — new terminology to be identifying
your orientations, and I shall offer comparison within your belief system
ONCE merely, as to not be reinforcing the ongoing of your belief system
in this area.
The terminology that we shall define orientation with shall be designated
as soft, intermediate, and common. These shall designate the three
different types of orientation within your sexuality which create your
Now; in this once offering of your identification or comparison with
how you identify presently, I express to you that the designation of soft
shall be compared to what you identify as homosexuality. The designation
of intermediate shall be what you consider to be female. The designation
of common shall be what you consider to be male.
Now we shall view how these cross over gender and are not related, so
to speak, directly with gender, although they are influencing of each other
and are harmonious with each other, in like manner to your physical outer
senses. As I have expressed to you previously, you hold five outer
senses which may not be exchanged with each other, but may move in conjunction
to each other, in harmony with each other, to be offering you differences
in your perception and in your information intake.
You may be accessing and implementing your outer sense of sight and
touch together to be offering you a combined perception. They move
in harmony with each other. But you may not exchange sight with touch.
Your fingers may feel. Your body may feel in the sense of touch,
but it shall not see. You may not exchange taste for hearing.
They are not interchangeable. Male, female, soft, intermediate, and
common are not interchangeable either. They move in harmony and complement
other, but they may not be exchanged for each other, and one does not define
(To Tim) Therefore, as you sit before me and hold the gender of
male, this does not define your perception, and your definition of man,
boy or any terminology that you identify with male also does not define
your perception. What is it that creates your perception? What
are the qualities of this perception that defines you as male? It
is quite different from your gender. Another individual may hold
the same gender, body type, and function as you, and their perception shall
be quite different, and you shall not identify them as a man. You
shall identify them differently, and you shall recognize that their perception
is different.
(To Jen) You hold the body type of female. This does not
define your perception. Another individual may hold the body type
of female and function the same, and their identification of themself and
their world and their interaction with all that they create and all that
is created shall be quite different. The perceptions are not interchangeable
either. They are not combinations of each other, and they are not
Common — as we identify as your definition of male — is common, for
there are manifest more individual focuses that hold this similar perception
than there are of the other two types of perceptions. It matters
not that you hold male or female gender; you may hold the perception of
This is not defining, in your terms, of homosexual or heterosexual or
what you term colorfully as bisexual. These are merely objective
choices that you create within physical reality. They are choices
of wants. They are choices of attractions, and they are not defined
by perception or by gender. They are merely wants and choices.
JEN: What do you mean by wants?
ELIAS: There is a difference between desire and want.
JEN: Want! Okay.
ELIAS: Objective is the definition of a want. You may term
this to be a desire, but a desire is what motivates you within your intent.
This is a subjective movement. Therefore, I am distinguishing within
objective terms what you create within your waking reality.
In this, you may notice many individuals that hold the gender of female,
and you may identify them as heterosexual female, and you shall assign
qualities to them that appear more male. They are less emotional;
they are more rational; they are very logical. They are expressive
in manners that you identify with male. They also occupy their attention
with elements that you identify as associated with male. Conversely,
there are male individuals holding male gender that you perceive to be
more female in quality. These individuals may not be necessarily
designated as what YOU term to be homosexual. They merely hold qualities
that do not fit your identification of gender.
Now; the qualities of common: Your perception of this shall move
in the direction of more rational thought processes. You shall draw
yourself, as common, to interests which involve physical elements.
Common perception holds fascinations and interests outside of self, in
a manner of speaking: what may be created physically, how you may project
the inward self outwardly. This may manifest itself in artistic forms,
it may manifest itself in technological forms, it may manifest itself in
mechanical forms. There are identifications with the creation of
physical elements. This is a very strong base line of the perception
of common.
Intermediate — that which you term to be female — occupies much of its
perception in its engagement of inner senses: intuition, viewing inner
creations. Therefore, it also is quite occupied in its attention
with emotion, which is not an element which may be projected outwardly
to be creating a thing. The creations of intermediate are not necessarily
visible, for they concern themselves more with the inward creations.
Soft is the designation of perception which occupies its attention in
expression of interaction, involvement. It may express inwardly and
outwardly, but it is more concerned with exchange, involvement. The
involvement may be interaction with other individuals, with that which
you term to be nature, with your planet, with your universe, with ideas,
with concepts. It matters not. Their attention focuses in interaction.
Now; let us view — (humorously) within your NARROW perceptions of your
belief systems — your identifications of these three perceptions or orientations,
and you may draw a comparison. You may view your comparisons ...
although you may also view the narrowness of your perceptions!
In your identification of male, you view these individuals to occupy
themselves much with outward expressions and outward creations. You
express that they hold inclination in mechanical areas, technological areas,
scientific areas. They interest themselves as leaders/outward projection,
as inventors/outward production, as creators/outwardly projecting.
You express that they are left-brained male, for you identify right/female,
left/male. They are logical, they are rational, and less emotional.
You view your females to be quiet, demure, emotional; inwardly seeking
identification of self and understanding ... spiritual!
Look to your history. What is your view of a male image?
Strong, solid, outwardly projecting. What is your view of your female
within history? Small, fragile ... fainting! (Grinning) And
what be your view of what you term to be homosexual? Ah!
Now we begin with different types of diversity, for you identify subdivisions
within your identification of homosexual. You divide between the
male and the female in this area of homosexual. You identify the
males as holding female qualities, and you identify the females as holding
male qualities. Very incorrect!
You identify males as flamboyant — the flamboyant expression of a female.
You identify the females as rugged — the male expression within a female.
And you express to yourselves, all of you, that you are all confused!
The homosexuals express that the heterosexuals are confused, and the
heterosexuals express that the homosexuals are confused, and you are all
confused within your gender, for you merely hold two genders, but you hold
three orientations! Therefore, NONE of you fit within your genders,
and these genders cross over with perception.
Common may be a female which exhibits the qualities of outward creation.
Many artists are what may be designated as the orientation of common, regardless
that they be male or female. They are outwardly creating their expressions
from within. They view their world to be ordered and logical and
rational. They do not process their information in the manner of
inner senses. They process their information — which allows them
their perception — through outer senses.
Intermediate — that which you designate as female — is less common than
common. There are fewer focuses manifest, within your physical dimension,
of intermediate.
These individuals would be likened to those individuals within your
history as the frail females, those that you look to within your stories
as being so very fragile and lending energy to the perception that they
are requiring other individuals to be providing for them, for they may
not necessarily, within your beliefs, be providing all of their needs for
themselves. The reason that you hold this perception or this belief
is that these individuals do not concern themselves with outer creations.
They are more concerned — in their perception — with themselves, with inner
movement and creation.
They process their information through their inner senses. They
hold great interest of other individuals, but in a very different manner.
Their attention moves in the direction of connecting with the inner senses
and emotions of other individuals. They may be designated as highly
sensitive in these areas. They do not concern themselves with outward
creations, for they are occupying their focus with inner creations and
the exploration of these. These individuals are less interactive
with other individuals than common or soft.
Soft is very interactive. They are interactive with each other,
they are interactive with other individuals, they are very active in aligning
with movements. They are very passionate individuals, which creates
your perception of flamboyant behavior.
They are not necessarily concerned with outer creations, physical productions,
but they are quite attentive to their own creations outwardly. They
may be expressive in dance, in their own creation of their own music ...
not necessarily with an instrument. They are expressive in their
body movements and creations. They are quite attentive to interaction.
These individuals find their greatest creations and ease within interaction
of other individuals. Their attention moves in the direction of themselves
and other individuals. You shall not perceive many of these individuals
to be moving through their focus quite alone. They are unhappy alone.
Now; in difference, common and intermediate may function quite efficiently
singularly. Their interest, their movement, their creations may be
translated in singular manner. Soft functions most efficiently interactively.
In this, examine within yourselves — what is your perception?
This is your view of yourself: how you define yourself, your world, your
interactions, your creations, all of your reality. This is your perception.
It is how you think, how you feel, how you interact. These are all
elements of your perception, and it IS your reality.
(Looking at Jen, and then at Tim) YOUR perception is very different
from YOUR perception. You may express to each other and share ideas
and concepts and feelings — you may exchange thoughts — but your perceptions
are very different.
This be the reason that individuals confuse themselves so very often
in the area of relationships. Ease in relationships shall be to couple
yourselves with another individual of your similar orientation. It
matters not — be remembering — which gender they hold, but that their orientation
is the same.
This is the offering that I have delivered within a previous session
in the explanation of your creation of mammals or live-bearers, egg-layers,
and marsupials. You may not couple an egg-layer with a marsupial.
They shall not function together. This shall be creating much conflict.
You may not couple an egg-layer with a live-bearer. They do not function
the same. Their perception is different. You may not be exchanging
a marsupial for a mammal and you may not force a marsupial to be a mammal,
for it is not. In this manner, you may not force one individual to
be what it is not.
Within your belief systems, you have been attempting for very much time
to be forcing yourselves into roles that you do not fit within based solely
upon gender, and your gender is not defining of your perception, your orientation.
But you continue to attempt to fit.
This be your very simple example of your square, your circle, and your
triangle, and regardless of your effort to be placing the triangle into
the square, it shall not fit, and your effort to be placing the circle
into the triangle shall not be accomplished either. They do not fit.
They are different.
These choices are created before you manifest within physical focus.
These are NOT objective choices.
Your identification largely with sexuality is sex: an action, an attraction,
what you are attracted to, an act of physical sexual intercourse.
These are objective choices. You choose objectively to be engaging
these actions with another individual — or not! — or with another element
of your creation within your reality, which your species has engaged many
times! (Grinning)
These are merely choices. You hold strong belief systems in these
areas! (Grinning)
Look to yourselves presently (chuckling) as you squirm within your seats!
Ha ha ha ha! I have entered an area of forbidden ground! (Laughing)
They are merely choices! They are influenced by your very strong
hold in your beliefs.
Certain aspects of sexuality are right and certain aspects are wrong,
and you hold these very strongly. A perception is right if it moves
in the officially accepted belief. It is wrong if it does not, and
you have designated very strict rules in these areas.
A woman that you designate as heterosexual is not very acceptable if
she is behaving in the manner that is expressive of a man. A woman
which is expressing in what you identify as homosexual behavior is less
acceptable. A man expressive in very female qualities is unacceptable.
JEN: That’s changing, though. It’s loosening.
ELIAS: It is, and it shall be increasing rapidly, for this is
the wave that is engaged presently.
JEN: But there’s another wave that’s forcing it back into the
box, so to speak.
ELIAS: No. This is the same wave, for as you move into acceptance,
you also automatically move into holding to the familiar. The acceptance
is unfamiliar. Addressing to belief systems and allowing yourselves
to be trusting and accepting of self and accepting of your belief systems
is unfamiliar. Therefore, you retreat to the familiar and hold temporarily
very tightly to your expressions of your beliefs, but this is also temporary,
for the wave addresses to this, and you begin to view these actions all
about you.
There is much affectingness which is occurring, and you are all moving
into the area of less definition, more of an acceptance of each other,
more of an understanding that you DO hold differences in orientation, in
perception; that although you may be the same species, you are quite different
within your species.
You have expressed to yourselves for many, many, many, many years that
you are the same, and you have created testing and evaluations to prove
that you are the same, and what you have proven to yourselves is that you
are different!
It is not your environment which creates your perception and creates
you as you are. YOU create you and your perception in relation to
your orientation that you have chosen as you have entered into this dimension.
Now; I shall also express to you once again, you DO hold the ability
to alter this. You hold the ability to alter your physical gender,
and you hold the ability to alter your orientation. Altering your
orientation is as easy — or as difficult (grinning) — as altering your
physical gender!
(Grinning) I may express that it is easy. You shall perceive
that it is quite difficult, and I venture to express to you that you shall
not be altering your gender within one focus. You shall continue
to be holding male or female within one focus. This is not expressive
of your engagement of medical procedures, but to be altering your gender
merely yourself with no helpfulness of outside influences, so to speak.
You do hold this ability.
JEN: From one focus to the next.
ELIAS: Within this focus!
JEN: Oh!
ELIAS: You hold this ability. You also hold the ability
to walk on water! (Grinning)
JEN: And fly!
ELIAS: And fly!
JEN: I’d rather fly than change gender!
ELIAS: (Chuckling) And these accomplishments shall be as
easy or as difficult as you perceive them to be! Therefore, I express
to you, you may also alter your orientation, and it shall be as easy or
as difficult as walking upon water or altering your physical gender or
flying! (Chuckling) Not that it is an impossibility, but I wager
to express that you shall not be creating of this! (Still chuckling)
In this, there is great importance that you be understanding of these
elements. These are the base elements of your creation. ALL
of your reality is affected by these elements.
Your sexuality, your perception of yourself and your world, is all-encompassing
and is affecting of ALL that you create. There is no element of your
reality that is not within your sexuality. How you place your shoes
upon your feet is influenced by your sexuality, for the reason that your
sexuality is creating of your perception, and how you perceive your feet
is part of your reality!
ALL of your reality is encompassed by your creation of your sexuality.
It is who you are within your physical focus. Therefore, this particular
subject matter holds tremendous importance in your understanding, for this
lends to your movement more efficiently in the area of altering your perceptions,
widening your awarenesses.
JEN: When you say perception, you say orientation. The two
are not the same. (Pause)
ELIAS: Your orientation is not synonymous with your perception,
but it is very influencing in creating your perception, for your beliefs
are very influencing of your perception also, but your orientation is different
from your beliefs, for it is an element of your perception.
JEN: Okay ... okay. (Inaudible)
ELIAS: It is an ingredient of your perception.
JEN: As our beliefs.
ELIAS: Your beliefs are influences. They are not your perception.
They are influences upon your perception. These are the pushes.
Be remembering of our stick and our ball. The stick is what is pushing
your ball. It is not the ball; it is pushing the ball.
Therefore, the beliefs are influencing, which IS creating of your reality
and is creating of your perception, but they are not your perception in
themselves. They are not an ingredient. They are not an element
of your perception. They are an influence.
JEN: Okay.
ELIAS: Your orientation is an element of your perception.
JEN: So we could say it is influencing your perception, then.
ELIAS: It is also influencing of your perception, and — in a manner
of speaking, in your terminology — it is a part of your perception, as
are your emotions. I shall not express to you that it is your perception
in its entirety, for another aspect of your base element of this reality
are your emotions. In this, they are another element of your perception,
another ingredient.
JEN: Okay. (Pause) Okay, thanks.
ELIAS: You are welcome. Are you wishing of questions? (Chuckling)
JEN: Well, it’s a lot to absorb here, but there’s a part of me
that feels like, okay, one may not be necessarily, I’m thinking, deemed
to be just intermediate. I shouldn’t say “just,” but ... (inaudible).
One might seem to have qualities of common as well.
ELIAS: You all have similar qualities in your expressions, for
you have been taught many qualities of your expressions, but your orientation
is not what you would term to be a learned element within physical focus.
JEN: Okay.
ELIAS: Therefore, you may be expressive outwardly and seem to
hold many of the same or similar qualities as each other. These are
your expressions. But within your orientation — the basic elements
of your perception and how you view your world and how you view yourself
— this is a different element. This is not acquired. This is
not learned. This is not influenced with your environment.
It is not influenced by your gender. It is another element in itself.
Therefore, no, it is not interchangeable with each other, and you do
not hold more than one orientation within one focus. This be the
reason that you agree to manifest within this dimension at least three
times, to be experiencing each of these different orientations.
JEN: But you said you can change your orientation within a focus.
ELIAS: It is possible.
JEN: But highly unlikely.
ELIAS: Quite.
JEN: You wouldn’t bet money on it, or whatever.
ELIAS: Quite.
JEN: So by understanding our orientation, we can become a little
more aware of what’s happening in general. (Elias nods) I don’t know
... I’m not sure the right way to express this. The whole purpose
of having a clearer understanding of one’s orientation....
TIM: Do you want to think about that while I ask a question?
JEN: Sure.
TIM: Elias, earlier we had discussed a little bit about left side
and right side of the brain, and the right side being more creative or
emotional and the left side being more logical. Does that relate
to ... we talked about common and how they were more outwardly expressive
and building things, and intermediate is more internal. How would
that relate to left and right side thinking, or does it?
ELIAS: And it does, for as I have expressed previously, you have
created the entirety of your dimension within the base line of sexuality,
and you have divided MUCH of your dimension into the designation of male
and female, even within inanimate objects, as you term them to be.
In this, what YOU term as the right side of your brain/the left side
of your body, this is what you designate as your female side.
In this, as you choose a particular orientation, you have also chosen
an officially accepted reality which IS divided into genders.
As you choose a particular orientation, as in your identification of
intermediate or common, you shall lend more energy to the expression of
the development of these sides.
Now; you shall also notice that individuals that manifest as soft, for
the most part, lend energy to both sides and are not expressive of one
gender or another. This also lends to your confusion, for you identify
that they are part of both genders. This is incorrect.
As I have stated, gender is not interchangeable with perception, but
they DO move in harmony and they do complement each other.
(To Tim) Therefore, you, as common, shall lend energy and express
more of your attention of energy to the left brain/right side body.
(To Jen) You also.
JEN: So, in understanding this, we can be watching ourselves for
labeling people as male or female, and when we see these particular qualities,
which ... I mean, they’re great, the common, intermediate, and soft, in
terms of seeing that in people. I’m certain of seeing it in saying
that a person is gay or very male or whatever, but absolutely seeing those
qualities in females that might be common.
ELIAS: Quite, or male individuals that may be intermediate!
JEN: Okay. So on some level, it seems very intuitive and
very okay. Huh! Maybe I’m missing some larger point in terms
ELIAS: This is helpful to you all in widening your awareness,
in allowing you to recognize that you cross over many lines that you have
defined to yourselves as absolutes, and they are not absolutes! And
this lends much to the movement of your acceptance of each other and of
yourselves, that you are not confining yourselves so intensely into these
labeled areas.
TIM: I wonder why? Do we just find more comfort when we
label things? Why do we do that so readily? Is it just a comfort
level? You want to see black and white, and you don’t want to see
ELIAS: Quite, for this is your area of familiarity. This
is what your belief systems have set forth within your reality, your ability
to view the black and the white, but you limit your choices within the
black and the white. And now, within the action of this shift, you
are recognizing objectively that you HAVE limited your choices, and that
much more is available to you within your choices and your creativity if
you are viewing the gray.
JEN: Is it because we’ve gotten so tired of viewing black and
white that now we’re forcing this shift upon ourselves?
ELIAS: You are not forcing. You are choosing.
JEN: Choosing....
ELIAS: And you are choosing, for you are bored!
JEN: Right!
ELIAS: You have exhausted your creation within the black and white,
and you realize objectively that you hold much more creativity than you
are expressing.
JEN: Okay. Would that mean that the “older souls” would
be more facilitating of this shift because they’re more bored?
ELIAS: Not necessarily. You are ALL lending energy to this
shift, and it matters not that you designate yourselves as old or new souls.
You merely lend energy differently. (Pause)
JEN: Hmm. (Pause)
ELIAS: (Chuckling) Much to be assimilating!
JEN: Yeah. It’s fun! It’s very ... what’s the word?
Freeing is the only word that’s coming to my mind.
ELIAS: And this is the point!
JEN: But this is also what’s creating a lot of trauma, is this
very freedom.
ELIAS: Quite, which I have been expressing for a time framework
— that you shall be experiencing trauma!
JEN: You said earlier, when we first started talking, about a
heightened sense through this time period, a heightened sense of trauma,
of happiness, of calm, and it’s pretty interesting to me in terms of this
particular material. I’m not sure I’m forming that question too well,
TIM: Well, it seems any time there’s a discussion about sexuality,
it’s very intense. I mean, people get very uptight about it.
JEN: Yeah!
TIM: I mean, just think of all the “right to life” type stuff.
JEN: Oh god! I know!
TIM: And just the whole gamut of religion, and what’s right and
what’s wrong. It’s just very intense.
JEN: Right, and so the people that aren’t allowing themselves
the objective awareness of how we label things are probably experiencing
more trauma than calm at this particular time, and I wonder if people that
are experiencing more fun are thinking about anything at all!
ELIAS: As I have expressed to you, it is your choice to be creating
your direction. I am merely offering you the information of explanation,
that whichever choice you are moving into within this time period shall
be intensified. Therefore, you shall also hold the ability to offer
yourselves explanations if you are experiencing what you term to be trauma
or much conflict.
Many individuals presently hold much confusion. They express to
themselves, “This is not familiar to me! This is not my expression!
I do not express in this manner! I am out of control!”
JEN: Hmm! Well, I think that we’ve observed quite a bit
of trauma going around us of late!
ELIAS: This is the energy that many individuals have viewed as
your prophecies — not that it shall shake your earth, not that your moon
shall turn to blood, but that you shall be lent much energy to be creating
whatever you have chosen, and if you have chosen to be creating conflict,
you shall be creating conflict. If you have chosen to be creating
validation to yourself, you shall view much validation.
JEN: Hmm! Well, if one is choosing to experience calmness,
so to speak, which is sort of what I’ve been feeling, I guess, then that
might allow one the ability to be of assistance to others. I always
seem to come back to that, at some point down the road.
ELIAS: And you may, in offering your expression and offering explanation
to other individuals, for if you are not creating of conflict and you are
creating of calmness, other individuals may be receptive to this.
JEN: Right. Okay. Well, thanks for all this new information!
ELIAS: You are quite welcome! I shall be disengaging this
evening and I shall be anticipating our next meeting and offering to you
both much encouragement in your movement, as you ARE accomplishing!
And I offer my acknowledgment to you also, for you have created much movement
in a very small time framework.
JEN: Well, thank you. I just don’t want to be in trauma!
ELIAS: (Chuckling) And you have created well!
JEN: Thank you. Well, I guess I should thank myself!
ELIAS: Quite, and I am acknowledging of you also, for you are
allowing your curiosity to move you into directions that may be very helpful
to you.
To you both, I offer great affection, and bid you a very fond and loving
au revoir.
TIM: Au revoir.
JEN: Au revoir.
Elias departs at 10:15 PM.
Vic’s note: There were several places in this session that were
confusing to me in regard to Jen and Tim’s orientation. At one point,
it seemed clear that Tim’s orientation is common, but there were a few
times that Elias looked directly at Tim as he was talking about males holding
the orientation of intermediate. At another point, it appeared that
Jen may also hold the orientation of common, but at another point, Elias
said, “YOUR perception is very different from YOUR perception.” So,
I’m totally confused!
© 1999 Vicki Pendley/Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved
Copyright 1999 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.