Friday, February 28, 2003 (Private/Phone)
Participants: Mary (Michael) and Frank (Ulra)
Elias arrives at 7:46 AM. (Arrival time is 18 seconds.)
ELIAS: Good morning!
FRANK: Good morning! Nice to talk to you again!
ELIAS: (Laughs) And how is your adventure proceeding?
FRANK: Pretty well, I would say — you know, the usual list of things to talk to you about today.
ELIAS: (Laughs) Very well.
FRANK: I’d like to ask you about a business associate friend of mine. It’s my impression that, at one point at least, we were brothers in North Carolina around the 1600s or 1700s.
ELIAS: Sixteen hundreds, correct.
FRANK: I assume we have other focuses together?
FRANK: One of the things I wanted to ask you about this particular individual is when I first met him I didn’t like him; I didn’t like him at all. Over the years our relationship has evolved into a very strong friendship, I guess I would say. Can you explain why it took that path, why I started out with this negative impression and it’s evolved into what it is right now?
ELIAS: I may express to you, this is not actually uncommon. Individuals may be encountering another individual and initially the energy that they exchange together may be slightly off, in your terms. This is influenced at times by recognitions inwardly of other focuses in which the individuals may have generated what you term to be unpleasant relationships in somewhat of an extreme.
It also may be influenced by the type of energy that each individual is projecting at the time. Therefore, in a combination of these energy expressions, initially you may encounter another individual in which you are not quite amiable with, initially.
FRANK: So obviously we’ve had focuses where the relationship was not quite so friendly or something.
ELIAS: Correct, and also what occurs at times is individuals project a type of energy which is repelling. This is an automatic response in protection and therefore may not necessarily be projecting a relaxed and open energy, which is recognized or sensed between the individuals immediately and responded to.
FRANK: When we initially started to deal with each other, it always seemed like we were out of sync, like a phone conversation where the voices are just not quite in sync with each other.
ELIAS: Correct.
FRANK: It’s just very interesting how that’s all changed, and it’s gotten to the point where now there’s a pretty strong rapport and all of that just sort of went away.
Can you tell me anything else about that focus in the 1600s?
ELIAS: This focus also does incorporate some conflict in differences in perceptions. Although there is what you term to be somewhat of a closeness in relationship, there also is expressed strong differences in opinions, which within that time framework may have been much more affecting overall than it may be in this time framework.
FRANK: Next I’d like to move on to a question regarding an old friend of mine in this focus from grammar school and high school who’s sort of recently surfaced again in my life. He actually lived out of state for quite a number of years and recently moved back. Now he’s got a new job very close to where I live, and so we had lunch and did some athletic things together and all that. The first question I’ve got is why did he all of a sudden resurface in my life?
ELIAS: And what is your impression? (Pause)
FRANK: I don’t know.
ELIAS: To offer yourself an illustration. In this, you have drawn this experience to yourself that you may view differences and the familiarity of what you view to be the past and allowing yourself to incorporate that in the present, and examine different directions, different expressions, but also to view the similarities and the acceptance of past within present.
FRANK: I’m not sure I understand that part about the acceptance of past within present.
ELIAS: Many individuals may experience interactions and relationships with other individuals and subsequently generate an extended time framework in which they are not engaging the relationship with the individual.
Now; in the situation in which they may present themselves with that individual again in the present, they may incorporate expectations and a type of interaction which is associated with the past, which does not necessarily allow for a genuine exchange in openness in the present.
In this situation, you have been generating movement to incorporate your attention in the present, and you have been moving into an awareness of not automatically associating experiences of the past as being absolute and therefore not generating as much expectations in the present.
Now; you have presented yourself with a scenario that would easily be an opportunity to move into familiar expressions of associations with the past and expectations that the interaction should be the same.
Now; in allowance of yourself to incorporate your attention now, you express an appreciation for experiences past but also an allowance of yourself to be appreciating the experiences and the interactions now.
FRANK: I can see that. There’s a lot there for just sort of running into somebody.
ELIAS: (Laughs) There are no accidents, my friend.
FRANK: Yes, I know. I really enjoyed the interaction that we’ve had and sort of rekindling this old friendship. I see what you mean by that, and that is clear to me because the relationship is different. I think it’s maybe me just being more comfortable with myself.
FRANK: Next, I wanted to ask you how many focuses I’ve had with the different members of my immediate family, starting with Cardelete.
ELIAS: And shall you offer your impressions?
FRANK: You want me to come up with a number?
ELIAS: (Laughs) Shall this incorporate SUCH difficulty?
FRANK: Cardelete, 86! I don’t know!
ELIAS: (Laughs) Sixty-two.
FRANK: That wasn’t too far off. Moorah, I would think, is more.
ELIAS: Correct.
FRANK: So are you going to tell me?
ELIAS: Seventy-three.
FRANK: Lizella I would think fewer.
ELIAS: Thirty-seven.
FRANK: And Sterling, hmm. I could go either way on this one, but somehow I think maybe even fewer still. (Pause)
ELIAS: Twelve.
FRANK: Interesting. The number of focuses probably doesn’t have any relationship to the closeness you feel to a person?
ELIAS: Correct. At times it may, but generally speaking not necessarily.
FRANK: It has more to do, I suppose, with the harmony of the energy in the individuals or something?
FRANK: I’m not sure why I asked you that, but for some reason it seemed like something I wanted to know.
ELIAS: Some individuals may generate few focuses with each other but in such an intensity that they appear to the individuals as a dominating factor, in a manner of speaking. Some individuals may incorporate very few focuses together but the essences may be quite intertwined and may be experiencing many focuses in other dimensions or may be quite intermingled within other areas of consciousness, and this may generate a tremendous familiarity and what you may term to be compatibility.
FRANK: Is that the case between myself and any of the members of my family?
ELIAS: You do incorporate many other focuses of attention in other dimensions with Moorah.
FRANK: I’ve heard you talk about this term called soul mates. Most people think that’s sort of a romantic relationship, but as I recall, I think you’ve said that it could just be two very good friends or brothers or a father and daughter, that sort of thing. Is that true, and would that apply to our relationship?
ELIAS: Yes. Individuals that view themselves to be soul mates are not always engaged in romantic relationships, although generally speaking they do express some focuses that incorporate romantic relationships. But this is not to say that they are all that type of relationship. It is more of an expression of an energy that is projected between two essences or more that generates a tremendous familiarity and also an appreciation and what you would term in your physical dimension as a great affection. But at times, the essences may choose to be expressing adversarial roles with that soul mate in one or more focuses.
FRANK: And the purpose of that is...?
ELIAS: To be experiencing many different types of relationships and the expressions of them. Generally speaking, were you to physically meet or encounter and interact with what you term to be a soul mate in any particular focus in which you are projecting adversarial types of energies, your association with the individual shall be much more intensely expressed in a dislike, so to speak, of the individual, quite similar to opposite counterparts.
FRANK: I’m not sure I heard that correctly. There would be a more intense dislike for the person?
ELIAS: If it is being expressed in an adversarial type of energy in a particular focus and that individual is what you would term to be a soul mate.
FRANK: So it’s very possible that some of the people that we dislike the most are people that you would term to be soul mates?
ELIAS: At times, yes. Not as a rule, but at times, for there are many influencing factors in these types of interactions with individuals. As I have stated, it may be an opposite counterpart action, which shall also generate quite a strong and intense repelling of each other.
FRANK: That’s pretty interesting. I assume that in any focus a person would have a number of people that you could apply this term to. Is that accurate?
FRANK: What would be sort of a typical number?
ELIAS: That is dependent upon the essence and where they are choosing to focus the attentions. Therefore, this would vary considerably between different essences.
But I may express to you, generally speaking, each individual may encounter several soul mates within any one focus. Also generally speaking, you do not necessarily pay attention, for your idea of a soul mate automatically implies a romantic expression. Therefore, many times you do not pay attention to the soul mates that you encounter within a focus, for they may not necessarily be expressing that type of role.
FRANK: Right, but that’s just because we’ve got a limited concept of what this subject is.
ELIAS: Correct.
FRANK: Would it be safe to say that — let me see if I can describe this — if there’s someone with whom you really hit it off well, so to speak, whether it’s a man or a woman or what the relationship is, that maybe that’s evidence of this? I’m not sure why it’s even important other than I’m just curious about the subject, I guess.
ELIAS: Yes, if you are experiencing an intensity of familiarity and perhaps even affection for another individual, there IS a likelihood that that particular individual is one of these soul mates.
FRANK: But as I said a second ago, I guess there’s no real importance to it other than the reaction at that point, correct? Just to recognize it?
ELIAS: The significance is the familiarity and the recognition of your energy. Generally speaking, unless you are expressing an adversarial role with a soul mate in any particular focus, as you encounter individuals that may be soul mates with you, the energy expression between you shall be much easier, and regardless of the focus type, the beliefs, or the orientations of the individuals, they shall allow themselves much more of an ease in understanding of each other and in their communication with each other — which is also beneficial to each individual, for generally speaking it also sparks motivations within each individual.
FRANK: So from that perspective, it is of some value to recognize this.
ELIAS: Yes, for it sparks inspirations and different motivations in your interactions, not merely with each other but in association with other individuals also.
FRANK: Next I’d like to ask you about a couple of dreams that I had over the past month. It’s been while, though, so some of them are a bit fuzzy.
I had one about two or three weeks ago where I dreamt that there were three men in a boat on a lake and that they had murdered someone and I guess they were captured. Then I flashed back to what had happened and viewed a different outcome, where they escaped capture and one where they were captured. I think there was more to it than that, but it was all kind of fuzzy by the time I recalled it and wrote it down, and after that I couldn’t sleep.
I’m assuming that this has something to do with the flexibility of reality and different probable outcomes, but other than that I can’t figure out what it all means and what it’s trying to tell me.
ELIAS: This is an expression of allowing yourself to examine probabilities and what occurs in association with probabilities, that in the moment one probability is chosen in association with your choices and your direction, but that also generates other probabilities which create other probable realities, which are quite real.
FRANK: Let me see if I understand what you’re saying here correctly. You’re saying that one probability that is sort of activated creates other probabilities...
FRANK: ...that didn’t otherwise exist?
Now; recognize that probable realities are not generated in association with every choice that you engage. Probable realities are expressed in association with what you term to be significant choices, those choices that generate specific directions.
Therefore, as you generate a direction and you continue in that particular direction, every moment and every choice within that direction is not generating a probable reality. But in the moment that you choose any particular direction in which you shall be generating movement, you do generate probable realities.
Therefore, this is what is meant in the statement that all probabilities are actualized — not necessarily within your physical reality, but in a manner of speaking springing from your reality, you generate other probable realities. At times, other probable realities that have been created may engage choices that you are responsive to.
FRANK: Oh, really? How does that occur?
ELIAS: In the same manner, in which they may be choosing a different direction, and this is affecting of the probable realities associated with them.
Now; this is not a situation in which any reality creates direction or choices for any other. Each incorporates their own free will and their own choices. But this is not to say that the energy projected is not incorporated by all of the other probable selves, and therefore is configured in association with the cooperation, so to speak, of all of the probable selves, for they are all you.
FRANK: Let’s get specific about this. Let’s say that I have some other probable self that chooses something, makes some choice, and this creates an event. Are you saying somehow the energy from that has some sort of an impact on me?
ELIAS: Not necessarily “impact,” this would be an incorrect term. But the energy is received, and therefore, dependent upon how you configure that energy, it may or may not be influencing of movement that you generate.
As an example, you generated a choice to be creating a business. In that moment in altering your direction, you also generated a probable self and a probable reality — in actuality several, but we shall focus upon merely one as an example.
Now; in another probable reality, that individual did not engage the choice to be generating a business and continues to be employed by other individuals.
Now; this individual expresses what you may term to be a type of defeatist attitude and is expressing what you would identify as somewhat of a negative energy.
Now; this individual has previously expressed such an energy of complacency in such extreme in a lack of motivation in association with employment that energy has been expressed outwardly, which has been received by all other probable selves that have been generated by you.
You also have received that energy and have configured it temporarily in a manner in which you become distracted. You are not necessarily expressing a complacency or a lack of motivation, but it may be identified as a receiving of the energy and a configuration of the energy in your expression of temporarily being distracted and not as focused in your business.
FRANK: Does all this come back to what we’ve discussed so many times in the past couple of sessions about focusing on yourself, and being aware and all that, so that you can not be affected by energy like this in a manner that you don’t want to be affected?
ELIAS: In a manner of speaking, or to recognize your energy expression and recognize energies that you are receiving and choose HOW you shall incorporate that energy — not necessarily that you would absolutely choose not to be receiving the energy, for you may configure energy in any manner you choose.
FRANK: Boy, that sounds like a pretty large task to identify my energy versus the energy from a probable self. Am I wrong on that?
ELIAS: (Chuckles) I have not expressed any pretense, my friend, of expressing to any of you that this is not a significant challenge to be aware of self.
You are tremendously more vast than you recognize. In this, you are expressing energy in VOLUMES, not merely in other focuses. But this is another example of the many yous of you that are QUITE present, associated with your linear time framework.
FRANK: Maybe you could just give me something to get me started with. How do I recognize my energy versus energy that comes from one of my probable selves in this time framework?
ELIAS: To be aware of yourself in the now — which I am aware is appearing to you to be quite simplistic — but in actuality, as you are discovering, this is quite challenging. For in this, as you are experiencing any expression, whatever you are generating in any moment, if you are aware of yourself and you are examining what you are actually expressing, what you are actually doing in the moment, you also offer yourself information and you may inquire within yourself.
If you are generating an action or an experience that appears to you to be slightly unusual, or you may not necessarily offer yourself an objective reason, or you view yourself to be doing actions that may be somewhat un-normal for yourself, in your terms, you may inquire within yourself what you are actually experiencing. As you examine that experience, you may examine your energy also, and as you examine your energy, you may view differences in the energy expressions and discover some that are slightly unfamiliar.
It is merely a question of genuinely paying attention and also accepting what you are generating, whether it is familiar or not, whether it appears to you to be slightly different from your norm or your ordinary expressions. For in this, you generate a different type of energy which you express, rather than discounting of yourself or incorporating the association or the idea that some outside energy is incorporating some type of force within you, for this is quite incorrect. You choose to be receiving.
This, my friend, is also significant, for as I have stated previously, generally speaking individuals do express an openness. It is quite unusual that an individual would be actually blocking other energies, for this is your natural expression of the lack of separation as consciousness.
FRANK: I guess the question I’ve got is this. Let’s take my specific example right now, where I’ve got this probable self that’s sending out this defeatist energy. What alternative method would I have to accept or configure that energy?
ELIAS: You already do, for the most part. You already are accepting of that energy and reconfiguring it into an exp...
FRANK: Oh, I see, being distracted, as you said.
ELIAS: And also... Now let me clarify. I expressed that you HAVE configured in that manner. This is not to say that you generally or that you always configure it in that manner. Many times you configure that energy in a manner which serves as a motivational expression, for you express quite a different energy. Therefore, many times you may be receiving that energy and incorporating it in a configuration which is inspiring or motivating, for this is the manner in which you express in relation to your business.
Now; let me also offer you another hint. In the time frameworks in which you receive that energy from a probable self and configure it in a manner in which you are distracted, you have chosen to configure it in that manner purposefully in association with your own movement.
Now; this is the point that any other focus, any other aspect of yourself, any probable self, any expression of yourself may be projecting energy, but this does not deny your choice and your movement. It is your choice how you shall be configuring that energy, and your choice of how you configure the energy is associated with what you are generating yourself in that time framework.
If you are incorporating a time framework of frustration in association with your business or if you are generating a time framework of slight boredom with your business, you shall receive the energy of another aspect of yourself, perhaps a probable self, and you shall configure it in relation to what YOU are generating.
FRANK: I’ve asked you this before, actually. This probable self is in continued sessions with you?
FRANK: You said at the time that it wasn’t just one but several probable selves that are created.
ELIAS: Yes, and this is also the nature of probabilities and probable realities. Not merely one is generated, for this...
FRANK: How many were created?
ELIAS: Numberless. In each moment that you generate alterations in directions and you generate probable realities, you generate ALL of the probabilities associated with that choice. Therefore, they are numberless.
FRANK: So some are dead, some are millionaires, some are...
ELIAS: Correct.
FRANK: Africa.
ELIAS: Correct.
FRANK: And they all have equal levels of energy?
ELIAS: Yes. I have merely demonstrated one as an example.
FRANK: That’s really interesting. Well, I’m starting to run out of time and I have a bunch of other things to ask you about, so let me move on here.
I had another dream about two weeks ago, maybe a little less than that, where I was in my bathroom looking in the mirror and I felt that my hair was getting thin, and I thought that I should go to the doctor and get something for it. That was it. I have no clue what that’s all about. It had sort of a mirthful nature to the dream. I was kind of laughing about the whole thing.
ELIAS: (Chuckles) This dream imagery you have expressed to yourself in relation to beliefs that are expressed and associations that may be in agreement or not in agreement with those beliefs, and that you may incorporate both simultaneously and in actuality many times do.
In this, you present to yourself a manifestation that initially concerns you. Your automatic response is to be seeking out a physician to correct the manifestation, but also recognizing that although this is an expressed belief that you incorporate, you do not necessarily objectively agree with that expressed belief.
FRANK: In other words, some of my beliefs are inconsistent?
ELIAS: Not that the beliefs are inconsistent, but this is quite a common expression and one in which individuals are now beginning to allow themselves to examine and to be aware of, that you may in actuality incorporate beliefs and you may be expressing to yourself objectively that you do not. For objectively you do not necessarily agree with that belief within your thought process, but this is not to say that it is not expressed.
The purpose of recognizing these two expressions is to become more familiar with what you actually express in beliefs regardless of what you think, and therefore allow yourself to be accepting of those beliefs and not forcing your energy in opposition to them.
FRANK: Around the time I had these couple of dreams, I had trouble sleeping for about a week, and I was curious as to what that was all about.
ELIAS: And your impression? (Slight pause) You are aware that I am generally expressing this inquiry to you!
FRANK: I know, I know. I need to be less lazy about this and prepare more for our sessions here. In the past you’ve told me it has to do with energy that starts coming my way that I’m trying to deal with or something. Other than that, I don’t really know.
ELIAS: Ah, that is quite vague! (Laughs) This is the point of paying attention, my friend! In this, you have been expressing an anxiousness in that time framework and that has been affecting of your sleep patterns.
FRANK: I’m anxious about my business?
ELIAS: And in association with family.
FRANK: I guess that should have been pretty obvious, shouldn’t it? (Elias laughs) It probably was at the time. If we had this conversation while I was in the midst of that, I probably could have identified it.
Now, I injured my left elbow. I’m not sure how I did it, but I’ve been in a fair amount of pain for two or three weeks now. It’s my impression that this has got to do with a recent desire I’ve had to exercise more, lifting weights and running and things like that, and beliefs that I probably have that are in conflict with the idea of a guy my age getting in shape.
ELIAS: Partially, and partially also it is imagery that you have provided to yourself in association with flexibility.
FRANK: In other words, mental flexibility and staying flexible in physical?
ELIAS: And physical flexibility.
Now; in this, you also provide yourself with an example of what we have been discussing, in which you do incorporate a belief, which is expressed, associated with age and the abilities and capabilities of individuals at certain ages, but you also objectively disagree with this belief.
FRANK: Based on what you’ve told me over the last few years, the thing to do is to accept this belief so that I can activate a different belief, correct?
ELIAS: Yes, and allow yourself choice.
FRANK: As I think you know, I do recognize that belief. Maybe I just haven’t gone through the part about accepting that and activating a different belief.
ELIAS: Let me offer to you an example incorporating this particular subject. You incorporate the belief that it is more difficult to be flexible and incorporating physical actions at certain ages and that it is not necessarily as beneficial as it may be in younger years, but you also express a disagreement with that belief.
Now; in not accepting the belief, it continues to be expressed. Therefore, you may engage actions or activities which are in alignment with your disagreement of that belief, but you shall also incorporate much more struggle in those actions and they shall be much more difficult, for the belief continues to be expressed.
Therefore, you may incorporate the action of your gymnasium and different exercises, and without acceptance of that belief and a genuine allowance of your choices, you are limiting your choice. You may be incorporating engaging weights and the action of it shall be more difficult than is necessary, for the belief continues to be expressed rather than accepted.
This is not to say that you cannot incorporate your ability to exercise in different manners; you can. But in the acceptance of that belief, the recognition that you are objectively in disagreement with that belief, you continue to generate a struggle and force energy.
FRANK: Just to bring it back to what we’ve discussed in the recent past, it’s really almost as simple as just saying, “I recognize that I have this belief. I accept it as a belief. It’s not good; it’s not bad; it just is. But I choose not to have it affect me any longer.”
ELIAS: You choose not to be expressing it.
FRANK: Do I, at the same time, choose to express a different belief that’s more in line?
FRANK: I think I’m doing a lot better in that regard. Frankly, I thought that I had accepted that belief, but apparently not.
ELIAS: Now; recognize that in the acceptance of one belief and generating different choices, this is not to say that you require yourself to identify a different belief and express that. You merely are engaging choices. All of your choices are influenced by beliefs; therefore, whether you are identifying a different belief matters not. You are not replacing one belief for another. You are merely expressing and therefore activating one, and not expressing or deactivating another. They all continue to exist.
FRANK: It’s like you go into a restaurant and there’s a menu there and you can order what you want, and tomorrow you could order something else.
ELIAS: Correct.
FRANK: They’re all there and it’s just whatever you decide to select today.
ELIAS: Correct.
FRANK: The other thing you told me is that this is a continuous process. If right now I choose to accept that my age has no impact on my physical flexibility, that’s great for now. But I guess maybe the trap is that twenty minutes from now, because I’m not paying attention to self, I go back and express the original belief.
ELIAS: Correct, or you may futurely choose differently and you may choose to be expressing that belief again.
FRANK: Consciously.
ELIAS: Yes, in acceptance of that belief in a different manner.
FRANK: Got it. Why did I think that I had accepted that belief as a belief when apparently I had not?
ELIAS: This is the challenge in paying genuine attention to yourself and recognizing what you generate in thought, what you agree with and what you do not agree with and what that is associated with, and recognizing that whether you agree or disagree with any particular belief is not to say that you do not continue to express it. But the snare is the thought process, for if you are not in agreement with a particular belief, you THINK that you may be accepting of that belief and therefore may move on, in your terms. But this is merely another expression of attempting to eliminate a belief.
FRANK: Then maybe I don’t understand what’s involved in accepting a belief, which I thought I did.
ELIAS: The acceptance of a belief is the genuine expression of “it matters not.” Therefore in association with exercise, in genuinely accepting the belief, it genuinely matters not whether you exercise or not, and your age and physical capability as you view it matters not also, which neutralizes the expression of the belief.
Once the belief is neutralized, you may move your attention to your preference and your choice, which is the examination also of your motivation. Is your motivation to be exercising that it is a preferred action and that you enjoy this action? Or is your motivation that you are dissatisfied with your physical expression or that you need to improve?
FRANK: Which comes down to acceptance of self.
ELIAS: Correct. This information is discovered in genuinely paying attention to yourself and generating a genuine examination of what you are doing, what your beliefs are that you are expressing, what your preferences are, and what your motivation is.
FRANK: As usual there’s a lot there. (Elias laughs) I’m sorry, Elias, our time is short and we’re running over here, but I’d sure love to keep talking to you about all this stuff.
Let me ask you one last question. The other business that I have that we’ve discussed in the past still is sort of teetering on the edge, so clearly I have not created everything objectively that I want to create there. Can you offer any insight into that, where I am currently, in terms of my thought processes or beliefs or motivation or attention and all that?
ELIAS: Examine your association with time and energy. This is significant. Examine your associations in relation to beliefs concerning limits of time and energy.
FRANK: In other words, are you saying that it’s based on beliefs that I have that things can’t change in an instant, that it takes a build-up of energy over time to create something?
ELIAS: Partially, but more so in association with your beliefs that time and energy are both limited and that you incorporate merely a certain supply of each and may only incorporate a limited amount of action with the provision of time and energy.
FRANK: Basically what we’re saying here is that I’ve got these beliefs that I don’t have enough time and energy to do both these things that I’m trying to do in terms of my business goals...
ELIAS: Correct.
FRANK: make them both successful.
ELIAS: Correct.
FRANK: That makes a lot of sense. We’ll see if I can accept that one! (Both laugh)
ELIAS: Very well!
FRANK: Elias, as always it’s been just terrific fun and very valuable to me, so I thank you very much.
ELIAS: You are quite welcome, my friend. I shall be anticipating our next conversation. Ha ha ha! And perhaps in this interim time framework you shall incorporate a little more playfulness? Ha ha ha!
FRANK: That’s interesting, because you told me that at the conclusion of our last session and I must confess I did a very poor job of following your advice! (Both laugh)
ELIAS: Perhaps you shall incorporate more successfulness! Ha ha ha!
FRANK: I only hope so, because it was not a fun month! A memorable month, but it wasn’t a fun month.
ELIAS: Very well, my friend. I shall continue to offer my energy to you.
FRANK: Thank you.
ELIAS: To you in great affection as always, my friend, au revoir.
FRANK: Good-bye.
Elias departs at 8:58 AM.
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Copyright 2003 Mary Ennis, All Rights Reserved.